Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DAP-2690 du fabricant D-Link
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2 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual T able of Con tents T able of C onten ts Product Overview ............................................................... 4 P ackage Contents ............................................................................ 4 Syst em Requirements .
3 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual T able of Con tents F ilters .......................................................................................... 63 Wir eless MA C A CL ........................................................... 63 WLAN P ar tition .
4 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 1 - P roduct O v er view • DAP -2690 AirP remier N Dual Band P oE A ccess P oint • P ow er Adapter • P oE Base Unit • CD with manual and warranty • Et.
5 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 1 - P roduct O v er view Introduction D-Li nk, a n in du stry pi on eer in w ir el es s ne two rkin g , in tr o du ce s a so lu ti on f o r bus in es se s se ekin g to d ep lo y ne xt ge ne ra ti on d ra ft 80 2.
6 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 1 - P roduct O v er view • Four dieren t operation modes - Capable of operating in one of f our dier ent operation modes to meet your wireless net working needs: Acc ess P oint, WDS with AP , WDS, or Wireless Client.
7 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 1 - P roduct O v er view W ireless Basics D-Link wireless products are based on industr y standards to provide high-speed wireless connectivity tha t is easy to use within your home, business or public access wireless networks.
8 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 1 - P roduct O v er view Standards-Based T echnology The D AP-2690 Wireless Ac cess P oint utilizes the 802.11a, 802.11b , 802.11g , and 802.11n standards. The IEEE 802.11n standard is an extension of the 802.11a, 802.
9 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 2 - Installation The D -Link wireless device lets you access your net work using a wireless connection from virtually anywhere within the operating range of your wireless network.
10 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 2 - Installation F our O per ational Modes Wir eless Client AP acts as a wireless network adapter for y our Ethernet enabled device Acc ess Poin t (AP) Create .
11 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 2 - Installation C onnec t t o y our Network Metho d 1 1. C onnect o ne en d of y our Ethe rnet c able i nto the LAN (P oE) port on t he D AP -269 0 and then conn ect the other end to y our P oE sw itch .
12 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 2 - Installation Metho d 2 1. C onnect one end of an Ethern et cabl e int o the Data In por t on the P oE base u nit and the oth er e nd i nto one por t on yo ur s witch , r out er , or c omput er .
13 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration C ongura tion T o congure the DAP -2690, use a computer that is c onnected to the DAP -2690 with an Ethernet cable. Step 1 - Disable the Access the Internet using a pro xy server func tion.
14 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration After successfully logging in to the DAP -2690 the follo wing window will appear: When mak ing changes on most of the conguration windows in this section, use either the Apply button or the Save button to save your conguration changes .
15 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration W i r e l e s s S e t t i n g s Wireless Band: Mode: Network Name (SSID): SSID Visibility: Auto Channel Selection: Channel: Channel Width: Captive Prole: Select either 2.4 GH z or 5 GHz from the dr op- down menu.
16 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Select O pen S ystem t o communicate the key acr oss the network . Select Shared Key to limit communication to only those devices that share the same WEP settings. I f multi-SSID is enabled, this option is not available .
17 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration WDS with AP Mode In WDS with AP mode, the DAP-2690 wirelessly connects multiple networks while still functioning as a wireless AP . After completing the desired settings, click the Sav e button to let y our changes take eect.
18 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Al lo ws sel ecti on of the cha nne l widt h you wo ul d like to ope ra te in. 20 MHz and Au to 20/ 40 MHz all ow both 802 .11 n and non -80 2.1 1n wir e les s d evi ce s o n y ou r ne tw ork whe n t he wir ele ss mod e i s Mix ed 80 2.
19 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration WDS Mode In WDS mode, the DAP -2690 wirelessly connects multiple networks, without func tioning as a wireless AP . After completing the desired settings, click the Save butt on to let your changes take e ect.
20 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Enter the MA C addresses of the AP s on y our network that will ser ve as bridges to wir elessly connect multiple networks. Click the Scan button to searc h for available wireless networks , then click on the avail able network that you want to connect with.
21 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration W ir eless Clien t Mode In Wir eless Client mode, the DAP -2690 functions as a wireless client on a wireless net w ork in which an AP already exists . After completing the desired settings, click the Sav e button to let y our changes take eect.
22 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Au then tica tion: Use the dr op- down menu to choose Open S ystem or WP A Personal . Select O pen S ystem t o communicate the key acr oss the network . Select WP A -Personal t o secure your network using a passw ord and dynamic key changes.
23 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration WP A-P ersonal A uthentica tion Wh en WP A-P e rso na l is se lect ed f or Aut he nti ca tio n type , you mus t al so sel ect a WP A mode fr om th e dr op-do wn men u: A UT O ( WP A or W P A2) , WP A2 Onl y , or WP A Only .
24 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration WP A-Ent erprise Authen tication Wh en WP A-E nt er pri se i s sele cted , y ou m ust also sel ect a WP A mode f ro m the d r op-dow n men u: A UT O (WP A or WP A2) , WP A2 On ly , o r WP A O nly .
25 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration 802.1X authentication Key Updat e Interval: RADIUS Ser ver: RADIUS Port: RADIUS Secret: Ac counting Mode: Ac counting Server: Ac counting P ort: Ac counting Secret: Select the inter val (in seconds) during which the key will be valid.
26 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Sele ct Stat ic IP (Manua l) if you do not hav e a DHCP serv er o n y ou r ne two rk, o r if yo u wi sh t o a ssi gn a st at ic IP addr es s t o t he D A P -26 90. When Dyna mi c IP (D HCP ) is selected, the other elds here will be gra yed out.
27 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Che ck th is bo x to e nab le IPv 6. Sel ect eit he r Sta t ic to ent er you r ow n IP ad dr es s or Au to to be auto ma tic al ly assi gne d by a DHCP serve r or IPv 6 ga te wa y . As sig n an IPv 6 IP add r ess .
28 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration A dvanc ed Settings W ireless Band: W ireless: W ireless Mode: Data Rate: Beacon Interval (40-500): Select either 2.4GH z or 5GHz. Use the drop -down menu to tur n the wireless function O n or O .
29 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration D TIM Interval (1-15): T ransmit Po wer: WMM ( Wi-F i Multimedia): Ack Time Out (2.4 GHZ) or Ack Time Out (5 GHZ): Short GI: IGMP Snooping:.
30 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration W ireless Resour c e C on trol The W ireless Resour ce Contr ol window is used to congur e the wireless connection settings so that the device can detect the better wir eless connection in your envir onment.
31 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration 11n Pr eferred: Network Utilization: Aging out: RSSI T hreshold: Data Rate Threshold: A CL RSSI: A CL RSSI Thr eshold: Use the drop-down menu to Enable the 11n Pr eferred function. T he wireless clients with 802.
32 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Multi-SSID The device suppor ts up to eight multiple Ser vice S et Identiers. Y ou can set the Primary SSID in the Basic > Wireless section. The SSID ’ s fac tory default setting is dlink .
33 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Priority: WMM ( Wi-F i Multimedia): Captiv e Prole: Wh en the Enab le P rio rity ch eck bo x is check ed at th e t op of t his wi ndo w , th is dro p-dow n me nu is use d t o se le ct a prio rity bet we en 0 a nd 7 .
34 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration VLAN Settings The DAP-2690 suppor ts VLANs. VLANs can be created with a Name and VID . Mgmt ( TCP stack), LAN, Primary/Multiple SSID , and WDS connection can be assigned to VLANs as they ar e ph ysical por ts.
35 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration VLAN P or t List The P or t List tab display s the current ports. If you want to congure the guest and internal networks on a Vir tual LAN ( VLAN), the switch and DHCP ser ver you are using must also support VLANs.
36 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration VLAN Add/Edit The Add/Edit VLAN tab is used t o c ongure VLANs. Once you hav e made the desired settings , click the Sav e butt on t o let y our changes take eect. Cli ck th e E na ble r adi o b ut to n.
37 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration PVID Setting The PVID Setting tab is used to enable/disable the Port VLAN Identier Auto Assign Status as well as to congure various types of PVID settings. Once you ha ve made the desired settings , click the Save butt on to let your changes take e ect.
38 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Intrusion Select 2.4GH z or 5GHz . Click this button to initiat e a scan of the network . Th e ch oi ce s inc lu de Al l , V ali d , Ne ig hbo r , Rogue , an d Ne w .
39 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Schedule Us e the dro p-down menu to Ena ble the dev ic e ’ s sc he dul ing f eat ur e . En te r a nam e fo r the new sche du li ng rul e in the eld pro v ide d . Us e t he dr op-do wn me nu to s ele ct t he de sir ed S SID .
40 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Internal RADIUS Ser v er Enter a name to authenticate user access to the internal RADIUS ser ver . Enter a password to authenticate user access to the i nt er n a l R A DI U S s e r v er . The length of your password should be 8~64.
41 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration ARP Spoong P re ven tion The ARP Spoong P revention f eature allo ws users to add IP/M AC address mapping t o preven t arp spoong attack.
42 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Bandwidth Optimization The Bandwidth Optimization window allows the user to manage the bandwidth of the device and arrange the bandwidth for various wireless clients . When the Bandwidth Optimization ruile is nished , click the A dd button.
43 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Band: SSID Index: Downlink Speed: Uplink Speed: ba n d b e tw ee n 2 .4 G Hz a nd 5G H z. U se t he d r op -do wn m e n u t o s e l ec t t h e S S ID f o r t h e s p ec i ed w ir el es s ba n d .
44 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration AP Arr a y The AP Array window is used to create up to 32 AP s on a local network to be organized into a single g roup in order to increase ease of management. Click the Save butt on to let your changes take e ect.
45 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration In the AP array congur ation settings windows, users can specify which settings all the AP s in the group will inherit from the master AP . Make the required selection in this window and click the S a v e button to acc ept the changes made.
46 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Network Name (SSID): SSID V isibility: Auto C hannel Selec tion: Channel W idth: Security : Captiv e Prole: Band: Se l ec t t h is o pt i o n t o us e th e s a m e S S ID . Se l ec t t h is o pt i o n t o en a b le SS I D v i s ib i l it y .
47 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration SSID: SSID V isibility: Security : WMM: Captiv e Prole: VLAN: Se l ec t t h is o pt i o n t o us e th e s a m e m u lt i - SS I D s . Se l ec t t h is o pt i o n t o us e th e s a m e S S ID v is i b le .
48 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Sy stem Name Settings: SNMP Settings: Login Settings: Console Settings: Limit Administr ator: Ping C ontrol Setting: Se l ec t t h is o pt i o n t o us e th e s a m e s y s t em n am e . Se l ec t thi s op t io n to us e the sa m e SN M P se tt i n gs .
49 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration In this windows, users can view and congure the automatic r adio frequenc y settings as well as congure the the auto-initiate period and threshold values. Click the S a v e button to acc ept the changes made.
50 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration In this window , users can view and congur e the AP array ’ s load balancing settings. Click the Sav e button to accept the changes made . Enable Load Balance: Active Threshold: Select to Enable or Disable the load balance f e a tu r e he r e .
51 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Captiv e P or tal The Capti ve P ortal is a buil t-in web authen tica tion server . When a statio n conn ects to an AP , the web bro wer will be redi recte d to a web authen tica tion page. In this windows, user can view and congure the Captiv e P or tal settings.
52 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Encr yption T ype: Restricted Subnets: Username: P assword: Group: Se l ect th e ca pt i v e po rta l en cry pt i on ty pe he r e . O pt i o n s to ch o o s e fr o m ar e P as s c od e , Us e r n am e / P as sw o r d , Re m o t e R AD I U S, L D A P a n d P OP 3 .
53 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Encr yption T ype: Remote Radius T ype: Radius Ser ver: Radius Port: Radius Secret: Ac counting Mode: Ac counting Server: Ac counting P ort: Ac counting Secret: Se l ect th e ca pt i v e po rta l en cry pt i on ty pe he r e .
54 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Encr yption T ype: Ser ver: P or t: Authentica te Mode: Username: P assword: Base DN: Ac count A ttribute: Identity: Se l ect th e ca pt i v e po rta l en cry pt i on ty pe he r e .
55 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Encr yption T ype: Ser ver: P or t: Connection T ype: Se l ect th e ca pt i v e po rta l en cry pt i on ty pe he r e . O pt i o n s to ch o o s e fr o m ar e P as s c od e , Us e r n am e / P as sw o r d , Re m o t e R AD I U S, L D A P a n d P OP 3 .
56 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration In this window , users can upload a custom login page picture that will be used by the captive por tal feature . Click the B r o w se button to navigate to the image le, loca ted on the managing computer and then click the U p l oa d button to initiat e the upload.
57 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration W eb Redirec tion In this windows, users can view and congur e the W eb redirection settings for the captive portal hosted by this access point. Wireless clients will be redirected to this w eb site prior and after authentication.
58 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration MA C Bypass The D AP-2690 f eatures a wir eless MAC Bypass . Once a user is nished with these settings, click the Sa ve button to let the changes take e ect.
59 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration DHCP Ser v er F unction Enable/Disable: IP Assigned F rom: The Range of P ool (1-254): Subnet Mask: Gatewa y: WINS: DNS: Dynamic Host Configuration Protoc ol (DHCP) assigns dynamic IP addresses to devices on the net work.
60 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Enter the domain name of the network, if applicable. (An e xample of a domain name is w ww .) The lease time is the period of time befor e the DHCP ser ver will assig n new IP addresses.
61 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Static P ool S etting F unction Enable/ Disable: Host Name: Assigned IP: Assigned MA C Addr ess: Subnet Mask: Gatewa y: WINS: DNS: Domain Name: Dynamic Host Conguration Protoc ol (DHCP) assigns IP add r ess es to w ir ele ss dev ic es on th e ne tw ork.
62 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration This window displays information about the current assigned DHCP dynamic and static IP address pools. This information is available when you enable DHCP ser ver on the AP and assig n dynamic and static IP address pools .
63 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration W ireless M A C A CL W ireless Band: Ac cess Con trol List: SSID Index : MA C Addr ess: MA C Addr ess List: Curr ent Client Information: Upload F ile : Load A CL F ile to Local Hard Driv er : Select the wireless band for W ireless M AC A CL.
64 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration WLAN P ar tition W ireless Band: Link Integrity: Ethernet to WLAN Acc ess: Internal Station Connection: Dis pl ay s the cu rr en t w ir el ess ba nd .
65 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Uplink/Downlink Setting T he do w nl i nk ba nd w id t h in Mb i ts pe r se c o nd . Th e u pl ink ba nd wid th in Mb its pe r sec on d.
66 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration QoS Enable QoS: Downlink Bandwidth: Uplink Bandwidth: Quality of Service (QoS) enhances the experience of using a net w ork by prior itizing the trac of dierent applications. The D AP-2690 suppor ts f our priority levels.
67 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration T rac Manager The tr ac manager f eature allows users to create trac managemen t rules tha t specify ho w to deal with listed client trac and specify downlink/ uplink speed for new trac manager rules .
68 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Sta tus Device Information: This r ead-only window display s the con guration settings of the DAP -2690, including the rmware version and the device's MA C address .
69 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Client Inf ormation Client Information: This window displays the wireless client information for clients currently connected to the D AP -2690. The following information is available for each client communicating with the DAP -2690.
70 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration WDS Informa tion Name: MAC: Authentication: Signal: Status: Displays the name of the client. Displays the MAC address of the client. Displays the type of authentication being used. Displays the WDS link signal strength.
71 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Channel Analyz e W ireless Band: Detect: AP List: Select either 2.4G hz or 5GHz . Click the Detect button to scan.
72 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Stats Ethernet T rac Statistics: This window displays transmitted and receiv ed count statistics f or packets and bytes .
73 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration W ireless T rac Stats WLAN T rac Statistics: This window displays wireless network statistics for data throughput, transmitt ed and received frames, and frame errors.
74 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration V iew Log: The AP ’ s embedded memor y displays system and net work messages including a time stamp and message type.
75 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Log Settings Log Server/IP Address: Log T ype: Email Notication: F rom Email Addr ess: T o Email Address: Email Ser ver A ddress: SMTP P ort: User Name: P assword: Conrm P assw ord: Schedule: En te r the IP addr es s of the serv er you wou ld lik e to send the D AP -2 690 l og to .
76 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Maintenanc e A dministra tor Settings Check one or more of the six main categories to display the various hidden administrator parameters and settings display ed on the nex t six windows .
77 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration User Name: New P assword: Conrm P assw ord: En te r a us er na me . Th e d ef aul t i s adm in . W he n ch a n g in g y ou r pa s s w o r d , en t e r th e ne w pa ss w o r d her e . The passw or d is case-sen sit iv e.
78 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Status: Public C omminity String: Priva te Community String: T rap Status: T rap Ser ver IP : Che ck the bo x to en ab le the S NMP fun ctio ns . Th is is en abl ed by de fa ult . En te r t he pu bli c S NM P c om mun ity st rin g.
79 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration F irm ware and SSL C er tication Upload Upload F irmwar e F rom Local Hard Driv e: Language P ack Upgrade: Upload SSL Certication F rom Local Hard Driv e: The current firmware version is displayed above the le location eld.
80 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration C ongur ation F ile Upload F ile: Download Congur ation F ile: Cli ck the Br ow se butt on to lo cat e a prev io usl y sa ve d c o n g u r a ti o n l e on yo u r lo c al c om p u t e r .
81 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration T ime and Da te Curr ent T ime: Enable NTP Ser ver: NTP Ser ver: Time Z one: Enable Daylight Saving: Daylight Saving Dates: Set the Date and Time Manually: Displays the curren t time and date settings.
82 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Sav e and A c tiva te The drop-down Conguration menu allow s users to sav e the current changes and reboot the D AP-2690 b y clicking "S av e and Activate" .
83 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration S y stem Settings Restar t the Device: Restore to F actor y Default Settings: Clear Language P ack: Click Restar t to r estar t the D AP-2690. Click Restore to restore the DAP -2690 back to factor y default settings.
84 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - C onguration Help Scroll down the Help page f or topics and explanations . Help:.
85 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 4 - U sing the Console P ort Y ou can c onnect to the D AP-2690 console port t o congure device settings via the command line.
86 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 4 - U sing the Console P ort 4. Select the appropriate COM port: 5. Congur e the Port Settings: Note: Y our terminal emulation must be set to 115200 bits per second .
87 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 4 - U sing the Console P ort 6. Enter the Log in Name and Passw ord: Once logged in, you will be able to run congura tion commands from the command line pr ompt. Y ou can typ e in a let t er an d pr es s tab to see the av ai la bl e co mma nd s .
88 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 4 - U sing the Console P ort T r oubleshooting This chapter provides solutions to problems that can occur during the installation and operation of the DAP -2690 Wireless Access P oint. W e will cov er various aspects of the net work setup , especially the network adapters .
89 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 5 - T roubleshooting 2. T he wireless client cannot access the Internet within Infrastructure mode. Make sure the wireless client is associated and joined with the correct acc ess point.
90 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Sec tion 5 - T roubleshooting 3. What v ariables may cause my wir eless products to lose reception? D-Link products let you acc ess your network from vir tually anywhere y ou want, howev er , the positioning of the products within your envir onment will aect its wireless range .
91 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Appendix A - T echnical Specications T echnical Specications Standards • IEEE 802.11a • IEEE 802.11b • IEEE 802.
92 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Appendix A - T echnical Specications • P ower • LAN • 2.4 GHz • 5 GHz T emp era ture • Operating: 0˚C to 40˚C • Storing: -20˚C to 65˚C Humidity • O.
93 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Appendix B - W arranty T rademarks: D-Link is a regist ered trademark of D-Link Corporation/D-Link Systems, Inc. Other trademarks or regist ered trademarks are the propert y of their respective owners .
94 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Appendix B - W arranty • Consult the dealer or an experienced r adio/T V technician for help . FC C Caution: Any changes or modications not expressly approved by the par ty responsible for compliance could void the user ’ s authority to operate this equipment.
95 D-Link DAP-2690 U ser Manual Appendix B - W arranty Industr y C anada Notice: DET ACHABLE ANTENNA USA GE This device has been designed to operate with an antenna having a maximum gain of [5.646] dBi. Antenna having a higher gain is stric tly prohibited per regulations of Industr y Canada.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté D-Link DAP-2690 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du D-Link DAP-2690 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation D-Link DAP-2690, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le D-Link DAP-2690 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le D-Link DAP-2690, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du D-Link DAP-2690.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le D-Link DAP-2690. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei D-Link DAP-2690 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.