Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit JQ 276 du fabricant Whirlpool
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1 GB ww w JQ 276.
2 GB INDE X INST ALLA TION 3 Installation SAFE T Y 4 Impor tant safet y instruc tions 5 Precautions AC CESSORIES AND MAINTENANCE 6 Acc essories 7 Maintenance & C leaning C ONTROL P ANEL 8 control .
3 GB D O NOT USE EXTE NSION CORD : I F THE POWER SUPPL Y CO R D IS TOO SHORT , hav e a quali e d elec trician o r ser viceman ins tall an outlet n ear the applian ce. W ARNING : Imprope r use of the groun ding plug can result in a r isk of elec tric sho ck.
4 GB T HE APPLIANCES ARE NO T INTEND ED to be op - erated b y means of an ex ternal timer or separate remote-control system. T HIS APPLIANCE CAN BE USED BY CH ILDREN aged from 8 year s and above and p.
5 GB GENERAL T HIS APPLIANCE IS DESIGNED FOR DOMESTIC USE ONL Y ! T HE APPLIANCE SHOULD NOT BE OPERA TED without food in the oven when using microwaves. Operation in this manner is likely to damage the appliance. I F YO U PR ACTICE OPERAT ING the oven, p ut a glass of water inside.
6 GB ACCE S S O R I ES GENERAL I F ACCE SSO R IE S CO NTAI NI N G MET AL comes in contac t with the oven inte rior, while the oven is in op - eration, sp arkin g can occur and th e oven could be da maged . TURN T AB LE SUPPORT U SE THE TURNT ABLE SUPPO RT unde r the Glass turnt able.
7 GB T HE OVEN sho uld be clean ed regularl y and any food dep osits removed. STEAM ACCE SSO RY MAINTE NA NCE & C LEANI NG C LEANI NG IS THE ONL Y MAINTENA NCE normally re - quired. It mus t be carr ied out w ith the micro - wave oven disconn ec ted .
8 GB S TOP BUTTON Produc t ON: Press to Stop or reset any of the oven fun c - tions. PRODUC T OFF: K eep it presse d to change the clo ck. C ONTROL P ANEL D IGIT AL DISPLAY The disp lay includes a 24- hour clock and in dicator sy mbols . G RA TIN BUTTON Use to sele c t Gratin f unc tion.
9 GB P AU SE OR ST OP C OOKING T O PA U S E CO O KI N G : T HE COOK I NG CAN BE PAU S E D to check , turn or s tir the foo d by openin g the doo r . The set ting will be maint ained for 1 0 minutes. I F YO U DON ’ T WAN T TO CO N TI NU E CO O KI N G : R EMOVE THE FOOD , close the do or and press th e STOP button.
10 GB WEIGHT S ENS OR T HIS MICR OWA VE OVE N USES THE WEIG HT SENSOR TE CHNOLOGY for some 6th sens e func tions (De fros t, Crisp and Steam ); when you se lec t on e of these 6thSense f unc tions, yo.
11 GB MANU AL C O OK & REHEA T WITH MICR OW A VES U SE THIS FUNC TI ON for n ormal cook ing and re heating, such as veg eta - bles, sh, potatoes an d meat. ONCE THE COOKING PROCESS HAS BEEN ST ARTED T O ADJUST THE POWER : Press the MW but ton an d rotate the k nob to ad - just valu e.
12 FAV O U R I T E T HE F AVOURITE FUNC TIO N PROVI DES you w ith an easy way to quick ly reca ll a prefer red set ting . It can be use d for all the manual f unc tions. T HE PRINCIPLE OF THE F AV OURITE FU NC TIO N is to s tore whatever se tt ing that is currently disp layed.
13 GB q P RESS THE MW BUTTON . w P RESS THE KNOB BUTTON to conf irm the Auto mo de. e T URN THE A DJUSTABLE KNOB to sele ct th e food class (see t able). r P RESS THE KNOB BUTTON . t T URN THE A DJUSTABLE KNOB to set the fo od weig ht. y P RESS THE KNOB BUTTON .
14 GB C HECK AND INSPECT THE FOOD REGULARL Y . F RO ZEN FOOD IN PL ASTI C BAGS , plas tic lms o r card- board p ackages c an be place d direc tly in the oven as long as th e pack age has no me tal par ts (e.g. met al t wist ties). T HE SHAPE OF THE PAC K A G E alters th e de - frostin g time.
15 GB This is a W eight sensing function, the weight will be automatically calculated. 6TH S ENS E DEF ROST q P RESS THE D EFROST BUTTON . w P RESS THE K NOB B UT TON to conf irm the 6th Se nse Mo de. e T UR N THE A DJUSTABLE KNO B to s elec t the fo od class (see t able) .
16 GB MANU AL GRILL U SE THIS FUNC TI ON TO quick ly give a pleas ant brown sur f ace to the food like che ese toas t & hot sandw ich, sausa ges, grill spit , pommes duchesse, gratin ed fruit . q P RESS THE G RILL BUTTON . w T UR N THE A DJUSTABLE KNOB to see the “manual mode ” icon and press the k nob but ton to conf irm .
17 GB A UT OMA TIC GRILL q P RESS THE G RILL BUTTON . w P RESS THE K NOB B UT TON to conf irm the Auto mo de . e T URN THE A DJUSTABLE KNO B to sel ec t the foo d class. r P RESS THE KNOB BUTTON . t T URN T HE A DJUSTABLE KN OB to set the foo d weight.
18 GB MANU AL CRISP U SE THIS FUNC TI ON TO reh eat and cook pi zz a and oth er dough b ased food, f r ying b acon and eggs , sausag es, hamburge rs. Brush thin oil on the crisp p late. The main p roper t y of this f unc tion is to b rown the foo d on both top an d bot tom at sam e time.
19 GB q P RESS THE C RISP BUTTON . w P RESS THE K NOB B UT TON to conf irm the 6th Se nse Mo de. e T URN THE A DJUSTABLE KNOB to sele ct th e food class (see t able). r P RESS THE KNOB BUTTON . T he func tio n will star t . T HERE IS PRE HE A TIN G ST AGE before cook ing star t fo r some foo d class.
20 GB GRA TIN U SE THIS FUNC TI ON TO coo k loads foo d that are thicker in dimension,that re quire browning o n the top sur face, such as G ra - tins, Las agne, Poultr y and B aked pot atoes. q P RESS THE G RA TIN BUT TON . w T URN THE A DJUSTABLE KNOB to set the p ower .
21 GB FOO D CL ASS AMO UNT HIN TS q1 F ISH FILETS 15 0 - 5 0 0 G D ISTRIBUTE FILLET S EVENL Y on the steam gri d. Inter- lace thin par ts. All ow to stand for 1 - 2 minutes , af- ter c ook ing. 2 V EGET ABLES 15 0 - 5 0 0 G U SE EVEN SIZES . Cut the veget ables into even p ieces.
22 GB HOW T O BOIL P AST A AND RIC E WITH MICRO W A VE I S IT POSSIBL E TO USE THE S TEAMER ACCESS ORY ( WITHOUT THE GRID ) to Boil pas ta and ri ce WITH MANU AL M ICROW A VE FUN CT IO N . The gr aduation levels marke d on the accessor y w ill help you to dose the r ight amount of wate r .
23 GB TROUBLE S HOOTI NG GUIDE I F THE OVE N DOES NOT WORK , do not make a ser vice call until you have made the foll owing che ck s: The T urntab le and turnt able supp or t is in place. The Plug is pro perl y inser ted in th e wall socket. The D oor is pro perl y close d.
24 GB GB W10601471 I N ACCOR DA NC E WITH IEC 6 0705. T HE I NTERNA TIO NAL E LECT ROTECHNI CAL C OMMISSION has developed a s tandard for compar ative testing of heating pe r formance of di erent microwave ovens. We recommend th e following fo r this oven: T est Amoun t Appro x.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Whirlpool JQ 276 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Whirlpool JQ 276 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Whirlpool JQ 276, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Whirlpool JQ 276 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Whirlpool JQ 276, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Whirlpool JQ 276.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Whirlpool JQ 276. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Whirlpool JQ 276 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.