Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit TS400 du fabricant Xantrex Technology
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TS400 Sine W ave I nvert er Owner’ s Guide.
TS400 Sine Wave Inverter Owner ’ s Guide.
$ERXW ;DQWU H[ Xantrex T echnology Inc. is a world-leading supplier of advanced power electro nics and controls with prod ucts from 50 watt mobile units to one MW utility-scale system s for wind, solar , batteries, fuel cells, microturbines, an d backup power applications in b oth grid-connected and stan d-alone systems.
975-0055-01-01 iii About This Guide Purpose The TS400 Si ne W ave Inverte r Owner ’ s Gu id e contains inf ormation f or instal ling, operat ing, and tr oubleshoo ting the TS 400 Sine W ave Inverter ( TS400 ). Scope This Gu ide provi des safety gu idelines, i nstallati on, operati on, trouble shooting, and warrant y informatio n for the TS400 .
About This Guide iv 975-0055-01-01 Chapter 3, “ Oper ation ” , pr ovi des info rmat io n about ope ra ting the TS400 . Details are provide d on how to re ad the front panel indi cators to mon itor the TS400 . Chapte r 4, “ T roub leshooti ng ” , ex plai n s ho w to ide nti fy and sol ve problems that can occur with the TS400 .
About T his Guide 975-0055-01-01 v Acronyms and Term ino log y Rela te d Infor mation Y ou can find mor e informati on about Xantre x T echnology I nc.
975-0055-01-01 vii Important Safety Instructions General Pr ecautions 1. Before i nstalling a nd using t he inverter , read all appr opriate sections of this guide and a ny cautionar y markings o n the inverte r and the batter ies. 2. Do not oper ate the inve rter if it has rece ived a sha rp blow , been dropped, or other wise damaged .
Important Safety Instructions viii 975-0055-01- 01 4. T o reduce t he risk of el ectrica l shock, disc onnect DC power from the invert er before working on a ny circuits connected to the in verter . T urning t he On/S tandby switc h to S tandby ( ) will not reduce this risk.
Important Safety Instru ctions 975-0055-01-01 ix FCC Information to the User This Clas s B device c omplies with Pa rt 15 of the F CC Rules an d all requir ements of the Ca nadian Inter ference-Caus ing Equipmen t Regu latio ns.
975-0055-01-01 xi Important Safety Instruction s Gene ral Pr eca u tions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vii Prec au tion s When Wo rkin.
Contents xii 975-0055-01-01 3 Operation Fron t Pane l Fea tures - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 – 2 Oper ating the TS400 - - - - - - -.
Contents 975-0055-01-01 xiii Excl usion s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WA – 2 Warni ng: Li mita tions On U se - - - - - - - - - -.
Intr oduction Congratulations on your purchase of the Xantr ex TS400 Sine W ave Inverter ! The TS400 has been designed to give you premium power , ease of use, a nd outstanding reliability . Please read this chapter to f amiliarize yourself with the main performance and protec tion features of the TS400 .
Introduction 1–2 975-0055-01-01 How TS400 Wo r k s TS400 is a sine wave i nverter wh ich con verts 12 vo lts dir ect-curr ent (D C) power from your bat tery to 120 volts alterna ting current (AC) power . This AC p ower i s th e sam e as t he el ectr icit y you g et from your utilit y .
Comprehensive Protection 975-0055-01-01 1 – 3 Comprehensive P rotection TS400 is de signed to me et UL 458 and CS A C22.2 No. 107.1 sa fety sta nd ard s and it is co mpli ant w ith FC C Clas s B. TS400 come s equipped wit h numerous pr otection fe atures t o guarantee you sa fe and worr y-free oper ation.
Introduction 1 – 4 975-0055-01-01 TS400 F eatur es Front P anel Figur e 1-1 F ront P anel of the TS400 T able 1-1 F ront Pane l F eat ur es )H D W X U H ' H V F UL S W L R Q 1 On/S tandby Swit ch tur ns the in ver te r to On ( ) or to S tandby () .
TS400 F eatures 975-0055-01-01 1 – 5 Back P anel Figur e 1-2 Back P anel of the TS400 T able 1-2 Back Pan el Features )H D W X U H ' H V F UL S W L R Q 1 DC terminal, negativ e 2 DC terminal, positi ve 3 W iring bo x access panel (For a vie w with the panel removed, see “ Completing the Hardwir in g ” on page 2 – 21 .
Introduction 1 – 6 975-0055-01-01 Optional Accessory: Remote Switch An optiona l remote sw itch can be pl ugged into th e remote swi tch jack at the b ack of the TS400 . It lets you switch the TS400 from on to s tandby from a conve nie nt loc ation — up t o 25 f ee t ( 7.
Installation Chap ter 2 , “ Instal lation ” , provides detailed information for installing the TS4 00 and the optional S400 Remote Switch . This chapter provides: • a system diagra m • safety .
Installation 2 – 2 975-0055-01-01 Intr oduction The syst em di agr am shown in Fi gur e 2 -1 is the basi c i nstalla ti on. Review this d iagra m car efull y befo re in s tall in g the TS400 .
Preparing for Install ation 975-0055-01-01 2 – 3 Preparing for Installat ion Read this entire installat ion chapter s o you can pl an the insta llation fr om beginni ng to end. Prior to beginn ing your inst allati on, review the “ Importa nt Saf ety Instr uctions ” on p age vii .
Installation 2 – 4 975-0055-01-01 Materials List Yo u r TS400 Sine W ave Inve rter pac kage includes : • One TS400 Sin e W ave Inver ter • TS400 Sine W ave Inverter Owner ’ s Guide After yo u unpack your TS400 , be sure to reco rd the produ ct inf orma tio n in the form “ Infor mati on About Y our System ” on page W A – 4 .
Preparing for Install ation 975-0055-01-01 2 – 5 ❐ Appropri ately sized connector s. T wo DC connector s suitable for ¼ inch (6 mm) that go on th e DC input cabl e term ina ls .
Installation 2 – 6 975-0055-01-01 Installing the TS400 Overview This chap ter provi des detai led info rmation on installing the TS400 . The overall procedure i s divided into 1 1 step s: 1. Desig ning your i nstallati on ( page 2 – 6 ) 2. Mounting yo ur inverter ( page 2 – 10 ) 3.
Installing the TS 400 975-0055-01-01 2 – 7 Choos ing a Locati on The inver ter should on ly be inst alled in a l ocation that meets th e followi ng requirement s: : W ARNING: Risk of f ire or explos ion This equi pment contai ns components that could produc e arcs or sparks.
Installation 2 – 8 975-0055-01-01 Battery Requirements The batt eries th at you u se strong ly af fect t he perfor mance of the TS400 . It is imp orta nt to conn ect t h e inv e rte r to the cor rect si ze a nd t yp e o f b atte ry . See Appendi x B, “ Battery T ypes and Sizes ” on page B – 1 for m ore info rmation.
Installing the TS 400 975-0055-01-01 2 – 9 DC Cables For the b est load s tarting perfo rmance, the DC cables sh ould be as shor t and la rge as p o ssi ble. S ee Ta b l e 2 - 1 for minimum reco mmended cable size. Usi ng a smaller c able may ca use the in verter to sh ut down under heavy loa d.
Installation 2 – 10 975-0055-01-01 Step 2: Mounting Your Inverter Mount your i nverter bef ore you con nect any wires or cable s. For your c onvenience , the invert er dimensions are provi ded in Figure 2- 9 on page 2 – 23 . T o mount your TS400 : 1.
Installing the TS 400 975-0055-01-01 2 – 11 Step 3: Connecting the Chassis Ground The chass is ground l ug is used to connect t he chassi s of the i nverter to your syst em ’ s chassis gr ounding poi nt, as req uired by in stallati on codes. Use copp er cabl e t hat is ei the r bare or pr ovi ded wit h gre en insulat i on.
Installation 2 – 12 975-0055-01-01 Step 4: Installing the Optional S400 Remote Switch Instal ling the S4 00 Re mote Switch (Xantrex pr oduct number 80 8-2400) is optiona l. The TS400 ope rates normal ly without th e remote swi tch. The S400 Re mote Swit ch is designed to be flush mount ed on a wal l, bulkhead or panel .
Installing the TS 400 975-0055-01-01 2 – 13 4. Connect on e end of th e telephone c able to t he back of the inverter as shown in Fi gure 2-3 . 5. Connect t he other e nd of the tel ephone cable t o the remote s witch as shown in Fi gure 2-4 . 6. P lace th e rem ote s witch in the open ing an d sec ure it w ith th e fou r #6 fasten ers.
Installation 2 – 14 975-0055-01-01 Step 5: Getting Ready to Connect the DC Cables The DC cable s should be as short as p ossible and l arg e enough to handle the req uire d cu rrent, in acc ordan ce wi th the e lectri cal codes or regu latio ns applica ble to your i nstalla tion.
Installing the TS 400 975-0055-01-01 2 – 15 Step 6: Routing the DC Cables Guidelines for Routing the DC Cables • Do not attempt to use the chass is in place of the bat tery negati ve connecti on for grounding. The inv ert er requi re s a reli abl e ret urn pat h direct ly to the battery .
Installation 2 – 16 975-0055-01-01 Step 7: Connecting the DC Cables Figur e 2-5 Connectio n Order for DC Cables CA UTION: Rever se polari ty Before mak ing the f inal DC connec tion, chec k cable pola rity at both the ba ttery and the inv erter .
Installing the TS 400 975-0055-01-01 2 – 17 T o connect the DC cab les: Connect the DC cabl es as shown in Figure 2 -5 , in the order shown by the numbers . 1. Switch th e On/S tandby swit ch to the S tandby ( ) position. 2. Route the DC cables f rom the batter y bank to the i nverter .
Installation 2 – 18 975-0055-01-01 Step 8: Connecting Y our Equipm ent to the GFCI Outlets T o connect your AC equipment to the GFCI outle ts: 1. T urn the inver ter ’ s On/S tandb y switch to S tandby ( ). 2. T urn your AC equipment o ff. 3. Connect yo ur AC equipment to the GFCI outlets in t he front pan el.
Installing the TS 400 975-0055-01-01 2 – 19 Step 9: Hardwiring the A C Output If you wi sh to permanent ly connect additional AC outlets , Xantrex recomme nds hardwiring the AC output co nnections . T o hardwir e the AC output connections: 1. T urn the On/St andby switch t o Sta ndby ( ).
Installation 2 – 20 975-0055-01-01 3. Locate t he wiring box a ccess pane l, and remove th e three s crews to access t he wiring box as shown in Figur e 2-7 . 4. Remove the wi ring box a ccess panel f rom the uni t. 5. Instal l a 1/2 in ch cable cla mp.
Installing the TS 400 975-0055-01-01 2 – 21 13. T ighten the wire att achment scr ews to a torqu e of 1.3 – 1.8 lbf- ft (1.7 6 – 2.44 Nm) as shown in Fig ure 2-8 . Leav e some sla ck ins ide the output wi ring box. 14. Sec u re th e cab le cl am p on the ca ble jacke t.
Installation 2 – 22 975-0055-01-01 Step 10: P e rforming Checks Prior to Initial Start-up Before s tarting up yo ur inverter , ensure th ese condit ions are met: ❐ Chassis g round is pr operly ins.
Installing the TS 400 975-0055-01-01 2 – 23 Figur e 2-9 Inverter Dime nsio ns This dra wing is not to scale . A full-s cale mounti ng template i s available at www .
Installation 2 – 24 975-0055-01-01 Figur e 2-10 S400 Rem ote Switch Moun ting T emplate ( Scale approxim ately 1 :1) 2.5" (63.5) 2" (50. 8) Inverter ON 2.1" (53.5) 1.6" ( 40.8) 0.2" TYP ( 5.0) 0.2" TYP (5.0) 1.1" (28.
Oper ation Chap ter 3 , “ Operat ion ” explains how to use your TS400 effectively . This chapter explains how to turn the TS400 to On () or Standby ( ) from the front panel or from the optional S400 Remote Switch , monitor the status of the TS400 , and reset the inverter .
Operation 3 – 2 975-0055-01-01 Front P anel F eatur es Before you beg in to opera te the TS400 , revie w th e fr ont pane l fea ture s i n Figure 3- 1 . For a det ailed descr iption of ea ch of the d iffer ent feature s, see “ Front Panel of the TS400 ” on pag e 1 – 4 in the “ Intro ducti on ” chapter .
Operating the TS400 975-0055-01-01 3 – 3 Operating the TS400 On/S tandby switch Y ou c an tu rn th e TS400 to On () or to S tandb y ( ) u si ng the On/ S tandby switc h (se e “ Front Pan el of the TS400 ” on page 3 – 2 ).
Operation 3 – 4 975-0055-01-01 If the On/Sta ndby switch on t he TS400 is in the On () posit ion and t he optiona l S400 Remote Swi tch is in the S tandb y ( ) position (see “ Importa nt ” on pag e 3 – 4 ), th e TS400 draw s very litt le cur re nt (ab out 1 mA) from th e battery .
Recharging Y our Batteries 975-0055-01-01 3 – 5 Rechargi ng Y our Batteries Low Batt ery light If the Low Battery li ght illuminat es on the TS400 and you he ar the low batter y alarm, your ba ttery le vel is low (l ess than 10.
Operation 3 – 6 975-0055-01-01 Monitoring the Oper ating Status The op erating st atus of t he TS400 is ind ic ated by three l igh ts on the front panel an d an audibl e alarm. See T able 3-2 . For an il lustrat ion of the i ndicator lights on th e front p anel, see “ Fro nt Panel of the TS400 ” on pag e 3 – 2 .
Resetting After a F ault or Shutdown 975-0055-01-01 3 – 7 Resetting After a F ault or Shutdown This sec tion provide s explanations and procedure s for reset ting the TS40 0 after a fault or s hutdown. If you are una ble to resolve the problem afte r referri ng to T able 3-3 , refer to the “ T roubl eshooting ” se ction on page 4 – 2 .
3 – 8.
T r oubleshooting The TS400 is designed for high reliability and has a number of protection features for trouble-fr ee operation. If, however , you have any problems operating your invert er , refer to the “ T roubleshooting Reference ” on page 4 – 3 .
T roubleshooti ng 4 – 2 975-0055-01-01 T roubleshooting Refer ence This sec tion provide s you with t roubleshooti ng tips to i dentify and s olve most prob lems that can oc cu r with the TS400 . Before c ontacting you r dealer or customer se rvice, pl ease refer t o the table , “ T roubleshoot ing Refere nce ” .
T roub leshooting Refe rence 975-0055-01-01 4 – 3 T able 4-1 T roubleshoo ting Re feren ce 3UREOHP 3 RVVLEOH&DXVH 6ROXWLRQ No outp ut voltage. No indicator lights ar e illuminate d. The switch is in Standby ( ) mode. No input power to the inverter .
T roubleshooti ng 4 – 4 975-0055-01-01 Output voltage is pres ent. Inverter ON light and Low Battery light are illumin a ted and alarm is o n. Battery voltage is low . Disconnect all equipment. Char ge the batteries . Fan does not turn on. The internal compo nents of the inverter are n ot warm.
Specifications Appendix A , “ Specif ications ” , contains the electrical and physical specifications for the TS400 . All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Specifica tions A – 2 975-0055-01-01 Electrical Specifications Physical Specifications with Projecti ons Output power at 12 VDC input • Continu ous • Surge capacity for 5 seconds 400 V A 1 , 32 ° F to 104 ° F (0 ° C to 40 ° C), der ated linearly to 300 V A at 122 ° F (5 0 ° C) 800 V A 1.
Regulatory Approvals 975-0055-01-01 A – 3 Regulatory Appr ovals F an Cooling Syst em A fan cool s the inter nal heat-gen erating c omponents of th e inverter . The fan begin s to operate when th e internal te mperature ris es . The speed of th e fan in creas es wi th in te rna l t empe rat ure.
A – 4.
Battery T ypes and Sizes The batteries that you use strongly affect the performance of the TS40 0 . It is important to co nnect the inverter to the correct size and type of battery . The information in Appendix B wil l help you to select, connect, and maintain batteries that are most appropria te for your application.
Battery T ypes and Sizes B – 2 975-0055-01-01 Battery T ypes Automotive Starting Batteries The lead- acid batter y you are mos t familiar wit h is proba bly the star ting batter y in your ve hicle. An auto motive sta rting batte ry is design ed to deliver a lar ge amoun t of cur rent for a short period of time (so it can s tart your engi ne).
Batt ery Size 975-0055-01-01 B – 3 Battery Size Batte ry siz e or capac ity is as imp ort a nt as the ba tte r y type f or e ffic ie nt operati on of your loads. Xant rex recommends t hat you pur chase as much batter y capacity as you need. A number of diff erent stand ards are used to ra te battery e nergy s torage capacit y .
Battery T ypes and Sizes B – 4 975-0055-01-01 Estimating Ba ttery Requir ements T o determine how much batte ry capacity you need : 1. Determine how many watts are con sumed by each appl ia nce tha t you will ope rate from the TS400 . Y ou can normall y find the wat t rating labell ed on the produ ct.
Estimating Battery Requirements 975-0055-01-01 B – 5 This exampl e illustr ates how qui ckly your bat tery needs c an escala te. T o reduce t he requir ed battery s ize, you can co nserve ene rgy by el iminatin g or reduc ing the us e of some lo ads or by recha rgi ng more frequen tly .
Battery T ypes and Sizes B – 6 975-0055-01-01 Using Multiple Batteries As yo ur po we r requ ire men ts inc reas e, yo u ma y nee d to u se more than one batter y to obtain s uffi cient capac ity .
Battery T ips 975-0055-01-01 B – 7 Battery Tips Explosive /Cor r osive Gases Lead-aci d batterie s may emit hyd rogen gases, oxygen, and sulfuric ac id fumes when re char ging. T o reduc e the risk of explosion: • V ent the b a tter y com p artm ent to pre vent t he acc umu la tion of ga ses.
Battery T ypes and Sizes B – 8 975-0055-01-01 Battery S tate of Cha rge Y ou can measure battery sta te of char ge with a hydromet er or approxi mate stat e of char ge with a voltmeter . Use a digita l voltmete r that can di splay te nths or hundre dths of a volt when measurin g 10 to 30 vol ts.
975-0055-01-01 WA – 1 W arranty and Pr oduct Information Wa r r a n t y What does this warran ty cover? This Lim ited W arranty is pro vided by Xant rex T echnology , Inc. ("Xantrex") and covers d efects in wor kmanship and mat erials in yo ur TS400 Si ne W ave Inverter .
Disclaime r WA – 2 975-0055-01-01 What does this warran ty not cover? This Limited W arr anty does n ot cover normal wear and tear o f th e product or costs related to th e remo val, installation, or troublesh o oting of the customer ’ s electrical systems.
Information Ab out Y our System WA – 4 975-0055-01-01 T o return yo ur TS40 0 S i ne W av e Inv e rter f or o ut of warranty service, con tact Xantrex C us tomer Service fo r a Return Material Authorization (RMA) n umb er and follo w the othe r steps outlined in “ Return Procedure ” on page W A – 3 .
$ AC output cable, requ irements 2 – 20 amp-hour (Ah) capaci t y B – 3 % back panel featur es 1 – 5 ba tter ies amp-hour (Ah) capaci t y B – 3 automotive starting B – 2, B – 3 connecting t.
Index IX – 2 975-0055-01-01 ) fan cooling sys t em A – 3 Fault light desc ribed 1 – 4 illustrated 1 – 4, 3 – 2 fax nu mber for Cu stomer Servic e WA – 1 front p anel features desc ribed 1 .
Index 975-0055-01-01 IX – 3 R V Industry Association (R VIA) 2 – 3 6 S400 Remo te Swit ch convenience of 1 – 2 installing 2 – 12 mounting template 2 – 12 part n umb e r 1 – 6 resetting 3 .
IX – 4.
Xantrex Technology Inc. 604 422 2777 Tel 604 420 2145 Fax 800 670 0707 Toll Free North America CustomerServi www.xan 975-0055-01-01 Printed in China.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Xantrex Technology TS400 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Xantrex Technology TS400 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Xantrex Technology TS400, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Xantrex Technology TS400 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Xantrex Technology TS400, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Xantrex Technology TS400.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Xantrex Technology TS400. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Xantrex Technology TS400 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.