Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit EXT-HD-DSWFPN du fabricant Gefen
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® EXT -HD-D S WFPN User Manual Us er M an ua l.
ASKING FOR ASSIST ANC E T echnical Su pp or t : T elephone ( 818 ) 772-910 0 ( 800 ) 545-690 0 Fax ( 818 ) 772-912 0 T echnical Su pp ort Hours : 8 :00 AM to 5:00 PM P S T Monda y thru Frida y . Write T o : G e f en LL C c/ o C ustomer S ervic e 2 0600 Nordho ff S t C hatsworth, C A 9131 1 ds @g e f en.
CONTENT S 1 Intr oduc ti on 2 O peration Notes 3 Features 4 Front Panel La y ou t 5 Front Panel Descriptions 6 Back Panel La y ou t 7 Back Panel Descriptions 8 S ide Panel La y ou t 9 S ide Panel Desc.
1 INTRODUCTIO N C on g ratulations on y our purchase o f the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er with Wi-Fi Plus. Y our complete satis f action is ver y important to us. G efen G e f en delivers innovative, pro g ressive computer and electronics add-on solutions that harness inte g ration, extension, distribution and conversion technolo g ies.
OPERA TION NOTE S 2 READ THESE NOTES BEFORE INST ALLING OR OPERA TING THE HD DIGIT AL SIGNAGE MEDIA PLA YER • The maximum internal stora g e capacit y o f the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er is 4 G B. However , an additional C F (C ompact Flash ) card can be installed to e xpand the total available memor y .
3 FEA TURE S Features • S upports MPE G -1, MPE G -2, MPE G L2, MP3, H.264 / MPE G -4, and V C -1 codec fo rm a t s . • Live video input usin g the included C omposite cables.
4 Front Panel FRONT P ANEL LA YOU T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.
5 FRONT P ANEL DESCRIPTION S Front Panel 1 A/V Ou t C onnect the included 3.5 mm mini-stereo to R C A cable to this output connector . 2 R ese t Press this button while per f ormin g a s y stem reset. S ee pa g e 54 f or details. 3 L ED Indicator s The G reen LED indicates that the unit is powered.
6 BACK P ANEL LA YOU T Back Panel 1 2.
7 BACK P ANEL DESCRIPTION S 1 R S-232 C onnect the included R S -232 to Ethernet adapter to this port. 2 A / V In All o w s de vi ces suc h as TV t u n e r s a n d vi deo ca m e r as t o be co nn ec t ed t o th e Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er with Wi-Fi, usin g a 3.
8 SIDE P ANEL LA YOU T Side Panel 1 2 3.
9 SIDE P ANEL DESCRIPTION S 1 1 2 V D C C onnect the included 12 V D C lockin g power suppl y to this connector . 2 HDMI Ou t C onnect an HDTV to this port usin g an HDMI cable.
10 CONNECTING TH E D IGIT AL SIGNAGE PLA YER WITH WI-FI PLU S How to Connect the Di g ital Si g na g e Pla y er with Wi-Fi Plus 1. C onnect an HDMI cable between the displa y and the HDMI connector on the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er with Wi-Fi Plus .
1 1 OPERA TING TH E D IGIT AL SIGNAGE PLA YER WITH WI-FI PLU S P owerin g the Di g ital Si g na g e Pla y er A f ter connectin g power to the unit, the f ollowin g screen will be displa y ed : The boot process will take approximatel y 90 seconds.
12 M ENU SYSTE M Connectin g the USB Ke y board In order to con fi g ure the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er , a U S B ke y board must be attached to the back panel o f the unit.
1 3 M ENU SYSTE M Settin g the Output Resolution For the best qualit y video, make sure that the output resolution matches the n a tiv e r eso l u ti o n o f the displa y .
1 4 M ENU SYSTE M Settin g the Content Sourc e I f the Di g ital S i g na g e content is stored on a server , the server URL must be s peci fi ed. O nce the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er is fi nished bootin g , the unit will r etrieve the content f rom the speci fi ed server .
15 M ENU SYSTE M Chan g in g the name of the Di g ital Si g na g e Pla y er When usin g the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er on a network, it is use f ul to provide a s peci fi c name to the pla y er . B y de f ault, a random alphanumeric number is used.
1 6 M ENU SYSTE M Connectin g the Di g ital Si g na g e Pla y er to a Network usin g DHC P 1. H i g hli g ht the Network S ettin g option in the Main Menu. The Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er will automaticall y scan f or wireless networks durin g the boot-up sequence.
17 M ENU SYSTE M U nder the IP C on fi g uration dialo g , select between : • DH C P • S tatic IP B y de f ault, DH C P is enabled. The DH C P settin g will automaticall y assi g n a network IP address f or the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er . I f DH C P will be used, then no f urther network con fi g uration should be necessar y .
1 8 M ENU SYSTE M Connectin g the Di g ital Si g na g e Pla y er to a Network usin g a Static I P 1. S elect the S tatic IP option and press the S pacebar to place an asterisk next to it. Press the Enter ke y to continue. The S tatic IP dialo g will be displa y ed.
19 M ENU SYSTE M Connectin g the Di g ital Si g na g e Pla y er to a Network usin g Wi-Fi The Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er will automaticall y scan f or wireless networks durin g the boot-up sequence. However when an Ethernet connection is used, th e Wi-Fi will beco m e d i sab l ed .
2 0 M ENU SYSTE M 4. U se the Arrow ke y s to hi g hli g ht the desired Wi-Fi network, then press the S pacebar to select it. Press the Enter ke y to connect to the wireless ne tw o rk. 5 . Enter the correct password ( i f required ) and press the Enter ke y to connect t o th e n e tw o rk.
21 M ENU SYSTE M 2. Enter the SS ID o f the wireless device that the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er will c onnect with. In the example below , the SS ID is “G e f en Wireless”. O nce the SS ID has been entered, press the Enter ke y to continue. 3 .
2 2 M ENU SYSTE M Chan g in g the Prox y T y p e 1. T o con fi g ure the prox y settin g s, select Network S ettin g f rom the Main Menu. 2. H I g hli g ht Prox y S ettin g and press the Enter ke y . The Prox y S ettin g dialo g provides the f ollowin g options: • Prox y T y p e • Prox y S erver 3 .
23 M ENU SYSTE M Chan g in g the Prox y Server 1. S elect Prox y S erver f rom the Prox y S ettin g s dialo g , then press the Enter k e y . 2. Enter the required in f ormation in the Prox y S erver dialo g box : • Host • P o r t • U ser • P ass w o r d 3 .
24 M ENU SYSTE M Settin g the Internal Clock 1. T o set the clock, hi g hli g ht the T ime S ettin g option in the Main Menu. B o th th e l oca l tim e a n d th e tim e z o n e ca n be se t f r o m within thi s m e n u . Press the Enter ke y to displa y the T ime S ettin g dialo g .
2 5 M ENU SYSTE M 4. A f ter the da y has been set, press the Enter ke y to set the time. The time is r epresented in 24-hour f ormat. 5 . A f ter settin g the da y and time, press the Enter ke y to con fi rm the chan g es. 6 . S elect Done f rom the Main Menu to save the chan g es.
26 M ENU SYSTE M The f ollowin g time zone settin g s are available : • (G MT - 1 1:00 ) Midwa y Island, S amoa • (G MT - 10:00 ) Hawai i • (G MT - 09:00 ) Alaska • (G MT - 08:00 ) Paci fi c .
2 7 M ENU SYSTE M • (G MT + 05:00 ) Pakista n • (G MT + 05:00 ) Russia Zone 04 ( Y ekaterinbur g , Perm, U f a ) • (G MT + 05:30 ) India (C alcutta ) • (G MT + 05:45 ) Nepal • (G MT + 06:00 .
28 M ENU SYSTE M Settin g the Time Server 1. S elect T ime S erver f rom the T ime S ettin g s menu and press the Enter ke y . The currentl y selected time server will be displa y ed, alon g with two other options : • C ontent S ourc e • C ustom..
2 9 M ENU SYSTE M 3 . Press the Enter ke y and select f rom one o f the protocol options : • T ime Protocol ( RF C -868 ) • H TTP D a t e H eade r 4. H i g hli g ht the desired protocol and press the S pacebar to select it. Press the Enter ke y to con fi rm the chan g es and return to the C ustom T ime S erver dialo g .
3 0 M ENU SYSTE M Settin g a Password In order to prevent access to the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er or modi fi cation o f the s ettin g s, it is recommended that a password be created to prevent unauthorized access . 1. T o set the password, hi g hli g ht the C han g e Password option in the Main M enu and press the Enter ke y .
31 M ENU SYSTE M U ndo Chan g es An y chan g es made to the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er can be reset to their previous s tate b y selectin g the Under C han g es option f rom the Main Menu. 1. S elect Under C han g es f rom the Main Menu. 2. Press the Enter ke y .
3 2 M ENU SYSTE M Savin g Chan g es / Exitin g the Main Menu A f ter exitin g the Main Menu, the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er will displa y a dialo g , allowin g all chan g es to be saved. An y chan g es made within the Main Menu must be sa v ed in o r de r t o t a k e effec t.
33 Installin g the Si g na g e Mana g er Express The S i g na g e Mana g er Express allows the creation and publishin g o f di g ital s i g na g e presentations and pla y back schedules. M inimum Sy stem Requirements : • 1 G Hz AMD or Intel C P U • 5 12 MB RAM • Windows XP , Windows Vista, or Windows 7 • DirectX 9 • M icroso f t .
34 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S Creatin g a Simple Di g ital Si g na g e Presentation This section will cover the process o f creatin g a simple Di g ital S i g na ge p resentation. In the f ollowin g example, the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er will b e c onnected to the network usin g an Ethernet cable.
3 5 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S 4. C lick the icon in the top le f t corner o f the S i g na g e Mana g er Express an d se l ec t Full HD Open API Media Player V2 f r o m th e li s t of a v a il ab l e u nit s . 2 5 . C lick the Loopin g icon. The S i g na g e Mana g er Express provides the option f or loopin g the content or de fi nin g a schedule.
36 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S La y out f orma t se l ec ti on 6 . The S i g na g e Mana g er Express allows di ff erent aspect ratios to b e s elected. The aspect ratio is applied to both a sin g le pane or multiple panes. The use o f multiple panes is illustrated on pa g e 46.
3 7 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S Addin g the Conten t 1. From the list o f la y outs to the ri g ht, click on the Full S creen la y out to the f ar lef t. The selected la y out is a 4:3 f ull-screen la y out. Video ( with audio ) or ima g es c an be placed in this area.
38 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S 3 . For this example, select an ima g e on y our computer . A f ter the ima g e has been selected, click the O pen button. The selected ima g e will now appear under the Recent Items tab and the Med i a Fil es win do w.
3 9 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S 4. Add a second ima g e b y repeatin g steps 2 and 3. In g estin g the Conten t The term “ in g estin g ” ( or “ in g estion” ) re f ers to the process whereb y a Di g ital S i g na g e client device is uploaded with content.
4 0 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S Be f ore uploadin g the content to the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er , take note o f the new in f ormation provided b y this window : S elects how the content will b e tr a n sfe rr ed t o th e u nit. s ts the Media fi les and / or Lis ay lists which will be used in Pla u blishin g the content.
41 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S Detects all pla y ers on th e n etwork, i f the y are no t discovered b y the so f tware. S elects all Pla y ers in th e li s t. G oes back to the S chedule screen. D ese l ec t s a ll Pla y ers in the lis t Exports the curren t c ontent to the Pla y er Adds a Pla y er to the list.
4 2 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S 2. C lick the Proceed button to upload the content to the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er . The Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er will indicate that it is in g estin g the content b y displa y in g “ Preparin g ...”, in the pla y er list.
43 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S 3 . A f ter the content has been in g ested, the Pla y er will displa y “C omplete”. The Di g ital S i g na g e content be g in pla y in g on the displa y connected to the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er . The Lo g button can be pressed to view upload activit y .
44 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S Chan g in g the Displa y Interva l B y de f ault, the displa y interval between the ima g es is set to 7 seconds. This interval can be chan g ed.
4 5 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S 4. C lick the box next to the D uration, and chan g e the value f rom 7 seconds to 1 0 seconds. 5 . C lick the Save bu tt o n. 6 . C lick the P roceed button at the bottom o f the window . Then, click on the Proceed button a g ain, on the next window .
46 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S Addin g Vide o The Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er has the abilit y to add video to y our presentation as well as ima g es.
4 7 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S Note that this template also has a T icker window . This window can be used to displa y text b y scrollin g or crawlin g the text.
48 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S 2. C lick the Add button to add the movie fi le. 3 . S elect the movie fi le and click the O pen button. The movie fi le will appear u n de r bo th th e M ed i a fi l es win do w a n d th e R ece nt It e m s win do w : 4.
4 9 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S Combinin g Ima g es with Vide o 1. S elect the upper ri g ht corner window , as shown below , b y le f t-clickin g the m ouse. This window will onl y accept an ima g e fi le, as denoted b y the ima g e i co n. 2. Dra g one o f the ima g es f rom the Recent Items window to the Media fi les win do w.
50 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S S ince these two ima g es were part o f our previous presentation, the y will appear under the Recent Items window and be available f or other pro j ects. 6 . S elect the ima g e window on the lower ri g ht corner o f the template and dra g the other ima g e to the Media Files window .
5 1 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S 2. H i g hli g ht the movie fi le under the Media tab and click the Remove button. A warnin g dialo g will be displa y ed, askin g y ou to con fi rm the removal o f the fi le f rom the pro j ect. C lick the O K button. 3 .
52 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S Addin g a Ticker In addition to video, audio, and g raphics, the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er also allows y ou to add a text ticker to y our Di g ital S i g na g e presentations. A text ticker is ideal f or presentin g headlines or minor pieces o f news to y our audience.
5 3 SIGNAGE MANAGER EXPRES S 5 . C lick the Back g round color to brin g up the color picker . 6 . C han g e the color to black and click the O K button. 7. For now , leave the Font color white. 8 . S elect the C rawl ticker option and leave the speed set to Normal speed.
5 4 RESETTING THE DIGIT AL SIGNAGE PLA YER Restorin g Factor y Default Settin g s I f y ou f or g et the Menu Sy stem password or need to restore the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er to the f actor y settin g s, the unit will need to be reset. 1. Disconnect power f rom the Di g ital S i g na g e Pla y er .
55 NETWORK CABLE WIRING DIAGRA M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 G e f en recommends the TIA / EIA-568-B wirin g option. Please adhere to the table below when fi eld terminatin g cable f or use with G e f en products.
5 6 SPECIFICA TION S H DMI O utput C onnector .................................................. ( 1 ) T y pe A 19-pin, f emal e C omposite Video / Audio C onnector ................................... ( 2 ) 3.5 mm mini-stere o V G A O utput C onnector .
57 W ARRANTY G e f en warrants the equipment it manu f actures to be f ree f rom de f ects in material and workmanship. I f equipment f ails because o f such de f ects and G e f en is noti fi ed with.
R e v A 1 This product uses UL listed power supplies. Pb.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Gefen EXT-HD-DSWFPN c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Gefen EXT-HD-DSWFPN - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Gefen EXT-HD-DSWFPN, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Gefen EXT-HD-DSWFPN va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Gefen EXT-HD-DSWFPN, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Gefen EXT-HD-DSWFPN.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Gefen EXT-HD-DSWFPN. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Gefen EXT-HD-DSWFPN ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.