Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DIR-501 du fabricant D-Link
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2 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Table of Contents Package Contents ....................................................... 4 System Requirements ............................................. 4 Features ....................................................
3 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Table of Contents Help .... ............................................................. 52 Wireless Security....................................................... 53 What is WEP? ........................................
4 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview • D-Link DIR-501 Wireless Router • Power Adapter • Ethernet Cable System Requirements • Ethernet-based Cable or DSL Modem • Compu te.
5 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview • Faster Wireless Networking - The DIR-501 provides up to 150Mbps* wireless connection with other 802.11n wireless clients. This capability allows users to participate in real-time activities online, such as video streaming, online gaming, and real-time audio.
6 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Pressing the Reset Button restores the router to its original factory default settings. Receptor for the Power Adapter. The Auto MDI/MDIX WAN port is the connection for the Ethernet cable to the Cable or DSL modem.
7 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Hardware Overview LEDs INTERNET A solid light indicates connection on the WAN port. This LED blinks during data transmission. WLAN LED A solid light indicates that the wireless segment is ready.
8 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Before you Begin Installation This section will walk you through the installation process. Placement of the router is very important. Do not place the router in an enclosed area such as a closet, cabinet, or in the attic or garage.
9 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Wireless Installation Considerations The D-Link wireless router lets you access your network using a wireless connection from virtually anywhere within the operating range of your wireless network.
10 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Wall Mounting Your Device You can mount the DIR-501 to a wall or a partition for easy and convenient placement of your device. To wall mount your device, A. Screw the provided screws with the equipment to the wall or partition where the device to be placed.
11 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 2 - Installation If you are connecting the router to a cable/DSL/satellite modem, please follow the steps below: 1. Place the router in an open and central location. Do not plug the power adapter into the router. 2.
12 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 2 - Installation If you are connecting the D-Link router to another router to use as a wireless access point and/or switch, you will have to do the following befo.
13 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 2 - Installation 6. Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the router and reconnect your computer to your network. 7. Connect an Ethernet cable in one of the LAN ports of the router and connect it to your other router.
14 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Conguration This section will show you how to congure your new D-Link wireless router using the web-based conguration utility.
15 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Select the type of Internet connection that Easy Setup Wizard detects, type in necessary information and then click Next to continue. If you selected PPPoE, enter your PPPoE username and password.
16 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration If you selected PPTP, enter your PPTP username and password. Click Next to continue. If you selected L2TP, enter your L2TP username and password.
17 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration If you sel ec t ed Sta ti c, ent e r you r ne t wo rk set t in gs sup pl i ed by you r In t er ne t provider. Click Next to continue. Click Connect to save your settings. Please allow 1-2 minutes for rebooting.
18 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Enter the IP address assigned by your ISP. Enter the Subnet Mask assigned by your ISP. Enter the Gateway assigned by your ISP. The defau lt MAC Address is set to the WAN’s p hysical interface MAC address on the Broadband Router.
19 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Choose Dynamic IP Address to obtain IP Address information automatically from your ISP. Select this option if your ISP does not give you any IP numbers to use. This option is commonly used for Cable modem services.
20 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Select Dynamic (most common) or Static . Select Static if your ISP assigned you the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server addresses. Enter your PPPoE user name. Enter your PPPoE password and then retype the password in the next box.
21 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Select Dynamic (most common) or Static . Select Static if your ISP assigned you the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server addresses. Enter the IP address (Static PPTP only). Enter the Primary and Secondary DNS Server Addresses (Static PPTP only).
22 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Select Dynamic (most common) or Static . Select Static if your ISP assigned you the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server addresses. Enter the IP address (Static L2TP only). Enter the Primary and Secondary DNS Server Addresses (Static L2TP only).
23 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Wireless Setup Wireless settings for the router may be congured manually or by using a wizard. To use the wizard, cl ic k the Wir el es s Con n ec ti on Setu p Wi za rd but to n and then follow the steps that are described below.
24 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Enter a Wireless Security Password in the textbox and then click Next to continue. This window displays a summary of your wireless security settings. Please print this out or record this information in a safe place and then click Save to continue.
25 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration To implement Wi-Fi protection, or WCN 2.0, tick the Enable checkbox, click either Generate New PIN or Reset PIN to De fau lt , an d th en con g ur e th e Wi -Fi set ti ng s be lo w. Ple as e see the Setting Up Wi-Fi Protection (WCN 2.
26 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration 1. To enable wireless security on the Router, use the drop-down menu to select the desired option. To enable WEP, select Enable WEP Wireless Security (basic) . 2. Next to Authentication , select either Open or Sh a re d Ke y .
27 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration 1. To enable WPA, WPA2, or WPA/WPA2, select either E n a b l e W P A O n l y W i r e l e s s S e c u r i t y (en hance d), Enabl e WPA2 Only Wirel ess Secur ity (enhanced), or Enable WPA/WPA2 Wireless Security (enhanced).
28 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration This section will allow you to change the local network settings of the router and to congure the DHCP settings. LAN Setup Enter the IP address of the router. The default IP address is 192.168.
29 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Check the box to enable the DHCP server on your router. Uncheck to disable this function. Enter the starting and ending IP addresses for the DHCP server’s IP assignment. The length of time for the IP address lease.
30 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration This section will allow you to congure, update, and maintain the correct time on the internal system clock. Time and Date Select the Time Zone from the drop-down menu. Ticking this checkbox enables Daylight Saving time.
31 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration This feature allows you to create a list of websites that you want to either allow or deny users access.
32 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Port Forwarding This will allow you to open a single port or a range of ports. Check the box to enabled the rule. Enter a name for the rule. Enter the IP address of the computer on your local net work that you want to allow the inco min g servi ce to.
33 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Application Rules Some applications require multiple connections, such as Internet gaming, video conferencing, Internet telephony and others. These applications have difculties working through NAT (Network Address Translation).
34 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Access Control Sele ct Turn MAC Filte ring OFF, Turn MAC Filter ing ON and ALLOW computers listed to access the network, or Turn MAC Filtering ON and DENY computers listed to access the network.
35 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Trafc Control Trafc control can be used to distribute download bandwidth automatically according to the requirements of the users, and the users also can setup manually. Enable Trafc Control: Select this function to control the access bandwidth of computer in LAN.
36 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Setup Wizard Yo u may ru n th e set up wi zar d fr om the ope ning qui ck setup window to quickly set up your router.
37 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Firewall & DMZ This section will allow you to set up a DMZ host and to set up rewall rules. If you have a client PC that cannot run Internet applications properly from behind the DIR-501, then you can set the client up for unrestricted Internet access.
38 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Set the transmit power of the antennas. Beacons are packets sent by an Access Point to synchronize a wireless network. Specify a value. 100 is the default setting and is recommended. This value should remain at its default setting of 2346 .
39 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration To use the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP ™ ) f e a t u r e t i c k t h i s c h e c k b o x . U P N P p r o v i d e s com patib ility wit h net wor king equip ment, soft ware and peripherals. Unchecking the box will not allow the DIR-501 to respond to Pings.
40 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Tick this checkbox to enable or disable xed routes to dened destinations. Use the drop-down menu to choose the WAN or WAN (Physical Port) Interface the IP packet must use to transit out of the Router.
41 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Enter a new Login Name for the Administrator account. Enter a new password for the Administrator Login Name and the n retyp e the new pas swor d in the Conr m Pass word textbox. The administrator can make changes to the settings.
42 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Save and Restore Use this option to save the current router con gur ation set ting s to a le on the har d di sk of the co mp ut er you ar e us ing. Firs t, cl ick the Sa ve bu tt on . You will then see a le dialog, where you can select a location and le name for the settings.
43 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Firmware Update Click the Check Now button (or the link at the top of the window) to nd out if there is an updated rmware; if so, download the new rmware to your hard drive.
44 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration DDNS Setting Tick the Enable DDNS checkbox to enable support for DDNS. Select one of the DDNS registration organizations form those listed in the pull-down menu. Available s er ve r s i nc l ud e dlinkddns.
45 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration System Check VCT is an advanced feature that integrates a LAN cable tester on every Ethernet port on the router. Through the graphical user interface (GUI), VCT can be used to remotely diagnose and report cable faults such as opens, shorts, swaps, and impedance mismatch.
46 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Schedules Enter a name for the new schedule rule. Choose the desired day(s), either All Week or Sele ct Days . If the latte r is selec ted, pleas e use the checkboxes directly below to specify the individual days.
47 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Log Settings Click on the Save button link on this window to save the log le to your local hard drive.
48 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Device Info This window displays the current information for the DIR-501. It will display the LAN, WAN, and Wireless information. If your WAN connection is set up for a Dynamic IP address then a DHCP Release button and a DHCP Renew button will be displayed.
49 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Log First Page: Last Page: Previous: Next: Clear: Link to Log Settings: View the rst page of the log. View the last page of the log. View the previous page. View the next page. Clear the log.
50 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Trafc Statistics Active Session T h e w in do w be lo w di sp la y s t he T ra f c St at is ti c s . He re y ou c an v ie w th e am ou nt o f pa ck et s th at p as s th ro ug h th e DI R- 50 1 on both the WAN and the LAN ports.
51 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Wireless The wireless client table displays a list of current connected wireless clients. This table also displays the connection time and MAC address of the connected wireless client.
52 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Help Click the desired hyperlink to get more information about how to use the Router..
53 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 4 - Security Wireless Security This section will show you the different levels of security you can use to protect your data from intruders.
54 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 4 - Security Congure WEP It is recommended to enable encryption on your wireles s router before your wireless network adapters. Please estab lish wireless connectivity before enabling encryption. Your wireless signal may degrade when enabling encryption due to the added overhead.
55 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 4 - Security What is WPA? WPA, or Wi-Fi Protected Access, is a Wi-Fi standard that was designed to improve the security features of WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). The two major improvements over WEP: • Improved data encryption through the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP).
56 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 4 - Security Congure WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK It is rec ommend ed to enable encryp tion on your wirele ss Rout er befo re your wirele ss netw ork ada pters. Please establ ish wireless connectivity before enabling encryption.
57 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 4 - Security Congure WPA/WPA2-PSK It is rec ommend ed to enable encryp tion on your wirele ss Rout er befo re your wirele ss netw ork ada pters. Please establ ish wireless connectivity before enabling encryption.
58 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 4 - Security Congure WPA, WPA2, and WPA/WPA2 (RADIUS) It is recommended to enable encryption on your wireles s router before your wireless network adapters. Please estab lish wireless connectivity before enabling encryption.
59 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network Connect to a Wireless Network Using Windows ® XP Windows ® XP users may use the built-in wireless utility (Zero Conguration Utility). The following instructions are for Service Pack 2 users.
60 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network Congure WEP It is recommended to enable WEP on your wireless router or access point before conguring your wireless adapter. If you are joining an existing network, you will need to know the WEP key being used.
61 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network 3. The Wireless Network Connection box will appear. Enter the same WEP key that is on your router and click Connect . It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless network.
62 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network Congure WPA-PSK It is recommended to enable WEP on your wireless router or access point before conguring your wireless adapter. If you are joining an existing network, you will need to know the WEP key being used.
63 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network 3. The Wireless Network Connection box will appear. Enter the WPA-PSK passphrase and click Connect . It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless network. If the connection fails, please verify that the WPA-PSK settings are correct.
64 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 6 - Setting Up Wi-Fi Protection (WCN 2.0 in Windows Vista) Setting Up Wi-Fi Protection (WCN 2.0 in Windows Vista) The DIR-501 supports Wi-Fi protection, referred to as WCN 2.
65 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 6 - Setting Up Wi-Fi Protection (WCN 2.0 in Windows Vista) Setting Up a Congured Router Once the Router has been congured, you can use the push button on the Router or third party software to invite a newc omer to join you r Wi- Fi protect ed network .
66 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 7 - Changing the Computer Name and Joining a Workgroup Changing the Computer Name and Joining a Workgroup The following are step-by-step directions to change the computer name and join a workgroup. 2. Click on the Advanced system settings link.
67 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 7 - Changing the Computer Name and Joining a Workgroup 3. Click the Computer Name tab in the System Properties window and enter a description of your computer in the textbox. When you are nished, click the Change button.
68 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 8 - Conguring the IP Address in Vista Conguring the IP Address in Vista The following are step-by-step directions to congure the IP address in Windows Vista. 2. Go to the Network and Internet window and click the appropriate Local Area Connection icon.
69 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 8 - Conguring the IP Address in Vista 4. Tick the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) checkbox in the Networking tab in the Local Area Connection Properties window.
70 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 8 - Conguring the IP Address in Vista 6. Righ t-cl ick the Loca l Are a Conn ection icon and then select Statu s from the drop-down menu. 7. Go to the Local Area Con nect ion Status wind ow and click the Details button.
71 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 9 - Setting Up a Connection Wirelessly Setting Up a Connection or Network Wirelessly The following are step-by-step directions to set up a wireless connection.
72 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 9 - Setting Up a Connection Wirelessly 3. Click the Next button on the Set up a wireless router or access point window. 4. The following window displays the system progress. 5. Thi s window conrms that yo u want to create wireless network settings that are savable to a USB ash drive.
73 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 9 - Setting Up a Connection Wirelessly 6. Enter a network name on the Give your network a name window in the Set up a wireless router or access point wizard.
74 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 9 - Setting Up a Connection Wirelessly 9. On ce you have sele cted the des ire d sec urit y met hod on the Choo se advanced network security options window in the S et u p a wireless router or access point wizard, click the Next button.
75 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 9 - Setting Up a Connection Wirelessly 12. Once you have saved your network settings to USB, the Copying settings to the USB drive window in the Set up a wire les s rout er or ac ces s poin t wiza rd op ens to in dic ate the system progress.
76 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 10 - Connecting to a Secured Wireless Network (WEP, WPA-PSK & WPA2-PSK) Connecting to a Secured Wireless Network (WEP, WPA-PSK & WPA2-PSK) The following are step-by-step directions to set up a wireless connection.
77 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 10 - Connecting to a Secured Wireless Network (WEP, WPA-PSK & WPA2-PSK) 4. Select a network to connect to in the Select a network to connect to window in the Connect to a network wizard and then click the Connect button.
78 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 10 - Connecting to a Secured Wireless Network (WEP, WPA-PSK & WPA2-PSK) 7. The following Successfully connected to dlink300 window in the Connect to a network wizard is displayed. Choose to save to the network and/or start the new connection automatically.
79 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 10 - Connecting to a Secured Wireless Network (WEP, WPA-PSK & WPA2-PSK) 10. To test the new IP address, use the Ping feature of the command prompt. 9. Conrm your new settings by calling up the command prompt and then entering the ipcong command.
80 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 11 - Connecting to an Unsecured Wireless Network Connecting to an Unsecured Wireless Network The following are step-by-step directions to set up an unsecured wireless connection. 2. Go to the Network and Sharing Center window and click the Manage Network Connections link.
81 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 11 - Connecting to an Unsecured Wireless Network 3. Ri gh t- cl ic k the Wi rel es s Netw ork Con ne ct io n ent ry an d th en sel ect Connect/Disconnect from the drop-down menu.
82 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 11 - Connecting to an Unsecured Wireless Network 6. The following Connect to a network wizard window displays the system progress. 7. The following Successfully connected to dlink300 window in the Connect to a network wizard is displayed.
83 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 11 - Connecting to an Unsecured Wireless Network 9. Conrm your new settings by calling up the command prompt and then entering the ipcong command. 10 . T o tes t the ne w IP add res s, us e the Pin g fe atu re of the co mman d prompt.
84 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 12 - Troubleshooting Troubleshooting This chapter provides solutions to problems that can occur during the installation and operation of the DIR-501. Read the followin g descriptions if you are having problems. (The examples below are illustrated in Windows ® XP.
85 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 12 - Troubleshooting • Congure your Internet settings: • Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel . Double-click the Internet Options Icon. From the Security tab, click the button to restore the settings to their defaults.
86 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 12 - Troubleshooting 3. Why can’t I connect to certain sites or send and receive emails when connecting through my router? If you are having a problem sending or receiving email, or connecting to secure sites such as eBay, banking sites, and Hotmail, we suggest lowering the MTU in increments of ten (Ex.
87 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Section 12 - Troubleshooting You should start at 1472 and work your way down by 10 each time. Once you get a reply, go up by 2 until you get a fragmented packet. Take that value and add 28 to the value to account for the various TCP/IP headers.
88 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics D-Link wireless products are based on industry standards to provide easy-to-use and compatible high-speed wireless connectivity within your home, business or public access wireless networks.
89 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics What is Wireless? Wireless or Wi-Fi technology is another way of connecting your computer to the network without using wires. Wi-Fi uses radio frequency to connect wirelessly, so you have the freedom to connect computers anywhere in your home or ofce network.
90 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) Bluetooth is the industry standard wireless technology used for WPAN.
91 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Where is wireless used? Wireless technology is expanding everywhere not just at home or ofce. People like the freedom of mobility and it’s becoming so popular that more and more public facilities now provide wireless access to attract people.
92 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Eliminate Interference Place home appliances such as cordless telephones, microwaves, and televisions as far away as possible from the router /access point. This would signi cantly reduce any interfer ence that the applian ces might cause since they operate on same frequency.
93 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Networking Basics Check your IP address After you install your new D-Link adapter, by default, the TCP/IP settings should be set to obtain an IP address from a DHCP server (i.e. wireless router) automatically.
94 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Statically Assign an IP address If you are not using a DHCP capable gateway/router, or you need to assign a static IP address, please follow the steps below: Step 1 Windows ® XP - Click on Start > Control Panel > Network Connections .
95 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Appendix C - Technical Specications Technical Specications Standards • IEEE 802.11g • IEEE 802.11b • IEEE 802.11n • IEEE 802.3 • IEEE 802.3u • IEEE 802.3x Wireless Signal Rates* • 150Mbps • 54Mbps • 48Mbps • 36Mbps • 24Mbps • 18Mbps • 12Mbps • 11Mbps • 9Mbps • 6Mbps • 5.
96 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Appendix C - Technical Specications Wireless Frequency Range 2.4GHz to 2.497GHz (802.11b) 2.4GHz to 2.4835GHZ (802.11g and 802.11n) Wireless Operating Range2 • Indoors - up to 328 ft. (100 meters) • Outdoors- up to 1312 ft.
97 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Appendix E - Warranty C E M ar k Wa r ni n g : T hi s is a C la ss B p ro du c t . I n a do me st i c en vi ro nm en t, t hi s p r o du ct m ay c a u s e ra di o in t e r fe re nc e, i n w hi ch c as e t h e u se r ma y be r e q u ir ed t o ta k e a de qu at e m ea su re s.
98 D-Link DIR-615 User Manual Appendix E - Warranty I CC N ot ic e : O pe ra ti on is s ub je c t t o th e f o ll ow in g t w o co nd it i on s: ( 1) T h i s d ev ic e m a y no t ca u s e in te rf e r.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté D-Link DIR-501 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du D-Link DIR-501 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation D-Link DIR-501, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le D-Link DIR-501 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le D-Link DIR-501, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du D-Link DIR-501.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le D-Link DIR-501. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei D-Link DIR-501 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.