Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Fax du fabricant Kyocera
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Operation Guide FAX System (K).
OPERATION G UIDE i Content s General Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Legal and Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii OPERATION GUID E One-T ouch Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
OPERATION G UIDE iii Genera l Notice T rademark Information • Microsoft, W indows, Wi ndows NT and Inter net Explo rer are registered trademark s of Mic rosoft Corporatio n of the US and other countries . • Win dows ME and Win dows XP are t rad emarks of M icros of t Cor por ati on.
iv OPERATION GUID E 5. If this equip ment causes harm to the telephone net work, the telepho ne company will noti fy you in a dvance that te mporary d iscontinua nce of service may b e requi red. But i f advan ce notic e isn't practica l, the t elephone comp any wil l no tify t he c ustom er as soon as poss ible .
OPERATION G UIDE v IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUC TIONS When usi ng your telephone equipmen t, basic safety pr ecautions should always be fo llowed to reduce t he risk of fire, electri c shock a nd injury t o persons, i ncludin g the followi ng: CAUTION: To reduce the risk of fire, use only No.
vi OPERATION GUID E CANADIAN IC REQUIREMENTS "This pr oduct me ets the app licable Ind ustry Ca nada tech nical specifi cations " "The Ring er Equivalenc e Number is an ind ication of th e maximum numbe r of devic es allowed t o be conne cted to a t elephone i nterface .
viii OPERATIO N GUIDE Symbols The sy mbol indica tes that the r elated secti on includes safety warni ngs. Specifi c points of attention a re indicate d inside the symbol . The symbol indicates that the related se ction in cludes i nformati on on prohibited actions .
OPERATION G UIDE ix Import ant! Please Read First. This Oper ation Gu ide incl udes infor mation on using the fac simile fun ctions of this machine. Be sure to read th e Operat ion Guide as well. Ke ep both guides n ear the ma chine for ready r eference.
x OPERATION GUID E Inst allation Precautions Power supply/Grounding the product Do not connect this produc t to the sa me outlet a s an air cond itioner or copier , etc. Precaut ions for Use • Do not open the top cover , tu rn off the power s witch, or pull out the power pl ug while tran smitt ing, receiv ing, or co pying.
OPERATION G UIDE xi Introduction Overview of Operati on Guide This Ope ration Gui de has the followin g chapters : Chapter 1: F AX S ystem Parts Identifie s part names an d functio ns. Chapter 2: Preparing to Fax Describes prelimin ary se ttings and how to pre pare the FA X Syst em for use.
xii OPERATIO N GUIDE Conventions This manual us es the following conv entions: Convention Description Example It alic T ypeface Used to e mphasiz e a key word, phras e, or messa ge. (Also used to indi cate references to other manu als.) A Com pleted message is dis played, and you are returned to t he C opy Basic screen .
OPERATION G UIDE 1-1 1 F AX System Part s This chap ter id entifi es and de scribes FA X System p arts and Operat ion Pan el keys: • F AX System .............. .......... ......... .............. ......... .......... 1-2 • Operat ion Pan el ......
FAX Syst em Parts 1-2 OPERATION G UIDE F AX System FAX Syst em parts pe rtaining to fax are des cribed below. For infor mation on other parts, refer t o the Operat ion Gu ide . 1 Operation Pa nel Use cont rols on thi s panel to fax do cuments. 2 T elephone jack Plug co mmerci ally-avai lable te lephones into this jack.
FAX Syst em Parts OPERATION G UIDE 1-3 Operation Panel The foll owing ke ys and indi cators ar e used to send or re ceive fa xes. For informa tion on ke ys and i ndicators used to ma ke copies , refer to the Operat ion Guide .
FAX Syst em Parts 1-4 OPERATION G UIDE 9 Memory Indicator This indi cator is lit when do cuments are temporarily stored in memory before pri nting or fax . The indic ator flashe s durin g scanni ng and recep tion when d ocuments ar e stored in memory .
FAX Syst em Parts OPERATION G UIDE 1-5 24 T On-Hook/P ause Key Press thi s key t o move the cursor down on th e messag e display or to place the F A X System in off-hook mode when t ransmittin g/ receivin g the fa x manually . Y ou also can use this key to ins ert a pause when en tering an other party’s number .
FAX Syst em Parts 1-6 OPERATION G UIDE.
OPERATION G UIDE 2-1 2 Prep aring to Fax Perfor m the re quir ed settin gs descr ibed i n this chapt er bef ore sending a fax for t he firs t time. This chapte r discusses th e following topics: • Menu T able ........... ......... .............. ...
Prepar ing to Fa x 2-2 OPERATION G UIDE Menu T a ble For the system set ting menu us ing in this chapter, refer to the M enu Tabl e below. To access the sys tem settin g menu, pre ss System Me nu/Counter . NOTE: T o p erform thes e settings, press S or T to select the m enu/ subme nu/item an d Enter to confirm your selection .
Prepa ring to Fax OPERATION G UIDE 2-3 Selecting the Line T y pe (Inch Model O nly) Choose the line type corres ponding to yo ur telephone s ervice. Note that the FAX Sy stem canno t send or receiv e faxes if this sett ing is inc orrect. 1 Press System Menu/Counter .
Prepar ing to Fa x 2-4 OPERATION G UIDE Configuring TTI Settings TTI (Transmit Termi nal Identifier) in forma tion iden tifies the ti me of transmiss ion, number of page s, and your st ation name and fax numb er. It can be sent autom aticall y to the othe r party’s FAX Syst em to be pr inted on the faxed document.
Prepa ring to Fax OPERATION G UIDE 2-5 Entering Fax Information (Local I nformation) Enter i dentifying i nformation about you r station ( fax num ber, statio n name, and stati on ID) here t o send thi s informati on to the o ther party automa tically (it will be pri nted on the faxed docume nts).
Prepar ing to Fa x 2-6 OPERATION G UIDE Entering your st ation ID NOTE: The loca l station ID is used for s ecure com municati ons invol ving password s. For more information, refer to Passw ord-based Commun ications on page 5-31 . 1 Press S or T to s elec t Local FAX ID .
Prepa ring to Fax OPERATION G UIDE 2-7 Setting the Current Date and Time (Date & T ime Setting) Set the da te and time to appear in the message display. Co nfirm that the date an d time set he re are cor rect (they wi ll serve as the basi s for all schedul ed transmiss ions).
Prepar ing to Fa x 2-8 OPERATION G UIDE 5 Press S or T to set the c urrent hour. Pr ess X . 6 Press S or T to set the c urrent mi nute. Press X . 7 Press S or T to set the current se cond. Press Enter to complete the time setting. 8 Press ri ght Sel ect to return to the basic sc reen .
OPERATION G UIDE 3-1 3 Basic Operation This chapte r discusses th e following topics: • Menu T able ........... ......... .............. ......... .......... .............. 3-2 • Sendi ng Docume nt s ........... ......... ......... .............. .
Basic Op eration 3-2 OPERATION G UIDE Menu T a ble For the system set ting menu us ing in this chapter, refer to the M enu Tabl e below. To access the sys tem settin g menu, pre ss System Me nu/Counter . NOTE: T o p erform thes e settings, press S or T to select the m enu/ subme nu/item an d Enter to confirm your selection .
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-3 Edit Addr ess book † Menu Ad d Address – Add a new group to the Addres s Book. pag e 3- 33 (T ex t Entry) Ente r gr oup na mes . pag e 3- 33 (Assigni ng Members ) Assign group memb ers. pag e 3- 33 001 – 120 Assig n addresse s.
Basic Op eration 3-4 OPERATION G UIDE Sending Do cument s The bas ic method for sendin g documen ts is de scribed b elow. 1 Press Send . The Send indicator is lit, and the FAX System ente rs Send m ode. The Send screen is dis played on the mess age disp lay.
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-5 3 Place th e original doc ument to transmit in th e documen t processo r or on the platen. NOTE: T o a void the part of t he original documen t from mi ssing, conf irm that the size of or iginal d ocuments mat ches the size co nfigured wit h the origina l size selection.
Basic Op eration 3-6 OPERATION G UIDE 6 Press Scan Re solution . 7 Press S or T to select the desired s can resol ution. Pres s Enter . NOTE: Select a resoluti on from 20 0 × 100 Norm al , 200 × 200 Fine , 200 × 400 Sup Fine or 400 × 400 Ult Fine .
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-7 10 Press S or T to select the desired documen t exposu re. Press Enter . 11 Press W Destinat ion . NOTE: If you sele ct FA X in the initial d estinati on setting s, the mes sage display changes to a fax number en try screen when you enter the first fax number u sing the nume ric keys .
Basic Op eration 3-8 OPERATION G UIDE NOTE: T o confi gur e the d et aile d tr ansmis sion sett ings su ch as subad dresses, perform the procedu re given in Detailed T ran smis sion Settin gs on page 3-8 .
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-9 2 Press S or T to d isp lay Sub Addres s . Press right Select . 3 Enter the n umber for Sub address. Press Enter . 4 Enter the number for Password. Press Enter . 5 Press Enter to return to the destinati on fax input screen .
Basic Op eration 3-10 OPERATION G UIDE 3 Press S or T to sele ct On . Pres s Enter . 4 Press S or T to select the desired encrypti on key. Pr ess Enter . 5 Press S or T to select On or Off . Press Enter . Choose Off if the r ecipient do es not su pport encr yption bo x.
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-11 1 Press ri ght Sel ect on the d estinatio n fax inp ut screen. 2 Press S or T t o displa y TX Start Speed . Pres s righ t Sele ct . 3 Press S or T to select the desir ed in itia l commu nic ation speed . Press Enter .
Basic Op eration 3-12 OPERATION G UIDE 4 Press Enter to return to the destinati on fax input screen ..
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-13 Selec t the Origi nal Size The or iginal size i s the physi cal si ze of the o riginal. S ince this sett ing define s the area to be scanned, it must m atch the ph ysical s ize of the origina l.
Basic Op eration 3-14 OPERATION G UIDE Selec t the Size for Fax You can specify the size at which the doc ument wil l be faxe d. Supported sizes are as foll ows: Same as Original , Letter, Legal, S ta.
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-15 Zoom T r ansmission Follow the se steps to scan t he document in enlar ged or reduc ed form at for fax. The followin g zoom opt ions are av ailable . 1 Place th e original document to tr ansmit in the doc ument pro cessor or o n the platen .
Basic Op eration 3-16 OPERATION G UIDE Continuous Scannin g Use Contin uous Sc an to send multiple original document p lacing on th e platen. NOTE: For instruct ions on using co ntinuous sc anning mode, re fer to Sending Doc uments on page 3-4 . 1 Press Send .
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-17 Automatic Fax Reception To use the FAX System for fax commu nications onl y, select A utomatic Fax Reception mode.
Basic Op eration 3-18 OPERATION G UIDE Canceling Com munications Enables canceling communi cation in pr ogress. T he method for cance ling depends on whether tr ansmissio n was initi ated from memor y transmi ssion mode or d irect transm ission mo de.
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-19 3 Press l eft Sel ect or Stop/Clear to stop transm issi on. An y document s placed in the document processo r are ejec ted.
Basic Op eration 3-20 OPERATION G UIDE Entering Characters To edit Address b ook, etc., the char acters are en tered us ing the num eric keys. T o move the c ursor, us e W , X , S and T . Input screen and key functions This sect ion explains screen elem ents and th e functio ns of keys on t he control panel duri ng charact er entry.
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-21 8 Back key Press thi s key t o go one level b ack (highe r) from th e current menu. 9 S Key Press this ke y to mo ve the cursor up in th e mess age disp lay . 10 T Key Press thi s key t o move the cursor down in t he messa ge display .
Basic Op eration 3-22 OPERATION G UIDE Character Input Proc edure Follow the steps given be low to en ter charac ters for de stination name s and other tex t input. This example use s the List of Char ac ter Assi gnm ents on page 3-21 to enter the des tination name (h_offic e show room ).
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-23 1 The foll owing proc edure illustrat es how to enter a destinat ion name. (You m ust first access the Co ntact Name screen .) The proce dure for access ing the Co ntact Name screen is descr ibed on page 3-25 . 2 Press t he f key 2 times .
Basic Op eration 3-24 OPERATION G UIDE Address Book Enables entering fax numbers i n the Addre ss Book to use them with scanner functions . The Add ress Book i s useful in managing f ax numbers , e-mail addresses , and the fo lders use d with Scan to PC.
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-25 3 Press S or T to s elec t Search (Name) . Pre ss Enter . 4 Enter the fi rst few characters of the name o f the party you are search ing fo r. Press En ter . This s earc h is ca se-s ensitiv e. 5 Press S or T to select the pa rty.
Basic Op eration 3-26 OPERATION G UIDE 5 Press S or T to s elec t Contact . Press Enter . 6 Press S or T to d isp lay Contact Name . Pr ess right Select . 7 Enter th e destin ation nam e. Press Enter . NOTE: For detailed in formatio n on enter ing char acters, refer to Enteri ng Char ac ter s on pa ge 3- 20 .
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-27 9 Enter the fax number usin g the numeric keys. Press Stop/Clear to dele te the entire n umber. Press T pau se t o insert a 3- second paus e when dialing the fax numbe r. Use this fun ction to set a wait time in a n automatic respons e sequence .
Basic Op eration 3-28 OPERATION G UIDE 14 Press Enter . 15 To enter an other desti nation, repe at steps 3 to 14. Press le ft Select t o comple te the ent ry .
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-29 3 Enter the n umber for Sub address. Press Enter . 4 Enter the number for Password. Press Enter . 5 Press Enter to return to the destinati on fax input screen . Setting up encrypted commun ication Enter th e encrypti on key an d encrypti on box for u se in encr ypted comm unicatio n.
Basic Op eration 3-30 OPERATION G UIDE 3 Press S or T to sele ct On . Pres s Enter . 4 Press S or T to select the desired encrypti on key. Pr ess Enter . 5 Press S or T to select On or Off . Press Enter . Choose Off if the r ecipient do es not su pport encr yption bo x.
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-31 1 Press ri ght Sel ect on the destinat ion fax input screen . 2 Press S or T t o displa y TX Start Speed . Pres s righ t Sele ct . 3 Press S or T to select the desired initial trans mission speed . Press Enter . 4 Press Enter to return to the destinati on fax input screen .
Basic Op eration 3-32 OPERATION G UIDE 2 Press S or T to d isp lay ECM . Press ri ght Sel ect . 3 Press S or T to select On or Off . Press Enter . Select On to enable ECM comm unicatio n.
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-33 7 To edit another d estinatio n, repeat steps 3 to 5. Press l eft Sel ect to save you r changes and return to the bas ic screen . Deleting Destinations from the Address Book Delete des tinations from the Addr ess Book as follows: 1 Press System Menu/Counter .
Basic Op eration 3-34 OPERATION G UIDE 5 Press S or T to s elec t Grou p . Press Enter . 6 Press S or T to s elec t Group Name . Pr ess right Select . 7 Enter a gr oup name. Press Ente r . NOTE: For more information o n entering charac ters, refer to E ntering Char ac ter s on pa ge 3- 20 .
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-35 9 Press ri ght Sel ect . 10 Press S or T to s elec t Add Member . Pres s Enter . 11 Press S or T to select the destinat ion to register to the group. P ress Enter . 12 Press Enter . 13 To delete a registered m ember, press S or T to sele ct the membe r.
Basic Op eration 3-36 OPERATION G UIDE 14 Press S or T to s elec t Delete . Press Enter . 15 Repeat ste ps 9 to 14 to register other desti nations to the group. When you are fini shed regis tering group de stination s, press left Select . 16 Press S or T to di splay Address Number .
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-37 18 Press Enter . 19 Press l eft Sel ect to return to the basic scre en. Editing Group Destinations i n the Address Book Edit gr oup destinati ons in th e Address Bo ok as follo ws: 1 Press System Menu/Counter . 2 Press S or T to s elec t Edi t Addr es sbook .
Basic Op eration 3-38 OPERATION G UIDE 3 Press S or T to sele ct the gr oup destinati on to dele te. Press r ight Select . 4 Press S or T to s elec t Delete . Press Enter . 5 Press l eft Sel ect . 6 T o delete anothe r group destinati on, repeat steps 3 to 5.
Basic O peration OPERATION G UIDE 3-39 Redialing Redialin g means d ialing the mo st rece ntly dialed number o nce again . Automatic Redi aling If the o ther party’ s fax ma chine is busy, it may not respond to your transmiss ion attem pt, in whic h case the F AX Syst em redia ls the num ber automa tically.
Basic Op eration 3-40 OPERATION G UIDE.
OPERATION G UIDE 4-1 4 Basic Functions This chapte r discusses th e following topics: • Menu T able ........... ......... .............. ......... .......... .............. 4-2 • S tandb y T ransmission ............ .............. .......... .....
Basi c Functio ns 4-2 OPERATION G UIDE Menu T a ble For the system set ting menu us ing in this chapter, refer to the M enu Tabl e below. To access the sys tem settin g menu, pre ss System Me nu/Counter . NOTE: T o p erform thes e settings, press S or T to select the m enu/ subme nu/item an d Enter to confirm your selection .
Basic Fun cti ons OPERATION G UIDE 4-3 St andby T ransmission Standb y Transm ission refers to loading anot her job while the FAX System is proces sing the cu rrent job. After th e destina tion fax number i s entered a nd the document s are lo aded, the document s are fax ed automa tically whe n the curr ent job is com pleted.
Basi c Functio ns 4-4 OPERATION G UIDE Broadcast T ransmission Broadc ast Transmi ssion le ts you fax the s ame document or document s to mu ltiple destinat ions in a si ngle oper ation. For examp le, a document c an be faxed from t he head offic e to sever al br anch offi ces in a single step.
Basic Fun cti ons OPERATION G UIDE 4-5 Using one-touch dial to specify a de stination fax number 1 To regis ter a destin ation fax number, pres s the one-touc h key for the de stinat ion fax n umber. 2 Press the one-touc h key for t he next desti nation fax number .
Basi c Functio ns 4-6 OPERATION G UIDE 5 Press Start to start fax..
Basic Fun cti ons OPERATION G UIDE 4-7 Direct T ransmission The FA X System s tarts scann ing orig inal docume nts after contacting the destinat ion fax. If a multi -page origi nal doc ument is lo aded in the docum ent processo r , th e FAX Syst em will scan and transmit on e page of th e document at a time.
Basi c Functio ns 4-8 OPERATION G UIDE Interrupt T r ansmission If the fax is set up for Broadc ast Tran smis sion or oth er jo bs ar e loaded be fore you rs in memory , Interrupt Trans mission lets y ou interrupt t he queu ed jobs and send your document before them.
Basic Fun cti ons OPERATION G UIDE 4-9 T imer-based T ransmission Schedul es fax tran smissi on for later. T imer-based Transmis sion can be comb ined with vari ous other fun ctions, inclu ding seque ntial broadca st transmiss ion. This exam ple shows ho w to set up the FAX System to fax doc uments to a single destinati on at a sp ecified time.
Basi c Functio ns 4-10 OPERATION G UIDE 7 Press S or T to set Min . Press Enter . 8 Press ri ght Sel ect . 9 Enter the de stination fax number . You can use one-touc h dial, Add ress Book , or chain dial to en ter the destinat ion fax nu mber. 10 Press St art to start loadi ng the docum ent and tra nsmit the do cument at th e time spe cified.
Basic Fun cti ons OPERATION G UIDE 4-11 Deleting a Job in Memory Enables reviewing or delet ing jobs in memor y. Reviewing th e transmission det ails of jobs in mem ory C heck the details of job s in memory. 1 Press Status/Job Cancel . 2 Press S or T to s elec t Scheduled J ob .
Basi c Functio ns 4-12 OPERATION G UIDE 3 Press S or T to select the job to delete. P ress left Select . 4 Press le ft Selec t once aga in. Th e sele cted job is deleted. 5 Press Reset to ret urn to the basic scree n. * Canc el 0011 Sc he dul e d J o b 0017 Men u 0018 075654586 5 0324256345 Broad c as t : Canc el Job.
Basic Fun cti ons OPERATION G UIDE 4-13 Manual Fax T ransmission After es tablishing a connectio n with the o ther part y, begins t ransmis sion manually by pressin g Start . Use thi s mode if you want to talk to th e other party be fore sendin g document s or when t he other pa rty need s to chang e fax rec eption se ttings manua lly.
Basi c Functio ns 4-14 OPERATION G UIDE Manual Fax Recepti on After es tablishing a connectio n with the o ther part y, initiate s recep tion manually by pressing Start . Use this mod e to talk to the other party before receiv ing their fax tr ansmissio n.
Basic Fun cti ons OPERATION G UIDE 4-15 One-T ou ch Keys To send document s to freq uent recipi ents mor e convenie nt, assig n one- touch k eys to f ax and sc anning de stinat ions in th e Addre ss Book. You can also se t one-touc h keys for chain dialing.
Basi c Functio ns 4-16 OPERATION G UIDE 4 Press S or T to select an unassi gned numbe r for a one- touc h key . Pre ss Enter . The one- touc h key num ber is disp layed a s ---. 5 Press S or T to s elec t Addres s Book . Press Enter to display the Addres s Book.
Basic Fun cti ons OPERATION G UIDE 4-17 Checking Details of Assigned Keys Perfor m the followin g proce dure to c heck destinati ons assigned to one- touc h k eys. 1 Follow ste ps 1 to 3 in A ssigni ng Destinations on page 4-15 . 2 Press S or T to select the one- touch key to check (1 -8).
Basi c Functio ns 4-18 OPERATION G UIDE 3 Press S or T to s elec t Delete . Press Enter . 4 Press l eft Sel ect to clear the destinat ion previo usly as signed. 5 Press l eft Sel ect to return to the basic scre en. Recalling Destinations Perfor m the followin g proce dure to s end a fax u sing one-to uch keys.
Basic Fun cti ons OPERATION G UIDE 4-19 1 Press System Menu/Counter . 2 Press S or T to s elec t Common Se tting . Pres s Enter . 3 Press S or T to s elec t One Touc h Keys. Press Enter . 4 Press S or T to select an unassi gned numbe r for a one- touc h key .
Basi c Functio ns 4-20 OPERATION G UIDE 2 Press S or T to select the one- touch key to check (1 -8). Press right Sel ect . 3 Press S or T to s elec t Detail .
Basic Fun cti ons OPERATION G UIDE 4-21 4 Press l eft Sel ect to clear the assign ed number . 5 Press l eft Sel ect to return to the basic scre en. Dialing with Chain Dial Perfor m the followin g proce dure to di al using c hain dial. Chain dial key + one-touch dial key 1 Press th e one-touch ke y set up for chain di al.
Basi c Functio ns 4-22 OPERATION G UIDE 3 Press S or T to select the recipient . Press En ter . 4 Press S or T to select the number. P ress Ent er . 5 Press Start to b egin sendin g the fax. Chain dia l key + num eric keys 1 Press a on e-touch key previo usly set up for chain dia l.
Basic Fun cti ons OPERATION G UIDE 4-23 Programs Stores combinat ions of freq uently used destination s and func tions as programs . Up to eigh t programs can be stor ed; up to fo ur of these c an incorp orate fax or scanning functions. One-tou ch keys ca n be used to rec all destinati ons or progra ms.
Basi c Functio ns 4-24 OPERATION G UIDE 1 Press System Menu/Counter . 2 Press S or T to s elec t Program S etting . Press Enter . 3 Press S or T to select the pr ogram numbe r to delete . Press right Sel ect . 4 Press S or T to s elec t Delete . Press Enter .
OPERATION G UIDE 5-1 5 Advanced Functions This chapte r discusses th e following topics: • Menu T able ........... ......... .............. ......... .......... .............. 5-2 • Remote Switchin g .................. .......... ......... .......
Adva nced Funct ions 5-2 OPERATION G UIDE Menu T a ble For the system set ting menu us ing in this chapter, refer to the M enu Tabl e below. To access the sys tem settin g menu, pre ss System Me nu/Counter . NOTE: T o p erform thes e settings, press S or T to select the m enu/ subme nu/item an d Enter to confirm your selection .
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-3 Doc. Bo x Settin g Box Me dia Ty p e – All Medi a T ype , Plain, T ransp ar ency , Rough, V ellum, Labels, Recy cled, Preprinted , Bond, Cardstock, Color , Prepunc hed, Letterhead , Envelope , Thic k, Cus tom 1 –8 S pecify the paper type for jobs from the su baddress box.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-4 OPERATION G UIDE FAX Setti ng FAX RX Setti ng TX/RX Restri ct. (Num eric al Entry o f Fax No.) Registe r authoriz ed telep hone numbe rs. pag e 5- 31 (Num eric al Entry o f Fax No.) Change au thorized telep hone numbe rs. pag e 5- 32 – Delete au thorized telep hone numbe rs.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-5 Remote Switc hing Remote swi tching l ets you rec eive faxes by forwardi ng the fax signal from a telephon e connec ted to the F AX Syste m. This fun ction is convenien t if you are us ing a regular phone at another lo cation, al lowing you to use that phone to r eceive faxes as well.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-6 OPERATION G UIDE 2 Pick up th e receiver. 3 If you hea r a fax tone, dial the tw o-digit re mote switchi ng number . NOTE: The defaul t remote swi tching nu mber is 55. 4 The incom ing fax wi ll be swit ched to the F AX Syst em, and reception w ill start automa tically.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-7 Polling Com munication With pol ling, fax tr ansmissions are initi ated by the recipient , not the sending party. The recipient can rec eive the fax at him/her convenie nce. NOTE: Polling g enerally i ncurs tel ephone ch arges for t he receiv ing party , since they must make a call to rece ive the fa x.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-8 OPERATION G UIDE 7 Press l eft Sel ect to return to the document b ox basic screen. Printing the Document s Stored in Polling Box Perfor m the foll owing proce dure to pr int docu ments sto red in poll ing box: 1 Press Document Box .
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-9 4 Press S or T to s elec t Detail/ Edit . Press Enter . 5 Press S or T to confirm th e detailed i nformation of the file. W hen renamin g the file , press ri ght Select o n the File Name screen . 6 Press Enter after ch ecking the file.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-10 OPERATION G UIDE 3 Press S or T to s elec t FAX RX Polling . Pres s Enter . 4 Press S or T to sele ct On. Press Enter . 5 Press ri ght Sel ect . 6 Enter th e other pa rty’s fax number. To enter th e number, use the on e-touch dia l keys, the Address Book, or chain di al keys .
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-11 Subaddress Communicati ons In subadd ress comm unicati ons, faxe s are sent a nd rece ived using subad dresses – – number s or character str ings that conform to convent ions ado pted by m any fax ma chin e manufactur ers.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-12 OPERATION G UIDE Subaddress-based Confidential Communicatio ns Confidenti al fax prot ects doc ument confid entiality wh en you do n ot want unauthor ized parti es to view c ertain doc uments. If subaddres ses ar e used for conf idential fax, the faxed document s are no t printed afte r receptio n.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-13 6 Enter the subaddre ss of the box to set up. P ress Enter . 7 Ente r the box na me. Pr ess Enter . NOTE: For instru ctions on entering characters, refer to Entering Char ac ter s on pa ge 3- 20 . 8 Use the num eric ke ys to enter the box numb er.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-14 OPERATION G UIDE If the box is pass word-prot ected, use th e numeri c keys to e nter the passwor d. Press Enter . Changing Subaddre sses Change subaddres ses as f ollows: 1 Press S or T to displa y Su b Add. Entry . Pres s right Select .
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-15 Changing Password s Perfor m the followin g proce dure to chan ge the pas swords use d to prin t from su baddress b oxes or to change box setting s: 1 Press S or T to d isp lay Passwor d . Press rig ht Sele ct .
Adva nced Funct ions 5-16 OPERATION G UIDE 2 Press S or T to enter the bo x number. P ress Ent er . Changing Users Change us ers as fol lows: NOTE: Th is sett ing is di splaye d on ly whe n us er lo gin i s spec ifie d. 1 Press S or T to d isp lay Us er Name .
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-17 1 Press S or T to d isp lay Permi ssion . Pr es s righ t Sel ect . 2 Press S or T to sele ct All or User Only . Press Enter . Choose All to allow all user to access this s ubaddress box. Choose User Onl y to allow the only user to access this subad dress box.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-18 OPERATION G UIDE 4 Press l eft Sel ect . 5 Press l eft Sel ect to return to the basic scre en. Paper Setting for Pr inting from Boxes Restricts the type of pa per used whe n printing d ocuments from subad dress box es. The pap er casset te selec ted here i s always u sed to print do cuments from sub address bo xes.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-19 NOTE: Before se nding, co nfirm the re cipient ’ s subaddr ess spec ified for the target su baddres s box. If t he recipie nt’s fax machin e requires you to enter a pass word, co nfirm the pass word as w ell.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-20 OPERATION G UIDE 8 Enter th e password and pres s Enter . NOTE: Y ou will be pr ompted to ent er a password on ly if such i s required by th e othe r p art y’ s fax m achi ne. 9 Press Enter . 10 Press Enter to return to the basic screen.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-21 To print all documen ts in the box, press right Select . On the next screen , press S or T to select Print All File . Press Enter . Press Start to pr int all do cuments i n the box. NOTE: Document data remains i n subaddres s boxes a fter printing.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-22 OPERATION G UIDE Deleting Document s from Subaddress Boxes Perfor m the foll owing proce dure to de lete docu ments fro m subaddre ss boxes. 1 Press Document Box . 2 Press S or T to s elec t Sub Addr ess Box . Press Enter . 3 Press S or T to select the box in wh ich the do cuments to d elete are stored.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-23 5 Press l eft Sel ect to print the l ist..
Adva nced Funct ions 5-24 OPERATION G UIDE Fax Forwardi ng With fax for warding, docu ments rec eived at spec ified time s are temporar ily stored and then automati cally forwarded to anoth er fax number previousl y registe red. This function support s subaddre ss-based communic ation for document forwarding to the d estinatio n fax.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-25 5 Press S or T to s elec t Forward Dest . Pres s Enter . 6 Press S or T to s elec t Register . Press Enter . 7 Press S or T to s elec t Addres s Entry or Ad dres s Book . Press Enter . If yo u sele ct Addr ess Bo ok , specify th e recipient from the Addres s Book.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-26 OPERATION G UIDE If you select Addres s Entry , pr ess S or T to sel ect FA X , E -mai l , or Folder , pre ss Ente r . If you se lect FAX , use t he numeric keys to enter the recipient ’s fax number.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-27 4 Press S or T to select Edit . Press Enter . 5 Make the desir ed changes in destinat ion infor mation. P ress Enter . NOTE: For inst ruction s on edit ing infor matio n, refer to Detailed T ransmi ssion Se tti ngs on page 3-8 .
Adva nced Funct ions 5-28 OPERATION G UIDE 3 Press S or T to s elect Al l day or Time S pecific at . Press Enter . Choose Tim e Specif icat. to specify the start and end ti mes for fax f orw ardi ng. Choose All day to set fax forward ing througho ut the day.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-29 8 Press right Sele ct to return to the basic scre en. Printing from the F AX System during Fax Forwa rding Perfor m the foll owing proce dure to spec ify wheth er the F AX System is to print for warded fa xes: 1 Follow ste ps 1 to 4 in Re gisteri ng Forwar ding Dest inatio ns on page 5-24 .
Adva nced Funct ions 5-30 OPERATION G UIDE 3 Press S or T to s elec t TIFF or PDF . Press Enter . 4 Press ri ght Sel ect to return to the basic sc reen . Activating Fax Forwarding Perfor m the foll owing proce dure to acti vate fax f orwarding: 1 Follow ste ps 1 to 4 in Re gisteri ng Forwar ding Dest inatio ns on page 5-24 .
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-31 Password-based Communi cations This func tion res tricts acce ss to tr ansmissi on and recep tion, req uiring users t o meet passwor d requirem ents. Passwo rd-based c ommunicati ons lets you res trict the sendi ng and receivi ng of faxes with the FAX System to authoriz ed ind ividuals.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-32 OPERATION G UIDE 5 Press S or T to select Perm it No. List . Press Enter . 6 Press ri ght Sel ect . 7 Press S or T to s elec t Add FA X Number . P ress Enter . 8 Use the num eric ke ys to enter the authoriz ed fax nu mber. Pres s Enter .
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-33 2 Press S or T to select the authoriz ed telephone number to be change d. Press Enter . 3 Re-enter the fax number.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-34 OPERATION G UIDE 5 Press l eft Sel ect to return to the basic scre en. Registering New Authorized IDs Perfor m the foll owing proce dure to regi ster aut horized ID n umbers: NOTE: Y ou can r egister up to 5 authori zed ID numb ers.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-35 8 Use the num eric ke ys to enter the ID number. Pre ss Ente r . Repeat ste ps 6 to 8 to enter all authoriz ed ID numb ers.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-36 OPERATION G UIDE 2 Press S or T to select the authorized ID number to d elete. Press ri ght Sel ect . 3 Press S or T to s elec t Delete . Press Enter . 4 Press l eft Sel ect . 5 Press l eft Sel ect to return to the basic scre en.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-37 5 Press S or T to s elec t TX Restri ction . Press Enter . 6 Press S or T to s elec t Use Perm it List or Off . Press Enter . Choose Use P ermit List to c heck passwor ds during transmissio n. 7 Press S or T to s elec t RX Restri ction .
Adva nced Funct ions 5-38 OPERATION G UIDE Encrypted Communication This func tion encr ypts docu ments befo re transmi ssion, protec ting document contents from viewi ng by unauthor ized thir d parties, e ven if transmiss ion is int ercepted . After rec eption, do cumen ts are decr ypted by the reci pient and pri nted.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-39 Manage en cryption k eys by as signing them to encr yption key IDs (a two- digit numb er, 01 to 20). This encrypt ion key ID is us ed to specif y encrypti on keys d uring enc rypted communi cations.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-40 OPERATION G UIDE 6 Use the num eric ke ys to enter the encrypt ion key ( 16 digits). Press Enter . NOTE: Encryption keys c onsist of a series of a ny 16 ch aracters consis ting of nu mbers (0 to 9) and the lette rs A throu gh F .
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-41 3 Press S or T to s elec t Detail or Delete . Press Enter . Choose Det ail to check keys. After c hecking the encryp tion key, press En ter . Choose Delete to delete keys. In the next sc reen, pres s left Select .
Adva nced Funct ions 5-42 OPERATION G UIDE 5 Press S or T to sele ct On . Pres s Enter . 6 Press S or T to select the encryp tion key ID. Press En ter . 7 Press ri ght Sel ect to return to the basic sc reen . Sending Encrypted Faxes Perfor m the foll owing proce dure for enc rypted transmissio ns.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-43 6 Press S or T to d isp lay Encry ption . Press ri ght Select . 7 Press S or T to sele ct On . Pres s Enter . 8 Press S or T to select the encryp tion key ID. Press En ter . 9 Press S or T to select On or Off .
Adva nced Funct ions 5-44 OPERATION G UIDE NOTE: When sendi ng the doc uments to the same mode l as the F AX System in encrypte d communi cation, be sure the enc ryption bo x setting is set to Off . 10 Press Enter . 11 Press Enter to return to the basic screen.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-45 E-mail Notificati on of Job Result s Set up the FAX Syst em to notify you of the results of fax jobs by e-ma il. 1 Press Send . 2 Press Function . 3 Press S or T to s elec t Job End Report . Press Enter . 4 Press S or T to sele ct On .
Adva nced Funct ions 5-46 OPERATION G UIDE Displaying Job S tatus Check the status of r ecent, curren t, and sc heduled jobs on the mes sage display . The follo wing m enus are av ailable.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-47 Display s faxed jobs. This info rmation incl udes the trans mission stat us and destinat ion. Refer to F AX TX Log on page 5-50 for more inform ation. FAX RX Log Disp lays receiv ed j obs . This inf ormat ion i nclu des t he r ecept ion statu s an d destinat ion.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-48 OPERATION G UIDE 5 Job d etails are dis played. Press S or T to displ ay details of e ach job sequ entially. 6 After r eviewin g the jo bs, press Reset to return to the St atus Menu screen. St ore Job St atus Perfor m the foll owing pro cedure to di splay t he Store Job Status scre en.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-49 3 Press S or T to select the job to check. Pres s Enter . NOTE: T o c ancel job s, selec t the jo bs to delete and pre ss left Sel ect . On the next s creen, pres s left Select . 4 Press S or T to s elec t Detail .
Adva nced Funct ions 5-50 OPERATION G UIDE 3 Press S or T to select the job to check. Pres s Enter . 4 Job d etails are dis played. Press S or T to displ ay details of e ach job sequ entially. 5 After r eviewing the jobs, pr ess Reset to return to the Status Menu sc reen.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-51 4 Press S or T to s elec t TX Log . Press Enter . 5 Press S or T to displa y the record of fax ed jobs sequenti ally. 6 After r eviewing the jobs, pr ess Reset to return to the Status Menu sc reen. F A X RX Log Perfor m the foll owing pro cedure to di splay t he FAX RX Log screen .
Adva nced Funct ions 5-52 OPERATION G UIDE 5 Press S or T to displa y the record o f faxes rece ived seque ntially. 6 After r eviewing the jobs, pr ess Reset to return to the Status Menu sc reen.
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-53 Printing Com munication Manag ement Reports Print rep orts of th e faxes t hat were sent or r eceived. Printing F AX TX Report s Perfor m the followin g procedur e to print de tails of the 50 most r ecent transmiss ions.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-54 OPERATION G UIDE 4 Press S or T to s elec t FAX RX Report . Press Enter . 5 Press l eft Sel ect to print the report. Log FAX TX Repo r t RX L o g FAX RX Rep o rt Cance l : Pri nt .
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-55 User Login When User Log in function is indi cated on the FAX System , you prompt to enter yo ur User ID a nd password to use the F AX System. The fac tory default setting o f User ID a nd Password i s 1118.
Adva nced Funct ions 5-56 OPERATION G UIDE Job Accounting Job acc ounting is used to control the total num ber of c opies and prints by setting a n ID-code for each acc ount. NOTE: For further informatio n and ins tructio ns for Job A ccounting, refer to the Advanc ed Oper ati on Guid e .
Adva nced Funct ion s OPERATION G UIDE 5-57 5 Press l eft Sel ect . The job account ing repor t is prin ted. 6 Press ri ght Sel ect to return to the basic sc reen .
Adva nced Funct ions 5-58 OPERATION G UIDE.
OPERATION G UIDE 6-1 6N e t w o r k F a x This chapte r discusses th e following topics: • Overview of Network Fax ............ ......... ...........
Netw ork Fa x 6-2 OPERATION G UIDE Overview of Network Fax Network F ax is a fe ature used to send and rece ive faxe s using compu ters co nnected t o the F AX System .
Network Fax OPERATION G UIDE 6-3 Viewing the online manual req uires Adob e Acrobat Re ader. If i t is not already i nstalled on your sy stem, in stall Ad obe Acroba t Reader from the include d CD-ROM. Connection Connect the mo dular cord (same as used for teleph ones) to the Line jack on the FA X System.
Netw ork Fa x 6-4 OPERATION G UIDE Initial F AX Sy stem S ettings Complete t he followi ng settin gs for ne twork fax rec eption. Destination Settings Specify the comp uters to re ceive tran smiss ions using network f ax reception. You can a lso speci fy e-mail for warding.
OPERATION G UIDE 7-1 7 F AX System Settings This chapte r discusses th e following topics: • Menu T able ........... ......... .............. ......... .......... .............. 7-2 • Prin ting Rep orts ........ .............. .......... .........
FAX Syst em Sett ings 7-2 OPERATION G UIDE Menu T a ble For the sy stem set ting menu us ing in this chapter, refer to the M enu Table below. To access the sys tem settin g menu, press System Me nu/Counter . NOTE: T o p erform thes e settings, press S or T to select the m enu/ subme nu/item an d Enter to confirm your selection .
FAX Sy stem Settin gs OPERATION G UIDE 7-3 FA X Settin g FA X R X Setting Rings (No rmal ) 1 – 15 Rin gs S p ecify the nu mber of rings in auto reception mod e.
FAX Syst em Sett ings 7-4 OPERATION G UIDE Printing Report s Print rep orts on t he detai ls of fax tr ansmissi on and re ception. Choose automa tic report pr inting, or choose to disable thi s feature. Fax TX Re port Prints co mmunicat ion detail s after the spe cified numbe r of transmi ssions.
FAX Sy stem Settin gs OPERATION G UIDE 7-5 5 Press S or T to select On or Off . Press Enter . 6 Press ri ght Sel ect to return to the basic sc reen . Send Result Se ttings Perfor m the followin g proce dure to set u p printing o f transmis sion resu lts.
FAX Syst em Sett ings 7-6 OPERATION G UIDE 5 Press S or T to select Off , On , or On (Con ditions) . Press Enter . If yo u selec t Off , skip to the s tep 8. Choose On ( Conditio ns) to print the repor t of recepti on result w hen an erro r occurs i n fax recep tion.
FAX Sy stem Settin gs OPERATION G UIDE 7-7 If yo u selec t Addres s Entry , e nter the e-mai l address . Press Enter . NOTE: For instru ctions on e ntering e -mail addres ses, refer to Enterin g Char ac ter s on pa ge 3- 20 . 8 Press ri ght Sel ect to return to the basic sc reen .
FAX Syst em Sett ings 7-8 OPERATION G UIDE Vo l u m e Adjust t he speak er leve l and vol ume of the fax moni toring tone. Switch of f sound s etting if n o tone or spe aker output is needed .
FAX Sy stem Settin gs OPERATION G UIDE 7-9 5 Press S or T to adju st the volu me. Press Enter . 6 Press ri ght Sel ect to return to the basic sc reen .
FAX Syst em Sett ings 7-10 OPERATION G UIDE Redial Perform the fol lowing pro cedure to spec ify the number of redi al attempts if the oth er party’s l ine is b usy. NOTE: Redial can not be used wi th direct tr ansmissi on. The ava ilable range v aries dep ending on countries .
FAX Sy stem Settin gs OPERATION G UIDE 7-11 Fax Media T ype Select t he pape r type used to print re ceived f axes. Yo ur choice of paper casset te can be us ed exclusi vely for prin ting faxes . For exam ple, if you use this se tting to as sign a desi red pape r cassette to C ustom 1 , that paper casset te will be used to pr int faxes.
FAX Syst em Sett ings 7-12 OPERATION G UIDE Number of Rings Perfor m the foll owing proce dure to spec ify the n umber of r ings. Setting the Number of Rings (Auto Fax Reception) When th e FAX Sy stem is set for au tomatic fax reception , specify 1-15 rings before fa x receptio n.
FAX Sy stem Settin gs OPERATION G UIDE 7-13 5 Use the numeric keys to specif y the num ber of ring s. Press Enter . 6 Press ri ght Sel ect to return to the basic sc reen .
FAX Syst em Sett ings 7-14 OPERATION G UIDE Fax Reception Mode The FAX S ystem featur es the followi ng fax rece ption modes. Ch oose the ideal mo de for yo ur needs. Automatic Fax Reception Choose au tomatic f ax recepti on mode t o use the F AX System exclusive ly as a fax machine.
FAX Sy stem Settin gs OPERATION G UIDE 7-15 [Receptio n flow] TAD Reception This mode is conven ient if you use the FAX Sys tem with a te lephone answering machine.
FAX Syst em Sett ings 7-16 OPERATION G UIDE DRD Reception (Certain Des tination Only) This rec eption mo de uses the Distin ctive Ri ng Patter n servic e availabl e from so me telepho ne compan ies. Wit h this ser vice, you c an use two or more tel ephone nu mbers on a single tel ephone l ine.
FAX Sy stem Settin gs OPERATION G UIDE 7-17 5 Press S or T to select a reception mod e. Press Enter . If you sele cted Auto(DRD) , pr ess S or T to select the ring ing pattern. P ress Enter . NOTE: The DRD pattern setting is a vailable only fo r certain destination.
FAX Syst em Sett ings 7-18 OPERATION G UIDE Reception Date and T ime A FAX Sys tem feature lets you print the date and time of recept ion, se nder identifi cation, an d the page n umber at the top of ea ch page.
FAX Sy stem Settin gs OPERATION G UIDE 7-19 2in1 Reception Perfor m the followin g proce dure to pri nt two 5 1/2 × 8 1/2 "/A5-siz ed fa xes receiv ed consec utively on a single 11 × 8 1/2 "/A4 s heet. 1 Press System Menu/Counter . 2 Press S or T to s elec t FAX Set ting .
FAX Syst em Sett ings 7-20 OPERATION G UIDE Bulk Pr inting Activate th is setting to print all fax image data to gether upon c ompleted reception by the FAX System. The incom ing fax will be held until it is complete ly recei ved. This fre es the FAX System for copying a nd other function s during that ti me.
FAX Sy stem Settin gs OPERATION G UIDE 7-21 Remote Diagnosis In case of the malfunct ion occ urs with th e FAX System, use this f eature to give the servic e center c omputer access to the FAX System vi a the telephone line for u pdating th e softwar e when yo u contac t a service agent.
FAX Syst em Sett ings 7-22 OPERATION G UIDE Remote Diagnosis ID To enable remote diagnos is, you mus t enter the FAX S ystem’s uni que ID as inst ructed by the serv ice agent . This func tion mus t also be e nabled in the FAX System, as describe d in Remote Di agnosis on page 7-21 .
OPERATION G UIDE 8-1 8 T roubleshooting This chapte r discusses th e following topics: • Memory Indicat or ................ .............. ......... ......... .......... 8-2 • W arning an d Main tenance M essag es ..................... ..... 8-3 • T roubleshoot ing T able .
Troubles hooting 8-2 OPERATION G UIDE Memory Indicator The Memory indicator lights during f ax commu nication invo lving the sending o r receivi ng of docume nts stored in memory. This indic ator also ligh ts when document s are r eceived di rectly into memor y due to pa per jams or because the sys tem is ou t of paper.
Troubles hooting OPERATION G UIDE 8-3 W arning and Maintenance Messages Take the following cor rective ac tions if the me ssage dis play shows any of the me ssag es as below . For error messa ges not listed be low, refer to the Operat ion Guide . Messag e Descript ion and Correct ive Action Refer ence Page Fax Mem ory overflo w .
Troubles hooting 8-4 OPERATION G UIDE The enc ryption key is not reg ist ered . No encrypti on key is sp ecified for the destinat ion set for encrypt ed commu nication. B e sure th e encrypti on key is entered c orrectly fo r the selec ted destinati on.
Troubles hooting OPERATION G UIDE 8-5 T roub leshooting T able Use this table to iden tify malf unction a nd perform t he correc tive action . If proble ms persist, contact y our dealer or the servi ce agent.
Troubles hooting 8-6 OPERATION G UIDE Unable to receive faxes Is the mo dular cord c onnected correc tly? Connect the modular co rd correctly . — Is the Se nd error displayed? Correct the error and ask the sender to resend the fax. — Have you se t up pa ssword -base d reception ? Disable pass word-bas ed receptio n.
OPERATION G UIDE 9-1 9 Reference Information This chap ter i nclude s the fol lowing refe rence i nforma tion: • S pecifi catio ns ....... .............. ......... ......... .......... .............. 9-2 • Menu F lowcha rts .................... ..
Reference In formation 9-2 OPERATION G UIDE Sp ecificati ons NOTE: S pecif ications are subject to change with out notice. Item Description T ype Optional F AX Ki t Comp at ibil ity Group 3 Line Requi.
Reference Inf ormation OPERATION G UIDE 9-3 Menu Flowchart s For refe rence, the menu struc tures for function k eys on the operation panel are as f ollows: S end Original Qual ity Original Size Funct.
Reference In formation 9-4 OPERATION G UIDE Docu me nt B ox Function Continuou s Scan Job E nd Repo rt Sub Address B ox FAX Pol ling Box Program Syst em Men u/C oun ter Repo rt Report P rint Report Se.
Reference Inf ormation OPERATION G UIDE 9-5 FAX Set ting FAX Co mmon Setting Encryp tio n Key FAX TX Setting TTI (Transmit Termi nal Identifier) Local FAX Name Continue d C ontinued f rom pr evious pa.
Reference In formation 9-6 OPERATION G UIDE Service Sett ing FAX Count ry Code C ontinued f rom pr evious pa ge Remote Di agnosis Setting Remote Di agnosis ID Documen t Box S etti ng Box Me dia Ty pe .
Reference Inf ormation OPERATION G UIDE 9-7 Error Co de T able When a c ommunica tion error occurs, one of the f ollowing error co des is printed on the tra nsmission report, re ception re port, or other communi cation ma nagement r eport. Use t he error cod e for troubles hooting.
Reference In formation 9-8 OPERATION G UIDE U01600 A comm unicatio n error occ urred duri ng high-spee d receptio n. Ask the sender to use a slowe r transmi ssion s peed, then try receiv ing the fax again. U01700 U01720 A commun ication error occur red duri ng high-spe ed transmiss ion.
Reference Inf ormation OPERATION G UIDE 9-9 U04401 Encr ypted trans mission c ould not be attempted . The other party coul d not be di aled beca use the de signated encryptio n key is not regis tered i n the F A X Syst em. U04500 Encr ypted r eception failed becau se the enc ryptio n keys did not match.
Reference In formation 9-10 OPERATION G UIDE.
OPERATION G UIDE Index-1 Index Numerics 2in1 Recept ion 7- 19 A Addre ss Book 3- 24 Deleting Destinat ions from the Address Book 3-33 Deleti ng Grou p Desti natio ns from the Addre ss Book 3- 37 Editi.
Index-2 OPERATIO N GUIDE F Fax Forwarding 5-24 Activatin g Fax Forw arding 5-30 Chang ing Forwar ding Dest inatio ns 5-26 Printi ng fr om the FA X Syst em durin g Fax Forwar ding 5-29 Registering Fo r.
OPERATION G UIDE Index-3 P Password-based Commun ications 5-31 Activating Password-b ased Communica tions 5-36 Deleting Au thorized IDs 5- 35 Deleti ng Au thorize d Teleph one Number s 5-33 Modifyin g.
Index-4 OPERATIO N GUIDE W Warning and Maint enance Me ssages 8-3 Z Zoom Trans mission 3-15.
2005.3 303JG80011 2005 KY OCERA MIT A Corporation All rights reser ved..
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Kyocera Fax c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Kyocera Fax - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Kyocera Fax, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Kyocera Fax va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Kyocera Fax, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Kyocera Fax.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Kyocera Fax. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Kyocera Fax ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.