Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 5020AThermo-Hygrometer 5020A du fabricant Fluke
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® 5020A Thermo-H ygrom eter Users Manual December 2 003 © 2003 Fluke C orporation, All rights reserved. All product names a re tradem arks of t heir respective com panies.
LIMITED WARRA NTY AND LIMITATION O F LIABILITY Each Fluke pr oduct i s warrant ed to be fr ee from d efects in materia l and w orkmansh ip under norm al use and service. T he warranty period i s one year and beg ins on t he date of sh ipment. P arts, pro duct repair s, and services ar e warranted for 90 days.
i Table of Contents Chap ter T itle Page 1 Introduction and Sp eci ficati ons ........................................................ 1-1 Introducti on ..................................................................................................
5020A Users Manual ii 4 Gene ral Op era tion .............................................................................. 4-1 Introducti on ........................................................................................................ 4-3 DC Power Source.
Contents (c ontinued) iii IR ............................................................................................................... 5-32 Password ................................................................................................
5020A Users Manual iv.
v List of Tables Tabl e Tit l e Pag e 5-1. Field Types ............................................................................................................. 5 - 10 5-2. Aproxim a te Data Storage Capacity .......................................
5020A Users Manual vi.
vii List of Figures Figure Title Page 3-1. Front Panel ............................................................................................................. 3 -3 3-2. Top Panel ..................................................................
5020A Users Manual viii 5-32. File View ................................................................................................................ 5-24 5-33. Alarm .................................................................................
1-1 Chapter 1 Introduction and Specifications Tit l e Pag e Introducti on ........................................................................................................ 1-3 Symbols Used .......................................................
5020A Users Manual 1-2.
Introduction and Specifications Introduct ion 1 1-3 Introduct ion This m anual con tains info rmation necess ary safely op erate the Fluke 5020A T herm o- Hygrom eter.
5020A Users Manual 1-4 Symbo ls Used Table 1- 1 lists the I nternational Electr ical Sym bols. Some or all of these sym bols may be used on the in strument or in this m anual.
Introduction and Specifications Safety Infor mation 1 1-5 • The AC adapter can present safety concerns if misused or damaged. To av oi d the risk of e lectric shock or fire, do not use the A C ada pter outdoors or in a dusty, dirty, or wet environment.
5020A Users Manual 1-6 • Sensors are fragile devices w hich can be damaged by mechanical shock, overheating, and exposure to fluids. Damage may not be v i sibly apparent but can c ause drif t, instability, and loss of accuracy . Observe the following precautions: • DO NOT allow sensors to be dropped, struck, or stressed.
Introduction and Specifications Specific atio ns 1 1-7 Specifi cations Temperatur e Range 0 °C to 50 °C Temperatur e Accuracy (“H” Model) 16 °C to 24 °C: ±0 .125 °C (calibrated) 0 °C to 16 °C, 24 °C to 50 °C: ±0.5 °C (uncalibra ted typical) Temperatur e Accuracy (“S” Model) 15 °C to 35 °C: ± 0.
5020A Users Manual 1-8 Size (5020A) 125 mm Hx 211 mm W x 51 mm D(4.9 in x 8.3 in x 2.0 in) Size (Probes) 79 mm H x 19 mm dia. (3.1 in H x 0.75 in) Weight 0.
2-1 Chapter 2 Quick Start Tit l e Pag e Introducti on ........................................................................................................ 2-3 Unpacking ..............................................................................
5020A Users Manual 2-2.
Quick Sta rt Introduct ion 2 2-3 Introduct ion This sec tion briefly expl ains the bas ics of setting up and operating y our thermo- hygrom eter. Unp acking Careful l y unpack the thermo- h ygrometer a nd inspect t he instrument to m ake sure all components a re present and in satisfactory condition.
5020A Users Manual 2-4 Con nect the P ower Source The therm o-hygrom eter draws power from the pr ovide d power adapter. Plug the adapter into a wall ou tlet of the app ropriate volt age and insert t he DC plug into the DC po wer input of the therm o -hyg ro meter.
3-1 Chapter 3 Parts and Controls Tit l e Pag e Introducti on ........................................................................................................ 3-3 Front Panel .....................................................................
5020A Users Manual 3-2.
Parts and Controls Introduct ion 3 3-3 Introduct ion The functions of the var ious features of the the rmo-hygrom eter are described belo w. Front Pane l The front panel butt ons E , A , D , B , C and F are used to select and alt er the function s of th e thermo- h ygrom eter (se e Figure 3-1).
5020A Users Manual 3-4 B C - T hese buttons a re used to chang e a value or op tion w hen editing a pa rameter. When editing som e numeric or al pha-numeric param eters, these bu ttons are used to move amon g d igi ts or char a cter s.
Parts and Controls Left Side Panel 3 3-5 avu054.tif Figure 3-3. Right and Left Side Vie w Left Side Panel The left side panel cons ists of th e DC power socket, th e RS-232 port and the data card slot. 12 V DC Power Socket - The DC plug of the AC adapte r plugs into t he 12V D C power sock et to power th e instrument.
5020A Users Manual 3-6 Battery Compartme nt - The ba ttery com partment h olds a 9V alk aline batte ry used a s a backup power sou rce to maintain conti nuous measu rement during a powe r outage. Power Switch - The power sw itch turns the power o n and off to the thermo- hygrom eter, including pow er from the ba ttery.
Parts and Controls Accessori es 3 3-7 • Model 5026A- S Spare Sensor/Stand ard Accuracy • Model 5027A- S Spare Sensor Ki t inclu des a standa rd accuracy probe (Model 5026A- S), sensor cas e (Model 502 6A-CASE), sensor wall mount bracket (Model 5030A- MNT), and 25- foot (7.
5020A Users Manual 3-8.
4-1 Chapter 4 General Operation Tit l e Pag e Introducti on ........................................................................................................ 4-3 DC Power Source...................................................................
5020A Users Manual 4-2.
Genera l Operation Introduct ion 4 4-3 Introduct ion This sec tion explains b asic operation o f the therm o -hyg ro meter. De tailed ope ration of the thermo- hygrometer is explained in Chapters 5 and 6.
5020A Users Manual 4-4 Used batter ies must be disp osed of properly . See Warnings at the beginning of th is manual. Sensor Conf igurat ion The therm o-hygrometer c an be used with on e or two sensor s of either type attached at either of the two ports.
Genera l Operation Unit of Temperatur e 4 4-5 Unit of Tempe rature The therm o-hygrom eter is capable of d isplaying tem perature in C elsius (C) or Fa hrenheit (F). The un it of tem peratur e applie s to tem perature m easurements on eit her chan nel that are display ed, recorded, or printed.
5020A Users Manual 4-6 objects cann ot be elim inated, consider us ing a heat shield b etween the heat source and the thermo- hygrometer sens or. The sensor can also be hea ted by warm objects c lose by, perhaps a wall that is slig htly warmer than the air in th e room or even another senso r placed ne xt to it.
5-1 Chapter 5 Menu Functions Tit l e Pag e Introducti on ........................................................................................................ 5-3 Channel Menu ........................................................................
5020A Users Manual 5-2 Comm Setting ................................................................................................ 5-30 Serial ......................................................................................................... 5-31 IR .
Menu Functions Introduct ion 5 5-3 Introduct ion Select the E bu tton from the front panel to access the main menu of the thermo- hygrom eter. The main m enu consists of the subm enus: CHANNEL , DISPLAY , DATA , ALARM , and SYSTEM . Most of the m enu options may be password- protected to prevent them from being chang ed.
5020A Users Manual 5-4 avu004.j pg Figure 5-3. Chan nel Menu Channel Setti ng The CHANNEL SETT ING function allows you to turn the channels on or off, se t the measurem ent period, turn a veraging on or of f, and set t he time over which t he rate of change is calcu lated for m easurements.
Menu Functions Channel Menu 5 5-5 avu005.j pg Figure 5-4. Chan nel Setting Use the A D butto ns to select th e setting to chang e. The B C button s are used t o chang e the setting parameter s. Pres s the E but t on to sav e the new se tting. Press th e F button to cancel any changes and exit to the menu.
5020A Users Manual 5-6 Sensor Lock The SENSOR LOCK function lock s each sensor indiv idually and prohib its the user from switching sen sors on the lo cked channels.
Menu Functions Displa y Menu 5 5-7 avu009.j pg Figure 5-7. Sen sor Channel Select The B C buttons a re used to edit the param e ter value. The A D buttons a re used to m o ve between param eters. Press t he E button a fter all of th e parameters hav e been edited.
5020A Users Manual 5-8 avu010.j pg Figure 5-9. Di splay Menu Display Setting The DISPLAY SETTI NG f unction allows you to sel ect the temperat ure display resolution (T RES), humidity display resolution (H RES), decim al preference, unit of temperatu re and display contrast.
Menu Functions Displa y Menu 5 5-9 Display Layout The DISPLAY LAYOUT f unction allows you configure any of the 16 different display layouts. These sett ings may be password- protected. A disp lay layout can b e enabled or disabled by choosing ON or OFF.
5020A Users Manual 5-10 Table 5-1. Fi eld Ty pes Field Ty pe Description Blank blank field DATE curren t date TIME current time ID sensor identifi cation SERN se nso r se rial num ber TEM P most recen.
Menu Functions Displa y Menu 5 5-11 avu013.j pg Figure 5-12. F ield Data Use the B C buttons to cha nge each of the se ttings. Press E to save and continu e to the next param eter.
5020A Users Manual 5-12 avu014.j pg Figure 5-13. G raph Scale , Select Zone avu015.j pg Figure 5-14. G raph Scale Use the E b utton to edit and save the new s etting. Pr ess F button to canc el any changes and exit to the m enu. On the last param eter, pr ess the E butto n to exit to the menu.
Menu Functions Data Menu 5 5-13 avu016.j pg Figure 5-15. Dis pla y Reset Data Menu The DATA m enu contains func tions for reco rding m ea surement d ata and statistics as well as t r ansferr ing data to the data ca rd. The functions tha t appear in this m enu are DATA RECORD, DAILY STATS, and DATA CARD.
5020A Users Manual 5-14 Caution When d ata re cording memory fills up , the ear liest bloc k of da ta is automatically discarded so recording of t he most recen t data can continue. Data Record The DATA RECORD function allows the setting of th e data recording fe atures.
Menu Functions Data Menu 5 5-15 Caution When the memory has been filled, t he oldest block o f data will be discarded to allo w new data to be reco rded. Measurem ent storage cap acity can range be tween 28 hours and 2 years depend ing on the record peri od and enabled c hannels.
5020A Users Manual 5-16 avu020.j pg Figure 5-19. Dat a View, Begi n Time avu021.j pg Figure 5-20. Dat a View, Numeric Format The num eric mode di splays the data in a numeric fo rmat. The BEGIN param eter specifies the start i ng date and time of th e data to disp lay.
Menu Functions Data Menu 5 5-17 Press th e E but t on to d isplay the data for the sele cted starting date and tim e in graphic al format. Pr ess the F butto n to cancel any chang es and exit to th e menu. Data Prin t The DATA PRINT functi on allows recorded data to be printed ov er the serial or I R port.
5020A Users Manual 5-18 avu023.j pg Figure 5-22. Dat a Storage Press th e E or F button to exit. Data Clear The DATA CLEAR function cl ears the da ta collected. This function may be password protected. avu024.j pg Figure 5-23. Dat a Clear Press th e E but t on to clea r the data.
Menu Functions Data Menu 5 5-19 any hour of the day and autom atically res et the sta tistics on any hour . Measurement statist ics are k ept as measur ements ar e made.
5020A Users Manual 5-20 avu026.j pg Figure 5-25. Stat s Setting The B C buttons a r e used to change the sett ing parameters. P ress the E but ton to save the new se tting. Pres s the F button t o cancel any ch anges and to exit to the menu. Stats View The STATS VI EW function is u s ed to v iew daily s tatistics.
Menu Functions Data Menu 5 5-21 avu028.j pg Figure 5-27. Stat s Print Press th e E but ton to sav e the new setting . Press the F bu tton to cance l any ch anges and exit to the menu. Stats Reset The STATS RESET fun ction resets cu rrent statist ics. Stat istics wi ll then be based on measurem ents made from this time forwa rd.
5020A Users Manual 5-22 avu030.j pg Figure 5-29. Stat s Clear Data Card The DATA CARD function allows da ta to be written to a file on a dat a card or da ta in a binary (.re c) file to be v iewed. The DA T A CARD options are FI LE WRITE and FILE VI EW.
Menu Functions Data Menu 5 5-23 avu032.j pg Figure 5-31. F ile Write Note In order to v iew the data us ing the thermo -hygrometer or th e LogWare III software, the data must be saved in BINARY format. Set the BEGI N parameter to the beg inning date and tim e of the data tha t is to be writ ten to a data card.
5020A Users Manual 5-24 avu033.j pg Figure 5-32. F ile View To view a file select the fil e to open by using the A D butt ons and press E . You m a y choose between n umeric and g raphic form at. To view data in numeric form at, select NUMERIC in the m ode field using the A D buttons and press E .
Menu Functions Alarm Menu 5 5-25 avu034.j pg Figure 5-33. A larm The A D buttons a re used to sele ct the menu op tion. T he B C button s are used to chang e the param eter setting . Press the E button to sav e the new se tting. Press th e F button to cancel any changes made and exit to the menu.
5020A Users Manual 5-26 Sensor Alarm The SEN SOR ALAR M functi on allows the setting of the alarm param eters for e ach channel. To set al arm parameter s, a channel number a nd measurem ent type (T or H) m ust first be selected us ing B C and ENTER butto ns.
Menu Functions System Menu 5 5-27 avu037.j pg Figure 5-36. Sy stem Alarm The A D buttons a re used to sele ct the menu op tion. T he B C button s are used to chang e the param eter setting . Press the E button to sav e the new se tting. Press th e F button to cancel any changes and exit to the menu.
5020A Users Manual 5-28 avu039.j pg Figure 5-38. Sy stem Menu The A D buttons a re used to sele ct the menu op tion. T he B C button s are used to chang e the param eter setting s. Press the E button to save t he new setting. Pres s the F butt on to cancel any changes and exit to the menu.
Menu Functions System Menu 5 5-29 Date Time The DATE TIME func tion is used for s etting the tim e -of- day clock, tim e format, date, and date form at. This m ay be password protected using the TI ME password param eter in the PASSWORD menu fun c tions.
5020A Users Manual 5-30 occur with th e North America day light saving mode if the daily stats record time is 01:00, since th is tim e will occur tw ice in one day . Another effe ct is with view ing data on a graph in real t ime. Data is pl otted on the graph sequential ly as m easurements are m ade and the graph is scrolled unifo rmly.
Menu Functions System Menu 5 5-31 avu042.j pg Figure 5-41. Comm Setti ng The B C but tons are used to cha nge the p ara mete r settin g. Pr ess the E bu tton to save the new se tting.
5020A Users Manual 5-32 serial port. Ec ho mode ON is useful when using termin al emulation sof t ware on a computer to com municate with the instrum e nt. Selecting OFF disables echoing . Echo mode OFF is com monly used when using control soft ware on the com puter.
Menu Functions System Menu 5 5-33 avu045.j pg Figure 5-44. Pa ssword By default th e password is set to “5020A” when the in strument ship s from the fac tory. We recom mend the user chang es the default passwo rd to secure the pa ssword-protected settings.
5020A Users Manual 5-34 System Info The SYSTEM I NFO function displays information about the therm o-hygrom eter. T he inform ation includes th e manufa cturer, m odel number, serial number, f i rmware v ersion, boot version, and battery le vel. avu002.
6-1 Chapter 6 Digital Communications Interface Tit l e Pag e Introducti on ........................................................................................................ 6-3 Comm unications ...................................................
5020A Users Manual 6-2.
Digital Communications Interface Introduct ion 6 6-3 Introduct ion The comm unication featu re allow s an extern al device, such a s a computer, to comm unicate with the the rmo-hygrom eter readout to obtain measurem ent data and control ope ration settings.
5020A Users Manual 6-4 Interfac e Commands Command Su mmary An alphabe tical li sting of th e comm ands implemented by the thermo- hygrometer readou t are shown in T able 6- 1. T hese com mands can be used with e i ther se rial or IR comm unications ports.
Digital Communications Interface Interface Com mands 6 6-5 *OPT? Returns co nfiguration options *RST Sets the instr ument operating parameters to defined conditio ns *SRE? Returns the S ervice Request.
5020A Users Manual 6-6 ALARm:RHUMidity<chn >:SENSor:ENABle? Returns the state of the humidity sensor alarm enable for the speci fied channel ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:SEN Sor:ENABle <bool>.
Digital Communications Interface Interface Com mands 6 6-7 ALARm:TEM Perature<chn>:UPPer:ENABle? Returns the sta te of the high t emperature alarm enable for the specified channel ALARm:TEM Pera.
5020A Users Manual 6-8 m>? CALCulate< chn>:PARam eter<num> : AVERerage<num>:CLEar Resets al l running stati stics CALCulate< chn>:PARam eter<num> : AVERerage<num>.
Digital Communications Interface Interface Com mands 6 6-9 specified chan nel DATa:REC ord:FREE? Returns the r ecording m emory usa ge DATa:REC ord:OPEN? Returns the number of byte s in the open data .
5020A Users Manual 6-10 STATus:ALARm:ENABle <num>|MIN|M A X|DEF Sets the alarm status enable STATus:M EASure? Returns and cl ears the me asurement statu s event STATus:M EASure:CONDition? Return.
Digital Communications Interface Interface Com mands 6 6-11 SYSTem:FIRM ware:VERSion? Returns the system f i rmware v ersion SYSTem:KLO Ckout? Returns the sta te of the button panel lockout SYSTem:KLO.
5020A Users Manual 6-12 Commands Table 4 lis t s the com mands in alphabet ical orde r. In this section t he commands are arranged in to the following groups: Alarm Commands - comm ands for alarm settings. alarm commands Measure ment Com m ands - co mmands for r eading measu rement data.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-13 • <hour> ind i cates a o ne or two dig it number for the hour (0 to 23) is required. • <minute> indi cates a one or two digit num ber for the minute is required. • <second> ind icates a one or two digit number for the s econd is required.
5020A Users Manual 6-14 ALARm:BEEP <bool> Sets the state of the audible alarm enable. Example: ALAR:BEEP 1 The <bool> p arameter turn s the alarm beep en able on (1 or ON) or off (0 or OFF). This comm and may be password protected (see Pas sword Comm ands).
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-15 Response: 0 A value of 1 is returned if a power loss al arm event has occurred. A v alue of 0 is return ed if a power los s alarm ev ent has not occurred. ALARm:POW er:ENABle? Returns t he state of th e power lo ss alarm enable.
5020A Users Manual 6-16 Response: 20.00 The RHUMidity suffix, <chn>, specifi es the channel (1 or 2). Specify ing the MI N, MAX , or DEF param eter returns t he minimum , maxim u m, or defaul t value respec tively.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-17 ALARm:RHUMidit y<chn>: RATE:LIMit <f loat>|MIN|MAX| DEF Sets the humidity ra te alar m limit for t he specified c hannel in %R H per hou r. Example: ALAR:RHUM1:RATE:LI M 1 The RHUMidity suffix, <chn>, speci fies the channel (1 or 2).
5020A Users Manual 6-18 The RHUMidity suffix, <chn>, speci fies the channel (1 or 2). A value o f 1 is returned if the upper humidity alarm is enab led.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-19 Example: ALAR:TEM P1:LOW:ENAB 1 The TEMPe r ature su ffix, <chn>, spec ifies the channel (1 or 2). The <bo ol> paramete r turns th e lower temperat ure alarm on (1 or ON) or off ( 0 or OFF).
5020A Users Manual 6-20 ALARm:TEMPurat ure<chn>:RATE:LIMit ? [MIN|MAX|DEF] Returns t he temperatu re rate alarm limit fo r the specif ied channel in deg rees (C or F) per hour. Example: ALAR:TEMP1:RATE:LIM? Response: 5 The TEMPe r ature su ffix, <chn>, spec ifies the chan nel (1 or 2).
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-21 Example: ALAR:TEMP1:UPP? Response: 0 The TEMPe rature su ffix, <chn>, specif ies the channel (1 or 2). A valu e of 1 is returned if an upper tem perature alarm event has occu rred on the speci fied channel.
5020A Users Manual 6-22 ALARm:TI ME:LAST? Returns t he time of t he last alarm ev ent. Example: ALAR:TIME:LAST? Response: 15,43,19 The respons e is returned in the format, <h our>,<m inute>,<second>.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-23 CALCulate[<chn>]: PARameter[<num>]:AVERage[<type>]:DATA? Returns t he specified statistical ca lculation fo r the spec ified ch annel. This is the same as the C ALCulate,chn.:PAR ameter<num >:AVERage<type>? command (see ).
5020A Users Manual 6-24 Specifying the MIN, MAX, or DEF param eter return s the minimum , maxim um, or default v alue respec tively . CALCulate[<chn>]:PARameter<num>:RESolution <num>|MIN|MAX|DEF Sets the display resolut i on.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-25 FORMat: TDST:STATe? Returns t he time and date stamp enable for the FETC?, MEA S?, and READ ? comm ands. Example: FO RM:TDST:S TAT? Response: 0 A value of 1 is return ed if the t ime and date s tamp is enabled.
5020A Users Manual 6-26 Data Commands The data com mands are use d to access dai l y statis tics or record ed measurem ents. DATa:DSTatistics: ENABle? Returns t he state of th e daily statist ics recording enable. Example: DAT:DST: ENAB? Response: 0 A value of 1 is returned if the daily statistics re cording is enabl ed.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-27 DATa:DSTatistics: RHOur? [MIN|MAX|DEF] Retu rns th e dail y st atist ics reset ti me. Example: DAT:DST: RHO? Response: 12 Specifying the MIN, MAX, or DEF param eter return s the minimum , maxim um, or default v alue respec tively .
5020A Users Manual 6-28 DATa:DSTatistics: RECord:ETIMe? [<num>] Returns t he daily stat istics recording end time. Example: D AT:DST:REC: ETIM? Response: 23,59,59 The <num > param eter specifies the daily statistics re cord num ber. If none is speci fied, record 1 is assum ed.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-29 DATa:RECord:FEED: TEMPerature<chn>? Returns t he state of th e tempera ture recording enable for th e specifi ed channel. Example: DAT:REC:FEED:TEMP1? Response: 1 The TEMPe rature su ffix <c hn>, specifies the channel (1 or 2 ).
5020A Users Manual 6-30 the curren t date and tim e. If not s pecified, the ac tual tim e/date range of the d ata will likely include more dat a than reques ted because fo th e sizes of th e data blocks i n me mor y.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-31 Example: SEN S:AVER? Response: 1 A value of 1 is returned if the measurem ent averaging is enabled. A value of 0 is r eturned if the m easurement av eraging is disabled. SENSor:AVERage <bool> Sets the m easurement av erage setting .
5020A Users Manual 6-32 SENSor<chn>:STATe? Returns the s ensor status fo r the specifi ed channel. Example: SEN S1:STA T ? Response: 0 The SENSor suf fix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 or 2). T he respons e to this co mmand is a num ber that indica tes the state of the sensor on th e specified channel.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-33 The <chn > param eter specifie s the ch annel (1 or 2). A value of 1 is re turned if the specified channel is on. A v alue of 0 is re turned if the speci fied channel is of f. ROUTe:CLO Se <chn> Switches on the specified channe l.
5020A Users Manual 6-34 Response: 2003,9,1 7 The CALibrate su ffix, <chn>, spe cifies the channe l (1 or 2). The response is returned in the form at, <year>,<month >,<day>. CALibrate<chn>:DATE:CALibrate (<year>,<month>,<day>) Sets the sensor calib ration date for the specified chann el.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-35 CALibrate<chn>:PARameter:OFFSet<num> <float> Sets the sensor calib ration offset param eter for the specif ied channel. Example: CAL1:PAR:OFF S2 -0.025 The CALibrate suffix, <ch n>, specifies the channel (1 or 2).
5020A Users Manual 6-36 The fo llowing param eters are set whe n this comm and is issued. • Sets the m easurement pe riod to 2 seconds. • Sets the m easurement av eraging on. • Sets printi ng t o the seri al por t • Sets the tem perature units to C.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-37 UNIT:TEMPerature <unit> Sets the system temperatu re unit. Example: U NI T :TEMP C The <unit> pa rameter must be ei ther C or CEL for Celsius or F or FAR for Fahrenhei t . The *RS T command sets t he tempera ture unit to Celsiu s.
5020A Users Manual 6-38 A value of 1 is return ed if serial p ort echo (duple x) is ON. A v alue of 0 is return ed if serial port e cho (duplex) is OFF.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-39 Example: SYS T :COMM:SE R:TIM 120 The <num> par ameter can be one o f the following v alues: 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 120 0, 1800, or 3600.
5020A Users Manual 6-40 SYSTem:DATE:FO RMat? [MIN|MAX|DEF] Returns th e date form at used for the display. Example: SY ST:DA T E:FORM? Response: 1 Specifying the MIN, MAX, or DEF param eter return s the minimum , maxim um, or default v alue respectiv ely.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-41 Example: SYS T :TIME 11, 43,28 The <hour>, <minute>, and <second> p aramete rs must all be s pecified. The <h our> paramete r is a one or two- digit number ( 0 to 23). The <m inute> param eter is a on e or two-dig it number (0 to 59).
5020A Users Manual 6-42 SYSTem:PASSw ord:ALARm? Returns t he state of the a larm setting s password protection. Example: SYST:PASS:ALAR? Response: 0 A value of 1 is returned if the alarm settings are p assword protect ed; otherwise a value of 0 is return ed.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-43 Caution If the password is f orgotten, the themo-hy gromet er must be returned to an A uthorized Service Center to hav e t he password restored. SYSTem:PASSw ord:RECord? Returns the s tate of data rec ording setting s password-protec tion.
5020A Users Manual 6-44 Ex ampl e : SYST : PA SS: STA T 1 The <bool> p arameter t urns the statistics se ttings pass word-protec tion on (1 or O N) or off (0 o r OFF). This co mmand is pas sword protected. Commands protected w ith this setting are: CALC:A VER:CLE and DATA:DST.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-45 *ESR? This query command return s the Event Statu s Register. I t also clears the Ev ent Status Register and the ESB bit of the Sta tus Byte Register. The value ret urned indicat es the condition of each of the eight bits of the reg i st er by adding the binary- weighted value s of each bit.
5020A Users Manual 6-46 Example com mand: *SRE 32 *STB? This query command return s the Status Byte R egister. Reading this regis ter does n ot affect i t or the output q ueue. The value returned indicat es the conditio n of each of th e eight bi ts of the register by adding the binary -weighted v alues of each bit.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-47 bit 1 is 1: chann el 2 sen sor is un attached, locked out, or not operating prop erly 2nd number: c hannel 1 sens or test 0: no error bit 0 is 1: senso.
5020A Users Manual 6-48 10th number : button status (power-on test only ) 0: no button p ress detected bit 0 is 1: F pressed dur ing power on bit 1 is 1: A pressed durin g power on bit 2 is 1: D press.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-49 STATus:ALARm:ENABle? This com mand returns the Alarm Status Enab le Register ( see STATus:ALA Rm:ENAB le <num> com mand below). Example: S TAT:ALAR:EN AB? Response: 32 STATus:ALARm: ENABle <num>|MI N|MAX|DEF This com mand sets the Alarm Status En able Register.
5020A Users Manual 6-50 measure bit. Bit 3 Channel 2 hum idity mea sure bit. Bit 4 Not used Bit 5 Not used Bit 6 Not used. Bit 7 Not used. Example: STAT:MEAS: COND? Response: 15 STATus:MEASure:ENABle? This com mand returns the Measurement S tatus Enable R egister (s ee STATus:MEASure :ENABle <num> comm and below).
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-51 register by adding the binar y-weighted v alues of each bit. The m eaning of each b it, when set (1), is as follows whe re 0 is the least signi ficant and 7 is the most sig nificant: 0: no operation Bit 0 Not used.
5020A Users Manual 6-52 STATus:QUESt ionable:CONDition? This com mand reads the Q uestionable Status Conditio n Register. Reading th is register does not a ffect i t . The valu e returned in dicates the c ondition of ea ch of the eig ht bits of the reg ister by add ing the binary -weighted v alues of each bit.
Digital Communications Interface Commands 6 6-53 Date and Time Formats The follow ing tables li st the accept able date and tim e formats and the ir number set ting.
5020A Users Manual 6-54.
7-1 Chapter 7 Calibration Procedure Tit l e Pag e Introducti on ........................................................................................................ 7-3 Equipment ....................................................................
5020A Users Manual 7-2.
Calibration Pr ocedure Introduct ion 7 7-3 Introduct ion 5026A-x sensors u sed with the therm o -hygrom e ter should be period ically cali brated to ensure accur acy. A six-m onth calibration i nterval for the first y ear, and on e-year thereafte r, is recomm ended.
5020A Users Manual 7-4 20% 25 °C 45% 25 °C 70% 25°C Table 7-3. 5026A -H Temperatur e Calibration Point s Temperature at Relative Humidity 16 °C 45% 20 °C 45% 24 °C 45% Table 7-4.
Calibration Pr ocedure Temperatur e and Humidity Adjustme nts 7 7-5 that the m easurement e rrors first be ob tained accord ing to the proce dure abov e in s ection Tempera ture and Hum idity Measurement E rrors.
5020A Users Manual 7-6.
8-1 Chapter 8 Maintenance and Troubleshooting Tit l e Pag e Mainten anc e ....................................................................................................... 8-3 Troubleshooting .....................................................
5020A Users Manual 8-2.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Maintenanc e 8 8-3 Maintenanc e The calib ration inst rument has be en designed ease of operation and simplici ty of maintenanc e as the centr al theme in the product develo pment. Therefore, wi th proper care the instrum ent should requi re very little m aintenance.
5020A Users Manual 8-4 Blank screen The screen appears bl ank when switch ed on. Ensure the powe r adapter is att ached properly and the p ower is switch ed on.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Downloading R ecorded Dat a 8 8-5 SENSOR <n>: CALIBR ATION INVALID Cycle the pow er. Try a differen t sensor. Contact an Authorized Serv ice Center. SENSOR <n>: CALIBRAT ION EXPIRED Contact an A uthorized Serv ice Center to have t he sensor recal ibrated.
5020A Users Manual 8-6 Note When using IRCO MM and an IR don gle, the da ta transfer can b e susceptibl e to interfe rence from fl uorescent ligh ting. CE Comments EMC Dire ctive Fluke’s e quipment h as been tested to meet the Europ ean Electrom agnetic Comp atibility Directive (EMC Direc tive, 89/336/EEC).
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Frequently Aske d Quest ions 8 8-7 on backup power fo r approxim ately 16 hours. When A C power is restore d, the d isplay will com e back on and sho w a message stat ing the AC power w as interrup ted. Q. Can I swap out sensors in the f i eld? A.
5020A Users Manual 8-8.
1 Index —A — AC adapter, 3- 5, 3-6, 4-3 accessories, 2- 3, 3-6 accuracy, 4- 5, 4-6, 8-3 sensor, 4- 5 accuracy specifi cations, 1-7 air velocity, 4- 6 alarm battery , 5-26 menu , 5-24 power, 5- 26 .
5020A Users Manual 2 extension cable, 4-4 —F— firmware v ersion, 5-34 —G— graph, 5- 11, 5-12, 5-14, 5- 16, 5-24, 5-30 humi dity, 5-11, 5-24 temperature, 5- 11 grap hs, 5-9 —H— heat in de x.
Index (continued) 3 —W— warni ngs, 1-4 —Z— zone ty pes, 5-9.
5020A Users Manual 4.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Fluke 5020AThermo-Hygrometer 5020A c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Fluke 5020AThermo-Hygrometer 5020A - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Fluke 5020AThermo-Hygrometer 5020A, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Fluke 5020AThermo-Hygrometer 5020A va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Fluke 5020AThermo-Hygrometer 5020A, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Fluke 5020AThermo-Hygrometer 5020A.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Fluke 5020AThermo-Hygrometer 5020A. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Fluke 5020AThermo-Hygrometer 5020A ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.