Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 05-2352-005 du fabricant Intel
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Intel NetStructure ® Host Media Pr ocessing Software Release 1.2 fo r L i n u x Release Update September 2006 05-2352-00 5.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 3 About This Pub lication This se ction co ntains infor mation abo ut the f ol lowing topics: • Purpose • Intended A udience • How to U .
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 4 About This Publication Related Information See the following f or add itional infor mation: • For furth er inf or mation on issue s that hav e an ass ociated defect number , you ma y use the web-ena b led Def ect Q uer y tool at: http:// membersreso urce.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 5 Document Re vision Histor y This revision h istory summar izes the changes made in eac h published version of t he Release Update fo r In tel ® NetStr ucture™ Ho st Media Pr ocessing So ftware Release 1.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 6 Document Revision Hist or y The P ost -Release De velopmen ts section includes th e f ollowing changes: • Added s uppor t for T ransacti on Record. See Sectio n 1.6, “Transaction Record ” , on page 12.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 7 Document Revision Hist or y • In the Rel ease Docu mentation se ction, add ed inf or matio n about revising T able 2 of the Relea se Guide to suppor t 12 0 low bit rate coders ( Enhanced RTP resourc es).
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 8 1 1 . P ost-Release De velopments This secti on describe s significant chang es to the Intel® NetStr ucture™ Host Media Process ing Software Rel ease 1.2 for Linux subs equent to the ge neral av ailabi lity relea se date.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 9 1.2.1 Assumptions and Prerequisites The following a re basic req uirement s to inst all and r un the HMP s oftware: • Before installing th.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 10 3. Manuall y star t HMP s er vices usi ng dlsta rt . HMP ser vi ces will star t automatically whenev er you reboo t y our system. 1.2.3 Installing the Service Update The following pro cedure descr ibes how to ins tall the Ser vi ce Update.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 11 7. At this point, you hav e two opti ons: • Enter y if you already have obtained a li cense or want to use the verif ication license s upplied with the software. F ollow the proc edure f or act iv ati ng a license in Sectio n 2.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 12 Update 1 li braries. F ailure to us e this environment variable in mak efiles m a y caus e linking failures due to po tential name c onflict s . 1.3 Suppor t f o r SUSE Lin ux Ente rprise Server 9.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 13 For additional I nf or mation about T ran saction Rec ord, see Section 3.4 .14, “Voice A PI for Host Medi a Processi ng Library Refer ence” , on page 34 and S ection 3.4.15, “Voic e API for Host Med ia Pr ocessing Prog ramming Guide ” , on page 41 .
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 14 2 2 . Release Issues This ch apter inclu des the following topics that relate to release issues: • Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 15 Descripti on A summ ar y descr iption of the issue. For non-res olv e d issues, a work around is includ ed when av ai lab l e. T able 1. Issues Re solved in HMP 1. 2 Defect Number PTR Number SU No.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 16 IPY00009204 33894 6 CSP/V oice During heavy load, while running CSP and voice together , the HMP system may miss an e vent and ha ve a channel st ay bus y .
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 17 IPY00011249 33376 6 Install During the install, instead of entering 1 to install the HMP software, if a 1` entered. (the 1 and the k ey to the left of the 1 ke y), the install prints out some error messages and then installs only two of the pac kages (O OC and DMDEV).
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 18 2.2 Restrictions an d Limitations Known rest rictio ns and limi tations in th is release c an be categor ized as follows: • Genera l • .
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 19 • DM3Stder r and DebugAngel di agnostics tools are not s uppor ted in this releas e . As a wa y to d ebug DM3 firmware, all fi rmware pr ints are se nt to /var/log/messages b y default. They can be sent to stdout when th e boot ker nel is r un in n on-daemon m ode.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 20 • If usin g a non-G lobal Call call co ntrol stack, the ap plicatio n should st op RTP session s b y using ipm_Stop() . • Using the dlstop and dl start c ommands t o stop and then star t HMP .
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 21 Global Cal l applicat ions that us e the host-ba sed H.323 protocol stack may generate the follo wi ng error mes sage in the g c_h3r .log f ile if the applicatio n enables the s tac k to send the PROCEEDING messa ge automatic ally .
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 22 3. Using a te xt edi tor , op en the .con fig file. 4. Locate th e [IPVSC] section in the .config file. 5. In the [IP VSC] sectio n, locate the line setparm 0x4005, 49512 !set the rtpPortBas e on IPVSC The numbe r 49512 is t he default v alu e f or th is parameter .
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 23 The numbe r 6000 is th e def ault v alue f or thi s parameter . Y ou may change t he beginni ng of the T .38 se rv ice por t range b y fi rst editing this value and saving th e .config file.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Re v 05 — September 200 6 24 the 32 se cond tim eout is reac hed, a CAN CEL will be s ent by HMP to the r emote site. If there i s no response by t he remote si te to the CANCEL , there will be an additio nal 32 second timeout, at the end of whic h, a GCEV_D ISCONNECTED ev e nt will be repo r ted.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 25 3 3 . Documentation Updates The doc umentation u pdates are d ivided into the f o llowing sectio ns , which corres pond to the to p le vel catego ries use d in the onli ne docume ntation navigatio n page: • Release Documentatio n .
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 26 In Chapter 2, “System Requi rements” , the following sect ion is added : 2.4 Running a Demo Usin g a Single Channel The default cha nnel license provided with the HM P Linux 1.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 27 4. Sele ct Red Hat Enterpr ise Linux AS from the Channel Name l ist. 5, Sele ct Downloads from the menu selectio ns .
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 28 • The IP Me dia Ser ver (Global Call ) Demo Guide (P/N 05-2065-00 1) has been repl aced by the IP Medi a Ser v er for Host M edia Proces sing Demo G uide (P/N 05 -2389-001).
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 29 3.3.1 Host Media Pr ocessing Software Release 1.2 f o r Lin ux License Manager Admini stration Guide In all i nstances, the cor rect procedu re f or sta r ting the L icense Mana ger is: 1.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 30 3.4 De velopm ent So ftware D ocumen tatio n This se ction co ntains update s to the following docume nts: • A u dio Conf .
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 31 disable the acti ve talker feature , which is alway s enabled. It only disab les the notification to the application program.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 32 3.4.4 Continuous S p eec h Process ing API for Linux and Window s Operating Systems Pr ogramming Guide There ar e currently no updates to this docume nt.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 33 countr y_code The co untr y code. Range : 0 to 255; a n y value x> 255 is trea ted as x%256. extension The extension numbe r . Rang e: 0 to 255; an y v alue x>255 is treate d as x%256.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 34 3.4.10 IP Media Li b rary AP I fo r Host Media Pr ocessing Library Reference There ar e currently no updates to this docume nt. 3.4.11 IP Media Li b rary AP I fo r Host Media Pr ocessing Pr ogrammi ng Guide There ar e currently no updates to this docume nt.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 35 Descripti on The dx_mreciottdata( ) function records v oice data from two TDM b us time slots. The data may be recorded to a combination of data f iles, memory or custom de vices.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 36 • When recording V O X files, the data format is specified in DC_XPB rather than through the dx_setparm( ) funct ion. • V oice data files that are specified in th e DX_IO TT structure must be opened with the O_BIN AR Y flag.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 37 Example The follo wing example is for Linux applications. #include <fcnt l.h> #include <stdi o.h> #include <stdl ib.h> #include <srll ib.h> #include <dxxx lib.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 38 /* Set up D X_XPB structure */ xpb.wFileFo rmat = FILE_FORM AT_VOX; xpb.wDataFo rmat = 0; xpb.nSample sPerSec = 0L; xpb.wBitsPe rSample = 0; /*Set up DV _TPT structure * / dx_clrtpt ( &tpt,1); tpt.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 39 main() { int devh1, devh2, devh3; short fd; DV_TPT tpt; DX_IOTT iot t[2]; DX_XPB xpb; SC_TSINFO t sinfo; long scts; long tsl.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 40 /* Set up D X_IOTT structure */ iott[0].io_ fhandle = fd; iott[0].io_ type = IO_DEV; iott[0].
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 41 3.4.15 V oice API f or Host Media Proces sing Programm ing Guid e In se ction 8. 7.4 Str eamin g to Boar d Hints a nd Tips , the de f ault bulk qu eue buff er si z e is incorr ectly de scribed as 32 kbytes , rather than 16 kb ytes.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 42 3.5 Demonstration Software Docume ntation This se ction co ntains update s to the following docume nts: • A u dio Conferen.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 43 3.5.2 Continu o us Speec h Processi ng API f or Host Media Pr ocessing Demo Guide The Conti n uo us Speech Pr ocessing API for HMP Demo is des igned to run using a serie s of four or fe wer contiguo us channel s .
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Upda te, Rev 05 — Septe mber 2006Sep tember 2006 44 • In Section 4.1, “Starting the Demo” of Chapter 4, “Running the Demo” , the informat ion in the Linux subsecti on.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Intel 05-2352-005 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Intel 05-2352-005 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Intel 05-2352-005, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Intel 05-2352-005 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Intel 05-2352-005, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Intel 05-2352-005.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Intel 05-2352-005. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Intel 05-2352-005 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.