Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 900 du fabricant Zhone Technologies
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Server Cards Reference Guide Release 5.3.1 Septem ber 2000.
Model No. Running Head Tr a d e m a r k s : 5ESS is a registe red trad emark of Luce nt T echnologi es DMS-100 and DMS -200 are tra demarks of Nor thern T ele com. Nortel i s a trademark of Norther n T elecom HyperT er minal is a registe red trad emark of Micr osoft Premisys is a regi stered tra demark of Premis ys Communicati ons, Inc.
Pr oduct Desc ription The Server Cards pro vide voice compression that acc e pt in put s di re ctly fro m V oice Car ds in the same s ystem unit, or voice tra ffi c from W AN links t hrough the system.
Model No. Running Head.
Server Cards i Contents Contents Chapter 1 ADPCM Card 1.1 Introduction .. .................. ........................... ........................... .......................... 1-1 1.2 ADPCM Card Descrip tions ....................... ..................
ii Server Cards Model No. Running Head Contents Chapter 3 ACS-MCC Card 3.1 Introduction ...... .................. ........................... ........................... ..................... 3-1 3.2 ACS-MCC Card Description s .............. .........
Server Cards iii Contents Chapter 5 ISDN-PRI Card 5.1 Introduction .. .................. ........................... ........................... .......................... 5-1 5.1.1 Defini tions .................................... ...................
iv Server Cards Model No. Running Head Contents Chapter 6 PRI-BRI Card 6.1 Introduction ...... .................. ........................... ........................... ..................... 6-1 6.1.1 Definitions ...................... ..............
Server Cards v Contents Chapter 7 IMUX Card 7.1 Introduction .. .................. ........................... ........................... .......................... 7-1 7.2 Inverse Multi plexer (IMUX) Card Se ttings ......................... ........
vi Server Cards Model No. Running Head Contents.
Server Cards vii Figures Figures 1-1 Typical ADPCM Card Main Sc reen ................................ ........................... .......................... 1-3 2-1 Typical ACS-FRS Card Main Screen ( ports C1 to C4) ..................... .............
viii Server Cards Model No. Running Head Figures 5-14 Completed BMap Screen .......................... ........................... ........................... ................... 5-2 5 5-15 Status Scre en .................. .................. ........
Server Cards ix Figures 8-8 Unnumbered Frame Re lay IP Interfa ce .................................... ........................... ............... 8-10 8-9 IPR 10B2 and 1 0BT Card Interface Main Screen ............................. .................. .
x Server Cards Model No. Running Head Figures.
Server Cards xi Tab les Tables 1-1 ADPCM Compression Rates ..... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........ 1-2 1-2 ADPCM Card Main Screen Actions ........... ........................... ..............
xii Server Cards Model No. Running Head Tables 7-2 The IMUX Card Confi gure Screen of Act ions .................................... .................. ............ 7-4 7-3 IMUX Card Confi gure Screen Opt ions and Defaults .............................
Server Cards 1-1 ADPCM Card Introduction Chapter 1 ADPCM Card 1.1 Intr oduction This chapt er provi des insta llation, co nfigurat ion, and tr oubleshoo ting info rmation fo r the Adaptive Di ff erential Pul se-Code Modulat ion (ADPCM) Card. This card is label ed as the ADPCM 64 card on its facep late eje ctor .
1-2 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ADPCM Card Descriptions ADPCM Card The ADPCM 64 Card can tr anspor t low-s peed asy nchrono us da ta transmi ssion (19.2 kbps or less) f rom an SRU user car d port tha t will occu py a 24 kbps engi ne. Each d ata circuit must be paired wi th a 40 kbps voi ce channel.
Server Cards 1-3 ADPCM Card ADPCM Card User Screens and Set tings 1.3 ADPCM Card User Screens and Settings 1.3.1 ADPCM Card Main S creen Y ou must configu re the ADPCM card ports for opera tion. This is don e from the ADPCM Card Main Screen, whic h is shown in Figure 1- 1.
1-4 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ADPCM Card User Screens and Settings ADPCM Card T able 1-2. ADPCM Card Main Scre en Actions T able 1- 3 summarizes the ADPCM card c onfiguratio n parameter s and avai lable se ttings. These are also desc ribed in the foll owing paragr aphs.
Server Cards 1-5 ADPCM Card ADPCM Card User Screens and Set tings USER The U s er s etti ng i den ti fies the use r car d and por t con n ect ed to t his e ngi ne. T his is th e plac e where the ADPCM card will e xpect incoming (non-compr essed) voi ce, subrate d ata, and B-channel traffi c.
1-6 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ADPCM Card User Screens and Settings ADPCM Card TYP E The T ype parame ter identi fies the voice and signali ng req uiremen ts for th e inc oming cir cui t. The o pti ons are v (voice), voice and v&s (signa ling) and tr nsp (tran spare nt).
Server Cards 1-7 ADPCM Card ADPCM Card Error Messages TC CGA The T runk Conditi oning CGA setting i dentifies t he type of trun k conditi oning requ ired for th e inco ming circ uit. If v& s is chos en in the T ype set ting, th e opti ons are idle or busy .
1-8 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ADPCM Server Card Specifi cations ADPCM Card 1.6 ADPCM Server Card Specifications ADPCM Card (887160) Inpu t V oice Cha nn e ls Can or ig in ate from a n y 2- wi re or 4- w ire voice c ard or f r om a DS O on a W AN (E l/T1 or HDSL) in terface.
Server Cards 2-1 FRS Card Introductio n Chapter 2 FRS Card 2.1 Intr oduction This chapt er provi des insta llation, co nfigurat ion, and tr oubleshoo ting info rmation fo r the Frame Relay Server (FRS) ( 881 160) ca rd with th e 622xx Firmware. Note that this car d is la bel ed a s an A CS c ard on it s fac epl ate ej ect or .
2-2 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-FRS Card Descript ions FRS Card 2.2.2 ACS-FRS Firmware Features (62220 ) The ACS-FRS fir mware rele ase 62220 ha s the same f unctiona lity as the firmware r elease 62218 exce pt for t he addit ion of ci rcuit prio rities .
Server Cards 2-3 FRS Card ACS-FRS Card User Scree ns and Settings 2.3 ACS-FRS Card User Scr e ens and Settings 2.3.1 ACS-FRS Card Main Screen Y ou must c o nfi gur e t he A C S-FR S c ar d fo r op e rati on a fter in sta llin g it. T his is don e in th e ACS-FRS Card Main Screen (Figure 2-1) .
2-4 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-FRS Card User Screens and Sett ings FRS Card The maximum bandwidth po ssible betwee n the IPR an d ACS-FRS cards is 62 time slo ts provided on the int ernal buses “ A ” a nd “ B.
Server Cards 2-5 FRS Card ACS-FRS Card User Scree ns and Settings T able 2-1. ACS-FRS Card M ain Scr een Actions T able 2-2. ACS-FRS Card Main Screen Option Settings and Defaults Notes: 1. ansi , ccitt, and lmi can only be s elected when Po rt T ype i s changed to an y select ion other t han none .
2-6 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-FRS Card User Screens and Sett ings FRS Card ST A TE The State s ettin g d eter mine s wh ethe r th e p ort is act ive or i nacti ve. Set the State f iel d to stdby (standby ) f or ports you ar e not usi ng or have not ye t configu red.
Server Cards 2-7 FRS Card ACS-FRS Card User Scree ns and Settings DCE P ARAM The DCE Pa rame ter s sett ing wi ll s how n/a unless a Port T ype of u-dce or nni is selecte d.
2-8 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-FRS Card User Screens and Sett ings FRS Card The Events Counter (N39 3) allows you to select the window s ize for t he number of events (frames) in which err ors will b e counted. If error th reshold ( N392) is ex ceeded with in cast N39 3 fr ames , th e l ink is de clar ed down .
Server Cards 2-9 FRS Card ACS-FRS Card User Scree ns and Settings 2.3.2 Frame Re lay En dpoi nts Sc reen Y ou can have up t o four fr ame relay endp oints (t wo for the actual en dpoints of th e PVC and two th at can act as backup s hould the primary li nk fail).
2-10 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-FRS Card User Screens and Sett ings FRS Card T able 2-3. Frame Relay Endpoints Screen Actions NAME The N ame sett ing allo w s y ou to i den tify eac h of th e en dpoi nt s w ith a di scr et e na me .
Server Cards 2-11 FRS Card ACS-FRS Card User Scree ns and Settings CIR (Kbps) The Commit ted Info rmation Rat e (in kb ps) is t he actual informat ion rat e contrac ted with the carrie r . The options are 0 to 2048 . CIR/Bc is used to calculat e average data rate.
2-12 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-FRS Card User Screens and Sett ings FRS Card 2.3.3 FRS C ircuits Sc reen The FRS Circu its Screen al lows you to identify PVC en dpoints a nd alternat e PVCs to ser ve as ba ck ups to th e o rig inal endp oin ts if t he m ain lin k fail s.
Server Cards 2-13 FRS Card ACS-FRS Card User Scree ns and Settings T able 2-4. FRS Circuits Scr een Actions Figur e 2-5.T ypical FRS End point Circuit ST A TE The Sta te setti ng sho ws the st at us of the ci rc uit. The opti ons ar e st dby and actv .
2-14 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-FRS Card User Screens and Sett ings FRS Card ENDP B Endpoint B i s the FRS por t used to provide s ervice to the secon dary end of the PVC. All of the endpoi nt names as signed on t he PVC Endpoint s Screen (di scussed ea rlier) are eli gible options.
Server Cards 2-15 FRS Card ACS-FRS Card User Scree ns and Settings In the eve nt o f a fail ure of th e pr im ar y en dpo i nt, a set tin g of w/to wi ll au to ma ti cal ly sw itc h the PVC fro m primary to alternate.
2-16 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-FRS Card User Screens and Sett ings FRS Card 2.3.4 FRS Circuit Pe rforma nce D ata Screen The A C S- FRS card a ccu mula tes stat isti cs th a t sho w pe rfor ma n ce ch ara c teri stic s of each circui t.
Server Cards 2-17 FRS Card ACS-FRS Card User Scree ns and Settings T able 2-5. Circuit Performance Data Screen Actions AB FRAMES The AB FRAMES counter shows t he total numbe r of frames sen t from endpoin t A to endpoint B.
2-18 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-FRS Card User Screens and Sett ings FRS Card ST A TUS The Sta tus col umn sho ws th e st atus of the se lec ted circ uit dur ing th e 15 -min ute int erv als.
Server Cards 2-19 FRS Card ACS-FRS Card User Scree ns and Settings 2.3. 5 Cir cuit Co ngestio n Data Sc re en The ACS-FRS card also accumulat es stati stics that show you t he congest ion charac teristics of each of t he circuit s.
2-20 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-FRS Card User Screens and Sett ings FRS Card T able 2-6. Circuit Congestion Data Scr een Actions GREEN FR The Green Fr ames counter shows the total number of frames sent on the ci rcuit th at fell within the Commit ted Info rmation r ate contr acted wit h the carr ier duri ng the ti me period.
Server Cards 2-21 FRS Card ACS-FRS Card User Scree ns and Settings FECN The Forwar d Error Conges tion Notif ication c ounter logs the number of frames with the FE CN bit set by the sys tem. This fl ag tells you that congestion av oidance pr ocedures s hould be initia ted.
2-22 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-FRS Card User Screens and Sett ings FRS Card 2.3.6 Port Pe rfo rmance D ata Screen The ACS-FRS card also ac cumulates st atisti cs that show you the per formance charact eristi cs of each act ive port.
Server Cards 2-23 FRS Card ACS-FRS Card User Scree ns and Settings T able 2- 7. Port Performance Dat a Screen Actions POR T The Port s etting shows t he port nu mber associ ated with the perf ormance sta tistics on this screen. This was t he port hi ghlighte d on th e Mai n s creen when the “ P ” key was pre ssed .
2-24 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-FRS Card User Screens and Sett ings FRS Card DRP Tx The D rop ped (fram e) T rans mitte d c olum n ta bula tes t he t otal n umb er o f fr ames drop ped befo re being tr ansmitted during th e 15 minut e period.
Server Cards 2-25 FRS Card ACS-FRS Card User Scree ns and Settings T able 2-8. LMI Data Screen Actions ST A TUS INQ. RX The S tatus Inq uiry Received figure shows the total n umber of st atus inquir y requests r eceived by the DCE.
2-26 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-FRS Card User Screens and Sett ings FRS Card NO ROUTE FRAMES The No Rou te Frames figure shows t he tot al numb er of frames rec eived that h ave inco rrect or unknown DLCI fo r this port .
Server Cards 2-27 FRS Card ACS-FRS Card User Scree ns and Settings 2.3. 8 Global Se tup Scr een The Global Data Scree n allows you to identi fy the f rame relay server by its IP ad dress. T o access th is scre en, press “ g ” in the ACS-FRS Card Main Screen to in voke the Glob comm and.
2-28 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-FRS Card User Screens and Sett ings FRS Card NETMASK Ente r th e Ne tmask ad dre ss in thi s fie ld. T his is th e Ne tm ask fo r th e I ntegr ated A ccess Sy stem . This addr ess is al so assign ed on the I nterface card ’ s IP Screen.
Server Cards 2-29 FRS Card ACS-FRS Card Error Messages 2.4 ACS-FRS Card Err or Messages Refer to Appendix B in the System Reference Gui de for f urther i nformation on Error Messa ges re gar ding this ca rd. 2.5 ACS-FRS Card T r oubleshooting Problems wi th a FRS card could indica te a numb er of caus es.
2-30 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-FRS Card Troubleshooting FRS Card 5. Go to the Circuits Screen of th e FRS card (whi ch can be a ccessed by selecting Cir c from the FR S Mai n Sc ree n ). V erify th at the affecte d circ uit ST A TUS i s up (indi cated by a “ U ” ).
Server Cards 2-31 FRS Card ACS-FRS Server Card Speci fications 2.6 ACS-FRS Server Card Spec ification s ACS -FRS Car d (M od el 88 1 160) Input/Ou tput Ports 68 logica l ports (maxim um) Input Traffic Ports T1, E1, f T1, fE1, V .35, RS422, E IA530, OCU-DP , FRAD Output Traffic ports T1, E1, fT1, fE1, V .
2-32 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-FRS Server Card Specifications FRS Card.
Server Cards 3-1 MCC Card Introductio n Chapter 3 MCC Card 3.1 Intr oduction This chapt er provi des insta llation, co nfigurat ion, and tr oubleshoo ting info rmation fo r the Management Cha nnel Concentra tor (MCC) card.
3-2 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-MCC Card Descriptions MCC Card The FDL is a 4 kbps channel th at uses every ot her framing bit of the T1 extended super frames. When the FDL is used for remote system con t rol via TCP/IP , T1 performa nce stat istics a re not gath ered .
Server Cards 3-3 MCC Card ACS-MCC Card User Scree ns and Settings 3.3 ACS-MCC Card User Scre ens and Settings 3.3.1 ACS-MCC Card Ma in S creen (Ethe rnet P ort C onfig uratio n) The ACS-MCC card r outes dat agrams onto Ethernet at the NMS si te for communica tions wit h the NMS.
3-4 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-MCC Card User Screens an d Settings MCC Card T able 3-1. Main Screen Actions T able 3-2. Main Scr een Option Settings and Defaults ST A TE The S tate set ting dete rmines whet her the po rt is acti ve or inac tive.
Server Cards 3-5 MCC Card ACS-MCC Card User Scree ns and Settings NETMASK The I P ADDR toget her with t he N ETM A SK i den tifi es th e IP n etwo rk fo r th e Ethe rne t interf ace.
3-6 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-MCC Card User Screens an d Settings MCC Card FMT -SUB This para meter is u sed to indicate th e format of the 64 ports on the sub-board. When bxr is select ed, ports 65 thro ugh 128 are configur ed to B4R (E1) or B7R (T1).
Server Cards 3-7 MCC Card ACS-MCC Card User Scree ns and Settings C-Port and Numbered Port Configuration (1.1 V ersion O nly) Afte r es tabl ishin g th e car d ’ s Ethe rne t para me ter se ttin gs, c onf igu re th e ca rd ’ s ports . From the ACS-MCC Card Main Scree n, press “ t ” ( por T command) to go to its port s.
3-8 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-MCC Card User Screens an d Settings MCC Card Figure 3-4. T ypical Numbered Port Scr een T able 3-3. Por t Assignment Scr een Actions Action Function Save Saves changes to settin gs . Undo Retur ns all settin gs to the last saved state.
Server Cards 3-9 MCC Card ACS-MCC Card User Scree ns and Settings T able 3-4. Port Scr een Option Settings and Defaults Notes: 1. For port s C1, C2, a nd C3, the opt ion s ar e hdl c (de fau lt) a nd fr . For p ort s 1 to 12 8, t he options are b7r (d efault) and b4r .
3-10 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-MCC Card User Screens an d Settings MCC Card NETMASK The NETMASK set ting togethe r with the IP ADDR identi fies the network for t his port . FORMA T The F orma t se tting d ete rmin es th e form at o f the in for matio n re ceive d fr om th e rem ote sy ste m unit.
Server Cards 3-11 MCC Card Network Port Statistics Screen NETWORK DA T A The Netwo rk Data Scr eens provi de mainten ance and di agnostics informat ion for t his equipme nt. St atisti cs begin to a ccumulat e when the port is change d from stdby to actv and they cont inue to s tore informat ion unti l the port i s changed ba ck to stdby .
3-12 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Network Port Statistics Screen MCC Card IN OCTETS The I n Oc tet s cou nter show s th e to tal nu mb er o f oct ets r ece ive d fro m the remo te sy ste ms for this por t.
Server Cards 3-13 MCC Card Network Port Statistics Screen T able 3-5. Network Port Data Screen Actions 3.4.1 MCC Protocol S tac k Dat a Screen Figure 3-6 shows typica l statisti cs for the ACS-MCC ca rd protocol st ack. T o display t his data, press “ i ” i n the Net work Port Statis tics Scre en t o inv oke the Ip co mma nd.
3-14 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Network Port Statistics Screen MCC Card INPUT DA T AGRAMS DISCARDED The Input Data grams Discar ded counter shows th e total number of IP da tagrams received th at were disc arded.
Server Cards 3-15 MCC Card Network Port Statistics Screen IN ECHO REPLIES The In Echo Replies counter s hows the to tal numb er of ICMP echo repl ies sent b y the r emote systems. OUT ECHO REQU ESTS The Out Echo Re quests co unter shows the tota l number of ICMP echo reque sts sent to the remo te s y stem s.
3-16 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-MCC Card Error Messages MCC Card 3.5 ACS-MCC Card Error Messages Refer to Appendix B in the System Reference Gui de for f urther i nformation on Error Messa ges re gar ding this ca rd.
Server Cards 3-17 MCC Card ACS-MCC Card Troubleshooting 6. V erify the co nfiguration setting s for the aff ected MCC po rt. Be sure the port is connecte d to the proper W AN card and p ort, that the corr ect FORMA T is s ele cted a nd that th e appropriate IP a ddress ( IP ADDR ) and NETMASK h ave b een en tered .
3-18 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-MCC Card Troubleshooting M CC Card.
Server Cards 4-1 ATM Card Introduction Chapter 4 ATM Card 4.1 Intr oduction This chap t er provides install ation, co nfigurat ion, and tr oubleshoo ting info rmation fo r the Asynchronou s T ransfe r Mode (A TM) Ser ver Card.
4-2 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card Descriptions ATM Card The ACS-A TM card consists of a main boa rd and sub- module card. The main board i s a variat ion of the existing Adva nced Communicat ion Server (ACS).
Server Cards 4-3 ATM Card ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settin gs 4.3 ACS-A TM Card User Screens and Se ttin gs 4.3.1 ACS-A TM Card Ma in Screen Y ou must config ure the ACS- A TM card ’ s D S3 p ort f or ope rat ion af ter i nsta llin g it in the system chas sis.
4-4 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card User Scree ns and Settings ATM Card T able 4-1. ACS-A TM Card Main Scr een Actions (DS3) T able 4-2. ACS-A TM Card Main Scr een Options and Defaults (DS3) ST A TE (DS3) The Stat e sett ing de term in es whe the r the por t is act ive or ina ctive .
Server Cards 4-5 ATM Card ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settin gs LB CFG (D S3) The Loopbac k Conf igura tion setting sho ws the l oopbac k stat us of th e loca l int erfa ce. The off state indic at es t hat n o loop back i s pr es ent. Th e loc al state shows th at the tran smitte d signal at the int erface i s looped back t o the rec eiver .
4-6 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card User Scree ns and Settings ATM Card TX-LBO (DS3) If the distanc e between the DS3 switch and the system unit is short (less t han 225 f eet), signal attenua tion may be n eeded. The T ransmit Lin e Build-Out se tting act ivates thi s feature.
Server Cards 4-7 ATM Card ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settin gs T able 4- 3. UNI Screen Actions T able 4-4. UNI Screen Options an d Defaults Notes: 1. Each A TM Card has up to ei ght logi cal ports th at can be a ssigned a s management channels in an IP ne twork that i s not managed with a BxR or MCC Card.
4-8 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card User Scree ns and Settings ATM Card ST A TE The State s ettin g de term ine s whe the r th e port is a ctiv e or i nac tiv e. Se lec t stdby (sta ndby) fo r ports you are not us ing or hav e not yet conf igured.
Server Cards 4-9 ATM Card ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settin gs LOC NETMASK The Loc al N etm ask i s us ed in c onj unct ion wit h the Lo cal IP A ddr ess to ident ify the IP ne tw ork for the A TM card. Any valid I P Netmask may be use d. (For informa tion regarding I P network design, c ontact you r system admi nistrator .
4-10 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card User Scree ns and Settings ATM Card IP-05 VCI The I P-05 VCI p ara mete r all ows th e use r to s pec if y a V C I on t he A TM card th at is differe n t from the Manage ment VCI to be u sed as a remote net work management c hann el.
Server Cards 4-11 ATM Card ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settin gs 4.3.3 UNI Perfo rma nc e Dat a Sc reen (Sup po rt s 3.0 onl y ) The A CS- A T M car d ac cum u lat es U NI st at is tics to s how t he A TM-la ye r pe rfo rma nce char acte ris tics of th is por t.
4-12 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card User Scree ns and Settings ATM Card T able 4-5. UNI Perf ormance Data Screen Actions TXCEL L Iden tifi es the numb er o f c ells tra nsmi tted o n the U NI . RXCELL Iden tifi es th e numb er o f c ells rec eived on t he UN I.
Server Cards 4-13 ATM Card ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settin gs 4.3.4 UNI VBR P erfo rmance Data Screen (Uns truc tured) V ariabl e Bit Rate (VBR) s tatist ics are accu mulated for 15-min utes int ervals f or the la st 96 interva ls (24 hou rs).
4-14 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card User Scree ns and Settings ATM Card TXP DU Iden tifie s th e n um b er o f PDU s tr an sm it ted on t hat UN I o n A AL3 /4. RXPDU Iden tifi es th e num b er o f PDU s re c eive d o n t hat UNI o n AA L3/ 4 .
Server Cards 4-15 ATM Card ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settin gs 4.3.5 CES Perfo rma nc e Dat a Sc reen The CES stat ist ics ar e acc umula ted i n 15- minute in terva ls fo r the last 24 h ours. T o access the CES Performa nce Data Scr een, press “ e ” in the UNI Perf ormance Dat a Screen ( cEs command).
4-16 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card User Scree ns and Settings ATM Card TXCEL L Iden tifi es th e numb er o f ce lls tr a nsm i tted on t ha t U N I on A AL1.
Server Cards 4-17 ATM Card ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settin gs 4.3.6 V ariabl e Bi t Rate (VBR) Con figu ratio n Sc reen The ACS-A TM card suppo rts four sup er- rate chann els up to 2.048 Mbps ea ch. The aggrega te bandwidth cann ot exceed 4.096 Mbps.
4-18 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card User Scree ns and Settings ATM Card T able 4- 8. VBR Configuration Scr een Actions T able 4-9. VBR Configuration Screen Op tions and Defaults Notes: 1. The lan option c an only be sel ected for por t C1.
Server Cards 4-19 ATM Card ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settin gs ST A TE The Stat e sett ing de term in es whe the r the por t is act ive or ina ctive . Set State to stdby (standby) for ports you are not us ing or have not ye t confi gured. Set it to actv (active) for port s th at are ready for use f or A TM traf fic.
4-20 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card User Scree ns and Settings ATM Card MID The Mult iplexer Identifi cation Num ber is set to a no n-zero valu e if mult iplexin g is requi red. The optio ns are n/a (not appli cable) a nd numbers 0 to 1023 .
Server Cards 4-21 ATM Card ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settin gs LBCFG The Loopback Con figurati on setti ng indicates whether a sin gle endp oint or both endp oints of an indivi dua l Permanent V irtual Cir cui t can b e pl ac ed in a loopb ack mode.
4-22 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card User Scree ns and Settings ATM Card The perfo rmance fi elds are di splay-onl y for the A TM Performance and Legacy Performance screens . Figur e 4-8. T ypical VBR Port Performance Dat a Screen (Legacy) T able 4- 10.
Server Cards 4-23 ATM Card ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settin gs INBYTE Identif ies the number of bytes tr ansmitted on that VBR port. OUTBYTE Identif ies the number of bytes rec eived on t hat VBR port. INFRMLOST Identif ies the number of frames lo st due to b uffe r overflow on the Tx side .
4-24 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card User Scree ns and Settings ATM Card 4.3.8 Constan t Bit Rate (CBR) Configuratio n (S tructu re d) Scr een Pressin g the “ c ” key fro m the A CS-A TM Card M ai n S cre e n will inv oke th e Cbr command and show th e CBR Configura tion Scre en.
Server Cards 4-25 ATM Card ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settin gs T able 4-1 1. CBR Configuration Scr een Actions T able 4-12. CBR Configuration Screen Op tions and Defaults Notes: 1. W i ll display us er card s lot when reser ved from th at user c ard.
4-26 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card User Scree ns and Settings ATM Card LEGACY This set ting indicat es the ph ysical po rt(s) on the legac y side of t he A TM module as sociated with this A TM user port. The opti ons are muser (for us er cards) an d wan (for ind ividual W AN lin ks) .
Server Cards 4-27 ATM Card ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settin gs CELL FILL The Cell Fi ll sett ing indicat es the numbe r of octe ts needed t o fill in b efore a c ell can be ship ped . Th is set ting will de termi ne the delay be twee n tr ansm itte d A T M ce lls.
4-28 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card User Scree ns and Settings ATM Card 4.3.9 CBR Po rt Per formanc e Dat a Sc r een CBR port st atisti cs are accumulate d for 15- minute in tervals for the last 9 6 interv als (24 hours). T o acces s this sc reen, pres s “ p ” ( Perf co mmand) in the CBR Configuratio n Screen.
Server Cards 4-29 ATM Card ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settin gs RXCELL Identifie s the number of cells r eceived on the CBR Port. ERHD R Identif ies the number of cells r eceived on that CBR Port wit h header e rrors (incl udes correct able and u ncorrect able CRC + bad par ity).
4-30 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card User Scree ns and Settings ATM Card 4.3.10 DS3 Per formanc e Dat a Sc reen The ACS-A TM card accum ula te s s tatist ics t hat show the DS3 pe rf or ma nce cha racteri st ic s of the c ircu it.
Server Cards 4-31 ATM Card ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settin gs T able 4-14. DS3 Performance Data Screen Actions PES Accumulate s the number o f P-bit par it y Er ro red Seconds in t he 15 -min ute interval .
4-32 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card User Scree ns and Settings ATM Card SEF Accumulate s the number of Severel y Errore d Framing Seco nds in the 15-minute i nterval. A SEF is a second i n which one or more Out of Frame (OOF) defect s or a detect ed incoming AIS occurre d.
Server Cards 4-33 ATM Card ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settin gs RC The Receive Code column s hows the natur e of the er rors cal culated in e ach of pre vious ten categor ies. An y of the followin g Rc vCode co des may appear in this column, dependi ng upon how the err ors occ urr ed .
4-34 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-ATM Card Error Messages ATM Card 4.4 ACS-A TM Card Error Messages Refer to Appendix B in the System Reference Gui de for f urther i nformation on Error Messa ges re gar ding this ca rd. 4.5 ACS-A TM Card T r oubleshooting Problems wi th a A TM card coul d indicat e a number of ca uses.
Server Cards 4-35 ATM Card ATM Server Card Speci fications 4.6 A TM Server Card Speci fi cati ons A TM Card (M odel 88206 0) A T M I/F 1 DS3/OC3c/STM1 Private UNI 3.
4-36 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ATM Server Card Specificat ions ATM Card.
Server Cards 5-1 ISDN-PRI Card Introduction Chapter 5 ISDN-PRI Card 5.1 Intr oduction The ISDN-PRI s erver car d (884060) of fer s users t he ability t o ef fective ly termina te and manage both d edicated a nd switched carrier ser vices in a single syste m.
5-2 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Introduction ISDN-PRI Card B Channel A B channel is a timeslot on any W AN link that is control led by an ISDN D cha nnel. B channel a ssignments to W AN links a re used dynamic ally by t he system as incoming an d outgoing ISDN calls o ccur .
Server Cards 5-3 ISDN-PRI Card Introduction T runk s An ISDN trunk is a l ogical division of B channel s pertaining to a D channel . It consists of one or more con tiguous or non-contiguo us B channel s. All B chan nels in a tr unk must belong t o the same D c hannel.
5-4 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Introduction ISDN-PRI Card Figure 5- 2 shows an applica tion where a user ne eds less than 23 B channel s (say 6 B channel s for video) , and some dedicated DS0s (say 12 for LAN-W AN interconnect ).
Server Cards 5-5 ISDN-PRI Card Introduction Figure 5- 3 shows an ap plication t hat require s 3 D cha nnels. The user has order ed a 23B+D facili ty to each of two di ff erent carrie rs. The third facilit y is a local NF AS (47B+D) connection to the us er ’ s PBX.
5-6 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Introduction ISDN-PRI Card Figure 5- 4 shows how the appl ication in Figure 5-3 would be set up if t he user ’ s PB X was not connecte d to the sy stem.
Server Cards 5-7 ISDN-PRI Card Introduction Figure 5- 5 shows how the system overcomes these disa dvantages. Note that the c onfiguratio n in Figure 5-5 is ident ical to the one in Fig ure 5-3. Figure 5-5 high lights th e abi li ty of the system to be abl e to set the prot ocol bet ween network side and user side for each D c hannel it us es.
5-8 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Introduction ISDN-PRI Card Calls Destined to an HSU Port Each HSU port in the sys tem that i s availa ble to recei ve incomin g calls mus t be assi gned a unique pr imary phone n umber that allows the sy stem to route an inco ming call t o it (see t he Dial scr een in the HSU section).
Server Cards 5-9 ISDN-PRI Card Introduction 5.1. 4 I SDN T runks An ISDN trunk is a logi cal divisio n of B channe ls pertaini ng to the same D channel. A D channel ca n have one or more tru nks. T runks canno t be used for local routi ng, so unless the user has mor e t han one D channe l, tr unks wi ll not apply to the ir syst em.
5-10 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Introduction ISDN-PRI Card Thus, if l ocal rout ing is di sabled, any call comin g into the system on a ne twork side (i.e., local ) D channel will be ro uted only to a user side D c hannel based on the calle d number .
Server Cards 5-11 ISDN-PRI Card ISDN-PRI C ard Description • A call from PBX #1 to 800-444-20 95 will b e routed to PBX #2 if l ocal routing i s enabled , but will be routed to Carri er B if loc al routi ng is dis abled. 5.1.6 Call P rofiles A call prof il e is similar t o a spe ed dial butt on on a telephone or fa x ma chi ne.
5-12 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ISDN-PRI Card User Screen s and Settings I SDN-PRI Card 5.3 ISDN-PR I Card Us er S cr eens and Settings 5.3.1 ISDN-PR I Car d Mai n Sc reen The ISDN-PRI c ard must be configured be fore you c an use it .
Server Cards 5-13 ISDN-PRI Card ISDN-PRI Car d User Screens and Set tings 5.3.2 Main Sc reen Para meter s PA G E The page r eference shows how many pa ges of ISDN ca lls that are current ly acti ve in the system. Use rs can move t hrough the pa ges using th e “ pgUp ” and “ pgDn ” commands from the Menu of Actions.
5-14 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ISDN-PRI Card User Screen s and Settings I SDN-PRI Card CALLING # The call ing number is t he phone number of the ca ll orig inator . TYP E The t ype o f the call is eith er voice , bdata (56k o r 64k), H0 (38 4k), H1 1 (1536k) or MRate (variab le ra te).
Server Cards 5-15 ISDN-PRI Card ISDN-PRI Car d User Screens and Set tings Figure 5- 3 shows the top level ISDN D channel conf igurati on screen. Note that ther e is a separat e col umn for eac h D channel support ed by the syst em. Ta b l e 5-3 lis ts the se ttings co ntrolled on this scr een along wi th their pos sible and default values.
5-16 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ISDN-PRI Card User Screen s and Settings I SDN-PRI Card ST A TE The St ate set ting determi nes the st atus of e ach D channel.
Server Cards 5-17 ISDN-PRI Card ISDN-PRI Car d User Screens and Set tings TS The TS (t imeslo t) sett ing iden tifies the time slot on the W AN link that c arries this D c hannel.
5-18 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ISDN-PRI Card User Screen s and Settings I SDN-PRI Card T able 5- 4. ISDN-PRI Screen Menu of Actions 5.3.4 Config uring ISDN Features When one or more T1 W AN links t erminatin g in a syste m are provis ioned for I SDN PRI, users must confi gure the system ’ s ISDN feat ures before c alls can be set up.
Server Cards 5-19 ISDN-PRI Card ISDN-PRI Car d User Screens and Set tings 5.3. 5 Assigni n g Interf ace Iden tificati ons Each IS DN fa cility (in ter face ) th at ter min ates at th e u ser ’ s premises is assi gned a unique Intf. ID (inter fac e iden tific ati on) by the carrie r .
5-20 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ISDN-PRI Card User Screen s and Settings I SDN-PRI Card In the example sho wn in Figur e 5-9, for D channel #1, t he user pl an s to assi gn B channel s on W AN 1-1, 1-2 and 2-1. T o change an interfac e ID, place the curso r over the desired Int f.
Server Cards 5-21 ISDN-PRI Card ISDN-PRI Car d User Screens and Set tings Additiona lly , times lots that a re alre ady in use b y other resou rces (e.g. user port s and cross-c onnect) a re “ blocke d-out ” with the lette r “ x ” in the appropriate W AN timeslot.
5-22 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ISDN-PRI Card User Screen s and Settings I SDN-PRI Card 5.3. 7 A ssignin g B Chan nels to On e D Chan nel B channels are assi gned to th e highlig hted D channe l by placi ng the cur sor in the r ow represe nti ng the W AN link (inte rface) and the column repr es ent ing the ti meslot.
Server Cards 5-23 ISDN-PRI Card ISDN-PRI Car d User Screens and Set tings Figure 5- 12 shows the cross -connect screen for W AN 1-1 (see W AN chapte r). Note that the D channel sh ows up on time slot #24, th e B channels appear in the prope r timeslots, a nd the DS0s (in thi s case assig ned to the card in us er slot 5, port 1) als o appear .
5-24 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ISDN-PRI Card User Screen s and Settings I SDN-PRI Card 5.3.8 Assig nme nt s fo r T wo or More D Chan ne ls Previous paragr aphs de alt wi th mu ltip le B cha nnels f or a s ingle D channel .
Server Cards 5-25 ISDN-PRI Card ISDN-PRI Car d User Screens and Set tings If you check t he BMap for D Channel #1 aga in, the scre en in Figure 5- 14 shows the B channels control led by D ch anne l #1 (t he curr entl y highl ighte d D channel ) as “ b ” s, a nd the B c hannel s for D Channe l #2 as “ 2 ” s.
5-26 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ISDN-PRI Card User Screen s and Settings I SDN-PRI Card 5.3. 9 B Channe l S tatus S cr een Active B chann els may need to be tak en out of servic e periodical ly for testin g or maintenance by the use r or the c arrier .
Server Cards 5-27 ISDN-PRI Card ISDN-PRI Car d User Screens and Set tings T able 5-5. S tatus Screen Menu of Actions Action Function Send Executes other Menu of Action commands. Changes in B channel s tates will not take effect until the Send command is iss u ed.
5-28 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ISDN-PRI Card User Screen s and Settings I SDN-PRI Card 5.3.1 0 Assigning I SDN T runks Sc reen An ISDN trunk is a gr oup of B channels be longing to a si ngle D channel . It consists of one or more B channels either contig uous or non- conti guous.
Server Cards 5-29 ISDN-PRI Card ISDN-PRI Car d User Screens and Set tings 5.3.1 1 Routin g IS DN T runks Screen T o selec t a routi ng pattern f or the IS DN trunks cr eated in the previo us section, us ers must access t he T runk Routing sc reen f rom the Con figur ation screen .
5-30 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ISDN-PRI Card User Screen s and Settings I SDN-PRI Card Another ex ample of th is proced ure is sho wn in Figure 5-18. If y ou want a singl e incoming trunk gro up to be routed to on ly on e outgoing t run k gro up, D channel #1, t run k gro up “ A ” is routed t o D channel # 2, trunk group “ B.
Server Cards 5-31 ISDN-PRI Card ISDN-PRI Car d User Screens and Set tings 5.3. 12 Assign ment of Se rvices Sc r een Some carrie rs suppo rt cal l-by- call s ervic e selec tion in their ISDN PRI of feri ngs. This feature all ow s u se rs to sel ect a differ ent se rvic e (a nd, u sua ll y , a differen t bi ll ing rate ) for eac h c all placed.
5-32 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ISDN-PRI Card User Screen s and Settings I SDN-PRI Card 5.3.13 Routin g of Incomi ng C alls Screen Call rou ting in the sy stem i s d escri bed in the i nt roduct ion se ctio n of t his c hapt er . Assig nment of phone nu mbers for r outing ca lls betwe en D channels i s done from t he routing s ubscreen.
Server Cards 5-33 ISDN-PRI Card ISDN-PRI Car d User Screens and Set tings If l ocal rou ting i s en ab led (Rou te L ocal = yes ), then any ca ll coming in on a D channel wil l be routed to th e first ma tching phone number , regardless of whether or not th e match is for a loc al device.
5-34 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ISDN-PRI Card User Screen s and Settings I SDN-PRI Card 5.3.15 Perfor mance Monit oring Screen Another sp ecial fe ature of the ISDN-PRI card is t he abili ty to track a nd log perf ormance statis tics on i ncoming and o utgoing IS DN traf fic for each D chann el.
Server Cards 5-35 ISDN-PRI Card ISDN-PRI Car d User Screens and Set tings TIME PERIOD COLUMN The firs t colu mn shows one-h alf of th e curr ent 24 hour one -hour p eriods an d the tota l calcula tion of e ach fiel d for the ent ire 24 hour period.
5-36 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ISDN-PRI Card User Screen s and Settings I SDN-PRI Card ERP KT The Errored Packets colum n shows the tot al number of HDLC fram es that were in er ror during the one ho ur period .
Server Cards 5-37 ISDN-PRI Card ISDN-PRI Car d User Screens and Set tings 5.3.1 7 Initia te Remot e Lo gin Sc reen From the ISDN Co nfigure screen o f the Local system, pr ess the "D " (Dial) command from th e Menu of Actions and the sy stem will promp t you to en ter the phone number .
5-38 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ISDN-PRI Card Error Messages ISDN-PRI Card 5.4 ISDN-PR I Card Error Messages Refer to Appendix B in the System Reference Gui de for f urther i nformation on Error Messa ges re gar ding this ca rd.
Server Cards 5-39 ISDN-PRI Card ISDN-PRI Card Troubleshoo ting Note: When chang ing configurat ion settings on th e ISDN-PRI car d, set ST A TE to conf (for “ configu r e ” ), ma ke changes and then se t ST A TE to act v . Selecting stdby will cause the confi gur ation infor mation fo r tha t D-ch annel to r eturn to the defaul t par amet er s.
5-40 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ISDN-PRI Card Troubleshooting ISDN-PRI Card.
Server Cards 6-1 ACS-PRI/BRI Card Introduction Chapter 6 ACS-PRI /BRI Card 6.1 Intr oduction The ACS-PRI/BRI server c ard (881 1 62) uses 651 xx firmware and of fers users the abil ity to ef fectivel y termina te and manage both dedicat ed and swit ched carr ier serv ices in a single syste m.
6-2 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Introduction ACS-PRI/BRI Card B Channel A B channel is a timeslot on any W AN link that is control led by an ISDN D cha nnel. B channel a ssignments to W AN links a re used dynamic ally by t he system as incoming an d outgoing ISDN calls o ccur .
Server Cards 6-3 ACS-PRI/BRI Card Introduction T runk s An ISDN trunk is a l ogical division of B channel s pertaining to a D channel . It consists of one or more con tiguous or non-contiguo us B channel s. All B chan nels in a tr unk must belong t o the same D c hannel.
6-4 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Introduction ACS-PRI/BRI Card Figure 6- 2 shows an applica tion where a user ne eds less than 23 B channel s (say 6 B channel s for video) , and some dedicated DS0s (say 12 for LAN-W AN interconnect ).
Server Cards 6-5 ACS-PRI/BRI Card Introduction Figure 6- 3 shows an ap plication t hat require s 3 D cha nnels. The user has order ed a 23B+D facili ty to each of two di ff erent carrie rs. The third facilit y is a local NF AS (47B+D) connection to the us er ’ s PBX.
6-6 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Introduction ACS-PRI/BRI Card 6.1. 3 N etwor k and Use r Side Pr otocols In the e xample appl ica tion shown in Figure 6-3, th ere i s an impo rt ant di f fere nce bet w een th e two D chan nel s ter mina ting in the carr ier sw itch es and the D chan ne l term inat ing in the user ’ s PBX.
Server Cards 6-7 ACS-PRI/BRI Card Introduction Figure 6-5 high li ght s th e ability of the sys tem to be able to set the pr ot ocol bet w een net wo rk side and user side for each D c hannel it us es. Since t he PBX can only run th e user si de protocol , the system must run the n etwork side pr otocol on the D channel c onnected t o the PBX.
6-8 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Introduction ACS-PRI/BRI Card 6.1.4 Call R outing The syste m can be si multan eously conn ected to seve ral ne twork a nd user side ACS- PRI/BRI faciliti es and t o a use r ’ s data terminal equipment (DTE) such as a video code c or a LAN router .
Server Cards 6-9 ACS-PRI/BRI Card Introduction 6.1. 5 I SDN T runks An ISDN trunk is a logi cal divisio n of B channe ls pertaini ng to the same D channel. A D channel ca n have one or more tru nks. T runk s cannot be used for local ro uting, so unles s the user has mor e t han one D channe l, tr unks wi ll not apply to the ir syst em.
6-10 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Introduction ACS-PRI/BRI Card Thus, if l ocal rout ing is di sabled, any call comin g into the system on a ne twork side (i.e., local ) D channel will be ro uted only to a user side D c hannel based on the calle d number .
Server Cards 6-11 ACS-PRI/BRI Card Introduction • A call from PBX #1 to 800-444-20 95 will b e routed to PBX #2 if l ocal routing i s enabled , but will be routed to Carri er B if loc al routi ng is dis abled. 6.1.7 Call P rofiles A call prof il e is similar t o a spe ed dial butt on on a telephone or fa x ma chi ne.
6-12 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-PRI/BRI Card Description AC S-PRI/BRI Card 6.2 ACS-PRI/BR I Card Description 6.2.1 ACS-PRI/B RI Card De scrip tion (881 162) The ACS-PRI/BRI card is a n ei.
Server Cards 6-13 ACS-PRI/BRI Card ACS-PRI/BRI Card User Screens and Settin gs 6.3 ACS-PRI/BR I Card User S cr eens and Settings 6.3.1 ACS-PRI/B RI Card Main Screen The ACS-PRI/BRI card must be co nfigured b efore you can use it.
6-14 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-PRI/BRI Card User Screens an d Settings ACS-PRI/BRI Card CREF The Call Referenc e number i s a fiv e digit number that un iquely i dentifi es each call con trolled by a specifi c D channel. A call ref erence number is valid only fo r the life of th e call, and may be reuse d once the c all is rel eased.
Server Cards 6-15 ACS-PRI/BRI Card ACS-PRI/BRI Card User Screens and Settin gs DCH The D Channel numb er is the number of the D channel that i s performing the signaling fo r that call. BWD TH The Bandwidt h field indi cates how muc h bandwidth is being used by the cal l and whether i t is rest ricted or u nrestri cted (i.
6-16 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-PRI/BRI Card User Screens an d Settings ACS-PRI/BRI Card 6.3. 2 D Ch annel C onfigur ation Sc re en The D channel configur ation sc reen consi sts of a st atic dis play on the top half of the sc reen, with a numbe r of subsc reens dis played on t he bottom ha lf of the sc reen.
Server Cards 6-17 ACS-PRI/BRI Card ACS-PRI/BRI Card User Screens and Settin gs T able 6-3. Options and Defaults ST A TE The St ate set ting determi nes the st atus of e ach D channel.
6-18 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-PRI/BRI Card User Screens an d Settings ACS-PRI/BRI Card CAUTION! When a D channel that is eit her in actv (act ive) or conf (co nfigur e) state is r eturned to st andby state, I nterface ID and BMap settings are l ost and r eturned to their defa ult values .
Server Cards 6-19 ACS-PRI/BRI Card ACS-PRI/BRI Card User Screens and Settin gs T able 6-4. ACS-PRI/BRI Screen Menu of Actions Action Function Save Saves chang es to settin gs. Intf Install and change the Interface I dentifications for the highlighted D Channel .
6-20 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Configuring ISDN Features ACS-PRI/BRI Card 6.4 Configuring ISDN Features When one or more T1 W AN links termi nating in a sy stem are provisi oned for ACS-PRI/BRI, users must configur e the syst em ’ s IS DN f eat ures bef ore ca lls can b e se t u p.
Server Cards 6-21 ACS-PRI/BRI Card Conf iguring ISDN Features Y ou must ass ign an int erfa ce I D to any W AN li nk th at w ill c ont ain B cha nne ls be fore yo u will be ab le to a ssig n the spec ific B cha nn el s to t hat fa cili ty .
6-22 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Configuring ISDN Features ACS-PRI/BRI Card 6.4.2 Assig ning B Chann els Choosing th e “ Bmap ” option from the D chann el configu ration scree n of the ISDN car d screen brings up t he s ubscreen s hown i n Figure 6-1 0.
Server Cards 6-23 ACS-PRI/BRI Card Conf iguring ISDN Features 6.4. 3 A ssignin g B Chan nels to On e D Chan nel B channels are assi gned to th e highlig hted D channe l by placi ng the cur sor in the r ow repre sen tin g the W AN link (in ter fac e) an d the co lumn rep rese nti ng the time slot.
6-24 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Configuring ISDN Features ACS-PRI/BRI Card Figure 6- 12 shows the cross -connect screen for W AN 1-1 (see W AN chapter).
Server Cards 6-25 ACS-PRI/BRI Card Conf iguring ISDN Features 6.4.4 Assig nme nt s fo r T wo or More D Chan ne ls Previous paragr aphs de alt wi th mu ltip le B cha nnels f or a s ingle D channel . Ofte n, the s ystem will be c alled upon to manage the I SDN communicati on for more than one D cha nnel, as desc ribe d ea r lier in th is ch a pte r .
6-26 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Configuring ISDN Features ACS-PRI/BRI Card If you check t he BMap for D Channel #1 aga in, the scre en in Figure 6- 14 shows the B channels control led by D ch anne l #1 (t he cur rentl y highl ighte d D channel ) as “ b ” s, and t he B chan nels for D Channe l #2 as “ 2 ” s.
Server Cards 6-27 ACS-PRI/BRI Card Conf iguring ISDN Features 6.4. 5 B Channe l S tatus Active B chann els may need to be taken out of serv ice periodic ally for test ing or maintenan ce by the use r or the c arrier .
6-28 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Configuring ISDN Features ACS-PRI/BRI Card T able 6-5. S tatus Screen Menu of Actions Action Function Send Executes other Menu of Action commands. Changes in B channel states will not take effect until the Send command is iss u ed.
Server Cards 6-29 ACS-PRI/BRI Card Conf iguring ISDN Features 6.4.6 Assig ning I SDN T runks An ISDN trunk is a gr oup of B channels be longing to a si ngle D channel . It consists of one or more B channels either contig uous or non- conti guous. All B channels in a trunk must belong to the sa me D channel.
6-30 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Configuring ISDN Features ACS-PRI/BRI Card 6.4. 7 R outing ISDN T runks T o selec t a routi ng pattern f or the IS DN trunks cr eated in the previous s ection, us ers must access t he T runk Routing sc reen f rom the Con figur ation screen .
Server Cards 6-31 ACS-PRI/BRI Card Conf iguring ISDN Features Another ex ample of th is proced ure is sho wn in Figure 6-18. If y ou want a singl e incoming trunk gro up to be routed to on ly on e outgoing t run k gro up, D channel #1, t run k gro up “ A ” is routed t o D channel # 2, trunk group “ B.
6-32 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Configuring ISDN Features ACS-PRI/BRI Card Figure 6- 19 shows the Services screen an d the assignmen t of tw o mythical services (MASTERPIECE and BUSINESS PLAN) to D channe l #1. The servi ce codes of “ 01 ” and “ 02 ” were assign ed by the ca rrier to t hese serv ices.
Server Cards 6-33 ACS-PRI/BRI Card Conf iguring ISDN Features 6.4. 9 Routi ng of Inco ming Calls Call rou ting in the sy stem i s d escri bed in the i nt roduct ion se ctio n of t his c hapt er . Assig nment of phone nu mbers fo r routing ca lls betwe en D channel s is done from t he routi ng subscreen.
6-34 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Configuring ISDN Features ACS-PRI/BRI Card If local routing is enabl ed (Route Loca l = yes ), then any ca ll coming in on a D channel w ill be routed to th e first ma tching phone number , regardless of whether or not th e match is for a loc al device.
Server Cards 6-35 ACS-PRI/BRI Card Conf iguring ISDN Features 6.4.1 1 Perfor mance Mo nitor ing Another sp ecial fe ature of th e ACS-PRI/BRI ca rd is the abilit y to trac k and log per formance statis tics on i ncoming and o utgoing IS DN traf fic for each D c hannel.
6-36 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Configuring ISDN Features ACS-PRI/BRI Card TIME PERIOD COLUMN The firs t colu mn shows one-h alf of th e curr ent 24 hour one -hour p eriods an d the tota l calcula tion of e ach field fo r the ent ire 24 hour period.
Server Cards 6-37 ACS-PRI/BRI Card Conf iguring ISDN Features ERP KT The Errored Packets colum n shows the tot al number of HDLC fram es that were in er ror during the one ho ur period.
6-38 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Configuring ISDN Features ACS-PRI/BRI Card 6.4.1 3 Initiate Re mote Login From the ISDN Configur e screen of the Loca l syste m, press t he " D " ( Dial ) comman d from the Menu of Actions and the sy stem will promp t you to en ter the phone number .
Server Cards 6-39 ACS-PRI/BRI Card ACS-PRI/BRI Card Error Messa ges 6.5 ACS-PRI/BRI Card Err or Messages Refer to Appendix B in the System Reference Gui de for f urther i nformation on Error Messa ges re gar ding this ca rd.
6-40 Server Cards Model No. Running Head ACS-PRI/BRI Card Troubleshooting ACS-PRI/BRI Card Note: When cha ngi ng c onf igur ation set t ing s on the ACS-PRI/ BRI c ar d, set ST A TE to conf (for “ configur e ” ), make chang es and then set ST A TE to actv .
Server Cards 7-1 IMUX Card Introduction Chapter 7 IMUX Card 7.1 Intr oduction The ISDN card supports B channel bandwid th of 56K, 64K, 384K, 1536K and Mul tiRate (MRa te).
7-2 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Inverse Multipl exer (IMUX) Card Settings IMUX Card Note: If you h ave an En hanced Bus- Connect sys tem (25888 IMUX) and have W AN car d s in slots W -3 and W -4, th e Invers e Multipl exer car d will not work.
Server Cards 7-3 IMUX Card Inverse Multi plexer (IMUX) Card Settings T able 7-1. IMUX Card Main Screen Op tions and Defaults ST A TE The St ate para meter shows the acti vity on th is IMUX eng ine (port). The values a re idle or busy . DIRECTION The Direct ion parame ter shows t he direc tion of a busy circuit.
7-4 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Inverse Multipl exer (IMUX) Card Settings IMUX Card BOND ING M ODE The Bonding Mod e paramet er shows t he bondin g mode use d for thi s call. The va lue s for this settin g are 00 (mode0) and 01 (mode1). The bonding mode is selecte d from the HSU card IMUX screen.
Server Cards 7-5 IMUX Card Inverse Multi plexer (IMUX) Card Settings 7.2. 3 Confi guratio n Scr een The Configur ation scr een is acce ssed by press ing the “ C ” key fr om the Ma in S cree n Me nu of Acti ons . Thi s sc re en c ont rols th e av ail abi lit y of the IMUX eng ine s to s end o r rec eiv e ca lls through t he ISDN syst em.
7-6 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Inverse Multipl exer (IMUX) Card Settings IMUX Card LB S T A TE The Loopback St ate is not an availa ble optio n at this time.
Server Cards 7-7 IMUX Card Inverse Multi plexer (IMUX) Card Settings T able 7-5. The HSU Card Dial Screen Settings and Options PRIMAR Y # The Prim ary Number is the main phone number u sed to rou te incoming ( non-IMUX) calls for this HSU por t. This numbe r must be unique throughout all HSU ports in the sys tem.
7-8 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Inverse Multipl exer (IMUX) Card Settings IMUX Card DIAL TRIGGER The Dial T rigger tell s the 8213 HSU card when to in itiate dialing. (See Dialing wi th High Speed Data Cards in the HSU Card chapte r .) In order for di alin g to be init iat ed, th ere must b e a call pr ofile act ive for t his HSU port.
Server Cards 7-9 IMUX Card Inverse Multi plexer (IMUX) Card Settings CURRENT PROFILE The C u rre nt Pro file ind ic ate s if a ca ll p rofi l e is lo aded into t his H S U po rt ’ s diali ng memory .
7-10 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Inverse Multipl exer (IMUX) Card Settings IMUX Card Figur e 7-5. HSU Card Call Profile Scr een T able 7-7. Settings for HSU Card Call Profile Parameters Parame.
Server Cards 7-11 IMUX Card Inverse Multi plexer (IMUX) Card Settings DCHAN The D Channel number identifi es which D Ch annel to r oute all ou tgoing calls t hat use t his call profil e. The options a re numbers 1 - 8 . CALLED # The Called Number is th e full tel ephone number of the dev ice you are ca lling.
7-12 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Inverse Multipl exer (IMUX) Card Settings IMUX Card RA TE MUL TIPLIE R The Rate Mult iplier par ameter is automatical ly set de pending upon the Channel Rate (other than Mr ate or a n IMUX cal l) c hos en in th e p rev iou s paragr aph.
Server Cards 7-13 IMUX Card Inverse Multi plexer (IMUX) Card Settings CALLING# TYPE The Calli ng Number T ype identifie s the ty pe of net work used by the calling party . Th e options are na tnl for dome stic call s, int nl for inte rn ati ona l c alls , and sbscr for V irtua l Privat e Network (VPN) calls.
7-14 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Inverse Multipl exer (IMUX) Card Settings IMUX Card 7.2. 6 Inver se Mu ltiplexe r - IMUX Pressin g " I " f ro m t he Menu of Actions br ing s up the IMUX scr een and allows t he user to se t the synch ronizati on mode and timer setting s used for pl acing IMUX c alls (from Be llcore TR-4 1) .
Server Cards 7-15 IMUX Card Inverse Multi plexer (IMUX) Card Settings T able 7- 9. IMUX Call Scr een Settings Options and Defaults BOND ING M ODE The Bonding Mode settin g defines wh ich end of the IMUX call wil l perform the synchroni zing tas ks needed t o complete the call .
7-16 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Inverse Multipl exer (IMUX) Card Settings IMUX Card TXDISC T IMER The T ime r (bothway) Di sconnect s etting defi nes the du ration of time nece ssary for se nding the disc onnect in dication prior to dis connecti ng the cal l.
Server Cards 7-17 IMUX Card IMU X Card Error Messages 7.3 IMUX Card Error Messages Refer to Appendix B in the System Reference Gui de for f urther i nformation on Error Messa ges re gar ding this ca rd. 7.4 IMUX Card T roubleshoot ing On po wer-up, the IM UX ca rd perf orm s a self -tes t.
7-18 Server Cards Model No. Running Head IMUX Card Troubleshooting IMUX Card.
Server Cards 8-1 IPR Card Introduction Chapter 8 IPR Card 8.1 Intr oduction This chapt er provi des insta llation, co nfigurat ion, and tr oubleshoo ting info rmation fo r the IP Router (I PR) Card. Thi s card is labeled as t he IPR 10B2 (8 83060) and I PR 10BT (883160) card on t heir fac eplate ej ector .
8-2 Server Cards Model No. Running Head IPR Card Descriptions IPR Card The IPR will automat ically det ermine when to Bridge packets and when to route them, based on the MAC d estination address i n the Ether net header . IPR will forward packets matc hing an entry in the addr esses table, configur ed manual ly by t he user .
Server Cards 8-3 IPR Card Frame Rela y Network 8.3 Frame Relay Network 8.3. 1 I PR Co nn ecti ng IP LAN s The IPR Card can be used for connec ting IP LANs toge ther through Frame Relay Ne twork. Figure 8- 1 shows a Fra me Relay Networ k between two Et hernet LANs.
8-4 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Frame Relay Network IPR Card IPR to the Internet The IPR car d ca n be used as a g ateway to t he Int er net through Fr ame Relay Networ k. Fi gure 8-2 shows h ow the IP R is routed th rough Fram e Relay Netw ork to the Internet Rout er .
Server Cards 8-5 IPR Card Frame Rela y Network IPR The IPR Card can be used for connecting IP nodes on Ethernet to the IP nodes on Frame Relay Network. This is used for networ k management solution s. Figure 8 -3 shows how the IPR card is used t o connect IP nodes on Frame Relay Netw ork.
8-6 Server Cards Model No. Running Head IPR WA N Routing IPR Card 8.4 IPR W AN Routing IPR is des igned to provi de a maximum le vel of flexi bility to users wit h dif ferent IP W AN topology requiremen ts.
Server Cards 8-7 IPR Card Fully Meshe d vs. Partially Mesh ed 8.5 Fully Meshed vs. Partially Meshed 8.5.1 Fully Mes hed Fr ame Re lay Ne twork A single I P network nu mber (or su bnet) is assigned to a n entire Fra me Relay networ k.
8-8 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Fully Meshed vs. Partially Meshed I PR Card 8.5.2 Parti ally Me shed Fram e Relay Net work (Same I P Net work) In this topology , r outer E (a nd all the I P nodes behi nd it) wil l not reach routers A, B and C (theref ore, all th e nodes behi nd them).
Server Cards 8-9 IPR Card Fully Meshe d vs. Partially Mesh ed 8.5.3 Parti ally Me shed Fram e Relay Net work (Diffe rent IP Net work) The Frame Rel ay router should be able to suppor t dif ferent IP n.
8-10 Server Cards Model No. Running Head Fully Meshed vs. Partially Meshed I PR Card 8.5.4 Unnu mbered IP I nterf ace When using a point-to -point Frame Re lay IP int erface, it is sometime s very useful for a use r not to as sign an IP address t o this Fram e Relay inter face, but rather to us e an IP addr ess of anoth er int erfac e (e.
Server Cards 8-11 IPR Card IPR Card Configuration Screens and Settin gs 8.6 IPR Card Configu ration Screens and Se ttings 8.6.1 IPR 10B 2 (8 8306 0) and 10BT (883 160) Ca rds Main Screen IP I nte rfac e Me nu is the main scre en of IPR 1 0B 2 and I PR 10BT car ds.
8-12 Server Cards Model No. Running Head IPR Card Configuration Scre ens and Settings I PR Card T able 8-1. IPR 10B2 and 10BT Card Main Screen Actions T able 8-2. IPR 10B2 and 10BT Card Interface Option Settings and Defaults NAME The name (8 character s max.
Server Cards 8-13 IPR Card IPR Card Configuration Screens and Settin gs 8.6. 2 Ether net and Def ault IP Sc r een The Ethern et IP scr een activ ates the Ethernet ports for routing to an IP add ress. Figu re 8-10 shows the E thernet a nd Default IP screen.
8-14 Server Cards Model No. Running Head IPR Card Configuration Scre ens and Settings I PR Card T able 8-4. IPR 10B2 and 10BT Ethernet and Default IP Option Setting s and Defaults ST A TE Activate s or deact ivates E thernet port . The sett ings are actv or stdby .
Server Cards 8-15 IPR Card IPR Card Configuration Screens and Settin gs DEF AUL T TYPE The Defaul t T ype is wher e the IP i s routed thr ough: IP gatewa y , RIP protoc ol, or to t he host CPU IP node.
8-16 Server Cards Model No. Running Head IPR Card Configuration Scre ens and Settings I PR Card 8.6.3 Ethern et Per forma nce Sc reen The Ethern et Perfor mance scre en is disp layed by pres sing “ P ” ( Perf ) fr om th e Et her net screen.
Server Cards 8-17 IPR Card IPR Card Configuration Screens and Settin gs 8.6.4 ARP Screen The ARP scree n will dis play when pres sing the “ A ” ( Arp ) from t h e Et hern et s cre en . F i g ure 8-12 shows t he ARP T able sc reen. This scre en will dis play ARP Entries , Ethern et Addresse s, and the S tate in which each ARP e ntry (e.
8-18 Server Cards Model No. Running Head IPR Card Configuration Scre ens and Settings I PR Card 8.6.5 Frame Re lay Ports Conf igur ation Screen The Frame Rel ay Ports Con figurat ion screen di splays when pressing “ F ” ( Fr ) fro m the IP Interf ace Me nu sc ree n.
Server Cards 8-19 IPR Card IPR Card Configuration Screens and Settin gs T able 8-6. IPR 10B2 and 10BT Frame Relay Menu Option Setting s and Defaults ST A TE Activate s or disa bles the F rame Relay port . Options ar e act v (active), o r stdby (standby) .
8-20 Server Cards Model No. Running Head IPR Card Configuration Scre ens and Settings I PR Card LMI LMI Encaps ulation. Choi ces are ansi, c cit t, lm i, n on e. DCE P ARAM DCE parameter s: ( DCE T392, N392, an d N393 LM I p aram ete rs). DTE P ARAM DTE parame ters: ( DTE T391, N391, N392, and N393 paramete r).
Server Cards 8-21 IPR Card IPR Card Configuration Screens and Settin gs 8.6. 6 Frame Rela y PVC Con figurat ion Scr een The Frame Rel ay PVC Configur ation sc reen, Figure 8 -14, confi gures the Frame Relay PVC by enter ing the PVC name, st ate, and po rt in whic h to activat e.
8-22 Server Cards Model No. Running Head IPR Card Configuration Scre ens and Settings I PR Card T able 8-8. IPR 10B2 and 10BT FR PVC Configuration Option Setting s and Defaults NAME The name of t he PVC. The name mus t be at leas t 8 charac ters lon g.
Server Cards 8-23 IPR Card IPR Card Configuration Screens and Settin gs RIP Options a re T , T R&T , a nd none. Opti ons are none, R, T , and R&T . SH Spli t Ho ri zon . Op tion s are yes or no. WT Additiona l route we ight for al l the rout es coming from t he current PVC.
8-24 Server Cards Model No. Running Head IPR Card Configuration Scre ens and Settings I PR Card 8.6.7 PVC Perf orma nce S creen The PVC Perfor mance screen, Figure 8-15 is displ ayed by pre ssing “ P ” ( Per f ) fro m the FR PVC/Bridge M enu scr een or PVC/IP Me nu screen.
Server Cards 8-25 IPR Card IPR Card Configuration Screens and Settin gs 8.6.8 Frame Re lay Po rt Perf ormanc e Screen The Frame Rel ay Port Per formance scr een, Fig ure 8-16 displ ays when pr essing “ P ” ( Perf ) from the Frame Relay Menu screen.
8-26 Server Cards Model No. Running Head IPR Card Configuration Scre ens and Settings I PR Card 8.6. 9 Frame Rela y Port LM I Scr e en The Frame Relay Port LMI scr een Figure 8- 17, shown belo w displays t he informatio n relati ng to the DCE and DTE statis tics for por t C1-C3 depending on which port is chosen.
Server Cards 8-27 IPR Card IPR Card Configuration Screens and Settin gs 8.6. 10 IP Rou ting T able Sc r een The IP Routi ng T able is a display only scre en. Figure 8 -18 will disp lay when pre ssing “ O ” ( rOut ) fr om the IP In terface Menu scr een.
8-28 Server Cards Model No. Running Head IPR Card Configuration Scre ens and Settings I PR Card 8.6.1 1 S tati c Rou tes Co nfig urat ion S creen The St atic Rout e Configurat ion scree n, Figure 8-19 d isplays wh en pressi ng “ S ” ( St a t ) fro m the IP Int erfa ce M enu scre e n.
Server Cards 8-29 IPR Card IPR Card Configuration Screens and Settin gs T able 8-10. IPR 10B2 and 10BT IP S tatic Routes Configuration Option Setting s and Defaults IP NET A destina tion IP ne twork address . Enter a va lid IP addr ess (e.g. 125.15.0.
8-30 Server Cards Model No. Running Head IPR Card Configuration Scre ens and Settings I PR Card 8.6.12 IP Perf orma nce Screen ( Netst ats) The IP Perf ormance sc reen will display by pr essing “ T ” ( neT st ) fr om th e IP Interf ace Men u screen.
Server Cards 8-31 IPR Card IPR Card Error Messages 8.7 IPR Card Err or Messages Refer to Appendix B in the System Reference Gui de for f urther i nformation on Error Messa ges re gar ding this ca rd. 8.8 IPR Card T roubleshooting On power -up, the IPR card perfo rms a self -test.
8-32 Server Cards Model No. Running Head IPR Server Card Speci fications IPR Card 8.9 IPR S erver Card Sp eci fication s IPR Card (Models 8830 60 and 8 83160) Inpu t/Ou t pu t 4 maxi mum ( 1 10 - Ba seT Eth ern e t, 3 Frame R ela y W ide-Are a N e twor k ) LAN T raffic I/O 1 0BaseT Frame Relay T ra ffi c I/O T1, E1, fT 1, fE1, V .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Zhone Technologies 900 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Zhone Technologies 900 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Zhone Technologies 900, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Zhone Technologies 900 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Zhone Technologies 900, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Zhone Technologies 900.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Zhone Technologies 900. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Zhone Technologies 900 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.