Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit UF250PV du fabricant Alliance Laundry Systems
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Operation/Pr ogramming www .coml aundry .com NOTA: El manual en español aparec e despu és del manual en inglés. W asher -Extractors Cabinet Freestanding Instructions for Operating and Programming the WE-6 Microcomputer Models SF135PV , SF250PV , SF250PV T ilt, UF135PV , UF250PV an d UF250PV T ilt R077R Part No .
© Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Sys tems LLC – DO NOT COPY or T RANSMIT © Copyr ight 2002, Allian ce Laundry Syst ems LLC All rig h ts re served. No par t of t he content s of thi s book may be r eproduced or transmi t ted in a ny form or by any means with out the e xpressed wr itten consent of the publisher .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 2 F232101 Programming . .................................... ............................................. .... 35 Programming Keypa d .......................... ................
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 3 F232101 Safety Anyone operating or se rvicing this mac hine must follow th e safe ty rule s in th is ma nual. Par ticul ar attent ion must be paid to the CA UTION , W ARNING , and D ANGER blocks which ap pear throughout the manual.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Safety F232101 4 Key to Sy m b ol s The ligh tning flash and a rrowhead wi thin the tr iangle is a w arning sign i ndicating the presence of d angerous vol ta g e.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Safety 5 F232101 Figu re 1 Safety d ecals appear at crucial lo cations on th e mach ine. Fail ure to main tain l egible saf ety de cal s could re sult in injur y to the opera tor or se rvice techn ici an.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Safety F232101 6 Operator Saf ety T o e nsure the sa fety o f mach ine op erato rs, the follo wing mainten ance checks must be perfor med daily: 1. Prior t o operating the machine, v erify that all warn ing signs ar e present and le gible.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Safety 7 F232101 Safe Oper ating En vironment Safe oper ation require s an appropri ate operating en vironmen t for both the op erator and the mac hine. If questi ons regardi ng safety aris e, contact th e fact ory imm ediat ely .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Safety F232101 8 Machine Location ● F oun dation. The conc rete floor mu st be of suf fi cient strength and thicknes s to handle th e floor loads gene rated by the hi gh extra ct spe eds of the mach ine.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Safety 9 F232101 A C In verter Drive Machines e quipped with the A C i nv erter dri ve r equire speci al atte nti on wi th regard to the op era ting en vironmen t.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT F232101 10 Notes.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 11 F232101 Operation This ma nual is designed as a guide for op erating and programmin g the 135-pound and 250-pound capaci ty freest anding wash er- extractor s equipped with t he WE-6 mi crocomp uter and an A C in v erter dri ve.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operati on F232101 12 Figu re 2 R017I 1 Comput er K eypad 5 Door Handle 2 Emergenc y Stop Butto n 6 Door Lock Bo x 3 Door 7 Door Loc k Pushb utton 4 Door Hinge 8 Supp ly Di spens er R017I Operating Instructions Output Indicators Emergency Stop 1.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Ope ratio n 13 F232101 Figu re 3 R078R 1 Cold W ater Inlet 8 Air Inlet an d Regulator 2 Ve n t 9 Standard Drain 3 Hot W ater In.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operati on F232101 14 Figu re 4 R018I 1 Comput er K eypad 5 Door Handle 2 Door Lock Pus hbutto n 6 Door Lock Bo x 3 Door 7 Emergency Sto p Button 4 Door Hinge 8 Supp ly Di spens er Operating Instructions Output Indicators Emergency Stop 1.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Ope ratio n 15 F232101 Figu re 5 R079R 1 Ve n t 7 Standard Drain 2 Hot W ater Inlet 8 Optional Drain 3 Supp ly Di spenser 9 P o.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operati on F232101 16 Theory of Operation The desig n of the was her-e xtractor e m phasi zes perfor m ance reliability and long service life. The cyl inder , shell, and main body pa nels are fabric ated of stainl ess steel.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Ope ratio n 17 F232101 Emergency Stop Button On 135-poun d capacity models, a red emer gency stop bu tton is loca ted on the upper right-hand corner of the control panel.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operati on F232101 18 W e t Clean Fu nctio ns W et clean f unctions includ e a reduced w ash speed capabil ity and a recir culation pump capa bility . These functi ons are enabled b y the WET CL / NO WCL prompt se lection.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Ope ratio n 19 F232101 WE-6 Microcom p uter The WE-6 micr ocomputer control is a f ield- programmabl e solid-stat e control capabl e of storing and runni ng up to 39 preprog rammed ready-to -use cyc l es .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operati on F232101 20 T able 1 lists the v arious disp lays and what the y mean. The opera tor should be come famil iar with these computer dis plays. T ab le 1 Displa y Interp retations Display Meaning Display Meaning FR WC00 Program identification code (R OM).
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Ope ratio n 21 F232101 T abl e 1 (Con tinued) Displa y Interp retations Display Meaning Display Meaning STOP Stop bu t ton pres.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operati on F232101 22 Operational K eypad The co mputer ’ s control ke ypad includes sixteen k eys. Refe r to F igur e 7 . Four teen of thes e ke ys list fu nctions printe d in black le ttering on a silv er backgr ound.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Ope ratio n 23 F232101 Loca ted to th e left of th e com puter keypad are 20 LED indicat or lights for the computer o utputs. During the time th at a cy cle is runn ing, on e or mo re of these l ights will be o n to indicat e the outp uts acti vate d for a parti cul ar step .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operati on F232101 24 Start-Up T ur n on the main power so urce (c ircu it brea ker or cut- off switch on th e wall ). When A C po wer is turne d on, the f ront panel displ ay will sho w the pr ogram (R OM) ide ntificat ion code.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Ope ratio n 25 F232101 The mechani sm is controlle d via a pend ant switch (refe r to F igur e 9 ), which is sus pended from a point just ab ove t he electrical pa nel on the le ft side o f the was her -extra ctor .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operati on F232101 26 T w o-W ay Tilt Option W asher -extra ctors equ ipped with the two- way til t option a re capable of ti lting as much as 13 ° fo rward or backw ard. The fo rward t ilt is used pr imarily for unl oading.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Ope ratio n 27 F232101 Supply Dispenser Dry suppl ies are placed i n the supply d ispenser compartmen t cups prior to t he start of ea ch cycle. Liquid supplies ca n be injected directly into t he supply dispens er by an e xternal che m ical s upply system.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operati on F232101 28 T est Cycle Cycle numbe r 01 is a test c ycle used to analyze was her-e xtractor fun ctions. Refer to the Programming sectio n of this manua l. Step 01 in cyc le numb er 01 is a co ld fill to low level.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Ope ratio n 29 F232101 Stop Ro utine The opera tor can sele ct the agitati on which will be i n effect for the e ntire Stop r out ine. Th is wi ll help pre vent t angling o f the load an d provi de maximum contr ol.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operati on F232101 30 Balance Detection The w asher -extrac tor may be equipped with either of tw o balance d etection sys t ems: (1) a balance sensor detect ion system or ( 2) an in vert er driv e balance detect ion system.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Ope ratio n 31 F232101 Calibrating the WE-6 T emperature Circuit 1. Open the c ontrol compart ment to gain access to the WE-6 compu ter board.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operati on F232101 32 Figure 10 CFS442N 1 T empe rature Calibr ation Adjus tment NO TE: Control b oard sho wn is WE-6 washer uni t. Board f or simulator does not ha ve battery bac k up.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Ope ratio n 33 F232101 Err or Recove r y Routine When the computer detect s an error , it wil l stop running the current ste p .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operati on F232101 34 Manual Mode Contr ol Feature W ith the e xception of a spin or drain s tep, manual contr ol is a v ail able on ly wh ile a pr epro gram med cycl e is in progr ess, and if Manual Mode is prompted i n the WE-6 pro gramming.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 35 F232101 Pr ogramming Pr ogram ming Ke yp ad All sixt een ke ys are used i n the Program Mode. Specif ic functi ons are printed in re d on the ke ys. The Program Mode is acti ve only w hen the Program Mode switch i s in the PR OGRAM position.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 36 Drain Drain is pressed after a wash, dilution rinse, or soak step is programmed in or der to remov e water from the machine. A time mus t be assigned that will allo w the machine to reach empt y .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 37 F232101 Pr ogram ming T utorial The fo llo wing procedur e guides the programmer through a complete c ycle and allo ws hands- on expe rience for prog ramming cyc les.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 38 9. If no ot her supply is re quired, the ne xt step is to choose t he type of wash d esired and as sign it a time. F or example, one mig ht choose a wash with standar d rev ersing action (W as h 1) and a time of six minut es.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 39 F232101 17. No w program a drai n step: a. Press the Drai n key . The display will read “ D-0739 ” . Then press ke y 1. The d isplay wi ll read “ D10739 ” .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 40 27. The ne xt step is to p r ogram a high-speed 1 spi n, the lo west of three hi gh speeds.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 41 F232101 Pr ogram ming Hints Read the S tandard Cycle Charts (near the en d of this manu al) fo r the cyc les al ready prog ramme d into the computer to see ho w the cycle steps hav e been ordered .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 42 System Pr ogr amming Prompting the WE-6 all ows: ● Displayi ng sump temper ature in Centigra de or Fa hr e nh e it . ● Recognizi ng and controll ing one or tw o independ ent drains.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 43 F232101 7. Press t he Enter ke y . The di splay will rea d either “ BA L - S W ” , “ BA L - 1 ” , “ BAL - 2 ” , or “ BA L - 3 ” .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 44 Cyc le Programming Displaying a Cycle in Memor y 1. Locate t he key -operated progr amm ing switch: ●.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 45 F232101 4. Press t he Enter ke y . The displ ay will sho w “ xx25 ” . (The “ xx ” here stands for the number of times c ycle 25 has bee n run and will be repres ented by n umbers i n the actu al display .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 46 11. T o change a s tep within the cycle, press the Clear key onc e while the computer is displaying the step t o be ed ite d. Ente r the n e w step , usin g the same proce dure for adding a step to a ne w cycl e.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 47 F232101 Step Pr ogramming Pr ogramming a Fill T emperature T able 5 lists the requ ired procedures to produce speci fic resul ts. T able 5 shows t hat when HIGH water lev el is programmed, the display indi cator i s “ H ” .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 48 Pr ogramming a Supply Step – Models with 5 Supplies The WE-6 micr ocomputer is capab le of controll ing up to 5 se parate supplie s and up to 31 v arious combinati ons of the 5 s upplies.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 49 F232101 Pr ogramming a Supply Step – Models with 8 Supplies On models eq uipped with 8 suppl ies, the WE-6 computer i s capable of cont rolling 8 se parate supplie s, and up to 31 vari ous combinations of the 8 suppl ies.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 50 Suppl y Designations Supply Numb er Display Ke y Combination Supply Bank Relation Decal Lab el Compar t.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 51 F232101 It is po ssi ble to chan ge whic h sup ply co mpa rtmen ts are fl ushed for a pa rticula r supply . F or exa mple, a Supply 3 (first supply ba nk) ener gizes compa rtment 3.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 52 Pr ogramming Heat 1. T o program aux i lia ry heat ( either electr ic or steam), t he computer must be in the Pro gram Mode, and th e cycle programming sequ ence must be ready for the ne xt step .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 53 F232101 4. If W ash 1 is ch osen, the no-re ver se option may be select ed. The no-re verse option must be sel ected at th is point in th e step progra m ming. P ress the No Re verse k ey whil e the display r eads “ W1n ncc ” .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 54 4. When the des ired cool-do wn temperatur e is display ed, press the Enter key . The dis play will show “ H---M ” . No w enter the maximum time i n hours and minutes fo r the com puter to reach the tar get cool-do wn temperature.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 55 F232101 Pr ogramming a Drain Step 1. The compute r must be i n the Progr am Mode, and the c ycle programming s equence must be re ady for the next st ep. 2. Press t he Drain ke y .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 56 2. Press t he Auxiliary k ey . The d isplay will re ad “ A-nncc ” . No w press the number k ey that corres ponds to the de sired auxilia ry function: A1 – Auxili ary No.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 57 F232101 Sim ulator Oper ation and Pr o gram T ransf er Simulato r Ope ratio n The WE-6 s imulator is an o ptional acce ssory to the WE-6 micr ocomputer -controll ed washer -extra ctor .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 58 The W E-6 si mulato r and the WE- 6 micro com puter a re capable of storing and r unning up to 39 c ycles, each limite d to 51 ste ps. ● The comp uter will not ac cept c ycle numbers higher t han 39.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 59 F232101 T ransferring All Cyc les from Computer t o Simulator All k eypad commands will be e ntered with the simulato r key pad. Use th e fol lo w ing proce dure to tran sfer a ll cycl es contain ed in the memory of t he computer to the simul ator .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 60 T ransf erring All Cyc les from S imulator to Computer All k eypad commands will be e ntered with the simulato r key pad. Use th e fol lo w ing proce dure to tran sfer a ll cycl es conta ine d in the mem ory of the si mula tor to the computer .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 61 F232101 Prepr ogrammed Cyc les This sec tion lists t he 39 preprogr ammed (ready -to-use) cyc les. T o run a c ycle, fi rst make ce rtain th at the comput er is in the Run Mode.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 62 Standard Cycle Char ts NO TE: The alarm will s ound on steps 01 and 02. These ste ps hav e been deli berately pr ogrammed with times that a re t oo short.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 63 F232101 Cycle 02 Hotels and M otels (Sheets, light soil, cotton/pol y blends) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 Hot .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 64 Cycle 04 Hotels and M otels (T owels, light soil, cotton) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 Hot Fill to Low L.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 65 F232101 Cycle 06 Hotels and M otels (Sheets, medium soil, cotton/poly blends) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 Hot .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 66 Cycle 08 Hotels and M otels (Blanke ts, spreads , no bleach) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 W ar m Fill to.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 67 F232101 Cycle 10 Hotels and M otels (T o wels , heavy soil, cot ton) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 Hot Fill to L.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 68 Cycle 12 Heal thcar e (Sheets, light soil, cotton/pol y blends) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 W ar m Fill.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 69 F232101 Cycle 14 Heal thcar e (Sheets, he avy soil, cotton/poly blends) Step Desc ription Min:sec 18 0 ° F (2.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 70 Cycle 16 Heal thcar e (Ther mal blankets, bleach, co tton) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 110 ° F (43 ° .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 71 F232101 Cycle 18 Heal thcar e (P e rsonals, bleac h) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 Hot Fill to Low Le vel 5:00 2.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 72 Cycle 20 Heal thcar e (P a ds, polyester) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 110 ° F (43 ° C) Fill to Low Le.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 73 F232101 Cycle 22 Restaura nts (T ab l e naper y , bleach, no iron) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 110 ° F (43 °.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 74 Cycle 24 Restaura nts (T able napery , colors, no ir on) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 110 ° F (43 ° C).
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 75 F232101 Cycle 26 Restaura nts (Visa tabl e napery , bleach, no iron) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 110 ° F (43 .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 76 Cycle 28 Restaura nts (Visa table napery , colors, no iron) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 110 ° F (43 °.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 77 F232101 Cycle 30 Shirt Laundries (Sh irts, b leac h, star ch) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 Hot Fill to Low Le v.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 78 Cycle 32 Shirt Laundries (Shir ts, no bleach, n o starch, delicates) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 W ar m.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 79 F232101 Cycle 34 Formula s Common to All Markets (Unif orms, with bleach) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 110 ° F.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 80 Cycle 36 Formula s Common to All Markets (Rags/hou sekeeping, h eavy soil) Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogr amming 81 F232101 NO TE: The cycle s hown is i ntended for setup of supplies with a 5-supply sys tem. If the machine is equipped wit h 8 supplies, r efer to Prog ramming a Supply Ste p – Models with 8 S upplies .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramming F232101 82 Sample Cyc le for W et Clean Sample Wet Clean Cycl e Step Desc ription Min:sec 1 W as h 3 ( select no a.
Operaci ó n/pr ogramaci ó n www .coml aundry .com La v adoras ex t r a c t o r a s Gabinete aut ó nomo Instrucciones para la operaci ó n y programaci ó n del microordenador WE-6 Modelos SF135PV , SF250PV , SF250PV de inclinaci ó n, UF135PV , UF250PV y UF250PV de inclinaci ó n R077R Pieza No.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT © Copyr ight 2002, Allian ce Laundry Syst ems LLC T odos los de rechos reserv ados. Ning una secci ó n del p resente man ual puede reprodu cirse o transmiti rse en forma alguna o a trav é s d e ning ú n medio sin e l consentimient o expr eso por escrito del editor .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 86 F232101 (SP) Prog ram aci ó n .......... .................................... ........................... ............. 121 Teclado d e programaci ó n ........... ..........
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 87 F232101 (SP) Seguridad Cualquie r persona que opere o efect ú a u n servicio en esta m á quina debe se guir las r eglas de segurida d de este manua l.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Seguridad F232101 (SP) 88 Leyenda d e los s í mbol os El rayo y la punta de flec ha dentro de un tr i á ngulo es una se ñ al de adver tenci a qu e indi ca la p rese ncia d e un v oltaje peligroso.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Segu rida d 89 F232101 (SP) Figu ra 1 Las calc oman í as d e segur idad e st á n colocadas en posici ones cruciales de la m á qui na. D e no m ant ener las cal coman í as de s eguridad legibles, el operador o el t é cnic o de servicio pod r í an resultar le sionados.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Seguridad F232101 (SP) 90 Seguridad del o perador P ara no pone r en peligro la seguridad de los operador es de la m á quina, s e deben efectuar diaria mente las siguie ntes comprobac iones de mantenimi ento: 1.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Segu rida d 91 F232101 (SP) Entorno de operaci ó n seguro La operac i ó n se gura requie re un entorno de op eraci ó n apropia do tanto para el operador como pa ra la m á quina.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Seguridad F232101 (SP) 92 P osi ci ó n de la m á quina ● Cimientos . E l suel o de ho rmig ó n debe te ner una resist encia y un esp esor sufi cientes como p ara soporta r las car gas del suel o generadas po r las altas veloci dade s de extr acci ó n de la m á qui na.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Segu rida d 93 F232101 (SP) Mando del in versor de CA Las m á qu inas equi padas con el mando de l in versor d e CA requier en atenci ó n espe cial en lo que s e ref iere al ento rno de o peraci ó n.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT F232101 (SP) 94 Notas.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 95 F232101 (SP) Operaci ó n Este ma nual est á dise ñ ado como una gu í a para la operaci ó n y programa ci ó n de l av adoras e xtractora s aut ó nomas de 135 y 250 libras de capacidad equ ipadas con un micr oordenador WE-6 y un ma ndo de in versor de CA.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n F232101 (SP) 96 Figu ra 2 R017I 1 T ecla do de ordenador 5 Manecil la de puer ta 2 Bot ó n de p arada de em ergen.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n 97 F232101 (SP) Figu ra 3 R078R 1 Entra da de agua fr í a 8 Entrada y re gulador de aire 2 Respir adero 9 Drenaje.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n F232101 (SP) 98 Figu ra 4 R018I 1 T ecla do de ordenador 5 Manecil la de puer ta 2 Pulsador de tra ba de la puerta.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n 99 F232101 (SP) Figu ra 5 R079R 1 Respir adero 7 Drenaje es t á ndar 2 Entra da de agua caliente 8 Drenaje optati.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n F232101 (SP) 100 Te o r í a de operaci ó n El dise ñ o de la lav adora e xtractor a hace é nfasi s en la f iabilidad de rendimien to y en una vida ú til prolong ada.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n 101 F232101 (SP) Bot ó n de parada de emer gencia En los model os de 135 libras de capacidad, hay un bot ó n ro jo de parada de emerg encia ubicad o en la esquina superior der echa del t ablero d e control.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n F232101 (SP) 102 Funcion es de limpieza po r inmersión en agua Las funci ones de limpieza por inmersi ó n en a gua incluye n una capacidad de velocidad de lav ado reducid a y una capaci dad de bomb a de recirculac i ó n.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n 103 F232101 (SP) Microor denador WE-6 El contr ol de microordena dor WE-6 es un contro l de estado s ó lido programabl e en el campo cap az de almacena r y ejecutar hasta 39 ciclos prepr ogramados listos para usar .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n F232101 (SP) 104 T abla 1 i ndica la s div ersas panta l las y lo que signif ican.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n 105 F232101 (SP) T abla 1 (continuaci ó n) Interpretaciones de las pantallas P antalla Significado Panta lla Significado STOP Bot ó n de par ada pulsado o ciclo termin ado Indicacion es del sis tema de W E-6 S1 Suministro No.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n F232101 (SP) 106 T ec lado de operaci ó n El tecl ado de control de l ordenador i ncluye di ecis é is teclas . Consulte la Fi g u r a 7 . Catorce de e stas tec las indican las funci ones impresas con letr as negras en un fondo pl ateado.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n 107 F232101 (SP) A la izqu ierda del tecl ado del ordenador hay 20 luces indicad oras LED para las s alidas del o rdenador .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n F232101 (SP) 108 Puesta en mar cha Conecte l a fuente de ali mentaci ó n (disyu ntor o interr uptor de corte de la pare d). Cuando se c onecta la CA, la pan talla del tab l ero delante ro mostrar á el c ó digo d e identif icaci ó n (R OM) del prog rama.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n 109 F232101 (SP) El mecani smo es controlado p or medio de un inter rupto r colga nte (c onsu lte la Fi g u r a 9 ), que est á suspendi do desde un punt o justo por enci m a del tabler o el é ctrico ubi cado en el lado izquierdo de la la vador a ext ractora.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n F232101 (SP) 110 Opci ó n de inc linaci ó n de dos modos Las la va doras extr actoras equipada s con la opci ó n de inclin aci ó n de dos modo s son capaces d e inclinarse hasta 13 ° hacia dela nte o haci a atr á s.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n 111 F232101 (SP) Ajuste del sensor de pr oximidad i n ductor de inc linaci ó n de dos modos El contr olador l ó .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n F232101 (SP) 112 Ejecuci ó n de los cic los Pulse la tecla Star t (inic o) para empezar el ciclo sele ccio nado . Si el n ú mero de cic l o sel eccionado no est á en la memoria d e la computadora, l a pantalla mostrar á “ NCYC ” .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n 113 F232101 (SP) Ciclo de prueba El Ciclo 01 es un ciclo de p rueba usado para a nalizar las fun ciones de la la v adora extra c tora . Consulte la secci ó n de Programaci ó n de este manual.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n F232101 (SP) 114 Rut ina de pa rada El opera dor puede selecci onar la agitac i ó n que es tar á vigente para toda la ru tina de Pa rada. Esto impedir á que se en rede la car ga y proporc ionar á el m á ximo control .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n 115 F232101 (SP) Detecci ó n de equili brio La la vad ora extract ora puede est ar equipa da con uno de dos si stemas de detecc i ó n de e quilibrio.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n F232101 (SP) 116 Calibraci ó n del cir cuito de temperatura de WE-6 1.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n 117 F232101 (SP) Figura 10 CFS442N 1 Ajuste de calibrac i ó n de temp eratu ra NO T A: El tabler o de contr ol mostrado es la unida d de lav ado WE-6. El tab ler o para el simulado r no tien e una reserv a de bater í a.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n F232101 (SP) 118 Rutina de re cuperaci ó n de e rr ores Cuando el ordenador det ecta un error , dej ar á de ejecut ar el paso ac tual y mostrar á u n mensaje para indicar que tipo de err or se ha encontra do.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n 119 F232101 (SP) Indicador de s o brecar ga t é rmica del m otor NO T A: No se apli ca a los modelos fabricados despu é s de diciembr e de 1999.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Operaci ó n F232101 (SP) 120 El proce dimiento siguien te debe realiz arse en tre s segundos pa ra pasar a la moda lidad ma nual: 1. Pulse la tecla Manual. 2. Despu é s pu lse tres tecl as num é ricas p ara asignar un tie m po en min utos y se gundos a la modalidad manual.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 121 F232101 (SP) Pr ogramaci ó n T eclado de pr ogramaci ó n Se us an las diec is é is teclas en la mo dalidad de programac i ó n. Las funciones espec í f icas est á n impre sas en ro j o en las tecl as.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 122 Edit Cycle Add Step Se pulsa Edit Cycle (m odificar cicl o) segu ido d e un c ó digo de ciclo de d os d í gito s para mo strar los pasos de un ciclo preprogramado.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 123 F232101 (SP) Pr oced imiento de ense ñ anza de programaci ó n El proce dimiento siguien te gu í a al pr ogramador durante un ciclo completo y permite una e xperiencia direct a para los cicl os de programac i ó n.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 124 9. Si no se r equiere otro s uministro, el pas o siguien te consiste en escoger el tipo de la v a do deseado y asignarle un ti empo.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 125 F232101 (SP) 17. Programe a hora un paso de dre naje: a. Pulse la te cla Drain (drenaje). La pantalla indicar á “ D-0739 ” . Pu lse la tecla 1. La pantall a indicar á “ D10739 ” .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 126 27. El paso s iguiente con s iste en programar u na centri fugaci ó n de al ta velocida d 1, la m í nima de tres al tas veloci dades.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 127 F232101 (SP) Recomendaciones de pr ogramaci ó n Lea las T ablas de cic los est á ndar ( cerca del f inal de este manu al) para los ci clos ya programado s en el ordenado r para v er c ó mo se han ordenado los paso s de los ci clos .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 128 Pr ogramaci ó n del sistema Los indi cadores del sis t ema WE-6 pe rmiten lo sigui ente: ● Mostra r la temperatura d el sumidero en grados cent í grados o Fah renheit.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 129 F232101 (SP) 7. Pulse la tecla Enter ( intro). La pantal la indicar á “ BA L - S W ” (interrupt or de equilibr io) , “ BA L - 1 ” (equil ibrio 1), “ BAL - 2 ” (equilibrio 2) o “ BA L - 3 ” (equi libri o 3).
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 130 Pr ogramaci ó n de un c ic lo Visualizac i ó n de un ciclo en la memori a 1.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 131 F232101 (SP) 4. Pulse la tecla Enter ( intro). La pan talla most rar á “ xx25 ” . (Las “ xx ” signifi can aqu í el n ú mero de vec es que se ha ej ecutado el ciclo 25 y v endr á repres entado por n ú m eros en la pan tal la real ).
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 132 11. P ara cambia r un paso dentr o del cic lo, pulse la tecla Cl ear (eliminar) un a vez mientras el ordenado r muestra el paso que se v aya a modif icar .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 133 F232101 (SP) Borrado de un cicl o en la memoria 1. Localic e el interrupt or de programaci ó n ope rado p.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 134 Pr ogramaci ó n de los paso s Pr ogramaci ó n de una temperat ura de llenado La Ta b l a 5 indica los procedimiento s requeri dos para produci r resultado s espec í f icos.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 135 F232101 (SP) Ta b l a 5 Programaci ó n de la temperatura de llenado T eclas pulsadas Pantalla V á lvulas.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 136 Pr ogramaci ó n de un paso de suminist r o – Modelos con 5 suministr os El microo rdenador WE-6 es capaz de contr olar hasta 5 suministros sepa rados y hasta 31 combinaci ones di versas de los 5 suminist ros.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 137 F232101 (SP) Pr ogramaci ó n de un paso de suminist r o – Modelos con 8 suministr os En los model os eq.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 138 Designaciones de los suministros N ú mero de sumi nist r o Pantalla Combinaci ó n de teclas.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 139 F232101 (SP) Es posi ble cambiar qu é comp artimien tos de sumini stro se enjuag an para un cierto s uministro. Por ej emplo, un Suminist ro 3 (primer grupo de suministros) activ a el comportami ento 3.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 140 Pr ogramaci ó n del calent amiento 1. P ara progr amar el cal entamiento auxi liar (el é ct.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 141 F232101 (SP) 4. Si se es coge el Lav ado 1, se puede seleccion ar la opci ó n de no in versi ó n. La op ci ó n de no in ver si ó n debe selecc ionarse en este moment o de la progr amaci ó n de paso s.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 142 Pr ogramaci ó n de un enfriamiento t é rmico del Lav ado 5 Despu é s de programar un paso .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 143 F232101 (SP) Pr ogramaci ó n de no in versi ó n T oda la agitaci ó n es t á programada por la primera .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 144 Pr ogramaci ó n de un paso de drenaje 1. El ordena dor debe estar e n la modalidad de programac i ó n y la secuen cia de prog ramaci ó n del ciclo d ebe estar list a para el pas o siguien te.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 145 F232101 (SP) 2. Pulse la tecla Auxil iary (aux iliar). La pant alla indicar á “ A-n ncc ” . Pulse ahora e l bot ó n num é rico que corr esponda a la f unci ó n auxi liar deseada: A1 – Auxili ar No.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 146 Operaci ó n del simulador y transfe r encia del pr ograma Operaci ó n del sim ulador El simula dor de WE-6 es un a ccesorio optati vo de la la vador a ext ractora contr olada por el micr oordenador WE-6.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 147 F232101 (SP) El simula dor WE-6 y el microor denador WE-6 s on capaces de almacenar y ej ecutar hasta 39 c i clos , limita do cada uno a 51 pasos . ● El ordena dor no aceptar á los n ú mero s de ci clos mayores qu e 39.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 148 T ransferencia de todos los cic los del ordenador al si mulador T odos l os comandos del tecl ado se introduci r á n con el tecl ado del simulador .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 149 F232101 (SP) T ransferencia de todos los cic los del simulador al or denador T odos l os comandos del tecl ado se introduci r á n con el tecl ado del simulador .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 150 Cicl os preprogramados Esta sec ci ó n indica los 39 ciclos prepr ogramados (list os para us ar). Para ej ecutar un cicl o, aseg ú rese primero d e que el ordenador est é en la modalidad de marcha.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 151 F232101 (SP) Restau rantes 21 Manteler í a, blanquead or , almid ó n, plan cha 22 Manteler í a, blanque.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 152 T ablas de cic los est á ndar NO T A: La alarma son ar á en l os pasos 01 y 02. Estos paso s se han pr ogramado del iberadament e con tiempos que son demasiado cort os.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 153 F232101 (SP) Ciclo 02 Hoteles y moteles (S á banas, su ciedad lig era, mezclas de algod ó n/poli é ster.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 154 Ciclo 04 Hoteles y moteles (T oallas, sucieda d ligera , algod ó n) P aso D escripci ó nM i.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 155 F232101 (SP) Ciclo 06 Hoteles y moteles (S á banas, suc iedad med ia, mezclas de algod ó n/poli é ster).
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 156 Ciclo 08 Hoteles y moteles (Mantas, cobertores, sin blanque ador) P aso D escripci ó nM i n .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 157 F232101 (SP) Ciclo 10 Hoteles y moteles (T o a llas, mucha sucied ad, algod ó n) P aso Descrip ci ó nM i.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 158 Ciclo 12 Instituciones de atenci ó n m é dica (S á banas, su ciedad lig era, mezclas de al.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 159 F232101 (SP) Ciclo 14 Instituciones de atenci ó n m é dica (S á banas, mucha sucie dad, mezclas de algo.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 160 Ciclo 16 Instituciones de atenci ó n m é dica (Mant as t é rmic as, bl anquead or , algod .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 161 F232101 (SP) Ciclo 18 Instituciones de atenci ó n m é dica (Prendas per sonales, blanqueador) P aso Desc.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 162 Ciclo 20 Instituciones de atenci ó n m é dica (Prot e ctores, poli é ster ) Pa s o D es c .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 163 F232101 (SP) Ciclo 22 Rest auran tes (Manteler í a, blanqueador , sin plancha) Pa s o D es c ri p c i ó .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 164 Ciclo 24 Rest auran tes (Manteler í a, color es, sin plan cha) P aso Descri pci ó nM i n : .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 165 F232101 (SP) Ciclo 26 Rest auran tes (Manteler í a Visa, bl anqueador , sin plancha) P aso Descrip ci ó .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 166 Ciclo 28 Rest auran tes (Man tel er í a Visa, color es, sin pla ncha) Pa s o D es c ri p c i.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 167 F232101 (SP) Ciclo 30 Camisas (Camisas, blan queador , almid ó n) P aso Descri pci ó nM i n : s e g 1 Ll.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 168 Ciclo 32 Camisas (Camisas, sin blanqueador , sin almid ó n, prendas d elicadas) Pa s o D es .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 169 F232101 (SP) Ciclo 34 F ó rm ul as com unes para todos los mercados (Uni forme s, c on bl an quea dor ) P.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 170 Ciclo 36 F ó rm ul as com unes para todos los mercados (T rapos/limpieza, mucha suciedad) P .
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n 171 F232101 (SP) NO T A: El cicl o mostrado est á dise ñ ado p ara conf igurar suministr os con un sistema de 5 suministr os.
© Copyright, Alli ance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT Pr ogramaci ó n F232101 (SP) 172 Ciclo de muestra pa ra la limpi eza por inmersi ó n en ag ua Ciclo de m ues tra para la limp.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Alliance Laundry Systems UF250PV c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Alliance Laundry Systems UF250PV - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Alliance Laundry Systems UF250PV, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Alliance Laundry Systems UF250PV va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Alliance Laundry Systems UF250PV, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Alliance Laundry Systems UF250PV.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Alliance Laundry Systems UF250PV. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Alliance Laundry Systems UF250PV ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.