Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Q1910S du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Q1910/Q1910s, Q2010/Q2010s, Q2210/ Q2210s LCD Monitors User Guide.
© 2010 Hewlett -Packard Deve lopment Company, L.P. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are either trademarks or registered tradem arks of Microsoft Co rporation in the United States and/or other countries. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accom panying suc h products and services.
About This G uide This gu ide provi des inform ation on se tting up the monitor, ins talli ng driver s, using the on -scree n displa y menu, tro ubles hooting and tech nical spe cificati ons. WARNING! Text set off in this manner indi cates tha t failure to follo w direction s could result i n bodily harm or lo ss of life.
iv About This G uide ENWW.
Table of contents 1 Product Feature s ......... ....... ....... ...... .......... ....... ....... ....... ....... ........... ....... ....... ....... ....... . ............ ....... .......... .... 1 Compaq LCD Mo nitors ............. .......... ......
Preparing to Cal l Technical Support ........... ........... ............ .............. .................. ............ ........... .. ........ 25 Locating th e Rating Label ............. ................... ........... .............. ........... ...
1 Product Features Compaq LCD Monitors The Com paq LCD (liqu id crys tal displ ay) moni tors hav e an activ e matrix , thin-f ilm trans istor (TFT ) screen with the follow ing featu res: ● Large di .
● Software and uti lities C D, con tainin g the follow ing: ◦ Drivers ◦ Auto adjustme nt software ◦ Document s 2 Chapt er 1 Product F eatures ENWW.
2 Safety and Main tenance Guidelines Important Safety Information A power cord is incl uded w ith the monit or. If ano ther cor d is used, us e only a power source and connectio n appropriate for this mo nitor.
Safety Precautions ● Use only a pow er sour ce an d connec tion com patible with this mon itor, as indic ated on the la bel/ back plate of t he monitor.
Maintenance G uidelines To enhance the per formanc e and extend the life of the mo nitor: ● Do not open the mon itor cabinet or attem pt to servic e this product your self. Adjust only tho se controls that are cov ered in the op eratin g instru ctions .
3 Set ting Up th e Monitor Unpacking The Monitor 1. Unpack th e moni tor. Mak e sur e all c ontents are in clude d. Stor e the p ackin g box . 2. Turn off the c ompute r and oth er at tached device s. 3. Determine whether the mo nitor wil l be deskt op mounted or wall-moun ted.
2. Hold the ba se and push it ont o the botto m of th e sup port column until it snaps into place. Figure 3-1 Installing the monito r base 3. Lift th e monitor to an upright posit ion an d place on a fl at, st able sur face. Figure 3-2 Monitor in upright po sition Preparing the monitor for wa ll-mounting 1.
4. Release th e base fr om th e column by sque ezing the two ta bs tow ard each other. P ull the base away from the colu mn as y ou do so. Figu re 3- 3 Bottom view of monito r base show ing releas e tabs (cir cled) 5. Remove th e screw s insid e the s upport colum n as indicat ed.
6. Rock the bo ttom of th e suppo rt column until it snap s away fr om the top portion of the column, which covers the support co lumn mou nting brac ket. Figure 3-5 Snapping th e botto m portion of the c olumn from the top 7. Slide th e top p ortion of the column up to expose t he mou nting b racket.
9. Slide the colum n mounti ng bracket awa y from the bottom of the mon itor. Figu re 3- 7 Slidi ng the column mou nting bra cket from the mo nitor 10. Remove the Com paq logo fro m the back of mon itor to ex pose the t op two threade d holes (A ) and (B) for t he wall mount br acket.
Connectin g Monit or Cables Connecting the VGA (Analog) Cable or DVI-D (Digital) Cable Use a V GA vid eo cable or a DVI-D c able to c onnect y our mon itor t o your com puter. 1. To connect th e VGA cable Connect one en d of the VGA video cab le to the back of the monitor and the oth er end to the VGA video conne ctor on th e comput er.
Connecti ng the Au dio Cab le Conne ct the built- in mon itor spea kers to the c ompute r by using the au dio cab le, as show n in the follo wing illust ratio n: Figure 3-10 Conn ectin g the audi o ca.
Connectin g the Powe r Cable 1. Follow all Ele ctrical and Power W arnings WARNING! To reduce the ri sk o f electr ic shoc k or damage to you r equ ipment : Do not dis able the po wer cord groun ding plug . The gro unding plug is an impo rtant s afety fea ture.
Cable Ma nage ment Figure 3-12 Routing cables throu gh the rear of the suppo rt colum n Adjust ing The Ti lt For o ptimal v iewing , adju st the sc reen tilt t o your o wn prefe rence , as fol lows: 1. Face the front of th e moni tor and h old the base so tha t you do not t opple the mo nitor w hile c hangin g the tilt.
4 Operating the Monitor CD Software and Utilit ies The CD that i s inclu ded wi th this m onitor c ontain s driv ers and softwar e tha t you ca n ins tall o n yo ur comput er.
Using the Auto Adjus tment Fu nction You c an ea sily o ptimize the scr een per formanc e for th e VG A input by using the Auto/ OK button on th e monitor and the auto ad justm ent patter n softwar e on th e CD p rovided. Do not use thi s procedu re if your monit or is usi ng a DVI in put.
Side-Panel Contr ols Control buttons are loc ated on the right s ide of th e monitor : Figure 4-2 Side- panel control button s 1 2 3 4 5 No. Icon De scription 1 Power T urns the monitor on or puts it in standby or sleep mode. The Power button is located on the top right side of the monitor.
Using the On-Scr een Di spla y (OSD) An on-scr een displ ay is an image sup erimpos ed on a screen pi cture , common ly used by m onitors, televis ions, V CRs, a nd DVD players to d isplay inform ation su ch as volume, chan nel, a nd ti me. 1. If the monitor is not alread y on, press the Po wer button to turn on the monitor.
Icon Main Menu Op tions Sub-m enu Option s Description Custom Color Selects and adjusts your own color scales: R — Sets your own red color levels. G — Sets your own green color levels. B — Sets your own blue color levels. Image Control Adjusts the screen image.
Icon Main Menu Options Sub-menu Option s Description OSD Timeout S ets the time in seconds that the OSD is visible after the last button is pr essed. The factory default is 30 seconds. Power Save r Enables the power saving f eature (see "Power-Saver Fe ature" in this chapter).
Icon Main Menu Op tions Sub-m enu Option s Description Management Power-On Status Display Displays the oper ating status of the monitor each time the monitor is powered on. Select the location at which t o display the status: Top Middle Bottom Off The factory default is Top or Off, depending on the model.
Icon Main Menu Options Sub-menu Option s Description Versio n Reports the f irmware version of t he monitor. Backlight Hours Reports the t otal hours of b acklight operation. Service Support For service suppor t, go to: http: //www .hp. com / support Factory Res et Returns settings to fac tory defaults.
Adjusting Screen Quality The auto adjustm ent featur e automati call y fine-t unes the image qua lity for display si ze, posi tion, cl ock, and phase eac h time a new vid eo mode is displ ayed. For more precise a djust ments of VGA inp ut, run the Auto Adju stmen t software on th e CD.
A Troubleshooting Solving Co mmon Problems The fol lowin g table list s pos sible pr oblem s, the possible caus e of each pr oblem , and the reco mmende d solutions : Proble m Solutio n Power LED is not on. Make sure the Power button is on, and the power cord is properly connected to a grounded power outlet and to the monitor.
Proble m Soluti on Unable to hear audio from built-in speakers. Do the following: ● Ensure the source signal is good by using headphones at the source. ● Press the Menu button to access the OSD menu. Select Man agement , and then select Volume to adjust the volume.
● Conditions under which the problem oc curr ed ● Error m essag es rec eive d ● Hardware config urati on ● Name and vers ion of hardwar e and softwar e you ar e us ing Locati ng the Rating L abel The rating lab el on the monito r provide s the produ ct number and ser ial number .
B Technical Specifications All spe cific ations re prese nt the typ ical specifi catio ns provid ed by HP' s compo nent manu factur ers; actual perfo rma nce may var y ei ther hig her or lower .
Specifications: Power Source: 100–240VAC, 50/60 Hz Power Consum ption: 40 w atts ( W) m axim um Sleep Power Con sumption: <2 watts (W) typical Table B-2 M odels Q2010 Q2010s Specifications: Display Type: TFT LCD active matrix Viewable Image Size: 50.
Specifications: Maximum Graphics Resolution : 1920 x 10 80@ 60 Hz a nalog mode Text Mode: 720 x 400 Dot Pitch: 0.2480 x 0.2480 mm Horizontal Frequency (analog mode): 24 to 94kHz Vertical Frequency (an.
Preset Resolution Horizontal Frequen cy (kHz) V ertical Frequency (Hz) 3 800 x 600 37.88 60.3 2 4 1024 x 768 48.36 60.0 0 5 1280 x 720 45.00 60.0 0 6 1280 x 1024 63.
C Agency Regulatory Notices Federal Communicati ons Commissio n Notice This equ ipment has b een tes ted and found t o comply with t he limits for a Class B digit al devic e, purs uant to Part 15 of th e FCC Rule s. These li mits are des igned to provi de reasonab le prote ction agains t harmful interfe rence in a r eside ntial ins tallat ion.
Hewl ett Pa ckar d Com pan y P. O. Box 6920 00, Mail Stop 5301 13 Houston, Texas 772 69-2000 Or, call 1- 800-HP- INVENT (1 -800 47 4-6836) For ques tions regard ing t his FCC dec laration, contact: Hewl ett Pa ckar d Com pan y P.
Hewlett- Packar d GmbH, HQ-TR E, Herrenb erger Str asse 140, 710 34 Boebling en, German y The of ficial E U CE declarat ion of co nform ity for this dev ice may be found at http:// www.
Japanese Power Cord Requirements For use in Japa n, use only the power c ord recei ved with this product . CAUTION: Do not use the pow er cord rec eived wi th this produc t on an y othe r prod ucts.
HP Recycling Pro gram HP encour ages cu stomers to recycle us ed electro nic hardwa re, HP or iginal pri nt cart ridge s, and recha rgeable b atteri es.
Turkey EEE Regulation In Conformi ty with the EEE Regu lation EEE Yöne tmel i ğ ine Uygundur 36 Appendi x C Agency Regul atory No tices ENWW.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q1910S c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q1910S - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q1910S, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q1910S va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q1910S, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q1910S.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q1910S. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q1910S ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.