Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 3000-S304 du fabricant Toshiba
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5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 TOSHIBA C6603-0901M1 Satellite ® 3000/3005 Series User’ s Guide If you ne ed assist ance: ❖ V irtualT ech TM e-support tool Double-click the desktop icon or visi t the W eb site: http://vi rtualtech.
2 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Model: Satellit e 3000/30 05 Series Compact Disk-ReWritable The comput er system you purchase d may include a Comp act Disk- ReWritable (CD-RW ), one of the mo st advanced storage techno logies av ailable.
3 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 ANY CRITICAL APPLICA TIONS. IF Y OU USE THE COMPUTER PR ODUCTS IN A CRITICAL APPLICA TION, YO U , AND NO T TOSHIB A, AS SUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH USE. FCC Notice This equip ment has bee n tested an d found to comply with the limits fo r a Class B digital de vice, pursuant to Part 1 5 of the F CC rules.
4 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Contact: T oshiba America Information Systems, Inc. 9740 Irvin e Blvd . Irvine , CA 9261 8-1697 (949) 58 3-3000 Industr y Canada Requiremen t This Class B digital apparatus compli es with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil num érique de la classe B est conformé à la norme NMB-0 03 du Ca nada.
5 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 compan y will gi v e you notice, i n writing, to a llow y ou to mak e any ch anges nece ssa ry to m aint ain u ninte rru pted serv ice.
6 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 aw are that com pliance with the abov e conditio ns may not prev ent de gradation of se rvice in some situations. Repai rs to cert ified equip ment shou ld be coor dinated by a repre sentative designate d by the suppl ier .
7 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Wireless LAN and your Health W i rele ss LAN product s, like oth er radio d e vices, emit radi o frequen cy electrom agnetic e ner gy . The le vel of e nergy emitted by W ireless LAN de vices ho weve r is far mu ch less than the electroma gnetic ener gy em itted by w ireless de vices like for e xample mobil e phones.
8 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation The ra diated output po wer of the T oshiba W irele ss LAN Mi ni PCI C ard is far below the FCC radio freq uency exposure li mits.
9 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Approved Countries for use This equip ment is approv ed to the radio standard b y the c ountries in Fig.1. Caution: Do n ot use this eq uipment e xcept in the count ries in Fig.1. CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD -ROM/CD-RW Safety Instru ctions The CD-R OM, D VD-R OM, and DVD-R OM/CD-R W driv es employ a laser system.
10 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Location of the required label (Sampl e sho wn be low . Location of the l abel and manuf acturin g information may v a ry .) C A UT I ON : Thi s appliance contains a laser system and is classified as a “CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT .
11 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Notice The informa tion contai ned in this man ual, includ ing but not lim ited to any produc t specif icatio ns, is subjec t to chan ge without notice.
12 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 T ouchPad is a tr ademark of Sy naptics , Inc. All ot her brand an d product n ames are tradema rks or registered t rademarks of their respective companies. Computer Disposal Information This pro duct cont ains mercu ry . Dispos al of this mater ial may be regul ated due to environm ental consi derati ons.
13 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 Contents Introdu ction ........... .................... ................... ............ 21 This guide .............................................................. 21 Safety icons ...........................................
14 Cont ents 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 Keeping yourself comfortable .......................... 40 Precautions ...................................................... 43 Setting up your computer ...................................... 44 Installing additional memo r y (optional) .
15 Cont ents 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 Inserting and removing diskettes ..................... 72 Caring for diskettes .......................................... 72 Backing up your files ............................................. 73 Using your CD or DVD drive .
16 Cont ents 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 Using a second batter y .................................... 94 Battery s afety precautions................................ 94 Maximizing battery li fe ..................................... 95 Power management .....
17 Cont ents 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 Lesson 9: Creating shortcuts ............................... 120 Creating a shortcut to the Calculator .............. 120 Creating a shortcut to the Character Map ...... 121 Lesson 10: Changing the screen saver.....
18 Cont ents 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 An overv iew of using the Internet ........................ 150 The Internet ................................................... 150 The World Wide W eb ..................................... 150 Internet Serv ice Providers.
19 Cont ents 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 Chapter 7: WinDVD 2000 .................. .................... .. 16 7 Playing DVDs ....................................................... 167 Using the WinDVD toolbar ............................. 169 Using the WinDVD status bar .
20 Cont ents 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 Resolving a hardwar e conflict .............................. 197 A plan of action .............................................. 197 Resolving ha rdware conf licts on your own .... 198 Fixing a problem wi th Device Manager .
21 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 I ntroduction W elcome to the world of po werful and portable mult imedia computers! W ith your new T oshiba notebook computer , your access to information can accompan y you wherev er you go. Y our system comes with either W indows ® XP Home, or Wi n d ow s ® XP Prof essional.
22 Intro duction Safety ico ns 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 familiari ze yourself with the components of the computer and how to turn it on. After that, seek out whate ver interests you most.
23 Introdu ctio n Other doc umentat ion 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Other icons used Additional icons highlight other helpful or educational information: TECHNICAL NOTE: T his icon h ighlig hts te chnical info rmation about t he compute r . HINT : This i con denot es helpfu l hint s and tip s.
24 Intro duction Servic e options 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Service options T oshiba offe rs a full line of service options buil t around its SelectServ TM warranty pr ograms. For more information, visit T oshiba’ s W eb site at toshib m . If you hav e a problem o r need to contact T oshiba, see “If Something Goes Wrong” on page 191 .
25 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Chapter 1 Finding Y our W ay Around This chap ter pr esents a “grand to ur” of your notebo ok computer . It serv es as a refe rence when yo u need t o locate specif ic parts of t he computer .
26 Findin g Y our W ay Around F r ont with the disp lay close d 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Front with the disp lay closed The dis play latc h keep s the disp lay pane l closed a nd locke d. T o open the displa y panel, press th e display latch and raise the pa nel.
27 Findi ng Y our W ay Around Bac k 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Back The cooli ng vent pre vents the c omputer’ s central processin g unit (CPU) from o ve rheating so t hat it c an contin ue to perfor m at its maximum spe ed. CAUTION: T o prevent p ossible overh eating of the CPU , make sur e you don’t block the cooli ng ven ts.
28 Findin g Y our W ay Around Right s ide 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The LAN port let s you con nect the c omputer to a local a rea netw ork usin g a 10/100 Et hernet l ink. Fo r more in formatio n, see “Conne cting your computer t o a netw ork” on page 83 .
29 Findi ng Y our W ay Around Left s ide 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The USB (Uni versal Serial Bus) port allows yo u to c onne ct USB periphe rals, such as a mous e, print er or e xternal ke yboard to your co mputer .
30 Findin g Y our W ay Around F r ont with t he dis play ope n 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The 3.5 mm headphon e jack lets y ou conn ect st ereo headphone s or other audio-out put de vices, such as e xternal speak ers. Con necting ot her de vices automati cally dis ables th e inter nal sp eakers .
31 Findi ng Y our W ay Around F r ont with t he dis play ope n 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The 85-k e y keyboard provides a ll the f uncti onal ity of a full- size k eyboa rd.
32 Findin g Y our W ay Around F r ont with t he dis play ope n 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Indicator panel Wi-Fi ind icator light (for systems wi th W i-Fi fea ture)—The 802.11b (refer red to a s W i- Fi TM — w ireles s fidelity) in dicato r light glows am ber whe n the W i -Fi is tu rned o n.
33 Findi ng Y our W ay Around F r ont with t he dis play ope n 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 white numbe r printe d on the ke y instead of typ ing the le tter printe d on the to p of the k e y . For mor e informa tion, see “Using the nu meric k eyp ad o verl ay” on p age 67 .
34 Findin g Y our W ay Around F r ont with t he dis play ope n 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 indicat or for a seconda ry batte ry , if one is sea ted i n the Modular Bay . CAUTION: Never turn off the comp uter wh ile any dr ive is in u se. Doing so may damage the media and resul t in loss of data.
35 Findi ng Y our W ay Around F r ont with t he dis play ope n 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 CD/DVD/Media Player powe r switch The CD/D VD/Media Playe r po wer switch a llo ws you to pl ay audio CDs wit h the comput er turned of f.
36 Findin g Y our W ay Around F r ont with t he dis play ope n 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 If th ere’ s a DVD in the dr iv e, set ting th e switc h to th e left lea ves the the c omputer’ s main po wer on and l aunches Wi n DV D TM . When you open the displ ay , W inD VD automa ticall y starts playing t he D VD title.
37 Findi ng Y our W ay Around Unders ide 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Underside The Modular Bay al lo ws you to add a CD-R OM, D VD- R O M, CD -R, or DVD-ROM/CD-R W mult ifuncti on drive. Y ou can also add a disket te dri ve, sec ondary bat tery , or an additi onal hard dri ve.
38 Findin g Y our W ay Around Unde rside — Blank Page — 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3.
39 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Chapter 2 Getting Started This ch apter pro vides ti ps for w orking co mfortably , describes ho w to c onnect compon ents, and expla ins what t o do the fir st time you u se your not ebook co mputer .
40 Getti ng Star ted Select ing a place to work 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 ❖ Equipment t hat gener ates a s trong ele ctromagnet ic f ield, such as s tereo spe ake rs (other than spe akers t hat are connecte d to the c omputer) or speake rphones .
41 Gettin g Start ed Select ing a place to work 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 ❖ If you ar e using a n exte rnal monit or , the top of the display should be no highe r than e ye l ev el. ❖ If you us e a paper h older , set it at about the same hei ght and dist ance as t he screen.
42 Getti ng Star ted Select ing a place to work 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 ❖ Adjust the ba ck of you r chair so that it su pports the lo wer curv e of y our spine. If necessary , use a cushion t o pro vide ext ra back su pport. L ower -back-suppor t cushions are av ailable at man y of f ice sup ply store s.
43 Gettin g Start ed Select ing a place to work 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Work habits The ke y to av oiding discomfo rt or inj ury from st rain is to v ary you r acti vities. If po ssible, s chedule a var iety of tasks into you r workin g day . Finding w ays to br eak up the r outine can redu ce stres s and impro ve your ef ficienc y .
44 Getti ng Star ted Setti ng up your comput er 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 one is bei ng used. Over heating of a PC Car d can re sult in errors or insta bility i n its ope ration. Be careful when you r emov e a PC Card that ha s been used for a long period.
45 Gettin g Start ed Sett ing up y our comput er 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 line . See “Co nnecting the modem to a p hone line ” on page 82 . Before s tarting to use your computer , you may also want t.
46 Getti ng Star ted Setti ng up your comput er 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The opera ting syst em turn s of f the compu ter . 2 Unplug and remo ve an y cables connect ed to the computer . 3 Close th e display panel a nd turn th e compute r upside do wn to loca te the expan sion memory sl ot co ver .
47 Gettin g Start ed Sett ing up y our comput er 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 7 Holding t he memory mod ule by its e dges so th at the gol d connecto r bar faces t he slot, fit the mod ule in to the socket . 8 Gently pr ess do wn on the memory module c onnecto r until t he cl ips snap i nto place .
48 Getti ng Star ted Setti ng up your comput er 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Removing a memor y module 1 F ollo w ste ps 1 th rough 5 in “Ins tall ing addit ional memory (opt ional)” on page 4 5 . 2 Gent ly pu sh th e mem ory locks outwa rd unt il th e mem ory module pops up.
49 Gettin g Start ed Sett ing up y our comput er 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 T o c onne ct a pa rallel print er: CAUTION: Connect ing the pa rallel prin ter cabl e while th e comp uter is on ma y dam age t he pri nter , the c ompute r , or both . 1 Conn ect th e prin ter ca ble to th e prin ter an d to th e computer’ s parallel port.
50 Getti ng Star ted Setti ng up your comput er 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 P ower cable a nd A C adapter DANGER: Da maged p ower cables can c ause fi re or ele ctric s hock. Never modi fy , for cibly be nd, plac e heavy objects on top of, or apply he at to the power cab le.
51 Gettin g Start ed Char ging the batter y 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The A C po wer and ba ttery li ghts glo w . CAUTION: Using the wro ng AC adap ter coul d damage y our compute r . T oshiba assumes no liabi lity fo r any dama ge in such cases. Never pu ll dir ectly on the p ower cabl e to unpl ug it.
52 Getti ng Star ted Usin g the comp uter fo r the first time 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 is on. If the comput er is not consuming f ull po wer , the ti me requir ed to char ge the batt ery is r educed. For mor e info rmatio n on b atter y use, s ee “Running the computer on batter y po wer” on p age 94 .
53 Gettin g Start ed Using th e comp uter fo r th e f irst time 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 T urning on the power 1 Check tha t all th e dri ves are emp ty . 2 T urn on the c omputer b y pre ssing and r eleasin g the po wer b utton located o n the top o f the k eyboar d.
54 Getti ng Star ted Usin g the comp uter fo r the first time 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Using the T ouchPad The T ouchPad, the small, smooth squar e cuto ut locat ed in front of the ke yboar d, is sensit i ve to touch and en ables yo u to mo ve the cursor with the st roke of a f inger .
55 Gettin g Start ed Using th e comp uter fo r th e f irst time 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The funct ion of t he second ary (right -hand) b utton depend s on the pro gram you are us ing. It usually c orrespond s to t he right mouse b utt on. Check your program’ s documentation to f ind whet her it u ses th e righ t mous e button .
56 Getti ng Star ted Usin g the comp uter fo r the first time 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 T o register your co mputer at a later t ime, sel ect No, I do not w ant to reg ister a t this time . NOTE: If you ski p the regi stra tion the first t ime you start you r compute r , a week ly remi nder s creen will ap pear a few times to prompt yo u to do so.
57 Gettin g Start ed Using th e comp uter fo r th e f irst time 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 2 Select Pr inte rs and Faxe s . The Print ers and F axes windo w appears. Sample Pri nters and F axes window 3 Click Add Pr inter . The Add P rinter W izard starts.
58 Getti ng Star ted Usin g the comp uter fo r the first time 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Sample Add Pr inte r W izar d 4 Click Next . The Add P rinter W izard asks you to selec t your pri nter . TECHNICAL NOTE: If you r printe r is Plug an d Play , th e operat ing system r ecogniz es it auto matical ly .
59 Gettin g Start ed T urning off the co mputer 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The Add Pri nter W izard pro mpts you t o select your printe r . 7 From the l ist of manu factu rers and p rinters , select your printe r , then click Ne xt .
60 Getti ng Star ted Cari ng for yo ur comp uter 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 If you are us ing the comp uter f or the first t ime, le av e the computer plugged into a po wer source (e ven th ough the comput er is of f) to fully char ge the main batte ry . W ith the computer of f, it may ta ke u p to se vera l hours t o recha rge the main batt ery .
61 Gettin g Start ed Caring f or your compute r 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 T oshiba dealer f or suggest ions f or appropr iate cl eaning product s. CAUTION: Keep liqui d, incl uding cl eanin g fluid, out of the compute r’ s keyboard, sp eaker gr ille, and other op ening s.
62 Getti ng Star ted Cari ng for yo ur comp uter 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 T o secure t he computer : 1 Loop the c able thro ugh or arou nd some part of a hea vy obje ct. Make su re the re is no way for a poten tial th ief to sl ip the cable of f the obj ect.
63 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Chapter 3 Learning t he Basics This chap ter l ists some computing t ips and pro vides importan t inf ormation ab out basic feature s. Computing tips ❖ Sav e your work frequent ly . Y our w ork temporaril y stay s in the co mputer’ s memory until y ou sa ve it to th e disk.
64 Learni ng the Basics Usin g the keyboar d 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 ❖ Back up your fi les to di skett es (or ot her remov able storage media) on a regul ar basis . Label the backup copie s clea rly an d sto re them in a sa fe plac e. If your hard di sk sud denly f ails, yo u may l ose all the da ta on it unl ess you ha ve a se parate backup copy .
65 Learni ng the Bas ics Usin g the keyboar d 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Character keys T yping with t he charac ter ke ys is v ery much li ke typi ng on a type writer , except tha t: ❖ The space bar cr eates a s pace chara cter ins tead o f just passing ov er an area of t he page.
66 Learni ng the Basics Usin g the keyboar d 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Windows ® special keys W indows ® spec ial keys The ke yboard pro vides tw o k ey s that ha v e specia l functi ons in the ope rating s ystem : ❖ The W indo ws ® logo ke y opens the Start menu.
67 Learni ng the Bas ics Usin g the keyboar d 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Using the numeric keypad overlay T o turn on the num eric k eypad o verlay , press Fn and F11 simultaneou sly . The numeric mode l ight on the k eyboard indicat or panel glo ws when t he numeric o verlay is on.
68 Learni ng the Basics Usin g the keyboar d 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 T o turn of f the cur sor contr ol ov erlay , hold do wn the Fn key and pres s F10 again.
69 Learni ng the Bas ics Starti ng a pr ogr am 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The prede fi ned functi ons are: ❖ Close Appl ication Selecti ng Close Appl ication closes an y open windo w that you sele ct. ❖ Mute Selecti ng Mute will mute the s ound syste m.
70 Learni ng the Basics Saving you r work 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 ❖ Use the Run dialog box The W indo ws ® XP operat ing syst em tutoria l chapter gi ves step-b y-step inst ructions for start ing a progr am from the Star t menu. See “Le sson 6: St arting pr ograms” on pa ge 114 .
71 Learni ng the Bas ics Printi ng yo ur work 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Prin ting your work V erify tha t the W indows ® XP operat ing sy stem is set up for your p rinter as describe d in “Setting up a printer ” on page 56 . TECHNICAL NOTE: Y ou only need to set up the pr inter t he first time you connec t it.
72 Learni ng the Basics Usin g diskette s 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Inserting and removing diskettes 1 Hold the d isket te so that the arr o w on its u pper surf ace points t o ward the dri ve. 2 Push the di ske tte gentl y into the dri ve slot on th e left side of the c omputer .
73 Learni ng the Bas ics Backing up your f iles 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Back ing up your files Backing up your f iles mea ns cop ying ind iv idual files to a disk ette o r copyi ng entire section s of your ha rd dis k to another de vice, s uch as a ta pe dri ve.
74 Learni ng the Basics Usin g your C D or D VD dr ive 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Compact dis cs (CDs) stor e up to 700 MB of dat a or music. Y ou use CD-R OMs to load an d run so ftware , and to access refere nce mate rial such as catalo gs, as wel l as list en to music.
75 Learni ng the Bas ics Using y our CD or D VD drive 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 CAUTION: Never press the eject button or turn off the comput er while t he drive- in-use indicat or light is glowi ng. Doing so could damag e the disc or the driv e. The ejec t b utton r equires p ower to operat e.
76 Learni ng the Basics Usin g your C D or D VD dr ive 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 CD or D VD contr ol b uttons on the top of t he computer The previous tr ack button re turns to the pr eced ing tra ck on the di sc. The play/pause b utton starts pl aying th e disc or pauses it if it is cur rently playin g.
77 Learni ng the Bas ics Using y our CD or D VD drive 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 system on, and lau nches W inD VD. W hen y ou open the display , W inD VD starts play ing the D VD .
78 Learni ng the Basics Usin g your C D or D VD dr ive 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The disc tray p artiall y opens. CAUT ION: T o avoi d dam aging a disc or losing data, che ck that the disc act ivi ty ligh t is off be fore opening t he disc tr ay . 2 Grasp the disc tr ay and pu ll it f ully open.
79 Learni ng the Bas ics Using y our CD or D VD drive 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 P ositioning the disc on th e spind le CAUT ION: M ake sur e the disc i s prop erly p ositione d on the spindl e. If you positi on the disc incor rectl y , it can jam th e disc tray .
80 Learni ng the Basics Usin g your C D or D VD dr ive 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Sample W indows Media TM Player scr een The CD Player control panel wo rks much li ke an or dinary compact di sc player : ❖ T o play the CD or to pause , click t he Play/Pause butt on on the CD Pl ayer contr ol panel .
81 Learni ng the Bas ics Using y our CD or D VD drive 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Removing a disc with the computer on CAUTION: Check t he DVD-R OM, CD-ROM, CD-RW or DV D- ROM/CD- RW drive-in -use in dicator light wh en you use th e DVD- ROM, CD-R OM, or CD-RW dri ve.
82 Learni ng the Basics Setti ng up for communi cations 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Caring for CDs and DVDs ❖ Store you r disc s in thei r origi nal contai ners to p rotec t them from s cratches and keep t hem clean. ❖ Ne ve r bend a di sc or plac e hea vy obj ects on to p of it.
83 Learni ng the Bas ics Settin g up for commun icatio ns 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 modem, you mu st connect it to a standard v oice-grade RJ 11 telep hone line. 1 Attach one end of a stand ard RJ11 t elephone ca ble to the modem port. T o locate t he modem po rt, see “Ba ck” on page 2 7 .
84 Learni ng the Basics P ow ering down the com puter 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Powering down the computer When you po wer do wn the comput er , you hav e three options to choos e from: T urn Of f (or Shut do wn), Hibernati on and Stand by . Each option ha s its adv antages.
85 Learni ng the Bas ics P owering down the compute r 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 to the h ard disk. Si nce Hiber nation mode d oes not require power to m ainta in the saved in format ion, th e syst em sett ings are ret ained indefini tely . Res torin g info rmatio n from the hard disk ta kes longer th an restor ing it f rom memory .
86 Learni ng the Basics Using T urn Of f or Sh ut down 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 ❖ Restart ing from St and by mod e uses les s time and b attery po wer th an restarti ng from T urn Of f, Shut down or Hibernat ion mode.
87 Learni ng the Bas ics Using T urn Of f or Shut down 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The Shut Do w n W indo w s dial og box app ears. 2 Select Shut down fr om the drop- do wn list .
88 Learni ng the Basics Using Hi bernation 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Using Hibernation F or the W indo ws ® XP Home operati ng system, f ollo w these steps to power d own the co mput er usi ng Hi berna tion: 1 Click Start , select T urn off compu ter . The T urn of f computer dialog box ap pears.
89 Learni ng the Bas ics Using Hi bern ation 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Going into Hibernation mode more quickly Y ou can al so put the computer i nto Hiberna tion mode b y pressi ng the po wer but ton or cl osing the display pa nel. 1 Open the St art menu, then c lick Contr ol Panel.
90 Learni ng the Basics Using St and b y 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Using Stand b y F or the W indo ws ® XP Home operati ng system, f ollo w these steps to power d own the co mput er usi ng the Stan d by comm and: 1 Click Start , select T urn off compu ter .
91 Learni ng the Bas ics Using St and b y 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 3 Click OK . The co mputer sa ves the s tatus of all open programs and f iles to me mory , tu rns off the d ispla y , and go es int o a low-power mode. The on/o f f light blinks gr een to indi cate the machine is in Sta nd by mode.
92 Learni ng the Basics Using St and b y — Blank Page — 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3.
93 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Chapter 4 Mobile Computing This chapter c ov ers al l aspect s of usin g your c omputer whil e traveling. T oshiba’ s ener gy-saver design Y our comput er enter s a lo w -po wer standb y mode when it is not being used, the reby co nserving e nerg y and sa ving mone y in the p rocess.
94 Mob ile Comp uting Running the comp uter on batter y power 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Running the computer on batter y power The co mputer cont ains a re mov able lithiu m ion (Li -ion) high-ca pacity bat tery that provi des po wer when you ar e a way from an A C outle t.
95 Mobile Comput ing Running the comp uter on batter y power 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Maximizing batter y life A high-ca pacity ba ttery pac k can be re char ged man y times.
96 Mob ile Comp uting Charging ba tteries 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Charging ba tteries NOTE: Bat tery charge t ime may vary dependi ng on the appli cations , power manageme nt s ettings, and f eature s us ed. The main ba ttery and the opt ional se condary bat tery nee d to be char ged before you ca n use them t o po wer the computer .
97 Mobile Comput ing Char ging bat teries 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 T o e nsur e that the b attery charge s to it s full capaci ty , wait until i t reache s room temper ature (5 0 to 80 d egree s F ahrenheit, 10 to 26 de grees Celsius) . ❖ The batt ery is al most complet ely disc harge d.
98 Mob ile Comp uting Mon itoring batter y power 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Monitoring batter y power The batt ery li ght indi cates the primary ba ttery’ s current char ge. The Modular Bay l ight indi cates t he char ge st ate of the sec ondary bat tery (if used).
99 Mobile Comput ing Monito ring batt ery power 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 TECHNICAL NOTE: T he c omputer dr ains t he b attery fast er at low tempera tures. Check yo ur remaini ng charge frequen tly if yo u are workin g in temp eratur es below 50 de grees Fahrenhei t.
100 Mob ile Comp uting Mon itoring batter y power 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 ❖ Put the c omputer in Hiberna tion mode an d replace the batter y with a cha rge d spare.
101 Mobile Comput ing Changin g the mai n batt ery 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Changing the main batter y When your ba ttery po wer is running lo w , you ha ve t wo options —connect the computer to an A C po wer source or instal l a ch arge d battery . CAUTION: When handli ng a batte ry , be careful not to dro p it or short- circu it its termin als.
102 Mob ile Comp uting T rav eling ti ps 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Y ou must di scard a ba ttery if it becomes damaged. CAUTION: The computer ’ s main battery is a lit hium ion (L i-io n) batte ry , which c an explo de i f not p roperl y repla ced, used, h andled, or disp osed of .
103 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Chapter 5 Getting to Know the Windows ® XP Operating System This chap ter i ntroduces the W indo ws ® XP o perating system by gu iding y ou through a fe w basi c tasks. If you ha ve used a W indo ws ® operating system b efore, you will f ind the W indows ® XP operating syst em famili ar .
104 Gettin g to Know the Wind ows ® XP Operating System Lesso n 1: Ex plorin g the de sktop 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 start programs, f ind documents , set up sy stem component s, and perf orm most othe r computing tasks. HINT : The il lustrate d examples in this gui de may ap pear sli ghtly diff erent f rom the sc reens displa yed by y our syst em.
105 Getti ng to Kno w the Windows ® XP Opera ting Syst em Lesson 1: Expl orin g the de sktop 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Icons An ic on rep resen ts a fold er , file, or progr am tha t can b e quickly acti vate d by double-cl icking t he ico n.
106 Gettin g to Know the Wind ows ® XP Operating System Lesso n 1: Ex plorin g the de sktop 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 ❖ Open rece ntly acce ssed do cuments ❖ Adjust s ystem sett ings ❖ Search f or .
107 Getti ng to Kno w the Windows ® XP Opera ting Syst em Lesson 2: Usin g the T o uchP ad and cont r o l buttons togeth er 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Programs, documents, an d other dat a are hel d in files . These f iles can be group ed togethe r in folde rs , and folde rs can be grouped i nside oth er folder s for con v enient or ganizing.
108 Gettin g to Know the Wind ows ® XP Operating System Lesson 2: Usi ng the T ouchP ad and contr ol b uttons tog ether 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 1 Using the T ouchP ad, mov e the po inter to the Start bu tton, th en click the primar y b utton (usu ally the left) t o open the Star t menu.
109 Getti ng to Kno w the Windows ® XP Opera ting Syst em Lesson 2: Usin g the T o uchP ad and cont r o l buttons togeth er 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Sample My Computer window 6 No w click the Close b utton in the upper -right corner of this w indow . The operati ng system cl oses the My Comp uter windo w .
110 Gettin g to Know the Wind ows ® XP Operating System Lesso n 3: Le arning about the Inte rnet 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Sample des ktop with the ta skbar on th e right HINT : Y ou can mov e the tas kbar to any of the des ktop’ s four edges. 8 Click th e task bar once ag ain and dr ag it bac k to the bottom of the deskt op.
111 Getti ng to Kno w the Windows ® XP Opera ting Syst em Lesson 4: Cr eating a ne w document 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 you can al so typ e a W eb address in the My Computer windo w . 1 Click Start , then doubl e-click My Compute r . The My Computer windo w appears .
112 Gettin g to Know the Wind ows ® XP Operating System Lesson 4 : Cr eating a n ew do cument 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 2 Click New , then click Te x t D o c u m e n t . The opera ting s ystem crea tes an ic on on the des ktop called New T ext Document wit h the ico n name highli ghted.
113 Getti ng to Kno w the Windows ® XP Opera ting Syst em Lesson 5: Cr eating a ne w folde r 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 T o learn mor e about Note pad, click Help or open the Help menu b y pressing F1 . For no w , lea ve Note pad open and go on t o the ne xt less on.
114 Gettin g to Know the Wind ows ® XP Operating System Lesson 6 : Star ting pr ogra ms 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The outli ne of the document icon mo ves ac ross the desktop a nd disappe ars i nto the fo lder . 6 T o see your d ocument, double-cl ick the f older ic on.
115 Getti ng to Kno w the Windows ® XP Opera ting Syst em Lesson 6 : Star ting pr ogra ms 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Sample P aint window 3 T o open the s econd progr am, click Start , t hen click All Prog rams . 4 Poin t to Accessories , then click Wi ndows Explor er .
116 Gettin g to Know the Wind ows ® XP Operating System Lesson 7 : Resi zing, r epositio ning, and hidi ng wind ows 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Sample W indows Explor er window Notice t he taskba r no w has tw o b uttons on it—one fo r P aint and o ne for W indo ws Expl orer .
117 Getti ng to Kno w the Windows ® XP Opera ting Syst em Lesson 7 : Resiz ing, r epo sitionin g, and hidi ng windo ws 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 This les son in troduces s ev eral ways to adjust the siz e, shape, and posi tion of win do ws open on t he deskto p.
118 Gettin g to Know the Wind ows ® XP Operating System Lesson 7 : Resi zing, r epositio ning, and hidi ng wind ows 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Minimizing and max imizing windows 1 T o make the W indows Exp lorer wind ow the acti ve windo w , click th e Windows Ex plor er but ton on the taskbar .
119 Getti ng to Kno w the Windows ® XP Opera ting Syst em Less on 8: Closin g pr og rams 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 F or the ne xt few s teps ass ume that you w ant t o be able t o see both Pa int and W indo ws Explorer at the sa me time. 2 Mov e the poi nter to t he right -hand edge o f the P aint windo w .
120 Gettin g to Know the Wind ows ® XP Operating System Lesson 9 : Cr eating shortc uts 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 T o close the progr ams: 1 Click th e Close b utton at the to p-right o f the Explorer windo w . That is all ther e is to i t. W indows Explorer c loses, remov ing th e Explorer b utton from th e taskbar as well.
121 Getti ng to Kno w the Windows ® XP Opera ting Syst em Lesson 9 : Cr eating shortc uts 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Sample Cr eate Short cut dialo g box 3 In the Command line box, ty pe c:winnt system32ca lc.exe and click Next . The opera ting syst em prompts you to sel ect a name for the shor tcut.
122 Gettin g to Know the Wind ows ® XP Operating System Lesson 9 : Cr eating shortc uts 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Sample Sea r c h options on the Sta rt menu 2 Click All Fi les and F olders . The opera ting syst em display s the Sear ch Results dialog box.
123 Getti ng to Kno w the Windows ® XP Opera ting Syst em Lesso n 10: Changing the s cr een save r 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 HINT : Search also all ows you to per form sear ches on the Interne t. 3 T ype char in the All or part of th e f ile name: te xt box, and then click Search .
124 Gettin g to Know the Wind ows ® XP Operating System Lesson 1 0: Changi ng the scr een saver 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 of these proper ties can be customized to meet your pa rtic ular needs and tast es. DEFINIT ION: An object is an inde pendent b lock of dat a, text , or graphi cs that wa s created by an ind ividual applic ation.
125 Getti ng to Kno w the Windows ® XP Opera ting Syst em Lesson 11: S etting t he da te and t ime 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 5 Scroll through th e scre en sa v er options by cl ickin g the scroll arro ws in the list b ox. 6 T ry a screen sa ver pa ttern b y clicking a name i n the li st box.
126 Gettin g to Know the Wind ows ® XP Operating System Lesson 1 2: Remo ving object s fr om th e deskt op 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Samp le Da te a nd T i me Propertie s di alog bo x HINT : T o open the.
127 Getti ng to Kno w the Windows ® XP Opera ting Syst em Lesson 12: Removi ng objec ts fr om the deskto p 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 origina l unclut tered st ate. This less on exp lains ho w to remo ve objects from the d esktop and intro duces the Re cycl e Bin.
128 Gettin g to Know the Wind ows ® XP Operating System Lesson 1 3: Usin g Syste m Restor e 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The o bject is per mane ntly d elete d from the Re cycle B in.
129 Getti ng to Kno w the Windows ® XP Opera ting Syst em Less on 14: If I am lost , what do I do? 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Sample Sys tem Rest or e W elcome scr een The opera ting syst em guides yo u throu gh the proc ess of storin g your syste m settings f or future use.
130 Gettin g to Know the Wind ows ® XP Operating System Lesso n 14: If I am lost , wha t do I do? 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Help and Su pport Cente r displa ys the Ind ex. Sample Hel p and Support Center Inde x The left side of t he scree n contains the inde x.
131 Getti ng to Kno w the Windows ® XP Opera ting Syst em Less on 14: If I am lost , what do I do? 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Sample Dr awing help window 5 Click th e Pain t link. The opera ting syst em opens the Pa int progr am. Not e very Help topic cont ains a hot link to start t he program i t is talking ab out.
132 Gettin g to Know the Wind ows ® XP Operating System Lesson 1 5: T urning of f your comp uter 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Sample W indows ® XP T ours and tut orials wi ndow T o start a W indo ws ® XP tour or t utorial : 1 Click Start , then Hel p and Support Cen ter .
133 Getti ng to Kno w the Windows ® XP Opera ting Syst em Lesson 15: T urning of f your comput er 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 2 Click Tu r n Off . The comp uter shuts do wn. F or the W indo ws ® XP P rofessio nal opera ting syst em: 1 Click Start , then sel ect Shut Down .
134 Gettin g to Know the Wind ows ® XP Operating System Lesson 1 5: T urning of f your comp uter — Blank Page — 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3.
135 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Chapter 6 Exploring Y our Options In this chapter , you wi ll ex plore oth er featu res of your notebook comput er . Windows ® XP special features The Wi n d o w s ® XP ope.
136 Explor ing Y our Option s P ersona lizin g your d esktop 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Personalizing your desktop Y our deskt op is y our virtu al works pace.
137 Explor ing Y our Option s P ersona lizing your deskto p 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Bringing the world to your desktop W ith the W ind o ws ® XP o perating syst em you can set up y our desktop with compl ete W orld W ide W eb inte gration at a single cl ick.
138 Explor ing Y our Option s P ersona lizin g your d esktop 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 7 T o bro wse the Gall ery for more co mponents to a dd, click V isit Gallery .
139 Explor ing Y our Option s P ersona lizing your deskto p 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The My Computer windo w appears . 2 Select the To o l s m enu, t hen clic k Fo lder Opti ons . The Fo lder Op tions dia log box appe ars. Sample F olde r Options d ialog b ox 3 Click th e pref erred opt ions.
140 Explor ing Y our Option s P ersona lizin g your d esktop 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Customizing window t oolbars Y ou can display o ne or more customiza ble to olbars at the t op of a windo w .
141 Explor ing Y our Option s P ersona lizing your deskto p 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The elemen ts you c an add to t he top of t he windo w are: Displaying a toolbar in a window 1 Click Start , then cli ck My Computer .
142 Explor ing Y our Option s Using yo ur co mputer a t the o ff ice 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 2 Open the f older you w ant to v ie w as a W eb page. 3 In the T ools menu, sele ct F older Opt ions. 4 In the T asks sect ion, cl ick the b utton for Show co mmon tasks in f olders .
143 Explor ing Y our Option s Using y our comput er at the o ff ice 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Setting up for communications In ord er to c onnect to the Inter net, us e an on line s ervic e, or communic a.
144 Explor ing Y our Option s Using the Ether net LAN P ort 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 6 Make a no te of the COM port numbe r . 7 T o ver ify tha t the mode m is set up properl y , double-click the COM port to wh ich your mode m is conn ected. The Modem AMR Proper ties box a ppears.
145 Explor ing Y our Option s Usin g the Et hernet LAN P ort 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 1 Click Start and then cl ick Contr ol Panel . 2 Click P erf ormance and Mai ntenance . 3 Click th e Syste m icon an d select the Hardwar e tab, then select the De vice Manager butt on 4 Select Network Adapt ers , t hen select t he spec if ic Networ k Adapter .
146 Explor ing Y our Option s Exch angin g data wi th anothe r comp uter 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 2 Poin t to Accessories , then to Communications , and click New Connection Wizar d .
147 Explor ing Y our Option s Exc hanging data with anoth er comput er 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 5 When you ha ve f inishe d transfe rring f ile s, close t he programs on both comput ers. T ransf erring files us ing the Infrared port Y ou can transfe r f iles to a nother co mputer us ing your Satell ite note book compu ter’ s infrar ed port.
148 Explor ing Y our Option s Exch angin g data wi th anothe r comp uter 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 machines, set up electron ic b usiness c ards, and s end te xt messages to a fe w people or to ev eryone in you r proximit y . NOTE: B efore using S P ANworks, you must estab lish a networ k link b etwee n com puter s.
149 Explor ing Y our Option s Con necting to the Inte rnet 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Connecting to the Internet T o connect t o the Int ernet you need: ❖ A modem (one co mes with your computer) ❖ A te.
150 Explor ing Y our Option s An over view of usi ng the In ternet 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 F or more inf ormati on on connec ting a modem, see “Connecting the modem to a phone line ” on page 82 .
151 Explor ing Y our Option s An ove rvie w of using t he Int ernet 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 to a par ticular network address a nd send and recei ve infor mation . Internet Service Providers T o connect a computer di rectly t o the Int ernet, man y peopl e and b usine sses use an I nternet Service Pro vider (ISP).
152 Explor ing Y our Option s An over view of usi ng the In ternet 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Internet features The Inte rnet o ff ers man y types of communica tion tools t o help you p erform man y ta sks. ❖ Intern et email T o send and r ecei ve email of yo ur o wn, you need a mailbox on the W eb, or an email address.
153 Explor ing Y our Option s T oshiba’ s onli ne r esour ces 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 lar ge amounts of data. Y ou can also use the File T r ansf er Protocol (FTP) suppo rted b y a se parate soft ware program. T oshiba’ s online re sources T oshiba maintains a number of onli ne sites to which yo u can connect.
154 Explor ing Y our Option s Explori ng vide o fe atur es 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Playing DVDs 1 Open the D VD-R OM tray . 2 Place t he D VD in the D VD-R OM dri v e.
155 Explor ing Y our Option s Explori ng aud io feat ur es 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The Displ ay Propert ies dial og box ap pears. Sample Dis play Pr operties dialo g box 2 Click the Se tting tab . 3 Click the Adv anced b utton. 4 Select Tw i n v i e w tab .
156 Explor ing Y our Option s Explori ng audi o featu r es 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Recording sounds Y ou can mak e audio r ecordings and sa v e them as .w av fi les by c onnecting an e xternal microphone or other s ound source to the mic rophone jack and usi ng the Sound Rec order fea ture in the o perat ing syste m.
157 Explor ing Y our Option s Explori ng aud io feat ur es 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 3 Click th e Record b utton and speak nor mally int o the microphon e. NOTE: Y ou can only rec ord 60 se conds at a t ime. 4 When you ha ve fi nished re cording, c lick the Stop b utton.
158 Explor ing Y our Option s Connect ing a moni tor , k eyboar d an d mouse 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 intern al speak ers, you c an connect headphones or a pai r of ext ernal st ereo spea ker s. TECHNICAL NOT E: Use amplif ied spe akers that requi re an exter nal power so urce.
159 Explor ing Y our Option s Connect ing a t ele visio n to the S-video out port 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 NOTE: Bef ore con nectin g the dev ice, make sure that it is rea dy to recei ve S-vide o input. Some devices have a swi tch or but ton that changes thi s set ting.
160 Explor ing Y our Option s Connect ing a tele visi on to t he S-vi deo o ut port 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Sample Dis play Pr operties dialo g box 2 Click th e Settings tab. 3 Slide t he Scre en area sl ider bar to war d Less until the setti ng reads 640 x 48 0 .
161 Explor ing Y our Option s Connect ing a t ele visio n to the S-video out port 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 8 Click OK . 9 Open the D VD tray a nd insert a D VD title. The D VD movie sh ould play a utomatica lly . Playing Video CDs TECHNICAL NOTE: V ideo CD playbac k capab ility is n ot enab led on all sy stems .
162 Explor ing Y our Option s Using PC C ar ds 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 F or more inf ormation a bout using W inD VD 2000, see “W inD VD 2000” o n page 167 . Using PC Cards PC Cards e xpand your comput er’ s capabi lities and usefuln ess. Y ou can purchas e additi onal PC Cards from your dealer .
163 Explor ing Y our Option s Using PC Car ds 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 3 Align th e card connector s with an av ailable PC Car d slot and ca reful ly slid e the ca rd into th e slot u ntil it lo cks in to place. NOTE: I f you have a T ype III car d, ins ert t he conn ector into the lower slot .
164 Explor ing Y our Option s Usin g Smar tMedia c ar d s 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Hot swapping precautions Although y ou can inse rt a PC Card at an y time, to av oid data loss ne ver r emov e a card while it i s in use. For exampl e: ❖ Ne ve r remo ve a ha rd disk ca rd whil e the syst em is accessi ng it.
165 Explor ing Y our Option s Emul ating a full-siz e ke yboard 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Inserting a SmartMedia card 1 T urn th e card so that t he con nect or (m etal ar ea) face s do wn.
166 Explor ing Y our Option s Emulati ng a full-siz e ke yboar d — Blank Page — 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3.
167 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Chapter 7 WinDVD 2000 DVD 2000 W inD VD is a s oftwar e program fo r playing back CDs, V i deoCDs a nd D VDs. This chapter expl ains ho w to use this program. Play ing DVDs TECHNICAL NOTE: F or optimu m DVD per formance , alwa ys play DVDs while your co mputer is conn ected to AC power .
168 WinDVD 2000 Playin g D VDs 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 a D VD-R OM or D VD-R OM/CD-R W multifunction dri ve, your comput er comes wit h W inD VD prein stalled . W ARNING: Befor e play ing a DVD, turn do wn the vo lume. Pla ying the di sc at maxi mum volume c ould dama ge your e ars.
169 WinDVD 200 0 Play ing DV Ds 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Sample W inD VD video window with t he contr ol pa nel Using the WinDVD toolbar The W inD V D windo w contains a t oolbar at the top a nd a status bar at t he bottom.
170 WinDVD 2000 Playin g D VDs 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 playback speed o r mov e it t o the righ t to play the D VD faster . Placing the sl ider in t he center plays th e D VD at normal speed, an d enables t he audio. Th e audio is automatic ally muted at a ny oth er playba ck speed.
171 WinDVD 200 0 Play ing DV Ds 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 the same f eatures as the con trol panel, plu s the enab le capt ion featur e, which dis plays cap tions for the he aring impa ired. Y ou can also cr eate a pla ylist, to cus tomize the ord er in which the D VD content p lays (se e “Creati ng playli sts” on page 174 ).
172 WinDVD 2000 Playin g D VDs 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Click th is T o do this Or use ke y boar d shortcut Rep eat — rep eat the c urrent chapter , if t he D VD contains chapters.
173 WinDVD 200 0 Play ing DV Ds 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Maximizing the video window T o close the W inD VD control panel and e xpand t he video windo w to fill the scree n, click t he Maximize b utton. F ast backward — mo v e quickly ba ckward through the D VD content.
174 WinDVD 2000 Using pl aylis ts 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 T o display the con trol pane l again, double-cl ick an ywhere in the vide o windo w . Using playlists TECHNICAL NOTE: T he DVD a uthor determi nes what fe atures the DVD supp orts .
175 WinDVD 200 0 Using playli sts 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 2 Click th e File but ton in the lo wer left corner of the windo w , to indica te th at you are creatin g a playli st of indi vidual f iles. 3 In the l eft dis play select the dr iv e and folder wher e the D VD files are loca ted.
176 WinDVD 2000 Customiz ing W inD VD 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Resuming normal playback aft er using playlists T o resume pla ying the D VD files i n order af ter usin g a playli st, clic k the eject b utton to op en the di sc tray , then cl ose it aga in.
177 WinDVD 200 0 Customiz ing W inD VD 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Setting general properties Yo u u s e t h e General tab t o sele ct the re gion code, the dr i ve lette r assigne d to the D VD-R OM dri ve, th e autop lay def ault option, a nd which W inD VD toolbars are displayed by defa ult.
178 WinDVD 2000 Customiz ing W inD VD 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 T ool bar is the bar contai ning basic player fun ctions that is disp layed at t he top of the W inD VD video win do w . Status bar is th e bar tha t is disp layed at the bo ttom of the W inD VD video windo w .
179 WinDVD 200 0 Customiz ing W inD VD 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 2 In the A udio chan nels box, sele ct the app ropriat e speak er mode t o match your se tup as f ollo ws: ❖ If you ha ve tw o speak ers, sel ect one of the 2 speak er modes . Mono mix es the a udio channe ls in to one chan nel .
180 WinDVD 2000 Customiz ing W inD VD 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Setting display properties 1 In the Proper ties dial og box, click t he Di sp lay tab . The Displa y tab m oves to the fr ont.
181 WinDVD 200 0 Customiz ing W inD VD 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Customizing the control panel Y ou can cus tomize the appearanc e of your W i nD VD TM 2000 player’ s contro l panel.
182 WinDVD 2000 Using W inD VD Advanced F eatur es 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Sample ne w W inD VD 2000 contr ol panel appea rance Y ou can also sel ect About to displ ay copyr ight and v ersion infor mation . Using WinDVD Ad vanced Featu res TECHNICAL NOTE: T he DVD a uthor determi nes what fe atures the DVD supp orts .
183 WinDVD 200 0 Using W inD VD Advanced F eatur es 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 W inD VD expan ded contr ol pa nel Use this T o do this Or use ke yboard shortcut Playback s peed — control the speed at which the D VD plays. Mov e the slider to the left to slow the pla y- back spee d or mov e it to th e right to play th e D V D fast er .
184 WinDVD 2000 Using W inD VD Advanced F eatur es 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Dir ectional b uttons — use to navi gate the W inD VD menus, as you w ould the arr ow ke ys on the ke yboard.
185 WinDVD 200 0 Using W inD VD Advanced F eatur es 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Menu but ton — dis - plays al l a v ailabl e menu s for t he curr ent D VD. Examples of menus are: Root, Audio Langu age, Subtitl es. Use your mouse or t he control panel di rect ional b ut- tons to select a menu.
186 WinDVD 2000 Using W inD VD Advanced F eatur es 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 A udio tracks — dis- plays a list of all t he audio tr ack opti ons. This fea ture is most comm onl y used w ith mult i-lan guage c on- tent to cha nge the spo- ken/h eard lang uage.
187 WinDVD 200 0 Using W inD VD Advanced F eatur es 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Zooming in Y ou can zoom in on an area of the W inD VD video windo w to get a cl oser look . 1 Click th e Zoom b utt on, locate d in the up per -left co rner o f the di rectio nal butt on pa nel.
188 WinDVD 2000 Using W inD VD Advanced F eatur es 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 4 Release the pr imary b utto n. W inD VD automat ically f ills the windo w with the selec ted ar ea. Panning Once you ar e zoomed in o n an area of the W inD VD video windo w , you can mo ve th e zoom windo w location u sing the pan feat ure.
189 WinDVD 200 0 Launc hing an Inter net br owse r fr om W inD VD 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The adjus tment dia log box provi des anot her set o f sliders for adju sting v olume and bright ness.
190 WinDVD 2000 Exiti ng W inD VD — Blank Page — 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3.
191 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Chapter 8 If Somet hing G oes Wron g Some pr oblems you may e ncounte r when usin g your notebook computer are relati vel y easy to i dentify and sol ve. Others ma y requir e help fr om your dea ler or the manuf acturer of a sof tware p rogram.
192 If So methin g Goes Wrong 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 T o close a p rogram that has stopp ed respond ing in the W indows ® XP Home o perating system: 1 Press Ctrl , Alt , and Del simultane ously . 2 The W indows T ask Manager a ppears. 3 Click th e Applic atio ns tab.
193 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Pr oblems wh en you t urn on t he comput er 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Y our pr ogram performs an i llegal operation. If you r ecei ve the mess age, “ Y our program has perf ormed an illegal operation ,” you sho uld recor d the deta ils of t he message a nd consu lt the so ftw are manuf acturer .
194 If So methin g Goes Wrong The W indows ® oper ating syste m is n ot worki ng 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The computer starts b ut, when y ou press a k ey , nothing happe ns. Y ou are pr obably in Standb y mode and hav e a softwar e or resourc e confli ct.
195 If Som ethin g Goes W rong The W indows ® operat ing sys tem is not work ing 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 ❖ The o perat ing sys tem fai ls to st art aft er the Starti ng Window s XP message appear s. ❖ The opera ting syst em takes a long time to st art.
196 If S omething Goes Wr ong The W indows ® oper ating syste m is n ot worki ng 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 ❖ Directo ry servic es re store mode ( W indo ws ® dom ain control lers onl y) ❖ Deb ugging Mode ❖ Start W indows ® normal ly ❖ Reboot F or detai led infor mation, refer t o your op erating s ystem’ s documentat ion.
197 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 1 Click Start , then cli ck Help a nd Support . The Help an d Support wi ndo w appear s. 2 Then do one or both of the fo llo wing: ❖ In the s earch f ield, type in t he topic o f the prob lem with which you n eed hel p and foll ow the on-s creen instru ction s.
198 If S omething Goes Wr ong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 system or one of it s att ached de vices is n’t working, resol ving the prob lem can b e time-consumi ng and frus trating . The recommen ded proc edure for getting multiple d ev ices to wor k togethe r is to add and se t up on e de vice at a time.
199 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Plug and Play W ith Plug and Pl ay and the W indo ws ® XP operating syst em, av oiding hardw a re co nflicts is easy .
200 If S omething Goes Wr ong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Fixing a problem with Device Ma nager De vice Man ager pro vides a way to ch eck and change the conf igurat ion of a de vice. CAUTION: Changin g the defa ult sett ings usi ng Device Manager can cause other co nflicts t hat make one or mor e devices unu sabl e.
201 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 1 Click Start . 2 Click My Computer wi th the sec ondary b utton, then click Pro perties . The Syste m Propert ies dial og box appea rs. 3 Click th e Hardwar e tab .
202 If S omething Goes Wr ong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 3 Reinsta ll the memor y module, fol lo wing th e instruc tions in “I nstall ing addit ional memo ry (optional )” on page 45 , and making sure it i s seated properly .
203 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The batt ery may be t oo hot or t oo cold to char ge properly . If you thin k this is the pr obable cause, let the batt ery reac h room temper ature and try aga in. If the battery has completely dischar ged, it will not be gin char ging immediatel y .
204 If S omething Goes Wr ong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 If the problem occurs when both the k eyp ad o verl ays are o ff , make su re the softwa re you are using is n ot remap ping the ke yboar d.
205 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 ❖ T ry a djusting the con trast a nd brightn ess contr ols on the externa l monit or . ❖ Press Fn a nd F5 simultaneous ly to mak e sure the displ ay priori ty is not set f or the b uilt-in sc reen.
206 If S omething Goes Wr ong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 4 Click OK . The display mode is set to Simul taneous and the external display device does n ot work. Make sur e the e xterna l monitor i s capable of displ aying at resolut ions of 8 00 x 600 or hi gher .
207 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 ❖ Scan for and attempt reco ve ry of bad s ectors ❖ Click Start . Error -checking ru ns the te st. Y our h ard dis k seems v ery slo w . If you ha ve been usi ng your compu ter for some t ime, your f iles may ha ve beco me fragmente d.
208 If S omething Goes Wr ong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The comp uter displays the Non-system d isk or disk error message . If you ar e starti ng the compute r from the har d disk, mak e sure there i s no disk ette i n the disk ette dri ve.
209 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 manu al eje ct button. This bu tto n is in th e sma ll hol e next to the dis c eject b utton on th e right s ide of the computer . Some discs run corr ectly , b ut othe rs do no t.
210 If S omething Goes Wr ong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The Proper ties Box a ppears. 5 Select the Advanced Settings tab, then selec t DMA if ava i l a b l e from the Tr a n s f e r M o d e s drop-do wn list. In the cor rect d evi ce area, click OK .
211 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 2 Ensu ring D MA is t urne d on. (S ee “Playback perfo rmance is poor .” on page 209 .) 3 If you ha ve insta lled ne w hardware (s uch as a ne w graphic s card or audio c ard), ensu re the component’ s dri vers suppor t Microsof t ® D ir ectX ® 5.
212 If S omething Goes Wr ong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 ❖ D VD-R OM dri ve with DMA enable d (only a vailab le with Micr osoft OS R 2.
213 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 No audio s ubsystem cou ld be found f or playba ck. There is a pro blem with t he audio ca rd or audi o compo- nent wi thin the system. Th e problem may be one of t he following : The au dio card i s faul ty .
214 If S omething Goes Wr ong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 An une xpecte d error ha s occurre d. This error i s uncl assified. Report th e proble m and an y error code t o your suppl ier's T echnical Suppo rt. This is us ually a r are, title- specif ic problem.
215 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 This D VD disc can not be played i n this re gion. The sele cted r egion cannot be used du e to one of the following : The Re gion Code of W inD VD and the D VD disc do not mat ch.
216 If S omething Goes Wr ong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Sound system problems Y ou do n ot hear any sound from the comput er . Adju st the volu me con trol. If you ar e using e xternal headpho nes or spea kers, c heck that the y are secu rely c onnected t o your comput er .
217 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 in the Mixer Utili ty (defau lt Enab led), m ay cau se fee dback. Re ve rt to th e def ault se ttings. PC Card problems PC Car ds (P CMCI A-com patib le) in clude m any types of de vices, s uch as a re mov able hard dis k, additi onal memory , or a page r .
218 If S omething Goes Wr ong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 PC Card checklist ❖ Make su re the card is in serte d prope rly in to the sl ot. See “Usin g PC Cards” on p age 162 for how to in sert P C Cards. ❖ Make sure all cables a re secure ly connect ed.
219 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The computer stops workin g (hangs) when you insert a PC Card. The pro blem may be caused by an I /O (input/ output) co nflict between t he PCMCIA socket and another de vice in t he system.
220 If S omething Goes Wr ong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 A PC C ard er r or oc curs . Reinser t the card to make sur e it is p roperly c onnected. If the card is a ttached t o an e xternal d evi ce, check that the connecti on is secure.
221 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Resolv ing a har dwar e conflict 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 The print er will not print w hat y ou see on the scre en. Many pr ograms display informati on on the screen di f feren tly from the way the y print it. See if y our progra m has a prin t pre view mode.
222 If S omething Goes Wr ong Deve lop g ood comput ing hab its 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Develop good co mputing habits Make sure you ar e prepar ed. Save y our work frequ ently . Y ou can ne ver pred ict when your c omputer will lock, forci ng you to cl ose a progr am and lose unsa ved ch anges.
223 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Using V irtualT ec h 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Y our loc al compu ter stor e or book store s ells a v ariety of self - help book s you ca n use to sup plement the infor mation in the manuals. Using VirtualT ech V irtualT ech is a suit e of inno vati ve s upport re sources an d tools install ed on y our c omputer .
224 If S omething Goes Wr ong If you need furthe r assis tance 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 If you need further assistance If you ha ve foll owe d the re commendations in this ch apter and are sti ll ha ving problems, you may need add itional te chnical assist ance.
225 If Som ethin g Goes W rong If you need fu rthe r assist ance 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 T oshiba voice contact Before c alling T oshiba, mak e sure you hav e: ❖ Y our comp uter ’ s seri al nu mber . ❖ The comp uter and a ny opti onal d ev ices rel ated to t he problem.
226 If S omething Goes Wr ong Other T oshi ba Inte rnet W eb sit es 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Other T oshiba Internet W eb sites T oshiba’ s worldwide offices toshib W orldw ide T o shib a corpo rate site compute rs.toshib Marke ting an d prod uct in for- mation in the USA toshib a.
227 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Other T oshi ba Inte rnet W eb sit es 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Central America & Carib bean T echData Latin America 8501 NW 17t h Street, #101 Miami, F L 33126 United States Chile CHS Pr omar k Chile Ltd a. J. Joaquin Agu irre Luco 1339 Huechuraba Santiago, C hile Colombia CHS Promark Colo mbia Ltda.
228 If S omething Goes Wr ong Other T oshi ba Inte rnet W eb sit es 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Mexico T osh iba de México S.A. Sierra Candela No.111, 6to. Piso Col. Lomas de Chapultepec. CP 11000 Mexico, DF . Morocco C.B.I. 22 Rue de Béthune Casablanca Morocco The Netherlands T oshiba Information Systems Benelux B.
229 If Som ethin g Goes W rong Other T oshi ba Inte rnet W eb sit es 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Spain T oshiba Information Systems (Es paña) S.A. Parque Empresarial S an Fernando Edif icio Eur opa, 1 a Pl.
230 If S omething Goes Wr ong Other T oshi ba Inte rnet W eb sit es — Blank Page — 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3.
231 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Appendix A Hot Keys Hot ke ys are ke ys that, when pressed in c ombination wi th the Fn key , turn s ystem functi ons on a nd of f. Hot k ey s ha ve a leg end on or abov e the ke y indic ating the option or featu re the k ey contro ls.
232 Hot K eys Sound 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Sound Fn + This hot ke y cy cles thr ough the di ff erent al arm vo lume le vels . The alar m v olume opt ions are : Of f, Lo w , Medium, and High. Of f is alw ays f irst. Display modes Fn + This hot ke y cy cles thr ough the po wer- on display mode opti ons.
233 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3 Appendix B Pow e r C a b l e C o nnector s Y our note book comput er feat ures a uni versal po wer suppl y you can us e wor ldwide. This append ix sho w s th e shapes of the typi cal A C po wer cable connect ors fo r v arious pa rts of the wo rld.
234 Power Cabl e C onnecto rs — Blank Page — 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3.
235 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 G lo s sar y TECHNICAL NOT E: Some featur es def ined i n thi s glos sary may not be avai lable o n you r com puter . Acronyms The follo wing acron yms may appear in this user’ s guide.
236 Glossa ry 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 DMA direct memory access DIMM dual inline memory module DOS disk opera ting system DPI dots per inch DSTN dual su pert wist nematic DV D digital versatile (or vide.
237 Glossary 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 RAM random access memory RFI radio frequency interfer ence RO M read-only memory RT C real-time clock SCSI small computer system interf ace SDRAM synchro nous dynam.
238 Glossa ry 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 application — A computer pro gram that you use to perform tasks of a specif ic type. Applications include w ord processors, spreadsheets, and database ma nagement s ystems. See also pr ogram . B backup — A cop y of a f ile, usually on a remov able disk, kept in case the original file is lost or damaged.
239 Glossary 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 bu s — An electrical circuit that connects the cen tral processing unit (CPU) with other par ts of the computer , such as the vide o adapter , disk dri ves, an d ports. It is the p athway throug h which data flo ws from on e dev ice to another .
240 Glossa ry 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 color palette — A set of specified colors that establishes the color s that can be disp layed on the screen at a p articular time. compatibility — The extent to which computers, progr ams, or de vices can work together harmoniously , using the same commands, formats, or languag e as another .
241 Glossary 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 direct memory acces s (DMA) — A dedicated chann el, bypassing the CPU, that enables direct data tran sfer between memory and a de vice. directory — See folder . disable — T o turn a comp uter option of f. See also enable .
242 Glossa ry 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 drag — T o hold do wn the T ouchP ad control b utto n or mouse b utton while moving the cursor to dr ag a s elected object. In the Wi n d o w s ® operating syst em, this refers to the primary T o uchPad control button or left mouse b utton, unless otherwise stated .
243 Glossary 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 f ile extension — The three characters follo wing the peri od (pronou nced “dot”) at the end of a f ile name. The e xtension indicates the type o f file. Ex amples are .e xe for program f iles and .hlp for help fi les.
244 Glossa ry 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 Hiber natio n — A feature of many T oshiba notebook computers that sa ves to the hard disk the curr ent state of your work, including all open file s and programs , when you turn the computer of f.
245 Glossary 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 L2 (le vel two) cache — Memory cache installed on th e motherboard to help impro ve pr oces sing speed. It is slo wer than L1 cache and f aster than main memo ry .
246 Glossa ry 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 modem — Short f or “modulator/demo dulator .” A de vice that con verts information from digital to analog and back to digital, enabling infor mation to pass back an d forth between d igital computers and an alog telephone lines.
247 Glossary 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 parallel — Processes that occu r simultaneously . In communications , it means the transm ission of more than one bit of information at a time. On your computer , the parallel port provi des a parallel commu nications interface between the computer and an appropriate de vice.
248 Glossa ry 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 R RAM (random access memory) — V olatile memory that can be written to as well as read. By volatile, we mean that information in RAM is lost when you turn off your computer . This type of memory is used fo r your compu ter’ s main memory .
249 Glossary 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 serial — Processes that occur one at a time. In communications, it means the transmis sion of one b it at a time sequ entially over a single channel. On you r computer , the serial port pro vides a serial interface between the computer and an appropriate de vice.
250 Glossa ry 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 V W We b — See Wo r l d W i d e We b . Wi-Fi — A trademarked term by the W ireless Capability Ethernet Alliance which stands for W ireless Fidelity . Wi-Fi is another term for the IEEE 2.1 1b communication protocol t o permit an Ethernet connection using wireles s communication comp onents.
251 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 Index Symbols .wav files recording 156 A A C adapter 49 A C power light 33, 49, 53 Acces sories p rograms 115, 128 adding memory 45 audio CDs playing 36, 74, 76 audio feat u.
252 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 C calcul ator 120 caps lock light 32 Card an d Socket Se rvices 162 CD and D VDs caring fo r 82 inse rtin g 78 removing 81 viewing contents 80 CD or DV D control buttons 31,.
253 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 mouse 48 power cable 50 to a net work 83 USB mouse 48 conserving batt ery po wer 99 Contents CDs 80 DV D s 80 co ntr ol b utt ons 54 cooling vents CPU 27, 29 cursor cont rol.
254 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 playing CDs and D VDs 73 removing a disc 81 DV D - RO M / C D - RW d r i v e 73 DV D s 31, 74 playing 154 E email 152 emulating a full-siz e ke yboard 165 energy sa ving fea.
255 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 I i.LI NK port transfer and edit video data 153 icon 105 Date and Time 125 desktop 105 moving to desktop 105 My Computer 105 naming 11 3 safety 22 indicator light Smar tMedi.
256 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 problem solving 201 removing 48 removing expansion slot cover 46 memory module inse rtin g 47 removing 48 microphone jack 29 Microsoft Int ernet Expl orer 82 Microsoft Suppo.
257 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 LAN 28 modem 27 monitor 28 parallel 27 S-video out 28 USB 27, 29 power cable 50 cable c onnectors 233 computer will not start 19 3 light 33 monitoring 98 on/off b ut ton 30 .
258 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 missing files/trouble accessing a disk 206 modem not receiving or transmitt ing 221 no sound 216 non-system disk or disk error 194, 208 PC Card 217 checklis t 218 error o cc.
259 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 setting up A C adapter 49 communica tions 82 computer 39, 4 4, 45, 55, 56 date a nd time 125 printe r 56 software 55 shortcut crea ting 120 menu 108 Smar tMedia 32 SmartMedia indicator light 32 software setting up 55 sound .
260 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 using Hibern ation 88 modem 83 PC Cards 162 Stand by 90 V V ideo CDs playing 161 video features exploring 153 Vi r t u a l Te c h 191 using 223 volume, adjust ing alarm 232 .
261 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 too lbar 169 video content poor 211 video window , maximizing 173 zoom 187, 188 W inD VD 2000 154, 161 wireless networking 144 Wi z a rd s Add Printe r 56 Dial-Up Networki n.
5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.3 — Blank Page —.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Toshiba 3000-S304 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Toshiba 3000-S304 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Toshiba 3000-S304, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Toshiba 3000-S304 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Toshiba 3000-S304, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Toshiba 3000-S304.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Toshiba 3000-S304. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Toshiba 3000-S304 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.