Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 9033900-04 du fabricant Enterasys Networks
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RoamAbout ™ Wir eless Networking Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide P/N 9033900-04.
i Notice Enterasys Networks reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document and its web si te without prior notice.
iii 4. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. You understand that Enterasys and its Affiliates are subject to regulation by agenci es of the U.
iv 10. ENFORCEMENT. You acknowledge and agree that any breach of Se ctions 2, 4, or 9 of this Agreement by You may cau se �.
v Contents Preface Purpose of This Manual .. .... ............. ... ... ... .... ............ .... ... ... ... ............. .... ... ... ... ... ............. .... . .. ................ ......... xiii Intended Audience .......... ............. ......
vi Using the CLI ............................ ............. ................ ............. ............. ................ ............. . ........................ 4-19 CLI Commands for VLAN Support ... ................ ................ ............. .
vii Using the CLI to View Neighbor AP D etection Status ............ ................ ................ ............. ................ ... 4-88 Using Web Management to View Event Logs .............. ................ ............. ................ .....
viii sntp-server ip ....................... ............. ................ ............. ................ ............. ............. ...... .................. A-39 sntp-server enable ........................ ................ ............. ...........
ix radius-server secondary ...... ............. ................ ............. ................ ................ ............. ........... .......... A-86 show radius ..... ................ ............. ............. ................ ............. ..
x multicast-cipher .. ............. ................. ............ ............. ................. ............ ............. ............ .............. A-143 unicast-cipher ......... ................ ............. ............. ................ ....
xi Figures 2-1 Ad Hoc Wireless LAN ................ ............. ................ ............. ................ ............. ................ .. ................ 2-2 2-2 Infrastructure Wireless LAN .............. ......... ... ............. .......
RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide xiii Preface Purpose of This Manual This manual provides the configuration instr uctions for the RoamAbout Acc ess Po i n t 300 0 using We b management and the Command Line Interface (CLI).
xiv Preface Getting Help For additional support related to this device or document, contact Enterasys Networks using one of the following methods.
RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide 1-1 1 Introduction Overview The Enterasys Networks Wir e l e ss Access Po i n t 300 0 is an IEEE 802.11a/b/g (RBT3 K ‐ AG and RBT3K ‐ AG ‐ G), or an IEEE 802.
Features and Benefits 1-2 Introduction Features and Benefit s The features and benefits of the Access Poi n t 3000 include the following: •L o c a l n.
RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide 2-1 2 Network Configuration Overview The wireless solution supports a stand ‐ alone wire less netw ork configuration as wel l as an integrated configuration with 10/100 Mbps Ethernet LANs.
Network Topologies 2-2 Network Configuration Network T opologies Ad Hoc Wireless LAN (no Access Point or Bridge) An ad hoc wirel ess LAN consists of a group of .
Network Topologies RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide 2-3 Infrastructure Wireless LAN The access point also provides access to a wired LAN for wireless workstations. An int egrated wired/wireless LAN is called an infrastructure configuration.
Network Topologies 2-4 Network Configuration Infrastructure Wireless LAN for Roaming Wireless PCs The Basic Service Se t (BSS) defines the communications domain for each access point and its associated wireless clients.
RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide 3-1 3 Initial Configuration Overview Yo u can manage the RoamAbout Access Po i n t 3000 with: • Command Line I.
Initial Configuration Steps 3-2 Initial Configuration Using the CLI To use the CLI to minimally configure the access point, follow these steps: 1.
Initial Configuration Steps RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide 3-3 5. If you r access point uses a DHCP assigned IP address go on to chan ge the default username and password.
Initial Configuration Steps 3-4 Initial Configuration 7. Enable Management VLAN. a. T ype management ‐ vlanid and specify a management vlanid. b. T ype management ‐ vlan enable , and reset the access point.
Initial Configuration Steps RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide 3-5 . The Country Code page appears. 3. T o set the Country: a.
Initial Configuration Steps 3-6 Initial Configuration c. Click Administration from the menu on the left ‐ hand side of the page.
Initial Configuration Steps RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide 3-7 d. Click Reset , at the bottom of the page. The access point prompts you to confirm that you wa n t to reboot the system.
Initial Configuration Steps 3-8 Initial Configuration 4. T o set a static IP address: a. Click TCP/IP Settings from the menu on the left of the page. The TCP/IP Settings page appears.
Initial Configuration Steps RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide 3-9 c. Specify IP address , Subnet Mask , Default Gateway , and Primary and Secondary DNS . d. Click Apply at the bottom of the page.
Initial Configuration Steps 3-10 Initial Configuration 5. Set username and password. a. Click Administration from the menu on the left of the page. The Administration page appears. b. Specify a new username in the Username field.
Initial Configuration Steps RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 3-11 b. Click the Management VLAN ID: field and enter the VLAN ID from which you will manage the AP . c. Click the Management VLAN: Enable radio button.
Initial Configuration Steps 3-12 Initial Configuration.
RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide 4-1 4 Advanced Configuration Overview This chapter presents adv anced config uration information organized according to the structure of the We b interface for easy reference.
Overview 4-2 Advanced Configuration T able 4-1 Advanced Configura tion Menu Description Page Identification S pec ifies the system name, location and cont act. 4-3 TCP / IP Settings Enables DHCP , or allows y ou to configures the IP address, subnet mask, gateway , and domain name servers.
Identification RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide 4-3 Identification Using W eb Management The system informat ion parameters for the Access Po i n t 3000 can be left at their defaul t settings.
Identification 4-4 Advanced Configuration Using the CLI From the config mode, use the system name command to specify a new system name.
TCP / IP Settings RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide 4-5 TCP / IP Settings Configuring the Access Poi n t 3000 with an IP address expands yo ur abil ity to manage the access point.
TCP / IP Settings 4-6 Advanced Configuration Using W eb Management Select TCP/IP Settings from the menu. • DHCP allows you to enable or disable the �.
TCP / IP Settings RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide 4-7 •W e b Servers – HTTP Server allows the access point to be monitored or configured fr om a browser .
TCP / IP Settings 4-8 Advanced Configuration Using the CLI From the config mode, enter the interfa ce configuration mode with the interface ethernet command.
RADIUS RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide 4-9 RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial ‐ in User Service (RADIUS) is an authe ntication protocol that �.
RADIUS 4-10 Advanced Configuration Using W eb Management Select RADIUS from the menu. Configure the following settings to use RADIUS authentication on �.
RADIUS RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-11 • Interim Update Ti m e o u t determines how often to send accounting updates from the access point to the serv er for this session.
PPPoE 4-12 Advanced Configuration PPPoE Since many Internet Service Provi ders (ISP) use Poi n t ‐ to ‐ Po in t Protocol ov er Ethernet (PPPoE) to �.
PPPoE RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-13 • Local IP Addr ess: The IP addres s of the local end of the PPPoE tunnel. If you selected Static assigned, you must enter the IP address .
Authentication 4-14 Advanced Configuration Authentication 802.1x Supplicant allows you to enable the access point as an 802.1x authe ntication supplicant with the network. Using W eb Management Select Authenticat ion from the menu.
Authentication RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-15 Using the CLI Use the 802.1x supplicant user command from the global configuration mode .
Authentication 4-16 Advanced Configuration RoamAbout 3000#configure Enter configuration commands, one pe r line. End with CTRL/Z RoamAbout 3000(config)#802.1x suppli cant user User Name<1-32> : RBT3K-AND Password<1-32> :password Confirm password<1-32> :password RoamAbout 3000(config)#802.
Filter Control RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-17 Filter Control The access point can employ VLAN ID and network traffic frame filterin g to control access to network resources and increase security .
Filter Control 4-18 Advanced Configuration • Management VLAN ID specifies the management VLAN ID for the access point.
Filter Control RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-19 Using the CLI CLI Commands for VLAN Support From the global configuration mode, use the management ‐ .
Filter Control 4-20 Advanced Configuration From the interface ethernet mode, use the untagged ‐ vlanid to specify a VLAN ID for the AP to use for untagged packets entering thr ough the AP ʹ s Ethernet port.
Filter Control RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-21 CLI Commands for Filtering Use the filter ibss ‐ relay command from the global conf iguration to set the mode for wireless ‐ to ‐ wireless communications th rough the access point .
QoS 4-22 Advanced Configuration QoS When you configure QoS (Quality of Service) on the access point, you can select specific network tra.
QoS RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-23 •Q o S Mode drop ‐ down menu selections: – Source Addr ess allows you to specify priorities based on source MAC addres s.
QoS 4-24 Advanced Configuration Using the CLI From the global configuration mode, use the qos mode command to set the type of classification (SA, DA, Ether ‐ Ty p e , 802.1p ‐ Ta g ) that you wan t the access point to use.
QoS RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-25 To enable SVP , from the global configuration mode, use the svp command. To disable SVP , us e the no ver si o n of the command.
CDP Settings 4-26 Advanced Configuration CDP Settings Cabletron Di scovery Protocol (CDP) settings controls how the AP uses CDP to discov er neighbors on the physical LAN to which it connects.
CDP Settings RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-27 • Port Status : – Disable ‐ di sables this AP from using CDP .
CDP Settings 4-28 Advanced Configuration RoamAbout 3000#configure Enter configuration commands, one pe r line. End with CTRL/Z RoamAbout 3000(config)#cdp enable RoamAbout 3000(config)#cdp hold-time 36.
Rogue AP Detection RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-29 Rogue AP Detection This feature scans the airw aves and collects information about access points in the area.
Rogue AP Detection 4-30 Advanced Configuration Using W eb Management Select Rogue AP Detection from the menu. The Rogue AP Detection se lections are displaye d in the following screen.
SNMP RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-31 Using the CLI Use the rogue ‐ ap command to detect neighboring access points and access points that are not authorized to participate on the network.
SNMP 4-32 Advanced Configuration Using W eb Management Select SNMP from the menu..
SNMP RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-33 • SNMP allows you to enable or disable SNMP management access and also enables the access point to send SNMP traps (notifications).
SNMP 4-34 Advanced Configuration • Engine ‐ ID is used for SNMP v3 to identify the access point in a netw ork of multiple access points.
SNMP RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-35 • Group List is the list of groups for SNMP v3 users. The access poin t enables SNMP v3 users to be assigned to three pre ‐ de fined groups.
SNMP 4-36 Advanced Configuration Using the CLI The access point includes an on ‐ board agent that supports SNMP v ersions 1, 2c, and 3. Access to the on ‐ board agent using SNMP v1 and v2c is controlled by co mmunity strings.
Administration RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-37 Administration Changing the Password Management access to the We b and CLI interface on the Access Poi nt 3000 is controlled through a single user name and passw ord.
Administration 4-38 Advanced Configuration • Change Username/Password A username and passw ord are required to configure the access point.
Administration RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-39 Upgrading Firmware Yo u can upgrade the Access Poi n t 3000 softw are from a local file on the management wor k st a ti o n, or from an FT P or TF TP server .
Administration 4-40 Advanced Configuration Using Web Management • Curr ent version displays the ve rs io n number of code. • Local downloads an operation code image file from the We b management station to the access point using HTTP .
Administration RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-41 Using the CLI To download softw are from a TF TP/F TP Server , use the copy command from the Exec mode.
System Log 4-42 Advanced Configuration System Log The Access Poi nt 3000 can be configured to send event and error me ssages to a System Log Ser ver .
System Log RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-43 • Logging Facility ‐ T ype specifies the sys log facility to use for messages, (16 to 23) local 0 to local 7. • LoggingClear button clears the event log.
System Log 4-44 Advanced Configuration Using the CLI To enable logging on the access point , use the logging on command from the gl obal configuration mode. The logging level command sets the minimum level of message to log.
System Log RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-45 Configuring SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) allows the Access Poi n t 3000 to set its internal clock based on periodic updates from a time serv er .
System Log 4-46 Advanced Configuration Using the CLI to Configure SNTP To enable SNTP support on the access point, from the global configuration mode �.
Radio Interface RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-47 Radio Interface The IEEE 802.11a and 802.11b/g interfaces include configuration options for radio signa l characteristics, Vir t u a l APs (V AP s), and wireless security features.
Radio Interface 4-48 Advanced Configuration Using W eb Management Select Radio Settings under the type of interface (802.
Radio Interface RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-49 • Interface Status disables/enables use of this default radio inter face. Default: Enable. • Description is the description yo u provide to identify this default radio interfa ce.
Radio Interface 4-50 Advanced Configuration • Secur e Access specifies whether clients can access the default radio interface network by discoveri.
Radio Interface RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-51 • VLAN enab les or disable s VLAN tagging support on this default radio interface.
Radio Interface 4-52 Advanced Configuration • Multicast Data Rate sets the speed to support for multicast traffic. The faster the trans mit speed, the shorter the cov erage area at that speed.
Radio Interface RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-53 Vi rt ua l AP: • VA P (1 ‐ 7) enables or disables the selected virtual access point (V AP ). • Description that you prov ide for this VA P .
Radio Interface 4-54 Advanced Configuration Using the CLI for the 802.1 1a Interface From the global configuration mode, enter the interface wireless a comm and to access the 802.11a radio interface.
Radio Interface RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-55 RoamAbout 3000#configure Enter configuration commands, one pe r line. End with CTRL/Z RoamAbout 3000(config)#interface wir eless a Enter Wireless configuration command s, one per line.
Radio Interface 4-56 Advanced Configuration Using the CLI for 802.1 1b/g Interface From the global configuration mode, enter the interface wireless g command to access th e 802.11g radio interface.
Radio Interface RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-57 RoamAbout 3000#configure Enter configuration commands, one pe r line. End with CTRL/Z RoamAbout 3000(config)#interface wir eless g Enter Wireless configuration command s, one per line.
Radio Interface 4-58 Advanced Configuration Using the CLI for the V A Ps From the global configuration mode, enter the interface wireless a comm and to access the 802.11a radio interface, or the interface wireless g command to acc ess the 802.
Radio Interface RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-59 RoamAbout 3000#configure Enter configuration commands, one pe r line. End with CTRL/Z RoamAbout 3000(config)#interface wir eless g Enter Wireless configuration command s, one per line.
Security 4-60 Advanced Configuration Security The Access Po i n t 3000 is configured by default as an “open system,” whic h broadcasts a beacon signal including the configured SSID.
Security RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-61 The security mechanisms that you may emp loy depend upon the level of security requir.
Security 4-62 Advanced Configuration Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) WEP provide s a basic level of security , preventing unau thorized access to the netw ork and encrypting data transmitted between wireless clients and the access point.
Security RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-63 • Statics Key Settings sp ecify up to fou r static WEP encryption keys that clients may use with either the default interface or a VA P associated with this radio .
Security 4-64 Advanced Configuration • Authenticat ion T ype Setup sets the access point to communicate as an open system that accepts network access attempts from any client, or with clients using pre ‐ configured static shared keys.
Security RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-65 • Data Encryption Setup enables or disables the access point to use WEP shared keys for data encryption.
Security 4-66 Advanced Configuration • WP A Pre ‐ shar ed Key T ype specifies the WP A pre ‐ shared key type and the key for client authentication with this radio interface or VA P .
Security RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-67 When you enable 802.1x, you can also enable the broadcast and session key rotation interv als.
Security 4-68 Advanced Configuration – Local MAC Filter Settings ad ds MAC addresses and permissions into the local MAC database. ‐ MAC Address is the physical address of a client.
Security RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-69 To display the current settings, us e the show interface wireless <a|g> <vap#> command from the Exec mode.
Security 4-70 Advanced Configuration CLI Commands for Local MAC Authentication Use the mac ‐ authenticat ion server command from the Interface Wir e l e ss or Interface Wir e l e ss : VA P configuration modes to enable local MAC authentication.
Security RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-71 RoamAbout 3000#show authentication 802.11a Authentication Server Inform ation VAP AuthMode SessionTimeout Password Default Local MAC ====.
Security 4-72 Advanced Configuration CLI Commands for RADIUS MAC Authentication Use the mac ‐ authenticat ion server command from the Interface Wir e l e ss or Interface Wir e l e ss : VA P configuration modes to enable remote MAC authentication.
Security RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-73 RoamAbout 3000#show authentication 802.11a Authentication Server Inform ation VAP AuthMode SessionTimeout Password Default Local MAC ====.
Security 4-74 Advanced Configuration CLI Commands for 802.1x Authentication Use the 802.1x supported or 802.1x required command from the Interface Wir e le s s or Interface Wi r e l e s s : VA P configuration modes to enable 802.
Security RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-75 RoamAbout 3000#configure Enter configuration commands, one pe r line. End with CTRL/Z RoamAbout 3000(config)#interface wir eless g Enter Wireless configuration command s, one per line.
Security 4-76 Advanced Configuration Using the CLI Commands fo r WEP over 802.1x Security From the interface wireless or interface wireless: VA P configuration modes, use the authentication command to select open system authentication.
Status Information RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-77 S t atus Information Status information is described in Ta b l e 4 ‐ 7 .
Status Information 4-78 Advanced Configuration Using W eb Management to V iew AP S t atus Select AP Status from the menu..
Status Information RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-79 The AP System Config uration table disp lays the following basic system config uration settings: • System Up Ti m e is the length of time the management agent had been up.
Status Information 4-80 Advanced Configuration Using the CLI to Display AP St atus To view the current access point system settings, use the show system command from the Exec mode.
Status Information RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-81 Using W eb Management to V iew CDP St atus Select CDP Status from the menu.
Status Information 4-82 Advanced Configuration Using W eb Management to V iew S t ation S t atus Select Station Status from the menu.
Status Information RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-83 • Station Address is the MAC address of the wir eless client. • Authenticat ed disp lays if the station has been au thenticated.
Status Information 4-84 Advanced Configuration Using the CLI to Display St ation S t atus To view the status of clients currently associated with each of th.
Status Information RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-85 RoamAbout 3000#show station Station Table Information ==================================== =============== 802.11a Channel : 42 if-wireless A [default] : No 802.11a Stations. if-wireless A VAP [1] : No 802.
Status Information 4-86 Advanced Configuration Using W eb Management to V iew Neighbor AP Detection S t atus Select Neighbor AP Detection Status from the menu.
Status Information RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-87 The We b interface displa ys a list of 802.11a and a list of 802.
Status Information 4-88 Advanced Configuration Using the CLI to V iew Neig hbor AP Detection St atus To view the neighbor AP detecti on resul ts of a rogue AP scan, use the show rogue ‐ ap command from the Exec mode.
Status Information RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-89 RoamAbout 3000#show rogue-ap 802.11a Channel : Rogue AP Setting ==================================== =================== Rogue .
Status Information 4-90 Advanced Configuration Using W eb Management to View Event Logs The Event Logs window shows the log messages generated by the access po int and stored in memory .
Status Information RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuratio n Guide 4-91 Using the CLI to V iew Event Logs To view st atus of clients currently associated with the access point, use the show eve nts command from the Exec mode.
Status Information 4-92 Advanced Configuration.
RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-1 A Using the Command Line Interface Accessing the CLI When accessing the management interface for the Access Po in t .
Accessing the CLI A-2 T elnet Connection Te l n e t operates over the IP transport protocol. In thi s environment, your management station and any network device you wa nt to manage ov er the network must hav e a val i d IP address.
Entering Commands RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-3 Entering Commands This section describes how to enter the CLI commands. Keywords and Argument s A CLI command is a series of keyw ords and arguments.
Getting Help on Commands A-4 Getting Help on Commands Yo u can display a brief description of the help system by entering the help command.
Getting Help on Commands RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-5 Negating the Effect of Commands For many configuration commands you can enter the prefix �.
Understanding Command Modes A-6 Underst anding Command Modes The command set is divi ded into Exec and Configuration classes. Exec commands generally display information on system status or clear statistical counters.
Understanding Command Modes RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-7 To enter the Global Configurat ion mode, enter the command configure in Exec mode.
Command Line Processing A-8 Command Line Processing Commands are not case sen sitive. Yo u can abb reviate commands and parameters as long as th.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-9 Command Group s The AP 3000 commands fall into the functional command groups shown in Ta b l e A ‐ 3 .
Command Groups A-10 General Commands The General commands are listed in Ta b l e A ‐ 4 . configure This command activ a tes Global Configuration mode. Yo u must enter this mode to modify most of the settings on the access point.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-11 end This command returns to the previous configuration mode.
Command Groups A-12 ping This command sends ICMP echo request packets to an other node on the netw ork. Synt ax ping < host_name | ip_address > • host_name is the alias of the host.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-13 reset This command resets the access point back to the factory default settings, and restarts the system.
Command Groups A-14 show history This command shows the contents of the command history buffer . Synt ax show history Default Setting None Command Mode Exec Command Usage • The history buffer size is fixed at 10 commands.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-15 show line This command displays the console port’ s configuration settings. Synt ax show line Default Setting None Command Mode Exec Example The console port settings are fixed at the val u e s shown below .
Command Groups A-16 System Management Commands The commands in Ta b l e A ‐ 5 are used to configure the us er name, password, system logs, browser management options, clock setti ngs, and a va r i e t y of other system information.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-17 ip telnet-server Enables T elnet access to this access point. GC A-30 Event Logging Controls logging of error messages logging on Co.
Command Groups A-18 country This command configures the access point’ s country code, which identifies the country of operation and sets the authoriz ed radio channels.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-19 Default Setting US ‐ for units sold in the United States 99 (no country set) ‐ f.
Command Groups A-20 prompt This command customizes the CLI prompt. Use the no form to restore the default prompt. Synt ax prompt string no prompt string is any alphanumeric string to use for the CLI prompt.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-21 system cont act This command is used to specify an administrator re sponsible for the system. Synt ax system contact name no system contact name is the name of the contact.
Command Groups A-22 system name This command specifies or modifies the system na me for this device. Use the no form to restor e the default sys tem name. Synt ax system name name no system name name is the name of the syste m.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-23 p assword After initiall y logging onto the system, you should change the password. To reset the passw ord to the default password of password , use the no form.
Command Groups A-24 ip http port This command specifies the TCP port number used by the We b browser interface.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-25 ip http server Enables this device to be monitored or configured from a We b browser . Use the no form to disable this function.
Command Groups A-26 ip http s port Use this command to specify the UDP port number used for HTTPS/SSL conne ction to the access point’ s We b interfa ce. Use the no form to restore the default port.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-27 ip https server Use this command to enable the secure hypertext tr ansfer protocol (HTTPS) ov er the Secure Socket Layer (SSL), provid ing secure access (i.
Command Groups A-28 ip ssh-server Use this command to enable SSH access to this ac cess point. Use the no ver si o n of this command to disable SSH access.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-29 ip ssh-server port Use this command to set the UDP port to use for the SSH server . Synt ax ip ssh-server <port number> port number is the UDP por t number to use for SSH.
Command Groups A-30 ip telnet-server Use this command to enable Te l n e t access to this access point. Use the no ver s io n of this command to disable Te l n e t access.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-31 logging on This command controls logging of error messages; that is, sending debug or e rror messages to memory . The no form disables the logging process.
Command Groups A-32 Example RoamAbout 3000#configure Enter configuration commands, one pe r line. End with CTRL/Z RoamAbout 3000(config)#logging host 1 10.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-33 logging console This command initiat es logging of error messages to the console. Use the no form to disable logging to the console.
Command Groups A-34 logging level This command sets the minimum severi ty level for ev ent logging. Synt ax logging level < Alert | Critical | Error | Warning | .
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-35 logging facility-type This command sets the facility type for remote logging of sysl og messages.
Command Groups A-36 show logging This command displays the logging configuration. Synt ax show logging Default Setting None Command Mode Exec Example RoamAbout 3000#show logging Lo.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-37 show event s Displays all messages record ed in the event log.
Command Groups A-38 logging clear Clears the event log of all messages. Synt ax logging clear Default Setting N/A Command Mode Global Configuration Command Usage N/A. Example Related Commands show events page A ‐ 37 RoamAbout 3000#configure Enter configuration commands, one pe r line.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-39 sntp-server ip This command sets the IP address of the serv ers to which SNTP time requests are issued.
Command Groups A-40 sntp-server enable This command enables SNTP client requests for time synchronization with NTP or SNTP time servers specified by the sntp ‐ server ip comman d.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-41 sntp-server date-time This command sets the system clock. Default Setting 00:00:00, January 1, 1970 .
Command Groups A-42 sntp-server daylight-saving This command sets the start and end dates for daylight savings time.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-43 sntp-server timezone This command sets the time zone for the access point’ s intern al clock. Synt ax sntp-server timezone < hours> hours is the number of hours before/after UTC.
Command Groups A-44 show system This command displays basic system conf iguration settings. Synt ax show system Default Setting None Command Mode Exec Example RoamAbout 3000#configure Enter configuration commands, one pe r line.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-45 show version This command displays the softw are ver s io n for the system.
Command Groups A-46 ip pppoe This command enables PPP oE on the Ethernet interface. Use the no form to disable PPP oE on the Ethernet interface.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-47 pppoe ip allocation mode This command specifies how IP addresses for the PPP oE tunnel are configured on this interface.
Command Groups A-48 pppoe ipcp dns This command requests allocation of IP addresses for Dynamic Naming System (DNS) servers from the device at the remote end of the PPP oE tunnel.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-49 pppoe lcp echo-interval This command sets the Link Control Protocol (LCP) echo interv al for the PPP oE tunnel.
Command Groups A-50 pppoe lcp echo-failure This command sets the Link Control Protocol (LCP) echo timeout for the PPP oE tunnel. Synt ax pppoe lcp echo-failure < timeout> timeout is the number of timeouts allowed.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-51 pppoe local ip This command sets a local IP address for the PPP oE tunnel. Synt ax pppoe local ip < ip-address> ip ‐ address is the IP addres s of the local end of the PPP oE tunnel.
Command Groups A-52 pppoe remote ip This command sets a remote IP address for the PPP oE tunnel. Synt ax pppoe remote ip < ip-address> ip ‐ address is the IP addres s of the remote end of the PPPoE tunnel.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-53 pppoe username This command sets the user name for the PPP o E tunnel. Synt ax pppoe username < username> username is the user name assi gned by the service provider .
Command Groups A-54 pppoe p assword This command sets the password fo r the PPPoE tunnel. Synt ax pppoe password < string> string is the password assigned by the service provider .
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-55 pppoe service-name This command sets the service name for the PPPoE tunnel. Synt ax pppoe service-name < string> string is the service name assi gned by the service provider .
Command Groups A-56 show pppoe This command shows information about the PPP oE configuration. Command Mode Privileged Exec Example RoamAbout 3000#show pppoe PPPoE Infor.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-57 SNMP Commands The access point includes an on ‐ board agent that supports Simple Netw ork Management Pr otocol (SNMP) versions 1, 2c, and 3.
Command Groups A-58 snmp-server community This command defines the community access strings for SNMP . Us e the no form to rem ove the specified commun ity string.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-59 snmp-server cont act This command sets the system contact string. Use the no form to remove the system contact information.
Command Groups A-60 snmp-server enable server This command enables SNMP management access and also enables this device to send SNMP traps (i.e., notifications). Use the no form to disable SNMP service and trap messages.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-61 snmp-server host This command specifies the recipient of an SNMP notification. Us e the no form to remov e the specified host.
Command Groups A-62 snmp-server location This command sets the system location string. Use the no form to remov e the location string. Synt ax snmp-server location text no snmp-server location text is the string that describes the sy stem location.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-63 show snmp This command displays the SNMP configuration setting s.
Command Groups A-64 snmp-server trap This command en ables the access point to send s pecific SNMP traps (i.e., notifications). Use the no form to disable specific trap messages.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-65 Default Setting All traps enabled Command Mode Global Configuration Command Usage This command is used i.
Command Groups A-66 snmp-server engine-id This command is used for SNMP v3. It is used to uniquely identify the access point among all access points in the networ k.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-67 snmp-server user This command configures the SNMP v3 users that are allow ed to manage the access poi nt. Use the no form to delete an SNMP v3 user .
Command Groups A-68 •T h e command prompts for the following information to configure an SNMP v3 user: – User Name is the user ‐ defined string for the SNMP user .
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-69 snmp-server t arget s This command configures SNMP v3 notification targets. Use the no form to delete an SNMP v3 target.
Command Groups A-70 snmp-server filter This command defines an SNMP notification filter . Use the no form to delete a filter .
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-71 snmp-server filter-assignment s This command assigns user ‐ defined notif ication filters to SNMP targets.
Command Groups A-72 snmp-server group This command allows you to set an SN MPv3 group profile. Synt ax snmp-server group Default Setting None Command Mode Global Configuration Command Usage Users assigned to the snmp ‐ server group must have the same privileges.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-73 show snmp group s The CLI also enables up to ten SNMP v3 users to be assigned to one of three pre ‐ defined groups.
Command Groups A-74 show snmp users This command displays the SNMP v3 users and settings. Command Mode Exec Example show snmp group-assignment s This command displays the SNMP v3 user group assignments.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-75 show snmp t arget This command displays the SNMP v3 notificati on target settings. Command Mode Exec Example show snmp filter This command displays SNMP notification filters.
Command Groups A-76 show snmp filter-assignment s This command displays the targets for which SNMP filters control notifications to send.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-77 boot file This command specifies the image used to start up the system. Synt ax bootfile < filename > filename is the name of the image file.
Command Groups A-78 Command Usage • The system prompts for data required to complete the copy command.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-79 delete This command deletes a file or image. Synt ax delete filename filename is the name of the configuration file or image name.
Command Groups A-80 dir This command displays a list of files in flash memory . Command Mode Exec Command Usage File information is shown below: Exa.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-81 RADIUS Client Commands Remote Authentication Dial ‐ in User Service (RADIUS) is a logo n authe.
Command Groups A-82 radius-server address This command specifies the primary RADIUS server by IP address or host name. Synt ax radius-server [ secondary ] address < h ost_ip_address | host_name > • secondary ‐ Secondary server .
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-83 radius-server port This command sets the RADIUS authentication port. Synt ax radius-server [ secondary ] port < port _number> • secondary is the secondary server .
Command Groups A-84 radius-server port-accounting This command enables or disable s the RADIUS serv er port for accounting packets and sets the port number .
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-85 radius-server timeout This command sets the interv al betw een transmitting authentication requests to the RADIUS server .
Command Groups A-86 radius-server secondary This command specifies the configuration for the secondary RADI US serve r .
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-87 show radius This command displays the current settings for the RADIUS serv er . Default Setting None Command Mode Exec Example RoamAbout 3000#show radius Radius Server Information ==================================== ==== IP : 192.
Command Groups A-88 802.1x Port Authen tication Commands The access point supports IEEE 802.1x access control for wireless clients. This control feature prevents unauthorized access to the network by requiring a 802.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-89 802.1x This command configures 802.1x as optionally supported or as required for wirele ss clients. Use the no form to di sable 802.
Command Groups A-90 Example The following example shows setting 802.1 x for the defaul t interface and a VA P. Related Commands show interface wireless page A ‐ 151 802.1x broadcast ‐ key ‐ refresh ‐ rate page A ‐ 91 802.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-91 802.1x broadcast-key-refresh-rate This command sets the interv al at which the broadcast keys are refreshed for stations us ing 802.
Command Groups A-92 802.1x session-key-refresh-rate This command sets the interv al at which unicast session keys are refreshed for associated stations using dynamic keying. Synt ax 802.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-93 802.1x session-timeout This command sets the ti me period after which a connected client must be re ‐ authenticate. Use the no form to disable 802.
Command Groups A-94 802.1x supplicant This command enables or disables supplicant support, and sets the username and password used by the access point to authenticate with the netw ork.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-95 mac-access permission This command sets a default action (allow or deny) fo r all unknown MAC addresses (those not listed in the local MAC database).
Command Groups A-96 mac-access entry This command adds a MAC address to the local MA C database on the AP and sets the permission for that address to allow ed or denied.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-97 mac-authentication server Sets method for performing MAC authentica tion of clients. Use the no form to disable MAC address authentication.
Command Groups A-98 mac-authentication session-timeout This command sets the interv al at which associated clients will be re ‐ authenticated wi th the RADIUS server authentication database.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-99 mac-authentication p assword This command sets the authentication password that the AP sends to the RADIUS server to authenticate MAC addresses.
Command Groups A-100 show authentication This command shows all 802.1x authenticati on settings, as we ll as the address filter table. Synt ax show authentication Command Mode Exec Example RoamAbout 3000#show authentication 802.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-101 Filtering Commands The commands listed in Ta b l e A ‐ 14 are used to filt er communications .
Command Groups A-102 filter ibss-relay This command changes the ibss ‐ re lay control mode from the default, ALL VA P , to Per VA P . Use the no form to change from Per VA P mode to All VA P mode.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-103 filter wireless-ap-manage This command prevents wi reless clients from accessing the management interface on the access point. Use the no form to disable this fi ltering.
Command Groups A-104 filter ethernet-type protocol This command sets a filter for a specific Ethernet type. Use the no form to disable filtering for a specific Ethernet type.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-105 show filters This command shows the filter options and protocol entr ies in the filter tab le.
Command Groups A-106 Interface Commands The commands described in Ta b l e A ‐ 15 are used to configure connection parameters for the Ethernet port and wireless inte rface.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-107 ssid Configures the service set identifier IC-W IC-W: V AP A-129 beacon-interval Configures the rate at which beacon signals are tr.
Command Groups A-108 wpa-mode S peci fie s dynamic keys or a pre-shared key IC-W IC-W: V AP A-147 wpa-preshared-key Defines a WP A preshare d-k ey va lu e IC-W IC-W: V AP A-148 vap Enters Virtual Acce.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-109 interface This command configures an interface type and en ters interfa ce configuration mode. Synt ax interface < ethernet | wireless < a | g > • ethernet is the interface for wired network.
Command Groups A-110 cd p authentication This command specifies an authentication key to use for Cabletron Discovery Protocol (CDP) packets. Use the no form to remov e an authentication key .
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-111 cd p auto-enable This command enables this AP to use Cabletr on Discov ery Protocol (CDP) and to send information about itsel f when it receive s hello packets.
Command Groups A-112 cd p disable This command disables Cabletron Discov ery Protocol (CDP) on this AP . Synt ax cdp disable Default Setting Auto Command Mode G.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-113 cd p enable This command enables this AP to use Cabletr on Discov ery Protocol (CDP) and to send information about itsel f at the specified Tr a n s m i t Frequency .
Command Groups A-114 cd p hold-time This command specifies amount of time in seconds that the AP retains an AP neighbor entry after receiving last Cabletron Discov ery Protocol (CDP) hello packet.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-115 cd p tx-frequency This command specifies the frequency at which this AP transmits Cabletron Discov ery Protocol (CDP) hello packets.
Command Groups A-116 show cd p This command displays the Cabletron Discov ery Protocol (CDP) global settings. Synt ax show cdp <neighbor|port|traffic> neighbo.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-117 Example Related Commands cdp auto ‐ enable page A ‐ 11 1 cdp disable page A ‐ 112 cdp enable .
Command Groups A-118 dns This command specifies the address for the primary or secondary domain name serv er to be used for name ‐ to ‐ address resolution.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-119 ip address This command sets the IP address for the (10/100Base ‐ TX) Ethernet interface.
Command Groups A-120 Example Related Commands ip dhcp page A ‐ 121 RoamAbout 3000#configure Enter configuration commands, one pe r line. End with CTRL/Z RoamAbout 3000(config)#interface eth ernet Enter Ethernet configuration command s, one per line.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-121 ip dhcp This command sets the IP address for the access point. Use the no form to restore the default IP address.
Command Groups A-122 shut down This command disables the Ethernet interface. To restart a disabled interface, use the no form.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-123 show interface ethernet This command displays the status for the Ethernet interface.
Command Groups A-124 description This command adds a description to a wir eless interface. Use the no form to re move the description. Synt ax description < string > no description string is a comment or a description for this interface.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-125 secure-access This command denies access to clients without a pr e ‐ configured SSID. Use the no form to di sable this feature.
Command Groups A-126 speed This command configures the maximum data rate at which a station can connect to the access point. Synt ax speed < speed> speed is the maximum access spe ed allowed for wirele ss clients.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-127 channel This command configures the radio channel through which the access point communicates with wireless clients.
Command Groups A-128 turbo This command sets the access point to an enhanced mode (not regulated in IEEE 802.11a) that provides a higher data rate of up to 108 Mbps.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-129 ssid This command configures the service set identifier (SSID). Synt ax ssid string string is the name of a basic service set supported by the access point.
Command Groups A-130 beacon-interval This command configures the rate at which beacon signals are transmitted from the access point. Synt ax beacon-interval < interval> interval is the rate for transmitting beacon signa ls.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-131 d tim-period This command configures the rate at which stations in sleep mode must wak e up to receive broadcast/multicast transmissions.
Command Groups A-132 fragment ation-length This command configures the minimum packet size that can be fragmented when passing through the access point.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-133 preamble This command sets the preamb le used for synchronizing transmission timing ( for 802.
Command Groups A-134 ibss relay This command enables or disables IBSS relay per interface or VA P . Us e the no form to disable IBSS relay .
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-135 rt s-threshold This command sets the packet size threshold at which a Request to Se.
Command Groups A-136 authentication This command defines the 802.11 authentication typ e allowed by the access poi nt.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-137 encryption This command defines whether WEP en cryption is used to provide privacy for wireles s communications. Use the no form to disable encryption.
Command Groups A-138 key This command sets the keys used for WEP encryption. Use the no form to delete a configured key . Synt ax key < index > < size > < type > < value > no key index • index is the key index.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-139 transmit-key This command sets which of the keys defined for this Access Po i n t t.
Command Groups A-140 transmit-power This command adjusts the pow er of the radio signals transmitted from the access point. Synt ax transmit-power < signal-strength> signal ‐ strength is the signal strength transmitted from the access point.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-141 max-association This command configures the maximum number of clients that can be associate d with the access point at the same time.
Command Groups A-142 multicast-dat a-rate Identifies the speed that you wa n t to support for multic ast traffic. The faster the transmit speed, the shorter the cov erage area at that speed.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-143 multicast-cipher This command defines the cipher algorithm used for broadcasting and multicasting when using Wi ‐ Fi Protected Access (WP A) securi ty .
Command Groups A-144 Example The following example shows setting the multi ‐ cast cipher for the defaul t interface and a VA P .
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-145 wp a-client s This command defines whether Wi ‐ Fi Protected Access (WP A) is required, optionally supported, or not supported for client stations.
Command Groups A-146 Example The following example shows setting the wpa ‐ clients parameter for the default interface and a VA P . Related Commands wpa ‐ mode page A ‐ 147 RoamAbout 3000#configure Enter configuration commands, one pe r line.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-147 wp a-mode This command specifies whether Wi ‐ Fi Protected Access (WP A) is to use 802.1x dynamic keys or a pre ‐ shared key .
Command Groups A-148 wp a-preshared-key This command defines a Wi ‐ Fi Protected Access (WP A) preshared ‐ key . Synt ax wpa-preshared-key < type> < value> • type is the input format.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-149 vap This command enters VA P mode to allow yo u to configure the specified Vir tu a l Access Poi nt (V AP).
Command Groups A-150 shut down This command disables the wireless interface. Use the no form to restart the interface.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-151 show interface wireless This command displays the status for the wireless interface. Synt ax show interface wireless <a | g> <vap #> • a is the 802.
Command Groups A-152 show st ation This command shows the wireless clients associ ated with the access point. Synt ax show station Default Setting None Command Mode Exec Example RoamAbout 3000#show station Station Table Information ==================================== ====================== 802.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-153 IAPP Commands The command described in this sectio n enable s the protocol signaling required to ensure the successful handov er of wirele ss clients roaming betw een different 802.
Command Groups A-154 QoS Commands When you configure QoS (Quality of Service) on the access point, you can select specific network traff.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-155 qos mode This command allows you to set the type of classification used by the .
Command Groups A-156 qos mac-addr This command allows you to en ter up to ten MA C addresses and the priority .
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-157 svp This command enables the AP QoS to utilize Spectralink Vo i c e Priority (SVP) mode to give voi ce packets priority over data packets on the AP .
Command Groups A-158 Rogue AP Commands ʺ Rogue AP ʺ describes an access poi nt that is not authorized to participate on the netw ork. It may not have the proper security settings in place.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-159 rogue-ap enable This command enables rogue AP on the 802.11a or 802.1 1g interfaces. Use the no vers ion of this command to disable the rogue AP feature.
Command Groups A-160 rogue-ap duration This command sets amount of time to scan each frequency channel for the 802.11a or 802.11g interface. Synt ax rogue-ap [interface-a | interface-g] duration <time> time is the duration in milliseconds.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-161 rogue-ap interduration This command sets amount of time to ma ke channels av ailable to clients for the 802.11a or 802.
Command Groups A-162 rogue-ap interval This command sets amount of time betwee n scans for the 802.11a or 802.11g interface. Synt ax rogue-ap [interface-a | interface-g] interval <time> time is the amount of time in minutes.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-163 rogue-ap [interface-a | interface-g] scan This command causes the access point to scan the spe .
Command Groups A-164 rogue-ap radius This command enables the access point to perform a RADI US server loo k up of the MAC addresses .
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-165 rogue-ap scan This command starts a scan of both the 802.11a and 802.11g interfaces for neighboring access points and for rogue aps, if rogue AP RADIUS is enabled.
Command Groups A-166 rogue-ap sortmode This command specifies the parameter by which the rogue ap report sorts the list of APs for display .
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-167 show rogue-ap This command displays rogue AP settings and results of a rogue AP scan for both the 802.11a and 802.
Command Groups A-168 Example RoamAbout 3000#show rogue-ap 802.11a Channel : Rogue AP Setting ==================================== =================== Rogue AP Detection : Enabled Rogue AP Authentication : Enabled Rogue AP Scan Interval : 720 min utes Rogue AP Scan Duration : 100 mil liseconds Rogue AP Scan InterDuration: 1000 mi lliseconds 802.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-169 Related Commands rogue ‐ ap enable page A ‐ 159 rogue ‐ ap [interface ‐ a | interface ‐ g] sc.
Command Groups A-170 VLAN Commands The access point can employ VLAN tagging support to control access to network resources and increase security .
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-171 T able A-19 VLAN Co mmands Command Function Mode Page management-vlan Enables management VLAN for the access point GC A-174 managem.
Command Groups A-172 management-vlan This command enables the management VLAN ID for the ac cess point. Use the no form to disable the management VLAN.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-173 management-vlanid This command configures the management VLAN ID for the access point. Synt ax management-vlanid < vlan-id> vlan-id is the management VLAN ID.
Command Groups A-174 vlan This command enables VLANs for all traf fic on the spec ified radio interface. Use the no form to disable VLANs.
Command Groups RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide A-175 native-vlanid This command configures the native VLAN ID for the access point radio interfaces. Synt ax native-vlanid < vlan-id> vlan ‐ id is the native VLAN ID.
Command Groups A-176 unt agged-vlanid This command sets the VLAN ID that the AP maps to untagged packets entering through the AP ʹ s Ethernet port. Synt ax untagged-vlanid <id> <id> is the VLANID to use for untagged packets .
RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide B-1 B Default Settings This Appendix lists the access point syst em defaults. To reset the access point defaults, refer to the CLI command “reset configuration” from the Exec level prompt.
B-2 Default Settings PPPoE Settings Disabled IP Allocation Mode Automatically allocated IPCP DNS Disabl ed Link Control Protocol (LCP) Echo Interval 10 (seconds ) Link Control Protocol (LCP) Echo Failure 3 (seconds) Local IP Address Remote IP Address 0.
RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide B-3 Rogue AP Interface a Disable Interfac e b/ g Disable Duration 350 (milliseconds) Interduration 3000 (milliseconds) Interval 720 (minutes) Authentica.
B-4 Default Settings Native VLAN ID 1 Description RoamAbout AP3000 - 802.1 1a Network Name (SSID) RoamAbout Default Networ k Name Secure Access Enabled T urbo Mode Disabled Auto Channel Select Enabled.
RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide B-5 Wireless Interface 802.1 1b/g Radio Settings Enabl ed Description R oamAbout AP3000 - 802.1 1 b/g Network Name (SSID) RoamAbout Default Networ k Nam.
B-6 Default Settings Wireless Security 802.1 1b/g Authentication T ype Setup Ope n System Data Encryption Setup D isabled WP A Clients Supported WP A Mode D y namic Multicast Cipher Mode WEP Unicast C.
RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide C-1 C T roubleshooting T roubleshooting Step s Check the following items before contacting technical suppor t. 1. If wireless clients c annot access the network, check the following: a.
Maximum Distance Tables C-2 Troubleshooting 3. If you cannot access the on ‐ board configuration program via a serial port connection: a.
Maximum Distance Tables RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide C-3 1 . Outdoor Environment: A line-of-sight environmen t with no interference or obstruction between the access point and clients. 2 . Indoor Environment: A typical office or home environment with floor to ce iling obs tructions between the access point and clients.
Maximum Distance Tables C-4 Troubleshooting.
Index-1 Index Numerics 802.1x description 4-66 enable options 4-66 session key refresh rate 4-67 session timeout 4-67 802.1x su pplicant 4-14 A Access mode abbreviations A-9 Advanced c onfigurat ion 4.
Index-2 MAC Authentication table 4-68 mac-access entry A-96 permission A-95 mac-authentication server A-97 session-timeout A-9 8 Maximum data rate 802.
Index-3 Username changing 4-38 length 4-38 V VAP mode A-149 VLAN configuration 4-49 , A-174 management ID A-173 native ID 4-49 , A-175 W Web manageme nt configuration page descriptions 4-2 default use.
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Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Enterasys Networks 9033900-04 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Enterasys Networks 9033900-04 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Enterasys Networks 9033900-04, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Enterasys Networks 9033900-04 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Enterasys Networks 9033900-04, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Enterasys Networks 9033900-04.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Enterasys Networks 9033900-04. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Enterasys Networks 9033900-04 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.