Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit KV21008A du fabricant Black Box
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Doc. No. 590-598-501A JANUARY 2006 Customer Support Information: For FREE T echnical Suppor t 2 4 hours a day, 7 days a week, call 724- 7 46-5500 or fax 724-7 46-07 46 Mailing address: Black Box Corporation , 1 000 Park Dr., Lawrence, P A 1 5055-1 01 8 World-Wide Web: w w w.
1 SERVSELECT TM I II INSTALLER/USER GUIDE W e lcome to the ServS witch ™ Family! Thank y ou fo r pur chasi ng a BLAC K BO X ® ServSe lect ™ III! We appreciate your busines s, and we think y ou ’ll apprec iate th e ma ny ways tha t yo ur n ew ServSelect III will save you money, time, and effo rt.
3 COMPLIANCE STATEMENTS Shielde d cables must be use d with this e quipment to mainta in compliance with radio frequency energy emission r egulations and ensu re a suitably hi gh level of immunity to electromag netic distu rbances. Th i s equipme nt has also been found to co mply with European stand ards EN50 082 an d E N60950 .
SERVSELECT TM III INSTALLER/USER GUIDE 4 Normas Of iciales Mexicana s (NOM) Electrical Sa fety St atement INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD 1. T odas las instruccio nes d e seguridad y operació n deb erán ser leídas an tes de que el aparato el éctrico sea operad o.
5 NOM STATEMENT C: El aparato ha sido expu esto a la lluv ia; o D: El aparato parece no op erar normalme nte o muest r a un cambio en su dese m peño; o E: El aparato ha sido ti r ad o o su cubi er ta ha si do daña da.
SERVSELECT III INSTALLER/USER GUIDE 6 Table of Contents 1. Specific ations ............... ................. ...................... ....................... ......................7 2. Product O verview............... ...................... ............
CHAPTER 1: SPECIFICATIONS 7 1. Speci fic at ions During th e cour se o f this p rodu ct ’s life tim e, modif icati ons migh t be mad e to its hardw a r e or firmware that coul d cause these sp ecificati on s to change without not i ce.
SERVSELECT III TM INSTALLER/USER GUIDE 8 Connectors RJ-45 Sync T ypes Separate horizontal and vertical Plug and Play DDC2B Video Resolution Analog Port Maximum 1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz Update P ort Number .
CHAPTER 2: PRODUCT OVERVIEW 9 2. Prod u ct Ov er view 2.1 Feat ures and Benefits The ServSelect ® III family of switches integrate field-proven analog keyboard, video and mouse (KVM) switch ing technolog y with advan ced cable ma nagement , flexible acc ess for two simultaneous users and a patented, easy-to- use interface.
SERVSELECT III INSTALLER/USER GUIDE 10 Vi d e o The ServSelect III provides optimal reso l ution for analog VGA, SVGA and XGA video. Achieve r e so luti ons of up to 128 0 x 1024 w ith a 10 f oo t cabl e and up to 800 x 60 0 with a 50 foot cab le.
CHAPTER 2: PRODUCT OVERVIEW 11 Figure 2-1. Example of a ServSelect III Configuration 2.2 Safet y Prec aution s To avoi d po tenti al vide o and/ or keyb oard pr ob lems whe n usin g BLACK BOX product s: • Ι f the buildi ng has 3-phas e AC power, ensure that the compu ters and mon itors are on the same phase.
SERVSELECT III INSTALLER/USER GUIDE 12 Rackmount safe ty cons iderat ions • Elevated Ambi ent T emp erature: If installed in a cl osed rack assemb l y , the op eration temperature of the rack envi ronm ent may b e greater t han room ambient . Use care n ot to exceed th e rat ed maximu m ambient temper at ure of the unit .
CHAPTER 3: INSTALLATION 13 3. In stallati on 3.1 Getting St arte d Before installing your Serv Select III switch, refer to the following li st to ensure you have all items that shipped with the applianc e as well as othe r items necessary for p roper installatio n.
SERVSELECT III INSTALLER/USER GUIDE 14 4. Attach four cag e nuts or clip nuts to the rackmo unting flang e of the rack cab i net so that th e nut is positio ned on the in side of the rac k.
CHAPTER 3: INSTALLATION 15 Figure 3-2. Basic ServSelect III Switch Configuration T o connect a server using a SAM: 1. Locate the SAMs fo r your ServSelect III switch. 2. Attach the appropr iately color - coded ca ble ends to the keyboa r d, monitor an d mouse ports on the firs t server you w ill be con necting to the ap pliance.
SERVSELECT III INSTALLER/USER GUIDE 16 NOTE: When connecting a Sun SAM, you must use a multi-sync monitor to accommodate Su n computers that support both VGA and sy nc-on-green or composite sync. T o connect a server using a ServSelect III ca ble: 1. Locate a ServSe le ct III cable for the server you wish to connect.
CHAPTER 3: INSTALLATION 17 NOTE: The syste m will a u tomatic ally “m erge” t h e two sw itche s t o g ethe r a s one . A ll serv e rs co nnected to the cascad ed ServS ele ct III sw itch w ill di spla y o n the ma in S ervS ele ct I II switc h s erver list in the OS D inte rface.
SERVSELECT III INSTALLER/USER GUIDE 18 Figure 3-4. ServSelect III Switch Configuration with Legacy KVM Switches T o add a le gacy KVM switch : 1. Mou nt the prim a ry KVM switch into yo ur rack cabine t. 2. Connect o ne end of a CA T 5 cable to an availa ble port on the back o f your Se rvSelect III switch.
CHAPTER 3: INSTALLATION 19 2. Loc ate the port set la beled A on the b ack of the switch. Connect these pe ripherals to their respective ports. 3. For the multiuser , 16-port Serv Select III switc h, repeat steps 1 and 2 for the local ana- log por t set la bel ed B .
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 21 4. Basi c Op erat ions 4.1 C ontrolling Y our System at the Analog Port s The ServSelect III switch features one or two anal o g port sets on the back of the switch that allow yo u t o connect a mon itor and a PS / 2 keyboard an d mouse for direct analog access.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 22 Viewing the s tatus of yo ur switc h The status of the servers in your system is indicated in the right column s of the Main dial og box. The foll owing table de scribes the stat us symbols. Sele ctin g se rver s Use the Main dia lo g bo x to select servers.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 23 T o disconne ct the user from a s erver: Press Print Screen and then Alt+0 . This leav es the user in a fr ee stat e, wi th no s erver selected. The status f l ag on your de sktop di splays Free . Sof t switching Soft switching is the ability to switch servers usin g a hotkey sequence.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 24 This Keystroke Does This F1 Opens the Help screen for the dialog box. Alt+Hotkey Opens dialog box es, selects or chec ks options and executes actions when used with underlined or other designated letters. Alt+X Closes the current dialog box and returns to t he previous one.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 25 4.4 Configuring OSD Interface Menus You can configure your ServSelect III swit ch from the Setup menu within the OSD interface. Se lec t the Names bu tton when initially sett ing up your switch to iden tify server s by un ique name s.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 26 2. Clic k Se tu p . The Se tup dialo g box disp lays. Figure 4-2. Setup Dialog Box Assigning ser ver names Use the Names dial og bo x t o identi fy indiv idua l se rvers by name ra t her tha n by port number. The Na mes list is alway s sorted by p ort or de r.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 27 T o as sig n na m es t o se rver s: 1. In the Names di alog bo x, select a ser ver nam e or port nu mber and clic k Modify . The Name Modi fy dialo g box di sp lays. Figure 4-4. Name Modi fy Dialog Box 2. T ype a name in the New Na me box.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 28 Figure 4-5. Devi ces Dialog Box When the ServSelect III switch discovers a cascaded switch, yo u will notice the port number in g ch ange to acc ommodat e each serve r und er that switc h.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 29 Changing the display behavior Use the M enu dial og box to cha nge the di splay or der of ser vers , change the k ey se quen ce to launch the OSD in terface and set a Screen Delay Time for the OSD interface.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 30 Controlling the st atus flag The s tatus fla g displays o n your de sktop and shows th e name or EID number of the selected serv er or the status o f th e sel ected port.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 31 4. In Displ ay Mo de, sele ct Opaque fo r a solid col or flag or select Tr a n s p a re n t to see the desk to p through the flag. 5. T o position t he status flag on the desktop : a. Click Set Position to gain access to the Se t Position Flag sc re en.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 32 Figure 4-10. Secu rity Dialog B ox NOTE: Figure 4-10 is the Security screen for the adm inistrator and local user when the Enable U ser A cc ount s feature is turned off. The restricted user can only ac cess the Change Password function of this screen.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 33 T o remove p assword protection from your console: 1. From t he Main di alog bo x, cli ck Set up - Security ; the Passwo rd dialo g box disp lays. T y pe your pa ssword, t hen click OK . 2. In the Sec uri ty dialog box, s ing le -c lic k an d pr e ss Enter or double-c lic k in the New box.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 34 T o im med iat e ly t urn on t he sc ree n sa ver: Press Print Screen , then pres s Pause . 4.5 Displaying V ersion Informat ion The OSD interface en ables you to display t he versions of t he ServSelect III switch, as well as the SAM and ServSelect III cable firmwa re.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 35 Figure 4-13. T arget V ersion Dialog Box 5. Clic k X to close the T arg e t V e rs io n dia lo g bo x. NOTE: Load Firmware button will only display for a SAM ; ServSelect III cables are not upgradable.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 36 -or- Double-clic k o n a serve r’ s name o r port. -or- Press Alt an d the nu mber of the serve r you w ish to sc an. Y ou can select u p to 16 s ervers from the entire list.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 37 T o ca nce l sc an mod e: 1. Select a serve r if the OSD interface i s op en. -or- Move the mouse or press any key on the ke yboard i f the OSD in terface i s not open . Scanning will stop at the curren tly selected server .
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 38 Next to e ach item to be test e d, you will see a pa ss (green circle) or fail (re d x) symbol display to the l eft of ea ch ite m as that test fi nishes. T he follo wing tabl e detail s each of the tests . T o run diagnos tic tests : 1.
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 39 Figure 4-17. Diagnostics W arning Dialog Box 3. Clic k OK t o begin di agno st ics. -or- Click X or pre s s Escape to e xit the dialog box withou t running a dia gnostic test. 4. All users are disc onnec te d and the Diag nostics dialog box displays .
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 40 NOTE: Broadcasting K eystrok es - The keyboard stat e must be identical for all servers receiving a broadc as t to interpret keystrokes identically . S pecifically , the Caps Lock and Num Lock modes mu st be the sam e on all keyboards .
CHAPTER 4: BASIC OPERATIONS 41 4.9 Changing Y our Switch Mode Your ServSelect III switch allows yo u to conn ect to a ttached servers using two methods: Preemptiv e and Coop erative .
SERVSELECT III INSTALLER/USER GUIDE 43 5. Ad vanced O perations 5.1 Using Admini strator Privileges The ServSelect III switches allow u p to four users and one administrator to log into a switch, with the admin istrator having the ability to restrict users from accessing the targets via the Secu ri ty men u.
CHAPTER 5: ADVANCED OPERATIONS 44 Figure 5-3. User Setup M enu (Admini strator Only) User Setup me nu functions (adm inistrator only) The User S etup menu allows th e administ rator to ed it, a ccess and/ or delete a user ac count. The menu is on ly accessi bl e if the E nab le User Acco un t checkbo x is enab l ed in the Security menu.
SERVSELECT III INSTALLER/USER GUIDE 45 The Use rna m e fie ld dis p la ys def a ult na mes tha t ca n be edite d by the admin i st ra tor. Usernames must be b etween 1 to 15 ch aracters. Admi ni strators can al so set user pass wo rds in the Us er Ed it men u.
SERVSELECT III INSTALLER/USER GUIDE 47 Appendix A: Flas h Upgrade s Upgradin g the ServSelect III You can upg rade the firmware of your S ervSelect III by using a special update utility provid ed by B LACK BOX. This utilit y au tomatica lly conf igures the po rt communic ations settings to allow direct downlo a ding from th e connected server.
APP ENDI CES 48 Upgrading the SAM firmwa re The SA Ms can b e upgrade d individu ally or s imultaneo usly. NOTE: ServSele ct III c ables are not upgradable. T o simult aneously upgrad e multiple SAMs: 1. Press Print Screen . The Main dialo g bo x will appe a r .
SERVSELECT III INSTALLER/USER GUIDE 49 Figur e 1-3. V ersion Dialog Box 3. Clic k Ta r g e t to view indi vidual SAM information. The T arget Selection dia log box disp lays. Figure 1-4. T arget Selection Dialog B ox 4. Sele ct an SA M t o upgra de and cl ick the V ersio n butt on.
APP ENDI CES 50 5. Clic k the Load Firmwar e button. The SAM Load dial og box di splays. NOTE: The Load Firmware b u tton dis play s for S AMs only; ServSelec t III cabl es are no t upgradable. Figure 1-6. SAM Load Dialog Box 6. Clic k OK to initiate the upgrade and return to the S tatus dia log box.
Doc. No. 590-598-501A JANUARY 2006 Customer Support Information: For FREE Technical Support 24 hours a day , 7 days a week, call 724-7 46-5500 or fax 724- 7 46-0746 Mailing address: Black Box Corporation , 1 000 Park Dr., Lawrence, P A 1 5055-1 018 World-Wide Web: w w w.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Black Box KV21008A c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Black Box KV21008A - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Black Box KV21008A, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Black Box KV21008A va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Black Box KV21008A, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Black Box KV21008A.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Black Box KV21008A. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Black Box KV21008A ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.