Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 7700 Series du fabricant EFJohnson
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1 7700 Series FM Port able Radio Intrinsically-Safe SMARTN ET ™ , SmartZone ® Conventional OPERA TING MANU AL.
LAND MOBILE PRODUCT W ARRANTY - The manufacture r ’ s warrant y statement for thi s product is ava ilable fro m your pro duct supplie r or from t he E.F . Johnson Co mpany , 299 Johnson A venue, Box 1249, W aseca, MN 560 93-0514. Phone (507) 835-6222 .
SAFETY INFORMA TION 4 SAFETY INFORMA TION The FCC has adopte d a safet y standar d for huma n expos ure to RF e ner gy . Proper op erati on of thi s radio un der normal condit ions resu lts in user exposure to RF ener gy bel ow the Occ upational Safety an d Health Act and Fede ral Co mm unica tion C omm issi on li mits .
O THE R IMPORT ANT OPERA TING INFORMA TION 5 • DO NOT use acce ssori es that ha ve not bee n approved by the Fac tory Mutua l Corpo rat ion for u se wi th this trans ceiv er . NOTE: The abov e warnin g list is no t intende d to in clude all hazar ds that may be enco unter ed when usin g this rad io.
FEA TURES 6 FEA TURES General Features • 16 Zones wi th 16 Cha nnels per Zone (256 Chan nels T otal) • Home Zone Select • Radio-W ide Scan • T ime-O ut T i mer • LCD 8-Charac ter Alphan umer.
T ABLE OF CONTENTS 7 T ABLE OF CONT ENTS SAFETY INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 OTHER IMPORTANT OPERATING INFORMATION . . . . . . 5 FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T ABLE OF CONTENTS 8 Conversati on Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Repeater Tal k-Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Power Output Select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
OPTION SWITCH FUNCTIONS 9 OPTION SWITCH FUNCTI ONS The progr ammable opti on swit ches are AUX an d FCN on the si de panel a nd F1/F2 /F3 on 3-k ey models a nd F1/F2 /F3/*/# o n 15-ke y models as shown a bove.
OPTION SWITCH FUNCTIONS 10 SM AR TNET /S MAR TZONE MO DE Switch Function See Page Backlight 17 Call A lert 44 Call Res ponse 41 Emerg ency 47 Home Zone 19 Keypad Lock 18 Message 45 Phone 41 Private Ca.
CONTROLS AND DISPLA Y 11 CONTR OLS AND DISPLA Y T op P anel Contr ols On-O ff V olum e - T urning th is knob cl ockwise tur ns power on and set s the volu me level . T urning it countercl ockwis e to the de tent turns power of f. Channel Sel ect Switch - Sele cts up to 1 6 preprogr ammed channel s.
CONTROLS AND DISPLA Y 12 Side Contr ols AUX (Auxil iary) - Th is is a dealer progra mmable switch t hat ca n control various f uncti ons (see p age 9). W ith the lim ited key pad (3- key) ve rsion , it i s also the CLR key . P TT (Push -T o-T alk) - Th is swit ch is press ed to turn the tra nsmitter on.
CONTROLS AND DISPLA Y 13 Front P anel Ke ys (3-K e y Model) F1, F2, F3 - Ea ch of thes e keys can b e programmed b y your de aler to control a spec ific fu nction (s ee page 9). Thes e keys are also u sed in menus t o scro ll le ft ( ), scr oll righ t ( ), and for t he Enter ( ENT ) functi on.
CONTROLS AND DISPLA Y 14 Fr ont P anel Keys (15-K ey Model) 0 - 9 - These keys enter a number when ever nu mber entry i s req uired. F1 - Progr ammable by your deal er to cont rol a specifi c functio n (see page 9). F2 - Progr ammable by your deal er to cont rol a spe cific f unction.
CONTROLS AND DISPLA Y 15 Displa y The fo llowing i nformat ion is indic ated by the displ ay: Alphanumeric Display - Th is ei ght-char acter ar ea of the d ispla y indi- cates a lphanume ric messag es and fea ture s electio n inform ation. S - Indic ates tha t standar d scanning is enabl ed (see pa ge 20).
GENERAL OPERA TION 16 - The conven tiona l monitor mod e is en abled (pa ge 26). P - The s elect ed c onve ntion al cha nnel is a pri ori ty cha nnel ( page 32).
GENERAL OPERA TION 17 The rela tive volume le vel can be deter mined by noting the posit ion of the i ndex on the On-Of f/V olume knob. T o enable a re fere nce ton e for setti ng the volu me, proce ed as foll ows: • If key pr ess ton es are enab led (s ee page 20), a sho rt ton e sounds when front p anel ke ys are pr essed.
GENERAL OPERA TION 18 dealer to deter mine how you r swit ches have b een pro grammed. If no option s witch h as been programme d to contr ol a part icula r functi on, that functi on may not be a vailabl e or may b e in a fixed mod e.
GENERAL OPERA TION 19 Zone Select A zone is a group of u p to any 16 conventi onal and SMAR TNET/ SmartZone c hannels de fined by dealer programming. Up to 16 z ones can be progr ammed for a total o f 16 x 16 or 2 56 chann els.
GENERAL OPERA TION 20 time, the tran smitter i s disa bled and a n inval id condit ion to ne sounds. Five sec onds befor e time-out occurs, a n alert t one sounds t o indica te tha t time-out is appro aching . The ti mer and tone are r eset by re leasi ng the P TT switch.
GENERAL OPERA TION 21 wide scanni ng is occurri ng, radio wid e scanning is automat ically di sabled and vice versa. More inf ormation o n these modes foll ows. Standard Scan ning S tandard scanning moni tors only channe ls th at are th e same t ype as that cu rrently selected .
GENERAL OPERA TION 22 • T o turn radio wide sca nning of f, press the Radi o W ide Scan option switch a gain. The icon is then no longer i ndica ted and “R WS OFF” is di splayed br iefly . • If the zone or cha nnel is ch anged whi le radio wide scanni ng, scannin g conti nues normal ly .
GENERAL OPERA TION 23 Determining Which Channels are in Scan List Channels in the st andard SMAR TNET/SmartZone a nd radio wi de lists are not i ndicated . W ith convent ional chan nels, the selec ted channe l is in t he curre nt scan li st if t he box icon (a round “ S ”) is indic ated in the up per le ft co rner of the displ ay .
GENERAL OPERA TION 24 Conv entional Operat ion This is a non-t runked oper atio n mode which ac cesses independe nt radio c hannels (there is no a utomatic a ccess to several chann els as wit h trunked operatio n).
CONVENTIONAL FEA TURES 25 CONVENTIONAL FEA TUR ES Intr oduction The fo llowing i nformation descr ibes feat ures unique to t he conven- tional operati ng mode (s ee brief descript ion on pre ceding page).
CONVENTIONAL FEA TURES 26 Auto matic C hann el Mon itori ng If the selected channel i s programmed f or Busy Chann el Lock out featur e (consul t your dealer), monitor ing is performed automatic ally . Refer t o the de scription o f thi s feature on page 27 f or more informati on.
CONVENTIONAL FEA TURES 27 (approxi mately 1 s econd). Thi s functio n may be usef ul, for example, during weak signal condition s if inter mittent squ elching makes a message dif ficult to und erstand.
CONVENTIONAL FEA TURES 28 Call Guar d Squelc h Enable/Di sable T o disable Cal l Guard ( Selec tive) sq uelch so that all messa ges on the select ed or scanne d channe ls are hea rd, pres s the Normal/ Selec tive opti on switch i f prog rammed. Then to re-en able Cal l Guard sq uelch, pre ss the Normal/Se lecti ve switch again.
CONVENTIONAL FEA TURES 29 when the P TT switch is rele ased afte r the transmitt er has been disa bled. I f the P TT switch is press ed duri ng the pen alty t ime, th e time-out indicat ion occurs a gain. A beep sounds whe n the penal ty timer expires a nd the trans mitte r ca n then be ke yed.
CONVENTIONAL FEA TURES 30 opposit e occur s with the low power sett ing. Wh en the low p ower is select ed on the c urrent channel, “LOW” is in dicat ed continu ously n ear the bott om of th e display . Pressi ng the High/ Low Power swit ch toggles the po wer setti ng.
CONVENTIONAL FEA TURES 31 Progr amming a Scan List When ful l keypad ( 15-key) mode ls, each o f the t hree sca n lists i s user pr ogrammable i f the Scan E dit opti on switch i s programmed and user pr ogramming of t he list is allowe d. Scan lis t programmin g is not availa ble wit h limited keypad (3- key) mode ls.
CONVENTIONAL FEA TURES 32 • Priorit y channel (see f ollowing d escripti on) • Selected channel • Channel of a call i f the res ponse is mad e before s cannin g resumes Priorit y Channel Samplin.
CONVENTIONAL FEA TURES 33 Standar d Con venti onal Calls S tandard convention al cal ls are c alls to o r from o ther mobil e units on th e select ed chann el. The p roper code d Call Gu ard signa ling (see page 27) may need t o be tr ansmitte d for t hem to rece ive you r call an d also fo r you to recei ve their c alls .
SMAR TNET/SMARTZONE FE A TURES 34 DTMF/ANI Signaling DTMF (Dual T one Multi-Fr equency) t ones can be genera ted manually or aut omaticall y for ANI (Aut omatic Number Identif ication ) and other purpo ses.
SMARTNE T/SMARTZONE FEA TURES 35 Standar d Group Call s S tandard group call s are between you a nd anot her mobile , group of mobiles, or a con trol sta tion (a r adio at a fixed lo catio n). Most cal ls you make will p roba bly be thi s type . Placing a S tandard Gr oup Call 1.
SMAR TNET/SMARTZONE FE A TURES 36 Enhanced Priv ate Con versation Call s General Privat e call s allow you to pla ce a call to a s pecific mobile u nit. Either t he Enhance d Private Conv ersat ion™ or Priv ate Conve rsation I I™ modes may be p rogrammed depending o n the capab ilitie s of the r adio system.
SMARTNE T/SMARTZONE FEA TURES 37 Direct En try Method ( Full Key pad Models Onl y) 1. W ith a SMAR TNET/SmartZo ne channel selected , press and hold t he Privat e Call opti on swit ch until a tone sou nds (ap proximatel y 1 second).
SMAR TNET/SMARTZONE FE A TURES 38 • If the ca lled p arty answer s but th e radio syst em is bus y , four l ow tones sound and “BUSY” and “W AIT” ar e alter nately di splayed. Whe n the system i s no longer busy , the called party automatic ally responds .
SMARTNE T/SMARTZONE FEA TURES 39 the cal l bac k tone (f our beeps ) is hea rd and your radi o auto maticall y start s tran smitting. Press the P TT switch to continue t he cal l. • T o ignore an in coming call , press t he CLR key or wait 20 secon ds until t he re curring un it call tone s tops so unding.
SMAR TNET/SMARTZONE FE A TURES 40 2. Enter the in dex of the des ired ID if you know it or scrol l through the li st using th e and keys until you find th e desire d ID. Press t he CLR key to ca ncel the call. 3. P ress th e P TT switc h to init iate the ca ll.
SMARTNE T/SMARTZONE FEA TURES 41 Receiving a Priv ate Conv ersati on II Call Unit-t o-unit ca lls a re autom aticall y receive d if a SMAR TNET/ SmartZone c hannel is sele cted. Proce ed as fol lows: 1. When a c all is r eceived, a n aler t tone sou nds and the calle r ’ s voice is heard.
SMAR TNET/SMARTZONE FE A TURES 42 Lis t Entr y Met hod 1. W ith a SMAR TNET/SmartZo ne channel selected , momentaril y press the Phone opti on switch. The phone mode is indicat ed by the icon, and the displ ay indi cates t he al ias o f the l ast cal led tel ephone number if it is in y our phon e number lis t.
SMARTNE T/SMARTZONE FEA TURES 43 telepho ne number a nd the normal ringing or busy ton e is heard. Any of the fol lowing cond ition s may then oc cur . • After the ca lled part y answ ers, press the P T T sw itch to talk a nd releas e it to li sten.
SMAR TNET/SMARTZONE FE A TURES 44 3. T o end the call when the conversa tion is compl ete or at any oth er time, press t he CLR key . Also pres s the CLR key to ign ore an in coming c all and end it wit hout answeri ng. NOTE: If the CLR key is pr ogrammed for the Phone funct ion, it wil l not cl ear the cal l.
SMARTNE T/SMARTZONE FEA TURES 45 2. Using t he 0-9 ke ys, ente r the 6-digi t ID of the unit yo u are calling. Press the key to era se the la st di git enter ed or pre ss th e CLR key to cancel the pa ge. 3. Press th e P TT swit ch or th e ENT key to send t he page.
SMAR TNET/SMARTZONE FE A TURES 46 1. Momentar ily pres s the Mes sage opti on swit ch. The a lias of t he last message s ent is di splaye d. 2. Enter t he inde x of the d esire d message i f you kn ow it or sc roll th rough the lis t using the and keys u ntil you fi nd the de sired messa ge.
SMARTNE T/SMARTZONE FEA TURES 47 Emergency Alar m and Emergency Call Emer gency alar ms and e mer gency cal ls ar e separat e functi ons that can be in dividual ly prog rammed on SMAR TNET/SmartZone chann els. The Emer gency optio n switch is require d to in itia te these featu res.
SMAR TNET/SMARTZONE FE A TURES 48 When in the fa ilsoft mode, o peration is in the con ventional mode on a prepr ogramm ed fail soft channel. If a trans missio n is attem pted b efore a fails oft channe l is l ocated, a continuous tone s ounds un til the P TT switch is rel eased.
SMARTNE T/SMARTZONE FEA TURES 49 2. T o reset all talk and announce ment gro ups to norma l so th at only t he designa ted re grouping ch annel i s on the d ynamic group , manuall y select the designat ed regroupi ng channe l if you know it.
MISCEL LANEOUS 50 Lock ing/Unloc king a Site It is so meti mes d esi rable to stay on t he cu rrent site regar dless of signal level . T o lock the radio on t he cur rent s ite so t hat it d oes not searc h for anot her , press th e Site Lock option switch (i f prog rammed).
MISCELLANEOUS 51 • The tran smitte r has bee n disa bled by the conver sation t imer (pag e 29). • An out-of -rang e conditi on exists (SMAR TNET/SmartZon e only) . • A transmis sion is be ing att empted bef ore the pena lty timer has exp ired (page 28) .
MISCEL LANEOUS 52 Gur gle-Li ke T one • Dynamic re groupi ng has occur red (page 48). • Dynamic re groupi ng has occur red but t he regroup ing cha nnel is no t select ed (page 48 ). Four Low T ones (Bus y Sign al) • The radi o syste m is busy or a busy c ondition exists whe n making a telep hone call.
MISCELLANEOUS 53 operati ng ti me varies a ccordingl y . The char ge of the battery and ambie nt temperat ure also aff ect op erating t ime. NOTE: Be sur e to turn transc eiver power off bef or e r emoving the battery pack. Fail ur e to do so ma y r esult in the c urr ent setti ngs not bei ng save d in memory .
MISCEL LANEOUS 54 Dealer Pr ogramming As noted s everal t imes in thi s manual, programmin g determine s the availa bility a nd spec ific oper ation of many featur es. This r efers to the programmin g perfor med by y our deal er when t he ra dio was s et up, n ot to any progr amming th at you can p erform.
INTRINSICALL Y SAFE CLASSIFICA TION 55 T ransceiver Service If the trans ceiver be gins op erating i mproper ly , tr y turn ing power of f and then on agai n to reset the l ogic. Also make sure that the battery is fully c harg ed and i n good condi tion.
INTRINSICALL Y SA FE CLASSIFICA TION 56 Classifi cation of Hazar dous Areas (Division) Hazardous areas ar e classi fied as Divisi on 1 or 2 as s hown below . Since a Di vision 1 a rea is co nsider ed most haz ardous, a transc eiver approved for a s pecific Division 1 atmosph ere can al so be us ed in the same Divis ion 2 atmos phere.
INDEX 57 T ypical Hazard Group Class Acetylen e A I Hydrogen B I Ethylene , ethyl et her , cycloprop ane C I Gasoline , naphtha, b utane, p ropane, al cohol, D I aceto ne, benzol, natural g as Metal d.
INDEX 58 Display Mo de Select 25 Divisi on Class ifications 56 DTMF/ANI Signaling 34 Dynamic R egrouping 48 E Emerg ency Alarms 47 Emerg ency Calls 47 Enh.
INDEX 59 Priority Calls Conv 32 SmartNet 48 Priv . Conversation II Calls Placing 39 Receiving 41 Private Calls 36 Progr amming 54 P TT Switch 12 R Repeater T alk-Around 29 RX In dicat or 11 S Safety I.
P ar t Number 002-778 1-500 9-00hph Pri nted in U.S.A.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté EFJohnson 7700 Series c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du EFJohnson 7700 Series - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation EFJohnson 7700 Series, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le EFJohnson 7700 Series va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le EFJohnson 7700 Series, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du EFJohnson 7700 Series.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le EFJohnson 7700 Series. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei EFJohnson 7700 Series ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.