Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 1670f du fabricant Canon
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Printer Gu ide IMPOR T ANT : Read this manual caref ully . Use this manual when you need quick reference help for the printer f eature of your machine.
ii Manuals f or the Mach ine Y our machin e include s the followi ng documenta tion. This docu mentation has been des igned so that you can easil y use your ma chine to s uit your part icular needs. • The 1510 mo del is not su pported by CAP T i n USA.
iii How This Manual Is Organized Considerable effort has been made to ensure that this manual is free of inacc uracies and omissions. However , as we are constant ly improvi ng our products, if you need an exact specification, please contact Canon.
iv Lega l No tice s T rademar ks Canon, the Canon Logo, and imageRUNNER are t rademarks of Can on Inc. Microsoft ® , W indows ® , and W indo ws NT ® ar e re gist ere d tra dem arks or t rade ma rks of Microsof t Corporat ion in th e United S tates an d other co untries.
v Contents Chapter 1: Before You Start Introduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 System Re quirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Where to F ind Help . .
vi How to Use This Manual ■ Symbols Us ed in This Manual Pleas e re ad th e li st belo w o f sym bol s, ter ms , and abbre via tio ns use d in this g uid e. ■ R ef erences and Cross-R eferences Y our new mac hine has many advanced f eatures, including CAP T (Canon Adva nced Print ing T echnology) .
vii ■ K eys Used in This Manual A button is referr ed to as f ollows in t his man ual: A button on the scr een ........................ .............
viii ■ Abbrevia tion s Used in This Manual In thi s manual, pro duct names a nd model names are abbre viated as follows: Micr oso ft ® W i ndows ® 95 operat ing syst em: W indows 95 Micr oso ft ®.
1-1 1 Befor e Y ou S tart CHAPTER 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t This chapt er provid es an explana tion of t he system envir onments re quired for using CAP T (Canon Advanc ed Printi ng T echnology) . It also exp lains where t o find help a nd informat ion regardi ng the inst allati on and use o f this so ftware.
1-2 CAP T (Canon Advanc ed Printing T echnology) gi ves user s of Microso ft W indows 95, W ind ows 98, W indows Millenniu m Edition, W i ndows NT , Wi ndows 2000, W i ndows XP , or W ind ows Server 2003 ( hereaft er called W indows 95/98/Me/ NT/2000/XP/Ser ver 2003) operat ing sys tems the ab ility t o make full use of the printer .
1-3 1 Befor e Y ou S tart Here’ s where to get i mmediate he lp if you a re having pro blems inst alling or using th e software . README.TXT file Any hints, enhanc ements, limit ations, and rest rictions you need to be awa re of when installi ng and using y our printer driver are included i n the README.
2-1 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) CHAPTER 2 Installing Canon Adv anced Printing T echnolog y (CAPT) This chapt er describe s CAP T (Canon Advanced Pr inting T echnology). I t includes t he followin g infor mation: What is CAP T ? .
2-2 Canon Advan ced Printing T echnology (CAPT) This is a softwar e that ext ends the power of the W indows operati ng system to a printe r to speed up a nd simplify pr inting.
2-3 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) For insta llation in structions using the CD-ROM menu, plea se refer to the Quick S tart Guide . ■ W indows 98/Me Pl ug and Pl ay The follo wing is th e instal lation pr ocedure o f Plug and P lay using a USB po rt, under W indows 98.
2-4 2 Select Se arch for the bes t driver for your device (Recommended) in the Add New Hardwar e Wizar d clic k Next . 3 Place th e CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive . 4 Select Sp ecify a l ocation click Browse t o select th e driver in the la nguage that you want to inst all.
2-5 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) 6 Enter the prin ter name you wish to u se click Fin ish . 7 The Add Ne w Hardware W izard ( Canon iR151 0-1670 ) app ears. Click Nex t . 8 Sel ect Search fo r the best driver for your device (Re commended) in the Ad d New Hardware W i zard click Next .
2-6 9 Click onl y Specify a location and Browse t o select the dri ver in the language t hat you wan t to in stta ll. For ex am ple, if y our C D- ROM d riv e is drive “D: ”, browse to “D :EnglishW in9x” and clic k OK . Confirm that the folder t o browse is selecte d under Specify a loca tio n , the click Next .
2-7 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) Before you install the soft ware, make sure y ou do th e followin g: • Connect the machine to your comp uter ( Quick Start G uide ). • T urn on the machine ( Quick S tar t Guide ).
2-8 2 Dou ble-c lick the Add Printer ic on. The Add P rinte r Wizar d dialog box appears. Click Next . 3 Select Local prin ter click Next ..
2-9 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) 4 The W i zard dis plays a list of avail able print ers. Click Have Dis k . 5 The I nstall Fr om Disk dialog b ox appears. Place the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. Use Br owse to select the direct ory or e nter the path name that contains the CAP T softwar e click OK OK .
2-10 6 Sele ct th e prin ter clic k Next . 7 Sele ct th e prin ter ’ s port clic k Next ..
2-11 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) 8 Enter the prin ter name you wish to u se click Fin ish . NOTE If you al ready hav e another printer installed, y ou will be asked whether t o use thi s printe r as th e default .
2-12 ■ W indo ws 2000 Plug an d Play The foll owing is the install ation proce dure of Plug an d Play usi ng a USB port, under W ind ows 2000. Before y ou instal l the softwa re, make sur e you do the following : • Connect t he machine to y our computer ( Quick S tart Guide ).
2-13 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) 3 The Fou nd New Hardwar e Wizar d dialog box app ears. Clic k Next. Sel ect Search for a suitabl e driver f or my device (re commended) in the Found New Hardwar e W izard click Next .
2-14 ■ W indow s XP/Ser v er 2003 Plug and Play The fo llowing is the i nstallat ion proced ure of Plug and Play us ing a USB port under W indows XP . Before y ou instal l the softwa re, make sur e you do the following : • Connect t he machine to y our computer ( Quick S tart Guide ).
2-15 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) NOTE Using a USB Port (U SB Cable) • In order to use the pr inter via USB, your co mputer must be eq uipped with a USB port. • USB is not available f or W indows NT . 1 Log on as a member of Admini strato rs.
2-16 5 Select I nclude thi s location in the sear ch: click Browse to sele ct the dr iver in t he language that yo u want to install. For exampl e, if your CD-ROM driv e is drive “D:”, browse to “D :Eng lish WinXP” click Next . Click Conti nue Anyway if the Hardware Installa tion di alog box ap pears.
2-17 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) ■ W indow s 2000 P lug and Play The follo wing is the install ation proce dure of Pl ug and Play u sing a par allel port , under W indows 2000.
2-18 2 Select Se arch for a suit able driver f or my device (r ecomme nded) in the Found New Hardwar e Wizar d clic k Next . NOTE “Unknown” ma y be displayed as the name of the dev ice.
2-19 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) 4 The Fou nd New Hardwar e Wizar d dialog box app ears. Plac e the CD-ROM into t he CD- ROM drive.
2-20 ■ W indow s XP/Ser v er 2003 Plug and Play The foll owing is t he install ation pro cedure of Plug and Pla y using a pa rallel por t, under W ind ows XP . Before y ou instal l the softwa re, make sur e you do the following : • Connect t he machine to y our computer ( Quick S tart Guide ).
2-21 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) 3 Sel ect In clud e th is loca tio n in th e sea rch: click Br owse to se lect the drive r in t he languag e that you want to insta ll. For example, if your CD-ROM drive is dri ve “D:”, browse to “D: EnglishW inXP” clic k Next .
2-22 ■ W ind ows NT A dd Prin ter W iz ar d T o instal l CAP T on a local c omputer using W indows NT , you can use the W indo ws NT Add Prin ter Wiza rd . 1 Log on as a me mber of Admini strator s. The full control access r ight for the printer is nece ssa ry for t he i nsta lla tion o f CAP T .
2-23 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) 6 Click Have Disk in the Manufact urers /Printers dialog box. 7 The I nstall Fr om Disk dialog b ox appears. Place the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. Use Br owse to select t he direc tory or enter th e path na me that co ntains CAP T click Open OK .
2-24 8 Sele ct yo ur pr inte r m odel f rom th e li st of prin ter s disp lay ed clic k Next . 9 Click Next to accept the defa ult prin ter name, or ent er the na me you wish to use click Next . NOTE If you al ready have another pr inter i nstalled, yo u will be a sked whether to use this printer as the def ault.
2-25 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) 10 Selec t wh eth er thi s pri nte r is s hared wi th ot her co mpu ter s. If it is share d, s elect all t he operat ing sys tems that will use t his prin ter .
2-26 13 If you opt ed to pri nt a test pa ge, the te st page pr ints after the inst allati on completes , and the followi ng dialog a ppears. If t he test pa ge printed c orrectl y , click Ye s .
2-27 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) ■ W indows 2000 Add Pri nter Wi zard T o install CAP T o n a local computer using W indows 2000, you can use t he Add Printer Wiz ar d . The follo wing is the install ation pr ocedure using a para llel port, u nder W i ndows 2000.
2-28 5 Select t he printer port or po rts you want t o use click Nex t . 6 Click Have Di sk in the Manufacture rs / Printe rs dialog box. 7 The Instal l From Disk dialo g box appears. Pl ace the CD- ROM into the CD-ROM dr ive. Use Br owse t o select the dir ectory or e nter the path name that cont ains CAP T click Ope n OK .
2-29 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) 8 Select your prin ter model f rom the li st of print ers display ed click Next . NOTE If you al ready hav e another printer installed, y ou will be asked whether t o use thi s printe r as th e default .
2-30 10 Sele ct w hethe r th is pr int er is sha red wi th o ther c om puter s c lick Next . 11 Click Ye s if you want to print a test page, or No if you do no t want to pr int a te st page click Next .
2-31 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) 12 Click Fi nish . NOTE Click Ye s if th e Digital Sig natur e Not Found dialog box appears . W indo ws creates the Canon iR1 510-1670 icon on the Desktop, an d the Cano n iR1510 -1670 icon is added to th e Printers folder .
2-32 ■ W indow s XP/Ser v er 2003 Add Printer Wizar d T o instal l CAP T on a local c omputer using W indows XP/Server 2003, you can use the Add Prin ter Wiza rd . The foll owing is t he install ation procedu re using a parallel p ort, under W indows XP /Server 2003.
2-33 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) 4 Sel ect Local printer attached t o this computer cl ick Next . IMPORT ANT Checking “ Automatically d etect and inst all my Plug a nd Play printer ” is not recomme nded.
2-34 6 Click Have Di sk in the Manufacture rs / Printe rs dialog box. 7 The Instal l From Disk dialo g box appears. Pl ace the CD- ROM into the CD-ROM dr ive. Use Br owse t o select the dir ectory or e nter the path name that cont ains CAP T click Ope n OK .
2-35 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) 9 Click Nex t to acc ept the defa ult pr inte r na me, or en ter the name you w ish to use click Next . 10 Select whether t his printer is share d with othe r computers click Next .
2-36 11 Click Ye s if you want to print a test page, or No if you do no t want to pr int a te st page click Next . 12 Click Fini sh . Click Continue Anyway if the Hardware Inst allati on dialog bo x appear s.
2-37 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) 14 If you o pted to pr int a tes t page, the pa ge prints after t he install ation compl etes, and the followi ng dialog appe ars.
2-38 If the imageRUNNER 1670F/16 30/1610 is already o n your networ k, you can inst all it in two dif ferent ways. The easie st way is us ing automat ic network down load. If ne twork download i s not avai lable, yo u can use t he Add Printer W izard .
2-39 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) 4 Enter the network path or print queue th at you want to conne ct to, or use Br o wse to open th e Bro wse for P rinter dial og box to sel ect the printer . NOTE Depending o n your networ k environmen t, the ins tallation of the dri ver may be car ried out a utomatica lly .
2-40 ■ W indo ws NT/2000/ XP/Ser v er 2003 Add Print er W izar d T o instal l CAP T for a networ k printer , you can use the W indows NT/2000/XP/Serve r 2003 Add Printer W izard . 1 Log on as a member of Ad ministrat ors. The f ull contr ol acces s rights for the prin ter is nece ssa ry for i nst alla tio n of CAP T .
2-41 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) By using your imageRUNNER 1670F/ 1630/1610 mach ine on a netw ork, users ca n share t he device fo r printi ng.
2-42 If you p lan to sha re the imag eRUNNER 1670F/1630/ 1610 on a net work, inst all the p rint server locally , then make the f ollowing set tings. See your print se rver sys tem documenta tion for mo re inf orma tio n.
2-43 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) 4 Sel ect File and printe r sharing f or Micr osoft Net works click OK . 5 Click Fi le and Print Sharing . NOTE Be sure t o select the I want to be able to al low others to pr int to my pri nter(s) check box.
2-44 6 Sele ct th e Access Contr ol tab chec k ei the r Share -level a ccess cont rol or Us er -leve l access c ontro l . 7 Click OK rest art W i ndows.
2-45 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) Printer Set tings Share -level Acces s Contr ol 1 Open the Canon iR1510- 1670 Properties wi ndow check Sha red A s in the Shar ing tab. 2 Ente r the Share Na me , Comment , and Password, as nee ded.
2-46 User -l evel Acces s Control 1 Open the Canon iR1510-167 0 Properties window check Shared As in the Sharing tab. 2 Enter th e Share Name and Comment , as nee ded.
2-47 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) ■ W indows NT/2000/XP/S er ver 2003 Ser ver Settings Add Server Service (Windows NT ) 4 Click OK when you h ave finis hed adding users. 5 Click OK again. NOTE Do not enter a sp ace or speci al charac ter in Shar e Name .
2-48 3 Sele ct th e Server clic k OK . 4 Restart W indows..
2-49 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) Add Server Service (Windo ws 2000) Add Server Service (Windows XP/Server 200 3)* 1 Fro m the St a r t menu, select Settings Network and Dial- up Connectio ns . The Netw ork and Dial-up Conne ctions fold er appears .
2-50 * The procedure for W indow s XP is give n for Categor y V iew Mode. 5 Select Fi le and Prin ter Sharing for Micr osoft Network s click OK ..
2-51 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) Printer Sharin g Settings ■ Sta tu s Disp lay The statu s of a shar ed print er displays on both the print se rver and cl ient compute r , and jo b operati ons can be execu ted fr om either .
2-52 After insta llat ion is comp lete , the Canon iR1510- 1670 group i s created. Y ou can se lect the followin g from the Can on iR1510-1670 group: • Canon iR1510- 1670 Help Select s the Canon iR 1510-1670 Hel p file for CAP T . • Canon iR1510- 1670 S t atus Wi ndow Displays the Canon iR1510 -1670 S tatus W indow .
2-53 2 Inst alling Cano n Advance d Printin g T echnolo gy (CAPT ) CAP T offers bidirect ional communi cation b etween the comput er and mach ine. Every time you print, CAP T di splays t he C an o n iR1510-1670 Status W i ndow .
3-1 3 Printer Pro pertie s CHAPTER 3 Printer Pr oper ties This chap ter d escribes the dia logs and setting s on the Printer Properties scre ens. It includes the followin g infor mation: W indows 95/ 98/Me Printer Prop erties .........................
3-2 W ith CAP T , you initiate prin ting as you normally would from a W indows ap plication. From the Print dialog box, usu ally accessed fro m an application’ s File menu, you can select Pr ope rt ies to proceed to the Canon iR1510-1670 Pr operties dia log box and its printing opti ons.
3-3 3 Printer Pro pertie s ■ General T ab Lets you pr int a te st page or define separ ator page s. Refer t o your W indo ws operati ng system documentat ion for more i nformation .
3-4 ■ Details T ab Specifi es the pr inter po rt and ti me-out set tings. Ref er to your W indows operatin g system docu ment atio n fo r mor e in form atio n.
3-5 3 Printer Pro pertie s ■ Sharing T a b Specifie s the p rinter -sha ring set tings. Th is tab is avai lable o nly whe n file and prin ter sha ring is enabled.
3-6 ■ P a ge Set up T ab Specifi es paper size, sca ling, number of copies, or ientation, a nd pages pe r sheet. Default settin gs depend on the countr y/region of purcha se. Page Size let s you select the paper size you are working wit h in your applicati on.
3-7 3 Printer Pro pertie s Manual Scali ng lets y ou shrink or enlar ge im ages. This option o nly appear s when 1 Page per Sheet is s elected as t he Page Layout . Sele ct th e chec k b ox to s et a r educ tion or e nlargem ent percenta ge (10 to 2 00).
3-8 Sele cting a Cus tom P aper Si ze Settin g If you wi sh to restor e the def ault setti ngs to all of the cust om sizes, cl ick Restor e Defaul ts . 1 Select o ne of the p redefined si zes from t he Custom Paper List . 2 If you wis h, enter a unique name in t he Name area.
3-9 3 Printer Pro pertie s Overlay Overlay Pr inting allows you to over lay the document created in any W indows applic ation ont o a presel ected for m file.
3-10 Setting Overlay T o make sett ings for overlay pr inting, cli ck Overlay on the Page Setup tab. Th e Overlay dialog box appears . Use Browse to sele ct the file that con tains the ove rlay data . File N ame sets th e fi le na me to use as the ove rla y form .
3-11 3 Printer Pro pertie s Overlay P lacement Print re sults may d iffer depending o n the plac ement of th e overlay and applic ation pr int data ( Backgr ound / For eground ).
3-12 ■ Finishing T ab Specifi es how the fi nal output is coll ated and whe ther pages should be printed i n revers e outp ut order . Select the appro priate c heck boxes t o collat e the docu ment or p rint it in reverse outp ut order .
3-13 3 Printer Pro pertie s ■ Paper S ource Specifie s the pape r source a nd paper t ype setti ngs. Paper Sour ce lets yo u specify the paper feed method.
3-14 ■ Quality Tab Specifi es the r esolutio n, halfto ning method, b rightness, a nd contras t settings . Resoluti on lets y ou specify the prin ter ’ s resoluti on in dots per inch (600 dpi, 300 dpi ).
3-15 3 Printer Pro pertie s Det ailed Setti ngs Details a ccesses t he setti ngs for T oner Save and I mage Refineme nt. T oner Save thi ns the bla ck areas of pr int dat a, so toner consumption is reduce d.
3-16 The CAP T driver f or W indows NT/ 2000/XP/Ser ver 2003 ha s two main dial og boxes: t he Printer Prope rties dialo g box and the Default Docu ment Pr operties * dia log box.
3-17 3 Printer Pro pertie s ■ General T ab Lets you sp ecify whet her to pr int a test p age and sepa rator pa ges. Refer to your W i ndows operati ng system doc umentation for more info rmation. ■ Po r t s T a b Lets you sp ecify the port to wh ich the pr inter i s attache d.
3-18 ■ Advanced T a b Lets you define pr int spooling setting s. Refer t o your W indo ws operati ng system docu ment atio n fo r mor e in form atio n. Spool pri nt documents s o prog ram finishes prin ting faste r and S tar t printing imm ediat ely are set au tomatical ly when you i nstall the print er driver .
3-19 3 Printer Pro pertie s ■ Securit y T a b Lets you sp ecify sec urity se ttings. Re fer to you r operating system d ocumentation f or more inform ation.
3-20 ■ P aper Selecti on T a b This pri nter dri ver suppo rts three cu stom paper sizes. Usi ng the cust om forms def ined on the Forms tab in th e Print Server Proper ties dialog b ox, you can ad d informat ion about t he custom pa per sizes . Form definit ions must c onform to the pr inter’ s speci ficatio ns.
3-21 3 Printer Pro pertie s ■ Page Setu p T ab Specifie s paper si ze, scal ing, number of copies, or ientation , and pages p er sheet. Default s ettings depe nd on the co untry/re gion of pur chase. Page Size l ets you sele ct the pap er size y ou are worki ng with in your applicat ion.
3-22 Vi ew Settings T o get a quick view of your curr ent sett ings, click Vie w S e t t i n g s , which is located on the Page Set up , Finish ing , Paper Sour ce, an d Quality tabs. C lic k on th e ta bs in t he Vi e w S e t t i n g s dialog box to view the settings for each tab.
3-23 3 Printer Pro pertie s Setting Overlay T o make setti ngs for ov erlay pri nting clic k Overlay on the P age Setup tab. The Overlay dialog box appears. Us e Browse t o select the file that cont ains the overlay d ata. File Name sets the f ile n ame to us e as th e ov erl ay for m.
3-24 Over lay Plac emen t Print r esults may dif fer depe nding on the placement of the overl ay and appl ication p rint data ( Backgr ound / For egr ound ). When the overlay an d applica tion print d ata (ori ginal data) overla p, the pri nt result may dif fer depend ing on th e overlay fi le format and the a pplication being used .
3-25 3 Printer Pro pertie s ■ Finishing T ab Specifie s how the fi nal outpu t is coll ated and sets whether p ages shoul d be print ed in revers e output or der . Select the appr opriate check boxes to collate the document or print i t in reverse output or der .
3-26 ■ P aper Source T a b Specifi es the pa per sourc e and paper type sett ings. Paper Sour ce lets you specif y the pape r feed meth od. Select from Drawer or S tack Bypass .
3-27 3 Printer Pro pertie s ■ Quali ty T ab Specifie s the res olution, h alftoning met hod, bright ness, and cont rast set tings. Resolutio n lets you specif y the printe r ’ s re solutio n in dots pe r inch (6 00 dpi, 300 dp i).
3-28 Det ailed Settings Details ac cesses t he setti ngs for T oner Save and Imag e Refinement . T oner Save th ins the bl ack area s of print data so tone r consump tion is redu ced.
4-1 4 Checki ng the S t atus of a Print J ob CHAPTER 4 Chec king the Status of a Print Job This chapt er describe s how to check t he status of print jo bs. Opening the S tatus W indow .................................... ........................... .
4-2 The Cano n iR1510-1670 S tatus W indow opens automat ically in t he followi ng situatio ns: • When you print a documen t, if While P rint ing is selected f or Display Printer S tatus Wi ndow in th e Op tion S ett ings dialog box of t he St atus W in dow .
4-3 4 Checki ng the S t atus of a Print J ob The Status Window is a pro gram used to display th e status of jobs and p erform prin ter ope rations. Using the Canon iR1510-1670 Status W indow Wi ndow area Descript ion Menu bar Contains menu option s to contr ol the S tatus W i ndow and the print er .
4-4 ■ Usin g the Menu Bar Job Me nu Y ou can se lect the Job menu from t he menu bar o f the Canon iR1510 -1670 S tatus W indow: The Jo b menu includes t he follo wing option s: • Pause te mporarily halts printing of the cur rent doc ument. Afte r the c urrent p age comp letes printi ng, the pr inter pauses until you select Resume.
4-5 4 Checki ng the S t atus of a Print J ob Settings Me nu Y ou can sel ect the Se ttings menu fr om the menu bar of the Cano n iR1510-1670 Status W indow: The Setti ngs menu i ncludes the f ollowing s electio ns: • Opt ion s opens the Option Sett ings dial og box that l ets you cha nge the se ttings for the Stat us W indow .
4-6 • Display Pr inter S tatus Window l ets you selec t when the S tatus W indow displays . • While Pr inting —The S tatus W indow opens automatic ally each ti me you prin t. • Only when Err ors Occur —Th e Sta tus W indow opens only when an error occ urs.
4-7 4 Checki ng the S t atus of a Print J ob ■ Using the Hel p Menu Y ou can sel ect the Help men u from the men u bar of th e Canon iR1510-1670 S tatus W in dow: • Hel p T opi cs displays the search wi ndow for hel p topics. • About displ ays the S tatus W indow vers ion infor mation.
4-8 ■ Usin g the T oolbar The tool bar has thr ee buttons that you ca n use to pause , resume, or delete t he curren t print j ob. Pause: T emporarily halts print ing the cu rrent doc ument. The cur rent page finishes prin tin g. Resume: Co ntinues p rinting after a pau se.
4-9 4 Checki ng the S t atus of a Print J ob ■ Using th e T ab W indo w Print Job Det ails This tab s hows infor mation rel ated to the job t hat is cur rently printing. The following types of inform ation are displaye d: • Document Na me •U s e r N a m e •H o s t N a m e • Approx.
4-10 Pri nt Job Lo g This ta b shows info rmation re lated t o jobs that are compl eted. The fo llowing t ypes of informa tion are displayed : • Document Name •R e s u l t • Owner •P a g e s • Complete T ime The job history displa yed in the job inf ormation are a can list a histor y of up to the most rec ent 100 jobs .
4-11 4 Checki ng the S t atus of a Print J ob Print Job List This tab s hows informa tion related t o the jobs that have not yet sta rted. • Document Na me • Status •O w n e r •S t a r t e d a.
4-12 Vi ewing the pr int st atus The stat us of a ne twork prin ter can be vi ewed on the p rint ser ver as well a s the client . For the job stat us to be di splayed in th e client ’ s Stat us W indow , the print s erver ’ s Status W ind ow must be run ning.
4-13 4 Checki ng the S t atus of a Print J ob If you min imize the Stat us W indow , you can st ill see the prin ter sta tus displ ayed as an icon on the task bar . T o open the S tatus W indow , simply click on th e taskbar button. I cons also appe ar in the S tatus W indow .
5-1 5 T roubleshoot ing CHAPTER 5 T r oub leshooting This chapt er inclu des infor mation to h elp you solve p rinter p roblems. A pr oblem might h ave one or a combi nation of causes, su ch as a comput er malfunc tion, softwar e errors , printer cable or other printer pro blems.
5-2 Printer Pr oblems Probl em Cause Solution Printer does not print The print er is out of paper . Make sure t hat paper is loaded. A copy job ha s not been complet ed due to t he Out of Pape r sta tus . Load pa per . The print j ob w ill star t auto mati call y whe n th e cop y job i s com plete d.
5-3 5 T roubleshoot ing Printou t is wrong There i s a communicatio ns problem b etween the printer and your computer . - Make sure tha t your cab le connect ions are se cure . - Make sure tha t your par allel int erface cable is l ess than 9.9 f eet (3.
5-4 CAPT Problems Probl em Cause Soluti on CAP T is no t w orkin g properly The CAP T (Canon iR1510-167 0) driver is not s elected a s the default printer driver for imageRUNNER 1670F/1630/ 1610. Specify t he CAP T (Canon iR1510-16 70) driver as the defa ult drive r for the imageR UNNER 1670F/1630/1610.
5-5 5 T roubleshoot ing * The procedure for W indows XP is given for Category V iew Mode. . “File no t found on CD- ROM” erro r when starti ng the CD-ROM Menu.
5-6 CAP T displays t he status of your print ing envir onment and c urrent pr int job in t he St atus W ind ow . Alert s Alerts identify pr oblems that must be corre cted before printing ca n continue . Sometimes messages inform you t o do somethi ng, such as clear jammed pa per .
5-7 5 T roubleshoot ing T oner Empty/W aste T oner T ank Full The toner i n the tone r cartridg e is low , and the drum uni t is ful l of waste tone r . Replace th e toner ca rtridge or the drum uni t with a ne w one. Insuf fici ent M emory The print j ob was too compl ex for avai lable memory .
5-8 Fixing Unit Error Unplug the machine, and th en wait about 10 minu tes before you plug the machi ne in agai n. If the same e rror occurs , unplug th e machine again.
5-9 5 T roubleshoot ing The T roubl e Shooter i s a util ity for sol ving print ing problems i n W indo ws 95/98/Me or NT/ 2000/XP/Ser ver 2003. The T rouble Sh ooter checks f or syste m configura tion setti ng errors, and if pos sible, make s automati c correct ions.
5-10 T rou ble Shoote r checks whe ther system se ttings we re done cor rectly . If any i ncorrec t setti ng is found, it is corr ected aut omatically , if possibl e. T rouble Shooter pr ompts you to choose whet her you want to save t he results a s a text f ile.
5-11 5 T roubleshoot ing If CAP T is not work ing pro perly , it might he lp to remov e it and i nstall i t again. Befo re you begin, be s ure you have the inst allati on softwar e availab le for i nstallati on. Before uni nstalling CAP T , make sure you cl ose all run ning app lications.
6-1 6 Appendi x CHAPTER 6 Appendix The appendi x includes printer specifica tions, opt ional net work adapte r informa tion, the glossary , and the in dex. Printer Specific ations . ........................... ........................... .............
6-2 Printer Specifications Har dware Printing speed: 16 pages pe r minute ( L TR paper) Resoluti on: 600 dpi Paper siz es: Paper dr awer: L TR/LGL Plain pap er , colo red paper , recycled p aper Max imu m capa ci ty: 500 sheets (80 g/m 2 paper ) St ack Bypass: 3 x 5 i nches to 8-1/ 2 x 14 inches (76.
6-3 6 Appendi x The option al network adapter , the AXIS 1610 Pri nt Server , enables the im ageRUNNER 1670F/1630/ 1610 to be u sed as a pr inter di rectly conne cted to a network. Optiona l AXIS 1610 Print Ser v er NOTE • For more informat ion, refer to the AXIS 1610 us er ’ s manual provide d on the CD with the AXIS 1610 P rint S erver .
6-4 A AC Alterna ting Curr ent. The ty pe of elec trical current typi cally av ailable from househo ld wall out lets . Adapter An option al device that all ows you to conne ct your pr inter dire ctly to a net work.
6-5 6 Appendi x Collate T o print mult iple copi es of a multi -page docu ment in sequ ential page o rder . Command An in struc tio n tha t tell s the pr inte r to pe rform a ce rtai n func tion . Com mand s are sent fro m th e computer t o the prin ter via t he interfa ce cable wh en the pri nter is ready .
6-6 Fold er A contai ner in whic h documents, program fi les, and ot her folde rs are st ored on you r disks. Former ly refer red to as a di r ect ory . Font A complete set of ch aracters of the same s ize and styl e. For exampl e, 12-poin t Courier bold.
6-7 6 Appendi x J Jam A situati on created whe n paper becomes caught al ong the pape r path. Y ou must remove jammed pap er before you can con tinue print ing. K Kilobyte (KB) A unit of mea surement, repr esentin g the binary n umber 1024, use d to descr ibe printer or computer memor y size in thousand-byt e units.
6-8 P Paper fee d The act of guid ing a sheet of paper int o the pri nter ’ s paper path. Paper jam A situat ion create d when paper b ecomes c aught alon g the paper pat h. Y ou must r emove jammed pape r before you can cont inue prin ting. Paper path The rout e that pap er trave ls throug h the prin ter .
6-9 6 Appendi x Portrait A vertica l print o rientatio n. T ext and gra phics are printed acr oss the sh orter ax is of the page. Print job A document th at a W i ndows applicat ion has pr ocessed and s ent to the Spooler t o be added t o the prin t queue or direct ly to th e printer .
6-10 Resolution The densi ty of dots f or any given o utput devi ce, expressed i n terms of dot s per inch ( dpi). Low resolu tion caus es font ch aracters an d graphics to have a jagged appearance, but prints faster than hi gher reso lutions.
6-11 6 Appendi x S ta tus Wi ndow A window that the Canon Adva nced Print ing T echnolo gy uses to d isplay message s about the current print jo b, as well as t o graphicall y show the pr int job’ s progre ss from comput er to printer . T Titl e b a r The horizo ntal bar that cont ains the ti tle of a wi ndow or dia log box.
6-12 W Wei g ht Refers to the thi ckness of a f ont: li ght, medium, or bol d. Also refer s to the thic kness of p aper . Window s Explor er The W i ndows program you can use to browse thr ough, open, an d manage the d isk drives, folder s, and files on your comput er in a ne twork system.
6-13 6 Appendi x Numerics 600 dp i, 6-2 A A4 paper, 6-2 Abnormal condit io n icon, 4 -13 AC, 6-4 Add Printer Wizard Wind ows 2000 /XP/S erver 2003, 2- 27– 2-37 Wind ows 95/98 /Me, 2-7– 2-1 1 Wind .
6-14 M Mega byte, 6-7 Memory, Insufficient, 5-7 Menu ba r Status Wi ndow, 4- 3 using, 4-4–4- 7 Messages, 5-6–5-8 Minimi zing, S tatus Wi ndow, 4 -13 N Network Adapter, 6 -7 Network prin ter, 2-42.
6-15 6 Appendi x Settings, printer shari ng, 2-51 Sharin g tab Wind ows 95/98 /Me, 3-5 Wind ows NT, 3-18 Shielde d, 6-10 Specifica tions, printer, 6-2 Spee d, printi ng, 6-2 Spoo ling , 6-10 Stack B y.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Canon 1670f c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Canon 1670f - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Canon 1670f, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Canon 1670f va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Canon 1670f, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Canon 1670f.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Canon 1670f. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Canon 1670f ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.