Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit CP7936RF du fabricant Cisco Systems
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Phone Guide Cisco Unified IP Confe rence Station 793 6 License and Warranty 1 Get ting Star ted 2 Inst all ati on 3 Fe atures and F unctions 4 Cisco Unif ied IP Con fer ence St atio n 7936 W eb Int er.
2 1 Getting Started This guide helps you quickly set up an d use th e Cis co Un ified IP Conf eren ce Sta tion 7 936 (Cisco model n umber C P-793 6). Th e IP Confe rence Statio n req uires C isco Un ified C allMa nager , and your sy stem admini strator must prep are the n etwork for the IP Confere nce Station.
3 Safety Notices These ar e the safety cons iderati ons for using the IP Co nference S tation. Rea d these noti ces before you insta ll or use the IP Conf erence St ation. Statem ent 1071—Warning Defini tion Wa r ni n g IMPO RT ANT SAFETY INSTRU CTIONS This warning symbol means danger .
4 Attention IMPORTANTES IN FORMA TIONS DE SÉ CURI TÉ Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger . V ous vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant entraîner des bless u res ou des dommages corporels.
5 Avi s o INSTR UÇÕES IM PORT ANTES DE SEG URAN ÇA Este símbolo de aviso signi fica perigo. V ocê está em um a situação que poderá ser causadora de lesões corporais.
7 Statem ent 1007—TN and IT Power Systems Wa r ni n g This equipment has been designed for connection to TN and IT power sy stems. Statement 1007 Waarschuwing Deze apparatuur is ontworpen voor verbindingen met TN en IT energiesy stemen. Va ro i t u s Tämä laitteisto on suunnitelt u yhdistettäväksi TN- ja IT -sähkövoimajärjestelmiin.
8 Wa r ni n g Read the installation instructions before you connect the sy stem to its power source. Wa r ni n g Only trained and qualified personnel s hould be allow ed to install, replace, or service thi s equipment. Avvertenza Questa apparecchiatura è stata progettata per collegamenti a sistemi di alimentazione TN e IT .
9 Wa r ni n g Ultimate disposal of this product should be hand led according to all national laws and regulations. Wa r ni n g Do not work on the sy stem or connect or disconnect cables during periods of lightning activity.
10 Note T o see additional safety warnings and translations of the safety warnings that appear in this public atio n, refer to th e Regulatory Compliance and Safety Informa tion for the Cisco Un ified IP Ph one 7900 Seri es that is shippe d with you r Cisco Unifi ed IP Conferenc e Station 793 6 .
11 Note Be sure to r eview the “ Packa ge Cont ents” s ection o n page 2 and the “Safety N otices” secti on on page 3. Als o read th e Regulatory C ompliance an d Safety Information for the Cisco Un ified IP Ph one 7900 Seri es , al ong with the Release Notes for Cisco U nified IP Conf erence Sta tion 793 6 .
12 Figur e 1 Cisco Unified IP Conf er e nce Station 7936—Comp onents a nd Conne ctions 1 Power outlet in the wall 6 RJ-45 port on the b ottom of the IP Conferen ce Station 2 Power su pply pow er cor.
13 Figur e 2 Ext er n al Micr op hone Conn ections on the Cisco Unified IP Conf erence Station 79 36 Perform these s teps to install and con nect the I P Conf erence Stati on to th e network . Step 1 Place the IP C onf erenc e Stati on on a fla t surfa ce, for exa mple, a conf erence room ta ble or deskt op.
14 Step 4 Connect the p ower sup ply un it to the AC adapter port on the PIM, and pl ug the other end into a st andard e lectrical power outlet in the wall.
15 Note The startup process may take s everal mi nutes, and some of these message s may n ot appear becau se of the acc ess sp eed o f your netw ork. After t he IP Co nferen ce Stat ion ha s succe ssf.
16 Conference Ro om Setup Exa mples See Fi gure 3 on page 16 for exa mples of prop er p lacemen t of th e IP C onferenc e Sta tion 7936 base and externa l mic ropho nes in di fferent conf erenc e room confi gurati ons.
17 Where to Go for Help If you requ ire ad dition al infor matio n or assi stance w ith the IP Co nfere nce Stat ion, c ontact y our syste m admini strator . For techni cal assistan ce info rmatio n , se e the “O btainin g T echnical A ssistan ce” s ection on pa ge 42 .
18 Figur e 4 Cisco Unified IP Conf er ence Station 7 936—F eat ur es and F unctions 99374 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.
19 1 LEDs Provide call status indi cators . Call State Off —All LEDs o ff. Poweri ng On —Red LEDs on. Ready —A ll LE Ds off. Dia l T one On —G reen LEDs o n. Dia li ng —Gree n LEDs bl inkin g. Connected —Gre en LEDs on. Mute —Red LED s bl inki ng.
20 5 Softkeys Answ er —P icks up the c urrent call. CFwdAll —Redir ects all of y our incomin g ca lls to ano the r numbe r . Confr n —Ad ds a party t o a conf eren ce cal l. Corp Dir —Let s you sea rch a corpor ate dir ector y for a number to call.
21 4 Cisco Unified IP Conferenc e Station 7936 Web Interface This secti on desc ribe s the web interf ace for the Cisco Unif ied IP Conf erence S tati on 7936 .
22 Using the Web Interface Perfor m the se step s to access the IP Conferenc e Stati on web interfa ce. Step 1 Open y our we b brows er . Step 2 In the addres s field , enter the IP addre ss of th e sp ecific IP Confe rence Statio n that y ou wan t to confi gure.
23 Using the Phone Book Web Page • Clic k Phone Book in the navi gation pane. • T o view the entries by alp habetic se quenc e, click one of the letter combinat ions. For exampl e to view entr ies beginni ng with the le tter “D,” click DEF . • T o view the entries by ph one number , cl ick Dial Numbe rs only .
24 Sounds The Sound s web page le ts you sele ct the ring er sound an d the dial tone . Opening th e Sounds Web Pag e • Clic k Sounds in the navigation p ane. Changing th e Ringer Soun d Step 1 Select a rin ger s ound fr om the l ist b ox. There are fi ve ri nger sou nds— Pro, Bi z, Euro, Chir p, an d Bell .
25 Diagnostics The Dia gnos tics we b pag e lets y ou test netw ork co nnecti vity to anothe r de vice. Opening t he Diag nostic s Web Pa ge • Clic k Diagnostics in the navigation pane. Pingi ng Anoth er Device Step 1 Enter the I P addres s or n ame of the d evice that yo u want to ping.
26 A backl ight illumi nates the LCD scr een on the IP Confe rence Stat ion 7936. This backli ght is turn ed on whe nev er a key is press ed. The ba ckli gh t is tu rned off w hen t he IP Confe ren ce St atio n 7 936 i s not used o r when a c all exceeds o ne mi nute.
27 Basic Features Placing a C all Step 1 Pres s the Phone button. Step 2 Dial th e num ber . Answering a Ca ll • Pres s the Phone butto n or the Answer softkey . The acti ve ca ll app ears in the a ctive c all li st in the LC D screen . Endin g a Ca ll • Pres s the Phone butto n or the En d Call softkey .
28 Muting a Ca ll Step 1 While on a ca ll, press th e Mute button. The LEDs blink red, and a Mute i con ap pear s in th e LCD screen dis play . Step 2 T o turn off Mute, press the Mute button again. Ti p Y ou can al so m ute a cal l by press ing the Mute but ton on one of the exte rnal mic rophon es, if instal led .
29 Meet-m e The IP Conferenc e S tati on suppo rts Me et-me confer ences . A Meet-me co nfere nce allo ws other caller s to dia l into the confer ence c all by us ing a s pecial c onfer ence n umber th at is co nfigured b y the system admi nistra tor .
30 Remove Last Participant Removing the Last Partici pan t from a con ference The IP Conference Station allows you to remove the last conference participant to join a con feren ce ca ll . Step 1 During a conferen ce call, pr ess the Me nu bu tton. Step 2 Selec t Call Fu ncti ons, press th e Select bu tton.
31 Step 3 T o cancel call forw ardi ng, pres s the CFwdAl l softkey again. Setting Up Call Fo rwarding from the Web In terface Step 1 Log in to the web int erfac e. See th e “Usin g the W eb Interface ” se ction on pag e 22. Step 2 From the web i nterf ace option s pag e, clic k Forwar d all call s to a differe nt number .
32 Step 4 T o return to the call-on-ho ld, press the Resu me softkey . Step 5 If mul tiple call s on are on hol d, pr ess the Up or Down scrol l button to selec t a call in the active call list, a nd the n press t he Resu me so ftkey . A maximu m of two ca lls are support ed.
33 There are two types of call pickup features available on the IP Conference Station: • Call P icku p—Pick s up in comin g cal ls with in your ow n grou p. Th e appr opri ate cal l pic kup gr oup number is di aled a utoma tically when you c hoose this fe atur e.
34 Volume Controls Adjusting the Spea kerphone o r the Ring er Volume • Pres s the Up or Down vo lume but ton t o i ncrea se or d ecrea se t he volu me. Adjust ing t he Dial Tone V olume Step 1 Pres s the Phone button. Y ou will hear a dia l tone. Step 2 Pres s the Up or Down volume button to increase or decrease the volume.
35 Step 4 After t he search re sults displa y , use the Up or Dow n scroll button to sele ct an entr y . If the sea rch re sults incl ude mo re than 32 en tries, y ou can pres s the more >> softkey fol lowed by th e Next softkey to display the next group of entries.
36 Phone Book The p hone book is a conveni ent wa y to s tore frequ ently d iale d conf erence c all numb ers. T he p hone book f eatur e allo ws y ou to add a maxi mum of 20 en tries to th e phone book . Ti p Y ou can also us e the Cisco U nified IP C onfere nce Station 7936 web i nterface to acc ess the phone bo ok.
37 Edit ing an Entr y in th e Ph one B ook Step 1 Pres s the Up or Down scroll b utton to selec t an en try . P ress th e Vie w / E d i t softkey . Y ou can change o r cl ear the sele cted e ntry usi ng the Change or Cl r Entry softkeys . Press the < softkey to go bac kward when changin g an ent ry .
38 Step 4 Pres s the – or + softkey to se t the desi red c ontras t of t he L CD scr een. Step 5 Pres s the Menu button to re turn to the main menu , or press the Ex it button to retu rn to th e resting di splay . Ringer Step 1 Pres s the Menu button.
39 6 Genera l Trouble shooting Inform ation This sectio n prov ides gener al tro ubl esho oting i nfo rmati on for the C isco Unif ied IP Co nfe ren ce S tatio n 7 936. Refer to the foll owing table for assistance i f you ar e enc ountering difficul ties.
40 If you are experiencing other d ifficulties, c onta ct you r system admin istra tor fo r ass istan ce. 7 Obtaining Documentation Cisco pr ovides severa l ways to obt ain do cumenta tion, tec hnica l assista nce, and other tech nical resou rces. T hese s ectio ns expl ain how to obtain techn ical i nforma tion f rom Cis co Sy stems.
41 Y o u can acces s the most cu rrent Cis co documenta tion at this URL: http:// www m/uni v ercd/ home/home. htm Y ou can acce ss the Cisco website at th is URL: http:// www m Y ou can acce ss internati onal Cisco w ebsites at this URL: http://w ww .
42 8 Documen tation Feed back Y ou ca n submit e-m ail co mments a bout tech nical doc ument ation to bug-doc@c isco. com. Y ou ca n submit co mment s by using the r espon se card (if pres ent) behi n.
43 T o op en a case by tele phon e, us e on e o f th e fo llowi ng n umbe rs: Asia -Pacific : +61 2 84 46 7 411 (Aus tralia : 1 800 80 5 227 ) EMEA: +32 2 704 55 55 USA: 1 800 553-24 47 For a c ompl ete listi ng of C isco T AC con tacts, go t o this U RL: http:// www .
44 • Packe t magazine is the Cisc o quarter ly publi cati on that prov ides the la test netwo rking trend s, technol ogy brea kthroug hs, an d Cisco pr oducts an d solutio ns to help in dustr y profe ssionals get the most fr om their networ king i nvestm ent.
45 Note Y ou must have Ado be Acrob at Reader to view and prin t PDF files . Y o u can dow nload the rea der fr om Ado be’ s website : http ://www .adobe.c om 3. T o read tran slated and local ized warranty information ab out your produ ct, follow the se steps: a.
46 The fol lowing in form ation is for FCC com plianc e of Class B device s: The eq uipme nt descri bed in this manual generates and may rad iate radio-frequency ene rgy . If it is not installed in accordance with Cisco’ s installatio n instr uctio ns, it may c ause inte rference with radi o and telev ision rec eption .
Corporate Headqua rters Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 W est T as man Drive San Jose, CA 95134 -1706 USA www .cisco .co m T el : 408 526- 4000 800 553- NET S (6387) Fax: 408 52 6-410 0 European H eadquarte rs Cisco Sys tems Inter national B V Haarlerbergpark Haarlerbergweg 13-19 1101 C H Amster dam The Neth erlands www-e urope.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cisco Systems CP7936RF c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cisco Systems CP7936RF - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems CP7936RF, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cisco Systems CP7936RF va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cisco Systems CP7936RF, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cisco Systems CP7936RF.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cisco Systems CP7936RF. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cisco Systems CP7936RF ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.