Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit GA-F2A88XN-WIFI du fabricant Gigabyte
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GA-F2A88XN-WIFI User's Manual Rev . 30 01 1 2ME -F288NWF -3001 R.
Wireless Module Country Approvals: See the latest safety and regulatory documents at GIGABYTE's website. Motherboard GA-F2A88XN-WIFI Aug. 26, 2013 Aug.
Copyright © 2013 GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO., L TD. All rights reserved. The trademarks mentioned in this manual are legally registered to their respective owners. Disclaimer Information in this manual is protected by copyright laws and is the property of GIGABYTE.
- 4 - T able of Contents Box C ontent s ................................................................................................................... 6 Optional Items ..............................................................................
- 5 - Chapter 4 Dri vers Installation ....................................................................................... 67 4 - 1 Inst alling Chipset Dr ivers ............................................................................... 67 4-2 A pplication Soft ware .
- 6 - Bo x Content s 5 GA-F2A88XN-WIFI motherboard 5 Motherboard driver disk 5 Wireless module driver disk 5 User's Manual 5 Quick Installation Guide 5 T wo SA T A cables 5 I/O Shield 5 One antenna Optional I tems 2-portUSB2.0bracket(PartNo.
- 8 - GA- F2A88 XN -WIFI Motherboard Block Diagram Fordetailedproductinformation/limitation(s),referto"1-2ProductSpecications." AMD APU UMI APUCLK+/-(100MHz) PCI Express Bus PCI Express Bus LPC Bus Dual BIOS PCIe CLK (100MHz) PS/2 KB/Mouse 6 USB 2.
- 9 - Hardware Installation 1- 1 Installation Precautions The motherboard contains numerous delicate electronic circuits and components which can become damagedas aresultof electrostaticdischarge (ESD).
- 10 - Hardware Installation 1- 2 P roductSpe cications APU FM2+ Socket: - AMD A series processors - AMD Athlon ™ series processors (GotoGIGABYTE'swebsiteforthelatestCPUsupportlist.) Chipset AMD A88X Memory 2 x 1.
- 1 1 - Hardware Installation Storage Interface Chipset: - 4 x SA T A 6Gb/s connectors - Support for RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 10, and JBOD USB Chipset: - 4 xUSB3.0/2.0ports(2ports onthebackpanel,2 portsavailablethrough theinternalUSBheader) - 6 xUSB2.
- 12 - Hardware Installation Unique Features Support for @BIOS Support for Q-Flash Support for Xpress Install Support for EasyTune * AvailablefunctionsinEasyTunemaydif ferbymotherboardmodel.
- 13 - Hardware Installation 1-3 Installing the APU and APU Cooler Read the following guidelines before you begin to install the APU: • Make sure that the motherboard supports the APU. (GotoGIGABYTE'swebsiteforthelatest APUsupportlist.
- 14 - Hardware Installation B. Follow the steps below to correctly install the APU into the motherboard APU socket. • Before installing the APU, make sure to turn off the computer and unplug the power cord from the power outlet to prevent damage to the APU.
- 15 - Hardware Installation 1-3 -2 I nsta lling th e APU Cool er Follow the steps below to correctly install the APU cooler on the motherboard. Use extreme care when removing the APU cooler because the thermal grease/tape between the APU cooler and APU may adhere to the APU.
- 16 - Hardware Installation 1- 4 Installing the Memor y Read the following guidelines before you begin to install the memory: • Make sure that the motherboard supports the memory . It is recommended that memory of the same capacity , brand, speed, and chips be used.
- 17 - Hardware Installation 1- 4 -2 Insta lling a Me mor y Before installing a memory module, make sure to turn off the computer and unplug the power cord from the power outlet to prevent damage to the memory module. DDR3 and DDR2 DIMMs are not compatible to each other or DDR DIMMs.
- 18 - Hardware Installation 1-5 Installing an Expansion Card Read the following guidelines before you begin to install an expansion card: • Make sure the motherboard supports the expansion card. Carefully read the manual that came with your expansion card.
- 19 - Hardware Installation 1-6 SetupoftheAM DDualGraphicsConguration Combining the onboard GPU with a discrete graphics card, AMD's Dual Graphics technology can provide signicantlyadvanceddisplayperformanceforAMDplatform.
- 20 - Hardware Installation 1- 7 Back Panel Con nec tors USB 2.0/1.1 Port The USB port supports the USB 2.0/1.1 specication. Use this port for USB devices such as a USB keyboard/mouse,USBprinter ,USBashdriveandetc.
- 21 - Hardware Installation (Note) TheDVI-DportdoesnotsupportD-Subconnectionbyadapter . DVI-D Port (Note) The DVI-Dport conforms tothe DVI-D specicationand supports amaximum resolution of 2560x1600.
- 22 - Hardware Installation Center/Subwoofer Speaker Out Jack (Orange) Usethisaudiojacktoconnectcenter/subwooferspeakersina5.1/7.1-channelaudioconguration. Rear Speaker Out Jack (Black) Thisjackcanbeusedtoconnectfrontspeakersina4/5.
- 23 - Hardware Installation 1-8 Internal Connec tors 1) A TX_12V 2) AT X 3) CPU_F AN 4) SYS_F AN 5) B AT 6) SA T A3 0/1/2/3 7) CLR_CMOS 8) F_P ANEL 9) F_AUDIO 10) SPDIF_O 11 ) F_USB30 12) F_USB1 13) .
- 24 - Hardware Installation 1/2) A TX_12V/A TX (2x2 12V Power Connector and 2x12 Main Power Connector) With the use of the power connector, the power supply can supply enough stable power to all the components onthe motherboard.
- 25 - Hardware Installation • Be sure to connect fan cables to the fan headers to prevent your APU and system from overheat - ing. Overheating may result in damage to the APU or the system may hang. • These fan headersare not conguration jumper blocks.
- 26 - Hardware Installation 6) SA T A3 0/1/2/3 (SA T A 6Gb/s Connectors) The SA T A connectors conform to SA T A 6Gb/s standard and are compatible with SA T A 3Gb/s and SA T A 1.5Gb/s standard. Each SA T A connector supports a single SA T A device. The AMD A88X Chipset supports RAID0,RAID1,RAID 5,RAID10,andJBOD.
- 27 - Hardware Installation The front panel design may differ by chassis. A front panel module mainly consists of power switch, reset switch, power LED, hard drive activity LED and etc. When connecting your chassis front panel module to this header , make sure the wire assignments and the pin assignments are matched correctly .
- 28 - Hardware Installation 9) F_AUDIO (Front Panel Audio Header) Thefrontpanel audioheader supportsIntel High Denitionaudio (HD)and AC'97audio. Y oumay connect your chassis front panel audio module to this header .
- 29 - Hardware Installation 12) F_USB1 (USB 2.0/1.1 Header) The headerconforms to USB2.0/1.1 specication.Each USBheader canprovide twoUSB portsvia an optional USB bracket. For purchasing the optional USB bracket, please contact the local dealer .
- 30 - Hardware Installation 13) CI (Chassis Intrusion Header) This motherboard provides a chassis detection feature that detects if the chassis cover has been removed.
- 31 - BIOS Setup BIOS (Basic Input and Output System) records hardware parameters of the system in the CMOS on the motherboard.
BIOS Setup - 32 - 2-1 Startup Screen The following startup Logo screen will appear when the computer boots. Function Keys: <DEL>: BIOS SETUPQ-FLASH Press the <Delete> key to enter BIOS Setup or to access the Q-Flash utility in BIOS Setup. <F9>: SYSTEM INFORMA TION Press the <F9> key to display your system information.
- 33 - BIOS Setup 2-2 The Main Menu On the main menu of the BIOS Setup program, press arrow keys to move among the items and press <Enter> to accept or enter a sub-menu.
BIOS Setup - 34 - BIOS Setup Menus M.I.T . Usethismenu tocongure theclock, frequency ,and voltagesof yourCPU andmemory ,etc. Orcheck the system/CPU temperatures, voltages, and fan speeds.
- 35 - BIOS Setup 2-3 M.I.T . Whether the system will work stably with the overclock/overvoltage settings you made is dependent onyouroverallsystem congurations.Incorrectlydoingoverclock/overvoltagemayresultin damage to CPU, chipset, or memory and reduce the useful life of these components.
BIOS Setup - 36 - ` M.I.T . Current Status This screen provides information on CPU/memory frequencies/parameters. ` Advanced Frequency Settings & BCLK/PCIe Clock Control Allows you tomanually set theCPU baseclock and PCIebus frequencyin 1 MHzincrements.
- 37 - BIOS Setup (Note) ThisitemispresentonlywhenyouinstallaCPUthatsupportsthisfeature. & CPU Clock Ratio, CPU Frequency The settings above are synchronous to those under the same items on the Advanced Frequency Settings menu.
BIOS Setup - 38 - & CPU Core Control Allows you to determine whether to manually enable/disable CPU cores. Automatic mode allows the BIOS toenable allCPUcores (numberof coresavailabledepends ontheCPU beingused).
- 39 - BIOS Setup ` Advanced Memory Settings & Extreme Memory Prole (X.M.P .) (Note) , System Memory Multiplier , Memory Frequency(MHz) The settings above are synchronous to those under the same items on the Advanced Frequency Settings menu.
BIOS Setup - 40 - This sub-menu provides memory timing settings for each channel of memory . The respective timing setting screens arecongurable onlywhen DRAM Timing Selectable is set to Quick or Expert . Note: Y our system may become unstable or fail to boot after you make changes on the memory timings.
- 41 - BIOS Setup ` PC Health Status & Reset Case Open Status Disabled Keepsorclearstherecordofpreviouschassisintrusionstatus.(Default) Enabled Clears the record of previous chassis intrusion status and the Case Open eldwill show "No" at next boot.
BIOS Setup - 42 - & System Fan Speed Control Allows you to determine whether to enable the fan speed control function and adjust the fan speed. Normal Allows the fan to run at different speeds according to the system temperature. Y ou can adjust thefanspeedwithEasyTunebasedonyoursystemrequirements.
- 43 - BIOS Setup 2-4 System Information This section provides information on your motherboard model and BIOS version. Y ou can also select the default language used by the BIOS and manually set the system time. & System Language Selects the default language used by the BIOS.
BIOS Setup - 44 - 2-5 BIOS Features & Boot Option Priorities Species the overall boot order from the available devices. For example, you can set hard drive as the rstpriority( Boot Option #1 )andDVDROMdriveasthesecond priority( Boot Option #2 ).
- 45 - BIOS Setup & Hard Drive/CD/DVD ROM Drive/Floppy Drive/Network Device BBS Priorities Species thebootorder foraspecicdevice type,suchas harddrives,optical drives,oppydisk drives, and devices that support Boot from LAN function, etc.
BIOS Setup - 46 - & Other PCI Device ROM Priority Allows you to select whether to enable the UEFI or Legacy option ROM for the PCI device controller other than the LAN, storage device, and graphics controllers. Legacy OpROM Enables legacy option ROM only .
- 47 - BIOS Setup 2-6 Peripherals & IOMMU EnablesordisablesAMDIOMMUsupport.(Default:Disabled) & OnChip SA T A Channel EnablesordisablestheintegratedSAT A controllers.
BIOS Setup - 48 - & XHCI Hand-off Determines whether to enable XHCI Hand-off feature for an operating system without XHCI Hand-off support.(Default:Enabled) & EHCI Hand-off Determines whether to enable EHCI Hand-off feature for an operating system without EHCI Hand-off support.
- 49 - BIOS Setup ` SA T A Conguration & SA T A Hot Plug on PORT0~SA T A Hot Plug on PORT3 EnablesordisablethehotplugcapabilityforeachSAT A port.(Default:Disabled) & SA T A Power on PORT0~SA T A Power on PORT3 EnablesordisableseachSAT A port.
BIOS Setup - 50 - & Resume by Alarm Determineswhethertopoweronthesystematadesiredtime.(Default:Disabled) If enabled, set the date and time as following: Wakeupday: Turnonthesystemataspecictimeoneachdayoronaspecicdayinamonth.
- 51 - BIOS Setup & Power On By Keyboard Allows the system to be turned on by a PS/2 keyboard wake-up event. Note: T o use this function, you need an A TX power supply providing at least 1A on the +5VSB lead. Disabled Disablesthisfunction.
BIOS Setup - 52 - 2-8 Save & Exit & Save & Exit Setup Press <Enter> on this item and select Ye s . This saves the changes to the CMOS and exits the BIOS Setup program. Select No or press <Esc> to return to the BIOS Setup Main Menu.
- 53 - Conguring SA T A Hard Drive(s) Chapter3 ConguringSA T A HardDrive(s) (Note1) SkipthisstepifyoudonotwanttocreateRAIDarrayontheSA T A controller . (Note2) RequiredwhentheSA T A controllerissetto AHCIorRAIDmode.
Conguring SA T A Hard Drive(s) - 54 - Step 2: Ifyou wantto congureUEFI RAID,follow thestepsin "C-1." T oenter thelegacyRAID ROM,save thesettings and exit BIOS Setup. Refer to "C-2" for more information.
- 55 - Conguring SA T A Hard Drive(s) C-1.UEFIRAIDConguration This mode supports Windows 8 64-bit installation only . T o congure UEFI RAID, you need to prepare�.
Conguring SA T A Hard Drive(s) - 56 - Figure 5 Creating a RAID Array T o create a RAID array , refer to the following examples to enter the commands and press <Enter>. When succeeded, the message which says "created successfully" will appear .
- 57 - Conguring SA T A Hard Drive(s) T o exit the UEFI RAID utility , enter "exit" and press <Enter>. Deleting an Array T o delete an array , enter the following commands and press <Enter>.
Conguring SA T A Hard Drive(s) - 58 - C-2.ConguringLegacyRAIDROM Enter the legacy RAIDBIOS setup utility to congure a RAID array .Skip this step and proceed with the installation ofWindowsoperatingsystemforanon-RAIDconguration.
- 59 - Conguring SA T A Hard Drive(s) The selection bar will move to the Disks section on the right of the screen. Select the hard drives to be included in the RAID array . Use the up or down arrow key to select a hard drive and press <Insert>.
Conguring SA T A Hard Drive(s) - 60 - Figure 12 Select a caching mode. Options include Read/Write, Read Only , and None. Then press <Enter> to proceed. Finally ,a messagewhich says"Conrm Creationof Array"will appear .
- 61 - Conguring SA T A Hard Drive(s) Deleting an Array The Delete Array(s) menu option allows for deletion of disk array assignments. 1. Select Delete Array(s) in the Main Menu and press <Enter>. 2. In the Arrays section, press the <Insert> key on the array you want to delete and then press <Enter> to proceed.
Conguring SA T A Hard Drive(s) - 62 - 3-2 Installing the SA T A RAID/AHCI Driver and Operating System With the correct BIOS settings, you are ready to install the operating system. A. Installing Windows 8/7 (ThefollowinginstructionsuseWindows8astheexampleoperatingsystem.
- 63 - Conguring SA T A Hard Drive(s) Figure 2 B. Installing Windows XP (32-bit) Before installing WindowsXP , connect aUSB oppy disk drive to yourcomputer.
Conguring SA T A Hard Drive(s) - 64 - Figure 3 Refer to the following for installing the driver during the Windows setup process. Step 1: Restart your system to boot from the Windows XP setup disk and press <F6> as soon as you see the message "Press F6 if you need to install a 3rd party SCSI or RAID driver .
- 65 - Conguring SA T A Hard Drive(s) Rebuilding an Array: Rebuilding is the process of restoring data to a hard drive from other drives in the array . Rebuilding applies only to fault-tolerant arrays such as RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 arrays. T o replace the old drive, make sure to use a new drive of equal or greater capacity .
Conguring SA T A Hard Drive(s) - 66 -.
- 67 - Drivers Installation Chapter 4 Drivers Installation 4-1 Installing Chipset Drivers After inserting the driver disk, "Xpress Install" will automatically scan your system and then list all the drivers that are recommended to install.
Drivers Installation - 68 - 4-2 Application Software This page displays all the utilities and applications that GIGABYTE develops and some free software. Y ou can click the Install button on the right of an item to install it. 4-3 T echnical Manuals This page provides the content descriptions for this driver disk.
- 69 - Drivers Installation 4-4 Contact For thedetailed contact informationof the GIGABYTET aiwan headquarter orworldwide branch ofces,click the URL on this page to link to the GIGABYTE website. 4-5 System This page provides the basic system information.
Drivers Installation - 70 - 4-6 Download Center T o update the BIOS, drivers, or applications, click the Download Center button to link to the GIGABYTE website.
- 71 - Unique Features 5-1 BIOS Update Utilities GIGABYTE motherboards provide two unique BIOS update tools, Q-Flash ™ and @BIOS ™ . GIGABYTE Q-Flash and @BIOS are easy-to-use and allow you to update the BIOS without the need to enter MS-DOS mode.
Unique Features - 72 - B. Updating the BIOS In the main menu of Q-Flash, use the keyboard or mouse to select an item to execute. When updating the BIOS,choose the locationwhere theBIOS leis saved.The followingprocedure assumes thatyou savethe BIOSletoaUSBashdrive.
- 73 - Unique Features Step 4: During the POST , press <Delete> to enter BIOS Setup. Select Load Optimized Defaults on the Save & Exit screen and press <Enter> to load BIOS defaults. System will re-detect all peripheral devices after a BIOS update, so we recommend that you reload BIOS defaults.
Unique Features - 74 - 5-1-2 Updating the BIOS with the @BIOS Utility A. Before Y ou Begin 1. InWindows,closeall applicationsandTSR(T erminateandStayResident)programs.Thishelps prevent unexpected failures when performing a BIOS update.
- 75 - Unique Features 5-2 EasyT une 6 GIGABYTE's EasyTune 6 is a simple and easy-to-use interface that allows users to ne-tune their system settings or do overclock/overvoltage in Windows environment.
Unique Features - 76 - 5-3 Smart Recovery 2 SmartRecovery2 allowsyoutoback upapartitionasan imageleeveryhour.Y oucanusethese imagesto restoreyoursystemorleswhenneeded.
- 77 - Unique Features Recovering your system with Smart Recovery 2 (Windows 8/7 only): Steps: 1. Click the File Recovery button on the main menu. 2. Select the location where your backup is saved. 3. Use the time slider to select a time point. 4. Select a partition backup created on the selected time point and click Restore .
Unique Features - 78 - 5-4 Using the Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Utilities T o use Wi-Fi Sharefor the rst time, click the Wi-Fi Share Manager icon on the Start screen (Windows 8) or launch it from StartAll Applications(Windows 7).
- 79 - Unique Features Step 2: When the Wi-Fi Share Settings dialog box appears, select a currently running network connection you want to share from the Shared Connection list. Then click Save . The Password represents the network security key which is required when other computer wants to access the Internet through the virtual wireless AP .
Unique Features - 80 - B. File T ransfer The File T ransfer allows twocomputerswithFileTransferenabledtosharelesto eachother .Note:Besure toturnofftherewallonbothcomputersbeforeusingFileT ransfer .
- 81 - Unique Features Step 5: Theconrmation messagewill alsoappearon thetarget computer , asking whether to accept thele/folder from the source computer . Click Ye s to conrm. Y ou must respond in 15 seconds.
Unique Features - 82 - EasyT une T ouch: EasyTune T ouch is a simple and easy-to-use application that allows users to remotely control their system through Apple devices, including iPhone and iP AD. Detailed functions are as follows: Option Descriptions Option Description Tuner Allows you to change CPU/memory frequency and voltage settings.
- 83 - Unique Features Three ways of connection: Before using EasyT une T ouch and PictureView , use one of the three ways below to connect your Apple devices to the target computer: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and USB connections. iPhone 3 and iPad series only support Wi-Fi connection and iPhone 4/5 series supports all of the three connections.
Unique Features - 84 - Using EasyT une T ouch Step 1: Go to the main menu of the EasyTune T ouch application on your iPhone. Select Connection . Step 2: On the Connection page, select Wi . iPhone will begin to search for the computer using the same network connection.
- 85 - Unique Features Step 3: Click the photo you want to share and your photo will be shown instantly on the desktop of the target computer . B. BlueT ooth Connection: Step 1: On your iPhone, go to Settings > Personal Hotspot and turn on this function.
Unique Features - 86 - Step 4: When the iPhone displays the pairing code, press Pair to conrm. After the pairing is successful, your iPhone will show that it has been connected to your computer . Step 5: Y our computer will show that the iPhone has been added to your computer successfully .
- 87 - Unique Features C. USB Connection: Step 1: On your iPhone, go to Settings > Personal Hotspot and turn on this function. Step 2: Connect your iPhone to your computer using the iPhone USB cable. Step 3: After the iPhone is connected to your computer , go to Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Cha nge adapter settings .
Unique Features - 88 -.
- 89 - Appendix 6-1 Conguring AudioInputandOutput Chapter 6 Appendix 6-1-1 Conguring2/4/5.1/7.1-ChannelAudio The motherboard provides six audio jacks on the back panel which support 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel (Note) audio. The picture to the right shows the default audio jack assignments.
Appendix - 90 - Step 2: Connect an audio device to an audio jack. The The current connected device is dialog box appears. Select the device according to the type of device you connect. Then click OK . Step 3: On the Speakers screen, click the SpeakerConguration tab.
- 91 - Appendix (Note) Enter the Digital Output(Optical) screen to congure further settings if you use the S/PDIF Out connector(s)ontheback.
Appendix - 92 - 6-1-3 ConguringMicrophoneRecording Step 2: Connectyour microphoneto theMic injack (pink)on the backpanelortheMicinjack(pink)onthefrontpanel. Note: The microphone functions on the front panel and back panel cannot be used at the same time.
- 93 - Appendix Step 5: T o open the Sounder Recorder , move the mouse cursor to the bottom left corner of the screen, click the Start icon to switch to the Start screen (orpressthe Windows button on the keyboard).
Appendix - 94 - 6-1-4 Using the Sound Recorder A. Recording Sound 1. Makesureyouhaveconnectedthesoundinputdevice(e.g.microphone)tothecomputer . 2. T o record the audio, click the Start Recording button . 3. T o stop recording audio, click the Stop Recording button .
- 95 - Appendix 6-2 T roubleshooting 6-2-1 Frequently Asked Questions T o read more F AQs for your motherboard, please go to the Support & DownloadsFAQ page on GIGABYTE's website.
Appendix - 96 - 6-2-2 T roubleshooting Procedure If you encounter any troubles during system startup, follow the troubleshooting procedure below to solve the problem. ST ART A Turn of f the power. Remove all peripherals, connecting cables, and power cord etc.
- 97 - Appendix If the procedure above is unable to solve your problem, contact the place of purchase or local dealer for help. Or go to the Support & DownloadsT echnical Support page to submit your question. Our customer service staff will reply you as soon as possible.
Appendix - 98 - Regulatory Statements Regulatory Notices This document must not be copied without our written permission, and the contents there of must not be imparted to a thirdparty norbe usedfor anyunauthorized purpose.
- 99 - Appendix FCC Notice (U.S.A. Only) This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However , there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
Appendix - 100 - T aiwan NCC Wireless Statements / 無線設備警告聲明 : 低功率電波輻射性電機管理辦法 第十二 條: 經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許.
- 101 - Appendix.
Appendix - 102 -.
- 103 - Appendix Contact Us • GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO., L TD. Address: No.6, Bao Chiang Road, Hsin-Tien Dist., New T aipei City 231,T aiwan TEL: +886-2-8912-4000 F AX: +886-2-8912-4005 T ech.andNon-T ech.Support(Sales/Marketing): http://ggts.
Appendix - 104 - • GIGABYTE Global Service System T osubmit a technicalor non-technical(Sales/Marketing) question, please link to: Then select your language to enter the system. • G.B.T . TECHNOLOGY TRADING GMBH - Germany WEB address : http://www .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Gigabyte GA-F2A88XN-WIFI c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Gigabyte GA-F2A88XN-WIFI - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Gigabyte GA-F2A88XN-WIFI, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Gigabyte GA-F2A88XN-WIFI va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Gigabyte GA-F2A88XN-WIFI, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Gigabyte GA-F2A88XN-WIFI.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Gigabyte GA-F2A88XN-WIFI. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Gigabyte GA-F2A88XN-WIFI ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.