Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit G8124-E du fabricant Blade ICE
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2051 Mis sio n C ollege Blv d. Santa Clar a, CA 95 05 4 www .blade networ BLAD EOS ™ 6.5 Application Guide RackSwitch ™ G812 4/G8124-E Part Num ber: BMD002 20, Octobe r 2010.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 2 BMD00220 , October 2010 Copyri ght © 201 0 BLADE Netw ork T echno logies , Inc. , 2051 Mi ssion Col lege Bl vd., Sant a Clara , California , 95054, USA.
BMD00220 , October 2010 3 Content s Preface 17 Who Should Use This Guide 17 What You’l l Find in This Guide 17 Additiona l Refer ences 20 Typograph ic Conven tions 21 How to Get .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 4 Conte nts BMD00220 , October 2010 Chap te r 2 : Ini ti al Se tu p 41 Informati on Needed for Setup 41 Default Setup Opti ons 42 Stopping an d Restart.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Contents 5 Chapter 4: Authenti cati on & Authorization Protocols 65 RADIUS Authenticat ion and Authorizati on 65 How RADIUS Aut.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 6 Conte nts BMD00220 , October 2010 Part 3: Switch B asics 85 Chapter 6: VLANs 87 VLANs Overview 88 VLANs and Port VLAN ID Numbers 88 VLAN Numbers .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Contents 7 Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Groups 117 Using Multip le STGs to Eliminate Fals e Loops 117 STP/PVST+ Default s and Guidel ines.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 8 Conte nts BMD00220 , October 2010 Part 4: Advanced Switch ing Features 145 Chapter 10: Deployment Profil es 147 Available Pr ofiles 14 7 Selec ti ng .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Contents 9 VLAN Maps 176 VM Policy Bandwidth Control 178 VM Policy Bandwidth Control Commands 178 Bandwidth Polici es vs.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 10 Content s BMD00220 , October 2010 Part 5: IP Routing 217 Chapter 15: Basic IP Rout ing 219 IP Routi ng Benefits 219 Routing Between IP Subnets 2.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Contents 11 Chapter 18: Internet Group Management Prot ocol 249 IGMP Snooping 250 IGMP Groups 251 FastLeave 251 IGMPv3 Snoo.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 12 Content s BMD00220 , October 2010 Interf ace Cos t 281 Electing t he Designated Router and Bac kup 281 Summarizing Routes 281 Default Routes 282.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Cont ents 13 Part 6: High Availability Fundame ntals 315 Chapter 22: Basic Redundancy 317 Trunking for Link Redundanc y 317 Hot.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 14 Content s BMD00220 , October 2010 Part 7: Network Management 3 43 Chapter 25: Link Layer Discovery Proto col 345 LLDP Overview 345 Enabling or Disa .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Cont ents 15 Part 8: Monitoring 367 Chapter 27: Remote Monitoring 369 RMON Overview 369 RMON Group 1—Stati stics 370 RMON.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 16 Content s BMD00220 , October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 17 Preface The BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guide describes how to configu re and use the BLADEOS 6.5 software on the RackSw itch G8124 /G8124-E ( collectively r eferred to as G8124 throu ghout this document). For documentation on inst alling the switch physically , see the Installation Guid e for your G 8124.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 18 Preface BMD 00220, Octo ber 2010 Part 2: Securing the Switch Chapter 3, “Securing Administration,” descr ibes method s for us ing Secure S hell for administration co nnections, and configuring end-us er access control.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Pr efac e 19 Part 5: IP Routing Chapter 15, “Basi c IP Rout ing,” descr ibes ho w to configur e the G812 4 for IP rou tin g us in g IP subnets, BOOTP , and DHCP Relay .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 20 Preface BMD 00220, Octo ber 2010 Part 8: Monitorin g Chapter 27, “Remote Mo nitoring,” des cribes how to configure the RMON agent on the switch, so that the switch can ex change network monitorin g data.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Pr efac e 21 T ypogr aphic Co nventio ns The following table de scribes the typographic s tyles used in this b ook. Ta b l e 1 T ypograph ic Conventi ons T y pefa ce or Symbol Meaning E xample ABC123 This type is used for names of commands, files, and directories used within the text.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 22 Preface BMD 00220, Octo ber 2010 How to Get Hel p If you n eed help, service, or technical assi stance, call BLADE Network T echnologies T echnical Suppor t: US toll fr ee calls: 1-800 -414-5268 International calls: 1-408-834-7871 Y o u also can vis it our web s ite at the follo wing address: http://www.
BMD00220 , October 2010 23 Part 1: Getting S t arted.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 24 Part 1: Ge tting S t arted BMD002 20, October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 25 C HAPTER 1 Switch Administration Y o ur RackSwitch G8124 (G8124 ) is ready to per form basic s witching func tions right ou t of the box. Some of the mor e advanced features , however , require som e administrative configuration before they can be us ed eff ectively .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 26 Chapter 1: Switch Administrati on BMD00220 , October 2010 Comma nd Line I nterf ace The BLADEOS Command Line Interface (CLI) prov ides a simple, direct method for switch administration.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chap ter 1: Switch Adminis tration 27 Est ablis hing a Con nection The f actor y def ault se tting s permit initial switch administration through only the built-in serial port. All other forms of access require additional switch configuration before they can be used.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 28 Chapter 1: Switch Administrati on BMD00220 , October 2010 3. Configure a management I P address. The switc h reserves fo ur management interfaces: Using I Pv4: IF 127 support s IPv4 m anagement po rt A and us es IPv4 defaul t gate way 3.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chap ter 1: Switch Adminis tration 29 Using the Switch Dat a Port s Y o u also can configure in-band manage ment throug h an y of th e swi tch da ta po rts. T o allo w in- band management , use the followi ng procedure: 1.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 30 Chapter 1: Switch Administrati on BMD00220 , October 2010 Note – IPv4 gateway 1 and 2, and IPv6 gateway 1, are used for i n-band data n etworks. I Pv4 and IPv6 g atew ays 3 an d 4 are reser ved f o r out -of-b and m a nage m ent po rts ( see “Using th e Switch Manag eme nt Por ts” on page 27 ).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chap ter 1: Switch Adminis tration 31 Using Sec ure Shell Although a remote networ k adminis trator can manage the configurat ion of a G8124 vi a T elnet, this method does not provide a secure con nection.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 32 Chapter 1: Switch Administrati on BMD00220 , October 2010 Using a Web Browser The switch pro vides a Browser -Based Interface (BBI) for access ing the common configuration, management and operatio n features of the G8124 throu gh your W eb browser .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chap ter 1: Switch Adminis tration 33 3. Generate the HTTPS certificate. Accessing the BBI via HTTPS requ ires that you generate a ce rtificate to be us ed during the key exchange.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 34 Chapter 1: Switch Administrati on BMD00220 , October 2010 BBI Su mmary The BBI is or ganized at a h igh level as follows: Context butt ons —These button s allow you t o select the typ e of action y ou wish to per form.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chap ter 1: Switch Adminis tration 35 Using Simple N etwork Management Protocol BLADEOS p rovides Si mple Net work Managemen t Protocol (SNMP) vers ion 1, ve rsion 2, and version 3 su pport for access through any n etwork management sof tware, such as IBM Director or HP-OpenV iew .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 36 Chapter 1: Switch Administrati on BMD00220 , October 2010 BOOTP/DHCP Client IP Address Services For remote switch ad ministration, the client terminal device mu st have a valid IP ad dress on the same network as a switch interface.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chap ter 1: Switch Adminis tration 37 Global BOOT P Relay Agent Config uration T o enable the G8124 to be a B OOTP (or DHCP) forwarder , en.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 38 Chapter 1: Switch Administrati on BMD00220 , October 2010 Switch Login Levels T o enable better switch man agemen t and user accountabili ty , three levels or clas ses of user acces s have been implem ented on the G812 4.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chap ter 1: Switch Adminis tration 39 Setup vs. the Command Li ne Once the admini strator password is v erified, you are given co mplete access to the switch.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 40 Chapter 1: Switch Administrati on BMD00220 , October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 41 C HAPTER 2 Initial Setup T o help with the initial p r ocess of configuring your switch , the BLAD EOS software includes a Setup utility . Th e Setup utility prompts y o u step-by-step to enter all the necessary information for basic configuration of the switch.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 42 Chapter 2: Initial Setup BMD002 20, October 2010 Default Setup Options The Setup prompt appears automatically whenever you login as the system administrator und er the factory defau lt sett ings . 1. Connect to the switch.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapte r 2: Initia l Setup 43 Setup Part 1: Basic System Co nfiguration When Setup is started, the sy stem prompts: 1.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 44 Chapter 2: Initial Setup BMD002 20, October 2010 6. Enter the minute of the current time at the prompt: Enter the minute as a n umber from 00 to 5 9. T o keep the current minute, press <Enter>. 7. Enter the seconds of the current time at the pro mpt: Enter the secon ds as a number from 00 to 59.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapte r 2: Initia l Setup 45 3. Configure Gigabit Ether net port fl ow parameters. The sy stem pro mpts: Enter rx to enable r eceive flow control, tx fo r transmit f low control, both to enable both , or none to turn flow control off for the por t.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 46 Chapter 2: Initial Setup BMD002 20, October 2010 Setup Part 3: VLANs If you ch ose to ski p VLANs confi guration b ack in Part 2, s kip to “Setup P art 4: IP Co nfiguration” on pa ge 47 .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapte r 2: Initia l Setup 47 Setup Part 4: IP Config uration The syst em prompts for IPv4 parameters. Although the switch supports bo th IPv4 and IPv6 netw orks, the Setup utility permits only IPv4 configuration.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 48 Chapter 2: Initial Setup BMD002 20, October 2010 4. If configur ing VLANs, specify a VLAN for the inter face. This prompt app ears if you selected to co nfigure.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapte r 2: Initia l Setup 49 Default Gateways 1. At the prompt, select an IP default gateway for configuration, or skip default gateway configurat ion: Enter the number for the IP defau lt gateway to be configured.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 50 Chapter 2: Initial Setup BMD002 20, October 2010 Setup Part 5: Final S tep s 1. When prompted, decide whether to res tart Setup or continue: Enter y to restart the Setup utility from the beginning, or n to continue.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapte r 2: Initia l Setup 51 Optional Setup for T elnet Support Note – This step i s optional . Perform this procedure o nly if you are planning o n connectin g to the G8124 through a remote T elnet connection.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 52 Chapter 2: Initial Setup BMD002 20, October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 53 Part 2: Securing the Switch.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 54 Part 2: Secu ring the Sw itch BMD00220 , October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 55 C HAPTER 3 Securing Administration Secure swi tch managem ent is needed fo r environ ments that per form signifi cant manageme nt functions acros s the Internet.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 56 Chapter 3: Securing Administrati on BMD00220 , October 2010 Although SSH and SCP are disabled by default, enab ling and using these featur es provides the follo.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 3: Securing Adm inistration 57 Configuring the SCP Administrator Password T o configure the SCP-only ad ministr ator password , ent.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 58 Chapter 3: Securing Administrati on BMD00220 , October 2010 T o Load a Switch Configur ati on File from the SCP Host Syntax: Example: T o Apply and Save the Con.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 3: Securing Adm inistration 59 T o Copy the Switch Image and Boot Fil es to t he SCP Host Syntax : Example: T o Load Switch Config .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 60 Chapter 3: Securing Administrati on BMD00220 , October 2010 Generat ing RSA Host and Server Keys for SSH Access T o support the SSH server feature, two sets of RSA key s (host and server keys) are required . The host key i s 1024 bi ts and is us ed to identi fy the G8124 .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 3: Securing Adm inistration 61 SSH/SCP Integration with T ACACS+ Authentication SSH/SCP is integ rat ed with T AC ACS+ authentication.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 62 Chapter 3: Securing Administrati on BMD00220 , October 2010 End User Acce ss Control BLADEOS allows an administ rator to define end us er accounts that permit end users to perfo rm operation tasks via the switch CLI comman ds.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 3: Securing Adm inistration 63 The administrator can choose the num ber of days allo wed before each pa ssword expires. When a strong password expires, the user is allowed to log in one last time (last time) to change the password.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 64 Chapter 3: Securing Administrati on BMD00220 , October 2010 Listing Current U sers The following co mmand displays defined u ser accounts and whethe r or not each user is cu rrently logged into the switch.
BMD00220 , October 2010 65 C HAPTER 4 Authentication & Authorization Protocols Secure swi tch managem ent is needed fo r environ ments that per form signifi cant manageme nt functions acros s the Internet.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 66 Chapter 4: Authenti cation & Au thorization Pro tocols BMD002 20, October 2010 How RADIUS Authentication Works 1. Remot e administ rator connects to the switch and provides user n ame and pass word. 2. Using Authentication/Author izatio n protocol, the switch sends request to authentication server .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 4: Authent ication & Autho rization Protocols 67 RADIUS Authentication Features in BLADEOS BLADEOS supports the following RADIUS authentication features: Suppor ts RADIUS clie nt on the sw itch, bas ed on the proto col defin itions in R FC 2138 and RFC 28 66.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 68 Chapter 4: Authenti cation & Au thorization Pro tocols BMD002 20, October 2010 Switch User Account s The user accounts listed in Ta b l e 3 can be defined in the RADIUS serv er dictionary file.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 4: Authent ication & Autho rization Protocols 69 T ACACS+ Authentication BLADEOS s upports au thentication a nd author ization wit h networks using the Ci sco Syst ems T ACACS+ protocol.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 70 Chapter 4: Authenti cation & Au thorization Pro tocols BMD002 20, October 2010 T A CACS+ Authentication Features in BLADEOS Authentication is the action of determini ng the identity of a user , and is generally done when the user first attempts to log in to a device or g ain access to its services.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 4: Authent ication & Autho rization Protocols 71 Accounti ng Accounting is the action of recording a user's activities on the device for the purposes of billing and/or security .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 72 Chapter 4: Authenti cation & Au thorization Pro tocols BMD002 20, October 2010 Configuring T AC ACS+ Authentication on the Switch 1. Configure the IPv4 addresses of the Primary and Se condary T ACACS+ ser vers, and enable T ACACS authentication.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 4: Authent ication & Autho rization Protocols 73 LDAP Authentication and Authorization BLADEOS supports the LDAP ( Lightweight Directory Access Protoco l) method to authenticate and authorize remote ad ministrators to manage t he switch.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 74 Chapter 4: Authenti cation & Au thorization Pro tocols BMD002 20, October 2010 Configuring LDAP Authenticati on on the Swi tch 1. T urn LDAP authentication o n, then configure the IPv4 addresses of the Primary and Secondary LDAP servers.
BMD00220 , October 2010 75 C HAPTER 5 Access Control List s Access Control List s (ACLs) are filters that permit o r deny traf fic for secu rity purposes. They can also be used with Qo S to classify and segm ent traffic in order to provide d ifferent levels of service to different traffic types.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 76 Chapter 5: Access Control Lists BMD002 20, October 2010 Summary o f Packet C lassifiers ACLs allow you to clas sify packets according to a variety of content in the packet header (such as the so urce address, des tination addr ess, sour ce port number , destination port number , and others) .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 5: Access C ontrol Lis ts 77 TCP/UDP header options (f or all ACLs) TCP/UDP application source por t as show n in Ta b l e .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 78 Chapter 5: Access Control Lists BMD002 20, October 2010 Summary of ACL Actions Once classified using ACLs, the identified packet f lows can be pro cessed diff erently .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 5: Access C ontrol Lis ts 79 ACL Metering and Re-Marking Y o u can define a pr ofile for th e aggregate traf fic flo wing through t he G8124 b y configuring a QoS mete r (if de sir e d) and assign ing ACLs to port s.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 80 Chapter 5: Access Control Lists BMD002 20, October 2010 ACL Port Mirroring For regular ACLs an d VMaps, packets that match a n ACL on a specific po rt can be mirrored to another switch p ort for net work diagn osis and mo nitoring .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 5: Access C ontrol Lis ts 81 ACL Conf iguration Examples ACL Example 1 Use this configu ration to bl ock traf fic to a specific host . All traf fic that ingr esses on po rt 1 is denied if it is destined for the host at IP address 100.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 82 Chapter 5: Access Control Lists BMD002 20, October 2010 ACL Example 3 Use this configuration to block traf fi c from a specific IPv6 source addr ess. All traffic that ingres ses in por t 2 with sou rce IP from cl ass 2001: 0:0:5:0: 0:0:2/128 is denied.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 5: Access C ontrol Lis ts 83 VMAPs ar e configured u sing the f ollowing ISC LI config uration comm and path: Once a VMAP filter is.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 84 Chapter 5: Access Control Lists BMD002 20, October 2010 Using S torm Control Filters The G8124 provides filters that can limit the number of the following packe.
BMD00220 , October 2010 85 Part 3: Switch Basics This sect ion discu sses basic switching functions : VLANs Port T run king Spanning T ree Protocols (Spanning T ree Groups, Rapid Spanning .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 86 Part 3: Swi tch Basics BMD00220 , October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 87 C HAPTER 6 VLANs This chapt er describe s network des ign and to pology cons iderations f or using V irtual L ocal Area Networks (VLANs).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 88 Chapter 6: VLANs BMD002 20, October 2010 VLANs Ov erview Setting up virtual LANs (VLANs) is a way to segment networks to increase network flexibility without changing the physical network topo logy . W ith network segmentation, each switch port connects to a segment that is a single broadcast d omain.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 6: VLANs 89 PV I D N u m b e r s Each port in the swit ch has a conf igurable def ault VLAN number , kn own as its PVID . By default, the PVID for all non-management ports is set to 1, which correlates to the default VLAN ID.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 90 Chapter 6: VLANs BMD002 20, October 2010 VLAN T agging BLADEOS software supp orts 802.1Q VLAN tagging, providing s tandards-bas ed VLAN sup port for Ethernet s ystems. T agging places the VLAN identifi er in the frame header o f a packet, allowing each por t to belong to multiple VLANs.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 6: VLANs 91 Figure 1 Default VLA N settings Note – The port numbers specified in these illus trations may not directly correspond to the physical port co nfiguration of your s witch model.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 92 Chapter 6: VLANs BMD002 20, October 2010 Figure 2 Port-bas ed VLAN assignment As show n in Figure 3 , the untagged p acket is marked (tagged) as it leaves the s witch through port 5 , which is con figured as a tagged member of VLAN 2.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 6: VLANs 93 Figure 4 802.1Q tag assignment As sh own in Figure 5 , the tagged pack et remains unchan ged as it leaves the switch thr ough port 5, which is configured as a tagged member of VLAN 2.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 94 Chapter 6: VLANs BMD002 20, October 2010 VLAN T opol ogies an d Design Conside rations By default, the G8124 software is configured so that tagging is d isab led on all ports. By default, the G8124 software is configu red so that all data ports are mem bers of VLAN 1.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 6: VLANs 95 Multiple VL ANs with T agging Adapters Figur e 6 illustrates a network topology described in Note – and the con figuration examp le on page page 97 .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 96 Chapter 6: VLANs BMD002 20, October 2010 The features of this VLAN are described below: Note – VLAN tagg ing is required o nly on ports th at are connected to other switches or on ports that connect to tag-cap able end-stations, such as server s with VLAN-tagging adapters.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 6: VLANs 97 VLAN Configuration Example Use the following procedure to configu re the example network shown in Fig ure 6 . 1. Enable VLAN tagging on server ports that support multiple VLANs.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 98 Chapter 6: VLANs BMD002 20, October 2010 Privat e VLANs Private VLANs provide Layer 2 isolatio n between the ports within the same broadcast domain. Private VLANs can control traf fic within a VLAN domain, and provide port-b ased security for host serve rs.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 6: VLANs 99 Configuration Gui delines The following gu idelines apply when configur ing Private VLANs: The defaul t VLAN 1 c anno t be a Privat e VLAN. The management VLAN 4095 cannot be a P rivate V LAN.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 100 Chapter 6: VLANs BMD002 20, October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 101 C HAPTER 7 Port s and T runking T runk gro ups can provid e super-b andwidth, mul ti-link connecti ons between the Rack Switch G8124 (G8124) an d other tru nk-capable d evices. A trun k group is a group of ports that a ct together , combining their bandwidth to create a single, larger virtual link.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 102 Chapter 7: Ports and T runking BMD002 20, October 2010 T runking Overvie w When using port trun k gro ups between t wo swit ches, as s hown in Figure 7 , you can create a virtual link between the switches, operating with combined throughpu t levels th at depends on how ma ny physical por ts are included.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 7: Port s and T runking 103 Before Y ou Configure St atic T runks When you create and enable a static trunk, the tru nk members (switch ports) take o n certain settings necessary for correct oper ation of the trunking f eature.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 104 Chapter 7: Ports and T runking BMD002 20, October 2010 T runk Group C onfiguratio n Rules The trunking feature operates accordin g to specific conf iguration rules.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 7: Port s and T runking 105 1. Follow these steps on the G8124: a. Define a trunk grou p. b. V erify the config uration. Exam ine th e re sulting in fo r ma tion . I f an y se tti ngs are in co r r ect , make app ro pr iat e chang es.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 106 Chapter 7: Ports and T runking BMD002 20, October 2010 Configurable T runk Hash Algorithm T r af f ic in a tr unk group is statistically distributed among memb.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 7: Port s and T runking 107 Link Agg regatio n Control Protocol Link Aggregation Co ntrol Protocol ( LACP) is an IEEE 8 02.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 108 Chapter 7: Ports and T runking BMD002 20, October 2010 Each port on the switch can have o ne of the following LACP modes . off (default) The user can configure thi s port in to a regular stati c trunk gro up.
BMD00220 , October 2010 109 C HAPTER 8 S p anning T ree Protocols When multiple paths exist b etween two points on a network, Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), or one of its enhanced v ariants, can prevent broadcas t loops and ensure that th e RackSwitch G8124 (G8124) u ses only the mos t effi cient network path .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 110 Chapter 8: Spanning T ree Proto cols BMD002 20, October 2010 Rapid Span ning T ree Pro tocol (RSTP ) IEEE 802.1 D (2004) RSTP mode is an enhanced vers ion of STP . It pr ovides mo re rapid conver gence of the Spanning T ree network path s tates on STG 1.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapte r 8: S p annin g T ree Protoc ols 111 STP/P VST+ Mode Using STP , netw ork devices detect an d eliminate lo gical loops in a bridged or switched network. When multiple paths exist, Sp anning T ree configures the network so that a switch uses only the most ef ficient path.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 112 Chapter 8: Spanning T ree Proto cols BMD002 20, October 2010 Bridge Protoc ol Dat a Unit s Bridge Pr oto col Dat a Units Over vi ew T o create a Spanning T ree, the s witch generates a configur ation Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU), which it then forwards out of its ports.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapte r 8: S p annin g T ree Protoc ols 11 3 Port Priorit y The port priority h elps determi ne which bri dge port becom es the roo t port or the designated port. The case for the root port is when two switches are connected using a minimum of two links with the same path-cost.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 114 Chapter 8: Spanning T ree Proto cols BMD002 20, October 2010 Fast Uplink Conf igur ation Guideli nes When you enable Fast Uplink Conver gence, BLADEOS automatically makes the following configuration chang es: The bridge priority is set to 65535 so that it does no t become the root switch.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapte r 8: S p annin g T ree Protoc ols 11 5 Simple STP Confi guration Figur e 9 depicts a simple t opology us ing a swit ch-to-s witch link b etween two G81 24 1 and 2.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 116 Chapter 8: Spanning T ree Proto cols BMD002 20, October 2010 Figure 10 S p anni ng T ree Rest oring the S witch -to-Switch Link In this exampl e, port 10 on each G8 124 is used for the sw itch-to-switch link.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapte r 8: S p annin g T ree Protoc ols 11 7 Per-VLAN Sp anning T ree Gro up s STP/PVST+ mode supports a m aximum of 127 STGs, with each STG acting as an independen t, simultan eous inst ance of STP .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 118 Chapter 8: Spanning T ree Proto cols BMD002 20, October 2010 STP/PV ST+ Defaul ts an d Guide lines In STP/PVST+ configuration, u p to 128 STGs are available on the switch.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapte r 8: S p annin g T ree Protoc ols 11 9 Crea ting a VLAN When you create a VLAN, that VLAN automatically belongs to STG 1, the default STG . T o place the VLAN in a dif ferent STG , follow these steps: Create the VLAN.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 120 Chapter 8: Spanning T ree Proto cols BMD002 20, October 2010 Addi ng and Remo ving P orts from S T Gs When you add a port to a VLAN that belong s to an STG , the port is also added to that STG .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapt er 8: S panning T re e Protocol s 121 Switch-C en tric Configura tion STP/PVST+ is switch-centric: STGs are enforced only on the switch where th ey are configured. The STG ID is not tra nsmitted in the Spanning T ree BPDU.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 122 Chapter 8: Spanning T ree Proto cols BMD002 20, October 2010 Configuring Multiple STGs This configuration shows how to configure the three instances of STGs on the switches A, B, C, and D illustrated in F igur e 12 on page 1 21 .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapt er 8: S panning T re e Protocol s 123 3. Configure the following on application s witch C: Add port 8 to VLAN 3 an d define S TG 2 for VLAN 3. VLAN 3 is automatically removed fro m STG 1.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 124 Chapter 8: Spanning T ree Proto cols BMD002 20, October 2010 Rapid Sp anning T ree Proto col Note – Rapid Spannin g T ree Prot ocol (RSTP ) is enable d by defaul t on the G81 24.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapt er 8: S panning T re e Protocol s 125 RSTP Configuration Guidelines This sec tion provides im portant inform ation about configuring RS TP . When RSTP is turned on, the following occurs : STP par ameters apply only to S TG 1.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 126 Chapter 8: Spanning T ree Proto cols BMD002 20, October 2010 Per-VLAN Rapi d S p anni ng T ree Grou p s PVRST is b ased on IEEE 802.1w Ra pid Spanning T ree Protocol (RSTP ). Like RSTP , PVRST mo de provides rapid Spann ing T ree co nver gence.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapt er 8: S panning T re e Protocol s 127 Multiple S p annin g T ree Pro tocol Multiple Sp anning Tree Protocol (MSTP) extends R apid Spannin g Tr ee Protocol (R STP), allow ing multiple Spanning T ree Groups (STGs) which may each include multiple VLANs.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 128 Chapter 8: Spanning T ree Proto cols BMD002 20, October 2010 MSTP Configuration Guidelines This section provides important inform atio n about configuring Multiple Spanning Tr ee Groups: When MSTP is turned on , the switch automatically moves all VLANs to the CIST .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapt er 8: S panning T re e Protocol s 129 MSTP Configuration Example 2 This confi guration shows how to confi gure MSTP Gr oups on t he switch, as shown i n Figure 12 .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 130 Chapter 8: Spanning T ree Proto cols BMD002 20, October 2010 1. Config ure port member ship and define the STG s for VLAN 1. Enable tag ging on upl ink port s that share VLANs. Port 19 and port 20 co nnect to the Enterprise Routing switches.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapt er 8: S panning T re e Protocol s 131 Port T ype and Link T ype For us e in RSTP , MSTP , and PVRST modes, BLA DEOS Spanni ng T re e configur ation includes parameters fo r edge port and link ty pe.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 132 Chapter 8: Spanning T ree Proto cols BMD002 20, October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 133 C HAPTER 9 Quality of Service Quality of Service features allo w you to allocate network resour ces to mission-critical applicatio ns at the expense of applications that are less s ensitive to such factors as time delays or network congestion.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 134 Chapter 9: Qual ity of Service BMD002 20, October 2010 Figur e 14 shows the basic QoS model u sed by the switch. Figure 14 QoS M odel The basic QoS model works as follows: Classify traf fic: Read DSCP value.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapt er 9: Qual ity of Servic e 135 Using ACL Filters Access Control Lists ( ACLs) are filters that allow you to clas sify and segment traffic, so yo u can provide dif ferent levels of serv ice to different traf fic types.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 136 Chapter 9: Qual ity of Service BMD002 20, October 2010 ACL Metering and Re-Marking Y o u can define a pr ofile for th e aggregate traf fic flo wing through t he G8124 b y configuring a QoS meter (if desired ) and assigning ACLs to ports.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapt er 9: Qual ity of Servic e 137 Using DSCP V alues to Prov ide QoS The switch uses the Dif ferentiated Services (Dif fServ) architecture to p rovide QoS functions. Dif fServ is des cribed i n IETF RFCs 2474 and 2475.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 138 Chapter 9: Qual ity of Service BMD002 20, October 2010 Per Hop Behavior The DSCP value determines the Per Hop Behav ior (PHB) of each p acket.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapt er 9: Qual ity of Servic e 139 QoS Leve ls Ta b l e 1 3 shows the default service levels provid ed by the switch, listed from highest to lowest importance: Ta b l e 1 3 D efault Qo S Servic e Levels Service Le vel Default PHB 802.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 140 Chapter 9: Qual ity of Service BMD002 20, October 2010 DSCP Re-Marking and Map ping The switch can u se the DSCP value of ingres s packets to re-mar k the DSCP to a new value, and to set an 802.1p priority value.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapt er 9: Qual ity of Servic e 141 DSCP Re-Marking Configur ation Example 1. T urn DSCP re-mark i ng on gl oball y , and defi ne the DSC P- DSC P- 802 .1p mapping . Y ou can use the defa u lt ma ppin g.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 142 Chapter 9: Qual ity of Service BMD002 20, October 2010 Using 802.1p Priority to Prov ide QoS The G8124 provides Quality of Service functions based on the priority bits in a packet’ s VLAN header . (The priority b its are defin ed by the 802.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapt er 9: Qual ity of Servic e 143 Queuin g and Scheduling The G8124 can be configured to h ave either 2 or 8 o utput Class of Service (COS) q ueues per port, into which each pack et is placed.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 144 Chapter 9: Qual ity of Service BMD002 20, October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 145 Part 4: Advanced Switching Features.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 146 Part 4: Advanc ed Switchi ng Features BMD00220 , October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 147 C HAPTER 10 Deployment Profiles The BLADEOS software for the RackSwitch G8 124 can be configu red to operate in dif ferent modes for dif ferent deployment scen arios.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 148 Chapter 10: Deploym ent Profiles BMD00220 , October 2010 The properties of each mode are com pared in the following table. Note – Throughout this guide, where fea ture capacities are listed, values reflect tho se of the Default profile only , unles s otherwise noted.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 10: Deployment Profiles 14 9 Selecting Profi les T o change the deploy ment profile, the new prof ile must first be se lected, and the switch must th en be reboot ed to use the n ew profile.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 150 Chapter 10: Deploym ent Profiles BMD00220 , October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 151 C HAPTER 11 V irtualization V irtualization allows resources to be allocated in a fluid manner based on the logical needs of the data center , rather than on the str ict, physical nature of com ponents. The following virtualization features are included in BL ADEOS 6.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 152 Chapter 11: Virtual ization BMD002 20, October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 153 C HAPTER 12 V irtual NICs A Network Interface Contr oller (NIC) is a component within a server that allows the ser ver to be connected to a n etwork. The NIC provides th e physical point of connection, as well as internal software for encoding and d ecoding network p ackets.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 154 Chapter 12: Virtual NICs BMD00220 , October 2010 Each vNIC can be independently allocated a s ymmetric percentage of the 10Gbps bandwidth on the link (from NIC to switch, and from switch to NIC). The G8124 can be used as the s ingle point o f vNIC configurat ion.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 12: Virtual N ICs 155 vNIC IDs vNIC IDs on the Switch BLADEOS 6.5 suppor ts up to four vNICs attached to each server po rt. Each vNIC is provided its own ind ependent virtu al pipe on t he port.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 156 Chapter 12: Virtual NICs BMD00220 , October 2010 vNIC Bandwid th Metering BLADEOS 6 .5 support s bandwidth met ering for vN IC traf fic. By defaul t, each of the four vNIC s on any give n port is allowed an equa l share (25%) of NIC capacity when enabled.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 12: Virtual N ICs 157 vNIC Groups vNICs can be gr oup ed together , along with upl ink ports an d tru nks , as we ll as other ports th at we re defined as server po rts but not co nnected to vNI Cs.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 158 Chapter 12: Virtual NICs BMD00220 , October 2010 Other vNIC group rules are as follows: vNIC grou ps may have one o r more vNIC mem bers. However , any given vNIC can be a memb er of on ly on e vN IC gro up .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 12: Virtual N ICs 159 vNIC T eaming Failo ver For NIC failover in a non-virtualized enviro nment, when a ser vice group’ s uplink.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 160 Chapter 12: Virtual NICs BMD00220 , October 2010 Figure 20 vNIC Fail over S olution By default, vNI C T eaming Failover is disabled o n each vNIC grou p, but c.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 12: Virtual N ICs 161 vNIC Config uration Exampl e Consider the following example co nfiguration: Figure 21 Multiple vNIC Groups Figur e 21 has the followin g vNIC network characteristics: vNIC gro up 1 has an outer tag f or VLAN 10 00.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 162 Chapter 12: Virtual NICs BMD00220 , October 2010 1. Define the server ports. 2. Configure the external trunk to be u sed with vNIC group 2.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 12: Virtual N ICs 163 5. Add port s, trun ks, and virtual pipes to t heir vNIC gro ups. Once VLAN 1000 and 1774 are configured f or vNIC groups, they will not b e available for configurat ion in the r egular VLAN menus ( /cfg/l2/vlan ).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 164 Chapter 12: Virtual NICs BMD00220 , October 2010 vNICs for iSCSI on Emul ex Eraptor 2 The BLADEOS vNIC feature wor ks with standard network app lications like iSCSI as prev iously described. However , the Emulex Eraptor 2 NIC expects iSCSI traf fic to occur only on a single vNI C pipe.
BMD00220 , October 2010 165 C HAPTER 13 VMready V irtualization is used to allocate server resources based on logical needs , rather than on str ict physical structure. W ith appropr iate hardwar e and soft ware support, servers can b e virtual ized to host multiple instan ces o f operating systems, known as virt ual mach ines (VMs).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 166 Chapter 13: VMready BMD002 20, October 2010 VE Cap acity When VMready is enabled, the switch will automatically discover VEs that reside in hyperviso rs directly connected on the switch ports. BLADEO S 6.5 suppo rts up to 2 048 VEs.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 13: VMread y 167 Local VM Gro up s The configuration for local VM groups is maintained on the switch (locally) and is not directly synchronized with h ypervisors.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 168 Chapter 13: VMready BMD002 20, October 2010 The follo wing rules ap ply to the l ocal VM grou p configurati on commands: key : Add LACP trunks to the group. port : Add s witch server p orts or swi tch uplink ports to the group.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 13: VMread y 169 Distributed VM Group s Distribut ed VM groups allow configu ration pro files to be syn chronized between the G8124 and associated hyperv isors and VEs.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 170 Chapter 13: VMready BMD002 20, October 2010 Note – The bandwidth shaping param eters in the VM profile ar e used by the hyp ervisor virtual switch so ftware. T o set bandwidt h policies for indi vidual VEs, see “VM Policy Bandwidth Control” on pa ge 178 .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 13: VMread y 171 Synchronizing the C onfiguratio n When the con figuratio n for a dist ributed VM g roup is mod ified, the sw itch upd ates the ass igned virtualization managemen t server .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 172 Chapter 13: VMready BMD002 20, October 2010 V irtualization Management Se rvers The G8124 can connect with a virtualization managemen t server to collect configu ration information ab out associated VEs.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 13: VMread y 173 vCenter Scans Once the vCenter is assigned, the switch will period ically scan the vCenter to collect b asic infor.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 174 Chapter 13: VMready BMD002 20, October 2010 Export ing Profil es VM profil es for di sco vere d V Es in dis tr ibut ed VM g rou ps are au tomat ical ly sy nch ron ized with the virtual mana gement server and the ap propriate hypervisors.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 13: VMread y 175 Pre-Provisioning VEs VEs may be man ually added t o VM groups in advance of bei ng detected on the switch ports.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 176 Chapter 13: VMready BMD002 20, October 2010 VLAN Map s A VLAN map (VMAP) is a type of Access Control List (ACL) that is app lied to a VLAN or VM group rather than to a switch port as with regular ACLs (see “Access Control Lists” on pag e 75 ).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 13: VMread y 177 Once a VMAP filter is created, it can be assigned o r removed using the following commands: For regular VLANs, use config-v lan mode: For a VM gr oup, use the g lobal config uration mode : Note – Each VMAP can be assigned to only one VLAN or VM group.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 178 Chapter 13: VMready BMD002 20, October 2010 VM Policy Bandwid th Control Note – VM policy band width cont rol is suppo rted only when the sw itch is op erating w ith the Default deplo yment prof i le (see “Deployment Prof iles” on page 147 ).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 13: VMread y 179 Bandwidth Poli cies vs. Bandw idth Shapin g VM Prof ile Bandwidt h Shaping d iffe rs from VM P olicy Bandwi dth Cont rol.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 180 Chapter 13: VMready BMD002 20, October 2010 VMread y Information Di splays The G8124 can be used to display a var iety of VMready info rmation. Note – S ome displays depict information collected fro m scans of a VMwar e vCenter and may no t be available without a valid vCe nter .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 13: VMread y 181 If a vCenter is available, more ver bose information can b e obtained using the f ollowing ISCLI privile ged EXEC command option: T o view additional detail regarding any specific VE, see “vCent er VE Details” on page 183 ).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 182 Chapter 13: VMready BMD002 20, October 2010 vCenter Hype rvisor Hos ts If a vCenter is available, the f ollowing IS CLI privileged EXEC command displays the na.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 13: VMread y 183 vCenter VEs If a vCenter is available, the following ISCLI privileged EXEC command displays a list of all known VE.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 184 Chapter 13: VMready BMD002 20, October 2010 VMready Confi guration Exa mple This example has the followin g characteristics: A VMware vCenter is fully installed and configured prior to VMready configuration and includes a “ bladevm ” adminis tration accoun t and a valid SSL certificate.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 13: VMread y 185 5. Define the VM group. When VMs are added , the server ports on which they app ear are automatically added to the VM group. I n this example, t here is no need t o manually add ports 1 and 2.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 186 Chapter 13: VMready BMD002 20, October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 187 C HAPTER 14 FCoE and CEE Th is cha pt er provides conceptual backgroun d and configu ration examples for u sing Conver ged Enhanced Ether net (CEE) features of the R ackSwitch G8124, with an emphasis o n Fibre Channel over Ethernet ( FCoE) solutions.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 188 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE BMD002 20, October 2010 “Enhanced T ransmission Selection” o n page 204 Enhanced T ransmission Sel ection (ETS) pr ovides a method for al locating lin k bandwidth based on the 80 2.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE 18 9 Fibre Ch annel ov er Ethernet Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) is an ef fort to co nv er g e two o f the dif ferent phy sical n etworks in today’ s data centers.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 190 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE BMD002 20, October 2010 In Fi gure 22 on page 189 , the Fibre Chan nel netw ork is conn ected to the FCoE netw ork throu gh an FCoE Forwarder (FCF). The FCF acts as a Fibre Channel ga teway to and from the FCoE network.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE 19 1 FCoE Requirements The following are required for impl ementing FCoE using the RackSwitch G8124 (G8124) with BLADEOS 6.5 so ftware: The G8124 m ust be co nnected to the F ibre Chan nel networ k throug h an F CF such as a Cis co Nexus 5000 S eries S witch.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 192 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE BMD002 20, October 2010 Conver ged Enhance d Ethernet Conver ged Enhan ced Ethernet (CEE) refers to a set of IEEE stan dards desig ne.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE 19 3 Effect s on 802. 1p Quality of Service While CEE is off (the default), the G8124 allows 802.1p priority values to be used for Quality of Service (QoS) configu ration (see page 133 ).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 194 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE BMD002 20, October 2010 If the pri or , non-C EE configurati on used 802.1 p priority values for dif ferent purposes, o r does not ex.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE 19 5 FCoE I nitialization Proto col Snooping FCoE In itialization P rotocol (FI P) snoopi ng is an FC oE feature.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 196 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE BMD002 20, October 2010 Port FCF and EN ode Detection When FIP snooping is enabled on a port, the port is placed in FCF auto-detect mode by default. I n this mode, the por t assum es co nnection to an ENod e un less FIP packets show th e po rt is conn ected to an FC F .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE 19 7 FCoE ACL Rules When FIP Snooping is enabled on a port, the switch automa tically installs the appropriate ACLs to enforce the fo llowing rules for FCoE traff ic: Ensure t hat FIP f rames fr om ENo des may onl y be address ed to F CFs.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 198 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE BMD002 20, October 2010 V iewing FIP Snoopin g Information ACLs automati cal ly gener a ted under FI P sn oop i ng are indepen dent of regular , manually configure ACLs, and are not listed with regular ACLs in swit ch information and statistics output.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE 19 9 FIP Snooping Co nfiguration In this exampl e, as shown in Figur e 2 2 on pa g e 189 , FCoE devices are connected to port 2 for the FCF device, and port 3 for an ENode.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 200 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE BMD002 20, October 2010 Priority-Ba sed Flow Cont rol Priority-based F low Control (PFC) is defined in IEEE 802.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE 20 1 Global Configur ation PFC requires CEE to be turned on ( “T urn ing CEE On or O ff” on pag e 192 ). Whe n CEE is tu rned on, stan dard flow contro l is disabl ed on all ports, and PFC is enabled on all ports for 802.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 202 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE BMD002 20, October 2010 PFC Configuration Example Note – DCBX may be conf igured to permi t sharing or learning PFC configurati on with or f rom external devices. This example assumes that PFC configuration is being performed manually .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE 20 3 2. Enable PFC for the FCoE traffic. Note – PFC is enabled o n priority 3 by defaul t. If using t he defaults, th e manual conf iguration commands sho wn in this step ar e not necessary .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 204 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE BMD002 20, October 2010 Enhanc ed T r ansmiss ion Selection Enhanced T ran smission Selection ( ETS) is defined in I EEE 802.1Qaz. ETS provides a method for allocating port bandwi dth based on 802.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE 20 5 802. 1p pri o rity valu e s may b e assi gned by the a dmi ni str a tor for a var i ety o f purp oses.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 206 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE BMD002 20, October 2010 Priori ty Group s For ETS use, each 801.2p p riority va lue is assigned to a pr iority gr oup which can then be allocated a specific portion of avail able link ban dwidth.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE 20 7 Assigning Prior ity V alues t o a Priority Gr oup Each priority group may be co nfigured fr om its corre sponding ETS Prior ity Group, ava ilable using the following co mmand: where pr i o r i ty lis t is one o r more 802.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 208 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE BMD002 20, October 2010 Allocating Bandwidth Allocate d Bandwid th for PGID 0 Through 7 The administr ator may allocat e a portion of the switch’ s available ba ndwidth to PGI Ds 0 through 7.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE 20 9 If PGID 15 has low traffic levels, most of the switch’ s bandwidth will be available to serve priority groups 0 throug h 7.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 210 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE BMD002 20, October 2010 This example can be co nfigured using th e following commands: 1. T urn CEE o n. Note – Turn ing CEE on wi ll automatically ch ange some 80 2.1p QoS and 80 2.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapte r 14: FCoE and CEE 21 1 Dat a Center Bridgi ng Cap ability Exchange Data Center Bridging Capability Exchange (DCB X) pro tocol is a vital elemen t of CEE. DCB X allows peer CEE devices to exchange information about their advanced capabilities.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 212 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE BMD002 20, October 2010 Enabling and Disabling DCBX When CEE is turn ed on, DCBX can be enabled and d isabled on a per -port basis, us ing the following commands: Note – DCBX and vNICs (see “V irtual NICs” on p age 153 ) are not supported simultaneously on the same G8124.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE 21 3 These flags are av ailable for the following C EE features: Applica tion P rotocol DCBX exch anges information reg arding FCoE and F IP snooping , including the 802 .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 214 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE BMD002 20, October 2010 Configuring DCBX Consider an exam ple con sistent Fig ure 22 on page 189 and used with th e prev ious FCoE examp les in this chapter: FCoE is used o n port s 2 and 3.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE 21 5 4. Disable DCBX for each n on-CEE por t as appropriate: 5. Save the con figuration.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 216 Chapter 14: FCoE an d CEE BMD002 20, October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 217 Part 5: IP Routing This se ct ion di scusses Layer 3 switch ing functions. In ad dition to switching t raffic at near line ra tes, the application switch can perform multi-protoc ol routing.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 218 Part 5: IP Rou ting BMD002 20, October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 219 C HAPTER 15 Basic IP Routing Th is cha pt e r pro vides confi guration backgr ound and ex amples for us ing the G812 4 to perf orm IP routing functions.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 220 Chapter 15: Basic IP Routing BMD002 20, October 2010 For examp le, consider t he following topology migration: Figure 24 The Router L egacy Net work In this exampl e, a corporate campus has migrated from a r outer-cen tric topology to a faster , more powerful, switch-based topology .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 15: Basic IP Routin g 221 Example of Subnet Routing Consider the role of the G8124 in the following config uration example: Figure .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 222 Chapter 15: Basic IP Routing BMD002 20, October 2010 Using VLANs to Segregate Broadcast Domains If you wa nt to contr ol the broadcasts on your ne twork, use VLAN s to create disti nct broadcast domains. Create on e VLAN for each server s ubnet, and one for the r outer .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 15: Basic IP Routin g 223 3. Determine which switch po rts and IP interfaces b elong to which VLANs.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 224 Chapter 15: Basic IP Routing BMD002 20, October 2010 5. Assign a VLAN to each IP inter face. Now that the ports are s eparated into VLANs, the VLANs are ass igned to the appr opriate IP interface for each subnet.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 15: Basic IP Routin g 225 ECMP St atic Routes Equal-Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) i s a forwarding mechanism that routes packets along m ultiple paths of equal cost . ECMP provides equally- distributed link load sh aring across the paths.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 226 Chapter 15: Basic IP Routing BMD002 20, October 2010 Configuring ECMP St atic Routes T o configure ECMP static routes, add the same route multiple times, each with the same destin ation IP address, bu t with a differen t gateway IP address.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 15: Basic IP Routin g 227 Dynami c Host Configuration Protoc ol Dynamic Hos t Configur ation Protocol ( DHCP) is a tr ansport prot .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 228 Chapter 15: Basic IP Routing BMD002 20, October 2010 When a switch receives a UDP broadcast on por t 67 from a DHCP client re questing an IP addres s, the switch acts as a proxy for the client, replacing the client source IP (SIP) and destination IP (DIP) addresses.
BMD00220 , October 2010 229 C HAPTER 16 Internet Protocol V ersion 6 Internet P rotocol v ersion 6 (IP v6) is a networ k layer pro tocol inten ded to expand the network address space. IPv6 is a robust and ex pandable protocol that meets the need for increased ph ysical address sp ace.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 230 Chapter 16: Internet Pro tocol Vers ion 6 BMD002 20, October 2010 IPv6 Limi t ations The following IPv6 featur es are not suppo rted in this release.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 16: Internet Protoco l V e rsion 6 23 1 IPv6 Addr ess Form at The IPv6 address is 128 bits (16 bytes) long and is rep resented as a s equence of eigh t 16-bit hex val ue s, s epara ted by colo ns.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 232 Chapter 16: Internet Pro tocol Vers ion 6 BMD002 20, October 2010 IPv6 Addr ess T ype s IPv6 supp orts three types of add resses: unicas t (one-to- one), multicas t (one-to-m any), and any cast (one-to-nearest).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 16: Internet Protoco l V e rsion 6 23 3 Anycast Packets sent to an an ycast address or list of addresses are delivered to the nearest interface identified by that address . Anycast is a communication between a single sender and a list of addresses.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 234 Chapter 16: Internet Pro tocol Vers ion 6 BMD002 20, October 2010 IPv6 Interf aces Each IPv6 interface supports multiple IPv6 addresses. Y o u can manually configure up to two IPv6 addresses for each interface, or you can allow the switch to use s tateless autoconfiguration .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 16: Internet Protoco l V e rsion 6 23 5 Neighb or D iscover y Neighbor Discov ery Overvi ew The switc h uses Neigh bor Disco very protocol (ND) to g ather informatio n about o ther router and host nod es, including the IPv6 addres ses.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 236 Chapter 16: Internet Pro tocol Vers ion 6 BMD002 20, October 2010 Host vs. Router Each IPv6 interface can be configure d as a router node or a host no de, as follows: A router node’ s IP address is configured manually .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 16: Internet Protoco l V e rsion 6 23 7 Support ed Applications The following ap plications have been enhanced to provide I Pv6 support. Ping The ping command supports IPv6 addr esses.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 238 Chapter 16: Internet Pro tocol Vers ion 6 BMD002 20, October 2010 SSH Secure Sh ell (SSH) connections ov er IPv6 are sup ported.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 16: Internet Protoco l V e rsion 6 23 9 Configurati on Guidelines When you conf igure an interface fo r IPv6, consider the following guidelines: IPv6 on ly supports static rout es.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 240 Chapter 16: Internet Pro tocol Vers ion 6 BMD002 20, October 2010 IPv6 Configur ation Exam ples This sect ion provi des steps to configur e IPv6 on th e switch. IPv6 Example 1 The following example us es IPv6 h ost mode to autoco nfig ure an IPv6 addr ess for the interface.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 16: Internet Protoco l V e rsion 6 24 1 2. Configure the IPv6 def ault gateway . 3. Configure Neighbor Discovery adv ertisements for the interf ace (optional) 4. V erify the config uration.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 242 Chapter 16: Internet Pro tocol Vers ion 6 BMD002 20, October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 243 C HAPTER 17 Routing Information Protocol In a routed environment, routers communicate with one another to keep track of av ailable routes. Routers can learn abo ut available routes dynamically using th e Ro uting In formation Protocol (RIP).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 244 Chapter 17: Routin g Information Protocol BMD00220 , October 2010 Routing Up dates RIP sends routing- update messages at r egular intervals and when the network top ology changes. Each router “ad vertises” r outing informat ion by sen ding a routi ng informatio n update every 30 seconds.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 17: Routin g Informat ion Protoco l 245 RIPv2 in RIPv1 Comp atibility Mod e BLADEOS allows you to configure RIPv2 in RIPv1compatibility mode, for using both RIPv2 and RIPv1 r outers withi n a network.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 246 Chapter 17: Routin g Information Protocol BMD00220 , October 2010 Default The RIP r outer can li sten and su pply a defaul t route, u sually represen ted as IPv4 0.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 17: Routin g Informat ion Protoco l 247 RIP Configuratio n Example Note – A n interface RIP disabled uses all the default values of the RIP , no matter how the RIP parameters are config ured for that interf ace.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 248 Chapter 17: Routin g Information Protocol BMD00220 , October 2010 Use the following comman d to check the cur rent valid routes in the ro uting table of the sw.
BMD00220 , October 2010 249 C HAPTER 18 Internet Group Management Protocol Internet G roup Management Protocol (IGMP ) is used by IPv4 Multicas t routers to learn about t he existence of hos t group member s on their directly attached subn et (see RFC 2236).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 250 Chapter 18: Internet G roup Man agement Pro tocol BMD00220 , October 2010 IGMP Snoo ping IGMP Snooping allows the swi tch to forward multicas t traffic only to those ports that request it. IGMP Snooping prevents mu lticast traf fic from being flood ed to all po rts.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 18: Inte rnet Group Managem ent Protoco l 251 IGMP G roups The G8124 s upports a m aximum of 100 0 IGMP entr ies, on a maximum of 102 4 VLANs. One IGMP entry is allocated for each uniqu e join request, b ased on the VLAN and IGMP gro up address.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 252 Chapter 18: Internet G roup Man agement Pro tocol BMD00220 , October 2010 The switch supports the following IGMPv3 filter modes: INCLUDE mode: The host requests membership to a mul ticast g r oup and provides a list of IPv4 addresses fr om which it wants to receive traf fic.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 18: Inte rnet Group Managem ent Protoco l 253 IGMP Snooping Configuration Example This sect ion provi des steps to configur e IGMP Snoo ping on th e switch. 1. Configure port and VLAN membership on the switch .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 254 Chapter 18: Internet G roup Man agement Pro tocol BMD00220 , October 2010 St atic Multicast Router A static multicast router (Mrou ter) can be co nfig ured for a par ticular port on a par t icular VLAN. A static Mrouter does not have to be learned through IGMP Snooping .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 18: Inte rnet Group Managem ent Protoco l 255 IGMP Queri er IGMP Querier allows the switch to perform th e multicast router (Mrouter) role and provide Mrouter discovery when the netw ork or virtual LAN (VLAN) do es not have a router .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 256 Chapter 18: Internet G roup Man agement Pro tocol BMD00220 , October 2010 IGMP Filte ring W ith IGMP Filtering, you can allow or deny a port to send and receive multicast traf fic to certain multicast groups. Unauthorized users are rest ricted from streaming mu lticast traffic across the net work.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 18: Inte rnet Group Managem ent Protoco l 257 Configure IGMP Filteri ng 1. Enable IGMP Filtering on the switch. 2. Define an IGMP filter with IPv4 information. 3. Assign the IGMP filter to a port.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 258 Chapter 18: Internet G roup Man agement Pro tocol BMD00220 , October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 259 C HAPTER 19 Border Ga teway Protocol Border Gat eway Protocol (BGP) is a n Internet prot ocol that enab les routers on an IPv4 network to share and advertise routing infor mation with each other ab out the segments of the IPv4 address space they can access within their network and with rout ers on extern al networks.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 260 Chapter 19: Border Ga teway Protoc ol BMD00220 , October 2010 Intern al Routing V ersus Exte rnal Routing T o ensure effective process ing of network traf fic, every router on your network needs to know how to send a packet (directly or indirectly) to any other location/destination in your network.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 19: Border Gatew ay Protocol 261 Formin g BGP Peer Routers T wo BGP routers becom e peers or neighbo rs once you establish a TCP connection between them.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 262 Chapter 19: Border Ga teway Protoc ol BMD00220 , October 2010 Figure 27 Distributin g Network Filters in Access Lists and Route Maps Incoming and Outgoing Route Maps Y o u can have two t ypes of ro ute maps: incomi ng and outg oing.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 19: Border Gatew ay Protocol 263 Precedence Y ou can s et a priority to a route map by specifying a precedence v alue with the following command (Route Map mode): The smaller the valu e the higher the precedence.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 264 Chapter 19: Border Ga teway Protoc ol BMD00220 , October 2010 4. Set up the BGP attributes. If you want to overwrite the attributes that the peer ro uter is se.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 19: Border Gatew ay Protocol 265 Aggregati ng Routes Aggregation is the pr ocess of combining s everal diff erent routes in such a way th at a single route can be advertised, wh ich minimizes the size of the routing table.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 266 Chapter 19: Border Ga teway Protoc ol BMD00220 , October 2010 BGP Attributes The following two BGP attributes are discussed in th is section: Local preference and metric (Multi-Exit Discriminator).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 19: Border Gatew ay Protocol 267 Selecting Rou te Paths in BGP BGP sel ects only one path as t he best path .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 268 Chapter 19: Border Ga teway Protoc ol BMD00220 , October 2010 BGP Failover Configurati on Use the following example to create redundant d efault gateways for a.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 19: Border Gatew ay Protocol 269 1. Define the VLANs. For simplicity , both default gateways are con figured in the same VLAN in th is example. The gateways could be in the same VLAN or dif ferent VLANs .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 270 Chapter 19: Border Ga teway Protoc ol BMD00220 , October 2010 Default Re distribution a nd Route Aggregation Example This example shows you how to configure th.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 19: Border Gatew ay Protocol 271 3. Configure internal peer router 1 and external peer rou ter 2 with IPv4 addres ses. 4. Configure redistribut ion for P eer 1. 5. Config ure aggr egat ion pol i cy contro l.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 272 Chapter 19: Border Ga teway Protoc ol BMD00220 , October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 273 C HAPTER 20 OSPF BLADEOS s upports the Open Shorte st Path Fi rst (OSP F) routing p rotocol. The BLADEOS implementation conforms to the OS PF v ersion 2 specifications detailed in Internet RFC 158 3, and OSPF v ersion 3 sp ecifications in RFC 2740 .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 274 Chapter 20: OSPF BMD00220 , October 2010 T ypes o f OSPF Area s An AS can be b roken into logi cal units kno wn as ar eas . In any AS with multiple areas, one area must be des ignated as area 0 , kno wn as the ba ckbone .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 20: OSPF 275 T ypes o f OSPF Routing Devices As sh own in Figure 3 1 , OSPF uses the fo llowing typ es of r outing dev ices: Internal Router (IR )—a router that has all of its interfaces within the same area.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 276 Chapter 20: OSPF BMD00220 , October 2010 Neighbors and Adjacencies In areas with two or more routing devices, ne ighbors an d adjacencies are for med. Neighb ors are rou ting devices that maintain infor mation about each o thers’ health.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 20: OSPF 277 The Shortest Path First T ree The routing devices use a link- state algorithm (Dijkstra’ s algorithm) to calculate the shortest path to all known destinatio ns, based on th e cumulativ e cost required to reach the destination.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 278 Chapter 20: OSPF BMD00220 , October 2010 OSPFv2 Implement ation in BLADEOS BLA DE OS supports a single inst ance of OSPF and u p to 4K ro utes on th e network.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 20: OSPF 279 Defining Areas If you are configuring multip le areas in your OSP F domain, one of the areas must be designated as area 0, known as the backbone . The backbone is the central OSPF area and is usually phys ically connected to all oth er areas.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 280 Chapter 20: OSPF BMD00220 , October 2010 Using the A rea ID to Assign the OSPF Ar ea Number The OSPF area number is defin ed in the areaid <IP addr ess> option. The octet format is used in order to be co mpatible with two different sy stems of no tation used by oth er OSPF network ven dors.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 20: OSPF 281 Interface Cost The OSPF link-state algorithm (Dijkstra’ s algorithm) places each routing dev ice at the root of a tree and determines the cumul ative cost required to reach each des tination.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 282 Chapter 20: OSPF BMD00220 , October 2010 Default Routes When an OSPF routing device encounters traf fic for a destination add ress it does not recognize, it forwards that traf fic along the d efault r oute .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 20: OSPF 283 V irtual Lin ks Usually , all areas in an OSPF AS are physically connected to the backbone.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 284 Chapter 20: OSPF BMD00220 , October 2010 Authentication OSPF protocol exchanges can b e authenticated so that only trusted ro uting devices can participate. This ensures less pr ocessing on routing d evices that are not listening to OSPF packets.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 20: OSPF 285 Configu ring P lain T ext O SPF Passwor ds T o configu re simple plain text OSPF passwords o n the switches shown in Figu re 33 us e the following commands: 1. Enable OSPF authentication for Area 0 on switches 1, 2 , and 3.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 286 Chapter 20: OSPF BMD00220 , October 2010 Confi gurin g MD5 Aut henticat ion Use the following commands to configure MD5 authentication on the switches sh own in Figure 33 : 1. Enable OSPF MD5 authentication for Area 0 on switches 1, 2, and 3.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 20: OSPF 287 Host Routes for Load Balancing BLADEOS imp lementation of OSPF incl udes host r outes.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 288 Chapter 20: OSPF BMD00220 , October 2010 OSPFv2 Co nfiguration Examples A summary of the basic steps for configuring OSPF o n the G8124 is listed here. Detailed instructions for each of the steps is covered in the fo llowing sections: 1.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 20: OSPF 289 Exam ple 1: Si mple OSPF Dom ain In this exampl e, two OSPF areas are defin ed—one area is the back bone and the other is a stub ar ea. A stub area does not allow advertisements of external routes, thus reducing the size of the database.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 290 Chapter 20: OSPF BMD00220 , October 2010 3. Define t he backbone. The backbon e is always configured as a trans it area using areaid . 4. Define the stub a rea. 5. Attach the network interf ace to the backbone.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 20: OSPF 291 Example 2: V irtual Links In the ex ample shown in Figure 3 5 , area 2 is not physically connected to the backbone as is usually required. Instead, area 2 will be connected to the backbone v ia a virtual link throug h area 1.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 292 Chapter 20: OSPF BMD00220 , October 2010 3. Enable OSPF . 4. Define t he backbone. 5. Define the transit area. The area that contains the virtual link must be configured as a transit area. 6. Attach the network interf ace to the backbone.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 20: OSPF 293 Configuring OSPF fo r a V irtual Li nk on Switc h #2 1. Configure IP interfaces on each network that will be attached to OSPF areas. In this exampl e, two IP interfaces are needed: Interface 1 fo r the trans it area network on 10.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 294 Chapter 20: OSPF BMD00220 , October 2010 6. Define the stub a rea. 7. Attach the network interf ace to the backbone.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 20: OSPF 295 Example 3 : S ummarizing Routes By default, ABRs adv ertise all the network addresses from one area into ano ther area. Route summarization can be u sed for consol idating advertised addres ses and reducing the p erceived complexity of the network.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 296 Chapter 20: OSPF BMD00220 , October 2010 2. Enable OSPF . 3. Define t he backbone. 4. Define the stub a rea. 5. Attach the network interf ace to the backbone. 6. Attach the network interf ace to the stub area. 7.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 20: OSPF 297 8. Use the hide com mand to prevent a rang e of addresses from advertising to th e backbone.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 298 Chapter 20: OSPF BMD00220 , October 2010 OSPFv3 Implement ation in BLADEOS OSPF v ersion 3 i s based on O SPF version 2, but has been modified to suppor t IPv6 addres sing.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 20: OSPF 299 OSPFv3 U ses Indepe ndent Com mand Paths Though OSPFv3 and OSPFv2 are very s imilar , they are configured indepen dently . They each have their own s eparate menu s in the C LI, and their ow n command pa ths in the I SCLI.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 300 Chapter 20: OSPF BMD00220 , October 2010 OSPFv3 Limit ations BLADEOS 6 .5 does not currently supp ort the fol lowing OS PFv3 featur es: Multiple instance s of OSPF v3 on one IPv6 lin k.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 20: OSPF 301 2. Enable OSPFv3. This is equivalent to the OSPFv2 enable option in the router ospf co mma nd path . 3. Define t he backbone. This is identical to OSPFv2 configuration. 4.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 302 Chapter 20: OSPF BMD00220 , October 2010 7. Configure route summarization by specifying the starting address and prefix length of th e range of addresses to be summarized. This dif fers from OSPFv2 only in that the OSPFv3 command p ath is used, and the address and prefix are specified in IPv6 format.
BMD00220 , October 2010 303 C HAPTER 21 Protocol Independent Multicast BLADEOS sup ports Protocol Independen t Multicast (PIM) in Sparse Mode (P IM-SM) and Den se Mode (PIM- DM).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 304 Chapter 21: Protocol Independe nt Multic ast BMD002 20, October 2010 PIM-SM is a reverse-path routing mechanism.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 21: Pro tocol Ind ependent Multicast 305 The following PIM modes and features are no t currently supported in BLAD EO S 6.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 306 Chapter 21: Protocol Independe nt Multic ast BMD002 20, October 2010 Defining a PIM Network Component The G8124 can be attached to a maximu m of two independent PIM n etwork components. Each component rep resents a dif ferent PIM network, and can be defin ed fo r either PIM-SM or PIM-DM operation.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 21: Pro tocol Ind ependent Multicast 307 PIM Neighbor F ilters The G8124 accep ts connection to up to 72 PIM interfaces. By default, th e switch accepts all PIM neighbors attached to the PIM-enabled interfaces, up to the maximum number .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 308 Chapter 21: Protocol Independe nt Multic ast BMD002 20, October 2010 Addition al Sp arse Mode Settings Spec ifying the Rendezvous Point Using PIM-SM, at least one PIM-capable router must be a candidate for use as a Rendezvous Point (RP) for any given multicast group.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 21: Pro tocol Ind ependent Multicast 309 Influencing the Designated Router Sele ction Using PIM-SM, All PIM-enabled I P interfaces are cons idered as potential Designate R outers (DR ) for their dom ain.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 310 Chapter 21: Protocol Independe nt Multic ast BMD002 20, October 2010 Using PIM w ith Other Featur es PIM with ACLs or VMAPs If using ACLs or VMAPs , be sure to p ermit traf fic for local hosts and r outers.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapt er 21: Protoc ol Indepe ndent Mult icast 31 1 PIM Con figuration Examples Example 1: PIM-SM with Dynamic RP This example configu res PIM Sparse Mode for on e IP interface, with the switch acting as a candidate for d ynamic Rendezvous Point (R P) selection.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 312 Chapter 21: Protocol Independe nt Multic ast BMD002 20, October 2010 Example 2: PIM-SM with S t atic RP The following commands can be us ed to mod ify the prio r examp le configu ration to us e a static RP: Where 225.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 21: Pro tocol Ind ependent Multicast 313 1. Configure the PIM-SM component as sh own in the prior examp les, or if using PIM-DM independently , enable the PIM feature. 2. Configure a PIM component and set the PIM mode: 3.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 314 Chapter 21: Protocol Independe nt Multic ast BMD002 20, October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 315 Part 6: High A vailability Fundament als Internet traf f ic consists of m yriad services and app l ications which us e the Intern et Protoco l (I P) for data delivery . However, IP is not optimized for all the various applications.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 316 : High Ava ilability Fu ndamenta ls BMD00220 , October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 317 C HAPTER 22 Basic Redundancy BLADEOS 6.5 i ncludes vario us features f or providing basic link or d evice redund ancy: “T runk ing for Link R edundancy” on page 317.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 318 Chapter 22: Basic Red undancy BMD00220 , October 2010 Hot Links For netw ork topologi es that re quire Spanni ng T ree to be turned of f, Hot Li nks provid es basic lin k redundancy with fas t recovery . Hot Links consists of up to 25 triggers.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00 220, October 2010 Chapter 22: Basi c Redunda ncy 31 9 Configuration Gui delines The follo wing configu ration guidel ines apply t o Hot links : Ports that are con figured as Hot Link interfaces must have STP disabled.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 320 Chapter 22: Basic Red undancy BMD00220 , October 2010 Active MultiPa th Protocol Active MultiPath Protocol (AMP) allows y ou to con nect three switches in a loop topology , and load-balance traf fic across all uplinks (no blocking).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00 220, October 2010 Chapter 22: Basi c Redunda ncy 32 1 When the A MP l o op is br oken, the STP po rt s tates are set to f orw ard ing or blocking , dependin .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 322 Chapter 22: Basic Red undancy BMD00220 , October 2010 AMP port s canno t be u sed as mo nitori ng po rts i n a port-m irror ing c onfigurat ion. Do not c onfig ure AMP p orts as Layer 2 Failov er cont rol ports .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00 220, October 2010 Chapter 22: Basi c Redunda ncy 32 3 Configuring an Access Swit ch Perform the follo wing steps to configure AMP on an access switch: 1. T urn of f Spanni ng T ree. 2. T urn AMP on. 3. Defi ne the AM P grou p l inks, and en able th e AMP g r oup.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 324 Chapter 22: Basic Red undancy BMD00220 , October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 325 C HAPTER 23 Layer 2 Failover The primary application for Layer 2 Failover is to support Network Adapter T eaming. With Network Adapter T eaming, all the NIC s on each server share the same IP addr ess, and are configured into a team.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 326 Chapter 23: Layer 2 F ailover BMD00220 , October 2010 Figur e 41 is a simple example of Layer 2 Failover . One G8124 is the primary , and the ot her is used as a backup.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 23: Layer 2 F ailover 32 7 Manual ly Monitoring Po rt Links The Manual Monitor allows you to con figure a set of ports and/or trunk.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 328 Chapter 23: Layer 2 F ailover BMD00220 , October 2010 L2 Fai lover with O ther Fea tures L2 Fai lover w orks to ge ther with L i nk Aggr e gatio n Contr ol Pro t o col (L ACP) a nd with Sp annin g T ree Pr otocol (STP) , as described below .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 23: Layer 2 F ailover 32 9 Configu ring Layer 2 Failove r Use the following procedure to configu re a Layer 2 Failover Manual Moni tor . 1. Specify the links to mon itor . 2. Specify the links to dis able when the failover limit is reached.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 330 Chapter 23: Layer 2 F ailover BMD00220 , October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 331 C HAPTER 24 V irtual Router Redundancy Protocol The BNT RackSwitch G8 124 (G8124) supports IPv 4 high-availability network to pologies through an enhanced i mplementati on of the V irtual Rout er Redundan cy Protocol ( VRRP).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 332 Chapter 24: Virtual Router Redun dancy Pro tocol BMD00220 , October 2010 VRRP O vervi ew In a high-availability network topology , no device can create a si ngle point-of-failure f or the network o r force a sing le point- of-failure to any other part o f the network .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 24: V irtual Router Red undancy Proto col 33 3 Master and Backup V irtual Router W ithin each virtua l router , one VRRP router is selected to be the virtual rou ter master . See “Selecting t he Master VRRP Router” on page 334 for an explanation of the selection proces s.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 334 Chapter 24: Virtual Router Redun dancy Pro tocol BMD00220 , October 2010 Selecting the Master VRRP Router Each VRRP router is configured with a priority b etween 1–254. A bidding process determines which VRRP router is or becomes the m aster—th e VRR P router with the highest priority .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 24: V irtual Router Red undancy Proto col 33 5 Active-Active Redundancy In an active-active co nfiguration, shown in Figu re 42 , two switches provide redund ancy for each other , with both active at the same time.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 336 Chapter 24: Virtual Router Redun dancy Pro tocol BMD00220 , October 2010 BLADEOS Extensions to VRRP This section desc ribes VRRP enhancements that are imp lemented in BLADEOS. BLADEOS supports a tracking function that dynamically mod ifies the priority of a VR RP router , based on its current state.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 24: V irtual Router Red undancy Proto col 33 7 V irtual Router Deployment Considera tions Assigning VRRP V irtual Router ID During the software upgrade process, VRRP virtual router IDs will be automatically assig ned if failover is enabled on the switch.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 338 Chapter 24: Virtual Router Redun dancy Pro tocol BMD00220 , October 2010 High A va ilabil ity Confi guration s Figur e 43 shows an example configu ration where two G812 4s are used as VRRP routers in an active-active configur ation.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 24: V irtual Router Red undancy Proto col 33 9 T ask 1: Configure G8124 1 1. Configure client and server interfaces. 2. Configure the default gateways. Each default gatew ay points t o a Layer 3 ro uter .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 340 Chapter 24: Virtual Router Redun dancy Pro tocol BMD00220 , October 2010 4. Enable tracking on ports. Set the priority of V irtual Router 1 to 101, so that it becomes the Master . 5. Config ure por ts. 6. T urn of f Spann ing T ree Prot ocol global ly.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 24: V irtual Router Red undancy Proto col 34 1 T ask 2: Configure G8124 2 1. Configure client and server interfaces. 2. Configure the default gateways. Each default gatew ay points t o a Layer 3 ro uter .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 342 Chapter 24: Virtual Router Redun dancy Pro tocol BMD00220 , October 2010 4. Enable tracking on ports. Set the priority of V irtual Router 2 to 101, so that it becomes the Master . 5. Config ure por ts. 6. T urn of f Spann ing T ree Prot ocol global ly.
BMD00220 , October 2010 343 Part 7: Network Management.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 344 Part 7: Netwo rk Manage ment BMD00220 , October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 345 C HAPTER 25 Link Layer Discovery Protocol The BLADEOS software sup port Link Layer Discov ery Protocol ( LLDP). This chapter dis cusses the use and configurati on of LLDP o.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 346 Chapter 25: Link La yer Disco very Protocol BMD00220 , October 2010 The LLDP inf ormation to be di stributed by the G 8124 ports, and t hat which has been col lected from other LLDP stations, is stored in the switch’ s Management Information Base (MIB).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 25: Link Lay er Discov ery Protocol 347 LLDP T ran smit Fea tures Numerous L LDP transmit options are available, including scheduled and minimu m transmit interval, expiration on remote systems, SN MP trap notification, and the types of information permitted to be shared.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 348 Chapter 25: Link La yer Disco very Protocol BMD00220 , October 2010 T ime-to-Live for T ransmitted Information The transmitted LLDP information is held by remote sy stems for a limited time.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 25: Link Lay er Discov ery Protocol 349 If SNMP trap notification is enabled , the notification messages can also appear in the system lo g.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 350 Chapter 25: Link La yer Disco very Protocol BMD00220 , October 2010 LLDP transmissions can also be con figured to enable o r disable inclusion of optional inf .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 25: Link Lay er Discov ery Protocol 351 LLDP Receive Features T ypes o f Informati on Received When the LLDP receive option is enab.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 352 Chapter 25: Link La yer Disco very Protocol BMD00220 , October 2010 T o view detailed information for a remote device, specify the I ndex number as fo und in the summary .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 25: Link Lay er Discov ery Protocol 353 LLDP Exampl e Config uration 1. T urn LLDP on glob ally . 2. Set the global LLDP timer features. 3. Set LLDP options for each p ort. 4. Enable syslog repo rt ing.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 354 Chapter 25: Link La yer Disco very Protocol BMD00220 , October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 355 C HAPTER 26 Simple Network Management Protocol BLADEOS p rovides Si mple Net work Managemen t Protocol (SNMP) vers ion 1, ve rsion 2, and version 3 su pport for access through any n etwork management sof tware, such as IBM Director or HP-OpenV iew .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 356 Chapter 26: Simple Ne twork Mana gement Prot ocol BMD00220 , October 2010 SNMP V ersion 3 SNMP vers ion 3 (SNMP v3) is an en hanced versio n of the Simp le Network Management Prot ocol, approved by the Internet Engineering Steering Group in March, 2002.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapte r 26: Simpl e Network Ma nagement Protocol 357 User Confi guration Example 1. T o configure a us er with name “admin,” authentic.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 358 Chapter 26: Simple Ne twork Mana gement Prot ocol BMD00220 , October 2010 Configuring SNMP T rap Host s SNMPv1 T rap Host 1. Configure a user with no authentication an d password. 2. Configure an access group and group table entries for the user .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapte r 26: Simpl e Network Ma nagement Protocol 359 5. Use the communi ty table to specify which comm unity string is used in the trap. SNMPv2 T rap Host Configuration The SNMPv2 trap hos t configuration is sim ilar to the SNMPv1 trap hos t configuration.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 360 Chapter 26: Simple Ne twork Mana gement Prot ocol BMD00220 , October 2010 SNMPv3 T rap Host Configuration T o configure a user for SNMP v3 traps, yo u can choose to send th e traps with b oth privacy and authentication, with authenticatio n only , or without privacy or authentication.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapte r 26: Simpl e Network Ma nagement Protocol 361 SNMP MIBs The BLADEOS SNMP agent s upports SN MP version 3 . Security i s provided th rough SNMP community s trings. The defau lt community string s are “ public ” for SNMP GET op eration and “ private ” for SNMP SET operation.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 362 Chapter 26: Simple Ne twork Mana gement Prot ocol BMD00220 , October 2010 The BLADEOS SNMP agent s upports the f ollowing generic traps as defined in RFC 1215:.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapte r 26: Simpl e Network Ma nagement Protocol 363 altSwStgTopologyChanged Signifies that th ere was a STG topology change. altSwStgBlockingState An altSwStgBlockingState trap is sent when port state is changed in b locking state.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 364 Chapter 26: Simple Ne twork Mana gement Prot ocol BMD00220 , October 2010 Switch I mages a nd Config uration Fi les This secti on descri bes how to us e MIB calls to work with swi tch images and configura tion files .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapte r 26: Simpl e Network Ma nagement Protocol 365 Loading a New Switch Imag e T o load a new switch image with th e name “ MyNewImage-1.img ” into image2 , follow the steps bel ow . This ex ample shows an FT P/ TF TP ser ver at IP v4 addr ess 19 2.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 366 Chapter 26: Simple Ne twork Mana gement Prot ocol BMD00220 , October 2010 Saving the Switch Config uration T o save the switch configuration to a FT P/TFTP server follow the steps below . This example shows a FTP/TF TP server at I Pv4 address 1 92.
BMD00220 , October 2010 367 Part 8: Monitoring The ability to monitor traffic passing through the G8124 can be invaluable for troublesh ooting some type s of net wor k ing pr obl e ms.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 368 Part 8: Monit oring BMD002 20, October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 369 C HAPTER 27 Remote Monitoring Remote Mo nitoring (RMO N) allows network devices to exchan ge network m onitoring d ata. RMON allows the switch to perform the following functions: T rack events an d trigger alarms when a threshold is reached.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 370 Chapter 27: Remote M onitoring BMD00220 , October 2010 RMON Group 1—S tatistics The switch supports collection of Ethernet st atisti cs as outlined in the RMON stati stics MIB, in reference to ether StatsT able.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 27: Remote Monitorin g 371 RMON Group 2—History The RMON History Group allows you to sample and ar chive Ethernet statistics for a specific interface during a specific time interval.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 372 Chapter 27: Remote M onitoring BMD00220 , October 2010 Configuring RMON History Perform the following steps to configure RM ON Histo ry on a port. 1. Enable RMON on a port. 2. Configure the RMON His tory parameter s for a por t.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Chapter 27: Remote Monitorin g 373 RMON Group 3—Alarms The RMON Al arm Group all ows you to d efine a set of thresholds used to determi ne network performance. When a con figured threshold is cro sse d, an alarm is g enerated.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 374 Chapter 27: Remote M onitoring BMD00220 , October 2010 RMON Group 9—Event s The RMON Event Group allows y ou to d efine ev ents that are trigger ed b y alarms . An even t can b e a log message, an SNMP trap, or both.
BMD00220 , October 2010 375 C HAPTER 28 sFLOW The G8124 s uppor ts sFlo w techno logy for monito ring tr af fic in data n etworks. Th e switc h incl udes an embedded sFlow agent which can be configured to p rovide cont inuous mon itoring infor mation of IPv4 traf fic to a central sFlow analyzer .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 376 Chapter 28: sFLOW BMD002 20, October 2010 sFlow sampling has the following restrictio ns : Sample Rate—The fastes t sFlow sample rate is 1 out of every 256 packets. ACLs—s Flow samplin g is perform ed before ACLs are processed .
BMD00220 , October 2010 377 C HAPTER 29 Port Mirroring The BLADEOS port mirro ri ng feature al low s you t o m irror ( copy) the packets of a tar get por t, and forward them to a monitoring port. P ort mirroring function s for all layer 2 and layer 3 traf fic on a port.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 378 Chapter 29: Port Mirrori ng BMD00220 , October 2010 The G8124 s upports three mon itor ports. Each monitor p ort can receive mirror ed traffic f rom any number of targ et ports.
BMD00220 , October 2010 379 Part 9: Appendices.
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 380 Part 9: Append ices BMD00220 , October 2010.
BMD00220 , October 2010 381 A PPENDIX A Glossary CNA Conver ged Networ k Adapter . A device used fo r I/O cons olidation su ch as that in Conver ged Enhan ced Ethernet (C EE) environments implementing Fibre Chan nel over Ethernet (FCoE).
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 382 Glossary BMD00220 , October 2010 T racki ng In VRRP , a method to increase the priority of a virtu al router and thus master design ation (with preem ption enable d). T racking can be very valuab le in an active/active configuration.
BMD00220 , October 2010 383 Index Symbols [ ] ............................ ........... ................. ............... 2 1 Numerics 802.1p QoS .............. ................. ................. ....... 193 802.1Q VLAN t agging .................... .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 384 Index BMD00220 , October 2010 config urati on rules CEE ........... ................. ................. ............. 19 2 FCoE ............... ........... ................. ............. 19 1 Trunking ........
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Index 385 I IBM Director ................ ................. ............ ....... 355 IBM DirectorSNMP, IBM Director ................... .... 35 ICMP ................ ................. ......
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 386 Index BMD00220 , October 2010 P packet size .................... ................. ................. .... 88 password adminis trator acc ount ..................... ......... 38, 68 defa ult .............. .....
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Applicat ion Guide BMD00220 , October 2010 Index 387 S SAN ............ ................. ................. ........... 189, 19 2 SecurID ................... ................. ........... ............... 6 1 security LDAP authentication .
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guid e 388 Index BMD00220 , October 2010 VLANs .............. ........... ................. ................. .... 47 broa dca st dom ains ................... ............ ......... 87 defa ult PVI D .....................
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Blade ICE G8124-E c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Blade ICE G8124-E - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Blade ICE G8124-E, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Blade ICE G8124-E va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Blade ICE G8124-E, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Blade ICE G8124-E.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Blade ICE G8124-E. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Blade ICE G8124-E ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.