Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit BOV800 du fabricant Breville
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BO V800 the Smart Ov en™ Instruction Booklet.
C ONGRA TULA TIONS on the p urch ase of y our ne w Bre ville Smart Ov en™.
3 CONTENT S 4 Bre ville recomm ends s afet y first 7 Know y our Br eville Sm art Oven™ 10 Quick Start Guide 14 Befor e first use - Preparin g the o ven f or use - A note on cookin g times - A n ot.
4 BREVILLE RE CO MMEND S SAFE TY FIRS T At Br evil le we are very safet y consciou s. W e design and man ufactur e cons umer products with the saf ety of y ou, our va lued c ustomer , forem ost in min d. In add ition we a sk th at yo u exerci se a degree of care when usi ng an y electrica l appli ance and a dhere to the f ollowing prec aution s.
5 BREVILLE RE CO MMEND S SAFE TY FIRS T 5 • Do not insert o versized f oods into the Bre ville Smart Ov en™ as the y cre ate risk of fire or electric sh ock. • It is rec ommended to use on ly the Bre ville Smart Ov en™ acc essories with this o ven.
6 BREVILLE RE CO MMEND S SAFE TY FIRS T SA VE T H ESE INS TRUC TIONS IM PO R T ANT SA FE GU A RD S F OR AL L ELE C TR IC AL AP PL IAN CE S • F ully unwin d the power c ord befor e use. • Do not let the pow er cord han g ov er the edge of a table or co unter, or to uch hot surfac es, or become knotted.
KNO W y our Br e ville Sm art Oven™.
8 KNO W Y OUR BREVILLE SM AR T O VEN™ A. 30cm (12” x 12”) enamel grill r ack B. 30cm (12” x 12”) enamel ba king pan C. 33cm (13”) non-stick pizza p an D . Door handle W ARNING The outer surf ace of the o ven, including the oven d oor , is hot during and after operation.
9 T KNO W Y OUR BREVILLE SM AR T O VEN™ A B C J K L D F H G I E M. L CD screen: Blue Illumination chan ges to oran ge when cooking N . Start/C ancel button O . Function dia l P . T emperatur e dial/T oast and Crum pet browning c ontrol Q. Time dia l / T oast and Crumpet s lice selection R.
10 P AGE HEADER..... PREP ARING THE OVEN (A ONE - TIME PROCESS) In order to rem ov e any pr otectiv e substan ces inside the o ven, it is nec essary to run the o ven empt y for 20 minutes.
11 P AGE HEADER..... QUICK ST AR T GUIDE 2. T urn the F UNCTION dia l until the indicator on th e L CD screen r each es the desired setting . REDUCE TEMPERA TURE INCREASE TEMPERA TURE ROT A TE TEMPERA TURE DIAL 3.
12 P AGE HEADER..... QUICK ST AR T GUIDE O VEN FUNC TIONS GR I L L FU N CT ION: Ide a l for open sa ndw ich es , sm a ll c ut s of meat , pou ltr y, fis h , saus ages a nd ve get ables . Gr i l li ng ca n al so b e us ed to bro w n t he tops of ca sse roles and g r ati ns .
13 P AGE HEADER..... QUICK ST AR T GUIDE PIZZA F UNCTION: M elts and bro wns cheese and toppin gs, while cri sping th e pizz a crust. Rack Position: Middle Optional Settin gs: C ONVEC TION button TEMP.
BEF ORE FIRS T U SE of y our Br e ville Sm art Oven™.
15 BEF ORE FIRST USE PREP ARING THE OVEN F OR USE NOTE In order to r emov e any pr otectiv e substanc es inside the o ven, it is necessary to run th e ov en empty f or 20 minutes. 1. Remo ve and safel y discar d any pa cking materia l, promotiona l label s and tape from the o ven.
16 BEF ORE FIRST USE A NOTE ON C OOKING TIMES The Sm a r t O v en™ fe at u re s E leme nt IQ ™ - a u n iqu e c ook i ng te ch nolo g y t ha t adju s t s t he p ow er of t he c ook i ng ele ment s for opt i mum re su lt s .
17 BEF ORE FIRST USE REDUCE TEMPERA TURE INCREASE TEMPERA TURE ROT A TE TEMPERA TURE DIAL b) The cooking tem perature can be adjusted in 5ºC incr ements, from 50ºC to a maximum of 230ºC ( or in the F ahrenheit m ode, 10ºF increm ents, from 120ºF to a maximum 450ºF).
18 BEF ORE FIRST USE F or optimum cooking results: • The wire ra ck sho uld alw ay s be inserted into the rack h eight position with the spokes fa cing upw ards. • F ood should be positioned on th e centre of the wire ra ck, grill rack, bakin g tra y or pizz a tray to let m aximum airflow re ach the food.
19 BEF ORE FIRST USE Most r ecipes rec ommend r educing temperatures b y 10ºC when using con vection c ooking . Alwa ys check th e food 10 minutes before th e suggested c ooking time is c omplete to a void o ver cooking . T emperature C onv ersion Button Th e t emp era tur e r ea din g o n t h e o ve n is p r es et to C els iu s.
20 BEF ORE FIRST USE On the PIZZA fun ction, FROZEN F OODS is the default s etting , and the fro zen symbol is displa yed on th e L CD screen. When cookin g fresh pi zza s, the setting c an be de-selected by pr essing the FROZEN F OODS button. The ‘FRESH’ s ymbol will be displ a yed on the L CD screen.
OPERA TING y our Br e ville Sm art Oven™.
23 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - GRILL GRILL FUNC TION Elements T op he ating elements c ycle on and off to regul ate the correct tem perature.
24 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - GRILL 4. T urn the FUNC TION dial until the indicator on th e L CD screen r each es the GRILL function. The top fig ure on the L CD screen indicates the pr eset High Setting , while the bottom fig ure on the L CD screen indicates the pr eset time of ‘:10 MINS’.
25 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - T OAS T NOTE Y our c ustom ise d g ril l t em per atu re an d ti me se ttin gs w ill re ma in i n t he me mor y o f th e ov en un til y ou ch ang e th em o r u npl ug th e ov en fr om th e w all ou tle t.
26 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - T OAS T 4. The brownin g setting and num ber of slices c an be adjusted befor e or during the toa sting cy cle.
27 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - CRU MPET NOTE Element IQ™ will autom atically adjust the toa sting time dependin g on the heat a lready pr esent inside the oven. F or example , if the ov en is alr eady warm after one c ycle of to asting , the toastin g time for the s econd cy cle will be less.
28 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - CRU MPET 3. Close the ov en door. 4. T urn the FUNC TION dial until the indicator on th e L CD screen r each es the CRUMPE T function.
29 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - CRU MPET 8. The timer will be di spla yed and begin to count down. Th e time can be a djusted during the CRU MPET c ycle b y turning the TIME dia l.
30 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - B AKE BAKE F UNCTION Elements T op and bottom h eating elem ents cycle on and off to reg ulate the corr ect temperature . The top middle element i s off. Recommended Ra ck Position Bottom rack height position.
31 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - B AKE 6. Th e L CD screen will fl ash PREHEA TING. Once the ov en has rea ched the set tem perature, th e temperature a lert will sound.
32 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - RO AST ROA ST FUNC TION Elements T op and bottom h eating elem ents cycle on and off to reg ulate the corr ect temperature . The top middle element i s off. Recommended Ra ck Position Bottom rack height position.
33 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - RO AST NOTE Y our customi sed RO AS T temperatur e and time settin gs will remain in th e memory of the o ven until you chan ge them or unpl ug the ov en from the wall o utlet.
34 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - PIZ ZA 9 . At the end of th e roa sting cy cle, the ov en alert will sound three tim es and the ST AR T /C ANCEL button surroun d will cea se to illumin ate. TIP Che ck done nes s w ith a r eli able meat t her mo mete r.
35 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - PIZ ZA 4. The pizz a cooking tem perature and tim e can be adjusted bef ore or during th e cooking c ycle.
36 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - PIZ ZA 8. After the PREHEA TING alert has sounded, th e timer will autom atically begin to count down in on e minute increm ents. The temperature an d time can be adjusted durin g the cooking cy cle by turning th e corres ponding TEMPERA TURE and TIME di al.
37 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - C OOKIE 10 . Select the desir ed pizza s etting and press the S T ART /C ANCEL button to restart the pi zza cy cle. W ARNING The pizza stone can beco me extr emely hot. Use o ven mitts and extreme car e when placing the pizz a onto the pizz a stone and when remo ving it.
38 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - C OOKIE 4. Th e ba ki ng tem per atu r e an d t im e c an be a dj us ted b ef or e o r d ur ing th e b ak in g c y cl e . a) The baking t emperatur e is dis pla yed a s the top fig ure on the L CD screen.
39 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - REHE A T NOTE Extreme c aution sho uld be exerci sed when using lid s in the ov en, as pressur e build up in a co ver ed pan or dish m ay ca use hot ingr edients to expel or the dis h to crack.
40 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - REHE A T NOTE Extreme c aution sho uld be exerci sed when using lid s in the ov en, as pressur e build up in a co ver ed pan or dish m ay ca use hot ingr edients to expel or the dis h to crack. 3. Close the ov en door.
41 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - W ARM W ARM FUNC TION Elements T op and bottom h eating elem ents cycle on and off to reg ulate the corr ect temperature . The top middle element i s off. Recommended Ra ck Position Bottom rack height position.
42 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE SMAR T OVEN™ - W ARM b) The warming tim e is dis pla yed a s the bottom figure on th e L CD screen. T urn the TIME dial to a djust the warming tim e in one minute incr ements up to 1 hour , and in 5 minute increments between 1 and 2 ho urs.
U SING THE PLA TE W ARMING TRA Y for y our Bre ville Smart Ov en™.
45 USING THE PLA TE W ARMING TRA Y The top of the o ven is very h ot during and after operation. Do not store an y item on top of the o ven wh en in operation.
C ARE, CLEANING & S T ORA GE of y our Br e ville Sm art Oven™.
47 CARE, CLE ANING & ST ORAGE Ensur e the ov en is turned OFF by pressin g the ST AR T /C ANCEL button on the contr ol panel. Th e ov en is OFF wh en the button surro und illumin ation goes out. Rem ov e the power plug fr om the wa ll out let. Allow the ov en and all access ories to cool completel y before di sassem bling and cle aning .
48 CARE, CLE ANING & ST ORAGE CLEANING THE CRU MB TRA Y 1. After each us e, slide o ut the crumb tra y and disc ard crumbs. W ipe th e tray with a soft, damp s ponge. A n on-abrasi ve liquid cleans er ma y be used to a void build- up of stains. Apply th e cleans er to the sponge , not the tra y, bef ore cleaning .
51 TROUBLESHOO TING POSSIBLE PROBLEM EA SY SOL UTION Oven will not swit ch “ON” • Check that the power plug i s securely in serted into the out let • Insert the power plug into an indepen dent.
53 GRILL MU SHROOM C APS WITH CRAB & ASIA GO F unction: GRILL and BAKE T emperature: 160°C / 320°F Cooking T ime: 20-25 minutes Con vection F an: ON Makes: 24 m edium sized mus hroom caps INGRED.
54 GRILL ROA STING THE YELLO W CAPSIC UM METHOD 1. C ut the yello w capsic um in half and remo ve the seeds an d stem. Flatten e ach half onto th e roastin g pan lined with f oil. 2. Set the wir e rack in the top ra ck height position and turn the F UNCTION dial until the indic ator on the L CD screen points to GRILL.
55 TO AST ROA STED CHICKEN SAND WICH WITH BALS AMIC C ARAMELIZED ONION AND C AMEMBER T F unction: TOA ST and ROA ST Setting: # 4 darkness, 2 s lices, 180°C/360°F , Con vection F an: OFF Makes: 4 gen.
56 TO AST TO ASTED PU MPKIN SEEDS F unction: TOA ST Setting: #2 darkness / 1 S lice Makes: 1 cup INGREDIENTS 1 cup /250g dry pumpkin seed s METHOD 1. Spre ad pum pkin seeds onto the Br eville non-stick piz za pan.
57 TO AST SPICE BLEND F unction: TOA ST Setting: #2 darkness, 1 s lice Makes: ½ cup INGREDIENTS ¼ cup fennel s eeds 1 tablespoon cori ander seeds 1 tablespoon whole bl ack pepperc orns ¼ teas poon ground chilli pow der 2 tablespoons sa lt 2 tablespoons gr ound cinnam on METHOD 1.
58 TO AST F OR TOA STED COC ONUT METHOD 1. E venl y sprinkle un sweetened s hredded coconut on th e bottom of the Bre ville pizz a pan. 2. Set the wir e rack in the bottom ra ck height position. T urn the function di al until the indic ator on the L CD screen points to the T OA ST function.
59 BAKE BAKED CRAB DIP F unction: BAKE T emperature: 190°C/37 5°F Cooking T ime: 20-25 minutes Con vection F an: OFF Makes: 2 cups INGREDIENTS 125g cream ch eese, cut into c ubes, room temperature .
60 BAKE PREP ARING THE CANNELL ONI 1. In a small fry pan set o ver m edium he at, heat th e oil. Add onion an d cook f or fiv e minutes, or until lightly br owned. A dd garlic and c ook for anoth er 30 second s. Add b aby s pinach an d stir until wilted.
61 BAKE SAFFRON HALIBU T WITH TROPICAL S ALSA F unction: BAKE T emperature: 205˚C/ 400˚F C ooki ng Ti me: 13 mi nut es (a ppr oxim at ely ) Con vection F an: ON Makes: 4 Servin gs INGREDIENTS 1 teas.
62 BAKE RIBS WITH ASIAN BARBE CUE SA UCE F unction: BAKE T emperature: 180˚C/360˚F Cooking T ime: 25 minutes Con vection F an: ON Makes: 2 r acks of ribs INGREDIENTS 2 racks b ack ribs L cup Plum sa.
63 BAKE BANANA S WRAPPED IN FILO WITH CHOCOLA TE SA UCE F unction: BAKE T emperature: 180˚C/ 360˚F Cooking T ime: 20 minutes Con vection F an: ON Makes: 4 gener ous portions, or 8 smaller ones INGRE.
64 BAKE LEMON CHEESE CAKE WITH FRESH BERRIE S F unction: BAKE T e mp er at ur e: 1 8 0 ˚C / 36 0˚ F fo r c oo k i e cr um b c ru st a nd 1 7 0˚ C/ 34 0 ˚ F f or t he c he es ec ak e Cooking T ime:.
65 BAKE BITTERS WEET CHOC OLA TE CRÉME BRULEE F unction: BAKE T emperature: 17 0˚C/340˚F Cooking T ime: 40 to 45 minutes Con vection F an: OFF Makes: 6 Servin gs INGREDIENTS 2 cups/500 ml he avy cr.
66 BAKE APPLE PIE F unction: BAKE T emperature: 180ºC/360ºF Cooking tim e: 45 minutes Con vection F an: ON Makes: 1 x 20cm r ound pie INGREDIENTS 2 rea dy rolled short crust pastry sh eets 800g/ 4 m.
67 BAKE LEMON SQU ARES F unction: BAKE T emperature: 180ºC/360ºF Cooking tim e: 50 minutes Con vection F an: ON Makes: 18 INGREDIENTS 150g butter , cubed and at room temperatur e 75g/ L cup ca ster .
68 ROA ST ROA STED TOM A TO HAL VES F unction: ROAS T T emperature: 17 0°C/340°F Cooking T ime: 30 minutes Con vection F an: ON Makes: 4 cups ( approximately) INGREDIENTS 1 kg ripe r oma tomatoes 1 teas poon salt ¼ teas poon black pepper 2 tablespoons oli ve oil 3 garlic clov es, sliced METHOD 1.
69 ROA ST METHOD 1. In a small bow l, combine br ea d crumbs, cheese, fr esh ba sil, salt, pepper an d oliv e oil. Mix together using a f ork. Set aside . 2. Me anwhile, thinly s lice two tom atoes and set aside . Chop rem aining tomatoes and set aside .
70 ROA ST 4. In a medium stockpot, on low-medi um heat, m elt butter until it becom es foam y . Add th e sliced leek an d cook until softened, abo ut 7 minutes. Add th e curry powder , salt and pepper and c ontinue to cook for 1 minute . Add th e prepar ed roa sted butternut squas h mixture to the stockpot and mix to co at with the spices.
71 ROA ST METHOD 1. In a Bre vi ll e b le nde r o r f ood pr oc es so r , p ul se tog et he r g ar li c, s al t, pep pe r, Di jon mu sta r d, r os em ary , o re ga no , p ars le y a nd h on ey . K ee p bl en di n g w hi le y o u dri zzl e i n ol iv e o il.
72 ROA ST ROA STING CORNISH HENS METHOD 1. Rub melted b utter all ov er the hen. Lightly gr ease th e drip tra y and insert the ro asting pan to c atch the dri ppings. Sea son the hen s with salt an d pepper. Plac e skin side up . 2. Set the wir e rack in the bottom h eight position.
73 ROA ST 7 . Roa st the chicken f or 35 minutes or until a meat th ermometer r egisters 7 6˚C/170˚F w hen inserted into th e deepest part of the chick en thigh.
74 PIZZA TO MA TO S A UCE F OR PIZZA Makes: 4 cups ( approximately) INGREDIENTS 1 Portion Ro asted T omato H alves (P age 68) 2 tablespoons oli ve oil 1 garlic clov e, minced 1 teas poon salt ¼ teas poon ground bl ack pepper ¼ cup fres h basil lea ves, chopped METHOD 1.
75 PIZZA MARGHERIT A INGREDIENTS ½ cup T omato Sa uce (P age 66) ¾ cup boccon cini cheese, torn F resh basil and fr esh oreg ano lea ves 1 teas poon oliv e oil METHOD 1. Spre ad tomato sa uce on the pi zza do ugh, decorate with Bocc oncini, basil an d oregan o and drizzle with oli ve oil.
76 PIZZA TRE -FUNGHI INGREDIENTS ¾ cup T omato Sa uce for pi zza (P age 7 0) 250g mixed mushr ooms (s uch as button, o yster , portobello), slic ed 40g butter , cubed 2 clov es garlic, sliced F resh rosemary an d thyme, r oughly chopped Salt an d pepper 125g mozz arella, s hredded METHOD 1.
77 PIZZA DESSER T PIZZAS BANANA CHOC OLA TE INGREDIENTS 40g butter , melted 1 tablespoon sug ar ½ teas poon ground cinn amon 2 banana s, peeled and thinly s liced 100g dark or milk chocol ate, melted METHOD 1. Brush melted b utter on the piz za dough and sprin kle with sugar and cinn amon.
78 COOKIE TRIPLE CHOCOLA TE CHIP C OOKIES F unction: COOKIE T emperature: 180˚C/360ºF Cooking T ime: 9 minutes Con vection F an: ON Makes: 36 cookies INGREDIENTS L cup granulated s ugar ¾ cup brown.
79 COOKIE ANZAC BISC UITS F unction: COOKIE T emperature: 180˚C/360˚F Cooking T ime: 9 minutes Con vection F an: ON Makes: 16 cookies INGREDIENTS 75g/½ cup plain flo ur 60g/¼ cup brown s ugar 75g.
www .breville Breville i s a registered tradem ark of Breville Pt y . Ltd. A.B.N . 98 000 092 928. Cop yright Breville Pt y . Ltd. 2011. Due to continued product impr ovem ent, the products illustrated/ photographed in this booklet ma y vary slight ly from the actua l product.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Breville BOV800 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Breville BOV800 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Breville BOV800, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Breville BOV800 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Breville BOV800, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Breville BOV800.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Breville BOV800. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Breville BOV800 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.