Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit LYNXR-EN du fabricant Honeywell
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ADEMCO LYNXR Series Security Systems LYNXR/LYNXR24 and LYNXR-EN Installatio n and Setup Guide AWAY OFF ST A Y AUX 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 # 1 2 3 K5963V3b x 5/04 Rev .
–2– RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROPER PROTECTION The F ollow ing R ecomm en dati ons f or th e Loc ati on of Fir e and Bu rgl ary Detect i on Devi ce s Help Prov ide Prop er C over age f or th e P rotec ted Prem is es.
–3– Table of Co ntents SYSTEM FEA TURES ................................................................................................................ ...............................4 MOUNTING T HE CON TROL ......................................
–4– System Features U U U U L L L L LYNXR and LYNXR-EN a re not intended for UL985 H ousehold Fi re applic ations unle ss a 24-hour b ackup battery (P/ N LYNXR CHKIT-HC) is in stalled. Powerline Carri er Devices are not UL Li sted for fire o r burglary func tions and ar e intended for h ome automation.
–5– Mounting the Control Wall Mountin g The illustr ation belo w shows the fr ont assembly separate d from the bac k plate. ! DO NOT disconnect the ribbon cable from the terminal stri p board. Disconnect the cable only from the front assem bly board.
–6– Wiring Connections Wiring Overview The follow ing summarizes th e connect ions requir ed. Refer to the Wir ing Connec tions paragraph and the Summar y o f Connect ions diagram on the inside back cover w hen making co nnections. MXXXX K5108 01009-005-V0 Wiring C onnections 1.
–7– Wiring Connections Wiring C onnections 2. Make Phone Li ne Connecti ons - For l ocal or full line seizure proceed to the a ppropriate steps below. Local Sei zure a. Connect the incoming pho ne line to either the 8-positi on jack o r terminals 2 (TIP) an d 3 (RING) on the Lynx.
–9– AC Power and Backup Battery The system is p owered by a 9VAC, 15VA Plug-in Tran sformer, ADEM CO 1332/1332 X10 (1332 CN in Canada). Refe r to the wiring tab le below for wire gauge and lengt h.
–10– AC Power and Backup Battery AC Power and Recha rgeable Bac kup Battery The LYN XR Seri es is equipp ed with an in tegral, r ep laceabl e, recharg eable battery pac k comp osed of six (6) recharg eabl e 1.2- vol t nic kel-m etal hy drid e bat teri es.
–11– Installing Wireless Zones General I nform ation Zones: The c ontr ol supp orts u p to 24 w ireles s zones u sing 580 0 Seri es tran smitter s, and u p to 16 wireless buttons. Range: The built-i n RF receiver can d etect signa ls from wirele ss tran smitter s within a nomin al rang e of 200 fe et.
–12– Installing Wireless Zones Transmitter Battery Life • B atteri es in the wirel ess tr ansmi tt ers may la st from 4–7 year s, depend ing on the en vir onm ent, us age, and th e spec ific wi rele ss dev ice being us ed.
–13– Installing Wireless Zones 5800 Series Tr ansmitter Loop Numbers (Refer to t his info rmatio n when pro gramming t ransmitters ) The foll owing illustra tion sh ows th e compati ble transmitt ers, the ir associa ted inp ut typ es and loop des ig natio ns .
–14– Mechanics of Programming General P rogramm in g Inform ation Programming opti ons ar e stored in n on-removable, electrically erasabl e, nonv olatile EEROM m emory. Th e system can be pr ogram med at any time, ev en at t he ins taller' s pr emis es pr ior to th e ac tual in stall ation .
–15– Zone Response Type Definitions General I nform ation During programmi ng, you must assign a zone type to each zone, which defines the way in which t he system responds to faults in that zone. Zo ne types are defi ned below. Type 00 Zone No t Use d Zone type 00 is u sed to pro gram a zone that is not used.
–16– Zone Response Type Definitions Type 07 24-hour Audible Alarm Zone type 07 is usually assig ned to a zone containing an Emergency button (audible eme rgency ). Zone Characteris tics: • Sends a re port to the central station, and pr ovides ala rm sounds externally and at the ke ypad.
–17– Data Field Descriptions Defaults (where applicable) are Ind icated in Text. The foll owing p ages list al l dat a field s in this C ontro l (in num erical order). U se the blank p rog ramming f orm to rec ord th e dat a for th is installa tion .
–18– Data Field Descriptions ✻ 35 Entry Delay 01 00-99 = entr y delay time in s econds. The sy stem will wa it the time entered befo re soundin g alarm upon entering if system is not disarmed. UL installations: must be set for a maxim um of 45 seconds ✻ 36 Entry Delay 02 00-99 = entr y delay time in s econds.
–19– Data Field Descriptions Field 46: Enter up t o 24 digit s. Do not fill unused spac es. Enter 0-9, #+11 for ‘ *’; #+12 fo r’#’; #+ 13 for a pause (2 se conds). ✻ 46 “Follow Me Reminder” Phone Number Enter up to 24 di gits. This optio n allo ws the user to sche dule a t ime dr iven me ssage.
–20– Data Field Descriptions ✻ 50 15-Second Dialer D elay (Burglary) 0 = no dialer dela y 1 = provide 15 -secon d delay of bu rglary ala rm report when arme d away If enabl ed, prov ides c ommu nication delay to the c entr al stat ion a nd al lows the subsc riber t ime to avoid a fals e alarm transm issio n.
–21– Data Field Descriptions SY STEM S TAT US RE PORT COD ES ( ✻ 59– ✻ 68) ✻ 59 Exit Error Report C ode (See note s abov e) If the syst em is ar med a nd a n entry/e xit or i nterior zone is sti ll ope n after th e exit dela y time has e xpired, an alarm will s ound at the keypad and external sounder.
–22– Data Field Descriptions RESTORE REPORT C ODES ( ✻ 70– ✻ 76) Co ntinued ✻ 75 RF Transmitter Low Batt. Restore Code (See notes above) Sent whe n a transmitte r that previ ously sent in a “low batte ry” message has sent a m essag e ind icati ng it no longer has a low batte ry co nditio n.
–23– Data Field Descriptions ! The features programmed in Field ✻ 91 dif fer between LYNXR mode ls. Ensure you use the c orrect op tion for the model you ar e installi ng! ✻ 91 LYNXR/LYNXR24 L.
–24– Data Field Descriptions Other Programming Command s ✻ 55 ENABLING THE WIRELES S DIALER Interac tive me nu mode used for enabling the 5842 Wire less D ialer.
–25– ✻ 55 Enabling the 5842 Wireless Dialer This is an in terac tive m enu mode th at i s used to enab le and progr am th e 58 42 Wir eles s Dia ler. Wh en enabled , the 5842 wil l int erface w ith th e Lyn x Con trol and serve as th e sys tem ’s primary d ial er.
–26– ✻ 55 Enabling the 5842 Wireless Dialer While in Program mode, press ✻ 55 t o enter Wireless Dialer Programming Feature. The f ollow ing expl ain s th e ✻ 55 pr ompts in d etail. The l eft two column s iden tify th e pr ompt s and li st th e availabl e en tries f or each.
–27– ✻ 56 Enhanced Zone Programming Mode This is an interact ive menu mode that is used to program zone numbers, zone types , alarm and report codes, and to id en tify th e typ e of loop in put d evic e. Thi s m ode can als o be u sed f or en terin g 58 00 Ser ies transm itt er serial nu mber s.
–28– ✻ 56 Enhanced Zone Programming Mode While in Program mode, press ✻ 56 to enter Zon e Progr ammin g Menu Mode . Refer to the zone a ssignment table for ✻ 56 on th e s epa rate p rogr amm ing f orm . The f ollow ing expl ain s th e ✻ 56 pr ompts in d etail.
–29– ✻ 56 Enhanced Zone Programming Mode RF Learn ing - Two (2) transmissions (2 key depressions) at least 5 seconds a part will be r equire d for BR type devic es (dev ice type 5). Two beeps will sound after t he second transmission, confirming t hat the loop number and se rial number hav e been learned .
–30– ✻ 56 Enhanced Zone Programming Mode Manual entry Enter "1" t o advance t o Ser ial numb er prom pt (1b ). Copy the previo us serial number Enter “2” to copy the previou s serial number entere d. Return to Prompt (E) Enter “# ” to return to Lo op Number prompt ( E).
–31– ✻ 80 Device Programming Menu Mode Power line Ca rri er devic es (eg., X- 10 brand devic es) are prog ramm abl e swi tch es that c an be u sed to p erf orm many differe nt functions. They can be used to turn lights on and off, contro l sounders, or for status i nd i c a t i o ns .
–32– ✻ 80 Device Programming Menu Mode STOP Th e "STO P" programm ing determine s when an d und er what con dition s the d evice will b e de- activa ted.
–33– ✻ 80 Device Programming Menu Mode The follo wing explai ns these prompts i n detail. The left two columns identify t he prompts and list the availabl e en tri es. Th e righ t- most c olumn pr ovide s a fu rther expl anati on of the entri es.
–34– ✻ 81 Zone List Menu Mode While in Program mode, press ✻ 81 to e nter Zon e List Me nu Mo de. Thi s m o de i s us e d t o p ro gra m z o n e lists for output devices (programmed in ✻ 8 0 m enu m ode) or Chim e-by -Zon e in Zone List 3. NOTES: • A ny lis t may in clud e any or al l of the sy st ems z one number s.
–35– ✻ 83 Enhanced Sequential Mode By using th is mode, y ou can add, delete, or change the serial number of a transmitter in a zone, but retain all other exis ting data th at ha s been prog ramm ed for that zon e.
–36– ✻ 83 Enhanced Sequential Mode IA zz IA LC Enroll mode 0 = advance to n ext zone to be enrolled 1 = enter now an d procee d to SERI AL NUMBER prompt (1b ). For 4 button keys (zon es 26-29, 30-33, 3 4-37, & 38-41) the serial number will be enrolled to all four buttons.
–37– ✻ 83 Enhanced Sequential Mode I b zz I b Serial number Enter transm itter’s 7- d igit serial number via R F learning or manually. [#] = return to (1A) pr ompt an d reject wha tever serial number entries have b een ma de.
–38– ✻ 84 Assign Zone Voice Descriptors Use th is mod e to assig n vo ice d escrip tor s f or eac h z one. The se ar e the d escr ipt ors th at ar e ann oun ced w hen the sy stem annou nc es any even t inv olv ing a z one nu mber . Eac h d escrip tor c an cons ist of u p to 3 w ords.
–39– ✻ 84 Assign Zone Voice Descriptor VOICE VOCABULARY INDEX 00 ½ second pause A 82 ALARM 32 ATTIC B 01 BABY 33 BACK 34 BASEMENT 35 BATH ROOM 36 BEDROOM C 83 CHECK D 37 DELAY DOOR 38 DEN 02 DE.
–40– ✻ 85 Record Custom Voice Descriptors Use th is mod e to rec ord up to 5 cu stom voic e d escri ptor s. Pr ess ✻ 85 w hile in Prog rammin g mod e.
–41– Voice Prompt Programming The LYN XR Serie s fea tur es a quic k pr ogramm in g mode th at al low s you to progr am th e sy stem by resp ondin g to a ser ie s of v oice pr omp ts. Th e Voic e Pr ompt Pr ogr ammin g Guid e prov ides y ou with th e information requ ired to use th is f eature.
–42– Voice Prompt Programming Enter Voice Prompt Programming Mode: (Installer Code + 8 8 8) . Follow the voice prompts to advance to the selected it em in the Main Programming Menu.
–43– Voice Prompt Programming To Delet e Sens ors To Add an Emergenc y Pend ant (5) Pendant Ty pe Medical Fire Silent Police Police ! When adding wireless keys, wait 5 seconds between transmissions. To Add a Wireles s Ke y LYNXR automat ical ly save s pho ne and accoun t numb er dat a on ce all av ailabl e digi ts are e nte red.
–44– Voice Prompt Programming ! All four digits of the Centra l Station Account number must be entered. If ten-digit f ormat is s elected, all ten digits must be e ntered.
–45– Remote Programming/Control (Downloading) General I nform ation Th e co nt rol pan el c an be re mote l y pro gr am med f rom a n IB M- com pat ib le Pe rson al Com put er ( PC ), a HAY ES Modem, and ADEM CO’ s Comp ass D own loader for Wind ows ( as sp ecif ied b elow ).
–46– Remote Programming /Control (Downloading) • Command th e sys tem to u pload a cop y of its r esi den t prog ram to th e of fice. • Set th e tim e • View/ Mod ify • X-10/ Schedu ling .
–47– System Operation Security Codes Installer C ode The in stall er pr ogram s th e 4-d igit Inst aller C ode ini tially as par t of th e p rog ram ming proced ur e. Th e factory defa ult Installer Code is 4-1-1-2 , but may be ch anged in f ield ✻ 20.
–48– System Operation Keypad Functions The key pad all ows th e user t o arm an d disar m th e syst em, and perf orm other sy st em fu nction s, su ch as bypassin g zones. Zone and syste m conditions (alarm, t rouble, bypass ) are displaye d in the display window.
–49– System Operation Speaker Phone Operation (LY NXR-EN Only) To plac e a c all or answ er a call u sing the spea ker p hone: [#] + AUX To flash (swi tch between two calls using call waiting) : A.
–50– System Operation U U U U L L L L Alarm au dio ver ificatio n can not b e used for UL install ations . Alarm Audio Verificat ion (Two-Way V oice Feature) This fe atur e allows th e ce ntra l stati on op erat or to l isten , talk t o or con duct a two- way conver sati on w ith an indiv idual( s) at th e pr emis es.
–51– System Operation “Follow Me” Remind er Feature This feature allows the user to schedule a time driven message. When activated the system will dial a phone number, that the inst aller programs in Field ✻ 46, and deliver a voic e message (custom words 72, 73, an d 74).
–52– System Operation Trouble Conditions The w ord “FAU LT” on the key pad’ s disp lay, acc ompan ied by a rapid “beep ing” at th e keyp ad, in dicate s that ther e is a tr oubl e cond iti on in the syst em. Press ing any key c an silen ce the aud ible w arning soun d.
–53– Testing the System Test Mod e After in st allati on i s comp let ed, th e sec ur ity sy stem s hould be car efu lly t ested , as f oll ows. 1. With the sy st em in the d isarm ed s tate, chec k tha t all z one s are intac t. If th e REA DY LED is not lit, pr ess th e [ ✻ ] key to displ ay the faulted zo ne(s).
–54– System Communication This sec tion pr ovides an expl anation of formats thi s sy stem accomm odate s for rep orting alarms an d other sy ste m cond ition s t o the cen tra l stat ion.
–55– System Communication Report 3+1/4+1 Standard 3+1/4+1 Expanded 4+2 Alarm SSS( S) A SSS( S) A AAA(A) Z SSSS AZ Troub le SSS( S) T SSS(S) T TTT(T) t SSSS T t Bypas s SSS( S) B SSS(S) B BBB(B) b .
–56– Troubleshooting Guide SYSTEM (inc luding Wi reless) SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY 1. Transmit ter signal not receive d at control. 1a. T ransmitter not properly powered. 1b. If T ransmitter is 5827, House Code not set in field ✻ 24, or tra nsmitter is not set to same House Code set in t hat field.
–57– Troubleshooting Guide CONTROL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY 1. The word “AC” is not displayed . 1a. Interr upted AC powe r supply. 1a. Check tran sformer connect ion and powerl ine ci rcuit brea ker. 2. Digi tal comm unic ator message not be ing receive d.
–58– Contacting Technical Support PLEASE, before you ca ll Technica l Suppor t, be sure you: • READ THE IN STRUCTIONS! • Check all wiring connections. • Determine that the power supp ly and/or backup battery are supplying prop er voltages. • Verify your programming information where applicable.
–59– Regulatory Agency Statements UL NOTICE: This is a "Grad e A" res ident ial sy stem. FCC ID: CFS8DLLYNXREN-2 CANADA : 1748A-LYNXREN2 FCC STATEMEN T THIS DEVICE COMPLIE S WITH PART 15 OF FCC RULES.
–60– Specifications LYNXR-Series Security Controls 1. Physical: 10-3/8 ” W x 7- 1/8” H x 1-3/ 4” D 2. Electrical: VOLTAGE IN PUT: 9VA C f rom plug-in 15VA tran sformer. RECHARGEA BLE BACK UP BATTERY: Six 1. 2-volt/cell nickel-metal hydride rated at 1100 mA.
– 61 – LYNXR/LYNXR24 PROGRAMMING DEFAULT TABL ES (boldface indi cates defa ults that differ betw een tables) Functi on Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 *20 I nsta ller code 4112 4112 4112 4112 *21 .
– 62 – LYNXR-EN P ROGRAMMI NG DEFA ULT TABLES (boldface indi cates defa ults that differ betw een tables) Functi on Table 1 Table 2 Tab le 3 Table 4 *20 I nstal ler code 4112 4112 4112 4112 *21 Qu.
– 63 – ✻ 56 ZONE A SSIGNM ENT/AL ARM REP ORT CODES FO R TABLE 1 Zone No. Zone Type Alarm Code Input Type Loop Num ber Zone Descrip tor 1 0 0,0 --- --- 2 1 1,0 3 (RF) 2 47, 04 (FR ONT DOOR ) 3 1 .
– 64 – ✻ 80 DEFAUL T TABLE: A PPLIES TO DEFAULT TA BLE 4 (devi ces 2-7 have no d efault v alues) Start Stop Device Number Action Event Zone List Zone Type System Op eration Restore of Zone List .
– 65 – – Index – *55 Enabling th e 5842 Wi reless Dialer ................................... 25 *56 Enha nc ed Zon e Pr ogram ming Mode ................11, 20 , 24, 2 7 *80 D evice Prog rammi ng M enu Mode....................24, 31, 32, 3 3 *81 Z one List M enu M ode.
– 66 – E EA ............................................................................................ 51 Earth G rou nd............................................................................. 6 Enabling the 5842 Wirel ess Dial er .........
– 67 – Remot e Progra mmi ng .............................................................. 45 Remot e Progra mmi ng/Cont rol........................................... 45, 46 Repla cing the R echa rgeabl e Bat tery ...............................
– 68 – -Notes-.
– 69 – WARNING THE LIMITATION S OF THIS ALARM SYSTEM Whil e this System is an ad vanced desi gn securi ty syst em, it does n ot offer guara nteed p rotecti on agai nst b urglary, fire or other emer gency. An y ala rm sys tem, wheth er comm erci al or resi dentia l, i s subject to co mprom ise or fa ilu re to warn for a variety of r eason s.
– 70 – LIMITED WARRANTY Honeyw ell Int ernationa l Inc. actin g th rough i ts S ecurity & Custom Electr onics busine ss ("S eller "), 165 Eileen Way, Sy os set, N ew Y ork 11 791, wa.
‡K5963V3oŠ K5963V3bx 5/ 04 Rev. A 165 Eileen W ay , Syosset, New Y ork 11791 Cop yright © 2004 Honeyw ell Inter national Inc. www
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Honeywell LYNXR-EN c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Honeywell LYNXR-EN - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Honeywell LYNXR-EN, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Honeywell LYNXR-EN va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Honeywell LYNXR-EN, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Honeywell LYNXR-EN.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Honeywell LYNXR-EN. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Honeywell LYNXR-EN ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.