Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit OYSTR KX9 du fabricant Kyocera
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ACE- Kx Pag e i Monday , J u ly 2, 2007 2: 27 PM.
ii User Gu ide for OYSTR This manual i s based on the production versi on of the Kyocera KX9 phone. Software chan ges may have occurred after this printi ng. Kyocera reserves the right to make changes in technical and product specifi cati ons wi thou t pri or notice.
User Gu ide for OYSTR iii Thi s i s b ecause the p h o n e i s de si gned t o op erat e at mul ti pl e powe r l evel s so as to use onl y the powe r requ ired to reac h th e n etw ork. In gen eral , the closer you are to a wireless base stati on an tenn a, th e lower the power outpu t.
iv Potentiall y unsafe area s Poste d facilities— Tur n yo u r p h on e off in a n y f ac ility when posted notices requir e you to do so. Aircraft— FCC regulati ons proh ib it using your ph one on a plane that is in the air . T urn your ph one off before boardi ng aircraft.
User Gu ide for OYSTR v Hearing -Aid Com patibili ty (HAC ) Features of this Pho ne This V irgi n Mobile phone has been certifi ed as recei ving an M4 rating for hearing aid-compati b ility performance.
vi T ABL E OF C ONTENT S 1 Gettin g Start ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Find ing your ph one’s seri al number . . . . . . . . . . 1 Inst a lli ng the battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Chargi ng the battery . . .
User Gu ide for OYSTR vii 9 Custo mizing Your P hone . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Silencing all sound s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6 Choos ing ringto nes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Setting sounds for your pho ne . .
1 Gettin g Started 1G ETTING S T ARTED Finding your phone’ s ser ial number T o a ctiv ate y our Virg in Mo bile acco un t, you nee d you r ph one’ s ser ial nu mbe r . T o lo cat e th e nu mb er : 1. Make sure yo ur phone is turn ed off. 2. Hold th e ph one fac e down.
User Gu ide for OYSTR 2 Char ging the batter y Y ou must h ave at least a part ial ch arge in the bat tery t o ma ke or receiv e cal ls. T o charge the batter y: 1. Conn ect the AC ada pter to the jack on th e botto m of t he ph one. 2. Plu g the ad apter i nto a wa ll o utl et.
3 Gettin g Started Getting t o know your phone Main scree n. Left op tion butto n acces ses me nus and fun ctions. Send/T alk k ey starts or ans wers calls. P ress once to activate voic e diali ng, twice to d isplay the Recent Calls list , and th ree times to redial the la st dialed n umber .
User Gu ide for OYSTR 4 Anten na (do es not exte nd) Jack for ha nds-free he adset and d ata cable ( sold sepa rately) . V olu me ke y t o raise or lower spe aker volume . Warning: Inser ting an accessor y into the in correct jack will d amage th e phone.
5 Gettin g Started Under standing sc ree n icons Thes e ico ns may appe ar on y our ph one’ s hom e scr een. The phone is op erati ng in IS95 digital mode. The p hone i s rec eivin g a si gnal. Y ou can make an d recei ve calls . F ewer bars indic ate a weaker si gnal .
User Gu ide for OYSTR 6 Using m enus Nav igating through me nus • P ress left opt ion but ton to se lect Menu . • P ress lef t, rig ht, up, or down t o view me nus and op tio ns. • P ress to sele ct a menu item. • P ress to ba ck up a menu lev el.
7 Gettin g Started V e rify you r phone n umber: Select Men u → Settings → Phone i nfo → Build info . Silenc e the rin gtone o n an in coming call: • P ress then to answer . -o r - • P ress the si de vol ume ke y down then to answ er . -o r - • P ress .
User Gu ide for OYSTR 8 2M Y A CCOUNT Y ou ca n ma nage your Vi rgin Mobi le a ccou nt di rect ly from your pho ne. Th e basic t asks are summ arize d in this chapter .
9 My Acc ount T op-Up w ith a debit card, cr edit card, or PayPal account Bef or e you can T op- Up f rom you r ph one w ith a debit card, cred it card , or Pay Pal a ccount , you nee d to regis ter the car d or PayP al acco unt at www . virginm obileus a.
User Gu ide for OYSTR 10 3M AKING AND A NSWE RING C ALLS Making a call Make sure you are in an are a wh ere a sign al can be r e ceiv ed. Loo k fo r th e s ymb ol o n t he main scree n. The more bar s you se e in this symbol, the s tronger the signal.
11 M aking and An swer ing Calls Silencing an inc oming call • P ress , , down, or the left optio n butto n ( Sile nce ). Note: In th e absence of voic email, t his fe ature dro ps the call. Y ou can the n press to answ er the cal l. Note: This actio n si lences t he curr ent c all only .
User Gu ide for OYSTR 12 – I f you have not re cord ed a ho ld mess age, you will be pro m p ted to recor d o n e, such as “Pl ease hold. I’ll an swer in a minute. ” 2. Reco rd th e me ssag e twic e, as promp ted. 3. Sel ect Sa ve or Opti ons ( Play , Re-Record , or Exit ).
13 M aking and An swer ing Calls – V ibr ate & r emi nd , Beep & remind, Fwy & remind, Game & remind, Bloop & re mind, Winner & remin d, Zilofon & remind se ts t he phone to notify you once when a new messa ge is re ceive d and t hen notify you aga in every five minutes.
User Gu ide for OYSTR 14 Erasing recent calls 1. Pre ss down or se lect Menu → Recent ca lls . 2. Sel ect Era se ca ll list s and pr ess . 3. Sele ct an o ption: All calls , Inc oming c alls , Outgoing cal ls , or Misse d cal ls . 4. Pre ss the l eft opti on butt on to se lect Ye s .
15 M aking and An swer ing Calls Checking voicemail m essages When a voice messag e is recei ved, yo ur scre en disp lays “N ew Messa ges” along with the symbol a t the top of your scre en. The symbol fl ashe s if th e mess age i s urgen t. If you see “New Messages” 1.
User Gu ide for OYSTR 16 T iming your calls Y ou can set you r phon e to be ep 10 s econd s bef ore eac h min ute pa sses when you ar e on a cal l. •S e l e c t Menu → Setting s → Sounds → Minute al ert → Enab led .
17 Enterin g Lette rs, Number s, and Sy mbols 4E NTERING L ET TER S , N UMBERS , AND S YM BO LS Y ou can en ter le tters, numbers, a nd symbols in conta cts, te xt mes sages, a nd your b anner . Under standing tex t entry scr eens The c urrent t ext e ntry mode ( and capita lizat ion sett ing, wh en appl icabl e) are indicate d by ic ons.
User Gu ide for OYSTR 18 Entering symbols While enterin g text i n mode, you can ent er sym bols by p ressi ng un til you see t he symbol y ou want. Using t his met hod, you have acc ess to t he follo w i ng symbo ls: T o acces s the full set of s ymbols: 1.
19 Enterin g Lette rs, Number s, and Sy mbols Quick re fere nce to te xt entr y Thi s tab le giv es ge neral in stru ction s for enterin g let ters, numbe rs, an d symbo ls. T o ... Do this... Enter a letter Use mode and pr ess a k ey until you see t he lette r you want .
User Gu ide for OYSTR 20 5S TORING C ONT ACTS Use your pho ne’ s Co ntac ts di rec tory to st ore info rmation abo ut a pers on or c ompany . Ea ch con ta ct entry can ha ve up to six ph one nu mbers, two e mail addr esse s, two We b addr esses , two st reet addres ses, and a spac e for notes.
21 Storing Contac ts Assigning ringto nes 1. Pre ss the right optio n b u tton to sel ect Con tacts . 2. High light a conta ct and pr ess . 3. Hig hligh t the co ntact name a nd pres s the righ t opt ion button to select Options . 4. Sel ect Rin ger → Assign ringe r .
User Gu ide for OYSTR 22 Eras ing a conta ct 1. Pre ss the right optio n b utto n to sele ct Contacts . 2. Hig hligh t the cont act to e rase and p ress . 3. Sel ect Opti ons . 4. Hig hlight Erase con tact and press . 5. Pre ss the l eft opti on butt on t o confi rm.
23 Storing Contac ts Checking the F requent list Fro m t he ma in sc reen , s ele ct Conta cts . T he l ast 15 of you r most f requently called contacts appear when the Frequent l ist is ena bled. Sc roll past the double line to v iew t he All Contacts list.
User Gu ide for OYSTR 24 – T o add a symbol or smiley to the cont act name, or to change the t ext entry mode, press the right opt io n button to select Options . 4. Pre ss the l eft o ption but ton to s elect Next . 5. Pres s down t o scro ll thro ugh yo ur sa ved conta cts.
25 Sending and Re ceiving Tex t M essage s 6S ENDING AND R ECEIVING T EXT M ESS AGES Thi s chapt er de scrib es how to send , rec eive, and eras e te xt mes sag es fr om yo ur ph one. For info rmatio n on vo icemail messag es, s ee “S ettin g up voice mail” on page 14 .
User Gu ide for OYSTR 26 Including prewritten text and symbo ls Durin g tex t entry , you ca n inser t AutoT ext, symbols , or s mileys in your message. 1. Fro m the t ext en try s creen, selec t Option s . 2. Sele ct an option and p ress : – Insert Au toT ext : Scroll t hrough th e lis t of op tio ns a nd p res s to s ele ct one.
27 Sending and Re ceiving Tex t M essage s T o cre ate a si gnatu re: 1. Sel ect Menu → Se ttings → Me ssagi ng → Signatu re . 2. Ent er your sign ature in the text f ield. 3. Sel ect OK to save t he setti ng. Note: The ch aracter s i n the si gnatu re a re inc luded in the total ch arac ter cou nt of th e mes sa ge.
User Gu ide for OYSTR 28 Viewing f ailed or pending messag es Fail ed o r pendi ng mess ages ar e sto red i n your Out box . T o view your Outb ox: 1. Sel ect Menu → Mess agi ng → Outbox. A list of all faile d or pe nding m essag es ap pear s. 2. Scr oll throug h th e li st of m e ssages and press to read one.
29 Sending and Re ceiving Tex t M essage s – Save as Autotext to save the tex t fro m the me ssag e as Auto T e xt, which yo u can inser t into oth er mess ages. For mo re abo ut Aut oT ext, s ee “Cre ating and ed iting pre writt en mess ages (Aut oT ext)” o n page 30 .
User Gu ide for OYSTR 30 Erasing messages automa tically Use this se tting to have old mess ages aut omatica lly er ased from t he Inbox , Outb ox , or bot h when memory is low . •S e l e c t Menu → Me ssag ing → Msg s ettings → Auto-Eras e . •S e l e c t Inb ox msg s , Se nt msgs , or Both .
31 Sending and Re ceiving Tex t M essage s 3. Ent er or ed it the t ext a nd pres s the le ft optio n but ton to selec t Done . Fo r hel p ente rin g t ext, s ee “Und erst andin g tex t ent ry sc reens” on pa ge 17. Note: Y ou can a lso s ave a m essag e yo u have wri tten or recei ved as A utoT ext.
User Gu ide for OYSTR 32 7V IRG IN XL Acce ssin g V irgi nX L Wit h V irgi nXL, yo u can access a va riety of exc lusive mu sic, ent ertain ment, an d informa tion ser vices fro m you r phone. D ownload the late st ri ngtone s, wallpap ers, sc reen sa vers, an d othe r con tent.
33 My stuf f 8M Y STUFF My ringtone s The My ring tones fol der s tor es your p rel oade d and do wnlo aded ring tones . Y ou ca n downlo ad th e late st ringt ones to yo ur from t he V irgin Mobile web site at www .virgin mobile usa.c om or d ire ctly f rom your ph one us ing V ir gin XL.
User Gu ide for OYSTR 34 1. Sel ect Menu → My s tu ff → My gam es → Brick Atta ck . 2. Pres s to s elect Yes a t the pr ompt , “T urn off back light to cons erve batte ry?” 3. Pre ss to sele ct New . – T o pa use the game, p ress , then press to Re sume .
35 My stuf f My gra phics The M y gr aphi cs fo lde r store s you r do wnlo aded gra phics. D ownload the l atest wa llpaper s and scr eensave rs to yo ur from t he V irgin Mobile web site at www .virgin mobile usa.c om or d ire ctly f rom your ph one us ing V ir gin XL.
User Gu ide for OYSTR 36 9C USTOMIZING Y OUR P HONE Silencing all s ounds Y our ph one i s set to m ake so unds when y ou rec eive call s, press k eys, navigate th rough menu s, and rece ive a lerts (suc h as new message s). Y ou can sil ence all sounds and s et t he ph one t o vi brat e whe n you recei ve calls an d alerts.
37 Customizin g Yo ur Phone Choosing ringtone s Y our ph one ha s mu ltiple r ingt ones you can choos e to use for incoming calls . 1. Sel ect Menu → Se ttings → Soun ds → Ringtone s . -o r - Sel ect Menu → M y stuff → My rin gtones . 2. Scr oll down t he li st to he ar the d iffer ent ring s and p ress to s elect one.
User Gu ide for OYSTR 38 •S e l e c t Me nu → Settings → Soun ds → Smart s ound → Enab led . Adjusting t he ringtone volum e 1. Sel ect Menu → Se ttings → Soun ds → Ringtone vo lume . 2. Pre ss righ t to inc rease t he volu m e , or left to de crease the v olume.
39 Customizin g Yo ur Phone 1. Sel ect Menu → Se ttings → Displ ay → Greeting ban ner . 2. Pre ss the right optio n b u tton to sel ect Ed it . 3. Pres s to clea r th e scr een. 4. Ent er yo ur new text. 5. Pre ss the lef t opt ion butto n t o select Save .
User Gu ide for OYSTR 40 Changing t he display contrast 1. Sel ect Menu → Se ttings → Displ ay → Contrast . 2. Pre ss left or ri ght to a djust th e co ntrast and s elec t Save .
41 Customizin g Yo ur Phone Changing yo ur lock code The d efault lo ck cod e is typ ically 0000 or the las t 4 dig its of you r phon e num ber . 1. Sel ect Menu → Se ttings → Se curity . 2. Ent er your four -dig it loc k code 3. Sel ect Cha nge lo ck co de .
User Gu ide for OYSTR 42 Notes: • Y ou can view th ese num bers o nly w hen th ey’re bei ng ente red fo r the f irs t time. • Y ou cannot edit these numb ers.
43 Using Too ls 10 U SING T OOL S V oic e memo The V oic e Memo tool allo w s you to record and play back audio m emos . Recording a voice memo 1. Sel ect Me nu → To o l s → V oi ce me mo → Re cor d ne w . 2. Say your mem o and press th e lef t o ption but ton to selec t Stop .
User Gu ide for OYSTR 44 3. Select Opti ons and classify the type of event and press : Meetin g , Phon e Call , Birthd ay , Ann iversar y , V acation , Medi cal , or Other . 4. Pre ss to ch ange the d ate of the ev ent (t he cur rent date is the defaul t date o f the ev ent).
45 Using Too ls Note: Us e Menu → T ool s → Sche duler → Settings to s et default v alues for Sched uler eve nts. Ala rm cloc k Y ou can set up to four alert s with your phon e’ s thr ee al arm cl ocks and on e qui ck al arm. Note: The al ert occu rs only if th e phone i s on.
User Gu ide for OYSTR 46 Calc ulator Use the cal culat or for b asic mathematic al equa tio ns . 1. Sel ect Me nu → To o l s → Calc ulator . 2. Use the ke ypad to enter n umbers. 3. Use to e nter a decimal point (. ). 4. Use to make a positi ve number n egative or vi ce ve rsa .
47 Using Voice Recog nition 11 U SING V OICE R E CO GN IT IO N V oic e rec ognition a llows you to make and an swer ca lls by spe ak ing com man ds i nto the pho ne’ s micr opho ne. Note: Y ou can not use voi ce reco gnitio n to end a call ; you must p ress when th e flip is open.
User Gu ide for OYSTR 48 Erasing a voice tag 1. Sel ect Menu → Con tacts → V oic e dial list . 2. Hig hlight t he co ntact to edit an d pres s . 3. High ligh t the p ho ne num ber and sel ect Opti ons . 4. Sel ect Era se vo ice di al and p ress . 5.
49 Using Voice Recog nition –S a y “ Call ” to dial the number . –S a y “ Ve r i f y ” to ca use phone to rep eat the set of digit s that y ou input. –S a y “ Cancel ” to exit voice r ecognizer and retu rn to t he main s creen. – S peak a di git to ente r the next digit .
User Gu ide for OYSTR 50 T o answer a cal l: When you rec eive an incoming call, th e phon e res ponds : “Inc oming call, answ er?” I f the call er is recogn ized as a con tact entry in your phone , then the phone will sa y “Inco m i ng call f rom (Name) , a nswer?” •S a y “ Ye s ” or pres s any key exce pt .
51 Gettin g Help 12 G ETTING H EL P Custom er s upport T o contact V irgin Mobile ’ s custom er support depa rtme nt for inform atio n abou t you r pho ne, acco un t hist ory , call cove rag e are a, an d spec ific feat ur es av ailabl e to you, such a s call forwar ding or voi cemail: •G o t o www .
User Gu ide for OYSTR 52 13 C ONSUME R L IM IT ED W ARRAN TY Kyoc era W irele ss Co rp. ( “KYO CE RA”) o ffer s you a limite d warra nty tha t the en closed product or prod ucts (the “P rodu ct.
User Gu ide for OYSTR 54 I NDEX Numeric s 1-To uc h dial ing , 14 A accesso r i es , iv, v, 4 9 account b alance , 7 , 8 acctivatin g your VMU account , 2 alarm clo ck , 5 , 45 alert s call timer , 1 .
55 us ing voic e , 49 han ging up , 6, 10 hard pause , 20 hearing-impaired usage , iii , v, 42 Hold calls setti ng , 11 I ic ons , 5 contac ts , 21 messages , 27, 28 recent call , 13 text en try , 1 7.
User Gu ide for OYSTR 56 symbo l , 18 text m es sage s , 5 , 25 alert s , 29 , 3 8 erasing , 29 sent , 27 time format , 40 time pause , 20 timer , 46 timing call s , 15 tip cal culator , 45 tools alar.
ACE- Kx Pag e 57 M on day, Jul y 2, 2007 2:27 PM.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Kyocera OYSTR KX9 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Kyocera OYSTR KX9 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Kyocera OYSTR KX9, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Kyocera OYSTR KX9 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Kyocera OYSTR KX9, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Kyocera OYSTR KX9.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Kyocera OYSTR KX9. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Kyocera OYSTR KX9 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.