Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit S-500 du fabricant Zebra Technologies
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Zebra T echnol ogies Corporation 333 C orpora te Wo ods P arkw ay Vernon H ill s, I llino is 60061-31 09 Phon e Numbe r: (847) 634- 6700 Tele fa x Num ber: (847) 913- 8766 Ze bra T ech no log ies E ur.
Pr oprie t ary Sta teme nt This m anua l con tai ns pr op riet ar y in for mation of Ze bra T ech nol ogies C or por atio n. It i s intended solely for th e information and use of parties operating and main taining the equ ipme nt de scr ibed he rein .
W arranty In formation 1. Pri nter W arr anty ZEBR A ® printers, excl udin g thermal p r intheads w h ich ar e warr anted separ at ely b el ow, ar e war ranted ag ai nst defects in material or workmans hi p for six (6) months from th e date of origi nal shipmen t by ZEBRA Technol o- gies Co r por ation.
All statements, techni cal inf ormation and recom mendations relating to ZEBRA Products are ba sed upon tests believed to be reliable but do not constitute a guar antee or warranty.
Wa rranty Informat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Zebra Softwar e License Agre ement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i i Unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ad just th e Me di a Re st Posi tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Ad just the Positi on of the Top of the Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Opera t ing You r Zebra Stripe Prin t er .
CANCE L Key Se lf Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 PAUSE Key Self Tes t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 FE E D Ke y Se l f Te st . . . . .
Bar Codes at Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Labeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Adju stin g the Printh ead . . .
1 Getting S tarted Congra tulations ! Yo u have just p urcha se d a high- quali ty t herma l dem a n d printe r man ufactur ed by the indus try le ade r i n quali t y, se rvice, an d value– Z ebr a Tech nologies Corpora tion. For ove r 25 years, Zebra has prov i ded c ustomer s with the highe st caliber of pr oduct s a nd su pport.
Storage a nd Resh ipping If you ar e not placi ng the Zebra Stripe P ri n ter in to oper a tio n immed iatel y, rep ackage it usin g t he orig inal p ackin g ma teri als. Th e Zeb ra Str i pe Pr inte r may be s to red under t he follo wing con ditions .
V o ltage Selec tion The Stri pe is av a ila ble from the factor y preset for eithe r 10 0-12 0 VAC el ect rical pow er or 220-24 0 VAC ele c tri cal powe r. Re fer to the product labe l on the back of th e pri nter a nd m ake s ure t hat t he unit is properl y conf igured fo r yo ur p ower req uire ments.
Com munica t io ns The Stripe comes with e ither an El ectronics I ndustries Associ ation (EIA) RS- 232 serial dat a i nterf ace or a fact o ry-i nst alled pa rallel i nt erf ace. In both cas es, you m ust supply the req uir ed in ter face c able for yo ur a ppl icati on.
Media and Ribbon Loading Media NOTE: A Media Calibration must be performed when media and ribbon (if used) ar e first in- stalled in the printer , or when a differ ent type of media or ribbon is installed. See page 14. Media widths and thicknesses vary between applications.
Fanfold Medi a L oa din g Fa nfold m e d ia, from outside th e pr i nte r, fee ds throu gh eit her the botto m or rear a cce ss slot. To load fanf old me dia, thread the medi a thro ugh the Printhea d Assembly as shown in Fi gure 4 . Adju st t he Med i a Sup ply Guid e a nd th e Med ia G uide ag ainst th e ou ter edg e of the medi a.
Figure 4 Fanfol d Med ia Load ing in T ear- Of f Mode Figu re 5 Cutte r Mo de Media Loadin g 1 Ge tting St arted 7.
Pe el - O f f Mode Medi a Loadin g (Peel-Off Option Re q uired) Fig ure 6 il lustra t es an S-500 printe r with th e Pe el-Off O ption. To insu re proper m edia lo ading , see Figur e 6 and foll ow the proce du re below .
Removing the L abel Backing Material ( Peel Off O ption Re qui red ) Whe n t he a m o unt of ba cking wo und on the Ba cking Rewi nd Spindle reac hes full capa cit y, t he B ackin g R ewi nd Spi ndl e Fu ll S enso r act iv ates, th e Pa per/ Ribb on l igh t flash es, and pri nting pau ses.
Adjus t ing the Media S e nsor Whe n t he S tripe printer is pow ered ON , it perf orms a se lf te st and c onfigures i ts op erati n g ch aract eris tics . S ome o f t he se char ac teri sti cs ar e de termi n ed b y th e po sit ion of the Me dia Sensor .
Ribbon Loadi ng Adjusting the Ribbon Supply Spindle Ribb on Su pply Sp indl e: N ormal Posi tion In the Norm a l P osition, the “ Dua l-Ten sion” Ribbon Suppl y Spindle pro vides the desir ed amoun t of ribbon ba c k -tensi on for diffe rent ribbo n widths.
Loading the Ribbon T o l o a d ri bb on , see F ig ur e 9 an d f ol low th e pr oced ur e bel ow . Note: Use rib bo n tha t is wide r than the me dia . The sm oot h backi ng of t he rib bon pr ot ect s the pri nth ead f rom wear a nd pr em atu re fa ilure du e to e xcessi ve abr asio n.
Init ial P rinte r T es t To insu re proper s ens ing of t he me dia and ribbo n, perform a Media Calib ration. Th is pr oced ure esta blis hes th e med ia para meter s f or t he p rin te r.
Configuration Mode The Confi gur atio n Mode allo ws you to fine-t une the inte rnal pri nter c onf igura t ion sett i ng s for you r a p pl ic a tio n.
3 . Turn t he power s wi tch ON . W hen the Po wer ON S elf T est i s comple te, t he POWE R an d P AUSE l ig hts w ill b e ON an d th e PRI NTHEA D ligh t w ill FLA SH. 4 . Press the MODE key 3 t i mes briefly. PAUSE and C ALIBRATE lights turn ON. 5 .
Ge tting St arted 16.
2 Operation Opera ting Y our Ze bra Strip e P rinter Now th a t your prin ter is rea dy fo r opera t ion, how does i t work ? The Zebr a St ripe Pri nter is desig ned to recei ve inst ruct ion s f rom a h os t co mput er, su ch a s an IB M-c ompati ble PC.
pr inti ng. The P APE R/R IBBON lig ht f las hes t o indica te this co ndi ti on. To r emov e the bac ki n g from th e Rew ind Spindl e , se e page 9. Cutter Mode (F actory-Installed Cutter Option Required) When th e me dia i s i n th e rest ( idl e) p ositi on, th e s tart of the l abel to be pri nted is dir ec tly und er t he p rin thead .
Figure 11 AC P ower ON/OF F Switc h Figur e 12 Zeb ra S tripe Printer Front Panel 2 Operation 19.
Front P anel Keys P AUS E Key Starts and stop s the p rinting p rocess. - If the printer is not printin g: no printin g can occ ur - Pri n ting : printing s tops once the current lab el is complete FEED Key Forces the printer to feed one blan k lab el.
P rinter Status Sensors The Zebra Stripe Printer c ontains several status sensors. These sensors alert the operator to various conditions by either stopping t he printing or turning on a light. Se nsor What it monitors Ho w it wo rks Printhe ad Sensor Che cks the open/cl osed sta tus o f the Printhead l ever .
Figu re 14 Backing Rewind S pind le Full Sens or Positi on Figur e 1 5 L abel Avail able Sens or P os iti on Operation 22.
Samp le ZPL II L abel Format s ZPL II ® is Zebra Techn ologies Cor poration ’s Zebra Pro gram ming L angua ge II lab e l desi gn l ang uage . ZPL II let s yo u cr eate a wid e var iety of l abels fro m th e si mple to the ver y co mple x, incl udi ng tex t, b ar co des , and graph ic s.
For mat 2: Saving a Label Forma t As a Gr a phic Ima ge Lin e # T ype th is lab el format: Y ou ’ll get th is print out: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ^XA ^LH30,30 ^FO20,1 0^AD^FD ZEBRA ^FS ^FO20,60^B3N,Y , 20,.
3 Ro utine C a r e and Ad justment Clea n ing CAUTION : Use only the cleaning agents indicated be low . Zebra Technologies Corporation will not be re sponsible for any other fluids being used on this printer. No lubr ican ts are needed . Tab l e 1 prov ides a brie f cleani ng schedul e.
Cleaning the P r inthead Incon sisten t print quali ty, suc h as voids in the bar c ode or grap hics, may i ndicat e a dir ty print head. For optim um p e rform ance , Ze bra reco mme nds pe rf ormin g t he fol lowing cle anin g procedur e aft er every roll of ri bbon.
Cleaning the Cutter Module (F or Printer s Equippe d wit h the Optional Cutter) The Cut ter M od ule requi re s per iod ic cle an ing to r emove pa per dust and gum med l abel resid ue. The proc edur e on the followi ng pages s hould be pe rform ed by the ope rat or accor ding to the sche dule on pa ge 25.
I. Remove the Cutter Module from the pr inter . 1. T urn the printer ’s AC pow er OFF . 2. Raise the printer ’s Media Ac cess Door and lower the printer ’s Fron t Door . See Figure 17. 3. Remove the Labe l Catch T ray by li fting it up and away from the f ront of the Cutter M odule.
II. Disa ssemble the C ut ter Module . 1. See Figure 20. Hol d the Cutter M odule a s illustrated. Put yo ur thu mbs on the two W ire Spring Loops and your index f ingers on the top of the R ear Cutter Blad e Guard. It may h elp to lay the Cutter Modul e on a table or other su rface through out this pr ocess.
IV. Reas semble the Cutter Module. 1. See Figure 22. P o sition th e two Wi re Springs d own ag ainst the Low er Cutter Blade. 2. Plac e the Rear Cutter B lade Guard ove r the W ire Sp rings, perp endi cular to its fina l positio n. Place you r thumb s on the top (fla t) part of th e Guard .
Figur e 23 Re assembl ed Cut ter Module Figure 24 Cutter Module Rein stallatio n 3 Rou t ine Care a nd Adjus tment 31.
V. Reinstall the Cutter M odule. 1. See Figure 19. P o sition th e Cutter Modu le above th e Cutter Mou nting Posts. Press dow n on the Cu tter Modul e until the Moun ting Slots en ga ge the Mo unting P os ts on the printer . 2. Se e Figu re 18. Tight en t he Mount ing Screw in a cloc kwise direct ion to hold th e Cutt e r Mo dul e in P osit ion.
Mech ani cal Adjus tment s The Stri pe prin t er ha s been designe d with min i ma l opera tor adju stments re qu ired. Print Qu ality Adjus tments In the fact ory, the St ripe pr i nte r is aligne d .
T oggle P ressure Adju stm ent The Tog g le Assemb l y presses th e printhe ad a g ainst the rib bon (if use d), the m edia, an d the plat en . The pressur e appl ied by t he Toggle Asse mbly may need to be increase d or reduced when di fferent thick nesses or widt hs of media a re use d in the pri nter .
Media Sensor Position Adjust ment This pr ocedure was covere d in Chapt e r 1. See pag e 10. Ribbon Supply Spindle Adjustment This pr ocedure was covere d in Chapt e r 1. See pag e 11. Back ing R ewi nd Power R oller Adjus tmen t (P eel- Off Option R eq uire d ) NOTE: This Roller is only present on printers with the Peel-Off Op tio n.
Whe n t he P owe r Rolle r is properl y adjuste d, the bac ki n g mat eria l sho uld hav e eve n tensi on across its en tire width an d be wrap ped s nugly a round all Gui des and Rol l ers . If the te nsio n is n ot ev en, t he med ia/b ac kin g mat erial ma y sli de (walk ) t o th e l eft or t o th e right as pri nting occur s.
4 T roub lesho oting and Di agno stics If the Zebra Stripe P rinte r oper ates in a n abnorm al fashi on, consul t the Tro ublesh ooting Tab l e be l ow. The Print er Diagno stics foll owing the T roub leshoo ting Tab l e ma y also help you to d eterm i ne the pr oblem.
Troub lesho oting Tab le Sym ptom Dia gnos is Act ion P rinter s tops, P AUSE l ight ON and P APER/ RIBBON light FLASHING. Ribbon incorrectly or not loade d . Load ribbon corre ctly . See Chap ter 1. M a l f un ct i on in g R i b bo n S e n s or . Cal l a s er vice tec hnicia n.
Troub lesho oting Tab le Sym ptom Dia gnos is Act ion T runcat ed print , no p rint, or FEED Key o pera tes inco rrec tly whil e using non - conti nuous media. Media or ribbon improp erly loade d . See Media and Ri bbon Loadin g Instru ction s in Cha pter 1.
Troub lesho oting Tab le Sym ptom Dia gnos is Act ion When using wide ribb on (o ver 2.4 "), the image gets ligh ter o r sme ars near the end o f t he roll of ribbon. Ribb on app ears to slow do wn or stop. T o o much bac k- tensi on on the ribbo n.
Troub lesho oting Tab le Sym ptom Dia gnos is Act ion Printing sto ps. P APER/RI BBON , P AUSE, and CANC EL lights on Out o f media. L oad medi a. See C hapter 1. Fo r printers with the Cutter Option insta lled. Med ia jammed i n Cutter . Remove me dia, clean Cutter Module if neces sary .
CANCEL K ey Self T est Thi s sel f test pr ints th e pr int er ’s confi guratio n para m et ers that a re curre ntly store d in Conf igurati on (EE PROM) Me mory.
FEE D Key Self T es t The resu l ts of this s e lf te st will be used to determ ine the be st Darknes s Setting for a spec ific m edi a /ri bbon com binati on. Se e Figure 29. The FE ED K e y Self Te st labels will pr i nt at various plu s or mi nus Darkne ss se tting s rela t ive to th e curr e n t darkn e ss s ett ing.
MO DE K ey S elf T es t Thi s sel f test p la ces t he p rinte r in a Co mmun icati ons D iag nost ic s Mo de. I n th is mod e, the pri nter p rin ts the ASCI I ch arac ters and th eir corre spondi ng hexa decima l values fo r a n y data rece ived fr om th e host comp uter .
Note: Y our printe r ma y not h a v e all of t h e op t ions describ e d in th ese s pec i fi catio ns. −.
• Tear- off mode : Pr oduce d i n stri ps • Pe el-of f m o de ( S-500 only ): Dis pens ed an d peeled from the liner • Cutte r mode (S-500 onl y): P rinte d and indiv idual ly cut • Rewin d mo.
• 512 KB RA M Expansion (for a tot al of 1 MB RAM) (S -500 only) • 256 KB RA M Expan sion (for a tota l of 512 K B RAM) (S -300 only) • * 256 KB Batte ry B acke d- Up RAM for l ab el form a ts a.
For m ore in formation on f onts , refer t o your ZPL II Prog ramming G uide. 8 Dots/mm P rinthead Fonts D ot Matr ix (h x w) (Def au lts ) Typ e* Minim um Character S ize (h x w) Max Char /In ″ ″.
The re are many opt i on a l char a ct er fonts that ca n be p urchase d for your Str i pe in add itio n t o tho se wh ich are st anda rd i n the uni t. F rom ti me t o ti me, ad dit ion s may b e mad e to the l is t of avai lable fo nts. Con tact Zeb ra T ec hnologie s Corpo ration or yo ur sale s repres enta tive for furthe r i nf ormation.
CG Tim es - Standard 0123 456789.,?!Aa B b C cDdEe F fGg CG Times - Bold 012 3456789.,?! AaBbCc DdEeFfGgH h CG Ti mes - Italic 01234 56789.,? ! AaBbCc DdEeFfGg HhIi CG Tim es - Bold Ital ic 0 12345678 9.,? !AaBbC cDdEeF f CG Times - Bold 012 3456789.
6 Supp ort Serv ices How to Reach Us Which number d o you need? Ze bra T ech nol ogies Corpor a tio n, USA Zebra T echno logie s Euro pe Li m i ted , U K Inq uir y Depa rtm ent : For lite rature and distributo r information .
T e chn ical Support Service via T el ephone Befor e you call - M isunderstanding in struction s or omitting a step are the most commo n sources of error.
Zebra Tec hn ologi es C orpo rat ion Serv ice For m Zebra T echnol ogies Corporation 333 Corpor ate Woo ds Parkwa y Vernon H ills, Illi nois 60061 -3109 Phone N umber: ( 847) 913-2 259 Telef ax Nu m b.
Product Servi ce and Support Programs At Ze bra Techno logies , our se rvice and s upport goa l is to ke ep your pr inte r perfor ming optim all y. Zebr a Tech ni ca l and Re pair S ervic es prov ide a broa d range of se rvice op t ions and a re y our expe rt source s for your supp ort and main tena nce needs .
W ang Customer Serv i ces Division Zeb ra Te chnologi es’ Auth orized N ational Serv ice Suppl ier provid e s On- Site Mai nten ance of the c ompl et e lin e of Zebr a pri nt ers. W ang and Zebr a wo rk tog ether t o pr ovi de th e Total Car e S ervice P rogra m for our cus tom e r s.
and tr a ini ng. Take a dvantag e of our ye ars of e xperi e n ce a nd give your t echn i cia ns the adva ntage of compr e h ens ive fa ctor y t rai ning. Tra i ning i s con ducted a t Ze bra’s Cor porat e fac ility lo c at ed a shor t drive away fr om Chic a g o’s O’H are Interna tiona l air port.
Ze bra T rai ning P rogr ams At Ze bra Techno logies , our tr a ini ng goal is to pr ovide qua lity tra ining progra ms that enha nce the va l ue of yo ur Zeb ra ® prin ters. We r ea lize t wo of the m ost i mport an t as pects of succ essful prin t er ope ration and ma i n tena nce are e xperien c e a nd t r aini ng.
Operations and M a intenance Cours es Each O perat ions and Mai nt ena nce Cour se first introdu c es the st udent to vari ous bar code c o ncep t s a nd term inol ogy.
Bar Co des at W ork This on e day cour se present s an introdu ction to Bar Co ding. Thi s course will di scu ss bar cod e ter mino log y, sp ec ific ati ons, and app licat io ns as soci ate d wit h sele cted, oft en- used bar c odes.
Support Serv ices 62.
Appe ndix Adjus t ing the Prin t head Only ad just the pri nthead pos i tio n if you have done the fol low ing and are s till expe riencing un satisf a ct ory print qua l ity (the pro cedure s f or these adjustm ents are loc ate d in Ch apter 3 .) : 1 .
15. Re -insta ll the Printhea d Support Brack et using th e two mounti ng screw s. 16. Press P AUSE and ob serve the test label s to insure con sistent print qual ity and proper paral lelism acro ss the top of the labels. R epeat proc edure if required .
Printer In terface T ec hnica l Informa tion RS - 232 Inte rfac e Sig nal Leve ls For a ll RS-23 2 input and ou tput signa ls, the Str i pe pri nter follow s both the E lec troni c s Industr i es Assoc i ation (E IA) RS-232 and the Consu ltative Comm ittee for Intern ational Tele graph and T elepho ne ( CCITT ) V.
RS -232 Cabling Requirements The require d cable must ha ve a 25-pi n “ D” Type (DB25P) conne ctor on one e nd, whic h is plugged into the m ating (DB25S) connec tor locate d inside t he ac cess opening on the left side of the printer. (Refer t o Figure 11 on page 19 for the location of this cable.
Para llel I nterface The pa rall el inte rfac e pr ovi des a mean s o f co mmun ic atio n w hich is typ icall y faste r than the pr e v ious ly me ntione d se rial inte rfac e me t ho d. In thi s met hod, the bits of dat a wh i ch make up a char ac ter a re sen t all at o ne t ime o ver sev eral wires in the cab le, o ne b it p er wire.
Signa l Desc ripti ons The fol lo wing char t prov ides a d escr ipt ion of eac h of th e pin s i n th e para llel co nnec tor . A standard paral l el data cable will p rovide the requi red in terconn e ct ion bet ween t he com puter a nd the Stripe pri nter.
Glo ssary alphanumeric I nd icati ng l et ters, nu meral s, an d ch arac ter s su ch a s punct uation ma rks. back feed B ackf eed i s wh en th e print er pulls t he me dia and ribbo n (if used ) ba ckwa rd in to the p rinte r so th at the begi nning of the labe l to be pr inte d is prope rly positio ned behin d t he print head.
recy cled b y th e en d-u sers . L abel bac ki n g (or line r) has a non- stick sur fa ce whi ch allo ws t he labe l t o b e easi l y r emov e d b y the end-us er a nd pla ced in the d esi red loca ti on. med ia Mat e r ial on to whic h data is print ed by the pri nter .
A AC Power, 3, 18 AC Power C able, 3 AC Power Fu se, 32 Adju st men ts Media Se nsor Positi on, 10, 33, 35 Prin t darkne ss, 33 Pr in t Qu a li ty , 3 3 Prin thead Po sition, 33 , 63 Backing Rewind Po.
Me dia Cali bra ti on, 14 Media Guide, 5 Media Sensor s, 10 , 26 Media Suppl y Guide, 5 MODE Key , 20 N Null Mo dem, 6 7 O Operat i n g Mode s Cu tter, 1 8 Peel-Of f, 17 Rewind (E xternal), 6, 18 T ea.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Zebra Technologies S-500 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Zebra Technologies S-500 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Zebra Technologies S-500, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Zebra Technologies S-500 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Zebra Technologies S-500, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Zebra Technologies S-500.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Zebra Technologies S-500. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Zebra Technologies S-500 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.