Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit LK-205 du fabricant Casio
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1 Part I MIDI Message Overview 1 Product Conf iguration as a MIDI Device ............. ................. ............. ................ ................ ............. .. 5 1.1 System Section............. ........... .............. ............ .......
2 9.13 RPN (64H,65H) . .............. .............. ........... .............. .............. ........... .............. ............ ..... ...... ............. 13 9.13.1 Pitch Bend Sens itivity .. ........... ........... ........... ............ ...
3 19.3 Format of Each Field ............... .............. ............ .............. .............. ........... .............. ......... ........... ....... 25 19.3.1 SX : System E xclusive Message Status ........... ........... ........... ........
4 31 All Data Paramet er ................ ................. ................ ................ ................ ................ .......... ... .......... 42 Part VI Parameter Set List 32 Parameter Set Table . ................. ................ .......
5 Part I MIDI Message Overview 1 Pr oduct Configuration as a MIDI De vice In terms of a MIDI device, this Instrument consists of a System Section, Performa nce Controller Secti on, and Sound Generator Section. Each o f these sections can send and receive specific MIDI Messages in a ccordance with its func tion.
6 1.3.2 Instrument Part Block The instrument parts of the sound generator can be operated or their sett ings can be changed with Instrument-specific system exclusive m essages a nd channel messages. The 32 instrument parts of this Instru ment are divided between Group A and Group B, each of which has 16 instrument parts.
7 2 Timbre T ype Specific Operation The sound source operation performed for a receiv ed message depends on the current T imbre T ype value (see "1 1.1 About the T imbre T ype), which i s the operation mode of each sound generator instrument part.
8 Part II Channel Message 4 Receive Channel The channel number of the channel messa ge received by each part is shown in th e table under "1.3.2 Instrument Part Block". 5 Send Channel Basically , the MIDI channel of t he channel me ssage sent when the Instrume nt is played coi ncides with the MIDI channel of the part being played.
9 8 P ol yphonic Ke y Pressure Format Send This message is not sent by thi s Instrument. Receive This message is not rece ived by this Instrument. 9 Contr ol Chang e Format Send Sent when the Instrument's pedal is operate d or when Instrument settings are changed.
10 9.2 Modulation (01H) Format Send This message is not sent by thi s Instrument. Receive Receipt adds, to the tone being sounded, mod ulation of a depth specified by the value. In the case of a tone that alread y has modulation applied, re ceipt of this message increase s the modulation depth.
11 9.5 P an (0AH) Format Note 1: For information about the rela tionship between setting values and send/receive values, see "33.3 Pan Setting V alue T able" in "Part VII Setting V alue s and Send/Receive V alues". Send Sent when auto ac companiment is used.
12 Timbre T ype Specific Operation This operation differs in accordance with the T imbre T ype (see "1 1.1 About the Timbre T ype") setting. • T imbre T ype: Melody Sustain off/on control is perform ed in a ccordance with the value of the rece ived message.
13 Send Sent when auto ac companiment is used. Receive Changes Reverb Send. 9.11 Chorus Send (5DH) Format Note 1: The setting value match e s the value that is sent and received. Send Sent when auto ac companiment is used and when a Chorus on/of f operation is performed.
14 9.13.1 Pitch Bend Sensitivity Format Send Sent when the Bend Range is changed on the CTK-5000, WK-500, or CDP-200R. Receive Receipt changes Bend Range. 9.13.2 Fine T une Format Send This message is not sent by thi s Instrument. Receive Receipt changes Chann el Fine Tune.
15 Send This message is not sent by thi s Instrument. Receive Receipt changes Channel Coarse T une. Does not affect sound source operation when th e T imbre T ype is Drum. 9.13.4 Null Format Send Sent after the Bend Range is change d on the CTK-5000, WK-500, or CDP-200R.
16 10 Mode Message 10.1 All Notes Off (7BH) Format Send Sent when MIDI send related settin gs are changed on the Instrument, or when auto play is stopped, etc. Receive Receipt of any of this message re leases the currently sounding voice (s ame as releasing the keyboard key).
17 10.5 P oly (7FH) Format Send This message is never sent . Receive Receipt of this message pe rforms the same operation as when Al l Notes Off is recei ved. 11 Pr ogram Chang e Format Note 1: For details about the relationshi p between the program number and the tone, see the T one List th at comes with the Instrument.
18 12 Channel After touch Format Send These messages are never sent. Receive Receipt of this message adds modulation to the voice that is sounding. The modulat ion effect differs according to the tone being used. 13 Pitch Bend Format Send Sent when a pitch bender ope ration is performed on the CTK-5000, WK-500, or CDP-200R.
19 Part III System Messages 14 Timing Cloc k Format Send Sent when auto ac companiment is used. Receive This message is not rece ived by this Instrument. 15 Star t Format Send Sent when auto ac companiment is used. Receive This message is not rece ived by this Instrument.
20 Receive Once this message is rec eived, the Active Sensing mode is entered. If no MIDI message is received for a specified amoun t of time, voices being sounded by the Instrument 's sound source are released, the contro ller is reset, and the Active Sensing mode is exited.
21 18.1.3 Master Coarse T uning Format Send Sent when T ranspose is changed. Receive Receipt changes the T ranspose paramete r . Does not af fect sound source op eration when the T imbre T ype is Drum.
22 Note 1: For information about the relati onship between setting values a nd send/receive values, see "33. 6 Chorus T ype Setting V alue T able" in "Part VII Setting V a lues and Send/Rec eive V alues". Send This message is sent when the Syst em Chor us T ype setting is changed.
23 18.1.7 GS Message Send This message is never sent . Receive Receipt performs the same operation as when the GM System On message is received. 18.2 Instrument-Specific Sy stem Exc lusive Message For.
24 Part IV Instrument-Specific System Exclusive Messages 19 Format This section expla i ns the format of the Instrument-specific System Exclu s ive Messag es. See "Part V Parameter List" a nd "Part VI Parameter Set List" for information about how parameter sets actually are transferred.
25 19.2 Basic Message Structure Instrument-specific system exclusive me ssage operation can be broa dly divided between two me thods: Individual Parameter T ransfer (single parameter send/receive) and Bulk Parameter Set T ran sfer (batch parameter se nd/receive).
26 19.3.4 dev : MIDI Device ID 00H-7 FH The contents of this field i n a received message are compared with the Model's MIDI Device ID, and receipt of the incoming message is allowed only when the two IDs match. When a message con taining 7FH is received, receipt of the message is always allowed, regardless of the Instrument's ID setting.
27 HBS: Handshake Bulk Parameter Se t Send Indicates a paramete r set image send message using handshake m ode. The parameter set to be transferred is divided into multiple packets when i t is greater than a prescribed size . Th e packets are tra nsferred in ac cordance with handshake mode.
28 19.3.6 cat : Category 0cccccccB = Category (7bit) The category indicates the categor ies of data handled by the Syst em Exclusive Mess age. The ID number (ID) of the Category is indicated on the left , while the commu nicati on oper ation (Action) is indicated on the right.
29 19.3.9 blk : Block Number The block number is a supplementary number that specifies which bloc k parameter is to be accessed. Block Bit Field Division When the parameter block has a multi-dimensional array structur e, bit 21 of the blo ck number is divided into prescribed bit fields based on the rules explained below .
30 19.3.13 len : Data Length As shown below , the meaning of this fi eld dif fers depending on whether an indi vidual transfer or a bulk parameter set transfer is being performed.
31 19.3.16 img : Pa rameter Set Ima ge For a bulk data transfer operation, the para meter set data to be transferred is read sequent ially in 16-bit units starting from the top address. Read values are d i vided into 3-byte segments as shown below , and then sent in sequence.
32 20 Individual P arameter Operations There are two parameter unit operations: Individual Pa rameter Transfer and Ind i vidual Parameter Request. For one session, in response to an IPR (In dividual P.
33 21.1.2 Session and Subsession Subsession "One subsession" refers to transfer of one parameter set. A subse ssion transfers one parameter set or a parameter set that has been divided into multiple packets for transfer , with EOD (End of Data) at the end to terminate the send.
34 21.3 Handshake Mode Comm unication Flow A session starts with the rece iving device sending a request us ing a HBR, or with the sending device sending HBS data. The sending device does not send the next packet until it rece ives an ACK from the receiving device.
35 The packed with the same packet number is resent when a checksum mismatch or incompatible data format error is detected. Session terminates if ERR is detected a number of times.
36 RJC is sent to terminate the session in case ACK cannot be recog nized. The session can be cancel ed for any reason by sending an RJC. RJC can be sent by the se nding device or the receiving device. The bulk dump session is terminat ed immediately upon receipt of an RJC.
37 Data Receiver Data Sender Operation ← OBS Data Send BSY → Receive Rejected Data Receiver Data Sender Operation HBR → Send Request ← BSY Send Rejected Data Receiver Data Sender Operation ←.
38 Part V Parameter List This section explains the parameters that ac t ually can be transferred by the Instrumen t . 22 Using the P arameter List • Parameter field Shows the parameter nam e. • ID field Shows the parameter ID as a hexadecimal number .
39 23.2 Data Management P arameter These are information acquisition and opera tion command parameters fo r this Instrument's Data Manager PC application. Parameter ID R/W Block Size Array Min-Def-Max Description Ps Category 0005 W 000000 7 01 00-00-7F Specifies the category ID of the parameter set that corresponds to an operation.
40 24 P atch P arameter s The main function of patch paramete rs is to configure the sett ings of the sound sour ce of a device. 24.1 Master T une Parameter These parameters con figur e Master Tuning settings. 24.2 Master Mixer P arameter These parameters con figure the Master settings of the mixer .
41 25 Scale Memory P arameter Scale memory parame ters store scale m emory data. 26 Song P arameter The song parameter stores song data directory information. 27 Rh ythm Parameter The rhythm parameter stores rhythm directory information. 28 Sequence P arameter The sequence parameter stores reco rder song directory information .
42 30 Registration P arameter The registration para meter stores registration data directory information. 31 All Data P arameter There is no parameter fo r storing all data direct ory information.
43 Part VI Parameter Set List This section explains actu ally how parameter sets can be transf erred by the Instrument with bulk dump. 32 P arameter Set T able Field Contents • cat field Shows the category value. • mem field Shows the memory area ID valu e.
44 Part VII Setting V alues and Send / Receive V alues 33 Setting V alue T ables 33.1 Off/On Setting V alue T able 33.2 -64 - 0 - +63 Setting V alue T able 33.3 P an Setting V alue T able 33.4 -100 - 0 - +99 Setting V alue T able 33.5 Reverb Time Settin g V alue T able 33.
45 Part VIII MIDI Implementation Notation 34 V alue Notation 34.1 Hexade cimal Notation MIDI implementation sometime s requires that data be expressed in hexadecimal form at. Hexadecimal values are indicated by t he letter "H" afte r the value.
MA0903-B CASIO COMPUTER CO.,LTD. 6-2, Hon-machi 1-chome Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8543, Japan.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Casio LK-205 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Casio LK-205 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Casio LK-205, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Casio LK-205 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Casio LK-205, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Casio LK-205.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Casio LK-205. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Casio LK-205 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.