Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit XRV du fabricant Carrier
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Manufactu rer reser ves the rig ht to dis continue , or chan ge at a ny time, spec ificati ons or des igns without notice an d withou t inc ur ring obligations.
2 CO NTEN TS Page SAFETY CON SIDERA TIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 INTR ODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ABBREVIA TIONS AND EXPLANA TIONS . . . . . . . . 4,5 CHILLER F AMILIARIZA TION .
3 CONTENTS (cont) Page Chiller Dehydration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Inspect W ater Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Chec k Optional Pumpout Compressor W ater Piping . . . . . . . . .
4 CONTENTS (cont) Page Inspect Relief V alves and Pi ping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Compressor Bearing and Gear Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4 Inspect the Heat Exchan ger T ubes and Flow De vices .
5 Factory-installed additional component s are referred to as options in this manual; factory-supplied but field-installed ad- ditional components ar e referred to as accessories. The chiller software pa rt number of the 19XR unit is located on the back of the CVC/ICVC.
6 34 18 19 20 21 22 23 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 32 33 24 1 2 3 5 6 4 11 12 13 16 15 14 17 7 9 10 8 Fig. 2 — Typical 19XR Components LE GEND 1 — Guide V ane Actuator 2 — Suction Elbow 3 — Chille.
7 Fa ctory-Mounted Star ter or V ariable Fr e- quenc y Drive (Opt ional) — The starter allow s for the proper start and disconnect of electrical energy for the com- pressor-motor , oil pump, oil heater , and control panel. Storage V essel (Optional) — There are 2 sizes of storage vessels available.
8 Flow to the motor cooling system passes through an orifice and int o the motor. Once past t he orif ice, the r efrig erant is directed over the motor by a s pray nozzle. The refrigerant collec ts in the bot tom of the motor cas ing and is th en drained back into the cool er through the motor refri gerant drain line.
9 ST ARTING EQ UIPMENT The 19XR requires a motor starter t o operate the centrifugal hermetic compressor motor, t he oil pump, and various auxilia- ry equipment.
10 There is a display on the f ront of the Benshaw , Inc., solid- state starters that is useful for troubleshooting and start er checkout. The display i ndicates: • voltage to the SCRs • SCR contr.
11 General — The 19XR hermetic centrifugal liquid chiller contains a microproces sor-based control ce nter that moni tors and controls all operations of the chiller (see Fig. 9). T he microprocessor control system matches the cooling capacity of the chiller to the cooling load while providing state-of-t he-art chiller protection.
13 The PIC II can i nterf ace with t he Carri er Comfort Netw ork (CCN) if desired. It can communicate with other PIC I or PIC II equipped chillers and other CCN devi ces.
14 Fig. 12 — Control Panel Fig. 13 — Power Pane l.
15 CVC/ICVC Operati on and Menus (Fig. 14-20) GENERAL • The CVC/ICVC dis play automatically r everts to the default screen after 1 5 minutes if no so ftkey activity takes place and if the chiller is not in the pumpd own mode (Fig.
16 • Press to leave the selected decision or field with- out saving any chang es. • Press to leave the selected decision or field and save chang es. • Press to scroll the cur s or bar dow n in ord er to highlight a point o r to view more poin ts below the cur- rent sc reen.
17 • CCN LOCAL RESET MENU DEF AUL T SCREEN Start Chiller In CCN Control Start Chiller in Local Control Clear Alarms ST A TUS SCHEDULE SETPOINT SER VICE (SOFTKEYS) Access Main Menu List the Status T .
18 • NEXT PREVIOUS SELECT EXIT SERVICE T ABLE Display Alarm History (The table holds up to 25 alarms and alerts with the most recent alarm at the top of the screen.
19 NEXT PREVIOUS SELECT EXIT SERVICE MENU CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS P AGE Select a Service T able Select a Service T able Parameter NEXT PREVIOUS SELECT EXIT Modify a Service T able Parameter (ANALOG VA.
20 For Discrete Points — P r es s o r t o s e - lect the desired state. For Analog Points — Press or to select the desired value. 3. Press to register the new value. NOTE: When overriding or changi ng metric values, it is nec- essary to hold down the softkey for a few seconds in order t o see a value cha nge, especially on kilopascal values.
21 7. Press to register the values and to move hori- zontally (left to ri ght) within a period. 8. Press to leave the period or override. 9. Either return t o Step 4 to select another peri od or over- ride, or press again to leave the current time schedule screen and save the changes.
22 Table 2 — CVC/ICVC Display Data 1. Only 12 lines of inf ormation appear on the chiller display screen at any one time. Press the or softke y t o highlight a point or to view items below or abov e the current screen. Press the so ftk ey twice to page forw ard; press the softk ey twic e to page back.
23 Table 2 — CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont) EXAMP LE 2 — MAINTS T A T DISP LA Y SCRE EN T o acce ss this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1.
24 Table 2 — CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont) EXAMPL E 4 — COMPR ESS D ISP LA Y SCR EEN T o access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press . 2. Press . 3. Scroll down to hi ghlight . 4. Press . NO TE: All variab les with CAPIT AL LETTER point names are av a ilabl e f or CCN read operat ion.
25 Table 2 — CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont) EXAMPL E 6 — PO WER DI SPLA Y SCREEN T o access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press . 2. Press . 3. Scroll down to hi ghlight . 4. Press . NO TES: 1. All variab les with CAPIT AL LETTER point names are av ailable f or CCN read operat ion.
26 Table 2 — CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont) EXAMPL E 8 — CVC/IC VC_PS WD D ISPL A Y SCR EEN T o acce ss this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press . 2. Press . 3. Scroll down to highlight .or 4. Press . NO TE: All variab les with CAPIT AL LETTER point names are av a ilabl e f or CCN read operat ion.
27 Table 2 — CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont) EXAMPL E 11 — O VER RIDE DISP LA Y SCRE EN T o acce ss this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press . 2. Press . 3. Scroll down to highlight . 4. Press . 5. Scroll down to highlight . 6. Press .
28 Table 2 — CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont) EXAMP LE 13 — ISM_HI ST DI SPLA Y SC REEN T o acce ss this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press .
29 Table 2 — CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont) EXAM PLE 1 5 — NET_OPT DISPLA Y SCREEN T o acce ss this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press . 2. Press . 3. Scroll down to highlight . 4. Press . 5. Scroll down to highlight . 6. Press . NO TE: No v ar iables are av ailable f or CCN read or write operation.
30 Table 2 — CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont) EXAMPL E 17 — OPTIO NS DISP LA Y SCRE EN T o acce ss this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press . 2. Press . 3. Scroll down to highlight . 4. Press . 5. Scroll down to highlight . 6. Press . NO TE: No v ar iables are av ailable f or CCN read or write operation.
31 Table 2 — CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont) EXAM PLE 1 9 — SETUP 2 DISP LA Y SCREEN T o acce ss this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press .
32 Table 2 — CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont) EXAM PLE 2 1 — RAMP_DEM DISPLA Y SCRE EN T o acce ss this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press . 2. Press . 3. Scroll down to highlight . 4. Press . 5. Scroll down to highlight . 6. Press . NO TE: No v ar iables are av ailable f or CCN read or write operation.
33 PIC II System Functions NOTE: W ord s not part of paragraph headings and printed in all capital letters can be viewed on the CVC/ICVC (e.g., LOCAL, CCN, RUNNING, ALARM, etc.). W ords printed both in all capital letters and italics c an also be viewed on the CVC/ICVC and are parameters ( CONTROL MODE, T ARGE T GUIDE VA N E P O S , etc.
34 The PROPORTIONAL ECW GAIN c an be adjusted on t he CVC/ICVC display for values of 1, 2, or 3; t he default setting is 2. Increase this s etting to increase guide vane response to a change in entering chilled w ater temperature.
35 Table 3 — Protective Safety Limits and Control Settings Shunt T rip (Option) — The function of the shunt trip option on the PIC II is to act as a safe ty trip. The shunt trip is wired from an output on the I SM to a shunt trip equipped mo- tor circuit breaker .
36 Ramp Loading — The ramp loading control slows down the rate at which the compre ssor loads up. This control can pre- vent the compressor from loading up during t he short period of time when t he chiller is started and t he chilled wat er loop has to be brought down to CONTROL POINT .
37 Table 4 — Capacity Ove rrides Alarm (T rip) Output Cont acts — O ne se t of al arm contacts is provided in the starter . The contact ratings are pro- vided in the certified drawings. The contacts are located on ter- minal strip J9, terminals 15 and 16.
38 Condenser Freeze Prevent ion — This control algo- rithm helps prevent condense r tube freeze-up by energizing the condenser pump relay . The PIC II cont rols the pump and, by starting it, helps to pre vent the w ater in the c ondenser from freezing.
39 (see wiring diagrams or certi fied drawings). The temperatur e sensor must be wired to terminal J4-13 and J4-14. T o configure Reset T ype 2, enter the temperature of the re mote sensor at the point where no temperature reset will occ ur ( RE MOTE T EMP –> NO RESET ).
40 Capacity Overrides. Both of these correc tive actions try to reduce the lift exper ienced by the compressor and help prevent a surge condition. Surge Pre vention Algorithm with VFD — This is an operator configurable feat ure that can determine if lift con- ditions are too high for the compressor and then take corrective action.
41 NOTE: The l ead/lag function can be confi gured on th e LEAD- LAG screen, which is acce ssed from the SER VIC E menu and EQUIPMENT SER VICE table. See T able 2, Example 20. Lead/lag status during chiller operation can be viewe d on the LL_MAINT display screen, which is accessed from the SER- VICE menu and CONT ROL ALGO RITHM ST A TUS t able.
42 Standby Chiller Configuration and Operation — A chille r is designated as a standby chiller when its LEADLAG: CONFIG- URAT ION value on the LEA DLAG sc reen is se t to “ 3.
43 Ice Build Contr ol — The ice build control option auto- mati cally se ts the CONTROL POINT of the chiller to a temper- ature that allows i ce building for t hermal stora ge. NOTE: For ice build control to operat e properly , the PIC II must be in CCN mode.
44 stop the chiller when a specific time period on the ice build schedule is not set for i ce build. 4. Entering Chilled W a ter T emperature and ICE BUILD Contacts — Compre ssor operation terminate.
45 Service Operation — An overview of the tables and screens available for the SER VICE function is shown in Fig. 18. TO ACCESS THE SER VICE SCREENS — Wh en the SER- VICE screens are accessed, a password must be entered. 1. From the main MENU s creen, pres s the softkey .
46 ST ART -UP/SHUTDO WN/ RECYCLE SEQUENCE (Fig. 26) Local Start-Up — Local start-up (or a manual start-up) is initiated by pressing the menu softkey on the default CVC/ICVC sc reen.
47 Shutdo wn Sequence — Chiller shutdown begins if any of the following occurs: • the ST OP button is presse d for at least one second (the alarm light blinks once to confirm the sto p command) .
48 BEFORE INITIAL ST ART -UP Job Data Required • list of app licable design temperatur es and pr essures (product data submittal) • chiller certified prints • starting equipment details and wiri.
49 Fig. 28 — 19 XR Le ak Test Pr ocedu res.
50 Leak T est Chil ler — Due to regulations regarding refrig- erant emissions and the difficulties associated with sepa rating contaminants from the refrigerant, Ca rrier recommends the following leak test procedure. See Fig. 28 for an out line of the leak test procedure.
51 Fig. 29 — Typical Optional Pumpout System Piping Schematic with Storage Tank Fig. 30 — Typical Optional Pump out System Piping Sche matic without Storage Tank.
52 Table 5A — HFC-13 4a Pressur e — Temperatu re (F) Table 5B — HFC-13 4a Pressu re — Temperature (C) TEMPERA T URE, F PRESSU RE (psig) 0 6.50 2 7.52 4 8.60 6 9.66 8 10.79 10 11.96 12 13.17 14 14.42 16 15.72 18 17.06 20 18.45 22 19.88 24 21.37 26 22.
53 Chiller Deh ydration — Dehydration is recomme nded if the chiller has been open for a considerable period of time, if the chiller is known to contain moisture, or if there has bee n a complete loss of chiller holding charge or refrigerant pressure.
54 2. On low-voltage compressors (600 v or less) c onnect a voltmeter ac ross the power wires to the compressor start - er and m easure the voltage. Compare this reading to the voltage rating on the compressor and star ter nameplates. 3. Compare the ampere rating on the starter na meplate to rating on the compressor nameplate .
55 MECHANICAL ST AR TER 1. Check all field wiring connections for tightness, clear- ance from moving parts, and c orrect connection. 2. Check the contact or(s) to ensure th ey move freely . Check the m echan ical inter lock betw een contac tors to e nsur e that 1S and 2M contactors cannot be closed at the same time.
56 NOTE: Beca use a schedule i s integral to the ch iller control sequence, the chiller will not start until the time and date have been set. CHANGE CVC/ICVC CONF IGURA TION IF NECES- SAR Y — From the SER VICE tabl e, access the CVC/ ICVC CONFIGU-RA T ION screen.
57 CHANGE THE BENSHA W INC., Re diStart MIC RO ™ SOF TW ARE CONFIGUR A TION IF NECESSAR Y — Be n- shaw starter configurations are chec ked and modi fied from the menus in the Benshaw Redistart MICRO D efault Display . See Fig. 32 and T able 6 for default di splay and menu items.
58 VERIFY VFD C ONFIGURA TION AND CHANGE P ARAMETERS IF NECES SAR Y Using the Keypad — The keypad display is used to monitor, view fault history and adjust the program of the VFD microprocessor .
59 VFD Cooling System Leak Inspection 1. Check for leaks on the refrigerant cooling fla nge connec - tions to the VFD enc losure. 2. Check for leak s on all tubing internal t o the VFD enclo- sure, the tubing fl air connection to the V FD module and the TXV valve.
60 2. Press . 3. Press . 4. Press . 5. Set T ARGET VFD SPEE D to 0% . V eri fy that the A CTUAL VF D SPEED shown on the VFD dis- play is wi th in 0 to 1 Hz. 1. Press the softkey on the VFD keypad until all LEDs on the left side of t he keypad are illuminated.
61 Protecting the VFD Configurat ion 1. Select parameter P .051 from the VFD keypad. 2. Press the softkey to acce ss the parameter . A zero will be displayed. 3. Use the arrow key to incre ment the value to 26. Thi s is the password number . 4. Press the softkey to save t he value.
62 Owner-Mod ified CC N T ables — The following EQUIP- MENT CONFIGURA TION screens are described for refe r- ence only . OCCDEFCS — The OCCDEFCS screen conta ins the Local and CCN time schedules, whi ch can be modified here or on the SCHEDULE screen as described previously .
63 Chec k Optional Pumpout System Contr ols and Compressor — Controls include an on/off swit ch, a 3-amp fuse, the compressor ove rloads, an i nternal thermostat, a compressor contactor , and a refrigerant high pressure cutout. The high pressure cutout is factory set to open at 161 ps ig (1 110 kPa) and reset at 130 psi g (896 kPa).
64 CHILLER EQUALIZA TION WITH PUMPOUT UNIT — The following steps describe how to equalize refrigerant pres- sure on an isolated 19XR chiller usi ng the pumpout unit. 1. Access the terminate lockout function on the CONTROL TEST screen. 2. 3. Open valve 4 on the pumpout unit and open valves 1a and 1b on the chiller cooler and condenser , Fig.
65 Dry Run to T est Start-Up Sequence For electro-mecha nical start ers. 1. Disengage the ma in motor disconnect (CB1) on the start- er front panel. This should only disconnect the motor power . Power to the controls , oil pump, and starter con- trol circuit should still be energized.
66 OP TIONAL PU MPOUT ST ORA GE T ANK AN D PUM P- OUT SYSTEM — T ransfer valves and pumpout system, refrig- erant charging and pumpdown procedure, and relief devices.
67 Leave the oil ch arge in the chiller with the oil heat er and controls energized to maintain the minimum oil reservoir temperature. After Ext ended Shutdo wn — Ensure the water sys- tem drains are closed. It may be advisable to fl ush the water circuits to remove any soft rust which may have formed.
68 REFRIGERATION LOG CARRIER 19 XR HERMETIC C ENTRIFUGAL REFRIGERATION MACHINE Plant MA CHINE MODEL NO . MA CHINE SERIAL NO . REFRIGERANT TYPE REMARKS: Indicat e shutdowns on safety controls, repairs made and oil or refrigerant added or removed. Include am ounts.
69 Chiller s w ith Stora ge T anks — If the chiller has iso- lation valves, leave them open for the following procedures. The letter “ C ” describes a closed valve. See Fig. 17, 18, 29, and 30. TRANSFER REFRIGERANT FRO M PUMPOUT STOR- AGE T ANK TO CHILLER 1.
70 TRANSFER REFRIGE RAN T FROM CH ILLER TO PUMP- OUT STORAGE T ANK 1. Equalize refrigeran t pressure. a. V alve positions: b. Slowly open valve 5 . When the pres sures are equalized, open liq uid line v alve 7 to allow liquid refriger ant to dr ain by grav ity into the p umpout storage t ank.
71 2. Evacuate the refrigerant gas from the c hiller condenser vessel. a. Access the PUMPDOWN LOC KOUT function accessed from the C VC/ICVC CONTROL TEST table to turn on the chiller water pumps. Turn the chiller water pumps on manually if they are not controll ed by th e PIC II.
72 TESTING WITH REFR IGERANT TRACER — Use an e n- vironmentally a ccepta ble refrige rant as a tr acer for lea k test procedures. Use dry nitroge n to raise the machine pre ssure to leak t estin g leve ls.
73 SCHEDULED MAINTENANC E Establish a regular maintenance schedule based on your ac- tual chiller requirements such as chiller load, run hours, and wate r qu ali ty . The tim e int erva ls li sted in this section ar e offer ed as guides to service only .
74 Inspect Ref rigerant Float Syst em — Perform this inspection every 5 years or when the condenser is opened for serv ice. 1. T ransfe r the refrigerant into the cooler vessel or into a pumpout storage tank. 2. Remove the float ac cess cover . 3. Clean the chamber and valve a ssembly thoroughly .
75 W ater T r eatment — Untreated or improperl y treated wa- ter may result in corrosion, scaling, erosi on, or algae. The ser- vices of a qualified water treatment specialist should be ob- tained to develop and monitor a t reatment program.
76 TROUBLESHOO TING GUIDE Overview — The PIC II has many features to help the op- erator and technician t roubleshoot a 19XR chi ller . • The CVC/ICVC shows t he chiller ’ s actual operating con- ditions and can be viewed while t he unit i s runni ng.
77 TRANSDUCER REPLACEMENT — Si nce t he t rans ducers are mounted on Schrader-type fittings, there is no need to re- move refrigerant from the vessel when replaci ng the transduc- ers. Disconnect the transducer wiring. D o not pull on the trans- ducer wir es .
78 Table 11 — CVC/ICVC Primary and Secondary Messages and Custom Alarm/Alert Messages with Troubleshooting Guides A. MANU AL ST OP B. READ Y TO ST AR T C .
79 Table 11 — CVC/ICVC Primary and Secondary Messages and Custom Alarm/Alert Messages with Troubleshooting Guides (cont) D . PRE-ST ART ALER TS: These alerts only del a y star t-up . When a ler t is co rrected , the sta r t-up will contin ue . No res et is necess ar y.
80 Table 11 — CVC/ICVC Primary and Secondary Messages and Custom Alarm/Alert Messages with Troubleshooting Guides (cont) G. NORMAL RUN WIT H O VERRIDES *[LIMIT] is shown on the CVC/ICVC as the tem perature, pressure, v oltage, etc., set point predefined or selected by the operator as an override, aler t, or alar m condit ion.
81 Table 11 — CVC/ICVC Primary and Secondary Messages and Custom Alarm/Alert Messages with Troubleshooting Guides (cont) I. CHILLER PRO TECT LIMIT F A UL TS ST A TE PRI MAR Y MESSA GE S E C ON DA RY.
82 Table 11 — CVC/ICVC Primary and Secondary Messages and Custom Alarm/Alert Messages with Troubleshooting Guides (cont) I. CHILLER PRO TECT LIMIT F A UL TS (cont) ST A TE PRI MAR Y MESSA GE S E C O.
83 Table 11 — CVC/ICVC Primary and Secondary Messages and Custom Alarm/Alert Messages with Troubleshooting Guides (cont) I. CHILLER PRO TECT LIMIT F A UL TS (cont) *[LIMIT] is shown on the CVC/ICVC as the temperature, pressure, v olt age, etc., set point predefined or selected b y the operator as an ov err ide, aler t, or alarm condition.
84 Table 11 — CVC/ICVC Primary and Secondary Messages and Custom Alarm/Alert Messages with Troubleshooting Guides (cont) J . CHILLER ALER TS (cont) *[LIMIT] is shown on the CVC/ICVC as the tem perature, pressure, v oltage, etc., set point predefined or selected by the operator as an override, aler t, or alarm condition.
85 Tab le 1 2A — Thermis tor Temper ature (F) vs. Res istance/Vo ltage Dro p TEMPERA TURE (F) PIC II VO LT AG E DROP (V ) RESIST ANCE (Ohms) – 25 4.7 00 98,010 – 24 4.6 90 94,707 – 23 4.6 80 91,522 – 22 4.6 70 88,449 – 21 4.6 59 85,486 – 20 4.
86 Table 12B — Therm istor Temp erature (C) vs. Resistan ce/Voltag e Drop TEMPERA T URE (C) PIC II VO L T AG E D RO P ( V ) RESIST ANCE (Ohms) – 33 4.722 106 880 – 32 4.706 100 260 – 31 4.688 9 4 165 – 30 4.670 8 8 480 – 29 4.650 8 3 170 – 28 4.
87 Contr ol Modules The CVC/ICVC, CCM, and ISM modul es perform continu- ous diagnostic evaluat ions of the hardware to det ermine its condition. Proper operation of all modules is indicated by LEDs (light-emitting diodes) located on the circuit board of the CVC/ICVC, CCM, and ISM.
88 Chiller Contr ol Module ( CCM) (Fig. 41) INP UTS — Each input channel has 2 or 3 t erminals. Refer to individual chiller w iring diagrams for the correct terminal numbers for your application. OUTPUTS — Output is 24 vac . There are 2 terminals per out- put.
90 5. Using an ohmmeter , perform the following resistanc e meas ur eme nts and re cord th e re sul ts: If all measured va lues ar e grea ter than 5K ohms , proceed to Step 10. If any val ues are less than 5K ohms, one or more of the SCRs in that pai r is shorted.
91 Table 1 3A — Heat Exchan ger Data ( English ) NO TES: 1. Cooler data: based on a cooler with standard wall tubing, 2-pass, 150 psig, nozzle-in-hea d waterbo x with victaulic groov es. W eight includes suction elbow , control panel, and distrib ution piping.
92 Table 13B — Heat Ex changer Data (S I) NO TES: 1. Cooler data: based on a cooler with standard wall tubing, 2-pass, 1034 psig, nozzle-in-head waterbox with victaulic groov es. W eight includes suction elbow , control panel, and dist ribution pip- ing.
93 Tab le 1 4 — 1 9XR Additional Data for Marine Waterboxes* *Add to heat e xchan ger data f or total weights or volumes . NO TES: 1. W eight adder shown is the same for cooler and condenser of equal frame size. 2. F or the total weight of a vessel wit h a marine waterbo x , add these v alues to the heat e x changer weights (or volumes).
94 Table 16 — 19XR Motor Weights Standard and High Efficiency Motors *Stator weight includes stator and shell. † Rotor weight includes rotor and shaft.
95 Table 17A — 19XR W aterbox Co ver Weigh ts — English (lb) LEGEND NO TE: W eight for NIH 2-P ass Cov er , 150 psig is included in the heat e x changer weights shown in T able 6. RIG MACHINE COMPONENTS — Refe r to instructions below , Fig. 6-9, and Carrier Certi fied Prints for machine c om- ponent disassembly .
96 Table 17B — 19XR Water box Cover W eights — SI (kg) LEGEND NO TE: W eight for NIH 2-P ass Cov er , 150 psig is included in the heat e x changer weights shown in T able 6.
97 Table 18 — Optional Pumpout Sy stem Electric al Data LEGEND Table 19 — Additional Miscellaneous Weights VFD — V ar iable F requency Drive Table 20 — Motor V oltage C ode MO T OR CODE CONDENSER UNIT VO L T S - P H -H z MAX RLA LRA 1 19EA47-748 575-3-60 3.
98 Compressor A ssembl y Torques LEGEND *Not shown. NO TES: 1. All clearances f or cylindr ical surfaces are diametrical. 2. Dimensions are with rotor in thrust position. 3. Dimensions shown are in inches. 4. Impeller spacing should be perf orm ed in accordance with most recent Carrier S er vice Bulletin on impeller spac ing.
99 VIEW B — HIGH SPEED SHAFT 19XR COMPRESSOR CLEARANCES *Depends on impeller size , contact y our Carrier Ser vice Representative f or more information. NO TE: All clear ances for cylindrical surf aces are diametrical. Fig. 44 — Compr essor Fits a nd Clearan ces (con t) ITEM COMPRESSOR CODE 221-299 321-389 421-489 521-599 A .
100 Fig. 45 — Allen-Bradley Wye-Delta Unit-Mounted Starter.
101 Fig. 45 — Allen-Bradley Wye-Delta Unit-Mounted Starter (cont).
102 Fig. 45 — Allen-Bradley Wye-Delta Unit-Mounted Starter (cont) C — Contactor CB — Circuit Breaker CP — Control P ower CT — Current T ransf or mer DS — Disconnect Switch FU — Fuse GRD .
103 LE GEND AU X — Auxiliary BRG — Bearing C — Contactor CB — Circuit Breaker CCM — Chiller Control Module CCN — Carrier Comfort Network COMP ’ R — Compressor COND — Condense r CVC .
104 LE GEND AUX — Auxiliar y BRG — Bearing C — Contactor CB — Circuit Breaker CCM — Chiller Control Module CCN — Carrier Comfort Network COM P ’ R — Comp ressor COND — Conde nser DISC H — Discharge DL/ DP — Datalink or Dataport ENT — Enteri ng EV AP — Evapor ator EXT — External FR — Fra me GND — Ground G.
105 LE GEND AU X — Auxiliary BRG — Bearing C — Contactor CB — Circuit Breaker CCM — Chiller Control Module CCN — Carrier Comfort Network COMP ’ R — Compressor COND — Condense r CVC .
106 LEGEND AU X — Auxiliary BRG — Bearing C — Contactor CB — Circuit Breaker CCM — Chiller Control Module CCN — Carrier Comfort Network COMP ’ R — Compressor COND — Condenser DISCH — Discharge DL/DP — Datalink or Da taport ENT — Enterin g EV AP — Evapor ator EXT — External FR — Fra me GND — Ground G.
107 AU X — Auxiliary C — Contactor CB — Circuit Breaker CCM — Chiller Contr ol Module COMM — Communication COMPR — Compressor DISCH — Discharge Denotes Oil Pump T erm inal Denotes P ower Pan el T er minal * Denotes Mach. C ontrol P anel Conn.
108 AU X — Auxiliary C — Contactor CB — Circuit Breaker CT — Current T ran sfo rmer DS — Disconnect Switch FU — Fuse G — Ground Fig. 49 — Cutler-Hammer Wye Delta Unit Mounted Starter S.
109 AU X — Auxiliary C — Contactor CB — Circuit Breaker CT — Current T ransf or mer DS — Disconnect Switch FU — Fuse G — Ground Fig. 50 — Cutler -Hammer Wye Delta Unit Mounted Starter .
110 Fig. 51 — Gr ound Fault Phase Current Option Fig. 52 — Separate Metering Option LEGEND AM — Ammet e r CT — Current T ransformer L — Main P ower Supply VM — Vo l t m e t e r Represents .
111 Fig. 53 — Benshaw, Inc. Solid-State Unit Mounted Starte r Wiring Schematic (Lo w Voltage).
112 Fig. 53 — Benshaw, Inc. Solid-State Unit Mounted Sta rter Wiring Schematic (Low Voltage) (cont) AU X — Auxiliary BR — Bridge Rectifier CB — Circuit Breaker COND — Conden ser CPU — Cent.
113 Fig. 54 — Typical A cross-the-Line Starter W iring Sche matic (Med ium Voltage) LEGE ND AU X — Auxiliary C — Contactor CB — Circuit Breaker COMM — Communication COND — Condenser CPT .
114 Fig. 55 — Typ ical Pr imary React or Start er Wirin g Schema tic (Medium Voltag e) LEGEND AU X — Auxiliary C — Contactor CB — Circuit Breaker COMM — Comm unication COND — Condenser CPT.
115 1A Fig. 56 — Typ ical Autotra nsformer Start er Wiring Schemati c (Mediu m Voltage) LEGEND AUX — Auxiliary C — Contactor CB — Circuit Breaker COM M — Comm unication COND — Co ndenser C.
116 Fig. 57 — Typic al Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Wiring Schematic.
117 Fig. 57 — Typical Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Wiring Sche matic (cont).
118 Fig. 57 — Typical Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Wiring S chematic (cont).
119 Fig. 57 — Typical Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Wiring Sche matic (cont).
120 Fig. 57 — Typical Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Wiring Sche matic (cont).
121 Fig. 57 — Typical Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Wiring Sche matic (cont).
122 LEGEND FOR FIG. 57 AU X — Auxiliary CB — Circuit Breaker CCM — Chiller Control Module CCN — Carrier Comfort Networ k COMM — Communications CT — Current T r ansf orm er CVC — Chiller .
123 INDEX Abbreviations and Explanations, 4 Adding Refrigerant, 71 Adjusting the Refrigerant Char ge , 71 After Extended Shutdown, 67 After Limited Shutdown, 66 Alarm (Tri p) Output Contacts, 37 Attach to Network Device Control, 44 Automatic Soft Stop Amps Threshold, 47 Auto.
Manufactu rer reser ves the rig ht to dis continue , or chan ge at a ny time, spec ificati ons or des igns without notice an d withou t inc ur ring obligations.
Manufactu rer reser ves the rig ht to dis continue , or chan ge at a ny time, spec ificati ons or des igns without notice an d withou t inc ur ring obligations.
CL-2 INSPECT WIRING AND RECORD E LECTRICAL D A T A: RA TINGS: Motor V oltage Moto r(s) Am ps O il Pum p V ol tage St ar t er LRA Rating Line V o ltages: Motor Oil Pum p Controls/Oil He ater FIELD -INST ALLED ST AR TE RS ON L Y : Check continuity T1 t o T1, etc .
CL-3 19XR, XR V PIC II SETPOINT T ABLE CONFIGURA TION SHEET CVC/ICVC Software V ersion Number: CVC/ICVC Controller Identification: BU S: ADDRE SS: DESCR IP TION RANGE UNIT S DEF AUL T V ALU E Base Demand Limit 40 to 100 % 100 ECW Setpoint 10 to 120 D EG F 60.
CL-4 NO TE: Def ault setting is OCCUPIED 24 hours/day . NO TE: Def ault setting is UNOCCUPIED 24 hours/da y . NO TE: Def ault setting is OCCUPIED 24 hours/day .
CL-5 CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE CUT ALONG DOT TED LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
CL-6 19XR, XR V PIC II OP TIONS T ABLE CONFIGURA TION SHEET DESCR IP TION RAN GE UNIT S DEF AUL T V ALUE Auto Restart Option 0/ 1 DSABLE/EN ABLE DS ABLE Remote Contacts Op tion 0/1 DSABL E/ENABL E DSABLE Soft Stop Amps Thresh old 40 to 100 % 100 Surge /Hot Ga s Byp ass Surge Limit/HGBP Option Select : Surge=0, HGB P=1 0/ 1 0 Min.
CL-7 CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE CUT ALONG DOT TED LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
CL-9 CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE CUT ALONG DOT TED LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
CL-11 CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE CUT ALONG DOT TED LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
CL-12 UNIT-MO UNTE D VFD CONFIG URA TION SHEE T *V ariable b y job — refer to component nam eplates and labels. DESCRIP TION P ARAMETER RANGE DEF A UL T COMMENTS Maximum Spe ed P . 004 15 to H.022 * Job Sheet; 60 for 60 Hz and 50 for 50 H z Speed Display Scaling P .
CL-13 CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE CUT ALONG DOT TED LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
Manufactu rer reser ves the rig ht to dis continue , or chan ge at a ny time, spec ificati ons or des igns without notice an d withou t inc ur ring obligations.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Carrier XRV c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Carrier XRV - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Carrier XRV, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Carrier XRV va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Carrier XRV, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Carrier XRV.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Carrier XRV. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Carrier XRV ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.