Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit T18ds du fabricant Ericsson
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Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc..
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. R egister your n ew phone , purchase Ericsson orig inal accessories , and see the la test in products b y visit ing us a t h ttp://www .er 8/99 PBM This manual is publish ed by Ericsson Inc.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Document Conventio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Guidelines for Safe and Efficient Use . . . . . 3 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Product Care and Operat ion .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Messages Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Call Mana ger Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Settings Men u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Document Conventions 1 • Menu names are sho wn in the f ollowing typefa ce: MENUS . • Su bmen u nam es a re s hown in t he follo wing type- face: Submenu Na mes . • Keys names ar e shown in the follo wing typeface: CLR .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 2 Document Conventions.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Guidelines for Safe and Efficient Use 3 The mobile phone is one of t he most ex citing and inno- vative p roduc ts ever develo ped. Y o ur pho ne can help y ou to stay in touch with y our office, your home, emerg ency servic es and ot hers.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 4 Guidelines for Safe and Efficient U se Driving Check the laws and regul ations on the use of wi rel e ss telephones in the areas where you drive. Always obey them. Al so, if using your pho ne while drivi ng, please: • Give full attention to driving - driving safely is your first respons ibility .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Guidelines for Safe and Efficient Use 5 want to consult your ser vice provider (or call th e cus- tomer service line to discuss alternatives).
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 6 Guidelines for Safe and Efficient U se Pr oduct Care and Operation Ericsson suggests you read and obser ve the following f or safe care and operation of your phone: • Do not allo w childr en to play with your ph one.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Guidelines for Safe and Efficient Use 7 Battery Inf ormation New Batteries The batte ry pa ckaged wit h your phon e is not fully charged. For maximum batter y c apacity , use your charger to condition the batter y .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 8 Guidelines for Safe and Efficient U se Not e ! The t ime required to discharg e a batter y varies based on the type of batter y and the numbe r and dura tion of your c alls.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Getting Started 9 Comple te the foll owing procedures to s et up your mobile ph one for the first time: • Review th e docu ment co nventions used in th is guide by referring to the “Document Conventions” cha pter .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 10 Getti ng Star ted Connecting and Removing Y our Bat tery 1 Place th e batt ery over the back of the pho ne. Th e label on th e batter y sho uld fac e down. 2 In sert the top po r tion of the batter y into the pho ne.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Getting Started 11 result, the phone may not activate charge-only mode when the charge r is co nnected. 1 Atta ch the charger to the pho ne for sev eral hour s to slowly (tri ckle) charge th e batter y .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 12 Getti ng Star ted 6 Continue charging the pho ne until the battery is fully charged. Not e ! If th e phone is powered On, the batter y icon is replac ed by th e icon onc e the battery is fu lly ch arged.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Getting Started 13 No t e ! Do not twist while inserting or removing t he small plug on the char ger c ord! 3 Plug th e AC adapte r on the power cord into a wall outlet. Char ging a Battery Attac hed to Y our Phone If your phone is On, you can make and r eceive calls while us ing the de sktop char ger .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 14 Getti ng Star ted 2 P ress the lig ht on the rig ht rear side of th e desk top charg er . The light remains a stea dy orang e while the deskto p cha rger disc harge s the batt er y . I t can tak e anywher e fr om two to si x hour s to di scharg e the batter y , dependin g on th e batter y type.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Learning About Your M obile Phone 15 Y our mobile phone offer s the lates t in TDM A te chnol- ogy , operating in digital and analog modes.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 16 Learning About Your M obile Phone The P ar ts of Y our Phone The foll owing is a list of the te rms used in this us er’ s guide to describe you r Ericsson.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Learning About Your M obile Phone 17 Phone Dis pla y Icons a nd Display I ndicators Phone Displa y Icons The foll owi ng i cons ar e us ed to disp lay the st a.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 18 Learning About Your M obile Phone K e y Functions YES • Pr e ss to ans wer a cal l. • Pr ess to make a call after entering a phone num- ber . • Press to store menu settin gs. • Press (from t he Standby sc reen) for the ou tgoing call log.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Learning About Your M obile Phone 19 Upper Side Key • Press the u pper si de key t o tempo rarily mu te the ring tone when receiving a call. • Press to increase the earpiece volume during a call. • Press to illuminat e the bac k light (wh en th e flip is o pen ).
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 20 Learning About Your M obile Phone Displa y Messages The foll owing are common displa y messages on your mobile phone : Y o ur phone i s r eceiving a call. Y our phone is di aling t he num ber shown i n the dis- play .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Basic Operations 21 s Summary of B asic Operations Basic Oper ations T o Do This : Pr ess This: T urn your phone On Pr ess and hold NO T urn your phon e Off Pr.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 22 Basic Operations T urning Y our Phone On and O ff After you have installed a fully charged batter y in your phone, turn y our pho ne On by pressi ng and hol ding NO until your phone sounds a beep. Not e ! If you h ave the vi brate optio n activ ated, the ph one wil l also briefly vibrate .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Basic Operations 23 7 When the appropriate ring sound is highlighted, pre ss YES . Selection Stor ed! appea r s in t he display . 8 Pr es s NO to r eturn to the pr evious scre en. 9 Pr es s CLR to return to the Stand by screen.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 24 Basic Operations Answeri ng a Cal l When yo ur phone receives a call, the ring tone sounds (unle ss you have disabled it th rough the SOUN DS menu), the wo .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Basic Operations 25 Unan sw ered Call s Y o ur p hone' s disp lay sh ows t he numbe r of c alls you ha ve received but d id not answer . Y ou can clear the number from the display by p ressing any ke y or by turning the phone Of f.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 26 Basic Operations number and then another number , s uch as an access number for an answering machine or voice mail system. Sto p Dia lin g A stop caus es the phone to stop transm ittin g numbers until you press YES .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Basic Operations 27 3 If police, fire, or medical assistance is needed. 4 The ex act loca tion o f the e merge ncy , including cross streets , mile post s, or la ndm arks . 5 How m any people ar e involv ed, their condition, and if help is being administered.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 28 Basic Operations.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Using Menus 29 Read th is chap ter thoroug hly to underst and how to use your phone’ s menus, how to navigate through the menu system, and how to change the menu set tings.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 30 Using Menus indicate d by a fille d radio b utto n ( ). S ome set - tings ha ve two choic es, such as On and Off for the Spee d Dial setting in t he CALL MANAGER menu. Other settings have a list of choices, such as the Ring V olu me setting in the SOUN DS menu.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Menu Descriptions 31 The ma in menu has six icons t hat displa y the top-l evel menu op tions. Th e corresponding optio n title of the sele cted op tion is d isplaye d below the men u tab s when highligh ted. Ea ch menu is repr esented by an icon.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 32 Menu Descriptions the Re c a l l E nt r y submenu by press ing and holding from the Standby scre en. Phone Gr oup s The Phone Gr oups submenu allows you to organize the members of your phonebook int o categorie s.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Menu Descriptions 33 Not e ! Y ou will be prom pted to ente r your s ecurity code to enter th e Calling Ca rd 1 and Calling Car d 2 sub - menus.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 34 Menu Descriptions Placing a Ca lling Card Cal l 1 Ente r or rec all the pho ne nu mber you want to call . 2 P ress and hold YES . The calling car d numb er and the active calling car d are shown in the display .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Menu Descriptions 35 4 Pr es s YES to ope n the Phone Number submen u. 5 Pr es s or until the appropriate phone number is highli ghted. 6 When the appropriate p hone number is high- light ed, pres s YES to switch t o that ph one number .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 36 Menu Descriptions Call Man ager Me nu The CALL M ANAGER menu allows y ou to view infor- mation and establish dial ing and answ ering prefe rences for your p hone (some sel ections available in this m enu are de pendent on yo ur service pro vider).
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Menu Descriptions 37 F or e xample, if y ou save 123 as the aut o prefix and t he function is O n, you can call 123-7654 by simply dial ing 7654. The pref ix 123 is automat ically added to the phon e number afte r you pres s YES to d ial the ph one number .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 38 Menu Descriptions Not e ! Y ou will be prom pted to e nter you r securit y code to enter th e L ock Dial subme nu. Loc k Receive The Lo c k R e cv submen u allows you to restrict incom- ing ph one call s. Th e two optio ns are Al low and Rest rict.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Menu Descriptions 39 Time/Date The Ti m e / D ate subme nu allows you t o retrieve the time and date f rom the s yst em, if this featur e is a vailabl e from the se rvic e provider . Langua ge The Langu age s ubmenu allows you to sel ect the disp lay language used in the phone display .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 40 Menu Descriptions Find Netw ork Y our phone should b e configur ed by your s e rvice pro- vider for optimal network selection during roaming.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Menu Descriptions 41 and unavailable s ystems. If you want to switch to another s ystem , do the fol lowing : 1 Pr es s or fr om the S tandby scr een to highligh t the SET TI NGS menu. 2 Pr es s YES to open th e SET TINGS menu.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 42 Menu Descriptions Silen t is select ed. The two options for Phone Silen t are On or Off. Ring Sound The Ring Sound subm enu allows you to ch oose the type of sound or melody for the ringer . Each sound or melody is demonstrated as you scroll through the selec- tions.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Menu Descriptions 43 Messag e Al er t The Msg Alert s ubmenu all ows y o u to turn On or O ff the tone that sounds when an incoming text message or a message waiting sig nal is received. The two opti ons for Msg Al ert are On and Of f.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 44 Menu Descriptions desir ed group ( ). Once you hav e selecte d all the group s to be scr eened, press YES to exit. Screen cal ls is a prof ile-depen dent fea ture. Y ou can spec - ify group s of call ers that w ill be restricted f rom ringing thr o ug h in ea ch of the 9 pr ofil es.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Using the Phonebook 45 Y ou can store phone numb ers and associated names in your phone’ s phonebook to use for R e ca ll Dialing , Spee d Dial , and Super Dial . Each ph one number y ou store c an be up to 32 d igits in length, and any names you store can be up to 24 characters in l ength.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 46 Using the Phonebook 10 T o sto re a number in a speci fic p ositio n, pre ss to access the p osition field. Enter th e number of t he phoneboo k po sition to wh ich you w ant t he e ntry stored. P ress YES to store the nu mber in t hat particu - lar po sitio n.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Using the Phonebook 47 Phone numb ers st ored in p ositions 1 thr ough 9 can be used with the Supe r Dial fe atu re.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 48 Using the Phonebook Recalling a Phone Num ber Fr om Se cure Memory 1 F ollow the prev iously desc ribed steps for openi ng Recall En try from the PHONE LIS TS menu. 2 Pre s s unti l the Position: li ne is hig hligh ted.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Using the Phonebook 49 Phone Group s The Phone Grou ps submenu allows you to organize your pho nebook int o gr oups by as signing individual phone num bers to 1 of 10 Phone Grou ps. F or each Phone Group, y ou may define the group Members and the gr oup Ring Sound.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 50 Using the Phonebook 6 Pre s s or un til the Phone Gr ou p that you want to se lect i s hig hlighte d. 7 Pre s s YES to se lect the Phone Group to which you want to assign grou p opt ions. 8 Pre s s or until Members is highlighted.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Message Services 51 T ext mes sages and v oi ce mail ar e the two type s of mes- sage ser vices yo ur Ericsson mo bile phone can supp ort. The mess age se rvic es are provided by your se rv ice pro- vider and subject to availability .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 52 Message Servic es T ext Mes sag es With Call back Nu mb ers Callback phone number s are one or more phone num- bers that ar e attached t o or contained wit h in a text mes- sage. T hese phon e numbe rs are spec ified by the pe rson sending the message.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Message Services 53 Statu s of T ext M essag e s A text me ssage ca n have the fo llowing stat us: • U nread ( ) - The t ext mess age has n ot been read. Existing unread tex t messages wil l not be o v erwrit- ten by a new message.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 54 Message Servic es 6 Pre s s or u nti l the new mess age is highli ghted. 7 Pre s s YES to open the messa ge. Onc e the message is open, you can sc roll through the message one line at a time by pressing or .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Message Services 55 T o call the p hone n umber shown, press YE S . T o m a k e a cred it car d call, pre ss and h old YES . T o return to the St andby scre en, pr ess NO . If you hav e not store d an acces s number , you will see Voice mai l access numb er not stored .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 56 Message Servic es 1 Pre s s or from the Standby scre en to access the main menu. 2 Pre s s unti l the MESSAGES menu is hig hlighte d. 3 Pre s s YES to ope n the MESSAGES men u. 4 Pre s s or until the V oice Mail submenu is high - light ed.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Data, Fax, and Internet Calls 57 Y our Ericsson mobile phone contains a m odem similar to the modems you use to connect your computer to your hom e or o ffice te lep hone s ervic e.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 58 Data, Fax, and Internet Calls procedure. Once a co nnection to your I SP is establ ished, it will remain in place until you disconnect or until it is automa tical ly disco nnected due to the degrada tion of signal quality or due to inactivity .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Data, Fax, and Internet Calls 59 connector . Connect one end of the cabl e to your Ericsson mobile p hone and the other end to the serial port on your comput er . Not e ! If you are trying to connect to a 25-pin se rial interface port on your computer , yo u will need an adapter .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 60 Data, Fax, and Internet Calls 8 Pre s s YES to select th e hig hligh ted call type. 9 Selection stored! app ears in the display . Y our phone is now configured to a specific type for your next incoming call.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Data, Fax, and Internet Calls 61 2 Plug the ot her end of the c able from your DA 18 Phone Book Manager A ccess ory Kit into t he serial port on yo ur compute r . 3 Plug th e charge r cabl e into the bottom of the co n- nector fr o m your DA 18 Phone Book Manager Acce ssory Ki t cabl e.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 62 Data, Fax, and Internet Calls signal will generally be stronger when the phone is ne ar a window . In a V ehi c le It is possible to receiv e data c alls from your v ehicle.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Data, Fax, and Internet Calls 63 Not e ! If nei ther the New Ha rdw are Fou nd nor the Up d a te Device Driver Wizar d scr eens appear , r e fer to the Man- ual Inst alla tion Instr ucti ons a t the end of thi s chap ter.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 64 Data, Fax, and Internet Calls 2 Connect one end of your serial cable to your Erics- son mobile phone and the othe r end to your c om- puter ’ s ser ial port. 3 Fr o m t h e St ar t menu on your W indo ws deskto p, click on Settin gs , th en Control Panel .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Data, Fax, and Internet Calls 65 j Cl ick OK to retu rn to the Conn ection tab. k Cl ick OK to retu rn to Modem Properties .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 66 Data, Fax, and Internet Calls.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Problems You Can Solve 67 Displa yed Messa ges and Explanations Pr oblems and P ossible Soluti ons 1 The ph one d oes not tu rn On . Ch arge o r re pl ace th e b at ter y . 2 The phone is not ringing whe n a call is r eceived.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 68 Problems You Can Solve 6 The signal st reng th varies . This is a common o ccurrence. T ransmitters are set in geographic areas and coverage is not 100% all of the time . Sign al streng th var ies as you trav el betw een cell s.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Index 69 A Access Tone , 42 Accessories , 68 Answer Option , 36 Antenna , 16 Auto Area , 36 Auto Pr efix , 36 Auto Retr y , 23 , 37 B Back Light , 39 Batter y .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 70 Ind ex Display Icons , 17 Display Messages , 20 Highlights , 15 Illustration , 16 Key Functions , 18 Learning About , 15 Erro r Message s , 67 F Fax Calls ,.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Index 71 Entering Letters/ Symbol s , 46 Erasing Entries , 48 Recalling Names/ Numbers , 47 Secu re Me mory , 47 Specifying Positions , 46 Storing Name s/Numbe.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 72 Ind ex Y YES Key , 16 , 18.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. . Making and Answering Calls Turn Phone On/Off Pr e ss an d h o ld NO Answ er a C all *Ope n flip or press YES End a Call *Clo se f li p or pre ss NO *Flip mus.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Y o ur Phone’ s Displa y Contrast or 4 9 Back L ight or 4 8 Language or 4 5 Y our Phone’s Sounds Phone Sil ent or 5 1 Ring Sound or 5 2 Ring V olume or 5 3.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. . The T18d/T18ds Menu Y o u can quic kly acce ss several com- monly u sed menus b y pressin g or . The m enus are organize d in a cir - cle. Quic kly ac cess menus and set- tings us ing the numbers th at appea r next t o eac h me nu and settin g.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Ericsson T18ds c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Ericsson T18ds - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Ericsson T18ds, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Ericsson T18ds va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Ericsson T18ds, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Ericsson T18ds.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Ericsson T18ds. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Ericsson T18ds ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.