Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit XS400 du fabricant Xantrex Technology
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XS400 Si ne W ave I n ver ter Owner ’ s Guide.
XS400 Sine Wave Inverter Owne r ’s Guide.
Abou t Xa ntrex Xantre x T echn ology In c. i s a world-l eading supplie r of a dvance d powe r ele ctroni cs and control s with prod ucts from 50 watt mobile units to one MW util ity -s cale syste ms for wind, sol ar , batt eries, fuel cel ls , microtu rbin es, and backup power app licatio ns in both gri d-connec ted and sta nd-a lone sy st ems .
975-0054-01-01 i ii Ab ou t This G u ide Pu rpose The XS400 S ine W a ve Inv erter Owne r ’ s Guide contains inf or mation for insta lling, ope r ating, and trouble shooting the XS400 Si ne W ave Inver te r (XS400) and the S400 Remote Switch.
About T his Guide iv 975- 0054-01-01 Chapte r 3, “Operatio n”, p rovides i nformat ion ab out opera ting th e XS400 and S400 Remote Switch . Details a re provided on how to read the front panel indic ators to monit or the XS400.
About This Gu id e 975-0054-01-01 v Acron yms an d Ter minol ogy R el at ed In f o rm at io n Y ou can find more informatio n about Xantrex T echnolog y Inc.
975-0054-01-01 v ii Important Safety Instructions Gener a l Precautions 1. Before insta lling a nd using th e inver ter , r ead a ll a ppropriat e sect ions of this gui de and any caut ionary marking s on the inver te r and the batt eries. 2. Do not operate the invert er if it has r ece ived a s harp blow , b een dropped, or oth erwise damaged.
Import ant S afety I nst ructi ons vii i 975-0054-01-01 4. T o reduce the ris k of e lectr ical shock , disconnect both AC and DC power f rom the inve rter before wor king on any circuit s connec ted t o the inver ter . T urning the On/S tandby swit ch to Stand by ( ) will not reduc e this risk.
Impo rtant S afety Inst ruc tions 975-0054-01-01 i x FCC I nf or mat io n to t he Us er This Class B devic e complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and all requir ements of the Canadia n Int erferenc e-Causing Equipm ent Regula tions.
975-0054-01-01 xi Im port ant Sa fety Ins tru ction s General Pre cautions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vii Precau tions Whe n Workin.
Contents xii 9 75-0054-01-01 3 Operat ion Front Pane l Features - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3–2 Operat ing the XS400 - - - - - - - -.
Con tent s 975-0054-01-01 xiii Wa rrant y and P rod uct In forma tion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WA– 1 War rant y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
1 Intr oducti on Congratulations on your pur chase of the Xantr ex XS400 Sine W ave Inve rter! The XS400 has been des igned to give you premium power, ease of use, and outstanding reliability . The XS400 is bundled with the convenient S400 R emote Switch.
Introduction 1–2 975-0054-01-01 How XS400 W orks XS400 is a sine wa ve in verter whi ch conve rts 12 volt s dir ect-c urrent (DC) power f rom your b attery t o 120 v olts alternati ng c urrent (AC ) power . Th is AC power is the same as the e lectr ic ity you g et f rom your utility .
Comprehensive Protection 975-0054-01-01 1–3 Compre hensive Pr otection XS400 is des igned t o meet UL 458 a nd CSA C 22.2 No. 107.1 saf ety stand ards a nd it i s com pliant with F CC Class B . XS400 comes equipp ed with numerous protec tion featu res to gua rantee you sa fe a nd worry- free ope ration.
Introduction 1–4 975-0054-01-01 XS400 F e atures Fron t P an el Figur e 1- 1 F r ont P anel of the XS40 0 T ab le 1-1 Fr o n t P a n e l Fe a t u r e s Fe a tu r e D e s c r i p ti o n 1 On/St and by Switch turns th e i nve rter t o On ( ) or to St andby () .
XS400 F e atures 975-0054-01-01 1–5 Back P anel Figur e 1- 2 Bac k P anel of the XS400 T ab le 1-2 Back Panel F eatures Fe a tu r e D e s c r i p ti o n 1 DC ter mi n al , negat ive 2 DC ter minal ,.
Introduction 1–6 975-0054-01-01 S400 R emot e Switch Fron t P an el The On/St andby swi tch provi des r emote control wh en the XS400 is opera ting in invert mode.
2 Installation Chapter 2 , “ Installation”, provides detailed information for installing the XS400 and the S400 R emote Switch. This chapter provides: • a system diagram • safety instructions .
Insta llation 2–2 975-0054-01-01 Introducti on The sys tem diagra m shown in Figur e 2-1 is the bas ic instal lation. Revie w this dia gram carefully be f ore install ing the XS400.
Prepar ing fo r Inst allat ion 975-0054-01-01 2–3 Prepa rin g for I nst al la ti on Read this e ntire i nstalla tion c hapter so you can plan the i nstallati on from begin ning to end. Prior to begi nning your install ation, revie w the “Importa nt Safety Ins tructions” on page vii.
Insta llation 2–4 975-0054-01-01 Ma te ria ls L ist Y our XS400 Sine W ave Inver te r package include s: • One XS400 Sine W ave Inver te r • One S400 Remote Switch • 25 f t.
Prepar ing fo r Inst allat ion 975-0054-01-01 2–5 Materials for XS400 and S400 Remote Switch T o insta ll the XS400 and S400 Remote Switch, you require: ❐ DC ca bles (S ee T able 2-1 on page 2–9.) ❐ Appropria tely sized c onnector s. T wo DC conne ctors su itable for ¼ inch (6 mm) that go on the DC input cable te r minals.
Insta llation 2–6 975-0054-01-01 Ins t alli ng t h e XS4 0 0 Ov er vi e w This c hapter provi des deta iled information on instal ling the XS400. The overa ll pr ocedure is di vided i nto twe lve st eps: 1. Design ing your insta llati on (page 2–6) 2.
Inst allin g the X S40 0 975-0054-01-01 2–7 Ch oosing a Location The inverter shoul d only b e inst alled in a locati on t hat meets the foll owing requirement s: : W ARNIN G: Risk of fi re or ex plosion This equipment contain s compone nts that could pro duce arcs or sparks.
Insta llation 2–8 975-0054-01-01 Battery Requir ements The b atteri es tha t you use strongl y af fec t t he perfor mance of t he XS400. It is importa nt to connect the inve rter to the corr ect siz e and type of battery . See Appendix B, “Battery T ypes and Siz es” on page B–1 for m ore inform ation.
Inst allin g the X S40 0 975-0054-01-01 2–9 DC Cables For the best loa d start ing perfor mance, the DC cables should be as short and lar ge as possible . See T able 2-1 for minimum recommende d cable size. Using a smaller cable may cause the inve rter to shut down under heavy loa d.
Insta llation 2–10 975-0054-01-01 St ep 2 : Mo unt in g Y o ur I n ve rt er Mount your i nverter before you c onnect a ny wir es or c ables. For your conve nience, the inver te r dimensions are pro vided in Figure 2-9 on pa ge 2–25. T o m ount your XS400: 1.
Inst allin g the X S40 0 975-0054-01-01 2–11 Ste p 3: Con necting t he C hassis Gr ou nd The chassi s grou nd lug is used to conne ct the chassis of the inver te r to your syst em’ s c hass is grounding poin t, a s requir ed by installa tio n codes.
Insta llation 2–12 975-0054-01-01 Ste p 4: Instal ling the S 400 Remo te Sw itch Inst alling the S400 Remote Switch i s o ptional. The XS400 operates normal ly without th e remote switc h. The S400 R emote Switch is designe d to be flush mount ed on a wall, bulkhe ad or panel.
Inst allin g the X S40 0 975-0054-01-01 2–13 4. Connect one end of the telephone cable to the back of the inve rt er as shown i n Figur e 2-3. 5. Connect the other e nd of the telephone cable to t he remote switc h as shown i n Figur e 2-4. 6. Place the remote switc h in the opening and secure it with the four #6 fasten er s.
Insta llation 2–14 975-0054-01-01 Ste p 5: G ett ing Ready t o Co nnec t the DC C ab l es The DC cables shoul d be as short as possibl e and lar ge enough to handle the re quire d current, in accordan ce wit h the ele ctrical c odes or regula ti ons appli cable to your insta llatio n.
Inst allin g the X S40 0 975-0054-01-01 2–15 St ep 6 : Ro ut i n g t h e D C C ab les Guidelines for Routing the DC Cab les • Do not attempt to use the chassis in place of the batter y negati ve connec tion for groundi ng. The inverter requi res a relia ble return path direc tly to the battery .
Insta llation 2–16 975-0054-01-01 Ste p 7: Con nect ing the DC Cab les Figur e 2- 5 Con ne ctio n O r d er f or DC Ca b l es C AUTI ON: Rev ers e pol ar i ty Before making the f inal DC connectio n, c heck cable polarity a t both the batt ery a nd the inver ter .
Inst allin g the X S40 0 975-0054-01-01 2–17 T o co nnect th e D C ca b les: Connect the DC cable s as shown in F igure 2- 5, in t he order shown by the numbers . 1. Switch the On/S tandby swit ch to the S tandby ( ) position . 2. Route t he DC cables from the batt ery bank t o the inverte r .
Insta llation 2–18 975-0054-01-01 Ste p 8: Con necting Y our Applian ces t o th e GFCI O utle ts T o connect your AC applianc es to t he GFCI outlets: 1. T urn the inver ter ’ s On/Sta ndby switc h to Standby ( ). 2. T urn your AC applianc es off .
Inst allin g the X S40 0 975-0054-01-01 2–19 Step 9 : Ha rd wiri n g th e A C Ou tpu t If yo u wis h to pe rmanently conne ct addit ional AC outle ts, X ant rex recommends ha rdwiring the AC output connecti ons. T o h ard w ire the AC outp ut co nn ec ti on s: 1.
Insta llation 2–20 975-0054-01-01 3. Locate the wiring box acc ess panel, and remove the thr ee screws to access the wiri ng box as shown in Figur e 2-7. 4. Remove the wiring box acc ess panel from the unit . 5. Inst all a 1/2 inch ca ble cla mp. 6.
Inst allin g the X S40 0 975-0054-01-01 2–21 13. T ight en the wire attachme nt scre ws to a torque of 1.3– 1.8 lb f-ft (1. 76–2.44 Nm) as s hown in F igure 2 -8. Leave so me slack insi de the output wir ing box. 14 . Sec ur e th e ca bl e cl am p o n t he c abl e ja ck et .
Insta llation 2–22 975-0054-01-01 Ste p 10: P erformi ng Che cks P rior to Initia l Star t-up Before starti ng u p your inverte r , ensu re t hese c onditions are m et: ❐ Chassis gr ound is proper.
Inst allin g the X S40 0 975-0054-01-01 2–23 Ste p 12: T estin g Y ou r Insta llation There ar e two tests to be perfor med. The first tes t verif ies that the XS400 opera tes i n invert mode. The se cond test ver ifies t hat t he XS40 0 opera tes in shore power mode.
Insta llation 2–24 975-0054-01-01 4. If t he a ppliance operat es, your insta llati on is s uccessf ul. 5. If your applia nce doesn’ t operate , r efe r to “Tr oub leshooti ng” on page 4– 1.
Inst allin g the X S40 0 975-0054-01-01 2–25 Figur e 2- 9 In verter Dimens ions This drawing is not to sc ale. A full sca le mounting template is availa ble at www .
Inst allin g the X S40 0 975-0054-01-01 2–27 Figur e 2- 10 S400 Remote Switch Mounting T empla te (Scale approximately 1:1) 2.5" (63.5) 2" ( 50.8) Inverter ON 2.1" (53.5) 1.6" ( 40. 8) 0.2" TYP (5.0) 0.2" TYP (5.0) 1.1" ( 28 .
3 Op erat io n Chapter 3 , “Operation” explains how to use your XS400 eff ectively . This chapter explains how to turn the XS400 to On () or Standby ( ) from the front panel or from the S400 Remote Switch, monitor the st atus of the XS400, and reset the inverter .
Operat ion 3–2 975-0054-01-01 Front P ane l Feature s Before you begin to opera te the XS40 0, r e view the f ront pane l feat ur es in Figure 3-1. For a detail ed de scription of each of the dif ferent featu res, se e “F ront Panel of t he XS400” on pa ge 1–4 in the “I ntroducti on” chapte r .
Oper ating the X S400 975-0054-01-01 3–3 Op erat in g th e X S4 0 0 The XS400 operat es in either invert mo de or shore powe r m ode. Inver t mode In invert m ode, the XS400 powers your appliances from the batt ery . S ee “Operati ng in Invert Mode” on page 3–5.
Operat ion 3–4 975-0054-01-01 Using the S400 R emote Sw it ch The S400 R emote Switch perfor ms the same func tion as the On/S tandby switc h on the XS400. Inver t mode us e only The S400 Remote Switch provides On/ Sta ndby c ontrol only whe n the XS400 is operatin g in invert mode.
Oper at ing in In v er t M ode 975-0054-01-01 3–5 Op erat in g in In v e rt Mode In inver t mode, the XS400 powers your appliances f rom the batte ry .
Operat ion 3–6 975-0054-01-01 Re chargi ng Y our B atteries W hen Low Batter y Lig ht Il luminat es Low batter y If the Low Battery light ill uminates on the XS400 while it is ope rating, your batte ry lev el is low (less than 10.
Op era ti ng in Shor e P ow er Mode 975-0054-01-01 3–7 Op erat in g in Sh ore P ower Mode Definit ion Shore power (pass- through) ref ers to the AC input power from a utility grid, gener ator , or e xternal AC sou rce.
Operat ion 3–8 975-0054-01-01 Moni tor ing th e I n dic a tor L ight s The four indi cator light s on the fron t panel show you the opera ting sta tus of the XS400. See T able 3-2 . For a n illus trat ion of the indicator light s on the front pa nel, se e “F ront Panel of t he XS400” on pa ge 3–2.
Resetting After a F aul t or Shutdown 975-0054-01-01 3–9 Rese tt in g A f ter a F aul t or Sh u td o w n This s ectio n provi des expla nation s and procedure s for resetti ng the XS400 after a fault or shutdown .
4 T r oubl e shooti ng The XS400 is designed fo r high reliability and has a number of pr ote ction features for trouble free operation. If, however , you have any problems oper ating your inverter or S400 Remote S w itch, refer to the “Troubleshooting Re fer ence for the XS400” on page 4–3.
T roubleshooting 4–2 975-0054-01-01 T roubleshoot ing R efe rence This s ectio n provi des you with tr oubles hooting t ips to ide ntify and so lve most proble ms that can occur with the XS400 and S400 Remote Switc h.
T roubleshooting Reference 975-0054-01-01 4–3 T ab le 4-1 T roub leshooting Ref erence f or the XS 400 Pr oblem P o ss ibl e Ca use Sol utio n No outpu t voltage . No ind icato r l ights ar e illum inate d. The On/S ta ndby s witch is in St and by ( ) mode.
T roubleshooting 4–4 975-0054-01-01 No outpu t voltage . Low Batte ry li ght is il luminate d. Batte ry voltag e is too low . Poor DC wiring . Re ch ar ge t h e ba tter y to m ore t han 12 . 6 volts DC. The i nverte r will res tart a uto m a ti c al ly .
T roubleshooting Reference 975-0054-01-01 4–5 Fan runs al l the time. T he amount of power being c o ns um ed by th e ap p l ia nc e s is high. T he a m bi en t t em pe r atu re i s high. No a cti on. T he f an will run at lo wer speed s and sto p au toma tica lly when the inte rna l tem per at u r e of th e inv e r te r fal ls .
A Spec ificati ons Appendix A, “Specifications”, contains the electrical and physical specifications fo r the XS400 and physical specifications for the S400 R emote Switch.
Specif icat ions A–2 975-0054-01- 01 Elec t ric a l Sp ecifi c at ion s o f XS 4 00 Phys ica l Spe c if i c at ion s of XS4 0 0 wi th P rojec t io ns Output p ower at 12 VDC input • Conti nuous • Sur ge c apacity fo r 5 sec onds 400 V A 1 , 3 2 ° F t o 1 0 4 °F (0 °C to 40 °C), derated line arly to 300 V A at 122 °F (50 °C ) 800 V A 1.
Regulatory Approvals 975-0054-01-01 A–3 Regu l ato ry A pp rov als T rans fer C ircu it F an Co o li n g Sy st em A fan cools the inte rnal heat gener at ing components of the inv erter . The fan be gins to ope rate whe n the interna l temperature rise s .
B Battery T ype s and Size s The batteries that you use strongly af fect the performance of the XS400. It is important to conne ct the inverter to the correct size and t ype of battery . The information in Appendix B will he lp you to select, connect, and maintain batteries that are most appr opriate f or your application.
Battery T ypes and Sizes B–2 975- 0054-01-01 Ba tt er y T y p e s Auto mo tiv e S ta rt ing Ba tt er ies The lead-a cid battery you are most familia r with is probab ly the starti ng batt ery in your vehicle.
Bat tery Siz e 975-0054-01-01 B–3 Ba tt er y Si ze Batte ry size or capacity is a s importa nt as the batter y type for eff ic ient opera tion of your loads. Xantre x rec ommends that you purchas e as much batt ery capacity as you need. A number of dif ferent sta ndards are used to rate bat tery ener gy stor age capacit y .
Battery T ypes and Sizes B–4 975- 0054-01-01 Est im ati ng Batt ery Re qu ir emen ts T o d ete rm ine ho w mu ch ba tt ery capa c it y yo u nee d: 1. Deter mine how many watt s are consum ed b y each applia nce that you will opera te from the X S400.
Es ti m a ti ng Ba tt e r y R eq u i r e me nts 975-0054-01-01 B–5 This e xample illustr ates ho w qui ckly yo ur batte ry nee ds can escalate . T o reduc e the requir ed battery siz e , you can conserve ener gy by eliminating or reducing the use of some loads or by re-char ging more freque ntly .
Battery T ypes and Sizes B–6 975- 0054-01-01 Usin g Mult ip l e Ba tt er ie s As your po wer requi rements inc rease, yo u may need to use more t han one batt ery to obtain suf fici ent capacit y .
Bat tery T ips 975-0054-01-01 B–7 Ba tt er y T ip s Explosive /Corro sive G ases Le ad-acid bat teries may emit hydrogen gases, oxygen, and sulfuric acid fumes when rechar ging. T o reduce the risk of explosion: • V ent the bat tery c ompartment to prevent the accumulat ion of gase s.
Battery T ypes and Sizes B–8 975- 0054-01-01 Batter y S tate of Charge Y ou can measure batter y state of char ge with a h ydrometer or appr oximate stat e of c harge with a volt meter . Use a digita l voltmete r that can display tenths or hundredths of a volt when measuring 10 to 30 volts.
975-0054-01-01 WA–1 W arr anty and Pr oduct In form ation Wa r r a n t y What does this warrant y cover? This Limited W a rranty is provi ded by Xantrex T echnol ogy , Inc. ("Xantr ex") and cove rs defect s in workmans hip and mate ria ls in your XS400 Sine W ave Inv erter and S400 Rem ote Swit ch.
War r a n t y WA–2 975-0054-01- 01 What doe s this warrant y not c over? This Li mited W a rranty d oes n ot cove r norma l we ar and tear o f the pr oduc t or costs rel at ed to the re mov al, install ation , or trouble shooti ng of the custom e r's el ectrica l systems .
Retur n Mate rial Auth oriza tion P olic y 975-0054-01-01 WA–3 W a rni ng: Li mi ta tio ns On Use Pl ease r efer to your product manual fo r l imitati ons on uses o f t he pro duct.
Out of W arra nty Se rvice WA–4 975-0054-01- 01 O u t o f W a rr anty Se rv i ce If the warrant y period for your XS400 Sine W ave Inverter ha s expire d, if the unit was damag ed by misuse or inco .
A abbre viati ons v AC input co rd, conne cting 2–22 AC Inpu t light featur e described 1–4 illus tr ated 1–4, 3–2 AC out put cable, r equirements 2–20 acro nyms v Ah See a mp-hour capacit y.
Index IX–2 975-0054- 01-01 required 2–15 See a lso DC fus e and Disconne ct. DC Disc onne ct, minim um rati ng 2–9 DC dist rib uti on panel 2–15 DC fuse max imu m rating 2–9 mini mum r ating 2–9 DC fuse and Discon nect cl osing 2–23 inst all ing 2–17 locat ion of 2–14 required 2–15 Se e al so DC ci r cu it bre ak er.
Index 975-0054-01-01 IX –3 low b att ery vo ltage shutdo wn 3–6 low v olt age shut down, feature describe d 1–3 M materi al s , AC output hardwiri ng 2–5 mater ials, l ist of 2–5 mount ing r.
Index IX–4 975-0054- 01-01 V VCR 1–2 vehi cle chas si s 2–11 vent ilati on B–7 vent ilati on openings featur e described 1–4 illus tr ated 1–4, 3–2 preca utions viii re co m m en d ed cl.
Xant rex Tec hno logy Inc . 604 422 2777 T el 604 420 2145 Fax 800 670 0707 T o ll Free North America Cu sto mer Servic e @xan trex .com www. x a nt r ex .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Xantrex Technology XS400 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Xantrex Technology XS400 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Xantrex Technology XS400, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Xantrex Technology XS400 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Xantrex Technology XS400, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Xantrex Technology XS400.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Xantrex Technology XS400. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Xantrex Technology XS400 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.