Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit E4406A du fabricant Agilent Technologies
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User’s Guide Agilent T echnologies E4406 A VSA Seri es T ransmitter T ester Manufactur ing P art Number: E4406-9 0177 Supe rse des E 4406 -90 145 Printed in USA September 20 01 © Copyright 1999 - 2001 Agilent T echnologies , Inc.
2 The information contai ned in this document is subject to c hange without noti ce. Agilent T echnolo gies makes no w ar ranty of any ki nd with regard to this material, i ncluding but not limited to, the i mplied w arrant ies of merchantabili ty and fitness for a particular pur pose .
3 Wa r r a n t y This Agilent T echnologi es instrument product is warrante d against defects in material and work manship for a period of thre e years f rom date of shipment. During the w ar ranty period, Agilent T echnologies Company will, at its optio n, ei ther repair o r replac e produc ts that pr ove to be defe ctive .
Con tent s 5 1. Getting Started What D ocumentation Comes w ith the E440 6A VSA Seri es Transmitte r T e ster . . . . . . . . . . 15 URL for the Latest VS A Transmitter T ester Updat e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Underst anding Digital Communicati ons Measurem ents .
6 Con tent s 3.Set ting the M ode Selecting a Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 Mode S etup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Con tent s 7 Changi ng the Meas urement Set up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Changi ng the Disp lay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Con tent s Baseba nd I/Q K ey Access Lo cations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 BbIQ Prog ramming Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of Keys 9 Linear Envelo pe ..... ............. .................... ............. ............. ............ ............. ............. ......... ........... ........ 166 10 MHz Out ............. ............. ............. ............. .......
10 List of Keys Front P anel T est ......... ............. ............. ............. ............. ................... ............. ............. ..... .. ............. ..... 148 GPIB Address ............. ............. ............. ............. .
List of Keys 11 Reference ........... ............. ............. ............. ................... ............. ............. ............. .......... ......... ............. .... 71 Reprint ......... ................... ............. ............. .
12 List of Keys.
13 1 Getting Started This chapte r introduc es you to basic feat ures of the instr ument, including fr ont panel keys , rear panel connections , and display annotati on. Y ou will also find out how to make a basic measurement and inst all appl ications .
14 Chapter 1 Getting Started To p i c s i n c l u d e : “ What Documentation Comes with the E4406A VSA Series Transmitter T ester ” on page 15 . “ Making a Measurement ” on page 19 . “ Front P anel Keys Context Depe ndency ” on page 20 . “ Front P anel Description ” on page 24 .
Chapter 1 15 Getting Started What Doc umentation Comes with the E4406 A VSA S eries T ran smitte r T ester What Docume ntation Comes with the E4 406A VSA Series T ransmitter T ester Wit h your p urcha.
16 Chapter 1 Getting Started What Docu mentation C omes w ith the E4406A VSA Se ries T r ansmitter T ester Service documentation is also availabl e from Agilent T echnologies . NOTE If the shipping cont ainer is damaged, or any part is missing , notify Agilent T echnologie s (see page 184 for l ocations).
Chapter 1 17 Getting Started What Doc umentation Comes with the E4406 A VSA S eries T ran smitte r T ester URL for the Latest VSA T ransmitter T ester Update F or the l atest inf ormatio n about this inst rument, i ncl uding fi rmw are upgrades , application informatio n, and product info rmation, pleas e visit t he follo wing URL : www .
18 Chapter 1 Getting Started What Docu mentation C omes w ith the E4406A VSA Se ries T r ansmitter T ester Updating the Firmware Updated versions of the E4406A VSA Transm itter T ester fi rmware will be availab le from se veral source s . Inform ation on the lates t firmw are revis ion can b e acce ssed th roug h the foll owing URL .
Chapter 1 19 Getting Started Makin g a M eas urem ent Making a Meas ure ment This instrument enabl es you to make a wide variety of measurement s on di gital communicat ions equipment using the Basic Mode measurement c apabilities . It also has op tional measure ment personali tes that make measurements base d on industry standar ds .
20 Chapter 1 Getting Started Front Pan el Keys Contex t Dependenc y Front P anel Keys Context Depe ndency Many of the instrument features are conte xt dep endent. The func tions that are av ailable will change based on your se lections of mode , mode setup , measur ement, and meas urement set up.
Chapter 1 21 Getting Started Front Panel Ke ys Co ntext Depen dency Figure 1 -2 These F eatures a re D epe nden t on t he S elec ted M ode and the Mode Setup View/ Trace MEASURE MODE Mode Setup Meas S.
22 Chapter 1 Getting Started Front Pan el Keys Contex t Dependenc y Figure 1 -3 These F eatures a re D epe nden t on t he S elec ted M easu reme nt and the Measurement Setup View/ Trace MEASURE Meas S.
Chapter 1 23 Getting Started Front Panel Ke ys Co ntext Depen dency F igure 1- 4 Front P anel Keys Contex t Dependen t Relati onships View/ Trace MEASURE MODE Mode Setup Meas Setup FREQUENCY Channel I.
24 Chapter 1 Getting Started Fron t Pa nel Desc ri pti on F ront P anel Description Key me nus may vary depending on t he currently selected mode or measurement.
Chapter 1 25 Getting Started Fr ont Pa nel De scr ipt ion • FREQUENCY/Cha nnel acce sses sof tkeys tha t contro l the center fre quency or channel number . These paramete rs apply to all measur ements in the curren t mode . • SP AN/ X Scale accesses softk eys that cont rol the horizontal s cale i n units of frequency , time , symbols or b its.
26 Chapter 1 Getting Started Fron t Pa nel Desc ri pti on 6. Mode keys select the me asurement mode and m ode paramete rs See page 83 for more detail. • MODE acce sses softke ys to sele ct the instrum en t mode . Each m ode is indep endent of all oth er modes .
Chapter 1 27 Getting Started Fr ont Pa nel De scr ipt ion 9. Pro be P ower The p robe power input s upplies power f or exte rnal probes; the t hree connec tors a re a ground, and a +15 V , and a − 12.
28 Chapter 1 Getting Started Fron t Pa nel Desc ri pti on 12. Floppy Disk Dr ive . The floppy disk drive accept s 1.44 megabyte disks . F or an explanatio n of t he ope ration o f the floppy disc drive se e the Using Print Keys sectio n on page 63 . 13.
Chapter 1 29 Getting Started Fr ont Pa nel De scr ipt ion be implemented with a future firmw are update. 18. On /Off switch turn s on the transm itter tes ter . A green LED will light bel ow the Power s witch wh en t he inst rum ent has been tur ned on.
30 Chapter 1 Getting Started Rear Pane l Desc rip tion Rear P a nel Description The diagram below illust rates all rear panel con nections . F or furthe r explanation o f labels found o n the rear p anel see the sec tion on safety consider ations on page 49 .
Chapter 1 31 Getting Started Rear Pane l Desc ript ion 5 . TRI GGER IN The external trigger allows exte rnal triggering of mea sur eme nts. The ex te rnal tr igg er a cce pts an external tr igger signal between − 5 and +5 V , and has a nominal impedance of 10k Ω .
32 Chapter 1 Getting Started Rear Pane l Desc rip tion 11 . PA R A L L E L The P ARALLEL connection s upports remote printing . 12 . MO NITOR The MONITOR allows connection of an external VGA monitor , using a 15 − pin mini D − SUB c onnector . 13 .
Chapter 1 33 Getting Started Disp lay Ann ot ati on Display Annota tion The anno tati on fe atur es e xpla ine d belo w re fers to the disp lay tha t is visible when your transmitt er tester is in basi c measurement mode; this is the def ault state of the tran smitter tes ter when it is turne d on.
34 Chapter 1 Getting Started Display Annotatio n 6. Measurement Bar . Displays inf ormation about meas ure men ts incl udin g some mode setup param ete rs.
Chapter 1 35 Getting Started Disp lay Ann ot ati on ESec (even second cloc k) - The green ESec annunciator indicates that the e xternal even secon d cloc k has been selected as the sync type and a sync signal is pres ent at the even second input ( rear panel Trigger In), and the measurement is using it as the demodu lation sy nc type .
36 Chapter 1 Getting Started Installing Op tional Measure ment P ersonal ities Installing Optional Measurement P ersonali ties When you install a measurement personali ty , follow thi s pr ocess . 1. Install the measurem ent pers onality fi rmwar e into the instr ument.
Chapter 1 37 Getting Started Installing Optional Measur ement P ersonal ities Loading the Optional P er sonality The installation ins tructi ons require you to know three pi eces of information about your instr ument: the amount of memory available , the Host ID , and the instrument serial number .
38 Chapter 1 Getting Started Installing Op tional Measure ment P ersonal ities The Exit Main Firm ware k ey is u sed during the f irmw are in stallati on process .
Chapter 1 39 Getting Started Installing Optional Measur ement P ersonal ities NOTE Y ou will need to enter a license key number only if you purc hase an additional m easurement pe rsonality at a later date, or if you w ant to reactivate a measure ment personal ity that has be en deactivate d.
40 Chapter 1 Getting Started Installing Op tional Measure ment P ersonal ities NOTE Using t he Unins tall key does not remove the personalit y from the instrument memory , and does no t free memory t o be a vailable t o instal l another op tion.
Chapter 1 41 Getting Started Cables for Conne cting to the Ser ial Port ( RS-232) Cables for Connecting to th e Serial P ort (RS- 232) There are a variety of cables and adapters avai lable for connec ting to PCs , and p rinters . Several of t hese ar e documented in the following wiring diagrams .
42 Chapter 1 Getting Started Cables for Connec ting to the Serial Por t (RS-232) F igure 1- 7 HP 24542G /H Cabl e F igure 1- 8 HP 92219J Cable F igure 1- 9 HP 13242G Cable.
Chapter 1 43 Getting Started Cables for Conne cting to the Ser ial Port ( RS-232) F igure 1- 10 HP 2454 2M Modem Cable F igure 1- 11 HP C291 3A/C 2914A C able F igure 1-12 Mouse Adapter (t ypical).
44 Chapter 1 Getting Started Cables for Connec ting to the Serial Por t (RS-232) F igure 1- 13 HP 2454 2U Cabl e wit h 5181- 6641 Ad apter F igure 1- 14 HP 2454 2U Cabl e wit h 5181- 6640 Ad apter F i.
Chapter 1 45 Getting Started Cables for Conne cting to the Ser ial Port ( RS-232) F igure 1- 16 HP 2454 2U Cabl e wit h 5181- 6639 Ad apter F igure 1- 17 HP F10 47-80 002 Cabl e wit h 5181-6 641 Adapt.
46 Chapter 1 Getting Started Cables for Connec ting to the Serial Por t (RS-232) F igure 1- 19 HP F10 47-80 002 Cabl e wit h 5181-6 642 Adapt er F igure 1- 20 HP F10 47-80 002 Cabl e wit h 5181-6 639 .
Chapter 1 47 Getting Started Safety C onsid erations Safety C onsidera tions This section c overs safet y considerat ions rela ting to the ins tallation and use of the instrume nt. Instrument Installation Install the instrument so tha t the detachable po wer cord i s readily identifiabl e and is easily reac hed by the ope rator .
48 Chapter 1 Getting Started Safety Co nsidera tions Instrument Operation and Maintenance The following w arnings explain condit ions which affec t the safe operation of t he inst rument. WAR N IN G If this instrument is not used as specif ied, the protection provided by th e equipment could be impaired.
Chapter 1 49 Getting Started Safety C onsid erations Safety Considerations for Service P ersonnel NOTE No one other than qualified service person nel are allowed to remove the co ver of the ins tru men t. Th e fol low ing warnin gs ap ply to se rvic e personnel .
50 Chapter 1 Getting Started Safety Co nsidera tions.
51 2 Using System F eatures System keys acce ss features that are used with all modes , including alignment, configuri ng I/O , and fil e management..
52 Chapter 2 Usin g Syst em Fe at ures Usin g Syst em Key s Using Sys tem Keys Syst em f eatu res ar e acc esse d t hrou gh t he System front panel key . These are feat ures t hat are not depe ndent o n the c urrently select ed applicatio n mode or the particular me asurement being made .
Chapter 2 53 Using S ystem F eatures Key L ocations Key Locati ons All system, service , and basic fe atures can be loca ted by using the key access table b elow . The key acce ss path descr ibes t he ke y sequenc e you enter to acces s the p articular key .
54 Chapter 2 Usin g Syst em Fe at ures Key L ocations Auto Meas Setup/More(1 of 2)/ Advanced /ADC R ange / Note : Thi s featur e is used w hen m easu rem ent is set t o eith er spect rum or wa vefor m.
Chapter 2 55 Using S ystem F eatures Key L ocations Clear Error Queu e(s) System/Show Errors/ Colo r Pr int Pr int Setup /Pr int T o: P ri nter /Pri nter Type: Cu st om/Def ine Custom/Color Printer: Y.
56 Chapter 2 Usin g Syst em Fe at ures Key L ocations Exit Main Fi rmware System/ M ore (1 of 3) /More (2 o f 3)/ Instal l/ Ext Front Mo de Setu p/ Trigger/ Ext Rear Mode Set up/ Trigge r/ Fast A CP M.
Chapter 2 57 Using S ystem F eatures Key L ocations IF Align Signal Inpu t/ Image Print Set up/Print to File Instru ment Na me Syste m/Con fig I/O/ SI CL Se rver Instrume nt Logi cal Unit Syste m/Con .
58 Chapter 2 Usin g Syst em Fe at ures Key L ocations Long Me as Se tup /More (1 o f 2) / Adv anced / Mor e (1 of 2 )/ Data P acking/ Manual Meas Setup/More(1 of 2)/ Advanced /ADC R ange/ Note : Thi s featur e is used w hen m easu rem ent is set t o eith er spect rum or wa vefor m.
Chapter 2 59 Using S ystem F eatures Key L ocations Power St a t CCDF MODE/Basic , Meas Setup Portrait Pri nt Se tup /Pri nt T o: Pr inte r/Pr inte r Type: Cust om/O rient ati on Pre-ADC BPF Meas Setup / M ore( 1 of 2) / Ad vanc ed/ Note : Thi s featur e is u sed w hen m easu rem ent is set t o eith er spect rum or wa vefor m.
60 Chapter 2 Usin g Syst em Fe at ures Key L ocations Return Fron t Panel RF Input/Input P ort/ Align RF System/A lignment s/Alig n Subsy stem/ RF Burst Mode Set up/ Trigge r/ RF Envelope View/Trace/ Note: Thi s feature is used wh en measure ment is set to wav e fo r m .
Chapter 2 61 Using S ystem F eatures Key L ocations Slope Mode S etup/Trigg er/Ext F ront Slope Mode S etup/Trigg er/Ext Rear/ Slope Mode S etup/Trigg er/RF Burst/ Slope Mode S etup/Trigg er/V ideo/ S.
62 Chapter 2 Usin g Syst em Fe at ures Key L ocations T rig Sour ce Meas Setup/ Note : Thi s featur e is used w hen m easu rem ent is set t o eith er spect rum or wa vefor m.
Chapter 2 63 Using S ystem F eatures Using P rint and Print S etup F unctions Usin g P rin t an d Pr int Setu p Fu ncti ons Keys in t he Print Setup menus enable you to print di spla yed scree n imag es to a vari ety of pr inte rs, as a fi le in a var iety o f fo rma ts to t he C: drive fla sh memory , or to the built- in flopp y disk drive .
64 Chapter 2 Usin g Syst em Fe at ures Using Pr int and P rint Setup Functio ns The following table illust rates the Prin t Set up menu. Level 1 shows key choices available when the front panel key is pressed. Level 2 shows key choices avail able wh en Print T o is set to Printer and Level 1 keys are press ed.
Chapter 2 65 Using S ystem F eatures Using P rint and Print S etup F unctions Printing a Screen Image t o a File on A: or C: Drives 1. Press Print Setup , Print T o . T oggle the Print T o key to select File . 2. Press the File T y pe key , then s elect between gi f , bmp, and wm f form ats.
66 Chapter 2 Usin g Syst em Fe at ures Using Pr int and P rint Setup Functio ns The following table illust rates the keys used and key cho ices avai lable to print a screen image to e ither t he A: int ernal fl oppy disk drive or the inte rn al C : dr ive fl ash mem ory .
Chapter 2 67 Using S ystem F eatures Using F ile and Save Keys Usin g F ile and S ave Keys The File and Save keys enable you to sa ve instrument states to memory and to load instru me nt st ates i nto th e inst rum ent fr om me mory .
68 Chapter 2 Usin g Syst em Fe at ures Using Fil e and Sav e Keys Using the Alpha Editor Ke ys The alpha ed itor en ables you to enter t ext. All text entries ar e displa yed in the active functio n area. 1. Pressing a key that requires you to enter a string gives you ac cess to the al pha edi tor .
Chapter 2 69 Using S ystem F eatures Using Inpu t/Outp ut Configur ation Keys Using Input/Output Configurati on Keys There are several keys available t o help configur e the instrument fr ont panel and rear panel inp uts/ou tputs . These i nclude the various buses , exte rna l refe ren ce, and ot her ty pes of I/O.
70 Chapter 2 Usin g Syst em Fe at ures Using Inp ut/Out put Confi guration Keys • IP Address - Changes the IP (i nternet protoc ol) addr ess , d omain name and node (host) name for the instrument. Th e IP address of the instrument can be c hanged by entering a numeric address composed of numbers and decimal points .
Chapter 2 71 Using S ystem F eatures Using Inpu t/Outp ut Configur ation Keys Emulated GP IB Address - Shows you the emulated GPI B addres s assigned t o your tran smitter tester wh en it is a SICL serve r . Th is add ress i s set using th e GPIB Address key .
72 Chapter 2 Usin g Syst em Fe at ures Using Inp ut/Out put Confi guration Keys • 10 MH z Out - Activates , or deacti vates , t he 10 MHz out signal on the rear panel of the instrument. The 10 MHz out can be use d to lock other tes t equipmen t to the s ame frequen cy refer ence that is used by the transmitte r tester .
Chapter 2 73 Using S ystem F eatures Using Sy stem Configu ration a nd Alignm ent Ke ys Using Sys tem Configurat ion and Alignm ent Keys There are number of di fferent keys that can help you with understanding the curr ent instrumen t configuration and for hardw are alignment.
74 Chapter 2 Usin g Syst em Fe at ures Using Sy stem Configu ration an d Alignm ent Ke ys • Clear Er ror Queue (s) - The error history queue retains and displa ys all errors once they have been de tected, even if they are no long er d ete cted af ter a pe riod of tim e ha s el apse d.
Chapter 2 75 Using S ystem F eatures Using Sy stem Configu ration a nd Alignm ent Ke ys The displa y lists all the measur ement options/mod es availabl e at the time th e firmw are wa s insta lled or up graded. It sh ows whether or no t the co de fo r each optio n is c urre ntly ins tall ed in memor y .
76 Chapter 2 Usin g Syst em Fe at ures Using Sy stem Configu ration an d Alignm ent Ke ys F igure 2-2 Option and Hardware Information (second page) System (Local) Pressing the Syste m front pan el key will return the instrument to local control i f the instrument w as in remot e mode be ing controlled by an external computer .
Chapter 2 77 Using S ystem F eatures Using Sy stem Configu ration a nd Alignm ent Ke ys Alignment Press Syst em , Alig nmen ts to access menus which enable you to align the i nstrument. Press the ES C key to stop any alignment. The table below diagrams the paths t hrough whic h you will access alignment feature keys .
78 Chapter 2 Usin g Syst em Fe at ures Using Sy stem Configu ration an d Alignm ent Ke ys Align Subsys tem - Allows you to ac tivate one or a group o f the standard int ernal ins trument alignments . P erform al ignments on circui try relat ing to the f ollowing inter nal alig nments .
Chapter 2 79 Using S ystem F eatures Using Sy stem Configu ration a nd Alignm ent Ke ys • Corrections - When set to On (the de fault state) , the alignment firmw are a pplies many numer ical cor rection s to improve amplitud e accuracy of the measurement.
80 Chapter 2 Usin g Syst em Fe at ures Using Sy stem Configu ration an d Alignm ent Ke ys.
81 3 Setting the Mode A set of mode par ameters suc h as input and tr igger setting s appl ies to each mode. These settings affect al l measurement s and meas urement setup p aramete rs in the c urrent mode .
82 Chapter 3 Setting th e Mode Selecti ng a Mode Selecting a Mo de The Mode menu key is used t o select the m easurement personalit y you have pur chase d with your inst rument, or to se lect the basi c or serv ice modes , which are native to the instrument.
Chapter 3 83 Setting the Mod e Mode Setu p Mode Setup When you select a mode the in strum ent auto maticall y presets set tings to defaults for that mode .
84 Chapter 3 Setting th e Mode Mode Setu p Adjust Input Attenuation and Input P ower . • Max T otal Pwr key . Th e Max T ot al Pwr key can be activate d only when Input Port is set to RF . Max T otal Pwr allows you to ent er max imu m powe r le ve ls ( − 15 dBm i s the default val ue) for the RF input.
Chapter 3 85 Setting the Mod e Mode Setu p Trigger Keys The Trigger key acc esses the m ode setu p menu for the f ollowing trig ger sour ces. Se e See “ Trigger Source ” on pa ge 92.
86 Chapter 3 Setting th e Mode Mode Setu p • Fr a m e T i m er key . The frame timer f eature uses t he internal f rame clo ck to gener ate a trigger signal. — Pe r i o d k ey . Se ts t he per io d of the fra m e cloc k. V alues bet we en 33 ns and 559 ms can be entered.
87 4 Making Measurem ents This chapte r describes measurements that are avai lable in the Basic and Servic e modes . Basic mode measureme nts are c ommon to many modulatio n form ats . Ser vice mo de measur ements are used to chec k the functionalit y of th e instrument .
88 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Bas ic Meas ur eme nt s Basic M easu rement s Basic measurements are useful for making measurements that are not specifi ed in measurement standar ds , and will be useful if you need to troublesho ot a measurement operation .
Chapter 4 89 Making M easurem ents Preparing for Meas urements Preparing for Measureme nts If you want to set the Basic mode to a known, factor y default stat e, press Pres et . Thi s will p reset t he mode s etup and all of the measurement s to the factory default parame ters .
90 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Preparing for Meas urements Measurement Control F ollowing your selectio n of the ins trument mode and mod e set up you will use keys in the Meas Contr ol key s t o con trol proc esses tha t af fect the running of the current measurement .
Chapter 4 91 Making M easurem ents Preparing for Meas urements • Avg Number - Modifie s the number of times the cur rent measurement will be repeated with the res ults from the repe ated measurements av eraged. Incre ased averages usually give more accurate res ults .
92 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Preparing for Meas urements T rigger Source Changing the Tr i g S o u r c e alters the trigger sour ce for the curr ent measurement only .
Chapter 4 93 Making M easurem ents Preparing for Meas urements Changing the View The following keys enable you to se lect the desired view of the measurement and to c hange s cale p arameters for the graphic window . Vie w /T ra ce - Selects a predef ined view of the current measure ment and highlights the selecte d window .
94 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Preparing for Meas urements reference level on the left , the center , or the right of the disp lay . This is used for X scal e displa y eithe r in uni ts of f requency or tim e. Scale/Coupling key . This key couples the scale/divis ion to the sweep ti me for measure ments made in the time domain.
Chapter 4 95 Making M easurem ents Preparing for Meas urements Using Markers Markers enable you to make measurements on scr een. Keys in the Marker m enu contro l the number and type s of markers you can access . Tr a c e keys allow you to se lect the trac e on which you will ac tivate a marker .
96 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Preparing for Meas urements • Select - Ena bles you to selec t one , or more , of the f our a vailable markers . Once selecte d, a marker can be acti vated , or deactivat ed, by using the Normal , Delta , or Function keys .
Chapter 4 97 Making M easurem ents Making th e Spectr um (Freq uency Dom ain) Mea suremen t Making the Spe ctrum (F requency Domain) Mea sur emen t Purpose The spectrum measure ment pro vides spectr um analysis capabili ty for the i nstrument.
98 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Spectr um (Fre quency Do main) Me asureme nt When using the baseband I/Q input s , set Input Por t to I/Q , I only , or Q onl y , configure t he I/Q Setup parameters , and suppl y the baseband I/Q signals to th e f ron t-p ane l I/ Q in pu ts.
Chapter 4 99 Making M easurem ents Making th e Spectr um (Freq uency Dom ain) Mea suremen t Changing the Measuremen t Setup The following table shows the facto ry default se ttings for spectrum (freq ue ncy dom ai n) m eas ure men ts.
100 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Spectr um (Fre quency Do main) Me asureme nt NOTE P arameters under the Advanc ed key seldom need to be changed. Any changes from the default a dvanced values may result in inval id measurement data. Make sure the Spectrum (F req Domai n) measurement is select ed under the Meas ur e menu.
Chapter 4 101 Making M easurem ents Making th e Spectr um (Freq uency Dom ain) Mea suremen t ❏ Flat T op - Selects this filter fo r best ampl itude accur acy by redu cin g sca llop in g erro r . ❏ Uniform - Select t his filte r to have no window active by using the unifor m sett ing .
102 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Spectr um (Fre quency Do main) Me asureme nt ❏ Auto Peak - Sele ct t his to s et the A D C ra nge aut oma tica lly to the peak signal level. Auto peak is a compr omise that works well for both CW and burst si gnals .
Chapter 4 103 Making M easurem ents Making th e Spectr um (Freq uency Dom ain) Mea suremen t Changing the View The Vie w/ T race key allows you to select the d esired view of the measurement f rom the fol lowing . Y ou can use th e Ne xt Window key to move between t he multiple windows (if any) a nd make it full s ize by Zoom .
104 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Spectr um (Fre quency Do main) Me asureme nt • I and Q Waveform - Provides the individual views of the I and Q signal waveform win dow s in th e par ame ter s of vol ta ge ve rsus tim e.
Chapter 4 105 Making M easurem ents Making th e Spectr um (Freq uency Dom ain) Mea suremen t Changing the Display The Span key under the Meas Se tup menu contro ls the horizont al span of the Spe ctrum Linear w ind ow .
106 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Spectr um (Fre quency Do main) Me asureme nt Changing the I or Q W avefor m Window If the I or Q Waveform window is active in the I and Q Waveform v iew.
Chapter 4 107 Making M easurem ents Making th e Spectr um (Freq uency Dom ain) Mea suremen t — Scale Co uplin g - Allows you to toggle the scale coupling functi on between On and Off .
108 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Spectr um (Fre quency Do main) Me asureme nt Using the Markers The Ma rke r fron t-panel key acce sses the menu to c onfigure t he markers . If you w ant t o use the marker f unction i n the I wa veform window , pre ss Vie w /T ra ce , I an d Q Waveform , Marker , Tr a c e , I W ave for m .
Chapter 4 109 Making M easurem ents Making th e Spectr um (Freq uency Dom ain) Mea suremen t 6. Press Delta to bring marker 2 to the same place as marker 1. 7. Move marker 1 to th e other d esired positio n by rot ating the RPG knob . Band power measur es the aver age power between the two markers .
11 0 Chap ter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Waveform ( Time Dom ain) Mea sure ment Making t he W aveform (Time Dom ain) Mea sur emen t Purpose The wa veform measur ement is a generic measurement for viewing the input signal w avefo rms in the time domain.
Chapter 4 111 Making M easurem ents Maki ng th e W ave for m (T im e Doma in) M eas urem ent Results The next figure shows an example of a Signal Envelope result for the w avefor m (time domain) measurements in the graph windo w . The measured values for the me an power and peak-to-mean power are shown in t he text window .
11 2 Chap ter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Waveform ( Time Dom ain) Mea sure ment F igure 4-6 W aveform Measur ement - I/Q W avef orm V iew.
Chapter 4 11 3 Making M easurem ents Maki ng th e W ave for m (T im e Doma in) M eas urem ent Changing the Measuremen t Setup This table shows the f actory def ault setti ngs for w ave form (time doma in ) mea sur emen ts . NOTE P arameters that are und er the Advanced key seldom need to be cha nged.
11 4 Chap ter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Waveform ( Time Dom ain) Mea sure ment In add ition, the fo llowing p arameters can b e modifie d: • Sweep Time - Allows you to speci fy the measureme nt acquisitio n time which is used as the l ength of the t ime ca pture record.
Chapter 4 11 5 Making M easurem ents Maki ng th e W ave for m (T im e Doma in) M eas urem ent ❏ Auto - The data packing value most approp riate for curre nt instrument set tings is selected auto maticall y . ❏ Short ( 16 bit ) - Select this to pack dat a eve ry 16 bi ts.
11 6 Chap ter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Waveform ( Time Dom ain) Mea sure ment Changing the View The Vie w/ T rac e key allows yo u to ac cess th e sele ction menu for t he desired measurement view . Y ou can use the Next Window key to mov e between the multiple windows (if any) and make it full size by Zoom .
Chapter 4 11 7 Making M easurem ents Maki ng th e W ave for m (T im e Doma in) M eas urem ent • I/Q Waveform - Provides a view of the I/Q wa veform graph in paramete rs of voltage vers us time in the linear gratic ules . Changes to sweep time or reso lution bandw idth will sometimes af fect data acquisition .
11 8 Chap ter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Waveform ( Time Dom ain) Mea sure ment • I/Q Pola r - Provides a view of the I/Q signal p olar vector graph.
Chapter 4 11 9 Making M easurem ents Maki ng th e W ave for m (T im e Doma in) M eas urem ent • Scale Co uplin g - Allows you to toggle the scale coupling functi on between On and Off .
120 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Waveform ( Time Dom ain) Mea sure ment If the I/ Q Pola r window is active in th e I/Q Polar view , the SP AN X S cale or AMPLIT UDE Y Scale key accesse.
Chapter 4 121 Making M easurem ents Maki ng th e W ave for m (T im e Doma in) M eas urem ent NOTE In the W a veform measurement, the Mean Pwr (Entire Trace) value plus the Pk- to-Mean value will sum to equal the cur rent Max Pt. value as shown in the data wind ow below the RF Envelop e displa y .
122 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Adjac ent Chan nel Power (ACP) Me asureme nt Making t he Adjac ent C hannel P ower (ACP) Mea sur emen t Purpose Adjacent Channel P ower(ACP) is the po wer conta ined in a specif ied frequency c hannel bandwidth r elative to the to tal carrier power .
Chapter 4 123 Making M easurem ents Making th e Adja cent C hannel Po wer (ACP ) Measu rement Reco mme nded O ffset Frequ enci es and Refer ence Ba ndwi dths While the use r sets the s pecifi c offse ts and r eferenc e bandwidt hs , the radio spec ifications rec ommend some common setups as shown in the following table .
124 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Adjac ent Chan nel Power (ACP) Me asureme nt F igure 4- 10 ACP Measure ment - Bar Graph V iew Changing the Measuremen t Setup The next table shows the fact ory default sett ings for adjacent c hannel power ratio measure ments .
Chapter 4 125 Making M easurem ents Making th e Adja cent C hannel Po wer (ACP ) Measu rement Make sure the ACP measurement is selec ted under the MEASURE menu. The Meas Setup key accesses the menu whic h allows you t o modify the aver age number and a verage mode for this measurement.
126 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Adjac ent Chan nel Power (ACP) Me asureme nt Data P o in ts - The automatic mode chooses the optimum number of points for the fas test measurement time with acceptable repeatabili ty . The minimum number of points that co uld be used is determ ined by the sweep tim e and the sampling rate .
Chapter 4 127 Making M easurem ents Making th e Adja cent C hannel Po wer (ACP ) Measu rement Avg T ype - Choose t he type of a veraging be tween Pw r A vg (RM S) or Maximum . Limit Se tup - Allows you to ac cess t he menu to setup the l imit values and conditi ons .
128 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Adjac ent Chan nel Power (ACP) Me asureme nt Res BW - This key is alw a ys grayed out. However , it allows you to see the re solutio n bandwidt h that is de rived from t he combinatio n of sweep t ime, data points , and FFT se gments .
Chapter 4 129 Making M easurem ents Making th e Adja cent C hannel Po wer (ACP ) Measu rement Bar Graph ( Total Pw r Ref) - A histogram of powers ref erenced to the total powe r Bar Graph ( PSD Ref ) .
130 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Adjac ent Chan nel Power (ACP) Me asureme nt Troubleshooting Hints This adjacent channel power r atio measure ment can rev eal degraded o r defective parts in the transmitt er sectio n of the UUT . The following examples are th ose areas to be chec ked f urther .
Chapter 4 131 Making M easurem ents Making th e Chann el Pow er Measu rement Making the Chann el P o wer Meas urement Purpose The Channel P ower measurement is a commo n test used in t he wireless industry to me asure the total trans mitted power of a radio within a defined fr equency channe l.
132 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Chann el Power Measur ement Making the Measurement NOTE The facto ry default se ttings provid e a good starti ng point.
Chapter 4 133 Making M easurem ents Making th e Chann el Pow er Measu rement Changing the Measuremen t Setup The next table shows the fact ory default sett ings for channel po wer measurements . NOTE P arameters under the Advanc ed key seldom need to be changed.
134 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Chann el Power Measur ement • Chan Power Span - Allows you to set the f requency s pan for the channel p ower measu rement. The r ange is 1.000 kHz to 10.0000 MHz with 1 Hz resolution. This span is use d for the current integration bandwid th setting .
Chapter 4 135 Making M easurem ents Making th e Chann el Pow er Measu rement Changing the Display The AMPLITU DE Y Sc ale key acce sse s th e m enu to s et th e d esire d ve rtic al scale and associated settings: • Scale/Div - Allows you to ent er a numeric value to change the vertical displa y sensiti vity .
136 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Power St at CCDF Meas urement Making the P ower Stat CCD F Measurement Purpose Many of the digitall y modulated s ignals now look noise- like in th e time and frequenc y domain. This means that statis tical measurement s of the signals c an be a use ful c haracte rization.
Chapter 4 137 Making M easurem ents Making the Pow er St at CCDF Mea suremen t Making the Measurement NOTE The facto ry default set tings provid e a good starti ng point.
138 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Power St at CCDF Meas urement Changing the Measuremen t Setup The next table shows the fact ory default settings for power stat istics CCDF measurements . Make sure the Power S t at CCDF measurement is selected under the Meas ur e menu.
Chapter 4 139 Making M easurem ents Making the Pow er St at CCDF Mea suremen t Changing the View The Vie w/ T rac e key is not av ailable for th is measurement. Changing the Display The Display key allows you to c ontrol t he desired t race and line displa ys of the power s tatistics CCDF curv es .
140 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Making t he Power St at CCDF Meas urement Using the Markers The Marker front-panel key accesse s the menu to configure the markers . • Select - Allows you to activate up to fo ur markers with the corresp onding numbers , respec tively .
Chapter 4 141 Making M easurem ents Serv ice Meas urements Service Measurements Service measurements help you check the functiona lity of your instrument. An exception is the power vs . time measurement which is intended stric tly for diagnostic use by Agilent T echnologies service personnel .
142 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Timebase Freque ncy Tim e b a s e Fr e q u e n c y Purpose In the absence of a frequenc y counter , the measurement quic kly determin es the f requency d ifference between the ins trument ’ s 10 MHz reference osci llator signal and an acc urate , ex ternal 10 MHz frequenc y standa rd.
Chapter 4 143 Making M easurem ents Timebase F requen cy Results Wi ndow One (T ime Record) Shows an I/Q disp lay of the fr equency diff erence between the input signal and the internal 10 MHz signal. Window Two (Magnitude ) Shows a polar represe ntation of window one .
144 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents 50 MHz Amplitu de 50 MHz Amplitude Purpose T o check the amplitude of the int ernal 50 MHz amplitude refer ence signal.
Chapter 4 145 Making M easurem ents 50 MHz Ampli tude Results Window One (R F Magnitude) Shows the amplitude (unitless) of the external sourc e as measured by the trans mitter tester . Window Two (Cal Magnitude) Shows the amplit ude (unitless) of the 50 MHz input calibrator .
146 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Sensor s Sensors Purpose The temperature of the RF board will vary over time and can adver sely affect the IF signal amplit ude . Sensors on the RF board monitor chan ges in te mpe ratu re. Measurement Method The sensor measur ements are generat ed internally and do not requir e any user inter action.
Chapter 4 147 Making M easurem ents Sens ors.
148 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Fron t Pa nel T e st F ront P anel T est Purpose The front panel tes t chec ks the functi onality of the inst rument front panel keys and the RPG knob . T est Se tup Press Measure , More (1 of 2) , Front Pa nel T est .
Chapter 4 149 Making M easurem ents Front Pan el T est Results The front pa nel test displ ay shows a list of front panel keys and the RPG kn ob, follo wed by a “ times-pr essed ” indicator .
150 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Service Power v s. Time Me asureme nt Service P ower vs . T ime Measu rement Purpose This measure ment is provided f or internal Agilent T e chnologies manufacturing us e.
Chapter 4 151 Making M easurem ents Using Bas eband I/Q Inputs (Op tion B 7C) Using Bas eband I/Q Inputs (Op tion B7C) Option B7C , Baseband I/Q Inputs , pro vides th e ability to analyze baseband I/Q signal charact erist ics of mobile and base station tran smi tters.
152 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Using Ba seban d I/Q Inputs ( Option B7C) What are Baseband I/Q Inp uts? Option B7C consist s of a Baseband Input module , four 50 Ω BNC connectors , and internal cablin g . The four BNC connec tors are gr ouped into pairs at the up per left cor ner of the front panel .
Chapter 4 153 Making M easurem ents Using Bas eband I/Q Inputs (Op tion B 7C) What are Baseband I/Q Si gnals? In trans mitters , the term baseb and I/ Q refe rs t o signals that are the fund ame ntal produ cts of indiv idu al I/Q modu lato rs, before the I an d Q component s ignals are combined, and bef ore up c onversion to IF or RF frequencies .
154 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Using Ba seban d I/Q Inputs ( Option B7C) Making Measurements wit h Baseband I/Q Inp uts Baseband I/Q measurements are simi lar to RF measurements . T o avoid duplicatio n, this section describe s only the details unique to usi ng the baseband I/ Q inputs .
Chapter 4 155 Making M easurem ents Using Bas eband I/Q Inputs (Op tion B 7C) Baseband I/Q Measureme nt Overview T o make measurements using Baseband I/Q Inputs, you must make the following selections : • Select a me asurement tha t suppo rts baseband I/ Q inputs .
156 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Using Ba seban d I/Q Inputs ( Option B7C) Selecting Input Probes fo r Baseband Measu rements The selec tion of bas eband measure ment probe(s ) and meas urement method is primarily dep endent on the location of the measurement point in the circuit .
Chapter 4 157 Making M easurem ents Using Bas eband I/Q Inputs (Op tion B 7C) • 1 M Ω Unbalanced - High input impedance i s the measur ement method of ch oice if single end ed or unbalanced baseband signals to be measured li e in a trace on a c ircuit bo ard and are sensitive to loading by the probe .
158 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Using Ba seban d I/Q Inputs ( Option B7C) The following table lists curr ently a vailable Agilent pro bes which are suitable for use under var ious measurement cond.
Chapter 4 159 Making M easurem ents Using Bas eband I/Q Inputs (Op tion B 7C) Selecting Baseband I/Q In puts Baseband I/Q measur ements may b e made wit h “ unbalance d ” inputs using e ither t wo connec tors (I a nd Q), or wi th “ balanc ed ” inputs using four co nnec tor s (I , Q, I , a nd Q ).
160 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Using Ba seban d I/Q Inputs ( Option B7C) • IF Align - Select to view the IF alignment signal. This signal is availa ble as a diagnostic function, to c hec k the op eration of the alignment signal in the cas e of alignment fa ilure.
Chapter 4 161 Making M easurem ents Using Bas eband I/Q Inputs (Op tion B 7C) Setting Up Baseband I/Q I nputs Opti on B 7C adds two key s th at l et y ou a dju st th e I/ Q in puts ; th e I /Q Setup key and the I/Q Range key . Both keys a re locat ed under the Input/Outp ut front panel key in the Input menu.
162 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Using Ba seban d I/Q Inputs ( Option B7C) • Q Offset - Use Q Offse t to i nput a value in V olts to of fset t he measured Q value . The default value is 0.0000 V olts, the min/max values are ± 2.5600 V olts . The tuning increment depends on the I/Q Range setting as shown in T able 4-9 .
Chapter 4 163 Making M easurem ents Using Bas eband I/Q Inputs (Op tion B 7C) F igure 4- 14 Input Menu with Option B7C Baseband I/Q Inputs Installed F igure 4- 15 I/Q Setup Menu, Option B7C Baseband I.
164 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Using Ba seban d I/Q Inputs ( Option B7C) Selecting Baseband I/Q Input Impedance The selection of input impedance is coupl ed to a connector “ balanc e ” configuratio n. “ Balance ” re fers to whether an input is “ single-ended ” (unbalanced) or is balanced.
Chapter 4 165 Making M easurem ents Using Bas eband I/Q Inputs (Op tion B 7C) Baseband I/Q Measureme nt Views Measurement resul t views made in Basic mode are available for baseband signals if they relate to the nature of the signal itself .
166 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Using Ba seban d I/Q Inputs ( Option B7C) W aveform Views for Ba seba nd I/ Q Inp uts F or W aveform measureme nts , two new displays are a vailable exclusively fo r baseband I/Q input s ignals; the I and Q W a veform view , which separa tes the individual I and Q traces , and the I/Q P olar view .
Chapter 4 167 Making M easurem ents Using Bas eband I/Q Inputs (Op tion B 7C) Comparing RF and Baseband I/Q Measur ement V iews The following table compar es the measur ement views for RF inputs and baseband I/Q inp uts .
168 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Using Ba seban d I/Q Inputs ( Option B7C) Baseband I/Q Measureme nt Result Example s The following sectio n shows examples of new measurement res ult displa ys using Baseband I/Q Inputs . A notation below ea ch example indic ate s the n atur e of the inpu t signa l.
Chapter 4 169 Making M easurem ents Using Bas eband I/Q Inputs (Op tion B 7C) Spectrum (F requency Domain) Measurement There are two new views with Baseband I/Q input Spectr um measurements: t he Spe ctrum view wit h 0 Hz c enter fre quency , and the Spectrum Linear view with 0 Hz center fr equency and the vertical s cale in V olts .
170 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Using Ba seban d I/Q Inputs ( Option B7C) F igure 4-19 Basic Mode Spectru m Linear V iew- B aseband I/Q Inputs Figure 4-2 0 Bas ic M ode S pectr um I Only View - Ba.
Chapter 4 171 Making M easurem ents Using Bas eband I/Q Inputs (Op tion B 7C) W avefo rm (Time Do main ) Mea surem en t There are two new views with Baseband I/Q input W a veform (Time Domai n) me asu.
172 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Using Ba seban d I/Q Inputs ( Option B7C) Baseband I/Q Key Access Locations All Baseband I/Q input setu p and operation feat ures can be located by using the key acces s table be low . The key access path sho ws the key sequence yo u enter to access a part icular ke y .
Chapter 4 173 Making M easurem ents Using Bas eband I/Q Inputs (Op tion B 7C) Q Only Mode S etup/Inpu t/Input P ort/ Q Waveform Marker/Trace/ Signal En velope View/ Trac e/ ( W aveform Me asur emen t).
174 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Using Ba seban d I/Q Inputs ( Option B7C) BbIQ Programming Comm ands This is a summary of the SCPI commands related to the o peration of Option B7C Baseband I/Q Input s. F or complete program ming information ref er to the Language Refe rence cha pter in the Programmer ’ s Guide.
Chapter 4 175 Making M easurem ents Using Bas eband I/Q Inputs (Op tion B 7C) Baseband I/Q - IQ Offse t Calibration :CALibratio n:IQ:OF FSet :CALibratio n:IQ:OF FSet? Activates a calibr ation of the I/ Q input offset DAC .
176 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Using Ba seban d I/Q Inputs ( Option B7C) INPut Subsystem The INPut subsystem controls the c haracter istics of all the ins trument input ports .
Chapter 4 177 Making M easurem ents Using Bas eband I/Q Inputs (Op tion B 7C) MEASure Subsystem Spectrum (F requency Domain) Measurement This measures the amplitude of your input signal with r espect to the fre quency . It provide s spectrum analysis capabilit y using FFT (fast F ourier transform) measurement tec hniques .
178 Chapter 4 Making M easurem ents Using Ba seban d I/Q Inputs ( Option B7C) SENSe Subsystem Select the Input Signal [:SENSe]:FE ED RF|IQ|IO NLy|QON Ly|AREFe rence|I FALign [:SENSe]:FE ED? Selects the input sign al. The default input signal is taken fro m the fron t pane l RF i nput port.
179 5 If Y ou Have a Problem This chapte r will help you identify the cau ses of some problems you may enc ounter , offers w arr anty in formation, and provides inst ructions for returning y our instrument to Agilent T ec hnologies .
180 Chapter 5 If Y o u Have a Proble m Proble m Sym ptoms and Soluti ons Problem Symptoms and Solut ions The following sectio n describes some transmitter tester problem symptoms and possibl e solutions to t hose pro blems . They incl ude: “ Key or F eat ure Does Not Appear in Menu ” on page 180 .
Chapter 5 181 If Y ou Have a Proble m Problem Symp toms and S olutions Frequency Unlock or External Reference Missing - Error Messages Symptom : A freq uency unlock e rror mes sage , o r an ext ernal re ference missing error message , appears in the annunciat or bar just above the data win dow .
182 Chapter 5 If Y o u Have a Proble m Proble m Sym ptoms and Soluti ons Measurement Keys Do Not Appear after Pr essing the Mode Key Symptom : After press ing the MODE key , you have selec ted a parti.
Chapter 5 183 If Y ou Have a Proble m Agilen t T echnologies T est and Meas urement Suppor t, Se rvices, a nd As sistance Agilent T echnologies T est and Measurement Support, Servic es, and Assistan ce Agilent T echnologies aims to maximize the value you receive , while minimizing your ris k and problem s .
184 Chapter 5 If Y o u Have a Proble m Agilent T echnologie s T est and Me asureme nt Suppor t, Serv ices, an d Assis tance Returning Y our Instrument to Ag ilent T echnologies If you are returnin g your transmit ter test er to Agilent T echnolog ies for servicing , fill out and attac h a blue repair tag to the instrument.
185 6 Opti ons and Acce ssor ies This chapte r contains descriptions of the options and acc essor ies that are avai lable for use with your instrument .
186 Chapter 6 Options and Accessories Options and Measur ement P erso nalities Options a nd Measuremen t P ersonali ties Option BAH: GSM Measur ement P ersonality Provides GS M transmitter measur ements: power vs .
Chapter 6 187 Options and Accessor ies Options and Measure ment P erson alities wav eform (time domain) It includ es NADC/PDC Guide, which contains meas urement and programming infor mation.
188 Chapter 6 Options and Accessories Options and Measur ement P erso nalities QPSK EVM power statistics CCDF And general tran smitter measur ements: spectr um (frequency dom ain) w ave form (tim e domain) It includes cdma2000 Guide, whic h contains measurement and programming infor mation.
Chapter 6 189 Options and Accessor ies Options and Measure ment P erson alities Option 300: 321.4 MHz IF O utput Adds 321.4 MHz IF Output to the rear p anel.
190 Chapter 6 Options and Accessories Options and Measur ement P erso nalities Option 0BV : Component-level Service Docu mentation Adds co mponent le vel servi ce docu mentation. Option 0BW : Assembly-lev el Service Docum entation Adds asse mbly level s ervice document ation.
Chapter 6 191 Options and Accessor ies Accessories Access ories AC Probe The HP/Agilent 8 5024A high frequency probe performs in-cir cuit measurements without adversely loading t he circuit under t est. The probe has an inp ut capac itance of 0. 7 pF shunted by 1 M Ω of r esist ance and operates over a freque ncy range of 300 kHz to 3 GHz.
192 Chapter 6 Options and Accessories Accessories RS-232 Cables N2714A Calibration and A djustment Softwa re This softw are auto mates all the test s needed to verify instrument performance , mak e adjustments , and troubles hoot. The softw are runs on a PC platform using Wi ndows 95/98 or NT 4.
Index Index 193 Numeric s 50 MHz Amptd key , 144 50 MH z Ref k ey , 83 A AC probe , 19 1 Accesso ries , 19 1 access ories AC probe , 191 broadband preamplifiers , 19 1 cal and adj software , 192 GPIB .
194 Index Index Even Seco nd error annu nciator , 35 Exit Core Firmware key , 38 expone ntial a ver aging , 91 Ext Front key , 92 Ext Rear key , 92 external re ference , 35 using an , 71 External Refe rence err or annunciator , 34 F factory def aults, pr esett ing , 82 FFT Length key , 10 1 FFT Size menu , 101 FFT Window key .
Index Index 195 Mark er key , 95 Mark er men u Band Pwr key , 96 Delt a key , 96 Function ke y , 96 Noise key , 96 Select ke y , 96 Shape ke y , 96 Max T otal Pwr ke y , 84 Mea s Cont rol key , 90 Mea.
196 Index Index returnin g your instr ument to Hewlett-Pac kard , 184 RF Burst key , 92 RF Envelope key , 93 RF input , 27 RF inp ut, se lect ion , 178 RPG knob , 27 RS-2 32 ca ble , 192 RS-2 32 ca bl.
Index Index 197 I/Q w avefo rm , 93 RF envelope , 93 spectrum , 93 Wi ndow Length k ey , 101 Z zer o span meas ure ment , 177 Zoom , 28.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Agilent Technologies E4406A c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Agilent Technologies E4406A - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Agilent Technologies E4406A, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Agilent Technologies E4406A va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Agilent Technologies E4406A, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Agilent Technologies E4406A.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Agilent Technologies E4406A. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Agilent Technologies E4406A ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.