Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 71P7279 du fabricant IBM
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48X -2 0X In te r n al I D E CD-R O M Dri v e Us e r ’ s G u i d e .
Note: Before using this information and the pr oduct it supports, read the information under Appendix D, ″ Product warranties and notices ″ on page D-1. First Edition (September 2000) © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000. All rights reserved.
Contents About this book ..................... v Safety information ................... v i i Part 1: Installation and user ’ s guide ............. 1 - 1 Appendix A. Customizing device driver configuration settings . . . A-1 Appendix B. Problem solving .
iv 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User ’ s Guide.
About this book This manual contains instructions for installing, configuring, and troubleshooting the IBM ® 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive. The manual is divided into the following parts: Part 1:.
vi 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User ’ s Guide.
Safety information Before installing this pr oduct, read the Safety Information. Antes de instalar este produto, leia as Informa çõ es de Seguran ç a. Pred instal ací tohoto pr oduktu si prect ete prír ucku bezpecnostních instr ukcí. L æ s sikkerhedsforskrifterne, f ø r du installer er dette produkt.
Antes de instalar este produto, leia as Informa çõ es sobr e Seguran ç a. P red inštaláciou tohto zariadenia si pečítaje Bezpečnostné predpisy. Antes de instalar este producto lea la informaci ó n de seguridad. L ä ss ä kerhetsinformationen innan du installerar den h ä r pr odukten.
Part 1: Installation and user ’ s guide The IBM ® 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive can read a compact disc (CD) containing approximately 680 MB 1 of information. It is designed for installation in a personal computer that uses the integrated drive electronics (IDE) or the enhanced IDE architectur e.
2. Place or change the configuration jumper on the drive (and possibly make changes to the configuration jumpers of other devices). If you do not understand these procedur es or are unsur e about your ability to perform all the procedur es described, have a qualified computer technician install the CD-ROM drive for you.
Front view of the drive Refer to the illustration to identify parts that might be referr ed to in the installation instructions. 1 Headphone jack. Plug headphones in here for audio output. 2 V olume control. Adjust this dial to contr ol volume.
4 IDE connector . This is used to connect the CD-ROM drive to the IDE cable. 5 DC power connector . This is used to connect the dc power cor d to the CD-ROM drive. Installing the drive Follow these steps to install the CD-ROM drive in your computer .
or secondary . See the documentation that came with your computer to determine if your computer supports this setting. Step 4. Setting the configuration jumper The illustration shows the primary 1 setting, the secondary (or slave) 2 setting, and the cable-select 3 setting.
3. Check to make sure the alignment is corr ect; then tighten the screws to secure the drive. Do not overtighten. Step 6. Attaching the cables to the drive Connect the cables to the CD-ROM drive as follows.
Step 8. Updating your computer configuration After you have completed the hardwar e installation, restart your computer . Usually , the configuration-setup information scr een is displayed. If this screen is not displayed, check your computer documentation for information about accessing the configuration or setup utility program.
Use and care of the drive This section includes instructions for the proper car e of CDs and the car e and operation of your CD-ROM drive. Caring for a CD CDs are high-density media that must be handled with car e and kept clean to insure that they r emain readable.
– Excessive vibration, sudden shock, or inclined surface – Excessive dust Loading a CD T o load a CD into a horizontally mounted CD-ROM drive do the following: 1. Press the Eject/Load button. The tray slides out of the drive. 2. Insert the CD into the loading tray with the label facing up.
T o load a CD into a vertically mounted CD-ROM drive do the following: 1. Press the Eject/Load button. 2. Look at the illustrations and compare them to your loading tray . v If your loading tray looks like the left illustration, insert the CD carefully so that the edges of the CD are underneath the tabs on the loading tray .
Manually ejecting a CD If you press the Eject/Load button and the tray does not slide out, turn of f the computer . Straighten a large paper clip to form a tool, as shown in the illustration below . The straightened end must extend at least 45 mm (1.8 in.
2. Insert an data CD into the CD-ROM drive. Many program CDs will automatically start at this point. If the CD does not automatically start, go on to step 3. 3. Double-click My Computer . 4. V erify that the CD-ROM icon is displayed. 5. Double-click the CD-ROM icon.
Chapitre 1 : Installation et utilisation L’unité de CD-ROM interne IDE 48X-20X d’IBM est capable de lire un disque compact (CD) contenant environ 680 Mo 1 d’informations. Elle a été conçue pour s’installer dans un ordinateur personnel qui dispose de l’ar chitecture IDE (integrated drive electronics) ou E-IDE (IDE améliorée).
A vant de commencer Déterminez si votre or dinateur dispose des caractéristiques minimum requises ; consultez la section «Configuration système requise» pour plus de renseignements. Lisez les informations ci-après avant de commencer l’installation.
Précautions de manipulation Afin de protéger votr e périphérique lors de l’installation, observez les consignes suivantes : v Manipulez l’unité avec précaution. Si vous heurtez ou laissez tomber l’unité, vous risquez d’endommager ses composants internes.
V ue de la face arrière de l’unité Reportez-vous à l’illustration pour identifier les éléments qui sont mentionnés dans les instructions d’installation. « 1 ¬ Réservé. « 2 ¬ Connecteur de sortie audio. Ce connecteur est utilisé pour raccorder l’unité de CD-ROM à une carte audio.
Etape 2. Déballage de l’unité 1. A vant d’ouvrir la pochette antistatique dans laquelle l’unité est emballée, placez-la contre une surface en métal nu pendant au moins deux secondes. Ceci a pour effet de déchar ger l’électricité statique accumulée sur l’emballage et sur votre corps.
Etape 4. Positionnement du cavalier de configuration L’illustration représente la position primair e « 1 ¬ , la position secondaire (ou esclave) « 2 ¬ et la position sélection-câble « 3 ¬ . Configurez l’unité de CD-ROM en plaçant le cavalier sur le groupe de br oches correspondant au paramétrage que vous avez choisi à l’étape 3.
v Si vous configurez l’unité de CD-ROM comme périphérique primair e, positionnez le cavalier sur la position maître « 1 ¬ (c’est la position définie sur l’unité telle qu’elle est livrée). Si un deuxième périphérique est présent sur le port IDE, assurez-vous qu’il est configuré comme périphérique secondair e.
Etape 6. Raccordement des câbles à l’unité Raccordez les câbles à l’unité de CD-ROM comme suit. 1. Si vous disposez d’une carte son, examinez les câbles audio fournis et déterminez celui qui s’adapte le mieux au port d’entrée CD audio de votre carte son.
Etape 8. Mise à jour de la configuration de votre ordinateur Après avoir terminé l’installation matérielle, redémarr ez votre or dinateur . Généralement, l’écran de configuration apparaît. Si ce n’est pas le cas, consultez la documentation de votre or dinateur pour savoir comment accéder à l’utilitaire de configuration.
Précautions d’utilisation Cette section comporte des renseignements sur la manièr e adéquate de manipuler les CD et d’utiliser votre unité de CD-ROM. Manipulation des CD Les CD sont des supports haute densité qui doivent être manipulés avec précaution et ne pas être salis afin de r ester lisibles.
v Ne faites pas fonctionner l’unité dans l’une des situations suivantes : – T empérature élevée, fort degré d’hygr ométrie ou exposition directe aux rayons du soleil – V ibration exces.
Pour charger un CD dans une unité de CD-ROM montée verticalement, procédez comme suit : 1. Appuyez sur le bouton Ejection/Chargement. 2. Examinez les illustrations et comparez-les avec votr e plateau de chargement.
Ejection manuelle d’un CD Si vous appuyez sur le bouton Ejection/Chargement et que le plateau ne sort pas, éteignez l’ordinateur . Dépliez un grand trombone, comme le montr e l’illustration ci-dessous. L’extrémité dépliée doit s’étendre sur au moins 45 mm.
Utilisation d’un CD de données Les CD de données peuvent contenir des fichiers de données, des jeux ou des applications. Windows 95, Windows 98, W indows NT 4.
Parte 1: Instalación y guía del usuario La unidad de CD ROM IBM ® IDE interna 48X-20X puede leer un disco compacto (CD) que contenga aproximadamente 680 MB 1 . Está diseñada para su instalación en un PC que utilice la electrónica de unidades integradas (IDE) o la arquitectura IDE mejorada.
1. Determine el conector IDE que debe utilizar y los valores de configuración correspondientes. 2. Coloque el puente de configuración en la unidad o cámbielo (y posiblemente realice modificaciones en los puentes de configuración de los otros dispositivos).
Vista frontal de la unidad Consulte la ilustración para identificar las piezas a las que las instrucciones de instalación pueden hacer refer encia. « 1 ¬ Conector de auriculares. Conecte los auriculares aquí para la salida de audio. « 2 ¬ Control de volumen.
« 3 ¬ Pins de configuración. La colocación del puente sobre estos pins determina la prioridad de la unidad de CD ROM en el bus IDE. « 4 ¬ Conector IDE. Se utiliza para conectar la unidad de CD ROM al cable IDE. « 5 ¬ Conector de corriente continua.
más información sobre cómo definir los puentes de configuración de otr os dispositivos, consulte la documentación que acompaña al sistema o al dispositivo en cuestión.
el CD correctamente. Para obtener instrucciones acer ca de cómo asegurar los CD en una unidad montada verticalmente, consulte el apartado “Carga de un CD ” e n l a págin a 1- 35 . 1. Deslice la unidad dentro de la bahía. Es posible que el sistema necesite procedimientos específicos para instalar dispositivos de almacenamiento.
Paso 7. Finalización de la instalación del hardware 1. Asegúrese de que la unidad esté montada de forma segura y de que los conectores estén conectados firmemente.
instrucciones de la pantalla para instalar los controlador es de dispositivos. Consulte la documentación que acompaña al sistema operativo para obtener más información. Utilización y cuidado de la unidad Este apartado incluye instrucciones para el cuidado adecuado de los CD y del funcionamiento de la unidad de CD ROM.
v No inserte objetos extraños en la unidad. v No extraiga la cubierta de la unidad ni intente repararla. v No haga funcionar la unidad en las condiciones siguientes: – Altas temperaturas, mucha hum.
Para cargar un CD en una unidad de CD ROM montada verticalmente, r ealice los pasos siguientes: 1. Pulse el botón de expulsión/carga. 2. Mire las ilustraciones y compár elas con la bandeja de carga.
Expulsión de un CD manualmente Si pulsa el botón de expulsión/carga y la bandeja no se desliza hacia fuera, apague el sistema. Enderece un clip grande para formar una herramienta, como se muestra en la ilustración siguiente. El extremo ender ezado debe tener por lo menos 45 mm (1,8 ″ ).
1. Encienda el sistema y arranque el sistema operativo si todavía no lo ha hecho. 2. Inserte un CD de datos en la unidad de CD ROM. Muchos CD de programas empezarán de forma automática en este momento. Si el CD no empieza automáticamente, vaya al paso 3.
Parte 1: Guida per l’utente e all’installazione L’unità CD-ROM con IDE interno IBM ® 48X-20X è in grado di leggere un CD (compact disc) che contiene circa 680 MB 1 di informazioni. Essa è designata per l’installazione relativa ad un elaborator e che utilizza la struttura IDE (integrated drive electronics) o EIDE (enhanced IDE).
2. Posizionare o modificar e il cavallotto di configurazione dell’unità (e possibilmente apportare le modifiche ai cavallotti di configurazione di altr e unità).
Vista anteriore dell’unità Per individuare le parti che potr ebbero fare riferimento alle istruzioni sull’installazione, consultare l’illustrazione. « 1 ¬ Connettore per cuffie. Per l’emissione audio, collegar e le cuffie in questo punto. « 2 ¬ Controllo del volume.
« 3 ¬ Piedini di configurazione. La posizione del cavallotto su questi piedini determina la priorità dell’unità CD-ROM sul bus IDE. « 4 ¬ Connettore IDE. Questo connettore viene utilizzato per collegar e l’unità CD-ROM al cavo IDE. « 5 ¬ Connettore di alimentazione DC.
l’impostazione di configurazione dell’unità disco fisso come impostazione secondaria insieme a quella principale, quando viene collegata un’unità secondaria sullo stesso cavo.
E’ possibile fissare l’unità CD-ROM orizzontalmente o verticalmente. Se si fissa l’unità verticalmente, è necessario collegare i CD, inseriti nell’unità, prima di chiudere il vassoio dell’unità o l’unità CD-ROM non riesce a legger e il CD correttamente.
3. Collegare un cavo di alimentazione a quattr o piedini « 3 ¬ al connettore di alimentazione dc dell’unità. Passo 7. Completamento dell’installazione dell’hardware 1. V erificar e che l’unità sia fissata correttamente e che i connettori siano collegati correttamente.
Driver di periferica per Windows 95, Windows 98, W indows NT , Windows 2000 e Windows Me I sistemi operativi W indows 98 e W indows Me rilevano automaticamente l’unità CD-ROM e non visualizzano alcun pannello di installazione.
Utilizzo e manutenzione dell’unità Questa sezione comprende le istruzioni r elative alla manutenzione corretta dei CD e al funzionamento dell’unità CD-ROM. Manutenzione di un CD I CD sono strumenti a densità elevata che devono essere gestiti con cura e pulizia appropriata in modo da esser e leggibili.
v Non utilizzare l’unità nelle seguenti condizioni: – T emperatura elevata, umidità elevata o luce diretta del sole – V ibrazioni eccessive, urti improvvisi o superficie inclinata – Polvere eccessiva Caricamento di un CD Per caricare un CD in un’unità CD-ROM fissata orizzontalmente, pr ocedere nel modo seguente: 1.
Per caricare un CD in un’unità CD-ROM fissata verticalmente, pr ocedere nel modo seguente: 1. Premer e il pulsante di espulsione/caricamento. 2. Consultare le illustrazioni e confr ontarle con il vassoio di caricamento in uso.
Espulsione manuale di un CD Se viene premuto il pulsante di espulsione/caricamento ed il vassoio non viene estratto, spegnere l’elaborator e. Raddrizzare la graffetta per la carta per formare uno strumento, come riportato nella figura seguente. L’estr emità di una graffetta deve esser e di almeno 45 mm.
Windows 95, Windows 98, W indows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 o Windows Me Per leggere un CD dati, pr ocedere nel modo seguente: 1. Accendere l’elaborator e ed avviare il sistema operativo. 2. Inserire un CD dati nell’unità CD-ROM. Diversi CD di pr ogramma vengono avviati automaticamente.
1- 52 Unit à CD-RO M co n ID E intern o 48X-20X : Guid a pe r l’utente.
Parte 1: Instalação e Guia do Usuário A Unidade de Disco de CD-ROM IDE Interna IBM ® 48X-20X pode ler um disco compacto (CD) contendo aproximadamente 680 MB 1 de informações.
V ocê deve concluir as seguintes etapas para instalar a unidade: 1. Determine qual conector IDE utilizará e a definição de configuração correspondente. 2. Posicione o jumper de configuração na unidade ou altere-o (e possivelmente faça alterações nos jumpers de configuração de outros dispositivos).
Vista Frontal da Unidade Consulte a ilustração para identificar as partes que podem ser mencionadas nas instruções de instalação. « 1 ¬ T omada do fone de ouvido. Conecte os fones de ouvido nessa tomada para a saída de áudio. « 2 ¬ Controle de volume.
« 3 ¬ Pinos de configuração. O posicionamento dos jumpers nesses pinos determina a prioridade da unidade de CD-ROM no barramento IDE. « 4 ¬ Conector IDE. Esse conector é utilizado para conectar a unidade de CD-ROM ao cabo IDE. « 5 ¬ Conector de alimentação CC.
com secundário presente, ao conectar um dispositivo secundário no mesmo cabo. Para obter mais informações sobre o posicionamento dos jumpers de configuração em outros dispositivos, consulte a documentação que acompanha o computador ou o dispositivo em questão.
v Se estiver configurando a unidade de CD-ROM como primária, defina o jumper para o dispositivo « 1 ¬ mestre. (Essa é a forma como a unidade é vem definida.) Se houver um segundo dispositivo na porta IDE, certifique-se de ele esteja configurado como secundário.
Etapa 6. Conectando os Cabos à Unidade Conecte os cabos à unidade de CD-ROM, conforme segue. 1. Se você tiver uma placa de áudio, localize os cabos de áudio incluídos e determine qual cabo se encaixa melhor na porta de entrada de áudio do CD na placa de áudio.
isso não ocorrer , verifique a documentação do computador para obter informações sobre como acessar o pr ograma utilitário de configuração ou instalação. Para ver as informações de configuração da maioria dos computadores IBM, pressione o botão F1 durante a inicialização.
Utilização e Cuidados com a Unidade Esta seção inclui instruções sobre o cuidado adequado com os CDs e sobr e o cuidado e a operação da unidade de CD-ROM. Cuidando de um CD CDs são mídias de alta densidade que devem ser manuseadas com cuidado e mantidas limpas para garantir que permaneçam legíveis.
– T emperatura alta, umidade alta ou luz direta do sol – V ibração excessiva, choque repentino ou superfície inclinada – Poeira excessiva Carregando um CD Para carregar um CD em uma unidade de CD-ROM montada na posição horizontal, faça o seguinte: 1.
Para carregar um CD em uma unidade de CD-ROM montada na posição vertical, faça o seguinte: 1. Pressione o botão Ejetar/Carr egar . 2. V eja as ilustrações e compar e-as com a sua bandeja de carregamento.
Ejetando Manualmente um CD Se você pressionar o botão Ejetar/Carr egar e a bandeja não deslizar para fora, desligue o computador . Endireite um clipe de papel grande para formar uma ferramenta, conforme mostrado na ilustração a seguir . A extremidade do clipe aberto deve estender-se a pelo menos 45 mm (1,8 pol).
1. Ligue o computador e inicie o sistema operacional, se ainda não o tiver feito. 2. Insira o CD de dados na unidade de CD-ROM. Muitos CDs de programas iniciarão automaticamente nesse ponto. Se isso não ocorrer , vá para a etapa 3. 3. Dê um clique duplo em Meu Computador .
1- 66 Unidad e d e Disc o d e CD-RO M ID E Intern a 48X-20X : Gui a d o Usuário.
1 í ≈ G w Γ U IBM ® 48X-20 X í ID E ≈ iH ¬ ] t 680 MB C b ] p W A oí ≈ i w ≤ Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) Enhanc.
t D bw ≈ º e A ² T w z q ú X U C t D G v L B z C D G 80486 v RAM C D G 4M B v 5.25 T n í ≈ v sb i IDE s u m v s.
≈ U C H O U í ≈ ≤ A H K y ß iH Q w í ñ U ⁿ C 1 ≈ í C B T Θ X A b B í .
5 DC q s C o s O s ≈ DC q u C w ≈ ϕ U C B J N ≈ w z q ú ñ C B J 1. } q ú 1. ÷ ¼ q ú Σ m q C 2. ε ú q ú m q u C 3.
m ≈ C ÷ Ω T A 1- 70 y B J 3. ∩ IDE s ≡ z A e C v p G z n N ≈ m t m ¿ D n m A N ⌡ ] w D n �.
B J 6. s u ϕ U C Φ í t ≈ u C 1. p G z q ú ñ t d A ∩ t d W iH f t T ¼ s ≡ .
: ∩ Y u @ IDE s ≡ ¼ q ú Ñ A ϕ z b ° t m ] mΩ T A i α Σ ú ÷ ≈ ÷ Ω T C Y O b o í p U A u n z w { T L A z ! M ß iH ≈ C B J 9.
≈ P O i ú z ÷ P ≈ P O i í C O i " ≤ @ ¬ K C Θ A H n p O H T O Σ .
ⁿ J Yn N ⁿ J⌠ ¡ w ≈ A ⌡ µ U C B J G 1. ÷ @U u h X / ⁿ J v ÷ s C ≈ ½ L X C 2.
Yn N ⁿ J ½ w ≈ A ⌡ µ U C B J G 1. ÷ @U u h X / ⁿ J v ÷ s C 2. d ± z ≈ ⁿ J ½ L í C v p G z ≈ ½ L .
Γ h X p G z ÷ U u h X / ⁿ J v ÷ s A ²½ L L k h X A ² ÷ ¼ q ú C p U A N @ O w ¿ @ u π C ° 45 τ ] 1.
6. d T { z iH ° W C p G z L k ∩ CD-ROM O ° ñ Ω A B-1 y ² B.
Q < H 1 : $s9H < k *hS f < 6 < : & ,$I IBM ® b " ? 4 8 . CD-RO M Ii$ V (IDE ) O " s 68 0 MB 1 N 3sQ/ H & G#9 / (CD ) r I _ h k3H,G-^9 # = J O " Integrate d Drive .
2 . Ii$V e G = . 8csQ < r h j U 1k+ " r 9 7^ 9 ( l g KhCF O " > N GP$9 N = . 8csQ < r Q 9 7^9 ) # e - N j g ,h/ } r G-J$ l g " ^?O b @ 7? j g r9YF B T G-k+ I&+o+iJ$ l g O .
Ii$V N 5 L ^ 3N ^ r 2 H 7F " h j U 1 b @ K P F/k F t r N ' 7F*$F/@5$ # « 1 ¬ XCI[s & 8cC/ # * < G#* P O r T &KO " XCI[s r33K 9 7 ~ sG/@5$ # « 2 ¬ je < ` & 3sHm &l.
« 3 ¬ = . Ts # 3liN Ts e N 8csQ < N [ V Khj " ID E P9 GN CD-RO M Ii$V N % h g L , h ^j^9 # « 4 ¬ ID E 3M/? <# CD-RO M Ii$V r ID E 1 < Vk K 3 7^9 # « 5 ¬ D C E ; 3M/? <# D C E ; 3 < I r CD-RO M Ii$V K 3 7^ 9 # Ii$V N h j U 1 CD-RO M Ii$V r 3sTe < ? < K h j U 1k j g O " ! NH*jG9 # 9FC W 1 .
v l t N IB M J 0 N 3sTe < ? < GO " 1 < Vk * r N _ j M , 5] < H 5 lF$kbNb"j^9 # 3liN 3sTe < ? < GO " 1 < Vk e N GP $9 N L V KhCF " =N GP$9 , ^9? < + 9l < .
1 . Ii$V r Y$ N f K ^ ~ 7^9 # * H $N 3sTe < ? < KhCFO " - 1 u V r h j U 1kNK C L J j g , W a 5lk l g ,"j^9 # 5iK 7$ X ( KD$FO " * H $N 3sTe < ? < K U 0 N q A r 2 H 7F/ @5$ # 2 .
2 . 1 < Vk , 3sTe < ? < N +P < N Y b KJCF$?j " E ; ! = N U! s N ) , d L w P ) r 8 2 7F$J$+ N +a^9 # 3 . 3sTe < ? <& +P < r 5 L j h j U 1^9 # 4 . GP$9 r9YF F 3 7 " - < < I " ^&9 " bK? < JI " h j 0 7 ? D = - N"k GP$9 r A'C/ 7^9 # 5 .
Ii$V N H Q H j ~ l 3N ;/7gs KO " C D N 5 7$ j ~ l*hS CD-RO M Ii$V N j ~ l *hS ` n KD$FN X ( , - 5lF$^9 # C D N j ~ l C D O b ) Y aG#" G9 # I _ h j D = J u V K ] D?aK " 5 E K h j 7 $ &.
– b 9 " b > Y " ^?O > M | w – a Y N 6 0 " ^ c J W b " ^?O 9 $? L – a Y N[3j C D N ;CH # K h j U 1il ? CD-RO M Ii$V K C D r ;CH 9kKO " ! Nh&K 7F/@5$ # 1 . $8'/H / ;CH & ?s r ! 7^9 # Hl$ , Ii$V +i 9i$I 7F P F-^9 # 2 .
D K h j U 1il ? CD-RO M Ii$V K C D r ;CH 9kKO " ! Nh&K 7F/@5$ # 1 . $8'/H / ;CH & ?s r ! 7^9 # 2 . ^ r + F " * H $ N C D Hl$ H f S 7F/@5$ # v * H $ N C D Hl$ , 8 N ^ K w F$k l g.
C D r j 0 G h j P 9 $8'/H / ;CH & ?s r ! 7F " Hl$ , 9i$I 7F P F3J$ l g O " 3sTe < ? < N E ; r Z CF/@5$ # g ? N /jCW r^C90K - P 7F " < ^ K ( 9h&J D < k K7^9 # ^C.
1 . 3sTe < ? < N E ; r^@ *s K7F$J$ l g O " 33G *s K7 " * Zl < F#s0 & 79F` r O 0 7^9 # 2 . G < ? C D r CD-RO M Ii$V K ^ ~ 7^9 # ? /N Wm0i ` CD O " 3N ~ @ G + 0 * K + O 5l^9 # C D , + 0 * K + O 5lJ$ l g O " 9FC W 3 K J _^9 # 3 .
Appendix A. Customizing device driver configuration settings This section contains information about how to customize and configure device drivers. Changing the Windows 98 and Windows Me device-driver settings W indows 98 and W indows Me have two device-driver configuration parameters: Auto Insert Notify and DMA.
5. Click the IDE A T A/A T API controller to open the tree. 6. Double-click the device that corresponds to the port of your CD-ROM. It will either be Primary IDE or Secondary IDE. 7. Click the Advanced Settings tab. 8. Select the T ransfer Mode pull-down and select DMA if available .
Appendix B. Problem solving Computer problems can be caused by har dware, software, or user err or . Using the information in this section, you might be able to solve problems yourself or gather helpful information you can pass on to a service technician.
connector at one end of the cable to the IDE port. Attach the CD-ROM drive or any other slower device to the middle connector , and attach the other end connector to your hard disk drive or other device.
6. Check to see if there is a conflict between devices by doing the following: a. In the System Properties window , double-click CD-ROM to list the available devices, and click to select one from the list. b. Click the Properties button. c. Under Device Status, there is a statement indicating whether the CD-ROM device is working properly .
The CD-ROM drive is not recognized by the operating system, or drive performance is erratic. Some computers, such as IBM PS/V aluePoint models 6472, 6482, 6484, 6492, and 6494, have a compatible mode and a high performance mode for mass storage devices.
v Adjust the audio-adapter volume control. See the documentation that comes with your sound adapter and audio-CD player program. v T urn off the computer , unplug the cables from the electrical outlets for your computer and all attached devices, and remove the computer cover .
v CDR-103 The CD in the CD-ROM drive is not a High Sierra or an ISO 9660 format. The CD-ROM drive does not support this format. The connectors on the audio cables provided do not fit the connector on your audio adapter . Some audio adapters might requir e special cable.
Appendix C. Help and service information This section contains information on how to obtain online and telephone technical support. Online technical support Online technical support is available during the life of your product. Online assistance can be obtained th r ough the Personal Computing Support W eb sit e.
For the support telephone number and support hours by country , r efer to the following table or to the enclosed technical support insert. Support phone numbers are also available by clicking HelpCenter phone list on the IBM support W eb page at http://www .
Appendix D. Product warranties and notices W arranty Statements The warranty statements consist of two parts: Part 1 and Part 2. Part 1 varies by country . Part 2 is the same for both statements. Be sur e to read both the Part 1 that applies to your country and Part 2.
Date of Installation. The date on your sales receipt is the Date of Installation, unless IBM or your reseller informs you otherwise. During the warranty period IBM or your reseller , if approved by IB.
W arranty Service T o obtain warranty service for the Machine, contact your reseller or IBM. In the United States, call IBM at 1-800-772-2227. In Canada, call IBM at 1-800-565-3344. (In T oronto, call 416-383-3344.) Y ou may be required to pr esent proof of pur chase.
IBM is responsible for loss of, or damage to, your Machine while it is 1) in IBM ’ s possession or 2) in transit in those cases where IBM is r esponsible for the transportation charges.
IBM Statement of W arranty Worldwide except Canada, Puerto Rico, T urkey , United States (Part 1 - General T erms) This Statement of Warranty includes Par t1-G eneral T erms and Part 2 - Country-unique T erms. The terms of Part 2 may replace or modify those of Part 1.
which IBM is not responsible. The warranty is voided by r emoval or alteration of Machine or parts identification labels. THESE W ARRANTIES ARE YOUR EXCLUSIVE W ARRANTIES AND REPLACE ALL OTHER W ARRAN.
Any feature, conversion, or upgrade IBM or your r eseller services must be installed on a Machine which is 1) for certain Machines, the designated, serial-numbered Machine and 2) at an engineering-change level compatible with the feature, conversion, or upgrade.
(including fundamental breach, negligence, misr epresentation, or other contract or tort claim), IBM is liable for no more than 1. damages for bodily injury (including death) and damage to real pr operty and tangible personal property; and 2. the amount of any other actual direct damages, up to the gr eater of U.
acquired for personal, domestic or household use or consumption, then none of the limitations in this paragraph apply . PEOPLE ’ S REPUBLIC OF CHINA: Governing Law: The following is added to this Statement: The laws of the State of New Y ork govern this Statement.
If you purchased an IBM Personal Computer Machine in Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Geor gia, Hungary , Kazakhstan, Kir ghizia, Federal Republic .
W arranty Service: The following is added to this Section: During the warranty period, transportation for delivery of the failing Machine to IBM will be at IBM ’ s expense. Production Status: The following paragraph replaces this Section: Each Machine is newly manufactured.
Applicability of suppliers and resellers (unchanged). The following replaces the second paragraph of this Section: Unless otherwise provided by mandatory law , IBM and your r eseller are not liable for any of the following: (items 1 and 2 unchanged) 3) indirect damages, even if IBM or your reseller is informed of their possibility .
Notices This publication was developed for products and services of fered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the pr oducts, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM repr esentative for information on the products and services curr ently available in your area.
will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurements may have been estimated thr ough extrapolation. Actual r esults may vary .
48X-20X CD-ROM Drive Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide r easonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
Industry Canada Class B emission compliance statement This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. A vis de conformite a la reglementation d ’ Industrie Canada Cet appareil num é rique de classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
pour l ’é quipement de Classe B ont é t é d é finies en fonction d ’ un contexte r é sidentiel ordinair e afin de fournir une protection raisonnable contre l ’ interf é rence d ’ appar eils de communication autoris é s.
D-18 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User ’ s Guide.
Part Number: 71P7279 Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper containing 10% recovered post-consumer fiber . *71P7279*.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté IBM 71P7279 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du IBM 71P7279 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation IBM 71P7279, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le IBM 71P7279 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le IBM 71P7279, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du IBM 71P7279.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le IBM 71P7279. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei IBM 71P7279 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.