Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit U7101-4 du fabricant Electrolux
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COMPETENCE U7101-4 Built-under Electric Multifunction Double Oven Installation and Operating Instructions PERFE K T IN FORM U ND FUN K TION.
2 IMPORT A NT SA FETY INFORMA TION Thes e warnings are pro vided i n the inter ests of your s afet y. Ensure th at you unders tand them all bef ore i nstallin g or using the applianc e. Your safet y is of param ount im portance. If you are uns ure abo ut an y of the inf orm ation in this book contac t the Custom er Care Depar tm ent.
3 CONTENTS FOR THE USER Important Safety Information 2 Description of the Appliance 4 Getting to Know Your Applia n ce 5 Grill and Ove n Furn iture 6 Before Us ing th e Applia nce 7 Rating Plate 7 Pre.
4 DESCRIPTION OF THE A PPLI A NCE BUILT-UNDER ELECTRIC DOUBLE OVE N Your built-un der app lianc e compr ises of an oven with convent ional and fan ass isted opt ion an d dual gri ll in t he top compar tment. The m ultifunc tion oven can b e autom aticall y control led b y the elec tronic tim er.
5 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR A PPLI ANCE THE CONTROL PANEL Oven Light Rotitherm Roast ing Speedcoo k Fan Controlled Defrosting Pizza Conventional Cooking V entitherm ® Fan Operated Co oking Main Oven Full .
6 GRILL AND OVEN FURNITURE The f ollowing item s of oven furnitur e have bee n supplied with th e applia nce:- 1 grill pan 1 grill pan handl e 1 grill pan grid 2 strai ght shelve s for grilli ng and S.
7 BEFORE USING THE APPLIA NCE RA TING PLA TE This is situated on the lo wer front f ram e of the applianc e and c an be s een upo n op ening the door. Alternat ivel y the rat ing plate m a y also be f ound on the back or top of som e models (where ap plicabl e).
8 ELECTRONIC TIMER KEY A COOK TIME B END TIM E C COUNTDOWN DT I M E E DECRE ASE CONTROL F SELECT OR CONT ROL G INCREASE CONTROL NOTE: The time of da y must be set before the main oven will operate manual ly. 1. HOW TO SET THE TIME OF DA Y The oven has a 24 hour c lock .
9 TO CANCEL THE COUNTDOWN If you change your m ind and want to canc el the 'Countdown' , press the Select or Contr ol butt on until the 'Countdo wn' ( ) ind icator neon flashes a nd then the decrease co ntrol ( - ) until 0.00 sho ws in th e displa y as Fig.
10 B) TO SET THE TIMER TO SWITCH OFF ONLY i) Ensure t he elec tric ity s upply is s witched O N and that the cor rect t ime of day is d ispla yed, e.g. 10.00am as Fig. 9. ii) Set the m ain oven c ontrols to the r equir ed f unction and tem perature. iii) Place food in th e ove n.
11 FULL WIDTH DUA L GRILL WARNING – Accessible parts b ecome hot when the grill is in u se. Keep children away. The grill is a dual cir cuit gr ill wh ich m eans that t he f ull area of the grill c an b e used , or for econom y purposes, the cen tre sec tion onl y can be used when cook ing sm aller quan tities of f ood.
12 HINTS AND TIPS · Most foods shou ld be placed o n the gri d in th e grill pa n to allo w m axim um circulati on of air to l ift the food out of the f ats an d juices . · Adjust the grid a nd gr ill pan r unner p osition t o allow for dif fer ent thick nes ses of food.
13 VENTITHERM ® FAN A SSISTED SECOND OVEN The s econd oven is the s m aller of the t wo ove ns. It is heate d b y elements in the t op and bottom of the oven a nd a f an. It is des igne d for cook ing sm aller quantities of f ood. It gives espec iall y goo d res ults if used to c ook f ruit cak es, sweet and sav our y flans or quiche.
14 HINTS AND TIPS · Use the second oven when you want to warm plates. Us e the lowest se tting o n the s econd oven tem perature c ontrol . · You can use bot h shelv es when us ing t he fan assist ed oven . · There should alwa y s be at le ast 2 .5cm (1”) between t he top of the f ood and the gr ill e lem ent.
15 SECOND OVEN CONVENTIONAL COOKING This form of cook ing gives yo u the oppor tunit y to cook without the fan in opera tion. I t is p artic ularl y suitable for dishes whic h requ ire ex tra bas e brow ning such as pi zzas, q uiches and fla ns.
16 HINTS AND TIPS · Single lev el cook ing gives best r esult s. If you require m ore than one level of c ooking us e t he ma in fan oven . · The middle sh elf al lows f or the bes t heat distributi on. To inc rease b ase bro wning sim pl y lower the sh elf pos itio n.
17 The oven tem peratures ar e int ended as a guid e onl y. It ma y be n ecessar y to inc rease or d ecreas e th e temper atures b y a further 10°C t o suit ind ividua l pr eferenc es and r equirem ents . Note: Shelf posit ions are cou nted fr om the bot tom upwards.
18 ROTITHERM RO A STING SECOND OVEN Rotitherm Roasting in the sec ond oven off ers an alternati ve method of cook ing f ood item s norm ally associated with c onventi onal gri lling. Rotitherm Roas ting he lps to m inim ise c ooking sm ells in the kitchen and allo ws you to grill with t he ov en door closed.
19 HINTS AND TIPS · Prepare foods in the sam e wa y as for conventi onal gr illing. Brush lean m eats and fis h lightl y with a little oil or butter to k eep them m oist during c ooking.
20 F A N CONTROLLED DEFROSTING SECOND OVEN This second oven f uncti on e nables y ou to defros t most f oods without h eat fas ter th an s ome conventi onal m ethods as the o ven fan c ircul ates air around the food. I t is p articu larl y suitab le for d elic ate frozen foods which ar e to be s erved c old e.
21 MAIN OVEN FULL WIDTH DUA L GRILL WARNING – Accessible parts b ecome hot when the grill is in u se. Keep children away. The grill is a dual cir cuit gr ill wh ich m eans that t he f ull area of the grill c an b e used or for econom y purposes, the cen tre sec tion onl y can be used when cook ing sm aller quan tities of f ood.
22 · Accom panim ents s uch as tom atoes and mushr ooms m ay be placed around t he outer edges or underne ath the grid when gri lling meats . · W hen toasting bread, we sugges t that the t op runner pos ition is used with th e grid in i ts 'high' position.
23 VENTITHERM ® FAN OPERA TED COOKING The Fan o ven is partic ularl y suit able f or cook ing larger quantit ies of f ood. The adva ntages of Fan oven cook ing ar e: PREHEA TING The Fan o ven qu ick ly reaches its tem peratur e so it is not usual ly necessar y to pre heat th e oven.
24 TO FIT THE MA IN OVEN SHELVES The shelf should be fitt ed with the str aight rods upperm ost on the f ram e and the f orms towards the back of the ove n. To r emove a she lf s lide the shelf towar ds you until the shelf stop is re ached. T ilt she lf up a t the f ront so that the stops c lear the si de suppor ts.
25 CONVENTIONA L COOKING This form of cook ing gives yo u the oppor tunit y t o cook without the f an in operatio n. It is par ticu larl y suitable f or d ishes which req uire extra b ase bro wning such as pi es, qu iches a nd flans. Gratin's , lasa gne and hotpots which req uire extra to p browni ng also cook well in the c onventi onal o ven.
26 HINTS AND TIPS · Single lev el co oking gi ves best res ults. If you require m ore than one level of c ooking use the ma in fan oven . · The m iddle shelf allo ws for the best heat distributi on. To i ncreas e base br owni ng sim ply lower t he shelf posit ion.
27 The oven tem peratures ar e int ended as a guid e onl y. It ma y be n ecessar y to inc rease or d ecreas e th e temper atures b y a further 10°C t o suit in dividua l pr eferenc es and r equirem ents . Note: Shelf posit ions are cou nted fr om the bot tom of the oven.
28 INTERNAL T EMPERAT URES – Rare : 50-60 °C; Med ium : 60-70°C; W ell done : 70-80°C MEAT T EMPERAT URE COOKING TIME Beef/ Beef boned 160- 180°C 20-35 m inutes per ½kg ( 1lb) and 20-35 m inute.
29 PIZZA This setting ca n be us ed for foods suc h as pi zza where bas e browni ng and c risp ness are r equire d. The lo wer elem ent oper ates in c onjunc tion with the oven f an. USING PIZZA · Push out and t urn t he m ain oven m ultifunc tion sele ctor to Pizz a.
30 F A N CONTROLLED DEFROSTING This main oven f unction enables you to defr ost m os t foods without heat f aster than s om e convent ional methods as the o ven fan c irculates air arou nd t he food. It is part icular ly suit able for delicate f ro zen foods which are to be s erved cold e.
31 SPEEDCOOK Speedcook is id eal f or quick pr eheating of the oven before selecting an alt ernat ive cook ing function. It can also be used f or cook ing chi lled and fr ozen conveni ence foods with out the need f or prehe ating.
32 ROTITHERM RO A STING MAIN OVEN Rotitherm Roasting in the m ain o ven off ers an alternati ve m ethod of c ooking f ood item s norm ally associated with c onventi onal gri lling. Rotitherm Roasting he lps to minim ise c ook ing sm ells in the kitchen and allo ws you to grill with the oven door close d.
33 HINTS AND TIPS · Prepare foods in the sam e wa y as for conventi onal gr illin g. Br ush lea n m eats and f ish lightl y with a little oil or butter to keep th em mois t during c ooking.
34 CARE A ND CLE A NING Before clean ing alw ays allow th e cooling f an to cool the appliance down before switching off at the elec tricity supply. CLEANING MATERI ALS Before us ing an y cleani ng m aterials on y our applianc e, check that t he y are suitable an d th at th eir use is rec omm ended b y the m anufac turer.
35 CLEANING INSIDE THE OVENS The s ides and back of the grill/s econd o ven a nd m ain oven com partm ents are c oated with a spec ial Stayclean c oatin g. The y shou ld not be cl eaned manuall y. The vitre ous en am el m ain oven base an d gri ll compar tment base c an be cleaned using n orm al oven cleaners with car e.
36 CLEANING THE OUTER AND INNER DOOR GLASS PA NELS To p revent d amaging or w eakening the door glass panels avoid the use of the following: · Household deterg ents and b leach es · Impregnated pads.
37 TO REPLACE THE OUTER DOOR GLA SS 1. Holding th e oven glass with bot h hands , gentl y place the locat ors into th e holes of the br ack ets at the bottom of the oven do or. 2. Holding the do or gl ass with your l eft han d, use your right hand t o open t he oven d oor.
38 REPLACING A N OVEN LIGHT BULB Disconnect t he app liance fro m the electrici t y supply before replacing the bulb. The s econd oven r equir es a 300° C 25 watt s mall Edison Sc rew bulb. The main oven requ ires a 30 0°C 20 watt he at - resistant h aloge n bulb.
39 Please car ry out the follo wing c heck s on your applianc e bef ore cal ling a Servic e Eng ineer. I t m ay be that the problem is a s im ple one which you can s olve yourse lf witho ut the ex pense of a s ervice call.
40 SERVICE AND SPARE PARTS In the event of your appl iance r equirin g serv ice, or if you wish to purchas e spar e parts, please c ontac t your local Service F orce C entre by telep honing : - 0870 5 92992 9 Your tel ephone ca ll will be a utom aticall y routed t o the Ser vice F orce Ce ntre co vering your pos t code ar ea.
41 Standard guarantee conditions AEG of fer the f ollowing guar antee to the f irst purchas er of this app liance: 1. The guarant ee is valid for 12 m onths com m encing when the appl iance is hande d over t o the f irst retai l purchaser , whic h m ust be ver ified by purc hase in voic e or sim ilar d ocum entatio n.
42 Voltage: 230-240 Vol ts AC 50Hz W attage: 5.6 - 6.1kW Height: 720 mm W idth: 593 m m Depth: 585 mm (excludin g hand les and k nobs ) W eight: 50k g This appli ance compl ies with: Eur opean Counci l Directiv e 73/23/EEC. ECM Di rective 89/336/EEC .
43 INST A LL A TION INSTRUCTIONS WARNINGS · This ap pliance must b e instal led b y a qualified electricia n/competent person. Safety may be impaired if installation i s not carried out in acco rdance w ith these inst ruction s. · This appliance must b e earthed.
44 THINGS TO NOTE · This appliance is design ed to be fitted between cabinets with th e recom mended dim ens ions as shown in F ig. 3 & 4. · If there is a n exist ing hous ing un it it m us t be rem oved.
45 HOW TO FINISH UNPACKING · Place pack ed appli ance nex t to the space in which it will be ins talled . · Remove the appli ance pack ing except f or bottom tray which shoul d be left in posit ion unt il the applianc e is re ad y to be fitted into its cabin et.
46 CONNECTING TO THE MAINS TERMINAL Warning: This applia n ce must b e earthed . · W e recommend you use a ne w lengt h of 6m m 2 twin core and eart hed cabl e to ensur e your safe ty.
47 FITTING INTO THE SPA CE BETW EEN CABINETS IMPO RT A NT : Ensure t hat t he oven is switch ed off at the w all b efore an y fu rther work is car ried out . · Position the applianc e in f ront of the cab inet. See Fig. 12. · Tak e out all ove n f urnitur e bef ore ins talla tion to reduce the weight you need to lift.
IMP ORTA N T NOTI CE In line with our continu ing polic y of research and dev elopm ent, we reserve th e right t o alter m odels a nd specif icatio ns wit hout prior not ice. This instruct ion book let is accurate at the d ate of print ing, bu t will be s upers eded if spec ific ations or app earanc e are changed.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Electrolux U7101-4 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Electrolux U7101-4 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Electrolux U7101-4, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Electrolux U7101-4 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Electrolux U7101-4, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Electrolux U7101-4.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Electrolux U7101-4. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Electrolux U7101-4 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.