Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 2060 du fabricant Xerox
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Xer o x DocuColor 2060 NPS/IPS System Overview Guide 721P9 0540 V e rsion 8.0 Octobe r 2002.
Xerox Cor poration 701 S. A viatio n Boul ev a rd El Segu ndo , CA 9 0245 ©2002 by Xerox Cor poratio n. All r ights reser ved. Copyright prot ectio n claime d includ es all for ms and m atters of cop.
System O verview Gui de iii T able of contents Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Laser sa fety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of co ntents iv System Overview Guid e 2. Prin ter contr oller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 1 Printer controller co mponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Sun Blad e 1000 workstation .
Tabl e o f cont ents System O verview Gui de v Color ima ge support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Background color for OCA colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Bi-level IOCA colors . . . .
Table of co ntents vi System Overview Guid e.
System Overview Gu ide vii Safety Laser safe ty W ARNING Adjustments, use of con trols, or perf ormance of procedures other than those spec ified herein may result in hazardous light exposure. The Xerox DocuColor pr in te rs a re cer tified to comply with th e perform ance s t and ard s of t he U .
Safety viii System Overview Guid e Ozone informat ion : U . S. only This pr oduct produ ces oz one during no r mal opera tion. The amoun t of oz one produ ced depe nds on cop y vo lume .
Safety System O verview Gui de ix • Nev er use suppli es o r c leani ng mat er ial s for other th an th e ir intend ed purposes. K eep al l materials out of the re ach of chil dren . • Nev er op erat e th e equ i pmen t if you not i c e unusu al no ises or odors .
Safety x Syst em Overview Guide Electrical supply This pr oduct shall be oper ated from t he type of electrical suppl y indicate d on the product’ s data p late labe l. If y ou are not sure that your ele ctr i c al supp ly meet s the requi rem ents, plea se consul t your loc al power comp any f or ad vice.
Safety System O verview Gui de xi Maintenance Any operator pro duct mainte nance pro cedur es will be descr ibed in the u s er docu menta tion s uppli ed with t he prod uct. Do n ot carry out an y maintenan ce on the product, wh ich is not described in the custome r document ation.
Safety xii System Overview Guid e Radio and telecom munica tions equi pment directi ve (Eur o pe only) Certification to 1999/5 /EC Radi o Equipment and T elecommunications T ermina l Equipment Directi.
Safety System O verview Gu ide xiii For fur ther information F or mor e infor mat ion on Enviro nmen t, Heal th an d Sa fety in relatio n to th is Xerox produc t and s upp lie s, pleas e cont act t he.
Safety xiv System Overview Guid e.
System O verview Gui de xv Intr oduction This gui de pr o vides a n o v e rview of th e i nd ivid ual co mp on ents of the NPS/IP S printing system and ho w the y work toget her . It is design ed to pro vide y ou with bac kgr ound in f or mation that can be used to make inf or med decisio ns rega rdin g pr int er use and perf or mance .
Introductio n xvi System Overview Guid e • Appe ndix A, “P aper and othe r supplie s,” pro vides inf or mation and spe cifica tions on paper and othe r medi a used wi th the system, as well as instructions f or ordering supplies.
Introd uction System Overview Gu ide xvii Related publications The Xerox DocuColor NPS/IPS do cumentation set includ es the documents listed below . NO TE: F or a lis t of I BM reference manua ls for IPDS pr inti ng, ref e r to the Solution s Guide f or IPDS Printing.
Introductio n xviii System Overview Guid e.
System O verview Gui de 1-1 1. System o ver view This chap ter pro vides a n ov er view o f the f eatures and fu nctions of the DocuColor 2060 NPS/IPS. Functional overview of the NPS/IPS The NPS /IPS printe rs suppor t the processing and printing of PDL an d AS CII j ob s fr om ne tw ork w o rkstation s , a s well as I PD S jobs from an IBM ho st.
System o verview 1-2 Syste m Over view G u ide System component overview DocuColor NPS/ IPS The entire DocuColor NPS/IPS system includes the printer (also kno wn as an IO T or print engine) , printer cont roller , printer inter f ace, and all appropriate softw are.
System o verview System O verview Gui de 1-3 NPS/IPS concurrent printing The Xero x NPS/IP S can receiv e a v ariety of data streams includ ing IPD S, P ost S cr i pt Lev els 1 a nd 2, PC L 5e, TIFF , and ASCII. The system automatically sense s the type of job a nd processe s it appropriatel y .
System o verview 1-4 Syste m Over view G u ide • Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514) This MI B defines v ar iab les usefu l in managi ng a “host” system. In th is conte xt, a h ost is a computer th at is directly used by h uman bei ngs and t hat comm unicate s with o ther similar computers attache d through a n etwork.
System o verview System O verview Gui de 1-5 Sixth S ense is int ended to automate a nd e xpedit e the ra nge of ser vice-rel ated s upp or t funct ions. S ixt h S ens e is a to ol th at enab les Xer ox to prov ide benc hmark ser vice support. Xero x customers benefit from the ability to bring broader su ppor t to f o cus more quic kly .
System o verview 1-6 Syste m Over view G u ide Printing conside rations f or the DocuColor 20 60 NPS/IPS This section d escr ibes some sp ecial consid eratio ns fo r color printing o n the 2060. Image quality This secti on describes im age quality consider atio ns.
System o verview System O verview Gui de 1-7 Duplex printing The DocuCo lor 2060 can au tomat i c ally pro duce du plex color pr in ts fr om all pa p er trays f o r medi a weight s up to 22 0 gsm. The system will not automatica lly duple x media heavier than 220 gsm or la rger t han 320 mm x 458 m m.
System o verview 1-8 Syste m Over view G u ide.
System O verview Gui de 2-1 2. Printer controller The printer control ler manage s print opti ons , prov ides the u ser interf ace , and runs system man agement and diag nostic oper ations on de mand.
Printer con troller 2-2 Syste m Over view G u ide Printer controller components The printer controll er consists of a specially-co nfigured Sun workstat ion a nd uses prop rietar y Xero x hardwar e , firmwar e, and soft ware.
Printer con trolle r System O verview Gui de 2-3 Figure 2-1. Components of the printer contr oller 1. Monitor 2. Mous e 3. K eyboar d 4. Diskette drive 5.
Printer con troller 2-4 Syste m Over view G u ide • Har d disk drive: A 36 G B pr imar y disk dr ive is provided as a standard f eature of the proce ssor . The oper ating sys tem, the NPS/IPS applicatio n, and a ny qu eued print job s are stored on the in ter nal disk.
Printer con trolle r System O verview Gui de 2-5 Figure 2-2. Bac k panel of the printer controller 1. Access p anel lock b lock 2. S er ial conn ectors A a nd B , DB-2 5 3. P a rallel connector 4. SCS I connector 5. Univ ersal serial b us (USB ) connect ors 6.
Printer con troller 2-6 Syste m Over view G u ide 12. Gra phics card / video connector (frame bu ff er not use d) 13. PCI card slots 3 and 2 14. P ower c onn ec tor 15.
Printer con trolle r System O verview Gui de 2-7 – Docu Print Print Service Soft ware includ ing softw are compo nent s for the us er int erface, dr iver , d ec omp oser s, Job P ool Mana ger , and other operat ing system utilities.
Printer con troller 2-8 Syste m Over view G u ide – Letter Got hic (Medium, Italic , Bold) – Alb er tus [Mediu m (semi -bold), E xtra B old – Anti que Oliv e (Medium , Italic , Bold ) – Claren.
System O verview Gui de 3-1 3. Printer componen ts and options The printer processes the electronic data and im ages recei ve d from t he contro ller an d produces th e printed out put. This ch apter describes the components a nd option s av ailab le f or the printer .
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-2 Syste m Over view G u ide 7. T ranspo r t module 8. T ra y 3 9. T ra y 2 10. T ra y 1 11. Uppe r door Input tra y capacity T ra y capacity f or the input tra ys is: • T ra ys 1 and 2 h old 550 sh eets of 24 -pound or 90 gsm b ond paper .
Printer component s and optio ns System O verview Gui de 3-3 T ouch screen The touch screen displ ays m essages that indicate t he status o f the printer during idle , run, or f ault cond itions . The touch screen displ ays t he def ault screen sele cted in the T ools Mode by y our system admin istrator .
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-4 Syste m Over view G u ide Aler t scre ens An al er t scr e en ha s a red b ar ac ross the scr ee n wh en a consumab le pr oduct such as d r y ink needs to be replac ed. An aler t screen also in dicat es tha t the p r inter is unable to pr in t because of a f ault co ndition.
Printer component s and optio ns System O verview Gui de 3-5 Printer control panel Y our DocuColo r 2060 NPS/IPS ha s a control pan el with words or with inter n ational symbols.
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-6 Syste m Over view G u ide The functio n of each b utton is described in the f ollowing ta ble . NO TE: All f unctions ma y not be activa ted f or y our system. T abl e 3-1. Control panel buttons Name and symbol Function Features Not used for DocuColor 2060 NPS /IP S.
Printer component s and optio ns System O verview Gui de 3-7 Help Addit ional in forma tion u seful in comp letin g a task i s displ ayed on the tou ch s creen. Clear Al l Not used fo r DocuCol or 2060 NPS/IP S. Interrupt Not used for DocuColor 2060 NPS /IP S.
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-8 Syste m Over view G u ide A udio tones The printer sounds an au di b le tone to dire ct y our atten ti on to a printer pr ob lem. There a re three tones: • Attention The Atten tion tone indicates t hat the b utton pressed is not able to be s ele cted .
Printer component s and optio ns System O verview Gui de 3-9 Identifying the internal components Figure 3-5. Inter n al view of the Docu Col or 2060 1. Dry ink / toner ca r tridges 2. E xit modu le paper path 3. P aper path 4. S er ial n umber l abel 5.
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-10 Syste m Over view G uide Serial n umber label If the Do cuColo r 20 60 ha s a loss of power making it imp ossi ble to acc ess the Machin e Det ails ta b to get th e ser ial num ber , open the tw o m ain fr ont do ors .
Printer component s and optio ns System O verview Gui de 3-11 Figure 3-7. P aper P ath 1. F r om tra y 4 2. T ranspo r t module 3. T o the printer 4. F rom horizonta l (dup le x) tran spor t 5.
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-12 Syste m Over view G uide T ranspor t module Figure 3-8. T ranspor t module paper path 1. P aper from tra ys 1, 2, and 4 2. Uppe r t ranspor t 3. T o the printer 4. Si ng le si ded p ri nt s from the h or izon tal tra ns por t 5.
Printer component s and optio ns System O verview Gui de 3-13 The lo wer paper pa th in the T ranspo r t Module ca rries the p aper from the lo wer paper p ath in the printer to th e upper paper path in the printer wh en dupl e xing. P aper path in the printer Figure 3-10.
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-14 Syste m Over view G uide Exit module Figure 3-11. Exit module paper path 1. Decurler 2. Duplex in ver ter t ranspor t 3. T o printer 4. T o inv er ter transpo r t 5. F rom pr inter 6. T o the output d e vice Figure 3-12.
Printer component s and optio ns System O verview Gui de 3-15 A comple ted print p asses through the e xit module to t he offset catch tra y . The e xit module co ntains a de curler that remov es the curl from the pap er which occurs du r ing the fusing pr ocess.
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-16 Syste m Over view G uide Figure 3-1 3. Xero x DocuColor 2 060 NPS/IPS high-capaci ty fee de r 1. Contro l pane l 2. Left do or 3. Ri ght door T ray capacity The high-cap acity f eede r tra y hol ds 2500 sheets o f 24-pound or 90 gsm bo nd pap er .
Printer component s and optio ns System O verview Gui de 3-17 • T abb ed ins er ts can be r un, but ar e not recomme nde d for tra y 4 High-ca pacity sta cker The hig h-capacity stack er is an opti onal finish ing de vice th at provid es stac king and offse tting capabilities f or output into a stac ker car t.
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-18 Syste m Over view G uide High-capaci ty stac ker modes The High -capacity stac ker off ers the f ollowing options f or output. T op T ray mode The High- capacit y stack er div er t s sheets that a re too small or too large to be stac k ed and pr oof sets to th e top tr a y .
Printer component s and optio ns System O verview Gui de 3-19 Figure 3-15 . High-capa city stac ker stapler (HCSS) 1. Contro l pane l 2. T op tra y 3. Offset catch tr ay T ray capacity The HCSS off set catch tr a y has a ca pacity of 200 0 sheets of 2 4 pound (90 gsm ) paper .
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-20 Syste m Over view G uide.
System O verview Gui de 4-1 4. Netw ork printing en vironment The NP S/IPS s ystem su pports the person al comp uter (PC) , Sun workstation, DEC wor kstat ion, HP/Apollo, I BM RS/6000 an d Apple Macintosh. It accepts P ostScript le ve ls 1 and 2, PCL 5, TIFF , and AS CII output.
Network prin ting enviro nmen t 4-2 Syste m Over view G u ide • DECS tation 500 0/200 runnin g DEC Ultrix, ve rsion 4.3 • Apple Macintosh, Syste m 7, 7.5, o r 8.x, using AppleT alk throug h Ether T alk, phase 1 or 2 • Any system that suppo r ts RFC-1179 lpr/lpd.
Network pr in ti ng enviro nment System O verview Gui de 4-3 The othe r w ay to submit p rint jobs to t he printer is b y creating a PDL da ta file. After the f ile is cr eated, the u ser closes th e docu men t an d s ubmi ts the jo b usi ng one o f the following method s: • lpr command: Pro vides optio ns f or submit ting print jobs .
Network prin ting enviro nmen t 4-4 Syste m Over view G u ide The Macin tosh uses Prin ter Access Proto col (P AP) to communicate with one or more DocuPr int pr inters. F or conv en ienc e, y ou r inte r net ma y be di vi ded in to zon es. A zone can be any lo gi cal gro uping of indivi dual wor kstat ions a nd pr in ter s.
Network pr in ti ng enviro nment System O verview Gui de 4-5 Job stat us f e edbac k Client workstations d ispla y f ault me ssages and ad ditional inf or mation, such a s th e sta tu s of f eeder tr a ys and o utp ut bins . I f proper ly configur ed, th e wor kstat ions may be able to displ ay job statu s, as shown below .
Network prin ting enviro nmen t 4-6 Syste m Over view G u ide T o determine the st atus of j obs submitt ed using th e lpr comman d, you must issu e an lp q comma nd at th e comma nd li ne. Some a pplication soft ware pac kages ma y pr ovide a simplified means of obtain ing jo b sta tu s, such as t hr ough t he use of icon s.
Network pr in ti ng enviro nment System O verview Gui de 4-7 Multiple networ k connectivity The system sup por t s multiple ne twork connectivity , that is , the abili ty for protoco ls such as TCP/ IP t o r un on mo re than one netwo r k interface . F or TCP/IP , th e system can supp or t any combi nation of E thernet or T oken R ing.
Network prin ting enviro nmen t 4-8 Syste m Over view G u ide.
System O verview Gui de 5-1 5. IPDS printing en vironment The NPS /IPS emu lates an IBM AFP Gr oup 3 page printer wi th the Adv anced Function Ima ge and Graph ics (AFIG) option.
IPDS p rinting environ ment 5-2 Syste m Over view G u ide The NPS/IP S can be set up to receiv e d ata from the IB M host in one of tw o w a ys: • Thr ough a bus and ta g chan nel c onn ec tio n.
IPDS prin ti ng envi ro nm en t System O verview Gui de 5-3 Figure 5-2. Printing system: TCP/IP configuration 1. Host system (PC or mainfram e) 2. Inter f ace net work (Ethernet or T ok en Ring) 3. P rinter cont rolle r 4. Printer interf ace cable s 5.
IPDS p rinting environ ment 5-4 Syste m Over view G u ide Channel in te rfac e—channel -att ached s yste m s only The chann el interf ace board, co nnected to th e channel cable connecto r bo x, hand les all I PDS commu nications a nd handsha king wit h PSF on the h ost when th e NPS/IPS is receiv ing dat a ov er a channel .
IPDS prin ti ng envi ro nm en t System O verview Gui de 5-5 IPDS data stre am All IPDS resources (print data se ts, page definitions , f orm definit ions , page segm ents, f onts , and o v erla ys) that a re supp or ted by the IBM 38 25 an d 382 7 pr int ers ar e su ppor ted by the Xero x software .
IPDS p rinting environ ment 5-6 Syste m Over view G u ide The IOCA Replica te and T r im capab ility all ows f or f aster transmission to the pr inter of AFP a pp lica tions with IM im ages that ha ve l arge or wide spread sh aded area s. It a lso reduces the stor age area r equired on the host and on the p rinter .
IPDS prin ti ng envi ro nm en t System O verview Gui de 5-7 Bi-lev el IOCA colors The printer accepts the ne w IOCA color sp aces in th e e xtended controls (r ef erred to as t he “ 4 E” color trip l ets). Th ese in clude the Highligh t Color and Stand ard OCA Color .
IPDS p rinting environ ment 5-8 Syste m Over view G u ide.
System O verview Gui de A-1 A. Supplies This app endix pro vides i nf or mation and specific ations f or the media you use wi th your X erox DocuCol or 20 60 N PS/IP S p ri nter .
Supp lies A-2 System Overview Guid e These and other document s are a v ailab le at: • The Xe rox Field Infor m at ion Ce n ter : http://www .xero x.
Supplie s System O verview Gui de A-3 Duplexing The DocuColo r 20 60 NP S/ IPS pr in ts duplex from all p ape r trays up to 2 20 gsm. The system does not print duple x on media hea vier than 220 gsm or large r than 12.
Supp lies A-4 System Overview Guid e • Letter head: D iff erent inks and dr y inks are used to prod uce preprinted letterhe ad that ma y not pass th rough th e printer intact. It is recom mended th at yo u run a sample j ob throu gh the pr in te r to det er mine output qu ality .
Supplie s System O verview Gui de A-5 Storing paper P aper has a ten dency to curl under the heat that is present inside x ero graphic eq uipme nt. T o m inimize t he amount of c ur ling , use paper with low moisture content. P aper with excessiv e moistur e content has a tenden cy to jam becau se of the greater curl.
Supp lies A-6 System Overview Guid e Figure A-2. Recommended temp erature and humidity for paper storage Conditioning paper Beca use te mperat ur e and humid ity af fect paper p erfor ma nce in the pr in ter , you need to c o ndit ion pape r before usin g it.
Supplie s System O verview Gui de A-7 Exam ple: (Se e the shaded rows in the ta ble abov e .) If y ou want to mo v e ten car tons of paper fro m a storage area with a temper ature of 90 o F to an oper ating ar ea with a temper ature of 75 o F (a 15 o diff erence) , yo u should do so at le ast 14 ho urs bef ore using t he paper .
Supp lies A-8 System Overview Guid e Developer De v eloper is not consumed b y the printer b ut does ha v e an eff ective lif e of appro xim ately 100, 000 page s per bottl e, guar anteed b y Xer o x. De v eloper is a requ ired item and must be k ept on han d.
Supplie s System O verview Gui de A-9 Fonts Data ca n be printed on DocuColor printers in many sizes a nd type styl es called f onts. A fo nt is a ch aract er set which has unique char acteristics, su.
Supp lies A-10 System Overview Guid e T able A-4 . Stoc ks list f or DocuColor 206 0 NPS/IP S printer Item Description P ar t number Pa p e r Xerox paper qu antiti es are 1 0 ream s (5,000 sheet s) to a c ar to n unless othe rwis e noted below . 8.5 x 11 i nch 4024 Dual Pur pose P aper 3R721 A4 4024 Dual Pur pose P aper 3R2594 8.
Supplie s System O verview Gui de A-11 8.5 x 11 i nch Dual Pur p ose Co lors—Gol denrod 3R3062 8.5 x 11 i nch Dual Pur p ose Co lors—Gol denro d, 3-hole 3R3078 8.5 x 14 i nch Dual Pur p ose Co lors—Gol denrod 3R3094 8.5 x 11 i nch Dual Pur p ose Co lors—Ivor y 3R3064 8.
Supp lies A-12 System Overview Guid e T ra nsparen cies Xe rox transparencie s ar e packaged 100 sh eets t o a box. 8.5 x 11 i nch Clear , with a white str ip on the edg e 3R2780 8.5 x 11 i nch Clear , high speed, with pa per backing 3R3028 Labels (gummed) Xerox labels are packaged 100 shee ts to a box.
Supplie s System O verview Gui de A-13 Supplies lists The f ollo wing i tems are shi pped with the DocuColor 2060 NPS/ IPS. It is rec ommen de d th at you hav e a supp ly of t hese it ems a vailable to eli minat e downti me when t hey need t o be repla ced.
Supp lies A-14 System Overview Guid e Ordering su ppli es T o a v oid unnece ssar y do wntime , alw a ys ha v e an adequa te amou nt of t he nec essa r y supp lie s. T o do t his, you need to esta blis h a pro cedur e for checking an d ord er in g s upp lies.
Supplie s System O verview Gui de A-15 Please prov ide the f ollowi ng inf or mation wh en placin g orders: • Y our customer number (provided b y y our Xero x sales repr esent ati v e) • Y our pri.
Supp lies A-16 System Overview Guid e The f ollo wing ta bl e is a chec klist y ou can u se to kee p trac k of the supplie s you order . T able A-7. Supplies chec klist f or DocuColor 2060 NPS/IPS Sup.
System O verview Gu ide INDE X-1 Inde x A Adob e fonts 2- 7 Advanced Function Im age and Gr aphics (AFIG) 5-1 AFP en vironmen t 5-5 B back pan el, Sun w orkstations 2- 4 BCOCA (Bar code Object Content.
Index INDEX-2 Syst em Overview Guide H hardwa re netwo rk opt io ns 4-4 – 4-5 HCF 3-15 HCS 3-17 HCSS 3-18 Hewlett-Packard PCL f ont s 2-7 , 2-8 high -capa city f eeder 3- 15 high-capacity stacker 3-.
Index System O verview Gu ide INDE X-3 print jobs submitti ng 4-2 – 4-5 printe r atten t ion a larm 3- 1 compon ents 3-1 config urations 3-1 5 printer control conso le 3-1 purge t ray 3- 1 sample tr.
Index INDEX-4 Syst em Overview Guide W workstations client 4-1 descrip tion 4-1 – 4-5 X Xerox Client Softwar e 2-7 Xerox Cu stomer Parts a nd Product Suppor t Center A-14 Xerox Su pply Ce nte r A-14.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Xerox 2060 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Xerox 2060 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Xerox 2060, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Xerox 2060 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Xerox 2060, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Xerox 2060.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Xerox 2060. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Xerox 2060 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.