Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 2500 du fabricant Kodak
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Image Processing for Scanner 1500 a nd Scanner 2500 User ’ s Guide A-63055.
ISIS is a r egister ed tradem ark of Pixel T ranslat ions, a div ision of Input Software, Inc . W indows and W indows NT are eith er register ed tradem arks or tradem arks of Mic rosoft Corporati on in the U nited S t ates an d/or other countries.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 i Content s Introduction ..........................................................................................1 Features...........................................................................................2 Memor y Requirem ents .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 ii Length Contr ol.........................................................................18 Long Paper ..............................................................................19 Detect Page Size .........................
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 iii TWA IN Dat a Sourc e............................................................................ 38 Installation...................................................................................... 38 Kodak T wain Driver Dialog B ox .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 iv Image Em phasis .....................................................................56 Scanner S tatus ........................................................................57 Mirror Image .................................
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 1 Introduction Kodak ’s low volum e product ion s canners i nclude im age pr ocessing technolog y that ca n im prove im age qual ity and s ome times make the reproduct ion better than the or igina l.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 2 Scanner 1500 Scanner 2500 Feature ISIS T WA IN ISIS TW A IN Ar e a Barcode Binary Mode / A utomatic Threshold Brightness Compression Contrast Detect Double Feed Detect Page Si.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 3 Memory Requirement s The Sc anner 1500 a nd the Sc anner 25 00 both ha ve 8 M B of m emor y alread y installed. Th is m ay be sufficient f or your scannin g needs . Addition al mem ory ma y be require d, dependi ng on the s electe d resolut ion and paper s ize.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 4 Re s o l u t i on A3 A4 A5 A6 B4 B5 B6 L ed g e r L eg a l L et t e r 100 dpi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 dpi 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 8 0 300 dpi 32 16 8 0 24 8 0 32 16 16 400 dpi 56 24 8.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 5 ISIS Driver Inst allation The ISIS dri ver is inc luded wi th the scan ner . Y ou ca n install th e driver from the CD. After installat ion of the driver is com plete, i nstall your ap plicat ion software on the h ost PC.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 6 Scanner Settings Dialog Box This section des cribes the features and butto ns in th e Scanner Set ting s dial og box. The Sc anner Sett ings dial og box s hown belo w appears when eit her the Scann er 1500 or the Scan ner 2500 is selec ted in the Scanner list.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 7 Mode Choose a gr ayscal e or binar y (black and white) s canni ng form at in the Mode drop-do wn list box. Select t he form at that is b est suit ed to your applicat ion. G raysca le prov ides bett er im age qualit y but req uires m ore scannin g time and mem ory .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 8 Dither Ditherin g is a tec hnique f or reprod ucing h alftone im ages, such as a photo, in b inar y mode. T wo pixel le vels are used t o represe nt the ent ire gra yscale , thereb y reducin g the levels of gra y require d displa ying an im age.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 9 Dot s per inch (Resolution) Dots per inch (dpi) ind icates t he scannin g reso lution, wh ich large ly determ ines the qua lity of the s canned image. The gre ater the resolut ion, the be tter the repr oduct ion. However , scann ing at a h igher resolut ion also inc reases scanni ng tim e and file s ize.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 10 Brightness This function a llows you to adj ust the image br ightness , mak ing it lighter or dark er . T here are two Brightness m odes, Autom atic and Manual , and thr ee prese t m odes, Darken , Norm , and Ligh ten . Select th e Manual radi o button in the Bright ness gr oup box .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 11 Contrast The Contrast optio n sets the im age contras t by adjus ting the difference between black and white, th ereb y making an im age sharp er or softer . In a low-c ontrast s etting, the d ifference bet ween bl ack and whit e is small, s o the im age is s ofter .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 12 Region Selection Y ou c an spec ify sin gle-sided (sim plex) or double-s ided (d uplex) scannin g in the Region Selection group box. NOTE: Both sides of the d ocum ent are scanne d at a sam e tim e in duplex s canning. The f ront sid e of the im age/page is o utput first, then th e back side of the image/page.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 13 Specifying an A rea T o captur e a portio n of an im age, clic k on the Area button to access the Set Scannin g Area dialog box . Area settings are determ ined by the X and Y pos itions an d the width an d length c oordin ates.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 14 Kodak Scanner Sp ecial Features Dialog Box This section des cribes the features and butto ns in th e Kodak Sc anner S peci al Featur es dialog b ox. This d ialog box is acces sed b y clicking on the More button i n the Sc anner Se ttings d ialog box.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 15 The Kodak Scan ner S pecial F eatures di alog box shown be low app ears when the Scanner 2500 is select ed in the Scan ner lis t.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 16 Buttons in the Kodak Scanner Special Features Dialog B ox Following are descr iptions of the butt ons in th e Kodak Scanner Special Features dia log box. Barcode Click on the Barcode butt on to acc ess the Bar code Par ameter s dialog box.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 17 Image Emphasis Image Emphasis all ows you t o adjus t the softness or sharpnes s of the scann ed im age. Choose o ne of the f ollowing im age emphas is levels: High, Med ium , Low , Non e, and Smooth. The def ault is Me dium .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 18 Gamma The Gamma option a llows yo u to def ine the g amm a curve settin g for norm al scanning and com puter sc reen viewin g. Choose one of the f ive gamm a curves in th e Gamma drop-down lis t box . Ther e are standard and CRT levels in a gamm a curve.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 19 Long Paper W hen Long Paper is enabled , a len gthy t ype of docum ent, such as an oil drill c hart or a cardi ogram, c an be captur ed. NOTE: This feature is a vailabl e only on the Scanner 2500. The s canned im age is div ided and f iled in t he size s electe d in the Page Size drop-do wn list box .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 20 The lengt h that ca n be sc anned is d etermined by the m em ory size. Scanner Me mory dpi Docum ent Width Longest Docu ment Size Comments 8 MB (no additional memory added) 2.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 21 Read De skew Dat a Enable Re ad Deskew Data to detect the sk ewing of a docum ent and notify the applica tion when a sk ewed docum ent occurs .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 22 Mirror Image Sel ect M irror Imag e to fl ip scanned im ages to create mirr or images. Origin al M irror Reverse Image Select Rev erse Im age to re verse the c olor of the scanne d im age so that black areas ar e white an d white ar eas are b lack .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 23 White Lev el From Paper W hen White Level From Paper is on, th e first 3 mm of each docum ent is anal yzed and the back ground br igh tnes s lev el is adjuste d so the bac kground of the sc anned doc ument bec omes white. Whi te Level From Paper is “Off” whe n Dither or Grayscal e is enable d.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 24 Binary Mode A utomatic Threshold Sel ecting Automatic Threshold aut omatic ally sets Brigh tness , Contrast , White Level Fr om Paper , Gamma , Noise R eduction , and Image Emph asis in acco rdance wit h the sca nning re soluti on.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 25 Manual Feed Modes T he Manual Feed M odes group box allows you to conf igure the feeder in different wa ys, from a manual f eed m ode so you can s can pages one by one, to a mode where you onl y have to place paper in the feeder to begin s canning .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 26 Scanner Information The Counter and S tatus buttons in the Scanner Information group box allo w you to c heck the s can count a nd roll er status. Click on the Counter button t o acces s the Cou nter dia log box to v iew the current scan coun t or to s et up the c ounter .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 27 Click on the S tatus button to acces s the Scann er S tatus dialog box to view rol ler clean ing a nd replac ement g uidelines . Refer to the scanner ’s User ’s Guide f or detailed i nform ation about cleaning and rep lacing the r ollers .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 28 Barcode The s canner can rea d barc odes. The barcode data is ana lyzed a nd the infor mation is sent in ASCI I code to an applicat ion th at supports barcode re ading ( e.g., Kodak D igital Scienc e Capt ure Software) . IMPORT ANT : Y our app licatio n must s upport barc ode rea ding.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 29 4. Check the Enab le Barc ode box. 5. Select th e barcode r egion in the Barcode Setti ngs For drop -down list box . T en regions can be s pecif ied: five f ront barc odes (F ront #1-Fr ont #5) and f ive back barcodes ( Back #1-Back #5).
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 30 9. Set the bar code area : • X-Positio n to Begi n Search —m ust be 1 0 mm (0.39 inches ) to the left of the f irst barc ode data to be r ead. • Y -Pos ition to Begin Se arch—the l ength f rom the top of the docum ent to the upper edge of the barc ode.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 31 Detecting Patch Codes Patch codes can be used to i ndex docum ents via the industr y standard patch cod es ll, lll, and T . The patch code data is ana lyzed an d the inf orm ation is sent to an applicat ion that supports patch co de readi ng (e.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 32 The Barc ode Param eters dia log box lists the Front Side an d Back Side sett ings. 4. Choose the direct ion of s canning (Hor izontal Orie ntation or V ert ical Orientation) in Patchc ode Orientati on .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 33 Printing a Counter , Date, Time, or Fixed S tring Use the fol lowing s trings to pr int an y com bination of a counter , a date, a time, or a fixed str ing. Counter #:9999999 The f irst pound char acter (#) encount ered in t he string is replac ed with the value s pecif ied in the Counter dialog box .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 34 Printing St art Posi tion Printin g is done vertica lly from the top of the paper . The ch aracter to p (“A” in t he diagram belo w) points to the r ight edg e of the doc ument.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 35 Setting up for Document Printing 1. Click on the Mor e button to ac cess th e Scanner S pecial Featur es dialog box . 2. Click on the Imprint er button to ac cess the Imprinter Par am eters dialog box . 3. Check the Enable I mprinter box.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 36 Counter Click on the Counter button in t he Im printer Par ameters dialog box to access the Counter dialog box to vie w the cur rent scan count or to set up the cou nter . Scanner Counter — when this b utton is s electe d, the num ber of sheets scanned appears on ly on the s canner ’s LCD displ ay .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 37 Compression Scanned image data ca n be com press ed to decrease file si zes. W hen Compression is spec ified, f iles tr ansmitted f rom the scanner dec rease in size, thus al lowing m ore im ages to be stor ed on the h ost PC.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 38 TW A IN Dat a Source Inst allation The T WAIN Data Source is include d with t he scanner . Y ou can ins tall the driv er from the CD. After installat ion of the driver is com plete, i nstall your ap plicat ion software on the h ost PC.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 39 Kodak T w ai n Driver Dialog Box This sec tion descr ibes the f eatures and b uttons i n the Kodak T wain Driver dialo g box . The Kodak T wain Dr iver dialog box sho wn belo w appears when th e Scanner 1500 is selected in the Scanner l ist.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 40 The Kodak T wain Dr iver dialog box sho wn belo w appears when th e Scanner 2500 is selected in the Scanner l ist..
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 41 Buttons in the Kodak T wain Driver Dialog Box Following are descr iptions of the butt ons in th e Kodak T wain Driver dialog box . Scan Click on the Scan b utton to ac cept al l selectio ns and be gin scann ing. Pr eScan Click on the PreScan button t o scan a docum ent so you can check the selected scanning s ettings .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 42 Side Y ou c an specif y singl e-sided or d ouble-s ided scan ning in t he Side group box by selec ting the Simpl ex or Duplex radio b utton. NOTES: Both sides of the d ocum ent are scanne d at a sam e tim e in duplex s canning.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 43 Image T ype Choose a gr ayscal e or binar y (black and white) s canni ng form at in the Image T ype drop-d own list b ox. Se lect the f orm at that is best su ited to your app licatio n. Gra yscale provides better im age qual it y but requires mo re scanning tim e and mem ory .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 44 Paper Size This function det ermines the scann ing area b y a pre-det erm ined size. The def ault paper size is set when a scan ner is f irst selec ted.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 45 Creating a New Paper Size 1. T y pe the paper name, width, and len gth into th e appropr iate tex t boxes in the Free Paper Nam e/Size gr oup box in t he Free P age Siz e di alog box. 2. Click on the Add button. The ne w paper size is register ed and the name app ears in t he Adde d Pape r Size Li st box.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 46 Half tone (Dither) Ditherin g is a tec hnique f or reproduc ing halftone im ages, such as a photo, in b inar y mode. T wo pixel le vels are used t o represe nt the ent ire gra yscale , thereb y reducin g the levels of gra y require d displa ying an im age.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 47 Brightness The Brightness option allows you to adj ust the im age brigh tness, mak ing it lighter or dark er . Adjust th e bright ness setti ng by dragg ing the Br ightnes s slidi ng bar in the Front S ide Settings or Back Side Se ttings gr oup box .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 48 Contrast The Contrast optio n sets the im age contras t by adjus ting the difference between black and white, th ereb y making an im age sharp er or softer . In a low-c ontrast s etting, the d ifference bet ween bl ack and whit e is small, s o the im age is s ofter .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 49 Sub A rea Y ou c an define a brigh tness l evel and dither s ettin g for a s pecific area of an im age that is different f rom the brightnes s leve l and dit her sett ing of the wh ole im age.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 50 Specifying an A rea T o captur e a portio n of an im age, clic k on the Sub Area button in the Front Side S ettings gr oup box or in the Back Side Settin gs grou p box to access the Sub Area dialog b ox. NOTE: The Sub Area d ialog box shown a bove app ears for the Scanner 1500.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 51 More Settings Dialog Box This section des cribes the features and butto ns in th e More Setti ngs dialog box . Th is dialo g box is access ed by clic king on the Mor e butto n in the Kod ak T wain Driver dia log box .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 52 The More S ettings d ialog box sho wn below app ears when the Scanner 2500 is selected in the Sc anner l ist..
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 53 Buttons in the More Settings Dialog Box Following are descr iptions of the butt ons in th e More Se ttings dialog box . Imprinter Click on the Imprinter butto n to acces s the Im printer Param eters dialog box . Th is dialo g box al lows you to choose docum ent printer options.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 54 White Lev el W hen White Le vel is on, the firs t 3 mm of each doc ument is analyze d and the bac kgr ound brightnes s leve l is adj usted so th e back ground of the scann ed docum ent becom es white. W hite Level is set to “From W hite S tic k” when Hal ft one (Dither) or Grayscal e is en abled.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 55 Gamma The Gamma option a llows yo u to def ine the g amm a curve settin g for norm al scanning and com puter sc reen viewin g. Choose one of the f ive gamm a curves in th e Gamma drop-down lis t box . Ther e are standard and CRT levels in a gamm a curve.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 56 Lamp Sele ct Red in t he Lamp box to allow the scanner t o perf orm red dropout c olor . T he green lamp is the norm al settin g. W hen red dropout is specif ied, m ost red c haracters , lines, or illustrat ions will not be captured when a doc ument is s canned.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 57 Scanner S t atus The Counter and Wa rn i n g butto ns in the Scanner S tatus group box allow you to chec k the sc an count and roller status. Click on the Counter button t o acces s the Cou nter dia log box to v iew the current scan coun t or to s et up the c ounter .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 58 Click on the Warning button to ac cess the Warning S tatus dialog b ox to view rol ler clean ing a nd replac ement g uidelines . Refer to the scanner ’s User ’s Guide f or detailed i nform ation about cleaning and rep lacing the r ollers .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 59 Mirror Image Sel ect M irror Imag e to fl ip scanned im ages to create mirr or images Origin al M irror Reverse Image Select Rev erse Im age to re verse the c olor of the scanne d im age so that black areas ar e white an d white ar eas are b lack .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 60 A utomatic Separation (Half tone Mode) W hen Automatic Se paration is enabled, t he scan ner autom aticall y recognizes and se parates text a nd phot o.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 61 Fit to Page Selectin g Fit to Page allo ws you to spec if y whether doc uments are scanned at actual s ize or red uced (F it to Pa ge) size. Norm ally, the scann er scans at 100% of the act ual page size. Som e of the data on t he edges of the page m ay be lost.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 62 Stop at Skew W hen S top at Skew is en abled, the scanner s tops scanni ng when a skewed doc ument is detecte d. NOTE: This feature is a vailabl e only on the Sca nner 1500.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 63 Document Printer (Imprinter) The Imprinter butto n in the Scanner Special Features dialo g box allows you to acces s the Im printer Par ameter s dialog box in whic h you can set u p parameters for the opt ional doc ument pri nter .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 64 Printing a Counter , Date, Time, or Fixed S tring Use the fol lowing s trings to pr int an y com bination of a counter , a date, a time, or a fixed str ing. Counter #:9999999 The f irst pound char acter (#) encount ered in t he string is replac ed with the value s pecif ied in the Counter dialog box .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 65 Printing St art Posi tion Printin g is done vertica lly from the top of the paper . The ch aracter to p (“A” in t he diagram belo w) points to the r ight edg e of the doc ument.
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 66 Setting up for Document Printing 1. Click on the Mor e button to ac cess th e More d ialog box . 2. Click on the Imprint er button to ac cess the Imprinter Par am eters dialog box . 3. Check the Enable I mprinter box. 4. T y pe the character seque nce in t he Impri nter String text box .
A-63055 Decem ber 1999 67 Counter Click on the Counter button in t he Im printer Par ameters dialog box to access the Counter dialog box to vie w the cur rent scan count or to set up the cou nter . Scan Counter —when th is button is selec ted, the number of sheets scanned appears on ly on the s canner ’s LCD displ ay .
EAST M A N KO D AK COM P ANY Docu ment I m agin g Rochester , New Y ork 14650 Kodak, Di gital Scienc e, an d the ds m onogram symbol, are trad emarks of Eastma n Kodak Comp any .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Kodak 2500 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Kodak 2500 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Kodak 2500, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Kodak 2500 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Kodak 2500, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Kodak 2500.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Kodak 2500. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Kodak 2500 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.