Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 962 du fabricant Dell
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www | Dell™ Photo All-in-One Printer 962 Owner ’s Manual L ook Inside F or: • Ordering S upplies • Getting Started • Usin g Y our Pr inter • Unde rstand.
Ordering Ink Car tridges and Supplies Y our Dell™ Photo All-In-One P rinter 962 includes soft ware insta lled to detect the ink levels in th e printer . During a print job, a scr een appears on your computer to warn you of low ink levels. Y ou can order ink online at www .
Notes, Notices, and Cautions NOTE: A NOTE i ndica tes import ant in form ation t hat he lps you make bett er use of your printer . NOTICE: A NOTICE indicates either potenti al damage to ha rdwar e or loss of da ta and tells you how to avo id the p roble m.
www .dell. com/suppli es | support. m.
Conten ts 5 Contents 1 Getting Started Understanding t he Printer Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Accessing Your User’s Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Setting Up Y o ur Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Conte nts Copying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Copyin g Documen ts Using the O perator P anel . . . . . . . . . 43 Copyin g Documen ts Using Y our Compu ter . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Copyin g Phot os Using the O perato r P ane l .
Conten ts 7 Using Pr inting Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Printing P references T abs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Using Dell P icture Studio v2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 4 Ink Cartridge Maintenance R eplacing I nk Cartri dges .
8 Conte nts 7 Appendix U.S. T erms and Conditions of Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Limited Warranties and R eturn Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Limited W a rra nty for Dell -Brande d Hardware Products (U.S. Only) . . . . . . . . . .
CAUTION: S AFETY INSTRUCTIONS 9 C A U T I O N : SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Use the following safety guidelines to help ensure your own personal safety and to help protect your printer and working environment from potential dama ge. • Use only the po wer cable provide d with this product or t he manufacturer ’s authoriz ed r eplacem ent po wer cable .
Gettin g Started 11 1 Getting Started Understanding th e Printer P arts Number: Part: Description: 1 Automatic Do cument F eeder ( ADF) Scan, copy , or fax multi ple page documents and/or legal sized do cumen ts. 2 Operator panel P anel on the printe r you use to control copying, scanning, faxin g, and pri nting.
12 Getting Started | support 4 P a per input tray Where you load paper into th e printer . 5 ADF input tr ay Lo ad origin al docume nts in the printer .
Gettin g Started 13 11 PHONE ja ck conne ctor ( — left side connector) Remove the plug t o connect additional d evices, such as a data/f ax modem, telep hone, or ans wering machin e to your printer . 12 LINE connector ( — right side connector) Connec t your printer to an a ctive tel ephone l ine to send an d receive fa xes.
14 Getting Started | support Accessing Y our User ’s Guide Click Start → Pr o g ra m s or Al l Pro gram s → De ll Printers → De ll Phot o AIO Printer 962 → Vi e w Dell Use r ’s Guide . NOTE: Y ou ca n also acce ss the Use r ’s Gu ide on your Drivers and Utilitie s CD.
Gettin g Started 15 Understanding the Operator P anel Installi ng the Operator Panel The following instructions apply only if you received an additional language operator panel with your pr inter . 1 Remove the op erator panel (if one is installed). 2 Choose the correct operator panel for your language.
16 Getting Started | support The display featur es: • P rinter status •M e s s a g e s • Menus Number Part: Purp ose: 1 P ower T o turn your printer on or off. 2 F ax L ED Illumi nates whe n mach ine is in Fa x Mode. 3 Sca n LE D Illumi nates whe n machine is in Scan Mode.
Gettin g Started 17 11 Redial/P ause • Recall the last numbe r entered . • Insert a thr ee-sec ond pa use in the nu mber to be dial ed to wait f or an outside line or ge t through an autom ated answ ering syst em. NOTE: E nter a pa use o nly whe n you have alre ady be gun entering the number .
18 Getting Started | support Operator P anel Menus See this s ection for help acce ssing the Scan , Copy , Fa x , and Advanced F ax mode menu items. Selecting Scan Mode Menu Items 1 On the operator pa nel, press the Mode button repeatedly until Scan is sel ecte d.
Gettin g Started 19 Scan Mode Menu Items SET DEFAULTS Use Factory Use Current ORIGINAL SIZE Auto Detect Letter B5 A4 A5 A6 Wallet 3x5 4x6 5x7 8x10 L 2L LANGUAGE English French German Spanish Italian D.
20 Getting Started | support Selecting Copy Mode Menu Items 1 On the operator pa nel, press the Mode button r epeatedly u ntil Copy is selected. 2 Pre s s Menu r epeatedly until the menu heading you want appears on the display .
Gettin g Started 21 Copy Mode Menu Items BLANK PAPER SIZE Letter Legal B5 A4 A5 A6 3x5 4x6 L 2L CONTENT TYPE Text&Graphics Photo Text Only Line Drawing REPEAT IMAGE 1x per page 4x per page 9x per page 16x per page COLOR Press < or > to adjust the color intensity of the copy.
22 Getting Started | support From th is menu: Y ou can: Blank P ape r Size Specify the siz e of the paper loaded in the paper tray: • L etter (d efault) •L e g a l •B 5 •A 4 •A 5 •A 6 •3 x 5 •4 x 6 •L •2 L NOTE: F or other sp ecialty sizes, see the All-In-One Center .
Gettin g Started 23 Selecting F ax Mode Menu Items Use the operator panel to customize your fax jobs. 1 On the operator pa nel, press the Mode button r epeatedly u ntil Fa x is selected. 2 Pre s s Menu r epeatedly until the menu heading you want appears on the display .
24 Getting Started | support NOTE: Y ou ca nnot fax w ith a DSL ( digital su bscriber l ine) or IS DN (integrat ed signat ure digit al network) un less you purc hase a digital line filter . Contact y our Internet Service Provider for more details.
Gettin g Started 25 From th is menu: Y ou can: P endin g F axes Ca ncel any faxes that have no t been sent. P rint R eport s P rint: • An Activi ty Repor t (the last 40 sent an d receiv ed faxe s) �.
26 Getting Started | support Selecting Advanced F ax Menu Items 1 On the operator pa nel, press the Mode button repe atedl y until Fa x is sel ected . 2 Pre s s Menu r epeatedly until Advanced Fax appears on the display . 3 Pre s s Select .
Gettin g Started 27 4 Pre s s < or > to scroll through the a vailable items. 5 Pre s s Select when the menu item you want appears on the display to save the setting.
28 Getting Started | support From thi s Adva nced F ax option : Y ou can se lect: Redial Attempts The number o f times you want the mach ine to try again if yo ur fax does not g.
Gettin g Started 29 Ring P att ern • Any (defa ult) •S i n g l e •D o u b l e • T riple NOTE: Y ou can choose distinctive rings if th ey are ava ilable from your loc al telephone se r vice.
30 Getting Started | support Max Send Speed A bps speed: • 33, 600 (def ault) • 31,20 0 • 28,80 0 • 26,40 0 • 24,00 0 • 21,60 0 • 19,20 0 • 16,80 0 • 14,40 0 �.
Gettin g Started 31 Country Code (con tinue d) • Japan •J o r d a n •K o r e a •K u w a i t •L a t v i a •L e b a n o n • Lithu ania •L u x e m b o u r g • Malaysia •M e x i c o �.
32 Getting Started | support Understanding th e Automatic P a per T ype Sen sor Y our pri nter has an automa tic paper ty pe sensor that detects th e following pap er types: •.
Gettin g Started 33 To c h o o s e p a p e r s i z e : 1 W ith your document o pen, click Fi l e → Pri n t . 2 In the Pr i n t di alog b ox , cl ick P references or Pr o p e r t i e s (depending on your program o r ope rati ng syst em) . The Pr i n t i n g Pr e f e r e nc es screen appe ars.
34 Getting Started | support L oad ing P aper L o ad Plain Paper Into the P aper Support 1 Lift the pa per exit tray and extend the pa per suppo rt. 2 Insert paper into t he paper support. 3 Squeeze and slide the p aper guides to rest against the left and right edges an d bottom of the paper .
Gettin g Started 35 15 enve lopes • Th e print sid e of the enve lopes face s down. • The envelopes are centered in the paper support. • The sta mp locatio n is in the lo wer lef t corner . • The pape r guides r est a gainst the righ t and left edges of the envelop es.
36 Getting Started | support NOTE: The pape r exit tray ca n hold up to 50 she e ts of pape r . L o ad an Ori ginal Document Into the ADF Y ou can load up to 50 sheets of your original document (te xt side up) into the ADF for scanning, copying, and faxing.
Gettin g Started 37 50 sheets of two-, three-, or four -h ole pre-p unched media • The docu ment is l oaded text si de up . • The pap er g uide is ag ainst th e edge of the pa per . • Y our p aper size fits within t he dimens ions all owable. 50 sheets of edge-r einforced three-hole copier m edia • The docu ment is l oaded text si de up .
38 Getting Started | support Placing Y our Original Document on the Scanner Glass 1 Open the top cover . 2 Place the original document face down on the scanner glass in the upper left corner .
Usin g the Prin ter 39 2 Using the Printer Prin ting Printing a Document 1 T urn on your computer and printer , and mak e sur e they are connected. 2 Load paper w ith the print side facing down. F or more information, see "Loading P aper" on page 34.
40 Using th e Printer | support 3 Click P ro perties , Option s , Setup , or P refer ences (depending on the prog ram or operating sys tem). The Pr i n t i n g Pr e f e r e nc es dialog box appears along with the I W ant T o menu.
Usin g the Prin ter 41 Fr om a PictBridge -Enabled Camera Y o ur prin ter sup ports P ictBridge-co mpati ble cameras . T o use your printer with a digital camera: 1 Insert the rectangul ar end of the USB cable that came with y our Pictbridge-com patible digital camera into the Pictbrid ge connector of the printer .
42 Using th e Printer | support Printing an Image as a Multi-page P oster 1 Mak e sure you have paper loaded in the paper support. F or help, see "L oad Plain P aper Into the P a per Support" on pa ge 34. 2 W ith your image open, click Fi l e → Pri n t .
Usin g the Prin ter 43 Printing Other Projects The I W ant T o menu provides wizards for creating projects. Y ou may want to print on an envelope, create a booklet, or print a greeting card.
44 Using th e Printer | support 3 Open the top cover . 4 Place your document on the scanner glass. Mak e sure the upper left corner of the front of the item aligns with th e arrow on the printer .
Usin g the Prin ter 45 4 Click Start → Pr o g ra m s or All P rograms → Dell Printers → Dell Photo AIO P rinter 962 → Dell All-In-One Center . The Dell All-In-One Cen ter appears. 5 Click Pr e v i e w N o w . 6 Adjust the dotted lines to fit around the portion of the image you want to print.
46 Using th e Printer | support 4 Click the Advanced but ton to change optio ns such as pap e r size and qu ality . 5 T o make any chang es, click the following ta bs. . 6 When you finish cus tomizing your copy settings, click OK , and then click Copy Now .
Usin g the Prin ter 47 Using the Printer Soft ware N O T E : Some pro grams do not supp ort multiple page s cann ing. 1 T urn on your computer and printer , and mak e sur e they are connected.
48 Using th e Printer | support 7 T o further customize your scan job, click See More Scan Settings . 8 Change any sett ings. 9 When you finish customizing your image, cli ck Scan Now . When your document has finished processing, it will open in the program you chose.
Usin g the Prin ter 49 5 Click the Adva nced button. 6 Click Display Advanced Scan Settings to change adv anced options. The Advanced Scan Settings dial og b ox appe ars . 7 On the Scan ta b, click the Scan multip le items before output box. 8 Click OK .
50 Using th e Printer | support Editing Scanned Images W ith most graphics programs, you can customize your image. 1 Click Start → Pr o g ra m s or All P rograms → Dell Printe rs → Dell Photo A I O P rinter 962 → Dell All-In-One Center .
Usin g the Prin ter 51 NOTE: If the size of the scan (fou nd in th e lower ri ght of the preview window) appears in red, you do not hav e the system reso urces avai lable to per form th e scan at the resolutio n or size you have selected. T o correc t this problem, eithe r reduce your resolution or the si ze of your scan area .
52 Using th e Printer | support F axing Y ou do not need to conne ct your printer to a computer in order to fax. Use the printer operator panel for basic faxing.
Usin g the Prin ter 53 Connecting directly to a telephone wall jack Connect a phone cord from the LINE connector ( - right side connector) on the printer to the telephone wall j ack. 1 Connect one end of the phone cord to the LINE connector ( - right sid e connector) of the prin ter .
54 Using th e Printer | support 3 Connect a phone cord from the telephone to the PHONE jack connector ( - left side connector) on the printer . Connecting to an answering mach ine 1 Connect a phone cord from the LINE connector ( - right side connector) on the printer to the telep hone wall jack .
Usin g the Prin ter 55 Connecting to a computer mo dem 1 Connect a phone cord from the LINE connector ( - right side connector) on the printer to the telep hone wall jack . 2 Remove the prote ctive plug from the PHONE jack connector ( - left s ide connector) on the back of the p rinter .
56 Using th e Printer | support NOTE: ISDN (int egrated ser vices dig ital networ k) and ca ble modem s are not fax modems and a re not supp orted for f axing. Send a F a x 1 Mak e sure your printer is on an d an active telephone line is connected to the LINE connector ( ) on the printer .
Usin g the Prin ter 57 4 Pre s s DELL# (3 355#) on the printe r operator panel. 5 Hang up the telephone, and the printe r r eceives the fax. Re ceive a F ax With an Answeri ng Ma chine Con nected to t.
58 Using th e Printer | support NOTE: Do not install any splitters between the DSL filter and the printer . Contact your DSL ser vice provider i f you need more help. NOTE: ISDN (int egrated ser vices dig ital networ k) and ca ble modem s are not fax modems and a re not supp orted for f axing.
Usin g the Prin ter 59 Printer Setup Utility T abs F axing Through the Computer Modem If an active telephone line is connected to the LINE connector ( ) on your computer modem , use Fa x C o n s o l e.
60 Using th e Printer | support 4 Click to select Fa x S e r v i c e s . 5 Click Next . If prompt ed, insert the Microsoft Windows XP CD , and then click OK . Close the We l c o m e to Micr osof t Win dows XP window when it o pens.
Usin g the Prin ter 61 4 Select your data/fax modem from the drop-down menu. 5 F ollow the instructions on your computer screen to complete the configuration. Send an Electronic Co py F ax Using F ax Conso le or F ax Service Ma nagement 1 Open your file to be fax ed.
62 Using th e Printer | support If you selected the Enable Re c e iv e check box w hen configuring Fa x C o n s o l e , you ar e now rea d y to re ce i v e a f ax .
Usin g the Prin ter 63 4 Enter a two-digit speed dial number from 01 to 79, and then press Select . 5 Enter the fax number , and then pr e ss Select . 6 Enter the name using the keypad. a F ind the number button that corresponds to the letter you want to enter , and press it repeatedly until the correct letter appears.
64 Using th e Printer | support 10 Pre s s Select to sa ve the list. Use a S peed or Group Dial List 1 Pre s s Speed Di al , and then press > to scroll through the speed dial list to fi nd the desired fax number . Pr ess the keypad but tons to enter a two -digit speed dia l number .
Usin g the Prin ter 65 6 Pre s s Select . 7 Pre s s 1 fo r AM, 2 for PM, or 3 for 24 hour mode. 8 Enter the fax num ber . 9 Pre s s Black or Color to send your fax to this number , or pr ess Select to enter another fax number (you can do this up to five times and the delayed fax wil l be sent to as many numbers as you enter ed ).
66 Using th e Printer | support 2 Pre s s Menu until ADVANCED FAX appe ars on the dis p lay , and then pr ess Select . 3 Pre s s Menu until AUTO FAX CONVERT appe ars on the dis play . 4 Pre s s > until On appears on the display , and then press Select .
Underst anding the So ftware 67 3 Understanding the Software The printer softwar e includes: • Dell P rinter Solution Center ( f or troubleshooting, maintenance, and cartridge or dering information) • Dell All-In-One Center (for scanning, copying, and faxing) • Pr i n t i n g Pr e f e r e n ce s (for printing) • Dell Pi ct ure Studio v2.
68 Understa nding the Software | support T o access the Dell P rinter Solution Center: Click Start → Pr o g ra m s or All P rograms → Dell Printers → Dell Photo AIO P rinter 962 → De ll Pr i n t e r S o l u t i o n C e n t e r .
Underst anding the So ftware 69 F or more information about the Dell All-In-One Center , click Help in th e Dell All-In-One Center . Using Printing Preferences Pr i n t i n g Pr e f e r e n ce s allows you to change the various printer settings.
70 Understa nding the Software | support Printing Prefe r ences T abs Pr i n t i n g Pr e f e r e n ce s includes three main tabs. Using Dell Picture Studio v2.0 In Dell P icture Studio v2.0, you can e xplore digital photography and learn how to organize, create, or print photos.
Ink Cart ridge Mai ntena nce 71 4 Ink Cartridge Maintenance R eplacing Ink Cartr idges CA UTION: Before per forming an y of the procedures listed in this section, read and follow the "CAUTION: SAF ETY INSTRUCTIO NS" on page 9. Dell ink cartridges ar e available only through Dell.
72 Ink Cart ridge Mai ntenan ce | support 3 P ress do wn on the ink cartridge lever to raise each ink cartridge lid. 4 Remove the old ink cartridges. 5 Store the cartridges in an air -tight container (one is included with each photo cartridge y ou purchase) or dispose of them.
Ink Cart ridge Mai ntena nce 73 NOTE: The illustration below shows a black cartridg e and a color cartridge (use fo r normal printin g). For photo printi ng, use a pho to cartridg e (sold se parately) a nd a color cartridge. 7 Insert the new ink cartridges.
74 Ink Cart ridge Mai ntenan ce | support 8 Snap each lid closed. 9 Close the printer unit . An alignmen t page pri nts. Aligni ng Ink Cart ridges Y o ur printer aut omatically aligns the in k cartridges when they ar e installed or repl aced.
Ink Cart ridge Mai ntena nce 75 Y ou may also need to align ink cartri dges when characters are not properly formed or are not aligned at the left mar g in, or when vertical or s traight lines appear wavy . T o align the ink cartridges: 1 Load paper in the paper support.
76 Ink Cart ridge Mai ntenan ce | support
T roublesh ooti ng 77 5 T roubleshooting F ollow these tips when y ou troubleshoot your prin ter: • If the printer does not work, ensure that the printer is properly conne cted to the electrical outlet and computer , if using a computer . • If an error me ssage appear s on the operat o r panel di splay , write down t he exact message.
78 T roubl eshoo ting | support Re m oving and R einstalling Software If your printer does not function properly or communication error messages appear when using your prin ter , you c an r emove and reinstall the printer s oftware.
T roublesh ooti ng 79 c When the pr inter sof tware install ation screen appea rs, click Install or Install N ow . d F ollow the instructi ons on your screen t o complete the installati on. Printe r Problems E NSURE THAT THE PRINTER POWER CABLE IS FIRML Y CONNECTE D TO THE PRINTER AND THE ELECT RICAL OUTLET .
80 T roubl eshoo ting | support General Problems Fa x P r o b l e m s When you have trouble sending or receiving fax es, try these things to fix the problem.
82 T roubl eshoo ting | support C HECK FOR A PAPER JAM Near the ADF 1 Lift the ADF cover or ADF unit loca ted to the le ft of the ADF input tray . 2 P u ll firmly on the paper to remove it. 3 Close th e ADF cover or un it. 4 P ress the Se lect butto n.
T roublesh ooti ng 83 Near the paper ex it tray 1 Raise the pri nter unit. 2 P u ll firmly on the paper to remove it. 3 Close th e printer uni t. 4 P ress the Se lect butto n. 5 Resend your print job t o print any missing pages. Near th e re ar access door 1 Open the rear access door .
84 T roubl eshoo ting | support Error Messages and Lights The following error messages can be found on your computer scr een or operator panel display . T O PREVEN T JAMS AND MISFEE DS , MA KE SURE : • Y ou use a paper recommended for inkjet printers.
T roublesh ooti ng 85 Right cartridge missing. Insert Color cartridge The Color ink cartridge is missing. Install a Color ink cartridge. F or more information, see “Replacing In k Cartridges” on page 7 1. Left cartridge incorrect The wron g ink cartr idge is in stalled in the left cartridge carrier .
86 T roubl eshoo ting | support Improving Pr int Qual ity If you ar e not satisfied with the print quality of your documents, there are several differ ent ways to improv e the print q ualit y .
T roublesh ooti ng 87 T o access the Dell P rinter Solution Center: 1 Click Start → Pr o g ra m s or All P rograms → Dell Printers → De ll Photo AIO Printer 962 → Dell P rinter Solut ion Center .
88 T roubl eshoo ting | support
Contac ting Dell 89 6 Contacting Dell T echnical Assi stance If you need help with a technical problem, Dell is r eady to assist you. 1 Call techni cal suppo rt from a tel ephone near or at the printe r so that tec hnical suppo rt can assist you with any necessary procedures.
90 Contac ting Dell | support Automated Order-Status Ser vice T o che ck on the status of any Dell products that you have or dered, you can go to supp ort.d ell. com , or you can call the automated or de r -status service. A recor ding prompts you for the information needed to locate and report on your order .
Contac ting Dell 91 Coun try ( City) International Acce ss Code Country Code City Code Depar tment Name or Ser vice Ar ea, W ebs ite an d E-Ma il Ad dress Area Codes, Local Number s, and To l l - F r e e N u m b e r s U.
92 Contac ting Dell | support Argent ina (Buenos Aire s) Internat ional Acc ess Code : 00 Country Code: 54 City Code: 11 We b s i t e : www .
Contac ting Dell 93 Belgium (Brussels ) Inte rnational Access C ode: 00 Country Code: 32 City Code: 2 We b s i t e : su E-mail: tech_be @dell.
94 Contac ting Dell | support Chile (S antiago) Country Code: 56 City Code: 2 Sales, Customer Suppor t, and T echnical Support toll-free: 1230-020 -4823 China (Xiamen) Country Code: 86 City Code: 592 T ech Support website : support.
Contac ting Dell 95 Czech Republic ( P ragu e) Inte rnational Access C ode: 00 Country Code: 420 City Code: 2 We b s i t e : su E-mai l: cze c h_ dell@de ll.
96 Contac ting Dell | support Fi n l a n d (H e l s i n k i ) Internat ional Acc ess Code : 990 Country Code: 358 City Code: 9 We b s i t e : support .euro E-mail: fin_support@del E-mail Support (servers): Nordic_support@dell .
Contac ting Dell 97 Ger many (Lan gen) Inte rnational Access C ode: 00 Country Code: 49 City Code: 6103 We b s i t e : su E-mai l: tech_ supp ort_c entral _europe@ dell.
98 Contac ting Dell | support India T echni cal Support 1600 33 80 45 S a l e s 1 6 0 03 38 0 4 4 Ireland (Cherrywood) Internat ional Acc ess Code : 16 Country Code: 353 City Code: 1 We b s i t e : support .euro E-mail: dell_d ire ct_support @dell.
Contac ting Dell 99 Japan (Kawasak i) Inte rnational Access C ode: 001 Country Code: 81 City Code: 44 We b s i t e : su T echnic al Suppo rt toll- free: 0120- 981-690 T echnic al Sup.
100 Contacti ng Dell | support Malay sia (Penang) Internat ional Acc ess Code : 00 Country Code: 60 City Code: 4 T echnical Support toll -free: 1 800 888 298 Customer Service 04.
Contac ting Dell 101 Netherla nds (Ams terdam) Inte rnational Access C ode: 00 Country Code: 31 City Code: 20 We b s i t e : su E-mail (T echnical Support): (Enterprise): n (Latit ude): nl_lat itud e_suppo rt@dell .
102 Contacti ng Dell | support Nor way (Lys aker) Internat ional Acc ess Code : 00 Country Code: 47 We b s i t e : support .euro E-mail Support (portabl e computers): nor_nbk_support@de E-mail Suppor t (deskt op computers ): nor_support@dell .
Contac ting Dell 103 St. L ucia General Supp ort 1-800-8 82-152 1 St. V in cent and th e Grenadin es Gener al Support to ll-free: 1-87 7-270-460 9 Singap ore (Singapore ) Inte rnational Access C ode: .
104 Contacti ng Dell | support Sweden (Uppl ands V asby) Internat ional Acc ess Code : 00 Country Code: 46 City Code: 8 We b s i t e : support .euro E-mail: swe_su E-mail Suppor t for Lati tude and I nspiron: Swe-nbk_ kats@d ell.
Contac ting Dell 105 T ur ks and Caicos Islands Gener al Support toll -free: 1-866-5 40-3355 U.K. (Bracknell) Inte rnational Access C ode: 00 Country Code: 44 City Code: 1344 We b s i t e : su Customer Care website:
106 Contacti ng Dell | support
Append ix 107 7 Appendix U.S. T erms and Cond ition s of Sale These ter ms and conditi ons ("Agr eement") apply to your purchase of comp uter systems and/or r elate d products and/or servi c.
110 Appe ndix | support Limited W arr anties and R etu rn P o licy Dell-br anded har dwar e product s purchased in the U.S. or Canada c ome with either a 90-day , 1-year , 2- year , 3-year , or 4-year limited warran ty depending on the product purchase d .
Append ix 111 How long does this limited wa rranty last? This l imited war ranty las ts for the t ime perio d indicate d on your packing slip or invoi ce, e xcept for the fol lowing De ll -b ra nd ed ha rd ware : • P ortab le compute r batteries carry a 1-y ear li m ited w arrant y .
112 Appe ndix | support What will Dell do? During the 90 days of the 90-day limi ted warranty and the fir st year of all othe r limit ed warrantie s: During th e 90 days of the .
Append ix 113 • If you a r e a Home O ffice , Small, Medium, Lar ge, or Globa l Commerc ial Custo mer , go to www /us/en/biz/topic s/sbtopic_ccare_nav_015_ccar e .htm • If you a re a Government, Educati on, or Hea lthcar e Customer , or an Indi vidual Home Co nsumer who purchase d throug h an Empl oyee P urchase P rogram, go to ww w .
114 Appe ndix | support Dell Inc. Ink and T oner Cartridges Limit ed W arranties Dell Inc. warr ants to the ori ginal p urchaser of genuine Dell -branded toner c artridges that .
Append ix 115 "u s e" i f ( b ut o nl y i f ) yo u h a v e a s ep ar a te l i ce n se fo r ea c h co mp u te r t o w h ic h t h e So f tw a re is d is tr ib u te d . Y ou mu s t e n su re that t he number of pe rsons usi ng the Sof twar e install ed on a network ser ver does not e xcee d the number of licenses that you have.
116 Appe ndix | support U.S. Government R estricted Rights The sof tware and docume ntation are " commercia l items" as that term is define d at 48 C.
Append ix 117 FCC Notices (U. S. Only) Note t hat FCC r egulations provide that cha nges or modi ficati ons not e xpress ly appr oved by Dell could voi d your autho rity to opera te thi s equi pmen t. This d evice complie s with P art 15 of th e FCC R ules.
118 Appe ndix | support
Index 119 Inde x A Advanced tab, 67 aligning ink cartridg es, 74 Answer F ax When, 25 B bann er prin ting, 42 ban ner , lo ading pape r , 34 Black button, 16 bor d erless printi ng, 41 but ton s, op e.
120 Inde x F fax group dial, 6 3 on hook dial, 6 4 re ceiving automatically , 5 6 re ceiving manually , 5 6 receiv ing w ith an answ erin g machine connected to the printe r , 5 7 speed dial, 6 2 faxi.
Index 121 Q Quality/ Copies tab, 70 R re i ns t al l i n g so f tw a re , 7 8 re mo v i ng so ft w a re , 78 r eplacing ink cartridges, 71 right arrow button , 17 S safety information, 9 setup trou bl.
122 Inde x.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Dell 962 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Dell 962 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Dell 962, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Dell 962 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Dell 962, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Dell 962.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Dell 962. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Dell 962 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.