Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 1744 du fabricant Adaptec
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AHA-1 740A/17 4 2 A/1744 EISA-to-Fast SCS I Hos t A dapter Use r’s Manual.
AHA-1740A/17 42A/174 4 EISA-to-Fast SCSI Host Adapter User’s M anua l.
Copyrig h t © Copyright 1992 Adaptec, I nc. All rights reserv ed. No part of th is publi cation m ay b e reproduce d, store d in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means; elec tronic, m echa nica l, photo copy i ng, reco rdi ng or o therwise, without the prior written con sent of Adap tec, Inc.
Technic al Sup port There are sev eral ways to get te chni cal ass ista n ce for your Adaptec pr oduct(s). Each is described below. When re q uestin g ass i stanc e, b e sure that you have the fo llowing i tems available (or if you write or FAX, send them along): • the mode l of any Adaptec hardware product(s) yo u have.
Table of Contents Prefac e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Co n v en ti o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x Chapter One Overv ie w G en er a l Pr od uc t In f o r m a ti o n .
Standar d M ode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3 Enable P arity Chec k ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3 Initiate Synch N egotiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14 Enable Disc on ne ction .
Chapter Seven Troubleshooting Deter minin g Pro blems Using the LED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 Problems Detected During Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 Problems Bootin g the System f rom a SCSI Driv e . . . . . . 7-4 Problems Using a SCSI a nd a Standard Disk Driv e .
List of Figures Figur e 2-1. SCSI Device T ermin ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Figure 3-1. S ystem Configur ation Over view . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Figure 3-2. System Conf iguration Detailed View . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Figur e 3-3.
Pref ace This User Gu ide pr ovides inf orm ation relating to the oper ation of th e Adaptec AHA-1740A/1742A/ 1744 EISA-to-Fast SCSI Host Adapter in an EISA (Extende d Ind ustr y St andar d Ar chi- tectur e) system. Cha pte r On e , O ver vie w , prov ides gene ral infor mation a nd a list of files provided for conf iguration .
Conve ntions The follow in g ty pog raph ic c on vention s are u sed thr ou ghou t this Ins ta llation Guid e . bo ld Used for keystrok es (.. p ress the En ter k ey ..) and sc reen selec- tion fie lds (.. selec t Backup Device and ..). Helvetica Used for oper ator e ntr y that must be typed ex ac tly as shown ( .
Printed in Singa pore STO CK NO.: 5 10215-00 Rev B LL 8/ 93 691 south m ilpitas blvd. • milpitas, ca 95035 • (408)945-8600.
Chapter One Ov erview This U ser Gu id e provides softwar e installation information for the Adaptec AHA-1740A, 1742A, and the 1744 EISA-to-fast-SCSI bus mast er host adapters. Cumulatively the cards are referred to as AHA-1740A/1742A/ 1744 in this gu ide.
The AHA-1740A/1742A/1744 sup port s async hro nous, synchro- nou s, and Fast SCSI da ta transfer s on the SCSI bus. Asynch ro- nou s data tr ansf ers sup p o rt up t o 2 MBytes/sec , sy nchr onous transfer s suppo rt up to 5 MBy tes/sec , and Fast syn chr onou s trans- fer s suppo rt up to 10 MBy tes/sec .
The AHA-1744 microco de is stored i n an EEPROM. This allows the micr oc ode to be ch anged with the Adapte c adl.exe progr am. Th e adl .exe program c an also be used to determin e the ch ecksu m of the cu rrently installed micr ocode and low-lev el for mat SCSI fixed disks.
Insta llat ion S oft ware Software requir ed to ins tall the AHA-1740A/1742A/ 1744, in a n EISA system, is provided in the ASW-C174 softwar e packag e. The files con sist o f : Fi le Name File D e scriptio n !a dp00 00.cfg EI SA configu ration fi le for the AHA-1 740A/1 742A/1 74 4 !a dp0001 .
BIOS Operat ion Mode s The AHA-1740A/1742A/1744 h as two modes of opera tion: stand- ard mo de and enhan c ed mo de. Th e stan dard mo de i s software compatible with t he AHA-1540 ser ies host adapter drivers. T he enh anc ed mode uses an advanc ed, high p e rfor mance mailbox interf ace and feature s f ull EISA 32-bit addres si ng .
System Cac hing Descript ion The AHA-1740A/1742A/1744 fully suppor ts operating systems cach in g to maximize overall system per for man ce. Havin g RAM on the host adapter can actu ally dec rease ov er all system perfo rm- ance while addin g c ost .
Product Specific at ions The followin g table lists some o f the physic al produc t descr iptions relating to the AHA-1740A/ 1742A/1744 Host Ad apter s. Phys i cal D imensions Length 13-3/8 inches Width 5/8 inch Height 5 inches Standard EISA-compati ble form fa ctor Power Requir ements + 5.
As sociat ed Documenta tio n The follow ing do c umen tation is also available f o r th e AHA-1740A/1742A/ 1744: • I nst alla ti o n G u i d e This in cludes basic installation infor mation in this boo k - let. T he d ownlo ad utility adl.exe is also describe d.
Chapter Two Hardware Ins tallatio n Unp ac king a nd I n spect ion The carr ier is respon sible for damage incur red durin g shipmen t. In case of damag e, have the car r ier note the damage on both t.
Prep arat ion The configuration o ptions for the AHA-1740A/1742A/1744 can be selected fr om softwar e. Ther efor e, jumper s do not need to be checked before installing the AHA-1740A/1742A/1744 into the EISA sys t em. One exception is the AHA-1742A, sinc e it con tains an on-boar d floppy con tro ller.
SCSI Terminato rs The SCSI bus must be terminated co rrec tly to e nsur e proper op- eration . Only the first and last device on the SCSI bus (cable ) should have the t ermin atin g resistors installed. All other SCSI devic es shou ld have the termin a ting resistor s removed.
The RN5, RN6 and RN7 termin ators on t he AHA-1740A/1742A are 150 ohm termin ator s. The RN2, RN4, and RN5 terminator s on the AHA-1744 are 330 ohm terminator s.
Ph ysical Insta llat ion in t he S ystem The follow ing steps shou ld be follow ed to install the AHA-1740A/1742A/ 1744 into the s ystem: 1. Tur n OFF the power to the comp uter system. 2. Remove the system cover accor din g to the dir ec tions of the c omputer manu factur er.
6. The 50-pin SCSI ribbon cable can now be attached to each SCSI device. Refer to the device’s installation instru c- tions to ensu re pro per p in 1 orie ntation . Pin 1 orie ntation must be consistent t hroughout the system. K eep t he rib- bon cable neatly dr essed away from the ventilation slots in the computer system.
Chapter Four Multiple Host Adapter Support The AHA-1740A/1742A/1744 sup port s more than one host adapter in the system. T he max imum n umber of h ost adapters suppor ted depe nd s o n the operatin g mode of t he host adapter .
Stand ard and Enhanced Modes In gener al, the host ad apter SCSI I D doe s not need to be ch anged from the default of 7. Even if t wo host adapters are installed i n the same co mpu ter, each wo uld hav e its own SCSI bus (cable), and th us each host adap te r w o uld still be set to SC S I ID 7.
Chapter Five Adaptec D ownlo ad Utility The Adaptec Down load utility (ADL ) is used to download a differ - ent v ersion of the mic rocode software to the AH A-1744. T his chap t er desc ribes the o pe ration of t he pro gram which affec t s on ly the AHA-1744; the AHA-1740A/1742A do not suppor t micr ocode repr og ramming .
Also ensu re that the follow in g mic roco de files are presen t. • standard.hex Standar d mode micro code • enhanced.hex Enhan c ed mode mic ro code To run the progr am, type adl .
The installed host adapters are displayed. In this e xample , one AHA-1744 is installed in slot 3. It is curre ntly set t o e nh ance d mode. Both standar d mode and enh an ced mode fir mwar e can be downloade d, regard less of th e current operation mode of the AHA-1744.
Download Firmware After sele cting D own lo a d Fir mw a re , the next s creen display s. Ente r the filename of th e microc ode tha t you a re g oing to do wn- load to the host adapter. Enter standard. hex for standar d mode an d enhanced.hex for enhan c ed mode .
After e nterin g the f ilename, press th e Esc k e y. T he ne xt s cre e n displays. The chec k sum of the micro co de is displayed, wh ic h uniqu ely iden - tifies the microc od e. Select Y to contin ue with the downlo ad, or N to stop. The down load can take up to 45 seconds to complete.
Firm ware I nformati on This menu option is used to di splay infor mation on the installed firmw are. If the AH A-1740A/ 1742A1744 is operating in the stand - ard mo de, only info rmation on the standar d mode firmwar e is dis- played.
Low- Level F orma t This optio n is used to low-le vel format, verify , or erase the boot sector of att ach ed SCSI f ixed disks o n the AHA-1740A/1742A/ 1744. When selected , all attached SCSI device s are d isplaye d. Select a devic e and press the En te r key.
Th e Low- Lev el Fo rma t Opt ion s sc reen displays. Selecting Fo rmat/Ver ify ca uses th e AHA-1740A/ 1742A/1744 t o send a SCSI F ormat Unit comman d to the selec ted di sk driv e whic h per forms a low-lev el for mat of t he di sk.
Exiting the ADL Program To ex it the adl prog ram, p re ss the Es c key a nd the following scree n displays. Select Yes to exi t . ❐ Fi gure 5-8. Ex itin g the AD L Prog ra m EISA -t o-Fast SC SI Ho.
Chapter Six Host Adapter BI OS Operation The AHA-1740A/1742A/1744 BIO S oper ates in two modes: s t and- ard and enh anced . The mode of operation is selected wi th t he use of the EISA Configur ation utility sup plied wi th y ou EISA com- puter s ystem.
The BIOS version and operation mode of the AHA- 1740A/1742A/1744 appear at t he top of t he message, followed b y a list of the identified SCSI devices. In the e xample show n, a SCSI f ixed disk was found at SCSI I D 0 and in stalled a s drive C . No S CSI fi xed disks were fou nd at SCSI ID 1.
Enha nced M ode Ope ration The enhanc ed mode opera t ion enables the adapter BIOS to iden- tify all installed fixed disks with a valid SCSI I D. All SCSI I Ds with the BIOS suppor t option enabled , using the EISA Configuration utility, are s can ned.
If Erro r if Device Not Found is enable d, throug h the EISA Con- figu ration utility , then you will see a screen similar to the one shown below : By de faul t , remo vable media disk d riv es are not in st alled by t he adapter BIO S.
Chapter Seven Troubleshooting The AHA-1740A/1742A/1744 execu tes a self-test diagnostics whe n the s ystem power is t urn ed on or after a Hard Reset. The self-test diagn ostics tests t he CPU operation , per fo rms a c hec k- sum test on the EPROM an d chec ks the data tran sfer paths on the host adapter.
The follow in g table lists the LED flash cod es with the associ ated failur e description s. Flash Code Fai lure Description LED Remains On Host Adapter Control Pro cessor f ailu re. Termi nators inope rative, missing or not powered-on or the card enabl e h as not been asserted after reset.
• LED on host adapter after powe r-on - The LED o n the AHA-1740A/1742A/ 1744 shou ld come on briefly after turn- in g the sys te m powe r on . The LED shou ld tur n off when a reque st is sent to the host adapter .
Problems Booting the System f rom a SC SI Drive • Make sur e that both s tandar d fixed disks are mapped ou t of the sy stem . • Make sur e that the SCSI boot driv e addre ss is set to SCSI ID 0:0. Check the drive ins tallation manual for i nfo rma- tion about setting the SCSI ID for that device.
• Make sur e that the SC SI driv e to be used as drive D is se t to SCSI ID 0:0. Chec k the drive manu al for information on setting the SCSI ID for that d evic e. The Retur n In- stalled Devices utility i n the Onboard utilities can also be used to determin e the SCSI addr es ses of peripher als on the SCSI bus.
• Pow er shou ld be cyc led O FF and ON afte r chan gin g an y valu es on a h ost adapter, setup prog ram, or SC SI devic e to be sure that the new initial values are loaded. • Make sur e that SCSI parity is con si stently enabled or dis- abled on all devices on the SCSI bus.
Appendix A Disk Driv es Over 1 Gigabyte Exte nded Tra nsla tion (Using DOS 5 ) Adaptec ho st adapters hav e alway s suppor ted the full rang e of disk driv e sizes u nde r all major oper ating systems. As disk drive s have rec en tly gro wn bey ond 1 Gigaby te in formatted cap acity , they have run up again s t the DOS 1024 cy lin der limit.
When t o Use E xt ende d Tran slatio n With DOS Version 5 Only NetWare 38 6 and the newer ver sion s of UNIX do not share the 1024 cylin der limit of DOS and do n ot requ ir e exten de d tran sla- tion to supp ort large disk d riv es. O S/2 does not cu rr ently supp ort exten ded tran slation .
Using Fdisk To install a new disk, or to re-partition an existing disk, use the fdisk DO S utility as y ou nor mally wou ld. The cylin der size in- crea ses to 8 MBytes w hen you enable extended translat ion. The size of the partition you reque st must t heref or e be a multiple of 8 MBy tes.
Wh at if I use olde r ve rsi ons of softwa re dri ve rs wi th ex - t e nd e d t ran s lat io n en ab le d ? To pr otect your data, th e host ad apter will lock out a n y dr iver that does not identify itself as capable of exten ded tran slation.
Appendix B Loading the I/O Ope rating Env ironment S oftw are DOS/Window s Under DO S 5.0 or higher , up to seven SCSI fixe d disk drives can be connected to the 1740A/1742A/ 1744 witho ut additional soft- ware . (Olde r versions of DOS suppo rt up to t wo disk driv es).
Nov ell Ne tWare NetWare 4.x inclu des the Adaptec I/O Ope ratin g Enviro nme nt and does not re quir e additional so ftwar e. To load software f or Novell NetWar e 286 2.x and 386 3.x follow the instruc tions included in the ASW-1440 softwar e packag e.
Gloss ary Adap ter Co mmand A comman d transmitted to the host adapter usi ng the Command Da ta Out P ort and the Data In Port. The command s are sequen ced using the Control Port, the S tatus Port, and t he Inter- rup t Flag Por t. Abbreviated as IOCP comman d.
ra te and ind epen de nce of ex ter nal timing constr aints, in clu din g cable le n gth and cir c uit respon se times. A sy nc h ron ou s Ev en t N ot if ica ti on A proce ss by which a target can se.
Commo n Co mmand Set A de facto s tandar d SC SI comman d set for commun ic ation with fixed disk dr iv es. The Common Command Set (CCS) is the basis for the SCSI-2 comman d set for all types of periph er al device s.
Rec onn ect is the f u nction tha t occ urs w hen a target s elec t s an ini tiator to con tinu e an opera tion after a discon ne ct. EEPRO M Electric ally -Er asable Programmable Read O nly Memor y. An inte- grated cir cuit used to store the hos t adapter fir mwar e, wh ic h allows both mode dow n load and fi rmw ar e upgr ade while in- circ ui t.
Ho st Ad ap t er A har dw are printed c ircu it board that installs in a standar d micro co mpu ter backplan e an d provid es a SCSI bus connection so that SCSI devices can be conn ec ted to the micr ocompu ter . A ho st adapter i s inte ll igen t if it has a simple hig h -lev el so ftwar e inte r- face to the microc omputer .
Ma ilbo x I n An area in main memory a ssigned by the host micr ocompu ter soft- ware f or commu ni cation w ith th e host adapter . Th e host ad apter places status and pointer inf orm ation in e ntr.
RAM Random Acc ess Memo ry. Memor y of wh ic h any byte can be acce ssed direc tly in a single memor y cy c le. Infor mation can be read fr om and written to the memory.
Sta nda rd Mo de The oper ation mode that allows softwar e written for the AHA- 1540/1640 family to be fully compatible with the AHA-1740A/ 1742A/1744. T h e limitation is that you cann ot select addresses beyo nd 16 MBytes or access several EISA register s.
Index A Active ter minator 1-2 Address prio rity 3 -8 ADL pr og ra m exit ing 5-9 adl.ex e 1-1, 1-3, 3-9, 5-1 AMI configur ation utility 3-1 ASW-C174 1-1, 1-4 ASW-M174 1-1, 1-4 B BIOS add ress selec t.
Dis k dri ves standar d 3-9 DMA See D irect M emory Acce ss DMA c han n el selec tio n 3-7 Dow nlo ad utility 1-4, 5- 1 See ad l.exe Dow nlo ad utility prog r am s 5-1 E EISA configu ra tion utility 1.
I I/O ports addresses 3-6 Ins t allation erro rs 7-3 IRQ sele ction 3-4 J Jumper s 1-3, 2-2, 2-4 L LED indic ation 7-1 Low-le vel formattin g 1-3, 3-9, 5-7 M MC S config uration utility 3-1 Micr ocod .
R Reliability information 1-7 Removable dr ives 3-16 S Scatter/gath e r 1-2 SCS I compatibilit y 1-2 termin ator s 2-3 SCSI bus reset 3-10 SCSI devi ce configuration 3-12 SC SI devic e identific ation.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Adaptec 1744 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Adaptec 1744 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Adaptec 1744, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Adaptec 1744 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Adaptec 1744, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Adaptec 1744.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Adaptec 1744. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Adaptec 1744 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.