Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit FAR-2167DS-BB du fabricant Furuno
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All brand and product names are trademarks, registered tradem arks or service marks of their respective holders. MARINE RADAR F AR-2167DS/2167DS-BB/2167DS-D Installation manual SAFETY INST RUCTIONS ....................... i SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION .
The paper used in this manual is elemental chlorine free. ・FURUNO Authorized Distributor/Dealer 9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya, 662-8580, JAPAN Telephone : +81-(0)798-65-2111 Fax : +81-(0)798-65-4200 A : FEB 2007 . Printed in Japan All rights reserved.
i WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. CAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
ii WARNING Do not open the equipment unless totally familiar with electrical circuits and service manual. Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment. Wear a hard hat and safety belt when mounting the antenna unit. Serious injury or death can result if someone falls from the radar antenna mast.
iii SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION PROCESSOR UNIT RPU-013 Navigator IEC-61162 Serial data (I/O) IEC-61162 Serial data (Input) Speed Log Gyrocompass AIS Track Controller : Optional supply : Local supply : Stand.
iv EQUIPMENT LISTS Standard supply * See packing list at end of this manual. Name T ype Code No. Qty Remarks Antenna Unit SN30AF – 1 Radiat or SN36AF – RSB-1 1 1 – 1 200 V AC, 3 φ , 50 Hz 220 V.
v Optional equip ment Name T y pe Code N o. Remark s Gyro Conv er ter GC-10-2 000-080 -440 See Chapt er 4. S tepdown Tr an sf o r m er Unit RU-1803 – 44 0 to 100 V AC, for process or unit RU-5693 .
vi This page i s in tentio nally l eft bl ank..
1-1 1. MOUNTING 1.1 Antenna Unit Mounting considerations The antenna unit is generally installed e ither on to p of the wh eelhouse, on the radar mast, or on a suitable platform. The mo unting location should afford a good all-round view and sat isfy the siting and mounting considerations mention ed below.
1-2 In st alla ti on p rec aut i on f or S- ba nd an te nn a uni t If an S -b and a nten na u nit i s mo un ted ne ar the en d of a p lat form to pro v ide su fficie nt r otatio n c le ar - anc e f or t he rad iat or , the ante nna un it, be cau se of its w e igh t, will s w in g up and dow n by s hip 's vibra tion a nd rollin g.
1-3 Ass e m bli ng the an tenn a unit The an te nn a un it sh ou ld be as s em b led be fo re m o un ti ng it . Fo llo w th e pr oc ed ure be low to asse m ble th e an t en na u nit . 1. Scr ew th e gu i de pi ns (2 pc s.) in the ra di at or . 2. Re move the pr otective cap from t he choke g uide an d radiator .
1-4 Ho w t o ho ist th e ante nn a u n it 1. Fix the a nt en na radi at or to the ante nna un it ch ass is as show n on page 1 -3. 2. A ttach the lift ing fixtu res and coll ars as s h own below . 3. Posit ion th e ra dia to r as s ho w n be low and arra ng e t he ro pe s A an d B.
1-5 Fast en in g th e a nt enna u nit to t he mou n ting pl atf orm Note : The ante n na is made of cast alumi num, whic h is subject to ele ctro lyti c corro sion i f the mounti ng platfo rm is st eel or i ron. To pr event ele ctrolyti c c orrosio n, use the su pplied seal washers and c or ros io n- pro of rub be r m at .
1-6 2. Lay t he co rros ion- pro of r ubber m a t (s up plied) on t he mo un ting pl atfor m , ali gni ng the ho les on the r ub ber m at with th e f i x ing hol es on the m ou nt ing pla tform . 3. Lay t he an te nn a uni t on th e ru bb er m at , o rie nt ing it so t he ca bl e gl a nd i s di r ect ed to war d s hip 's bow .
1-7 1.2 Mo nitor Unit The monitor unit is can flush mounted in a panel or mounted on a desktop (requires opti onal accessories) . The FAR-2167DS-BB is not equi pped with a monit or unit. Pro cure a suit able monitor unit local ly. Recommended monitor: SXGA (1280×1024) , aspect ratio 5:4.
1-8 How to att ach panel hoo k and panel cover Note: If you need to remove t he monitor unit from the console, remove the four panel covers wi th your fin gernail an d use two pan el hooks supplied as accessories to lift the monitor unit. Desktop m ounti ng Use the optional deskt op mouting kit (Type : FP03-09820, Code No.
1-9 Fastening monito r unit to hanger Atta ch ing hand grips Hand grips are optionall y availab le fo r the desktop- mount monitor unit. Attach them as fol lows: 1. Remove the snap buttons att ached at step 5 on the previous p age. 2. Fix hand grip s with wave washers, rosette washer s and flat head screws.
1-10 1. Desktop mounting: Fast en the f ixing pl ates t o the fi xing h oles with the hex head bolt s (sup- plied). Flush mounting: Fasten the displ ay unit to the mounting location , and then att ach the fixing plates with four self-t apping screws. 2.
1- 11 Fixing w ithou t KB fixin g plate 1. Dr ill f our mount ing hol es of 5 m m di amet e r , re ferr ing t o t he out lin e dr awin g at the b ack of th is ma nu al. 2. Fix the contr ol uni t with fou r screws (M4) fro m the under side of the deskto p.
1-12 Flush mounti ng Us e t he opti on al flus h mo un t kit FP 03 -09 87 0 (C od e No. 00 8-5 35 -63 0) to flus h m o un t t he c on trol unit RCU- 014, RCU- 015 and/ or RCU016 i n a console. 1. P repare a cu tout in the mounting locati on as sh own in the f igure b e low .
1- 13 Con nect ing RCU- 016 in ser ies w ith RC U-0 14 Contro l uni t RCU-014, insid e vi ew 1. P ass the cable from RCU-016. 2. Plug in connector to J502.
1-14 Cha n gi ng the ca ble ent r ance on cont r ol u ni t RCU- 0 15/ RCU- 016 To ch ange the cable en trance from t he sid e (defau l t) to th e bottom, modi fy t he unit a s shown belo w . Changing ca ble entr ance o n control u nit RCU-015/RCU-016 Cable clamp 03-163-7804 Screw M3X8 (torque: 10.
1- 15 1.4 Pr ocess or Unit Mo un ting con sidera tio ns When sele cting a mounti ng loc ation, keep i n mind the f ollowin g points: • L oca te the pro ces sor un it aw ay f rom he at s our ces beca use of he at th at ca n build up ins id e the cabinet.
1-16 1.5 Power Su pply Unit Mo un ting con sid erat ions The po wer suppl y unit ma y be mounted on a bulkhead or a deck. Because i t has no oper ation requ irem ents it ca n be loca te d al m os t any w h ere , prov i ded th e lo ca t ion is we ll v en til at ed .
2-1 2. WIRING 2.1 W iring Ove rview PROCESSOR UNIT : Fabrication required 100-115V/220-230 VAC 1 φ , 50/60Hz TB801 TB802 MONITOR UNIT CONTROL UNIT (RCU-014 or RCU-015) RW -9600 15/30/40/50 m (Max.
2-2 2. 2 Antenna Un it Ant enna unit , f ront view Fab ri cat ing s ig na l c ab le R W-96 00 an d HV ca bl e T Y PCY -1. 5 1. U se a rat chet or box wren c h (diag on al 13 m m) to ope n po rt - an d starboa rd -s ide covers on the ant en na u nit . 2.
2-3 4. In the order shown i n the fi gure below , p ass the g land nut , fla t washer s (3 pcs.) and gasket onto the signal cable. 5. A s shown i n the fi gure below , fold back t he armor onto fla t washer (2) a nd in sert re maining armor thr ough flat washer (3) .
2-4 7. U s in g th e t er m ina l op ene r pr ov id ed, c on ne ct c or es (ex c e pt co ax ia l ca bl e) to t he ir ap pro pri ate locati ons on TB801 on the TB B oard. Refer to the inter connectio n diagram f or wir ing d eta ils. 8. Co nnect th e coaxi al cable to TB 802, r eferrin g to the ri ght-h and ill ustr ation below .
2-5 13. In th e or de r sh ow n in t he figure bel ow, pass th e g lan d nu t, f lat w as h ers (3 pc s.) a nd gask et onto th e HV c able. 14.As sh own in the f igure b elow , fold b ack th e armor o nto t he fla t washer and i nsert i t thru th e other fla t washer .
2-6 4. In the order shown i n the fi gure below , p ass the g land nut , fla t wash ers (3 pcs.) and gasket onto th e po wer ca bl e. 5. A s sh ow n in the f igu re b elo w , fo ld b ac k arm o r on to fl at wa s he r an d inse rt it thru th e ot h er f lat washer .
2-7 2.3 Monito r Unit (for F AR-2167DS) Two c abl e s ar e t erm ina ted at the moni t or un i t: t he s ign a l ca ble fro m t he pr o cess or unit (5 m or 1 0 m cable) and the power cabl e from th e ship's mains. The si gnal cable comes wi th a connector pre- atta ched to it fo r conn ecti on to th e monit or unit.
2-8 2. 4 Proc essor Unit Fo ur c abl es a r e te rmi nat ed at t he p r oce sso r uni t: t he an ten n a uni t c abl e, mon it or uni t c abl e (F AR- 2167 D S o nly ), c on tr ol un it ca ble and th e po wer ca ble . Ca ble s ot her th an the po w er c ab le com e with a co nn ec t or pr ea tta ch ed to th em .
2-9 Con necti on of cabl es The po w er c ab le is c on ne cte d t o t he t er m ina l bo ard on the rea r pan el and the s ign al c ab le f ro m the m onitor unit is connected to the DVI-D c onnector. Other cables are conn e cted to th e pri nted circuit board 03P9342.
2-10 Lo ca tio n of conne ct o r s Ope n th e pr oc e sso r un it as sh ow n belo w to ac c es s th e 0 3P 934 2 b oar d, w hic h is for co nne c t ion of ex t er na l equ ipm ent . Locati o n of connectors insid e the processor unit *: Se e page 2-1 1 for de tail s.
2- 11 Ca ble fa bric at ion f or t he ca bl es co nn ecte d t o th e 0 3P93 42 bo a rd Signa l cable RW-960 0 (Bet ween ant enn a uni t and proc essor uni t) Power ca ble TPYC-1. 5 Cables fo r o ptional e quipme nt (u se TT YCS-1 or TT YCS-4 , or equ ivalent) Shield Armor F asten cable clamp here .
2-12 Co nn ec tio n of S u b- dis p lay A conve ntional remote displ ay and/ or FAR-2xx7 serie s rada r can b e connecte d to J617 (FULL- LOG) and J6 18 (S EMI-LOG) in the processor unit a s a su b-di splay. Ho wever, t h e contro l for GAIN and STC ar e dif fer ent depend ing on J61 7 and J 618.
2- 13 2.5 Power Su pply Unit Wire th e power s u pply unit refer ring to th e inte rconnecti o n diagr am. Be sure to g round th e unit , with IV - 8sq wire ( local suppl y). Note 1: Motor speci ficat ion cann ot be ch anged in t he field. Note 2: Pa ss t he AC l ine th rough a doub le-c ont act br eaker (shi pyar d supp ly) .
2-14 Te rm in al T B 2: ca ble T PYC -2 .5 ( for an t en n a m o to r) Ter minal TB 3: #1 1-#13, cable TYPC-1. 5 (bet ween power cont rol sec tion and proc essor) See page 2 -5 f or secti onal views of th ese cable s if u sing equiva l ent cable s. Te rm in al T B 3: #1 -#3 T PYC Y- 2.
2- 15 2.6 Cha nging AC Power S pecification To chan ge AC power spec ifi cati on f rom 1 00 V AC t o 22 0 VAC and vic e ver sa, chan ge fu se an d jumper wi re set ti ngs and adju st th e overvo l tage detect i on circu i t, fo l l owing th e inst ructi o ns in thi s section .
2-16 Processor unit, i nside vie w How t o adj ust th e over volta ge det e c tion ci rcui t: 1. Add or remove the j umper conn ect or P108 as app rop r ia te and ch ange t he fu se, r efer rin g to the t able on th e pr evio us p age f or de tai ls. 2.
2- 17 Powe r supply unit Re fer t o th e ill ust ratio n a nd tabl e b elo w to a dd (or rem ove) jum p er con nect o r P8 from th e TX -H V Boar d (0 3P 935 0) a nd ch an ge fu se. After co mple ti ng j umper and fu se arr angements, a dju st th e o vervo l ta ge detect i on ci rcu i t, u si ng a varia ble tr ansfor mer.
2-18 How t o adj ust th e over volta ge det e c tion ci rcui t 1. Add or r e mov e t he jum pe r co nnect or P 8 as approp ri ate a nd ch ange t he f use, ref err in g to the t able above for det ail s. 2. O n t he P W R bo ard , se t R2 1 fu lly c loc k w is e .
3-1 3. ADJUSTMENTS This section provides the informa tion necessary for setting and adjusting the radar, which is car- ried out from the radar's menu system. Menus may be accessed from the keyboard or on-screen menu in case of Control Unit RCU-014, or on-s creen menu in case of Control Unit RCU-015.
3-2 3. 2 Heading Alignment You have mount ed t he an tenn a un it fa cing st rai ght ahead in the direc ti on of the bow. T here fore , a sma ll bu t con s pic u ou s tar ge t de ad ahe ad vi su al ly sh ou ld ap pe ar o n th e h ead in g line (z er o degr ees ) .
3-3 6. For Control Unit RCU-014: a) Wh ile pr ess ing an d h olding d ow n th e [H L OF F] k ey , pre ss t he [ M EN U] k ey fiv e time s. b) Pres s th e [0 ] key to show the INIT IALIZ E m en u. For Control Unit RCU-015: See the procedur e on the next p ag e for how to show the INITIALIZE m enu.
3-4 How to access the INITIALIZE Menu with Control Unit RCU-015 1. Use the tr ac kball to place the pointer on the MENU bo x so it is highlighted. DO NOT clic k the menu bo x - just leav e the pointer ov er "MENU". 2. Press and hold do wn the F1 ke y .
3-5 3.3 Adjusting Sweep T iming Sweep timing differs with respect to the length of the signal cable betw een the antenna unit and the processor unit. Adjust sweep timing to prevent the following symptoms: • The echo of a "straight" target (for example, pier), on the 0.
3-6 3. 4 Suppress ing Main Bang If main b ang appears a t the scre en center , suppr ess i t as fo ll ows. 1. Transm i t the rad ar on a lon g ra ng e an d t he n wait t en mi nut e s . 2. A dju s t ga in to sho w a s lig ht am ou nt of no is e on the di sp lay .
3-7 3.5 Other Se ttings ECHO menu setting Ope n th e E C H O A D J me nu as des c ri be d on pag e 3- 3 an d 3- 4. ECHO ADJ menu CABL E ATT ADJ Befor e adjusti ng, set th e radar as fo llows: IR: 2, E.
3-8 SCANNER menu 1. Open the INITIALIZE menu as described on page 3-3 and 3-4. 2. Choose 3 SCANNER to open the SCANNER menu. SCANNER menu BLIND SECTOR 1 and BLIND SECTOR 2 Set area (up to 2) where no radar pulses will be transmitted. Heading should be adjusted before setting any blind sector.
3-9 INSTALLATION menu Open the INSTALLATION menu by choosing 4 INSTAL- LATION from the INITIALIZE menu. RADAR Automatically selected to MAIN when 4 RADAR NO is selected to 1-4; SUB when the same item is selected to 5-8. RANGE UNIT Choose NM, SM, km or kyd (kilo yard) as appropriate.
3-10 OWN SHIP INFO menu Open the OWN SHIP INFO menu by choosing 5 OWN SHIP INFO from the INITIALIZE menu. OWN SHIP INFO menu LENGTH/WIDTH, SCANNER POSN and SUB SCANNER POSN To accurately inscribe own ship marker on the screen, enter length and width of the ship and scanner position from the bow and left sides, fo r both main and sub scanners.
3- 11 ARPA PRESET menu Ope n th e A R PA PR E SE T me nu by c hoo s ing 6 AR P PR E SE T fro m the I N I TIA LI Z E me nu . *: Not sho wn on IMO radar. ARP -re lat e d m en us TTM OU TPUT Set th e ou tp ut f orm a t of tra c ke d t arg ets am o ng OF F , RE L a nd T R U E .
3-12 LAND S IZE Set the minimum echo size to be considere d a landmass. The sett i ng range is 100 to 1000 m, in inc rem en ts o f 100 m. ANT SELEC T Set the mode l of ante nna r adia to r us ed. AUT O ACQ CORRE Set th e nu m be r of co ns e c ut iv e ec h oe s to rec eiv e fro m a t arg et be fo re initiat in g au t om a tic a cqui- sitio n on it.
3- 13 OTHER me nu Open t he OTHER menu by choosing 8 OTHERS from th e INITIA LIZE menu. OTHER menu EAV w/o GYRO Echo aver aging can be use d wit hout a gy roco mpass. Cho o se ON to use ech o avera gi n g with out a gy roc ompass . ARP SELECT Choose ARPA o r ATA dep ending on yo ur radar s ystem .
3-14 Thi s pag e int e nt ion all y left bl ank ..
4-1 4. OPTIO NAL EQUIPMENT 4.1 G yro Con verter GC-10 Th e Gyr o Con vert er G C-10, in corp or at ed i ns ide t he pr oces sor u ni t , con vert s anal o g gy roc ompas s read ing int o di git al co de d be arin g d at a f or di spla y o n t he ra da r s c ree n.
4-2 2. F ast e n the G YRO C O NVE RTE R bo ard in side t he pro cess or un it w ith five was h er he ad s crew s. 3. Fix connector 2 31-607 /0 19-FUR (cal led J6 02) wit h two screws. Fixin g G YR O C ON V ERT E R bo ard ins id e the p roc e s so r un it 4.
4-3 5. Co nnect J602 (att ached at ste p 3) to t he GYRO CONVERTER b o ard with two VH co nnector asse m bl ies 03 -20 89 (3P ) an d 03 -20 90 (5P ). Co nnect ing conn ector as se m bl ies insi de p roc esso r un it 6.
4-4 7. P ass the g yrocomp ass cabl e th rough th e cable cl amp and connect i t to conn ector J6 02 as sho w n in th e fi gu re be lo w . 8. A ttach the clamps to the pl asti c cover a nd the n att ach the cove r to the GYRO CONVER TER boar d as s ho w n in the fi gur e be low.
4-5 Conn ectio n of e xte rna l p ower sup ply An external power supply is necessary when the repeater signal is step-by-ste p type and the step voltag e is below 20 V or o utput vo lta ge is l ess th an 5 W. 1. C u t ju m pe r w ire JP 1 on the G YR O C ON V ERTE R bo ard when an ex te rn al po wer su ppl y is us ed.
4-6 Setting me thod 1: DIP switch settings and gyroc om pass specifi cation s 1) Gyrocomp ass type 2) Frequency 3) Rotor voltage (between R1 & R2) 4) St ator voltage (between S1 & S2) 5) Ratio.
4-7 Setting me thod 2: by make and mode l of gyrocompa ss *: Set JP 4 and JP5 a ccording to th e volta ge of t he external p ower su pply. Note : If CMZ- 50 has 35 VDC, set JP1 t o #4, # 5 , #6.
4-8 Loca tion of D IP swi tches , jump er wires on the GYR O C ONVER TER bo ard GYRO CONVERTER board 64P1106 JP5, JP4 (Supply voltage) JP2 (Stator voltage) JP3 (Rotor voltage) JP1 (Gyro type) Fuse (2A.
4-9 Sett ing the headi ng read out on t he ra dar di sp lay Confir m that the gyr ocompass is givi ng a rel iable r eadout. Th en, set th e headi ng readout o n the radar d ispla y with the gyrocompass readout as fo llows: 1. Right-cli ck the HDG box at the top ri ght cor ner on t h e screen.
4-10 4. 2 Mem ory Car d I nterfac e Unit Mo un ting con sid erat ions When sele ctin g a mounti ng lo cation, observ e the fo ll owing poin ts: • L oc at e th e un it away f rom h eat s ou rc es be c au s e of hea t th at ca n bu ild up in s ide th e c ab ine t.
4- 11 Deskto p m ount Require s the opti onal d eskt o p mount kit FP03-1 0201. Re fer to the packi ng list at the back of this manual fo r fu rther inf ormation about this kit. 1. Fix the mount ing bra cket 1 9-023-308 1 to the unit with four scr ews.
4-12 Note : When two memory card i nterf ace units a re c onnected via a network, chan ge ID code fo r the second unit. 1. Re move th e cover an d set th e IP0 bi t of t he DIP switch S1 on the CARDCPU board (03P9333) to ON. 2. S et INIT bit of S1 to ON and turn on the rada r .
4- 13 4.3 DVI-RG B Conve rsion Kit Thi s info rma ti on provid es th e pr oced ure nece s sary for the in sta llat ion of the D VI-R G B con vers io n kit. Th is kit is in stalled in t h e processor u n it to enable connectio n of an RGB monito r or VDR (Vo yag e D at a Re c o rder ) .
4-14 1. R e m ov e t he to p c ov e r and op en t he upp er part of the pro c es s or unit . Proce ssor un it, sid e view 2. F ix t he R G B- BU F F bo ard (03 P9 22 9B boa rd) wi th fo ur s c re ws . (S ee th e fi gu re be lo w .) 3. A ttac h t he co nn ect or as s e m bli es to J1 an d J 3 on the 03 P9 22 9B boa rd a s foll ow s .
4- 15 5. A ttach the DVI-RGB CONVERSION board to th e loca tion sh own belo w . Fixing the DVI-RGB conver sion b oard in side th e pro cessor u nit 6. A ttach the 10-pin connector fro m J1 on th e 03P9229B b o ard to J 9 on th e DVI-RGB boa rd. 7. A ttach the connector assembl y 03-2092 to J4 on the DV I-RGB CONVERSION boar d.
4-16 4.4 BNC Connector Converter To co nnect the FURUNO Voya ge Data Recorder VR-5000 to this r adar, the DVI-RGB co nversion kit (m en ti on ed a t p rev io us pa rag ra ph) and th e BN C c o nne ct or c on v ert e r are requ ire d.
5-1 5. IO DA T A Ava ila ble in put an d outp ut d at a are sh own i n th e ta ble s b elo w a nd in put an d o utp ut se nten c es a re sh own on the next page . Note : This r adar acce p ts positi on data fi xed by WGS- 84 geodeti c dat um only. Set t he datum to WG S- 84 on th e E PFS ( GP S, et c.
5-2 IE C 61 162 inp ut se nten ce an d prio rity IE C 61162 out put se nt e n ce HDT is I E C61162-2, all oth er sent ences are IEC61162-1 ed2. It e m Sentenc e and o rder of pr ior it y S pee d ( STW.
%1&'01 6;2' %2 ⇛ޓޓ࿑ 176.+0' ฬޓޓ⒓ 0#/' ᢙ㊂ 36; ↪ㅜ㧛⠨ 4'/#4-5 ⇟ภ 01 ဳฬ㧛ⷙᩰ &'5%4+2 6+105 +056#.
%1&'01 6;2' (2 ⇛ޓޓ࿑ 176.+0' ฬޓޓ⒓ 0#/' ᢙ㊂ 36; ↪ㅜ㧛⠨ 4'/#4-5 ⇟.
%1&'01 6;2' ⇛ޓޓ࿑ 176.+0' ฬޓޓ⒓ 0#/' ᢙ㊂ 36; ↪ㅜ㧛⠨ 4'/#4-5 ⇟ภ 01 ဳฬ㧛ⷙᩰ &'5%4+2 6+105 +056#.
㧼㧭㧯㧷㧵㧺㧳ޓ㧸㧵㧿㨀 ).: /7%4 0#/' 176.+0' &'5%4+26+10%1&'ͳ 36; ࡙࠾࠶࠻ 70+6 ␜ㇱ &+52.
CODE NO. 008-535-940-00 TYPE CP03-25602 略 図 OUTLINE 名 称 NAME 数量 Q'TY 用途/備考 REMARKS 番 号 NO. 型名/規格 DESCRIP TIONS 1/1 -2 INSTALLATION MATERIALS 工事材料表 AC用 03GL-X-9405 操作レバー TERMINAL OPENER 231- 131 1 制御部用 FOR PROC ESSOR UNIT 000-165 -800-10 1 CODE NO.
CODE NO. 008-572-750-00 TYPE CP03-31401 略 図 OUTLINE 名 称 NAME 数量 Q'TY 用途/備考 REMARKS 番 号 NO. 型名/規格 DESCRIP TIONS 1/1 -1 INSTALLATION MATERIALS 工事材料表 03GX-X-9402 圧着端子 CRIMP-ON LUG FV2-4 14 000-157 -247-10 1 CODE NO.
CODE NO. 008-535-610-00 TYPE FP03-09850 略 図 OUTLINE 名 称 NAME 数量 Q'TY 用途/備考 REMARKS 番 号 NO. 型名/規格 DESCRIP TIONS 1/1 -7 ACCESSORIES 付属品表 03GL-X-9505 KB直付金具 KB FIXING METAL 03-1 63-7521 -1 ROH S 1 操作部用 FOR CONT ROL U NIT 100-306 -251-10 1 CODE NO.
CODE NO. 008-535-630-00 TYPE FP03-09870 略 図 OUTLINE 名 称 NAME 数量 Q'TY 用途/備考 REMARKS 番 号 NO. 型名/規格 DESCRIP TIONS 1/1 -6 ACCESSORIES 付属品表 03GL-X-9503 フラッシュマウント金具 FLUSH MOUNTING PLATE 03-163- 7531- 1 ROHS 4 100-306 -261-10 1 CODE NO.
%1&' 01 6;2' (2 ⇛ޓޓ࿑ 176.+0' ฬޓޓ⒓ 0#/' ᢙ㊂ 36; ↪ㅜ㧛⠨ 4'/#4-5 ⇟ภ 01 ဳฬ㧛ⷙᩰ &'5%4+2 6+105 #%%'5514+'5 ઃዻຠ ).
%1&' 01 6;2' %2 ⇛ޓޓ࿑ 176.+0' ฬޓޓ⒓ 0#/' ᢙ㊂ 36; ↪ㅜ㧛⠨ 4'/#4-5 ⇟ภ 01 ဳฬ㧛ⷙᩰ &'5%4+2 6+105 +056#.
CODE NO. 008-535-640-00 TYPE OP03-183 略 図 OUTLINE 名 称 NAME 数量 Q'TY 用途/備考 REMARKS 番 号 NO. 型名/規格 DESCRIP TIONS 1/1 -6 INSTALLATION MATERIALS 工事材料表 03GL-X-9408 +-ナベセム スB WASHER HEAD SDREW * B* M4X12 C2700W MBNI2 4 000-163 -192-10 1 CODE NO.
CODE NO. 008-542-460-00 TYPE CP03-28901 略 図 OUTLINE 名 称 NAME 数量 Q'TY 用途/備考 REMARKS 番 号 NO. 型名/規格 DESCRIP TIONS 1/1 -4 INSTALLATION MATERIALS 工事材料表 03GL-X-9407 コネクタ(モジュラー) MODULAR CONN CTOR MPS588-C 2 000-166 -044-10 1 CODE NO.
May 17'07 R.Esumi D-3.
1/Sep/2010 Y.NISHIYAMA D-4.
Takahashi T . Y. Hatai D-5.
Jan.18'08 R.Esumi D-6.
Apr.23'07 R.Esumi D-7.
Apr.23'07 R.Esumi D-8.
Apr.23'07 R.Esumi D-9.
Apr.23'07 R.Esumi D-10.
Apr.23'07 R.Esumi D-11.
Y. Hatai D-15.
Y. Hatai D-16.
Y. Hatai D-17.
Y. Hatai D-18.
Apr.05'04 D-19.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Furuno FAR-2167DS-BB c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Furuno FAR-2167DS-BB - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Furuno FAR-2167DS-BB, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Furuno FAR-2167DS-BB va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Furuno FAR-2167DS-BB, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Furuno FAR-2167DS-BB.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Furuno FAR-2167DS-BB. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Furuno FAR-2167DS-BB ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.