Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit D2D2503 du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP S to r eOnce D2D Bac k up S y ste m r ac k models nl s er v i ce and maint enance gui de Abstract This gui de is intended for us ers who main tain the follo wing r ack -mounted models of the HP S t.
© Cop yr ight 2009–20 1 2 Hew lett -P ac kar d Dev elopment Compan y , L .P . Conf idential com puter softwar e. V alid license fr om HP r equired f or posses sion, u se or copy ing.
C onte nts 1 Intr oduc tion............................................................................................... 5 P erformance be st pr actices.................................................................................................
HP D2D4 3 2 4....................................................................................................................29 HP D2D4 3 1 2..........................................................................................................
1 Intr oducti on This is the S ervice and Main tenance Guide f or the follo w ing r ack -mount ed models of the HP D2D Back up S y stem: G2 models: • HP D2D4 3 2 4 G2 ( 1 2–disk) • HP D2D4 3 1 2.
NO TE: The s oftwar e and, in s ome cases , the BIOS ar e unique t o the HP D2D Back up S ys tem; it does not u se the same softw are (no r , in some cases , BIOS) as the Pr oL iant s er v er . The re ar e a number o f wa ys o f accessing the Pr oLi ant doc umentation o n the HP web .
Using the Pr oL ian t Guide w ith HP D2D4 3 2 4 G2 models When u sing the HP ProL iant DL3 7 0 G6 guide , be a war e of the f ollow ing HP D2D-spec if ic info rmation: • The CP U is Inte l Xeon W5 6 80 (K it part number 6 0 1 3 1 5-B2 1 include s Heatsink) – there ar e two per s y stem .
Using the Pr oL ian t Guide w ith HP D2D4 3 1 2 G2 models When u sing the HP ProL iant DL3 7 0 G6 guide , be a war e of the f ollow ing HP D2D-spec if ic info rmation: • The CP U is Inte l Xeon W5 58 0 (Kit part numbe r 4 9 5 9 2 8-B2 1 includes Heatsink) – ther e ar e two per s y stem .
Using the Pr oL ian t Guide w ith HP D2D4 1 06/4 1 1 2 G2 models When u sing the HP ProL iant DL1 80se G6 guide , be a war e of the fo llow ing HP D2D-spec if ic info rmation: • The CP U is Inte l Xeon X5 5 50 (S pare P/N 4 900 7 0 -00 1 ) – ther e ar e t w o per s y stem • The HP D2D ha s 1 2 re mov able har d disks.
• HP D2D2 5 0 2 Back up S y stem: T he confi gurati on of the s ys tem memory is 2 4 GB ( 3 x 8 GB DIMMs) for the HP D2D2 5 0 2 Back up S y stem . HP D2D2 5 04 Bac kup S y ste m: The conf igur ation of the s y stem memo r y is 3 2 GB (4 x 8 GB DIMMs) .
• The HP D2D is su pplied w ith an HP Smar t A rr ay P800 con trolle r (w ith 5 1 2 MB and t w o BB W Cs) pr e -installed in one o f the full-hei ght PCI-e slo ts. F or mor e inf ormatio n about this car d, sear ch o n http://w ww pport/manuals .
• The HP D2D is su pplied w ith an HP Smar t A rr ay P400 co ntro ller (w ith 5 1 2 MB and BB WC) pr e -installed in one o f the full-hei ght PCI-e slo ts.
• The co nfigur ati on of the s yst em memory is 8 GB (4 x 2 GB DIMM S PC2 -6400). The part number f or each 2 GB DIMM is 4 9 9 2 7 6 -06 1 . • The HP D2D is su pplied w ith an HP Smar t A rr ay P400 co ntro ller (w ith 5 1 2 MB and BB WC) pr e -installed .
Using the Pr oL ian t Guide w ith HP D2D2 5 04 G1 mode ls When u sing the HP ProL iant DL1 6 5 G5 guide , be aw are o f the follo w ing HP D2D-spec ifi c info rmation: • The AMD Opt ero n 2 3 84 2 .7GHz ( 7 5W) , part number 4 9 5 6 43-00 5, is the only pr oces sor that is supported .
2 T he f lash memory module Ov ervi e w The f lash memory module is r equir ed to boot up the HP D2D Bac kup S y ste m. • W ith HP D2D43 2 4/4 3 1 2 Back up S y stems , this consists of a U SB flash s tick that plug s into the s ys tem board . • W ith all other HP D2D Back up S y stems , this consists of a U SB flash s tic k and cable.
4. Be sur e to update the HP D2D so ft w are t o the latest v ersi on. T his is done fr om the W eb Management In terface (Settings/S oftwar e page) , as de scr ibed in the HP Stor eOnce D2D Back up S y stem U ser Guide .
Figur e 1 0 HP D2D250 2 and HP D2D2 504 G2 Series flash memory module location o f the memory module and USB connector 1 sc re w and brac ket sec ur ing USB cable connect or (not HP D2D4 3 2 4/4 3 1 2.
Figur e 1 1 HP D2D 4 1 1 2, HP D2D4004 or HP D2D400 9 G1 flash memor y module Figur e 1 2 HP D2D2500 G1 Ser ies flash memor y module cable and USB co nnector to the memory module 1 sc re w and brac ke.
3 R eplac ing the s y st em mother boar d F or all pr oducts , G1 and G2 , r efer t o the appropr iat e Maintenance and Serv er Guide fo r detailed instr uctions o n replac ing the mother board .
becaus e it has an integr al P4 1 0i card . If yo u do not , the sy stem w ill e xperi ence one of the f ollow ing s ympt oms : • V ery slo w pr oduct perfo rmance (R unning as RAID5 access to the d.
T able 3 J2 7 jumper settings D2D Backup S ystem HP D2D4 1 06/4 1 1 2 G2: Remo ve all j umpers HP D2D2 50 2/2 50 4 G2: Jumper sho uld be set on pins 1 and 2 A f t er r eplac ing the mother boar d G2 pr oducts F or all G2 pr oducts y ou mus t: 1 . Install the late st BIOS r e visi on fr om the r elev ant pr oduct sit e.
T able 5 BIOS IDs for G2 products (continued) 5 9 6 1 4 2 -B2 1 D2D2 50 4i G2 5 9 5 2 4 9-B2 1 D2D4 1 06i G2 5 9 5 88 2 -B2 1 D2D4 1 06fc G2 5 9 5 2 48-B2 1 D2D4 1 1 2 G2 5 8 1 9 7 1 -B2 1 D2D4 3 1 2 G2 6 35 2 3 6 -B2 1 D2D4 3 2 4 G2 5 . Exit RB SU and add the iL O2 license .
4 Battery/F lash Bac k ed W r ite Cac he (BB W C or FB W C) module f ailur es P art number s P ar t numbe rs for a r eplacemen t cache modules ar e as f ollow s: • G1 pr oducts: BB W C = 3 9 8 648.
Figur e 1 5 Example HP D2D4 3 1 2 Stor ag e—RAID page showing battery failure HP D2D400 4 ,/400 9 and D2D2 5 0 2/3/4 G1 and G2 The s tatus of the battery is r eported on the Summary and Status-RAID pages of the W eb Management Interf ace.
Figur e 1 8 FBW C module LEDs HP D2D4 3 1 2 The re ar e thr ee BB WC batte rie s, one f or each Smart Ar ra y contr oller (P4 1 0i and tw o P4 1 1 contr oller s) , and the y are located in the h older in the center o f the HP D2D43 1 2 Back up S y stem .
Figur e 20 BBW C battery and P2 1 2 card, HP D2D4 1 06/4 1 1 2 G2 HP D2D2 5 0 2/2 5 04 G2 The P2 1 2 card ha s one BB W C. Figur e 2 1 BBW C batter y and P2 1 2 card, HP D2D2 50 2/25 04 G2 HP D2D400 4/400 9 and HP D2D2 50 2/3/4 G1 The P4 00 car d has one BB W C.
Figur e 22 BB WC battery and P400 card BB WC 1 cable that connects the BB W C to the P400 con troller 2 HP D2D4 1 1 2 G1 The P8 00 R AID contr olle r is fitted w ith two batter ies . The tw o BB WC s are ali gned as a single unit in the battery clip .
Figur e 24 L ocation of LEDS on the BBW C NO TE: F or a detailed des cr iption of the LEDs , r efer to the “HP Smart Ar r ay s for HP Pr oL iant Serve rs use r guide ” .
5 T he HP Smar tA rr a y P4 1 0i and P8 1 2/P4 1 1 R AID contr oller s and HP S A S e xpander car d (HP D2D4 3 2 4 and 4 3 1 2) Ov ervi e w HP D2D4 3 2 4 The HP D2D4 3 2 4 has f our R AID contr oller s.
Figur e 2 6 HP D2D43 1 2, location of the P4 1 1 controller and HP SA S expander card 3 HP S AS e xpander card 1 and 2 P4 1 1 R AID contr ollers W ARNING! T o r educe the r isk of perso nal injury or .
The units ar e shipped w ith paper cop ies of the S AAP li cense . If you n o longer hav e this licens e and the boar d is still w orking , make a n ote of the li cense bef ore y ou r eplace the mother board . If it is not w orking , contac t HP Support .
5 . Install the S AAP li cense . a . R eboot the s ys tem. b . Dur ing the P OS T sc r een, w hen adv ised , hit an y ke y to see f urther messages . c. Enter the Smart Ar ra y P OS T OR CA utility by pr essing [F8] w hen details f or the P4 1 1 car d ar e display ed dur ing the PO S T messages .
Figur e 2 7 Cabling show ing th e S AS e xpander card Figur e 28 Cabling sho wing the backplan es HP S AS e xpander card (HP D2D4 3 2 4 and D2D4 3 1 2) 3 3.
6 T he HP Smar tA rr a y P2 1 2 R AID contr oller (HP D2D2 5 0 2 G2 , 2 5 04 G2 , 4 1 06 G2 , 4 1 1 2 G2) Ov ervi e w The f ollo w ing G2 HP D2D Back up S ys tems use the HP SmartAr ra y P2 1 2 RAI D con trolle r fitted w ith 5 1 2 MB RAM and BBW C (battery back ed w rite cac he) .
P2 1 2 car d failur es ar e likel y to occ ur only dur ing po wer do w n or po wer up . F ailur e means that the P2 1 2 car d is unable to mount the RAID arr ay .
Figur e 3 1 Inser ting a P2 1 2 card into an HP D2D4 1 06/4 1 1 2 Figur e 3 2 Inser ting a P2 1 2 card into an HP D2D2 50 2/25 04 3 . R econnect the car d to the ex isting BB W C cable . (If pr efer r ed, r eplace the BB W C cable with the one suppli ed with the r eplacement car d .
7 T he HP Smar tA rr a y P4 00 R AID contr oller (D2D4 004/4 00 9/2 5 00 G1 ) Ov ervi e w The f ollo w ing HP D2D Back up S ys tems use the HP SmartAr ra y P400 RAID contr oller f it ted w ith 5 1 2 MB RAM and one BB WC (battery back ed w rite cac he) .
P4 00 contr oller f ailur e Identify ing a P400 car d f ailur e P400 car d failur es ar e lik ely to occ ur onl y during po w er do wn or po w er up . F ailure means that the P400 car d is unable to moun t the R AID arr a y .
Figur e 36 Inserting a P400 card 4. R econnect the car d to the ex isting BB W C cable . Do not us e the cable supplied w ith the r eplacement car d. It is no t long enough to connec t to the BB W C.
8 T he HP Smar tA rr a y P800 R AID contr oller (HP D2D4 1 1 2 G1 onl y) Ov ervi e w The HP S tor eOnce D2D4 1 1 2 G1 Back up S y stem u ses the HP SmartArr ay P8 00 R AID contr oller f it ted w ith 5 1 2 MB R AM and tw o BB WC s (batter y bac ked w r ite cache).
R eplac ing the HP Smart Arr a y P800 co ntr oller F or detailed ins tructi ons on r eplacing the P8 00 contr oller , r efer t o “HP Smar t Ar r ay s for HP Pr oL iant Serve rs Use r Guide ” . The r eplacement P8 00 contr oller is supplied w ithou t the BBW C batter ies .
Suppo r t and other r eso ur ces R elated doc umen tation In addition to this guide , the fo llow ing doc uments pr ov ide r elated inf ormati on: • ‘Start her e' pos ter fo r an ov ervie w o.
HP tec hnical su pport F or w orld wi de techni cal support info rmation , see the HP suppo r t w ebsite: http://www .hp .com/support Bef or e contacting HP , collect the f ollo wing inf ormati on: .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.