Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Expansion module DELHE-UA du fabricant Cabletron Systems
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DIGI TA L Fast Eth er net Inte rfac e M od ule DEL HE-UA User’s Guide.
DIGI TA L Fast Eth er net Inte rfac e M od ule DEL HE-UA User’s Guide Part Num ber: 903 2765 Septemb er 1998 This book desc ribes the DELHE- U A fe atures and ho w to i nsta ll and trou bles hoot t he equipm ent. Re vi s i o n/ Up d at e In f o rma ti on : T h is is a new do c u m en t .
Cabl etr on Sy st ems r e s er ves t he ri ght to make ch anges in sp ecif ic ations and oth er in fo r m at ion c ont ai ne d in t hi s do cu m ent wit hou t pr i or no ti ce . Th e re a der s ho u ld in a ll ca se s c o nsu l t Ca bl et ro n Sys te ms to de t e rmin e wh et her any su ch change s have been mad e.
FCC No tice — Class A Compu ti ng Device: This equi pme nt gene r ates , u ses, a nd may emi t rad io fre quen cy ener g y . Th e equ ip ment has b een type tes te d and found to com ply with t he l.
CABLETRON S YSTEM S, I NC . P R OGRAM LICENS E AGREEM ENT IMPORTANT : B efore u til izin g th is pr oduc t, care fully rea d th is L icense Agre eme nt.
DECLARATION OF CO NFORMITY Applic ation of C o uncil Directiv e(s) : 89/3 36/E EC 73/2 3/E EC M a nu f a ctu r er ’s Na m e: Cabletr on Syste ms, Inc . Manuf acturer’ s Address : 35 I ndustri al W ay PO Box 5005 Roches ter, NH 0386 7 Eu ropean R epresen tative N ame: M r.
DELHE-UA User ’s Gui de vii CON T ENT S PREF ACE Using T his Gui de . ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ... ... xi Str uctu re of This G uid e . .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. .....
Conten ts viii DELHE-UA User’s Guide A.1 P hys ical Propert ies ......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... ..... ... A -1 A. 2 Environment al Requirem ents ........................... ................... ........ A-1 A.3 F EPI M Opti ons .
Figu res DELHE-UA User ’s G uide i x FIGURES Fig ur e Pa ge 1-1 D ELHE-UA ... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. .. ..... ..... ..... .... ... ..... 1-1 2-1 Remov ing the F EPIM Cove rpl ate .... ..... ..... .... ..... ... ...
Ta b l e s x DELHE-UA User ’s Guide T ABLES T able Pa ge 1-1 FEPIM Opt ions ..... ..... ..... .. .. ..... ..... ..... .. .. ..... ..... .... ..... ... .. ..... .... ..1-2 3-1 DELHE- UA LE Ds .. ..... .. ... .... ..... ..... .. ... .... ..... ..... .
DEL HE-UA User ’s Gui d e xi PREFACE Welcome to the DIGITAL Fast Etherne t Inter fac e Module DELHE-UA User’ s Guide . This m anual d e scribe s the DELHE-UA a nd provides infor mation c oncerni ng f eatur es, instal lation, t r o ubleshoot ing, in formation on Local Managemen t, a nd specif ic ations for the DELHE-UA.
Prefac e xii DELHE-UA User ’s Guide DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS Throughout this guide , the f ollowi ng symbols ar e used to c a ll att ention to import a nt info rmation. RELATED DOCUMENTATION The document at ion for the host device in whic h t he DELHE-UA is to be inst a l le d provi des additi onal i nfor m ation about the s e tu p of the DELHE-UA.
Co rres po nde nce DELHE-UA User ’s G uide xiii CORRESPONDE NCE Docu me nt ation Co mmen t s If you have comments or suggesti ons a bou t this manua l, send them to DIGIT AL Network P roducts : Worl.
DEL HE-UA User ’s Gui d e xv SAFET Y OVE RVI EW Any warning or caut ion that appear s in this manual is de f ined as follo ws: W ARNING W arns against an ac tion that co uld r esult in equipm ent d amage, p ersonal inj ury , or death.
Safety xv i DELHE-UA User ’s Guid e SAFETY REQUIREMENT S The wa r n ings or ca utions t ha t m ust be observe d for the hardware describ ed in this m anual are list e d b elow in Engli sh, Ger man, Fren ch, and Spanis h. W ARNING Only qu alif ied p er s onnel should inst all or servi c e thi s uni t.
Safety Requirements DELHE-UA User ’s G uide xvii DANGER Cert ai ns F EPI M utilis ent de s las ers de class e 1. Ne p as uti l i s er d’ inst rumen ts opti qu es pour visual iser la sor tie la ser , car ces in strument s augment ent l es r is ques ocula ires.
Safety xv i ii DE LHE-UA User ’s Guide CAUTION The DEL VM-UA, FEPIM, and the host mod ule or hub are sens i t iv e to stat ic dis charges . Use an antis tatic wrist strap and observ e a ll st at i c precaut ions during thi s procedur e.
Safety Requirements DELHE-UA User ’s G uide xix CAUTION Ensure t hat the FEPI M or DEL VM- UA conn ect or al i gns with t he DEL VM-UA, m odul e, or devic e connec t or pin s to pre vent b ending the pi ns. Failu re to do so c an damage the DEL VM - UA, FEPI M , modul e or devic e.
Safety xx DELHE-UA User ’s Guide ACHTUNG Das Ende an beiden Sei ten des Glas fas erkabel s darf nicht b erührt wer den oder mit S t aub , Schmut z und anderen S t o ffen in Berühr ung kommen, die zur V er unre i ni gun g führen und Dat enü bertr agungspro bleme verurs achen k önnten.
DEL HE-UA User ’s Gui d e 1-1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCT IO N The DELHE- UA has two Fast Ethe rne t port s i n which Fast Et he rnet (Port) Interfa ce Module s ( FEPIM s) can be i nstalled.
Chapter 1: I n troduction 1-2 DELHE-UA User ’s Guide 1.1.2 Loca l Manag em e nt The DELHE- UA is m anaged through the ho st dev ice in whic h i t is inst a l le d . For information conc e rnin g Local Management for t he DELHE-UA, refe r to t he ma nua l for t h e host pla tform.
DEL HE-UA User ’s Gui d e 2-1 CHAPTER 2 INST ALLATIO N T o install the DELHE-UA the following items are requir ed: • Antist a t ic wrist strap • Phillip s s crew dr ive r • Fast Etherne t (P ort) I nter f ac e M odule s (F EPIMs) in the appr opriate media 2.
Chapter 2: I n st al lation 2-2 DELHE-UA User ’s Guide 4. After rem oving the m odule from its anti static bag , visuall y i nspect the devic e . I f y ou notice any s ign of damage, conta ct a DI GITAL repre se ntative immedi at ely. Save the antist a t ic bag in the event the module must be resh ippe d.
Installi n g Fa st E thernet (Port) Interface Modules DELHE-UA User ’s G uide 2-3 Figur e 2-1 Removin g the FEPI M Coverpla te 2. Refer to F igu re 2- 2 . Gently pull the facepl at e of the DELHE-UA forwar d to a ll ow room f or t he F EPIM to be a ligned over t he conne c t or.
Chapter 2: I n st al lation 2-4 DELHE-UA User ’s Guide Figur e 2-2 Inst alling the FEPIM 4. Press down fi rmly on the FEPIM unti l the pins sl ide all the way into the DELHE- UA conn ector. Ensu r e that t he FEPIM seats f lush on the standof fs. 5.
In st al li ng t he D E LH E- U A DELHE-UA User ’s G uide 2-5 2. 3 I NS TALLI NG THE D E LHE -U A A DELHE-UA c an b e inst a lle d in a ny DI GIT AL devic e t hat sup ports HSIMs ( High Spee d Int e rface Module) t e chnol ogy (e.g., DLE52-MA, DLE28-MA).
Chapter 2: I n st al lation 2-6 DELHE-UA User ’s Guide 5. Remove and save t he two f acepla te mountin g screws se cur ing the HSIM coverpl at e a n d remove the cove rplate. See Figur e 2-3. Figure 2- 3 Removi ng t h e HSI M Coverpl ate 6. Refer to F igure 2- 4 a nd place the DELHE-UA be hi nd the module face plate.
In st al li ng t he D E LH E- U A DELHE-UA User ’s G uide 2-7 Figure 2- 4 I nst al li ng the DELHE- UA 7. Align the con nector on t he DELHE-UA wit h t he conne ctor on the module. 8. Press down fi rmly on the conne ct or area of the DELHE-UA until the connector slides all the way onto the pins.
Chapter 2: I n st al lation 2-8 DELHE-UA User ’s Guide 9. Secur e the DELHE-UA to t he module facepla te using the mount ing screws sa ved in St e p 5. 10. Secur e the DELHE-UA to the module s ta n doffs usi ng the standoff screws inc lude d in the DELHE-UA s hipping materia ls.
C onnecti ng to the Netw ork DELHE-UA User ’s G uide 2-9 2.4.1 Co nnectin g a Fiber Opt ic Segm ent t o the F E PIM DIGIT AL of fers f ibe r optic c ab les tha t use S C style con nectors whi c h are keyed to ensur e prope r crossover of the t ransmit and receive fibers.
Chapter 2: I n st al lation 2-10 DELHE-UA User ’s Guide 2. Insert one end of t he SC c onn ector into the FEPIM. 3. At the othe r e nd of th e fibe r opt ic ca ble, atta c h the SC connector to the other device . 4. Verify tha t a lin k exis ts by check ing that the port rece ive LED is ON (fl ash ing amb er, bli nking green, or s olid green).
C onnecti ng to the Netw ork DELHE-UA User ’s G uide 2-1 1 Figur e 2-5 DEL TX-UI Crosso ver Swi t ch A sche mati c of a s trai ght- through a nd a cross over cable is shown in Figur e 2-6. If the wir es do not c ros s over , use the swit ch on the DEL TX-UI to interna lly cross over the RJ45 por t.
Chapter 2: I n st al lation 2-12 DELHE-UA User ’s Guide Figu re 2- 6 T wiste d Pai r Cabl ing Connect a DEL TX-UI to a t wisted pai r segment a s fol lows: 1.
C onnecti ng to the Netw ork DELHE-UA User ’s G uide 2-13 b. Verify t ha t the RJ45 c onnect or on the twi sted pair se gment h a s the proper pinou ts. c. Check the cabl e for conti nuity. d. Make sur e t hat t he twis te d pa ir connectio n me ets cable speci fi cations outli ne d in Appe ndix B .
DEL HE-UA User ’s Gui d e 3-1 CHAPTER 3 LANVIEW L EDs This chapt er de scribes how to use the LANVIEW LEDs to monit or the DELHE-UA status and diagnose DELHE-UA pr oblems. 3.1 DE LHE-UA LEDs Refer to F igure 3- 1 f or t he loc ation of t he DELHE- UA LEDs a nd T able 3-1 for a descripti on of the LED indicati ons.
Chapter 3: 3-2 DELHE-UA User ’s Guide 3. 2 D E L TX-U I LE D The optiona l DEL TX- UI has one LED l abeled 10/100 . The 10/100 LED togethe r with the RX LED allows the us e r to deter mine the link s tatus a nd the opera ting spe ed of the Fast Ethern et (Port ) Inte rfa ce Module.
DE LHE -U A L oca l Ma nag eme nt DELHE-UA User ’s G uide 3-3 f 3.3 DE LHE-UA LOCAL MANAGEM ENT For i nformation concerning Local M anageme nt for t he D E LHE-UA, refer to the host device manua l. A link exists if the as sociated port RX LED is o n.
DEL HE-UA User ’s Gui d e A-1 APPENDIX A DELHE-UA SPECI FICATI O NS This chapt er list s the spec ific at ions a nd re gulator y r equirement s for the DELHE-UA. C a bletr on Syst ems re se rves the right to change these speci fi cations at any time withou t notic e.
Appendix A: DELHE -UA Specifications A-2 DELHE-UA User ’s Guide A.4 REG ULAT ORY COM PLIANCE This equipm ent meets the following saf ety and electrom agneti c compatibi lity (EMC) req uirements: Sa fe t y UL 1950, CSA C22.2 No .950, EN 60950, IEC 950, and 73/23/ EEC Elec trom agneti c Com pa tib ili ty ( EM C) FCC Part 15, EN 55022, CSA C108.
DEL HE-UA User ’s Gui d e B-1 APPENDIX B FEPI M SPECIFICATIO N S This appen dix pr ovides spe cific a tion s for the Fas t Et herne t (Port) Inte rfa ce Modules. Cable tr on Systems rese r ves the right to change the se speci fi cations at any time withou t notic e.
Appendix B: F EPIM Spec ifications B-2 DELHE-UA User ’s Guide B.2 DELFX-UI The DELF X- UI shown in Fig ur e B-2 use s an SC style conne ctor t ha t supports multimode fi ber opti c c a b ling. Spec ific ations for t he DELFX-UI are l isted in T a ble B-1, be low .
DELF3-UI DELHE-UA User ’s G uide B-3 B.3 DELF3-UI The DELF3-UI shown in Figur e B-3 uses an SC s tyle connec tor tha t supports single mode f iber op tic ca bling.
903 2765 Print ed in U. S.A..
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cabletron Systems Expansion module DELHE-UA c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cabletron Systems Expansion module DELHE-UA - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cabletron Systems Expansion module DELHE-UA, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cabletron Systems Expansion module DELHE-UA va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cabletron Systems Expansion module DELHE-UA, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cabletron Systems Expansion module DELHE-UA.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cabletron Systems Expansion module DELHE-UA. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cabletron Systems Expansion module DELHE-UA ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.