Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit BCL-D20 du fabricant Brother
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USER’S GU IDE DECT™ Handset BCL-D 20 Version A.
© 2007 Brother Indus tries, Ltd..
ii EC Declaration of Conformity under the R & TTE Directi ve.
iii Tabl e of Cont en ts 1 General Information 1 Usi n g the documenta tion ... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ... .... ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... ..... . 1 Symb ols and conven tions used in the d ocumentation ............
iv Genera l s etup ... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... .....21 Rin g Vol ume ... ... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .
1 1 1 Using the documenta tion 1 Thank yo u for buying a Brother mach i ne! Reading the doc um e ntatio n wi l l help you make t he most o f your co rdless DE CT™ (Digital Enh anced Cordless Telecom munication) handset.
Chapter 1 2 Introduction 1 The cordless handset offers s everal functions that can be used to enhanc e t he callin g features of your B rot h er machine. Redial: Allows you to choose one of the last 10 numbers dial l ed for redialling. You can also s tore this num ber in the Phonebo ok.
General Info rmation 3 1 I nstal ling the bat tery 1 a Insert the conn ector (1) of the battery (2) in the di recti o n shown bel ow. b Place the battery in t h e p osit i on sho wn. c Install the battery cov er by slid i ng it onto the ba c k of the handset.
Chapter 1 4 Sett ing y our cou ntry 1 The f i rst time y ou i nst al l t he b at t ery, you must set your cou nt ry s o t h at the c ordl ess handset works correctl y on local telec o m municati on lines. a Pre ss Men u/O K . b Pre ss a or b to cho ose your count ry .
General Info rmation 5 1 f Enter the registered 4-di gi t PIN num ber of the machine ( b ase unit) (The factory setting is “0000”.) by pressing the dial pad on the control panel of t he c o r d l ess handset. Pr e s s Men u/OK . Note • I f you hear th r e e short beeps, the cord l ess hands et did not register.
Chapter 1 6 h Enter the registered 4-digit PIN num ber of t h e mac hi n e (ba s e uni t ) (The factory setting is “ 0 000”.) by p r e s si ng the dial pad on the control pa nel of t he cordles s handset. Pre ss Men u/O K . Note • I f you hear three short beeps , the cordless hands et d id not register.
General Info rmation 7 1 Choosi ng a loca tion 1 Choos e a location w here the temperature remai ns between 10° C an d 35° C ( 5 0° F and 9 5° F). DO N O T put the cordless handset an d cradl e near he at ers, ai r conditioners, water or chemicals.
Chapter 1 8 Control panel overv iew 1 1 LCD (liquid crys tal display ) Displ ays messages on th e s creen to help you set up and use your cordle ss handset. 2 (Redial /Pause) Redial s any of the last 10 number s you called. It also let s you put a pause in Phoneboo k numbers.
General Info rmation 9 1 11 Menu/OK Lets yo u access the Menu to pr ogram or store your sett ings in the cor dless han dset. 12 (Of f) Press t o hang up or cancel the current operati on. 13 Int (Mut e/Int erc om, Ho ld/I nter com ) Puts the cur rent phone cal l on hold.
10 2 Basi c operation 2 Maki n g a tel epho ne ca ll 2 a Pick up the cordless handset. b Enter a n umber usin g the dial pad or choose a number st ore d in the dialling mem ory. c Pre ss . d Speak clea r l y toward the microphone. e Press to hang up. f Replace the cordless handse t .
Telephon e 11 2 Mu te (Ho ld) 2 If y ou want to put a call on hold, press t h e Int key. T o release t he call from hold press In t again. You can also transfer to the machine (base unit) or to another cordl ess handset if you have an addi t io nal opt i onal cordless hands et.
Chapter 2 12 b Pre ss a or b to ch o ose Caller ID hist. . Pre ss Men u/O K . c Pre ss a or b to choose th e number and do one of the f ol l owing: To make a call, press .
Telephon e 13 2 St orin g nu mbe rs fr om Cal l History 2 You can also store numbers from the call histo ry. a Pr e s s . You c an also choos e Call History by pr es si ng Menu /OK . b Pr e s s a or b t o choose the number you want to store. Pr e s s Men u/OK .
Chapter 2 14 f Do one o f the following: Enter the ne w numbe r . Pre ss Me nu/OK . If you do not w ant to chan ge the number, press Menu /OK . g Pre ss . Del eti ng st or ed numb ers 2 You can delete a name or number that has already been stored.
Telephon e 15 2 From the c ordless handset 2 a Pr e s s In t when y ou finish speaking. b Pr e s s a or b t o choose Base U nit . Pr e s s Men u/OK . c After you confirm the o ther person is on the l i ne, pres s . Note • I f no one is on the line, press In t t o r el eas e the call from hold.
Chapter 2 16 Ch oosi ng Ba se unit 2 If you regist ered multiple base un it s i nt o your cordless handset , you can cho ose wh i ch base unit you want to use. (See Regi st erin g cordless handset s on pa ge 4.) a Pre ss Men u/O K . b Pre ss a or b to choose HS Settings .
17 3 3 On -screen programming 3 Your cordless hands et is designed to be easy to use with LCD on-screen programming using the menu ke y s. User-friendly pro gram m i ng he lps y o u tak e f ull advant age of all the menu select i ons y our c o r d l ess ha ndset has to of fe r.
Chapter 3 18 Menu T able 3 The m enu table will help you understan d the m enu selections an d options that are f ound in the cordless handset's progra m s.
Menu a nd Feat ures 19 3 HS Settings (Co nti nued ) Date&Time — — Puts t he d ate and time on t he LCD. 22 Select Language — English * French German Dutch Italian Spanish Portuguese Norwegian Swedish Finnish Danish Al low s you to ch ange t he LCD l ang uage for y our coun try .
Chapter 3 20 Entering Te xt 3 When y ou are s toring a name or a numb er in the P h onebook m emory, you may ne ed to enter t ext into the cordl ess han dset . Most number key s have three or f our l et t e r s p r inte d on the m . T h e keys for 0 , # and l do not hav e printed letters because they are used for special charac ters.
Menu a nd Feat ures 21 3 Gener al setup 3 Ring Volume 3 You can choos e a rang e of ring volume level s, fr om Hig h to O f f. a Pr e s s d or c to adjust th e volume leve l. This set t in g will stay until y o u change it again. Note • I f you choose Of f , wil l appear o n the LCD.
Chapter 3 22 Au tomat ic Da yligh t Sa ving s Time (For Eu rope) 3 You can set t he cordless handset to change automat icall y f or daylight saving s t i m e. I t wil l reset itself forward one hour in the Spring and backward one hour i n the Au t umn.
Menu a nd Feat ures 23 3 g Enter the time in 24-hour f orm at on the dial pa d. Pr e s s Men u/OK . (e .g. E nte r 1 5 , 2 5 f or 3:25 P. M . ) h Pr e s s . Ch oos in g you r la ngua ge 3 You can change th e L CD language . a Pr e s s Men u/OK . b Pr e s s a or b t o choose HS Settings .
Chapter 3 24 Mo dify P IN 3 You can change the PIN number of the machine (base unit) . Th e factory setting is 0000. a Pre ss Men u/O K . b Pre ss a or b to ch o ose Modify Pin . Pre ss Men u/O K . c Enter a 4 - d igi t n umber for the current PIN number.
25 4 4 Troubleshoo ting 4 If you think there is a prob lem with your c ordless hand s e t , chec k the chart below and follow the troubl es h ooting t ip s . Most prob l em s can be easily reso l ved by yourself. If you need additional help, the Brother Sol ut ions Cen t er offers latest FAQs and troubleshoot ing tips.
Chapter 4 26 Error messages 4 As wi t h any sophist i cat ed office produc t, errors may occur. If this happens, your cordless handset identifies the error and shows an error message. The most comm on err o r mes s a ges a r e shown below. You can correct most errors by yourself.
Troub leshoot ing and Rout ine Mai ntenanc e 27 4 Routine mai ntenance 4 Cha rging the ba tte ry 4 If t he battery cha r g e level is gett i ng low, you shou ld c h arge t he batte r y. You can see the battery c harge leve l i ndi cat or at the bottom right of the LCD.
Chapter 4 28 Clean i n g 4 Clean t he outside of the c o r d l ess handset with a soft cloth. Y ou should also clea n the charge contac t s onc e a month. If the charge contacts are not clean, the battery may not charge properly. CAUTION Use neutral detergents.
Troub leshoot ing and Rout ine Mai ntenanc e 29 4 d Place the battery in t h e p osit i on sho wn. e Install the battery cov er by slid i ng it onto the ba c k of the handset. Note • A fter replacement, y ou should set the date and time . (See Date and Time on page 22.
30 5 Gen eral 5 Co rdle ss ha nds et 5 Ba tter y 5 Specification s 5 Fre quency 1.9 G Hz Sta ndard DECT ™ Multi Handset Capability Up t o 4 ha ndset s Dimensio ns We ight (in clu di ng ba tte ry) 149 g (5 .
Specif ication s 31 5 Bat ter y ch arg er cr adl e 5 AC adap ter 5 Basic Featur es 5 Dimensions Weig h t 7 1 . 6g ( 2 . 5 3o z ) Po wer Co nsu mpt io n (du ring ch arge) Charging: Average 2 W Ty pe B CL - AD B (For U.
In dex 32 6 B Batt ery charging ...... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... .... 2 7 insta lling . ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... . 3 replacing ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..28 C Cleaning .
EU D irecti ve 2002/96/ EC and EN50 419 Euro pean Uni on on l y This e quipment is ma r ked with the above recyclin g sym b ol. It means th at at t h e end of t he lif e of the equipment you must d ispose o f it separately at an app r o priate collection p oint and no t place it in the normal domestic unsorted waste stream.
Vi sit us on the Wor ld Wid e Web http: // .com This machi ne is approved for use in t he country of purc hase onl y. L ocal Br other c om p anies or their dealer s wi ll only sup port machines pur chased in t heir own cou ntries.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Brother BCL-D20 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Brother BCL-D20 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Brother BCL-D20, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Brother BCL-D20 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Brother BCL-D20, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Brother BCL-D20.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Brother BCL-D20. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Brother BCL-D20 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.