Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SE-400 du fabricant 3M
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3M Per sonal S afet y Division 3M TM Sound Examiner SE-400 Series Sound Level Meters with Intrinsically Safe models Use r Man u al SE-40 0 Seri es Sou nd Le v el M ete r S ound E xami ner SE-401/SE-40.
Dangers, W arnings, Cautions & Battery IS model s 073 - 300 RevA i 3M TM Sound Examiner SE-400 IS Series Sound Level Meter Dangers, Warning s, Cauti ons & Bat tery Danger! Failure to observe the following procedures may result in serious personal inj ury • Contai ns buil t - in li thium p olymer batter y .
Dangers, W arnings, Cautions & Battery non - IS m odels ii 3M TM Sound Examiner SE- 400 non - IS Models So und Level Meter Dangers, Warning s, Cauti ons & Bat tery Danger! Failure to observe the following procedures may result in serious personal inj ury • Not for use in ex plos i ve or haz ardo us loca tions.
Soun d Ex amin er Intr i nsical ly Safe Model s: user warnings , safet y mar kings, and sta ndard inf orm ation 073 - 300 RevA i ii Sound Examin er SE - 401 and S E - 402 I ntrin sic ally S afe/S écu.
ii T able of Conte nts Sound Examiner SE - 400 Seri es T A BLE OF C ONTENTS Intr oducti on ................................................................................................................................................................
iii T able of Cont ents Sound Examiner SE - 400 Seri es Calibrate .........................................................................................................................................................................................
iv Table of C ontents Sound Examiner SE - 400 Seri es Calibratio n ........................................................................................................................................................................................
1 Introduct ion Models and options Sound Examiner SE - 400 Seri es I ntro duct ion The 3M TM Sound Ex aminer SE - 400 S eries are so und level mete rs used to measure noise ov er time with robust logg.
2 Sound Ex aminer S E - 400 Series overv iew Diagram and functionality Sound Examiner SE - 400 Seri es Diagram and functionality The following diagram for SE -4 00 series explains the features on the keypad and the display ’s scree n indicators.
3 Connector s/Ports USB Sound Examiner SE - 400 Seri es Conne ctors/ Ports The Hardware connector ports are identified below. N ote: the S E - 400 IS models are equipped with USB connector only. Figure 1 -2 : Conne ctor and ports USB A USB cable is shipped with each Sound Examiner.
4 Getting Starte d Checking the equipment Sound Examiner SE - 400 Seri es G ettin g Starte d This chapter provides the basic information you need to “get up and go” essenti ally right out of the box, including receiving your first glim p ses of sound pressure level (SPL) .
T urning on Softkeys Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 5 Turni ng o n To turn on th e SE - 400 Seri es , pres s the key u ntil th e start scr een appears.
Meas ur em ent/Start sc reen Measurement screen views Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 6 Measur ement/Start scr een When powering on, the measurement screen d isplays six measurements which include: SPL, M ax, Min, Peak, Leq , and L AE (sound exposure level).
T urning of f Charging Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 7 Charging The SE - 400 Series is charged using the supplied USB charger or a personal computer’s USB port. A fully depleted battery will require approximately 8 hours to ful ly charge when using the external battery charger .
Setup /instrum ent configur ation Response time and frequency weighting s ettings Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 8 Setu p /inst rume nt co nfigu rati on The SE - 400 Series is shipped with default setup parameters.
Setup /instrum ent configur ation Opening the setup screen for instrument configuration Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 9 Opening the setup scr een for instrument configuration The settings can be accessed or changed when in stop mode by selecting the icon via the corresponding softkey (see A below).
Setup /instrum ent configur ation Meter settings Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 10 Meter settings The Meter Settings screen is used to select general instrument parameters includi ng the log interval, exchange rate, language, contrast, and peak weighting.
Setup /instrum ent configur ation SE - 400 Series information details Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 11 4. Once the settings are selected, press key to return to a measurement screen. Meter settings Explanati ons Log Inte r val The logging i nterval is the l ogging rate bet ween the loggi ng events.
Setup /instrum ent configur ation Time and date setting Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 12 Time and date setting The Time - Date is used to set - up the current time and date parameters.
Setup /instrum ent configur ation Auto - Run and setting timed run Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 13 Auto - Run and s etting time d run With a Timed Run mode, you program the instrument’s duration (or timed run) and then manually start your study. The Auto- Run will end when the duration expires.
Setup /instrum ent configur ation Security: locking and unlocking run/setup Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 14 Securit y: locking a nd unlockin g run/set up You can prevent people from inadvertently terminating a session or changing settings wit h the security/lock feature enabled.
Mem ory and spac e Deleting files and viewing memory Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 15 Memory and space Deleting files and viewing memory In the Memory screen, you have the option of del eting all sessions from the memory. It also displays the number of sessions in memory, used space, and the remaining memory space (called “free space”).
Ca librate, m easure, r un, and sa ved results Overview of running a session Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 16 Calib rate , measure, ru n , and s aved resul ts This chapter provides you with the tools used to perform a field test and review the data results.
Ca librat e Performing a Calibration Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 17 3. Turn on the Calibrator by pressing the key. Figure 4 -1 : SE - 400 Series and calibrating 4. From the main measurement screen, press the corresponding softkey for the menu. 5. Press the Cal softkey or select Calibration .
Ca librat e Performing a Calibration Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 18 6 . In the c alibration screen, either press the CAL softkey or press the key. Note: the calibration screen details the last calibration and is saved into the memory of the instrument.
Meas ure Logged Data Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 19 Measure Logged Data Logged measurements com pute the peak , maximum, mi nimum, sound ex posure, and av erage values ove r a run - ti me at the user selected logged int erval. When in a run (or a session), l ogged data i s automatic ally stored in the i nstrumen ts memory.
Meas ure Positioning and tripod mount Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 20 Positioning and tripo d mount For area monitoring and general sound level sessions, hand - hel d m easurements are conducted by positioni ng the microphone directly at the noise source .
Meas ure Run, stop, and v iew results Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 21 Run, st op, and vie w r esults The run/stop key is used to run and stop integrating measurements, whic h is saved as a session. The viewable measurement screens include the multi - measurement screen (which is the defaul t screen) and the single measurement screen.
Meas ure Viewing past sessi ons Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 22 Viewing past sessio ns The SE - 400 will automatically save and store all of the run/stops performed on the instrument, which is also known as session data. You may view past sessions using the Memory menu from the Setup screen.
Do wnload and view logged data Viewing past sessi ons Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 23 5. When selected , the s ession summar y s creen appears as indicated in Figure 4 - 12.
Do wnload and view logged data DMS & downloaded measurements Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 24 DMS & downloaded measurements When you downl oad the data vi a the the inst rument download p anel, the d ata is stored a nd viewable vi a the data fi nder page with advanc ed charting, t ables, and reporting c apability.
Soun dPatrol f eature ( non - IS m odels onl y ) Connecting the printer and settings Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 25 Sou ndPatro l feat ure (non - IS models o nly) In some applications, the SoundPatrol feature is used for noise enforcement assessment with the capability to print to a cabled hand - held portable pri nter.
Soun dPatrol f eature ( non - IS m odels onl y ) Print setup for s ummary reports Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 26 Print s etup for summary reports With the SoundPatrol feature (SE- 400 Non - IS models onl y), you have the option to change the measurements and other parameters to appear on the summary data report.
Soun dPatrol f eature ( non - IS m odels onl y ) Printing and reports Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 27 Print ing and report s The SoundPatrol features (non - IS models only) an easy to ac cess print .
Micro pho ne pr eam p Attaching the preamp Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 28 Microph one preamp The removable preamplifier (model SE -402R non - IS when equipped) can be used for remote distance monitoring. An extension cable is connected between the SE - 402R model and the preamplifier.
Soun d Exam iner (non - IS m odels) a nd logging rates Connecting an extension cable Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 29 Sou nd Exam iner (non - IS models) and l oggi ng ra tes When logging is enabled, the following parameters are logged: L MAX , L MIN, L Peak, and L EQ at a specific logged interval.
Appendi x A Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 30 Spe cific atio ns Standa rds/Di rec tives • IEC 61672 - 1 (200 2 ) - Electroacoustics, Sound Level Meters, and Part 1: S pecifications. • IEC 61010 - 1 (2010 ) (2002) : Safety Requirements for E lectrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory use – Part 1: General Requirements.
Appendi x A Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 31 Measurements Parameters L AS , L MAX , L MIN , L PK , L EQ /L AVG , L E , Elapsed Time Frequency Weighting A, C, Z Peak Frequency Weighting A, C, Z Respon.
Appendi x A Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 32 User Int erface Character istics Logged data Stored logged data includes: L MAX , L MIN , L PK , L eq . Use 3M TM Detection Management Software (DMS) to interpret data files. Summary data Stored session summary data includes: L MAX , L MIN , L PK , L eq , L E (Level exposure) and user settings.
Appendi x A Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 33 SE- 400 Series mo de ls and pa rt numb ers 3M I D Sound Exami ner SE - 400 K it De script ion 70 - 0716 - 0794 -2 3M TM Sound Examiner SE -402 non - IS In.
Appendi x B Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 34 Glossary of Terms dB Sound Level Meters use the decibel as the unit of measure known as Sound P res sure Level (S PL). SP L uses the ratio between a reference level of 20 microPascals (.00002 Pascals) and the level being m easured.
Appendi x B Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 35 due to a telephone ringing near the instrument, then only those seconds will contribute to the L AVG resulting in a lev el perhaps around 40 dB (notably lower than the actual levels in the environment). L EQ The true equivalent sound level measured over the run time.
Appendi x B Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 36 Overload (OL) An overload will occur whenever the input signal exceeds the dynamic range of the instrument. Pascal (P a) Unit of pressure equal to 1 Newton per square meter. Referen ce press ure The sound pressure at the threshold of human hearing, as measured under standard conditions.
Appendi x B Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 37 F igure B- 3: Fast respons e to a ton e burst SPL /L AS Sound pressure level. A ratio of one sound pressure to a reference pressure. Because of the enormous dynamic range of the human ear, the ratio is calculated logarithmically by the formula below, where L r is the reference pressure.
Appendi x B Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 38 Weighting ( A , C , Z ) SPL measurements are commonly weighted (scaled) in relation to their frequency components in order to provide a consistent basis for comparison to other measurements of the same type.
Appendi x C Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 39 Customer service Contacting 3M Instru mentation Should your 3M equipment need to be returned for repair or for recalibration, pl ease contact the service department at the following number or access the onli ne form via the website.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 40 Data Addendum: SE - 400 Series meas uring to IEC 61672 -1 About t his data addendum This data addend um presents s ubmissi on information fo r testing the 3M TM Sound Exami ner SE - 400 Se ries sou nd level meter to the IEC6167 2 -1 standard .
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 41 Linear operati ng r ange with SPL Z - Weighti ng and LEQ Z - W eighting ( sections: 5. 5.10, 5.5.11, 9. 2.7e, 9.3e, 9.3f) Note: Referen ce level 114 dB , Cal Poin t: 400mVrms = 114 dB @ 1 kHz Frequenc y SPL Z- Weighting LEQ Z - Weighting Linear Operati ng Range ( dB) Linear Operati ng Range ( dB) 31.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 42 Peak C Level Ran ge The nominal peak C level range is 55 dB to143 dB. Effects of bac kgrou nd noise (sectio ns: 5.6.4, 5.6.5, 9. 2.5d) Back ground nois e can cause cons idera ble er ror i n meas urem ent w hen its int ensity is cl ose t o th at of a parti cular s oun d sourc e of in teres t.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 43 Frequ ency weighting (sections: 5.1.10, 5.4 .12) A- Weight ing Nominal The graph bel ow is the no minal A wei ghting freque ncy response C- Wei ghting .
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 44 Z- Weight ing Nominal The graph below i s the nominal Z weighti ng frequency res ponse A- Wei ghting Typical The graph bel ow is the f requency typi ca.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 45 C- Wei ghting Typical The graph bel ow is the fre quency weighti ng Typical C weighting freque ncy response.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 46 Nominal BK4936 mi crophone freq uency respo nse, diffraction and reflecti on correctio ns (section : 5.2.8) Note: Add cor rection to el ectrical fre quency respons e. Nominal Frequ ency Hz Nominal corr ection s in dB 3162 - 0.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 47 Nominal BK 4936 micro phon e frequency resp onse, diffractio n and reflect ion with w indscreen co rrections (secti on: 5.2.8) Note: Add cor rection to el ectrical fre quency respons e. Nomina l Freque ncy Hz Nominal corr ection s in dB 3162 0.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 48 Nominal BK 4936 micropho ne fre quency re s ponse, dif frac t ion and ref lection w ith ra ndom incidence co rrector (RIC R ) correction s (section: 5.2.8 ) Note: Add cor rection to el ectrical fre quency respons e.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 49 Nominal BK4936 microphone f requency response , diff r action a nd refle ction wit h RICR and windscreen co rrections (section : 5.2.8) Note: Add cor rection to el ectrical fre quency respons e. Nomina l Freq u ency Hz Nomin a l corr ectio ns in dB 63 0.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 50 Nominal BK4936 microphone f requency response , d iffraction an d reflection with remote p reamp corr ections (section : 5.2.8) Note: Add cor rection to el ectrical fre quency respons e. Nomina l Freq u ency Hz Nominal corr ection s in dB 63 0.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 51 Nominal BK4936 microphone f requency response , diff r action a nd refle ction wit h r emote preamp and wind screen cor rection s (section: 5.2.8 ) Note: Add cor rection to el ectrical fre quency respons e.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 52 Nominal BK4936 microphone f requency response , diff r action a nd refle ction with re mote pream p and RICR correction s (section : 5.2.8) Note: Add cor rection to el ectrical fre quency respons e. Nominal Frequ ency Hz Nominal corr ections in dB 2661 0.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 53 Nominal BK4936 microphone f requency response , diff r action a nd refle ction with r emo te preamp RIC R , & windscr een correction s ( Section : 5.2.8) Note: Add cor rection to el ectrical fre quency respons e.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 54 Nominal Q E7052 microph one frequen cy response, d iffraction and reflection co rrections (secti on: 5.2.8) Note: Add cor rection to el ectrical fre quency respons e Nomina l Freq u ency Hz Nominal corr ection s in dB 63 0.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 55 Nominal Q E7052 microph one frequen cy response, d iffraction and r eflection co rrections with windscreen (section: 5.2. 8) Note: Add cor rection to el ectrical fre quency respons e Nomina l Freq u ency Hz Nominal corr ection s in dB 63 0.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 56 Pressure to free field corr ections with BK4936 microphone (sections: 5.2. 8, 9.2.7d) Note: add to pressure resp onse to get 0 ⁰ i ncidence f ree - field response. B&K 4226 cali brator may be us ed to determine the pressure fi eld response.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 57 Pressure to free field corr ections with BK4936 microphone and windscreen (section s: 5.2.8, 9. 2.7d) Note: add to pressure resp onse to get 0 ⁰ i ncidence f ree - field response. B&K 4226 cali brator may be us ed to determine the pressure fi eld response.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 58 Pressure to free field corr ections with BK4936 microphone and RICR (sections: 5.2.8, 9.2.7d ) Note: add to pressure resp onse to get 0 ⁰ i ncidence f ree - field response. B&K 4226 cali brator may be us ed to determine the pressure fi eld response.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 59 Pressure to free field corr ections with BK4936 microphone and RIC and windscreen (sectio ns: 5.2.8, 9.2.7d) Note: add to pressure resp onse to get 0 ⁰ i ncidence f ree - field response. B&K 4226 cali brator may be us ed to determine the pressure fi eld response.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 60 Pressure to free field corr ections with BK4936 micr ophone and RICR , win dscreen, an d remote pr eamp (section s: 5.2.8, 9.2.7d ) Note: add to pressure resp onse to get 0 ⁰ i ncidence f ree - field response.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 61 Pressure to free field corr ections with BK 4936 microphone and r emote preamp (section s: 5.2.8, 9.2. 7d) Note: add to pressure resp onse to get 0 ⁰ i ncidence f ree - field response. B&K 4226 cali brator may be us ed to determine the pressure fi eld response.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 62 Pressure to free field corr ections with B K4936 microphone and remote pr eamp and w indscreen ( section s: 5.2.8, 9.2.7d) Note: add to pressure resp onse to get 0 ⁰ i ncidence f ree - field response.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 63 Pressure to free field corr ections with BK 4936 microphone and remote pr eamp and w indscreen ( section s: 5.2.8, 9.2.7d) Note: add to pressure resp onse to get 0 ⁰ i ncidence f ree - field response.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 64 Pressure to free field corr ections with BK4936 microphone and remote pr eamp and RI CR (sections: 5.2. 8, 9.2.7d) Note: add to pressure resp onse to get 0 ⁰ i ncidence f ree - field response. B&K 4226 cali brator may be us ed to determine the pressure fi eld response.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 65 P ressure to free field correct ions with QE7052 microphone (section s: 5.2.8, 9.2.7d ) Note: add to pressure respons e to get 0 ⁰ i ncidence f ree - field response. B&K 4226 cal ibrator may be used to d etermine the pressure fi eld response.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 66 Pressure to free field corr ections with QE 7052 microphone with wind screen (section s: 5.2.8, 9.2. 7d) Note: add to pressure resp onse to get 0 ⁰ i ncidence f ree - field response. B&K 4226 cali brator may be us ed to determine the pressure fi eld response.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 67 Pressure to r andom in cidence correctio ns with BK4936 mi cropho ne (section 5.2.7 ) Note: added t o the pressure res ponse to c alculate ran dom incidence response. Freque ncy in Hz BK49 36 micr o p ho ne Rand om I ncidenc e Corre ctio ns in dB 32 0.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 68 Pressure to r andom in cidence correctio ns with BK4936 micr ophon e and windscr een (section 5.2. 7) Note: added t o the pressure res ponse to c alculate ran dom incidence response. Freque ncy in Hz BK49 36 micr o p ho ne & windsc reen Rand om I ncidenc e Corre ctio ns in dB 32 0.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 69 Pressure to r andom in cidence c orrect ions wit h BK4936 microphone a nd RICR (sectio n 5.2.7) Note: added t o the pressure res ponse to c alculate ran dom incidence response. Freque ncy in Hz BK49 36 micr o p ho ne & RIC Rand om I ncidenc e Corre ctio ns in dB 32 0.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 70 Pressure to r andom in cidence correction s with BK4936 mi cropho ne, RICR , and wi ndscreen (section 5.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 71 Pressure to r andom in cidence correctio ns with BK4936 microphone, RICR , wind screen, and remote pream p (section 5. 2.7) Note: added t o the pressure res ponse to c alculate ran dom incidence response.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 72 Pressure to r andom in cidence correctio ns with BK4936 microphone & remote preamp (section 5. 2.7) Note: added t o the pressure res ponse to c alculate ran dom incidence response. Freq uency in Hz BK49 36 micr o p ho ne & remot e pream p Rand om I ncidenc e Corre ctio ns in dB 32 0.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 73 Pressure to r andom in cidence correctio ns with BK4936 micr ophon e, remote preamp , and windscreen (section 5.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 74 Pressure to r andom in cidence correctio ns with BK4936 microphone, remote preamp, a nd RICR (sectio n 5.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 75 Pressure to r andom in cidence correctio ns with QE7052 (sec ti on 5.2.7 ) Note: added t o the pressure res ponse to c alculate ran dom incidence response. Freque ncy in Hz QE70 52 mi cro ph o ne Rand om I ncidenc e Corre ctio ns in dB 32 0.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 76 Pressure to r andom in cidence correctio ns with QE7052 m icropho ne and windscr een (section 5.2. 7) Note: added t o the pressure res ponse to c alculate ran dom incidence response. Freque ncy in Hz QE70 52 mi cro ph o ne & winds creen Rand om I ncidenc e Corre ctio ns in dB 32 0.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 77 Windscreen correction s with BK4936 micro phon e *Note: add to the windscreen respo nse to calculate the respon se withou t the windscreen Freque ncy in Hz Corre ctio ns in dB 1000 0.0 1250 - 0.2 1600 - 0.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 78 Windscreen correction s with BK4936 micro phone, RICR , and remote preamp *Note: add to the windscreen respo nse to calculate the respon se withou t the windscreen Freque ncy in Hz Corre ctio ns in dB 1000 0.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 79 Windscreen correction s with QE7052 micro phone *Note: add to the windscreen respo nse to calculate the respon se withou t the windscreen Freque ncy in Hz Corre ctio ns in dB 1000 0.0 1250 - 0.2 1600 - 0.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 80 Cable and r adio frequ ency emission (sections: 5.18.1 , 5.18.2, 9.3n) The charging cabl e is a shiel ded 1 meter long USB cable. Battery volt age range an d power sup ply (sections: 5.2 0.2, 5.20.3, 9.
Data A ddendum Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 81 Environmental effects (section 6.1.2 and 9.3L) The typic al time interval s needed to s tabilize af ter changes in env ironmental conditions i nclude: • For temperat ure change of 10 ºC (18 ºF) all ow at least 5 mi nutes.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 82 QE7052 micro phone back facin g Tolerance: IEC 61672 clas s 2 Direc tion al frequen cy response facin g back toward s oun d sourc e (0 ⁰ - 30 ⁰ incid ence a.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 83 Directional fr equency r esponse facing back toward sound sou rce (0 ⁰ - 150 ⁰ incidence an gles) Directional fr equency r esponse facing back toward sound .
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 84 QE7052 micro phone si de facing Tolerance: IEC 61672 clas s 2 Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned side toward noi s e source (0 ⁰ - 30 ⁰ incidence .
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 85 Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned side toward noi s e source (0 ⁰ - 150 ⁰ inciden ce angles) Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned side to.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 86 QE7052 micro phone w ith windscreen side facing Tolerance: IEC 61672 class 2 Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned side toward noise sou rce (0 ⁰ - 30 .
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 87 Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned side noi se source (0 ⁰ - 150 ⁰ in cidence ang les) Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned side noise so .
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 88 QE7052 micro phone w ith windscreen b ack facing Tolerance: IEC 61672 class 2 Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned faci ng side toward nois e source (0 .
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 89 Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned faci ng toward nois e sourc e (0 ⁰ - 150 ⁰ incidence an gles) Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned faci.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 90 BK 4936 micro phone sid e facing Tolerance: IEC 61672 clas s 1 Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned with sid e toward no ise source (0 ⁰ - 30 ⁰ inci.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 91 Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned using si de towar d n oise so urce (0 ⁰ - 150 ⁰ inciden ce angles) Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 92 BK 4936 micro phone b ack facing Tolerance: IEC 61672 clas s 1 Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned back - side towar d noise sou rce (0 ⁰ - 30 ⁰ in.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 93 Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned back - side tow ard noise so urce (0 ⁰ - 150 ⁰ in cidence ang les) Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 94 BK 4936 micro phone with windscreen back facing Tolerance: IEC 61672 class 1 Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned back - side toward noise sour ce (0 .
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 95 Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned back - side towar d noise sou rce (0 ⁰ - 150 ⁰ incid ence angles) Directional fr equency r espon se positi oned.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 96 BK4936 micro phone with windscreen sid e facing Tolerance: IEC 61672 class 1 Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned side toward noise so urce (0 ⁰ - 30 .
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 97 Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned side toward noise so urce (0 ⁰ - 150 ⁰ incid ence angles) Directional fr equency r esponse posi tioned side to.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 98 BK 4936 micro phone u sing remote pream p Tolerance: IEC 61672 clas s 1 Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned with a remo te preamp (0 ⁰ - 30 ⁰ inci .
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 99 Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned with a remo te preamp (0 ⁰ - 150 ⁰ incid ence angles) Directional fr equency r esponse positi oned with a rem o.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 100 BK 4936 micro phone u sing windscreen & rem ote preamp Tolerance: IEC 61672 clas s 1 Directional fr equency r esponse using windscreen & rem ote preamp.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 101 Directional fr equency r esponse using windscreen & rem ote preamp (0 ⁰ - 150 ⁰ inci dence angl es) Directional fr equency r esponse using win dscree n.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 102 BK4936 micro phone with RICR side facing Tolerance: IEC 61672 class 1 Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned side toward noise so urce (0 ⁰ - 30 ⁰ in.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 103 Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned side toward noise so urce (0 ⁰ - 150 ⁰ incid ence angles) Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned side to.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 104 BK4936 micro phone with RICR back facin g Tolerance: IEC 61672 class 1 Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned back toward noise source (0 ⁰ - 30 ⁰ in.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 105 Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned back toward noise source (0 ⁰ - 150 ⁰ in cidence angl es) Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned back to.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 106 BK4936 micro phone with RICR and win dscreen side facin g Tolerance: IEC 61672 class 1 Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned side toward noise so urce (.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 107 Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned side toward noise so urce (0 ⁰ - 150 ⁰ incid ence angles) Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned side to.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 108 B K4936 micro phone with RICR and win dscreen back facin g Tolerance: IEC 61672 class 1 Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned back toward noise source (.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 109 Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned back toward noise source (0 ⁰ - 150 ⁰ in cidence ang les) Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned back to.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 110 BK493 6 microphone with RI CR and remot e preamp Tolerance: IEC 61672 class 1 Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned toward noise source (0 ⁰ - 30 ⁰ .
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 111 Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned toward noise source (0 ⁰ - 150 ⁰ incid ence angles) Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned towa rd noi s.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 112 BK4936 micro phone w ith remote pream p, RICR , and windscreen Tolerance: IEC 61672 class 1 Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned toward noise source (0.
Index Sound Examiner SE - 400 Series 113 Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned toward noise source (0 ⁰ - 150 ⁰ incid ence angles) Directional fr equency r esponse positio ned towa rd noi s.
Personal Safety Division 3M Detection Solutions 1060 Corporate Center Drive Oconomowoc, WI 53066 ISO 9001 Registered Company ISO 17025 Accredited Calibration Lab Customer Service: 262-567-9157 T oll Free: 800-245-0779 www 3M is a t rade mark o f 3M C ompa ny , use d under licens e in Ca nada .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté 3M SE-400 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du 3M SE-400 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation 3M SE-400, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le 3M SE-400 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le 3M SE-400, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du 3M SE-400.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le 3M SE-400. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei 3M SE-400 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.