Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit label maker du fabricant Brady
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iii Copyri ght This manual is copyrighted with all rights reserved. No portion of this manual may be copied or reproduce d by any means withou t the prior consent of Brady W orldwide, I nc.
iv End User License Agre eme nt for Microsof t W indows CE You have acquired a de vice that includes software licensed by Brady Worldwide, Inc . from Microsoft Licensing or its affiliates ( “ MS ” ).
v SOFTWARE TRA NSFER ALLOW ED BUT WITH RESTRICTIO NS. You may permane ntly transfer righ ts under this End User Licens e Agreement on ly as part of a permanent sale or transfer of the Device, and only if the recipien t agrees to this E nd User Licen se A gree men t.
vi System W arranty Please r e fer to the warr anty card i ncluded wi th yo ur syst em. fo r warr anty det ails. This warranty applies to the original purchaser only. This warranty is void if the syst em has been tampered with in any way without the express wr itten consent of Brady Worldwide, Inc.
vii FCC Notice - US Only War nin g: This equipment generates, uses and ca n radiate radio frequency energy . If not instal led and used in accordan ce with the manufacturer ’ s instructions, it may cause interference to radio commu nicat ions.
viii International Power Cords Users in countries outside of North America may be required to supply their own power cord for con necti ng t he sys tem to an AC ele ctric al ou tlet . Cho ose a n AC p owe r cor d and p lug that i s sui tabl e for the country in wh ich the equipment is to be installed.
ix S pecifications Physical chara cteristics Size: Heig ht 10 ” Width 16 ” Depth 1 1 ” Weight: appro ximately 30 pounds Environment al characte ristics Operational req uirement s Ambient operati.
Contents-1 CHAP TER 1 W elcome About This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Features an d Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents-2 CHAPTER 3 Starting Up Launching Y o ur Syste m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 The Main M enu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents-3 Using si ze adjustm e nt butt ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 Exiting e ntry screen s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 CHAPTE R 5 Setti ng Prefe rences Accessin g Sys tem Setup .
Contents-4 Changing the si ze of tem plate l abels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-25 Editin g te mpl ate labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-27 Changing Label Properties .
Contents-5 Changing Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-31 Ope ning an d edit ing an obje ct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-31 Changin g object p roperties .
Contents-6 CHAPTER 10 Working with Cut-out s About Cutting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2 Creating Cut Out Objec ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents-7 CHAPTER 12 Connecting to a PC Workin g with a PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2 Setting Up Y our System as a Ha rdware Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 - 1 Thank you for purchasing our label maker, which you use to create and print prof essiona l- looking l abels and s igns for use j ust about anywhere. All you h ave to do is: Drop in a ribbon cartridge, choosing from a wide range of single-color ribbons, p aneled ribbo ns, and CY MK ribbons fo r blended colo rs.
1-2 About This Book About Thi s Book This manual documen ts the basic Mono color pri nting syste m, all of who se fea tures a re com mon to all thr ee sy stem s (desc ribed in The three printe r syst ems on pa ge 1-3) .
Welcome 1 - 3 The three printer syste ms All thre e label-print ing syst ems use Mic r osof t Windows CE as the basis for t he ope rating s ystem an d applicat ion. As th e user, mo st of th e Window s CE ope rating s ystem w ill be in visible to you.
1-4 Features and Func tions Color & Cut system The base system, plus color printing capabili ty and a color LCD display, p lus cut-out capabi lity, which me ans the syst em can not on ly print your labe ls, but ca n cut labels into s hapes.
Welcome 1 - 5 Cont acting T echnical Supp ort Please co ntact Brady World wide, Inc., with your questions or co ncerns. The contact support numbers for each region are listed below. Region Phone Number Fax Number E-ma il Address United S t ates and other C/S countries 800-368-33 62 414-228-5799 techni cal_s upport @bradycorp.
1-6 Contacting Technica l Support.
2--1 This chap ter tells you how to set up a nd main tain your l abel prin ting system. Topics a r e: Connecting peripherals Install ing supp lie s Installin g a flash card Cleaning a nd mainta ining your pr inter If you plan to con nect yo ur prin ter t o a desk top com puter , be su re to s ee Conn ecting to a PC on p age 12-1.
2-2 Connecting Peripher als Conne cting Peri pheral s This section describes how to get your system conne cted and powered up. You should have alrea dy unpacked your pri nt er, using the instruct ion sheet included i n the ship ping bo x.
Setting Up 2 - 3 Users in count ries out sid e N orth Am erica may need to supp ly the ir own power cord to meet the specifications required in individual countries. For information on power cord requirements, refer to International Power Cords on page viii in this guid e.
2-4 Installing supplies Opening th e printer Step 1: To open the pri nter, sque eze the release bar. Step 2: Raise the printer cover up and away to the right. Figure 2 -2. Opening the printer . Make sure all internal packing ma terials have been removed before y ou proceed.
Setting Up 2 - 5 Inst allin g a ribbon cartridge Figure 2 -3. Install ing a ribbon ca rtridge. Step 1: Hold the ribbon cartridge w ith the open p art of the tab on top and facing you. Step 2: Place the lower cylinder of the cartridge (with the unused ribb on), in the lower slot in the cover, as shown.
2-6 Installing supplies Adjusting the ribbo n cartridge If a ribbon cartridge has been stored outside the printer, the ribbon between t he take-up spool and the wipe r may have bee n exposed to dust. The du st on the ribbo n may trans fer to the p rint head causing stre aks or scratches on your label s.
Setting Up 2 - 7 Inst allin g a t ape cartridge There are thre e simple steps t o insta lling a tape cart ridge: ad justin g the tape cartridge receptacle to accommodate the width of the tape, dropping in th e ca rtridge , and feeding the tape through the advance rollers.
2-8 Installing supplies Inserting the tape cartridge Figure 2-6. Installing a ta pe cart ridge Step 3: Hold the tape ca rtridge by the handle with t he feet poi nted downwa rd and para llel with th e surface t he print er is sitting on, as sho wn in Figure 2-6.
Setting Up 2 - 9 Advancing the tape Step 5: Adva nce t he tap e ove r the first roll er wi th you r ha nd as s hown in Fig ure 2-7: Figure 2 -7. Advancing the tape. Step 6: Place t he end of t h e tape be tween th e tape gui d es as sho wn above i n Figure 2-7.
2-10 Installing supplies Step 7: Advance the tape only halfway through the guides, as sho wn in the close -up in Figu re 2-8 belo w: Figure 2-8. Advancing ta pe int o guid es. Your tape is no w installe d. Closing the p rinter cover Close the prin ter cover w hen you are finish ed insta lling the s upplies .
Setting Up 2 - 11 You ’ re ready to print! Figure 2-9. The complet e label pri nting system, with op tional mouse..
2-12 Installing a compact flash memory card Inst all ing a comp act flash memor y car d Your label printing s ystem has a ca rd sl ot you can use to attach a compact flash memory card to your system. Memory ca rds prov ide ad ditional stora ge beside s your p rinting sy stem ’ s interna l storag e.
Setting Up 2 - 13 Cleaning your system Over time the pr int hea d of your printer may nee d to be cleaned. If you notice streaks or scratches in your lab els, it may be time to clean the print head.
2-14 Cleaning your syst em.
3 - 1 This chapter provides basic reference info rmation about your syst em components , how to use those co mponents , and how to set your preferences for t he system.
3-2 Launching Your System Launching Y our System When you turn on the power fo r your system, a decorative screen (also called a “ spl ash scr een ” ) displays br iefly while yo ur system powe rs up.
Starting Up 3 - 3 Saved Files , for accessing s tored la bel files yo u previous ly saved. (S ee CHAPTER 9: Working with Files , beginn ing on page 9-1, for more information.). QuickText , for cr eat ing text- only lab els quickl y and easi ly. (Se e Cr ea ti n g Qui ckT ex t La bel s on p age 6-5 for more information.
3-4 Keyboard Basics WHMIS , wi th pre-desi gned lay outs for cr eating Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System- compl iant che mical war ning lab els, wit h saf e-h an dli ng procedures for haz ardous products in t he workplace. (See Creating Temp late Labels on page 6- 10 for more information.
Starting Up 3 - 5 The st andard keyboard The sta ndard PC ke yboard prov i ded with your s ystem is divided in to four sections for pur poses of description in this manual: System fu nction keys uniqu.
3-6 Keyboard Basics . T ABLE 3-1. System function keys and definitio ns Function Key(s) Descript ion Print F1 Displays the Pri nt s creen. File Options F2 Displays the File Optio ns screen, which provid es op tions you us e to save, r etriev e, or delete files.
Starting Up 3 - 7 Copy F9 Copies t he select ed object a nd makes i t available for past ing into a n ew locati on, leaving t he origin al in its current loca tion (the standard Mi crosoft Wi ndows “ Copy ” function). If no o bject is selected, the system be ep s .
3-8 Keyboard Basics Edit Data Al t+F4 Active i n the Pi pe Mark er and Rig ht-to- Know spec ialt y ap plica tio ns o nly. Provi des access to the prompt screens so you can edit objects . Note: Substi tutes f or the <Edit O bject > key, wh ich is unavaila ble in Pip e Marker and Rig h t-to -Know.
Starting Up 3 - 9 Alphabetic an d command keys The sta ndard key se ction of the PC keyb oard provid ed with your printing s ystem has both alphabeti c character keys and command ke ys. Note: Blan k keys in Figure 3 -3 are not oper atio nal in th is sys tem.
3-10 Keyboard Basics Esc Same as choos ing Cancel on a s yst em screen. Tab Advan ces to th e next opti on on a s creen. In th e Enter T ext screen, adds a tab indent in t he text en try area. Cycles thro ugh multiple objects layered o n the display screen.
Starting Up 3 - 11 Space Al so c alled Spacebar . Enters a space charact er or blan k s pace the si ze of a sing le ch aract er in text entry fields. Al so, with a ra dio butt on or checkbo x, you can.
3-12 Keyboard Basics Arrow and navigation keypads Use t he ar row a nd na viga tion ke ypad s to m ove aro und on th e scre en or to dele te an item. Note: Keys sh own gr ayed ou t are inactive in th is sys tem. Figure 3-4 . Arrow and navi gation ke ypads.
Starting Up 3 - 13 Moves the curs or up one line at a ti me in the Enter Text screen. In the Editor window , use to move sel ected obj ects one charact er space at a t ime in the directio n indicate d by the ar r ow, or us e wi th <Sh ift> held down to move sele cted objects at a greater increment.
3-14 Keyboard Basics Numeric keyp ad Use the numeric keypad as an alternate way to enter numbers and to perform severa l other commands as well. The LE D di splays a bove the numeric keypad light up to indicate the status of the functions named . Figure 3 -5.
Starting Up 3 - 15 / (slas h) Types sl ash char acter. <Num Lo ck > does not affe ct this k ey. * (aster isk) Types asterisk chara cter. <Num Lock> does not affect this k ey. - (hyphen or minus sign) Types hyphen or minus sign character. <Nu m Lo ck> does not af fect this key.
3-16 Keyboard Basics Shortcut keys In addition to the k ey functions liste d ab ove, the system provides so me shortcut key comb i nations for frequ ently-used sy stem function k eys or key combin ations.
Starting Up 3 - 17 : Mouse Basics Attaching a mouse i s not necess ary for using this printe r, but if y our system i s equipped wi th a mouse, you can use i t to sele ct items on labels, t o move ite ms on labe ls, to click b uttons on screens , and to navigat e on s creens.
3-18 Checking System Status T o select multi ple items on a label Hol d do wn th e < Shift> k ey, then click on the first item, conti nue to hold <Shif t> , then click on the se cond it em, an d so on . T o move items on a label Move the mo use cursor t o the item, cli ck on it to select i t, and hold t he left mouse button do wn.
Starting Up 3 - 19 Accessing Online Help You can get hel p on tasks using e ither of two met hods: Pres s the < Help > ke y (A l t+ F1 0 ) on yo u r keyb oar d at an y tim e to display a brief des cri ption of t he editi ng tools. Watch the Status bar at the bottom of the Editor window.
3-20 Acce ssing Onl in e Help.
4 - 1 This chapter describes the basic funct ions of your system and how t o use them. Yo ur familiar ity with these co ncepts and pro cesses wil l simplif y your work when you create labels.
4-2 Working in the Editor window W o rking in the Edito r windo w The Editor window is displa yed at the beginnin g of th e label creat ion process for so me lab els, duri ng the pr oces s and at th e end o f the proces s for all labels, and i t is disp layed aga in when y ou open a saved lab el file for edit ing.
Basic Procedures 4 - 3 Inside the Edit or window Use these editing and navi gation to ols within the Edito r window, shown in Fi gur e 4-1, to c reat e and to edi t la be ls: The previ ew area The tool bar The rulers The scroll buttons The stat us bar The preview area When you create a la bel, you build it by adding o bjects to it.
4-4 Working in the Editor window Hint ! W hen a t oolbar but ton is inactive , it is gra yed out, or ap pear s on the screen as dimmer than the others. The Editor wi ndow is use d for a ll ty pes of l abe ls you crea te, but the Editor toolbars vary according to which tools are appropriate for t he type of l abel you are working wi th.
Basic Procedures 4 - 5 Decreas e Size. Decreases th e si ze of the selected text or graphic. Th e text or graphic remains in its ori ginal propo rtions, but disp lays and w ill print 1 0% smal ler for each t ime you p ress the In crease Size bu tton. S ee Using Increase Size and Decreas e Size on page 7-27 for detail s.
4-6 Working in the Editor window Ruler function s The horizontal and vertical rulers in the Editor window preview area (show n in Fi gure 4-1) use t he same scal e. T h is mea ns th a t each increment on the horizontal ruler equals the same increment on the vertical ruler.
Basic Procedures 4 - 7 As the view zooms out , the ma gnification le vel decreas es, whic h me ans th at more of the la bel is vi sible , and the t ick marks on the rulers appear closer together: Hint! Here ’ s a quick way to zoom in or out by 100%: Hold down <Sh ift> , then press Zoom in or Zoom out .
4-8 Working in the Editor window object. The dotted lines disa ppear, but the markers a lways indi cate tha t you have s uccessfully selected the object, as shown h ere: Figure 4- 3.
Basic Procedures 4 - 9 Selecting multiple obje cts To se lec t m ult iple objects o n a la bel, h old do wn the Shift k ey, t hen use eithe r of t he meth ods desc ribed abo ve.
4-10 Working in Entry Scre ens Some screen s may s how opt ions or a reas as dimmed, or graye d out. This indicate s that particular o ption is disabled , or not av ailable on you r system or i n the context in whi ch you are op era ting.
Basic Procedures 4 - 11 Entering info rmation in entry screens You co nstru ct your lab el te xt in a te xt entry are a on the Enter Text screen, as s hown here: Figu re 4- 5.
4-12 Working in Entry Scre ens Addin g special characte rs to text on page 7-9 for detailed informati on. Choosing options You enter you r option choi ces on entry scre ens via entry field s, option buttons, checkboxes, and other devices, desc ribed below.
Basic Procedures 4 - 13 button . (S ee Using radio buttons on page 4-15 for more information.) Figure 4 -7. The Advanced print e ntry scree n. Using option buttons Touch an op tion butt on to impleme nt th e command or func tion liste d on the butt on.
4-14 Working in Entry Scre ens Using option lists Some fields provide lists of opti ons from whic h yo u can choose , such as the De nsity field s on t he s creen show n he re: Figure 4-8 . The Ba r Code scree n, Dime nsions T ab. To select from an option l ist, touch the d own arrow nex t to the fiel d to see the l ist of o ptions.
Basic Procedures 4 - 15 To indicate your choice in a checkbox, touch the checkbox or click on it with t he mo use. For exampl e, in Figure 4-7, check the Pri nt Files in Group option checkbox to indicate tha t you want to pri nt a group of files all a t once.
4-16 Working in Entry Scre ens T o exit an entr y screen without savi ng your entries Use o ne of th ese m ethod s: Press or choos e the X button, as s hown in Figure 4-8. Press o r choos e Cancel , as sho wn in Figure 4-7. Press <Es c> . You can also us e the Back button when p resent to retu rn to t he previous s creen.
5 - 1 Your la bel printi ng syst em ships with pr e-set s ettings calle d default system s ettings . You can cust omize yo ur system settings t o refle ct your own preference s. This chapter tells you how to change system settings. Topics include: The way your s ystem print s.
5-2 Accessi ng System Setup Accessing Syste m Setup When you change t he pre-s et sys tem set tings y our syst em shi pped with , you change th e default values your sys tem uses to determine how your printe r works . The c hanges y ou mak e in th e Syste m Setup scre ens app ly to your entire system.
Setting Prefe rences 5 - 3 The System Set up tabs are: • Print ing • Local izat ion • Hardware • Other • Text • On Li ne The Tab arrows indica te the pr esence or absen ce of addi tional tabs.
5-4 Setting Printing Tab Options Setting Printing T ab Op tions The Pri nt ing options tab is shown in F igure 5-1 . Y ou specify yo ur system ’ s prin t job de faults on this tab. T he optio ns are : For more info rmation about pri nting opti ons, see Printing Tab Opti ons on page 11-20.
Setting Prefe rences 5 - 5 Setting Localization T ab O ptions Use the opt ions on th e Loc alization tab t o se t your system ’ s text language, keyb oa rd language, an d t he unit of measure used in dete rmining the s ize of your labe ls : Figure 5 -2.
5-6 Setting Localization Tab Opti ons The o ption s are: Language Sets th e lang uage th e sys tem uses for the screens, prompts , and mess ages. Languag e options ava ilable dep end on your syst em: .
Setting Prefe rences 5 - 7 Setting Hardware T ab Options Use the Ha rdware optio ns tab f or setti ngs tha t affe ct your system ’ s hardware. Figure 5-3 . The Syste m Setup H ardware t ab. The op tions are : Speaker volume (0-5) Controls the volume of your s ystem sounds .
5-8 Setting Hardware Tab Opti ons Naming sup ply colors When n ew tape o r ribbon supplies become avai lable a fter your p rint system is shipped to you, you r system will not ha ve internal information about t hose new su ppl ies. T he Check S upply C olors but ton le ts you supply the names of new sup plies an d st ore them in your syste m.
Setting Prefe rences 5 - 9 The Check Supply Color s scre en displays: Figure 5-4. The Check Supply Colors sc reen. 3. Enter a nam e for the color, up to 32 characters in length. Be sure the name is not already i n use in your system. 4. If you change your mind or make a mistake, press Canc el .
5-10 Setting Other Tab Option s Setting Other T ab Options Set defa ult grid pre ferences and l ine width usi ng the Other tab, show n here: Figure 5-5 .
Setting Prefe rences 5 - 11 Displaying th e screen grid The screen grid is the pattern or structure that underli es your l abels. It consists of invisible horizontal and vertical lines of dots, arranged like a graph paper patt ern. The grid is not vi sible to you by def ault, but you can choose to display it.
5-12 Setting Text Tab Options Settin g T ext T ab O pti ons Set the de fault text prefer ences for your system b y using the op tions on the Text ta b. Figu re 5- 7. Th e Syst em Set up s creen T ext tab . Note: T ext tab option chang es affect on ly new text ob jects yo u crea te.
Setting Prefe rences 5 - 13 Font Sets the def ault f ont st yle. Pull dow n the list and sele ct a font style. The facto ry-inst alled fonts are : • Arial 65 for BRC • Arial for BRC (de fault) • Brush Script for BRC • Tahoma • Times New Roman for BRC Your syst em may offe r add i tiona l fonts inst alle d by your org anizatio n.
5-14 Setting On Line Tab Options Setting On Line T ab Op tions Set the defa ult PC connect ion type set tings fo r your syste m by using t he On Li ne tab op tions: Figu re 5- 8. Th e Syst em Set up sc r een On Line tab The options are: Connection Type Sets the port typ e to be used w hen connecting t o a PC.
6 - 1 Working with labe ls is what y our print ing syste m and this ma nual is really all about . This chapter describes the most important part of th at process: how to create l abels. You ’ ll learn h ow to use the applica tions th is syste m offers o n the M ain Menu to create all kinds of l abels.
6-2 Creating Custom L abels Creatin g Custom La bels This proced ure shows you how to use th e Custom a pplicat i on to create labels tha t you desi gn, withou t us i ng pre- designed l ayouts. You will find infor m ation abo ut using pre-desi gned layout s, called templates , in Crea ting Template Labels on page 6-10.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 3 2. On the Custom screen, sh own here, choos e Create New Label : Figure 6-2 . The Cus tom screen . You ’ ll se e th e Editor window: Figure 6- 3. The Editor win dow . The Editor wind ow is rea dy to di splay th e label a s you create it.
6-4 Creating Custom L abels At th is po int, th e syst em ope rates with t hese defau lts: The b lank label di spla yed re flect s the s ize an d colo r of t he tap e installe d. If no su pply is in stalled w hen you launch Custom , the system as sumes yo u are usin g a white, 4- i nch (10 2 mm) wide tape.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 5 Also see Inside the Ed itor window on page 4-3 for more information abo ut w orking in the Editor window. Creating QuickT ext Labels QuickText he lps you create plain te xt labels very quickly . When yo u choose Quic kTe xt on the Main Menu screen (F igure 6-1), all you hav e to do to create a l abel is e nter your t ext.
6-6 Creating QuickText Labels T o create a QuickT ext label 1. Choose QuickText from the Main Menu screen(Fig ure 6-1 on page 6-2) . You ’ ll se e the Enter Text screen: Figure 6-4 . The Qui c kT ext Enter T e xt sc reen. 2. Follow the on-s creen instructions and type your t ext.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 7 Quic kTe xt fo rmats your labe l and dis plays it on the Qui ckText version of the Editor windo w:[ Figure 6-5 . The Qui ckT ext Editor win dow . Onc e the labe l shows in the Editor wi ndow, you can either print it as is, or ed it the t ext .
6-8 Creating QuickText Labels Zoom In . Increases the magnifica tion, makin g the objects on the label look larger. Does not cha nge the actua l size of the printed label, b ut is used as a view ing aid. See Zooming in and zooming out on page 4-6 for deta ils.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 9 QuickT ext key functio ns Not all sy stem fun ction key s are operat ive in the QuickText applicatio n, either becaus e the functi ons are irrelev ant, or because of limitations on the desi gn and functi ons of Quic k Text la bels .
6-10 Creating Templat e Labels Creatin g T e mp late La be ls Your l abel print ing syste m provid es many temp late s you ’ ll find use ful for creatin g standardize d labels. Templat es are pre-de signed sp ecialty layouts you use t o set up and forma t a st andard label.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 11 Pipe Marker and Right-to-K now exceptions The Pipe Ma rker and Right-t o-K now applications contain highl y special ized templat es created for spe cial situat ions. Most of you who use these app lications are already f amiliar with the stand ards and requir ements for th ese typ es of lab els.
6-12 Creating Templat e Labels T o choose an applicat ion 1. On the Main Menu screen (Fig ure 6-1), se lect the applicatio n for the label y ou want to cre ate. You ’ ll se e a version of the Crea te or Open scre en, such as the Safety application vers ion shown here : Figure 6-6 .
Working wi th Labels 6 - 13 The Template Categories screen is very similar for most a pplications, but th e list of categori es va ries:. Figure 6-7. The T emplat e Catego ries scre en, T a gs appli cation. Exception: Pipe Ma rker n ext li sts styles on the Pip e Marke r Style scree n.
6-14 Creating Templat e Labels Selecting a template Exception: In Pipe Marker and Right -to-Know sk ip this step and proceed directl y to prompting yo u for setting la be l dimensions. You sel ect a template on a prev ious screen. Each te mplate l isted o n the Sele ct Temp lat e screen represent s a pre- designed la yout.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 15 Hint! Som e pres et label s may also be set to turn on the Sup ply sa ver option for pr intin g. Se e Supply saver opt ion o n page 11-22 for information. The Change Size button ma y or may not be enable d, according to the te mplate chosen .
6-16 Creating Templat e Labels • Choose Change Size to change the label size, as describe d in the Changing Labels on page 6-25. Foll owing prompt s eque nces Each labe l type that uses pre- designed l ayouts has prompt sequences unique to its type.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 17 help accust om you to the proc ess , however, the secti ons tha t foll ow tak e you through s ome generic prompt se quences. Responding to text prompts Figure 6-10 shows a generic version of a text prompt screen: Figure 6-10 .
6-18 Creating Templat e Labels Responding to pick list prompts When the template you are using calls for a certain type of word or phrase, you may see a pick list prompt screen from which you can choose the appropriate word or phrase: Figure 6-1 1. A pick list prompt sc reen.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 19 Responding to graphics prompts Figure 6- 12 show s a grap hics promp t. For this template sequence, you are being p rompted t o choose a H azMat graphi c: Figure 6-12 . A graphics pr ompt sc reen. Complete this screen by choosin g a graphic f rom the thumbnai ls display ed.
6-20 Creating Templat e Labels Grap hic s , where you choose one o r more graphics fr om various categories to apply to your Pipe Marker labels Arrows , where you may specify arrow directions for Pipe M arker labels. This fea t ure differs fo r North American and Euro pean standa rds.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 21 Creating Set s of La be ls When y ou know i n advan ce that you want to prin t a group of labels all at the sa me time, y ou can crea te the la bels as a set.
6-22 Creating Sets of Labels Adding labels to a label set You c reate lab els i ndiv idua lly when yo u are mak ing a s et, but af ter the init ial l abel, yo u use the Add Label function t o create the next label.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 23 4. From this point, you ’ ll be prompte d for the sam e kind of inf ormat ion the sy stem p rompt ed yo u for w ith the origi nal labe l. The status bar displ ays the mess age: Label 2 o f 2 . 5. Repe at the pr ocess fo r as many la bels as yo u need in t he set.
6-24 Creating Sets of Labels Clearing Custom labels When y ou clear a Custom labe l, the next labe l in the se t appears . If the label you clea red i s th e last one in the set , whe n you ar e retu rned to the Editor wind ow, a bl ank labe l dis plays.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 25 Changi ng La be ls With most a pplicat ions , you can c hang e the si ze of a la bel y ou cr eate, and you can e dit the ob jects pl aced on that label. There are va rious met hods for m akin g chan ges, and ea ch metho d affe cts diffe rent par ts of your labe l.
6-26 Changing Labels T o change the size of a label 1. Choose Change Size . You ’ ll see t he Custom Label Size screen: Figure 6-13 . The Custom Labe l Size screen.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 27 • With Use cu stom size enabled, you can: Set a c ust om wi dth . W hen y ou c hoos e Set width , t he Set length field beco mes u nava ilable (gray ed ou t). or Set the la bel lengt h . If you choose Set leng th , the Set widt h field i s u navailable (grayed out).
6-28 Changing Labels 3. Mak e your chang es, and choose OK . Exception: <Edit Object> is not av ailable i n th e Pi pe Marker a nd Right- to-Know appli cat ions. Use <Edi t Data > , which is des c ribed be low, instead. For deta iled inf ormation ab out edit ing ob jects, see Changing Obje ct s on page 7-31.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 29 3. Choose the appropri ate tab s creen for the settin gs you want t o change. The Label Properties screen has tw o tabs : • Size , for controll ing the dimen sions of you.
6-30 Changing Labels Set cus tom width Check t his opti on to set a custom lab el width. Ente r the new width in t h e entry field. T he value ent ered must be less than the maximum pri ntable width a.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 31 Aut o calc ulat e lengt h Check th is opti on to accept the le ngth the syst em au tomat ically s ets, based on the contents of the la bel. If you have a pa neled ribbon in stalled, th e maximum labe l length is set to the panel leng t h.
6-32 Changing Labels Choose OK when your settings are complete. If y our label width is larger th an the print able area of your tape s upply, the sy stem displa ys a message that provides the maximum size you can use. Choose Cancel to return to the Editor window wi tho ut making change s to the labe l.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 33 Hint! For be st resul ts, create an d finish y our label be fore applyin g a frame. Use the opt ions on th e Label P roperties Frame tab to frame a la be l: Figure 6 -16. The Label Prop erties screen, F rame t ab. The Fram e tab opti ons are : Frame shape Set to select t he shape of t he label fra me.
6-34 Changing Labels Setting frame length The s ystem u ses th e leng th of th e label yo u set in t he Label Properties Size screen to set the length of a fra me. When y ou do not set a le ngth, leav ing it to be automa tically calcula ted by th e syst em, it sets the frame length accordi ng to the data it fi nds.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 35 If you add or re move object s from the la be l, the system does no t automatical ly resize a f rame. To resize the f rame, you must remove the exi stin g fram e and ad d a ne w one.
6-36 Setting Application Preferenc es screen can have many tabs, but the mos t common configuration is shown here: Figu re 6- 17. Th e App lic at ion P refe rence s scre en. Exception: The Pipe M arker Preference s creen offers two tab s: Prin ting a nd Colo r No rm.
Working wi th Labels 6 - 37 Hint! The options on t he Pr inting , Other , Text , and On Line tabs work exa ctly the sa me wheth er you choos e them from Applica tion Prefe rences or from Syste m Setup. Th e sett i ngs apply sys tem-wide and remain unt il you chang e them ag ain.
6-38 Setting Application Preferenc es Setting Right-to-Know pref erences The Right-to- Know Preference tabs are: Printing, which contains the same options as describe d in Print ing Tab Options on page 11 -20 . Format , where you set the de fault fo rmat for subsequen t Right-to- Know l abel files y ou create.
7-1 When you create a la bel, you build it by ad ding objects to it . Objects can include text, variable text, graphics, bar codes, and HotShapes. This chapter describes how to add objects to your labels and how to format them.
7-2 About Objects About Object s Before you begin this chapter, it ’ s i mport ant to und erstan d the te rm objects . When y ou create a label, you bu ild it by crea ting or ad ding objects to it . The ob jects can be m ade eith er for p rinting or for cu tting out (if you hav e the Color & Cut system).
Working with Ob jects 7-3 Hint! You can set the length of yo ur label before ad di ng objects. Use the S et Le ngth option on t he Size tab of t he Label Properties screen. The color of the objects you insert is determined by the ribbon you have inst alled.
7-4 Adding Objects The Edi to r window is d isplayed w ith a b lank label in the p review are a: Figure 7-1 . The Edi tor window . 2. Choose t he Insert Object button in t he tool bar on the Editor window, or pres s <Insert Ob ject > on th e keyb oard.
Working with Ob jects 7-5 out object opti on, so Print object i s assumed an d does not a ppear on the Insert Object scree n. You sele ct options on thi s screen to choo se the ki nd of labe l you are going to make, and to in dicate what type o f object you want t o add.
7-6 Adding Objects You ’ ll se e the Enter Text screen. Figure 7- 3. The Enter T ext s creen. 2. Ent er text in the tex t entry a rea by typing th e charact ers on your keyb oard.
Working with Ob jects 7-7 Formatting text objects The Ent er Text scre en p rovide s thes e op tions for format ting y our t ext obje ct: T o select a font You can choose fro m among sev eral font st yles, de pending on whi ch fonts a re provid ed with your sy stem.
7-8 Adding Objects 1. W ith the text y ou want to chang e displa yed o n the Enter Text screen, se lect the part of the text (or all of it) tha t you want to f ormat. 2. P ress Font on the Enter Text screen, shown in Figure 7-3 on page 7-6. You ’ ll se e the Font screen: Figure 7-4.
Working with Ob jects 7-9 T o change the type size Changin g the typ e size ma kes th e charac ters larg er or sm aller, n ot just as you se e them on t h e screen, bu t on the print ed labe l as well . 1. On the Enter T ext screen , select the te xt you w ant to change .
7-10 Adding Objects This examp le sh ows som e Special Character buttons alread y personalize d. Figure 7-5. The S pecial Charac ter screen , customized. T o personalize S pecial Characters buttons 1. On the Enter Text screen(Figure 7- 3 ), choose S pecial .
Working with Ob jects 7-11 2. Pre ss Delet e . The s pecia l char acters previo usly as sig ned to t hose buttons are removed . Remaining s pecial chara cter butt ons are reorder ed t o the to p of t he group. T o add a special characte r to label text 1.
7-12 Adding Objects You can create a set of labels to number pa cking boxes when you move, or a se t of a lpha betic l abel s you ca n use to org anize file folde rs. You can creat e a set of name l abels for the members of your grou p. The object that varies with each group of labels is ca lled a variable text object.
Working with Ob jects 7-13 Creating sequential labels To create s equent ial labels, ch oose Seq uence on the Data So urce screen. Use the opt ions on th e Sequence screen to define a Sequence variable text objec t for y our l abe ls. Figure 7-7. The Sequen ce scree n.
7-14 Adding Objects Hint ! M ake sure the text object you define is large eno ugh to accommodate all poss ibilities in your se quence. For inst ance, in th e example above, if Je an Marti n creates 10.
Working with Ob jects 7-15 Ending value Enter the ending va lue for the seq uence. Using the Starting value , the Chan ge b y value, a nd the Ending value , the system calcu late s the tota l num ber of l abe ls to be generated for the sequence, and enters it in the Total number field .
7-16 Adding Objects Creating text li st labels A classic example o f variable text label s is name t ags for atte ndees of a conventi on. A sa mple labe l might lo ok like this one ; The t op line an d the bott om line are the sa me for al l labels.
Working with Ob jects 7-17 You ’ ll se e th e Text List screen, which you use to enter the list of words you want t o us e on your labels: Figur e 7-9 . T ext Lis t s cre en with exam ple. 2. Typ e the f irst item y ou want t o appear on a lab el. 3.
7-18 Adding Objects Hint ! If your system is connect ed to a PC, yo u can also downlo ad list files fr om files s t ored on t he PC. See CHAPTER 12: Co n nec tin g to a PC , begi nning on page 12-1, for instru ctions. 1. Choose Text List on the D ata Sour c e screen (Fig ure 7-6 on p age 7- 12).
Working with Ob jects 7-19 The Bar Code scree n has five tabs . When you ad d a bar code, you ’ ll use the Content and Dimension t abs. The remaining tabs -- General, Siz e and Locati on, an d Font -- are mainly use d to change defa ult se tt ings for bar codes (see Editing bar code s on page 7-21).
7-20 Adding Objects Setting bar code dimensions Choose t he Dimension tab on the Bar C ode screen to set bar code measurements: Figure 7- 1 1. The Bar Code s creen, D imensio ns tab .
Working with Ob jects 7-21 Editing bar codes Of the remaining tabs, General , Size and Location , a nd Font , only Location has opt ions that a pply to bar co des. The op tions on t he remain ing tabs corresp ond to the op tions on the sam e tabs in the Bar Code Pro perti es s creen.
7-22 Adding Objects T o add a graphic object 1. Sel ect Graphic on the Insert Object scre en (Figure 7-2 on page 7- 4). You ’ ll s ee th e Graphi c Categ ories scre en: Figure 7-1 2. The Graphic C ategorie s screen. 2. Choose a cat egory of gra phics from the l i st.
Working with Ob jects 7-23 Use the a rrow buttons to step t hrough thumbna il versions of the graphics offered in the category shown. Each time yo u press a scroll button, yo u ’ ll see six (or few er, depending on how many graphics are available in the category) n ew thum bnail grap hics.
7-24 Selecting Objects To add HotShap e objects to your labe l, select th e HotS hape op tion on the Insert Object sc reen (Fig ure 7-2 o n page 7-4 ). Th e HotSha pe screen displays. Figure 7-1 4. The Hot Shape s screen . Choose a HotS ha pe by se lecting o ne of the HotS hape buttons.
Working with Ob jects 7-25 In brief: You can tell an object is selected whe n a bounding box , w hic h is a gr ay rectangl e that en closes the object, appears on the scree n. The bound ing box has small squares, called selection ma rkers, at the corners and midpoin ts of th e sides.
7-26 Movi ng Objects T o find and select a layered object 1. First, make sure you have an object, any object, selected on the screen. 2. P ress <Tab > to cycle through al l the obj ects on the screen one by one.
Working with Ob jects 7-27 T o move objects fast er and farther 1. Select the object. 2. Hold down <Shift > . 3. Hold down th e arrow k ey. Sizing Ob ject s You have s eve ral options for sizing o b jects on t he Editor window: Use the Increase Size or Decreas e Size tools.
7-28 Sizing Objects Hint! Increase/Decreas e Size changes are always proportio nal, which means tha t you cha nge the width and he ig ht of th e obje ct at the exa ct same ra te of change. The shape of the object remain s the s ame, tho ugh the size ch anges.
Working with Ob jects 7-29 The Scale screen display s. Fig ur e 7-1 5. Th e Sca l e scr een. 3. Ch oose o ne of the p erce nt but tons. or Enter a percentage in the Percent field. • Percent field minimum = 10% • Percent field maximum = 500% Hint! Use the Percent field fo r percentage amount s not provi ded on the perc ent b uttons .
7-30 Copying and Pasting Objects Scaling bar codes The size of the human- readabl e t ext does not change wh en you use < Scal e> to resize a ba r code.
Working with Ob jects 7-31 Changing Object s You make ch anges to a n object by o pening and editing it, o r by chang ing its obje ct properties. Opening an d editing an object You must open an object for ed iting befo re you can make changes to it. T o open an object 1.
7-32 Changing Objects Changing object properties Instead of manipul ating the object you want to change within t he Editor window as described in the preceding sections , you can use the options on the Properti es scre ens to reset the p roperti es of t he objects.
Working with Ob jects 7-33 The type of system yo u have al so determi nes the optio ns offered on each tab. For i nstance, the Cu t out ob j ect op tion do es not ap pear at all on the Properties screens of t h e Monocolor or Mul ticol or systems. Onl y Color & Cut sy stems contain the Cut out object option.
7-34 Changing Objects You ’ ll see the a Properties scre en with tabs and optio ns appropriate to th e obje ct sel ected. This is a samp le Text Prop erties scree n: Figure 7 -16. A generic Prop erties Ge neral tab. The value s shown on the s creen are the current value s of the sel ected text o bject.
Working with Ob jects 7-35 The Gene ral t ab options are: Rotation For all systems. Use the scroll arrows to choose from the l ist of ro tatio n angles. Fo r example, to rotate an object 45 degree s, choose 45. Not e: For bar code objects, the only valid values are 0 and 90 degree s.
7-36 Changing Objects Setting options on the Size and Location tab The Size and L ocation tab appe ars on Properties screens of all object type s. Use it s optio ns to set the height, width , and l ocation of an object. The f ollowin g is an e xampl e of a ( HotS hape) C i rcle Pro pe rtie s S ize and Location tab screen: Figure 7 -17.
Working with Ob jects 7-37 T o set the size of an object You can set the absol ute siz e of most objects by se tting the heig ht and width on the Si ze and Location tab. Wh en you se t an ab solute s ize for an obje ct, that ob ject remai ns the same s iz e rega rdl ess of oth er operatio ns yo u perform.
7-38 Changing Objects 1. P ress < Object Proper t ies> to get to th e obje ct ’ s Prope rtie s scre en. 2. Choose t he Size and Loca tion tab. 3. In t he Left field, enter th e number o f inches or milli meters from the left s ide of the pr intabl e area where you wan t to lo cate t he obje ct.
Working with Ob jects 7-39 The op tions are : Setting options on the Placement tab Use the opt ions on th e Pl acement t ab to set j ustificat ion and position for text objects. Figure 7-1 9. The T ext Prope rties Plac ement t ab. Font Lists the fonts installed on your system.
7-40 Changing Objects Justification de termines the horizontal alignment for a text object in your label. Ch oos e: • Left for traditio nal left -to-right j ustificat ion, with text posit ioned agai.
Working with Ob jects 7-41 Setting options on the Options tab Use the opt ions on th e object Text Properties scree n ’ s Options tab to set vario us text object propertie s: Figure 7 -20.
7-42 Changing Objects Auto size f ont Available only w hen a text object wi th boundaries is se lected. Ch oos e to tell th e applicatio n to automa tically set the point size of the te xt to f it with in the t ext ob ject. The approp riate poi nt size i s implemented for your text.
Working with Ob jects 7-43 Setting options on the Content tab Please refer to Addi ng bar code obj ects on page 7-18 for informati on about the Co nt ent t ab. Setting options on the Dimensions tab Please refer to Addi ng bar code obj ects on page 7-18 for informati on about the Dimensions ta b.
7-44 Changing Objects.
8 - 1 You apply color to y our labels in several w ays, depen ding on y our system and the supplies you ha ve insta lled. The topics that follow in this chapter tell you how to compose color labe ls: .
8-2 About Color About Color You determine the color choices fo r your labels by the supplies you install. When y ou comp ose a labe l, the sy stem uses t he ri bb on supply i nsta lle d in your printer to det ermine which colors you can select fo r print colors, and the tape supply to de termine the background color.
Applying Color 8 - 3 16 inch (406 mm) lengths on e ach ribbon. The pr inter makes multiple passes over t he tape to print th ose colors on th e labe l.
8-4 About Color In summary, your sys t em and the i nstalle d ribbon together det ermine what kind of color you can apply to objects when composing a label: Ta p e c o l o r The tape you have i nstalled in y our system det ermi nes the backgroun d color of y our lab els.
Applying Color 8 - 5 Applying Col or to Object s Your color choices and how you can use color for objects in your labels depend on your system and the ri bbon you have ins talled. With t he Monocol or system , yo u can change the color of an object from the print color to the background color, and vice-versa.
8-6 Applying Color to Objects Note: Yo u may not change the colors of a multi-color graphic object supplie d by the system. Yo u may, howev er, change the enti re color of a single-color graphic. The Obj ect C olor screen di ffers accord ing to your system a nd the ribbon you have inst alled.
Applying Color 8 - 7 Choosing color o n the Multicol or and Color & Cut systems If yo u ha ve th e Mult icolor or th e Colo r & Cu t sys tem, t he op tions offe red on th e Object C olor screen also de pend on the type of rib b on install ed at the time yo u choose the Color opti on .
8-8 Applying Color to Objects of the currentl y selected o bject, or if there is no obje ct selected, the current print color. Importa nt! If you are using a new sup ply colo r that you h ave not yet named, it wil l not show o n this screen . See Naming supply color s on page 5-8 for instructions on how to make your system recognize new colors.
Applying Color 8 - 9 The final box in the series shows the color of the currently installed tape. If you choose t hat box, the Current Color text changes to “ Background. ” The pane l length of the currently installed ribbon is shown at t he top of the screen i n the Instal led Ribbon field .
8-10 Print ing Colo r Printing Color See CH APTER 11: Printing , beginning on page 11-1, for complete informati on on printi ng your lab els..
Working with F iles 9 - 1 This chapte r explains how to stor e labels you crea te on your sy stem so you can acce ss them anot her time. You s t ore th em as files , and yo u organ ize t he fi les in file groups .
9-2 About Files and File Groups About Files an d File Group s When you store a la bel, you name it and save it, and it becomes a file on which you can then perform several operations. (Yo u can also save multiple labels in a single file, such as wh en you create a label s et or when you create labels with variable text.
Working with F iles 9 - 3 Saving Labels as Files Every time you create a Custom l abel or a pre-design ed templa te label, you hav e the opti on to sa ve it as a file and to put it in a file group , so you can access it later.
9-4 Saving Labels as Files T o save a lab el as a file i n internal memory 1. With th e unsaved la bel di sp laye d i n t he Ed itor window, press <Fil e Opti ons> . Y ou ’ ll see the File Options scree n: Figure 9 -1. The File Opti ons scre en.
Working with F iles 9 - 5 2. The default group displa yed in the New file grou p field is th e name of the applica t ion you use d to create the fi l e. You have s everal choices for the New file group field: • Accept the d efault as the n ame fo r the g roup • Enter a new name.
9-6 Saving Labels as Files existing labe l you want to keep. If you re spond Yes when th e system as ks you if you really want to repl ace t h e old file, the system di scards the old sa ved label and puts the new saved l abel in its place. You cannot recover the discarded file.
Working with F iles 9 - 7 3. Enabl e the Save group on card opt ion. W hen y ou com plete t he file saving proce dure, the system wi ll save the entire file group to the memory card. Note that e xisting file g roups you pre viously save d on memory cards are design ated with (card) after their na mes.
9-8 Managing Files Note: When you o pen a save d file, y ou shoul d be aware that the label in the file may not match the size an d color of currently instal led tape. W hen that i s the case, the sy stem displ a ys the la bel w it h the characteristics of the current tape.
Working with F iles 9 - 9 4. You ’ ll se e the Open F il e screen: Figure 9 -6. The Open File screen. 5. Se lect t he fil e you w ant to open on th e Select file list.
9-10 Managing Files 2. Choose Open Saved File . If you have an unsaved label currently displayed , the syst em prompts you t o save it or t o discard it: Figure 9 -7. The Save Cha nges prompt. (If you choose Yes , you ’ ll be pro mpted fo r File Gr oup and F ile Na me, as described in Saving Labe ls as Files o n page 9-3.
Working with F iles 9 - 11 Deleting files When y ou delete a label fi le, the syste m deletes the file either f rom the internal storage area or from the memory card, if you have one installed. Note: Use caution when deleting f i les. Once yo u del ete a file, you cannot recover it.
9-12 Print ing File s Printing Files You ca n print a single f ile or you ca n print a n ent ire file group. For instructions, see Printing a single label on page 11-4, Print ing labels i n a label se t on page 11 -6, and Pr inting labe ls in a file group on pa ge 11-7.
Working with F iles 9 - 13 Accessing template files You can access template files you created, or that you or someone in your organization ha s downloaded to your sy stem, through My Templates. You m ay no t acce ss the templat e files supp lied w ith th e applicatio ns on your s ystem.
9-14 Using M y Temp lates Changing My T e mplate label size Use t he Change Si ze b u tton on the Selec t T e m pla te screen (Figure 9- 9) to custo mize the s ize of th e label yo u are creati ng. Note: This opti on is appli cable o nly if t he templa te is sca lable.
10 - 1 If you have the C olor & Cut system , read this chapter for informa tion ab out the cut ou t functio ns. (If you have the Monocol or system or t he Multi color syst em, the information in this cha pter is n ot applicable to your sy stem.) This chapter defines and describes the capabilities of the plotter cutter included in your system.
10-2 About Cutting About Cutting The te rm “ cut ” is used in mult iple ways i n the Color & Cut system . To help you avoid conf usion, the terms as used are def ined here: Cut The standard Microsoft Win dows “ Cut ” command, which means removing an object from its current locati on and temporar ily storing it for later ret rieval.
Working with Cut-outs 10 - 3 The Co lor & Cut s ystem is equ ippe d with a plotte r cutt er, whi ch mea ns the syst em ca n: Cut out objects that you hav e desi gn at ed as a C ut out Obj ect on the Insert Object scree n. Th e cutte r cuts out th e actu al shape of the obje ct.
10-4 Creating Cut Out Ob jects Creating Cut Out Object s You crea te cut out ob jects by addi ng them to a label, the same wa y you create and add prin t objects. Once yo u choose the Cut out objec t option, your other choices are limited, howe ver, to objects that may be cut out.
Working with Cut-outs 10 - 5 Hint! You can change some existing print objects to cut out objects and vice-ver sa, by going to the General tab on the ob ject ’ s Properties screen an d choo si n g th e ap pro p r iat e op ti on. Se e Changing object p roperties on page 7-32 for instructions.
10-6 Creating Cut Out Ob jects Cutting out text object s The cutter cuts out each individual character in a Text cut out object. Hint ! See Weeding cut out t ext objects on pag e 10-6 to le arn h ow t o make an ad ditional cut around the cut ou t text , for eas e of us e when removi ng the c ut out ch aracte rs.
Working with Cut-outs 10 - 7 4. You ’ ll se e the Text Properties screen, General tab: Figure 10-2 . The T ext Properti es scree n for a cut out ob ject 5. Check the Cut bounding box option. 6. Check the Weeding option. 7. Choo se OK . 8. Choo se Print t o cut out y our labe l.
10-8 Creating Cut Out Ob jects • Seque nce to create Seque ntial la bels, with v ariable t ext obje cts consisting of increasing or decreasing numbers o r alphabetic lette rs. Refe r to Creating sequential l abels o n page 7-13. • Text list to create Text lis t labels, w ith variable text ob jects consisting of a list of items you create.
Working with Cut-outs 10 - 9 3. Your HotShape displ ays on the Editor window. C hoose Print to proces s the l abel an d c ut out t he HotSha pe. Cuttin g Around Objects Whil e obj ects m a y not be bo th pri n t and cut out obje cts at the same time, ther e is a way to cut around some print obje cts.
10-10 Cutting Around Label Fr ames Check the Cut bounding box option on th e Gene ral tab, and choose OK . You r lab el d i splays ag ain in the E ditor window, wi th the cut bound ing box in dicated aro und the chosen object. Figure 1 0 -3. A sample Editor w indow with cu t boundin g box displaye d.
Working with Cut-outs 10 - 11 2. Ch oose t he Frame ta b: Figure 1 0-4. The Label Prop erties sc reen, Frame ta b., on the Color & Cut system. 3. Select a Frame shape op ti on: Re ctangle or Rounded rectangle . 4. Check the Cut out frame opti on. 5.
10-12 Calibrating the Cutte r Calibrating the Cutter If your cuts are not aligned correctly, you can adjus t the plotter cutter calibration val ues previo usly set at the f actory. You begin by usi ng the Setup optio n on t he Main Menu screen to calibrate the cutter.
Working with Cut-outs 10 - 13 Figure 10-5 may help show how your calibrations affect your labels. The inters ection of the x,y ax es rep resent s the c enter p oint of your l abel: Figure 10 -5. Cutte r calib ration ax es T o calibrate the cutter 1. On the Main Menu screen, select Setup .
10-14 Calibrating the Cutte r 3. Ent er a value in t he Hori zon tal ( x) fi eld. The v alue must be a posit ive or neg ative whol e num ber. 4. Ent er a value in t he Vertical (y) fiel d. Th e value must be a positiv e or negative wh ole number. 5. Choose OK .
11 - 1 This chapter tells you how to print the labels you create. Topics include: Printin g labels and sets of labels Printin g label f ile group s Checking supplies at print t ime Set.
11-2 Printing Labels Printing Labels Most of the time, p rinting a label is a v ery simple p rocess. Whe n you finish creating a label or ha ve open ed a saved label, wit h the la bel displayed i n the Editor window , you pres s t he < Pri nt > key o r choose the Print tool (shown here at the left).
Printing 11 - 3 than the two inch (51mm) minimum page length, the label and page print l ike this: Figure 1 1-1. Samp le short label. Note: The la bel lengt h and sh ear lines i n Figure 11- 1 are sho wn to illustra te the conce pts disc ussed here. Those li nes will not displa y on y our sc reen.
11-4 Printing Labels For example, if you submitted a print job for five copies of this label, and the Supply saver option i s ON, the out put lo oks like t his: Figur e 1 1-2 . Sam ple label s with Supp ly sa ver op tion enab l ed. Printing a single label Printing a single label is a simple two -step p rocess.
Printing 11 - 5 2. Choo se OK . You ’ ll see the Prepa ring to Print sc reen w hile t he printer process es your labe l. Figure 1 1-4. The Prep aring to Print sc reen. The prin ter prints , shears, and deli vers your la bel. Printing multiple co pies of a sing le label This p roces s requi res a si ngle ad dition al ste p: 1.
11-6 Printing Labels Printing labels in a label set When y ou know in advanc e that y ou want to print a g roup of lab els all at th e sam e ti me, yo u can cr ea t e a la be l set . The section Creating Sets of Labels on page 6-21 tel ls you h ow to crea te label set s.
Printing 11 - 7 2. Ch oose t he Advanced but ton. You ’ ll s ee the Advanced Print screen: Figur e 1 1-5. Th e Advanced Print screen for label set s. 3. In the Labels from field, ent er the number of the first la bel in t he set yo u want to prin t.
11-8 Printing Labels Note that so me restrictions a pply when you print file gro ups: You may not choose a range of files to print when pr i nting a file grou p. You m ust p rint all file s i n a file g r oup, or only a single f ile from the group. Do not mix label ap plication types wi thin file groups.
Printing 11 - 9 3. Choo se A dvanced . You ’ ll s ee the Advanced Print screen, with your current Fil e group shown named on the screen : Figure 1 1-6. The Ad vanced Pri nt screen with op en file gro up. 4. Ch oose t he Print files in file group option.
11-10 Printing Labels 2. Choose t he File Group button . You ’ ll see the File Groups screen: Figu re 1 1-7 . The F ile Gr oups scr een. 3. Choose t he file gro up that contains the file s you want to print, then OK . The Advanced Print screen displays ag ain, now wit h the name of th e file g roup y ou se lected display ed on the screen .
Printing 11 - 11 4. Choo se OK . You a re return ed to th e Print screen (Figure 11- 3). 5. Choo se OK on the Print screen to st art th e pri nt job . You ’ ll see the Pre p ar i ng to Pr in t screen (Figu re 11-4), w hich tra cks the sy stem ’ s progress as i t processes and prints each file in th e fi le group.
11-12 Checking Length If the la bel is a s aved label y ou hav e opened to print , the sys tem displays a message prompt ing you to chan ge the tape sup ply.
Printing 11 - 13 Minimu m length Two inches (51 mm) is the minimum supply length the system pe rmits for reliable delivery o f a label. If y our label i s shorter, the system automatically lengthens the page to meet the required minimum. The content a nd size of you r label on the page rema ins the s ame.
11-14 Checking Length In other cas es, the pr inter display s your la bel at the length you s et it or as set b y t he t empla te you used to create the la b el, but whe n you ch oos e Print, displays a messag e and d oes NOT print the l abel unt il you co rrect the length condit ion.
Printing 11 - 15 supported le ngth restriction o f 38 ” . The labe l show n on the screen i s over 38 ” long . Note that the dis play ind icates th e cutof f point at 38 ” . If you a t te m pt t o pri nt t his l ab el as i t is , the pr in te r tr u nc ate s the jo b a t the maximum length of 38 ” , withou t displayi ng a warni ng message .
11-16 Che cking Colo r Checking Color When y ou comp ose a labe l, the sy stem uses t he ri bb on supply i nsta lle d in your printer to determine which colors you can select. (See CHAPTER 8: Applying Color , beginnin g on page 8-1for more informati on.
Printing 11 - 17 Depending on the ribbon instal led, you ca n produce severa l types of colo r on your p rin ted la bel s: Sing le col or uses a continuous singl e co lor ribbon or one of t he colors in a paneled ri bbon.
11-18 Che cking Colo r In summary, your sys t em and the i nstalle d ribbon together det ermine what kind of color you ca n produce: Ribbon color ne eded When the system need s a dif ferent c olor r i.
Printing 11 - 19 T ape color nee ded The s y st em response to tape col or diff ers depe nding on the kind o f label you are printing : When yo u are printing a templat e label and t he syst em needs a different color tape installe d to complete the pr int job, it prompt s you with a Color Needed message.
11-20 Printing Tab Options Printing T ab Options The Pri nt ing t ab provi des two additi onal pr int optio ns: Supply sav er , which sa ves tape and ribbo n by arrangin g labels on pages Overpr intin.
Printing 11 - 21 T o set print options from the Main Menu 1. On the Main Menu screen (Fig ure 3-1 on page 3- 2), choose Setup . You ’ ll se e th e Sys tem Se tup scre en, with the Prin ting ta b display ed: Figure 1 1-10. The Sy stem Setu p screen, Print ing tab .
11-22 Printing Tab Options Supply saver option Supply saver printing, wh ich is sometimes called multip le up printin g, saves t ape and ribbo n by a rranging labe ls togeth er in the print qu eue and prin ting multip le labels on the same page .
Printing 11 - 23 Figure 11 -11 and F igure 11-12 below i llustrate ho w you can save tap e with Sup ply saver enabled . Figure 11 -11 show s your o utput wit h Supply s aver enab led an d an 8 ” paneled ri bbon ins talled. In th is job, you want to print t hree copies of a single la bel.
11-24 Printing Tab Options Figure 1 1-12 sh ows that s ame print j ob with the Supply saver op tion disabl ed. T he sy stem prints three cons ecut ive 8 ” lo ng label s: Figure 1 1-12. Sam ple output with Sup ply save r OFF . Overprint op tion Overpr intin g elimina tes possib le gaps betwee n the color area s and the black areas on your label.
Printing 11 - 25 With Ov erprint enabled , th e system arran ges the order in which the colors on your la bel prin t so tha t black prin ts last and prints ov er any previous ly printe d colors on object s that overl a p. With O verprint disabl ed , areas wh ere black is t o be applie d are left bl ank until bl ack print s.
11-26 Printing Tab Options.
A - 1 The tabl es that fo llow prov ide the symbol, th e unicode value, and th e decimal value for spe cial characters you can use with your label printing syste m.
A-2 Special Ch aracters TA B L E 1 . Specia l Cha ra cters for Arial 65 for BRC, Arial for BRC, and Times New Roman for BRC fonts, listing symbol, unicode value, and decimal value for each.
Special Characters A - 3 TA B L E 1, CONT INUED.
A-4 Special Ch aracters TAB LE 1, CONTINUE D.
Special Characters A - 5 TA B L E 1, CONT INUED.
A-6 Special Ch aracters TA B L E 2 . Special Characters for Brush Script for BRC font, listing the symbol, unicode value, and decimal value for each.
Special Characters A - 7 TA B L E 2, CONT INUED.
A-8 Special Ch aracters TAB LE 2, CONTINUE D.
Special Characters A - 9 TA B L E 2, CONT INUED.
A-10 Special Charac ters.
B - 1 If you have the Colo r & Cut system, you may nee d this information. The ins tructions in t his appen dix tell yo u: How to remove and replace your print er ’ s cu tting blad e. How to adjust the dept h of the cuts on your labe ls. How to clea n the cutti ng blade .
B-2 About the Cutting M echanism About the Cutting Mechanism Your plotter cutter cons ists of a styl us b lade in a holder , mount ed on a track in your printe r. The st ylus is moved mechanical ly across the tape in the design you designate. The st ylus con sists of the cutting blade and the apparat us that holds th e blade in place.
Cutter Ma intenance B - 3 Removing the S tylus Holder Follow these instructions to remove t he stylus for adjusting, cleaning, or replacing. Step 1: Turn the powe r off, then o pen t he printer. Step 2: Move t he stylu s hold er mech anism to th e cent er of the track, t o make it easi er to wo r k wi th .
B-4 Adjusting the Cut D epth Adjusting the Cut Depth You may need to a djust the styl us blade on y our cutter when: The c uts on your cut o ut la bels ar e eith er too d eep o r too s hallow .
Cutter Ma intenance B - 5 Step 2: Hold the styl us holder as sh own here t o make the adjus tment: Figur e B-3. Adjus ting th e stylus depth. Step 3: Note th e dots be neath t he adjus tment dia l. Each dot represen ts an adjustment of approxi mately .
B-6 Adjusting the Cut D epth 2. Holdi ng the styl us hold er perpendi cul ar to th e s urface, glide th e stylus nose lightly across the tape: Figure B- 4. T esting cutti ng dep th. Note: Do not appl y press ure. Mak e sure t he sty lus hold er is pos itione d straight vertically.
Cutter Ma intenance B - 7 Replacing the S tylus Blade At some point, esp ecially a fter prolon ged use w ith spec ialty ta pes, you may have to rep lace the s tylus blade. Step 1: Turn the p ower off , and open t he printer. Fo llow the in structions in Removi ng the Stylus Holder on page B-3.
B-8 Replacing the Sty lus Blade Step 3: Carefully pull on the blad e to remov e it, as shown here : Figure B-6. Removing the bl ade. CAUTION: Be carefu l to grasp the bla de on the shank, and not on the cutting ed ge.
Cutter Ma intenance B - 9 Step 5: Recon nect th e the two parts of the st ylus holder : Push the bla de holder as far down as poss ible, then turn it clockwis e, until you feel the threads engage . Turn unt il the stylus prot rudes from the openi ng, as sho wn in Figure B-2 on page B-4.
B-10 Cleaning the Stylus Cleaning the Stylus Clean the s tylus with Is opropyl alcohol and a cotton-ti p swab. These are the same ma terials yo u use to clean the print hea d on your printe r, described in Cleaning your sys tem on page 2-13. (You may already have purchased a cleaning kit with your printer.
Cutter Ma intenance B - 11 Push the bla de holder as far down as poss ible, then turn it clockwis e, until you feel the threads engage . Turn unt il the stylus prot rudes from the openi ng, as sho wn in Figure B-2 on page B-4 Step 4: Adjust th e blade d epth.
B-12 Cleaning the Stylus.
Index-1 A absolut e size 7-37 settin g 7-27 Active Sync Explo re tool 12-10 Guest conne ction to 12-10 install ing 12-8 setting up partners hip 12 -9 adding new sup ply colors 5-8 adding objects to la.
Index-2 Color Needed messag e 11 - 1 8 Color opti on 7-9 Color tool 4-5 compact flash memory card saving file to 9-6 connecting keyboa rd to pr inte r 2- 2 mouse to printer 2-2 power cord 2-2 Connecti.
Index-3 external memory card 12-11 F F ke ys 3-5 FCC N otice i-vii file ext ensions on PC 12-12 file group s 9-4 , 9-5 , 9-6 printing 11- 7 File Groups s creen 11 - 1 0 files about 9-2 copying graphic.
Index-4 label p roper ties changing 6-28 changing size 6-29 label s et 6-21 addi ng cust om la bels 6-22 adding labels to 6-22 adding te mplate lab els 6-22 clearing labels in 6-23 editing labels in 6.
Index-5 optio n lists 4-14 Option s tab 7-41 option s, choosing 4-12 orie ntatio n, chan ging lab e l 6-29 Other t ab 5-10 overprint opt ion 5-4 overp rinting 11 - 2 4 P pages 11- 2 paneled ri bbon 8-.
Index-6 Ratio op tion 7-21 reposit ioning obje cts 7-26 resizing objects using S cale key 7-2 8 using Si ze tool s 7-28 ribbon cartridge adjust ing 2-6 installin g 2-5 ribbons color 8-2 color needed m.
Index-7 status 3-18 Syste m Setup s creen 5-2 T Tab key 3-10 and selecting layered obje cts 7-2 6 tape color 8-4 color need ed 11 -1 9 for cut out labels 11 - 1 9 naming new colors 5-8 tape cartridge .
12 - 1 This chapter provides instructions and tells you how connecting to a PC can be useful. Topics include: Setting u p your labe l printi ng system as a hardw are device Placing y our label.
12-2 Working with a PC W orkin g wi th a PC If you have a PC that meet s the syst em requirement s and has t he appropriat e software ins talled, you can connect it to your label printing system. Whe n you connect your labe l printing syst em to a PC: You can use your lab el printing system as a peripheral printer for th e PC.
Connecting to a PC 12 - 3 3. W hen you se e the Main Menu screen, turn on the P C. 4. The opera ting syst em on the PC aut omatical ly detects yo ur label printing system. Fo llow the PC prompts and instruct ions for setting up your printer as a new hardwa re de vice.
12-4 Placing Your System On Line T o set On line options 1. On the Main Menu screen, choose Set up : Figure 12-1 . The Main Menu screen. You ’ ll se e the Sy stem Se tup screen (Figure 5-1 on page 5-2). 2. Choose t he On Line tab, sh o w n her e : Figur e 12- 2.
Connecting to a PC 12 - 5 3. Choose a conne ction ty pe. If your PC d oes not ha ve a USB c onnector, choose serial. 4. Ch oose a purpo se op tion t o indi cate th e re ason yo u are p uttin g the system on line. Yo u can chang e this option when and if yo u want to use the conne ctio n for the other purp ose .
12-6 Printing from a PC You ’ ll see the On Line Status screen, which displays the connection type, the current purpose, and displays a progress box that indicates you are receiving p rint data f rom the P C: Figure 12- 3. The On Line S tatus scree n.
Connecting to a PC 12 - 7 Hint! Connec t your labe l pri nter t o the PC and p l ace it on li ne bef ore running the MarkWare a nd drive r inst al lation on the PC . The print dr iver ins tall functi on includes a utili ty that w ill help yo u if you are using a serial port for your printer.
12-8 Transferring Fi les from a PC T ransferring Files from a PC Before you can tran sfer files to your l abel printing sy stem, you must install M icrosoft Activ eSync . Inst al ling ActiveSync 1. Place t he Active Sync CD in t he CD-ROM dri ve of the PC.
Connecting to a PC 12 - 9 Setting up a p artnership When ActiveSy nc detects your label pri nting system, yo ur PC wi ll display a screen s imilar to this : Fig ur e 12 - 4.
12-10 Transferring Fi les from a PC Press Ne xt . The G uest con nection to Active Sync is establish ed, and you ’ ll se e the Active Sync screen on yo ur PC showing that you are connected: Figure 12- 5.
Connecting to a PC 12 - 11 the same as th e direct ory structure under t he Inte rna l fo ld er sho wn in Figure 12 -5.) When an external memory card is attached to your label printing syste m, you ’ ll see the directory structure shown in Figure 12- 6.
12-12 Transferring Fi les from a PC S torage locations for transferring files The M arkWare applicatio n provid es an exp ort featu re that prepares document and templ ate fi les for use o n your l abel print ing syst em. See the MarkWare User ’ s Gui de for more information.
Connecting to a PC 12 - 13 Copying graphic files You can copy graphic files to their res pect ive directories within the MarkWare Download folder, or you can copy t hem fro m any other location on the PC to you r sta ndalone l abel prin ting sy stem .
12-14 Upgrading the Operating Sy stem 2. After a guest connecti on between your l a bel printing s ystem and the PC is esta blis hed, star t the upgr ade util ity progra m on the PC. 3. After the upgrade program is done , you will need to restart your label print i ng sy st em .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Brady label maker c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Brady label maker - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Brady label maker, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Brady label maker va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Brady label maker, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Brady label maker.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Brady label maker. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Brady label maker ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.