Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit gz2335 du fabricant VTech
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U s e r ’ s M a n u a l Models : gz2335/2 338 Wai ti ng fo r t he gif tbox photo to pla ce in. T able of con tents Ge tt ing st ar ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Par ts che ckl ist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Inst allat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Inst alli ng hand set bat ter y .
NEED HELP? This manual has all the feature operations and troubleshooting you need to install and operate your new VTech telephone. Please take the time to review thoroughly to ensure proper installation of this VTech innovative and feature rich product. 4 Before y ou begin 1 . Ba se uni t 2. H ands et 3. Co l or h an d se t br ac ke ts a n d bas e plates 4. AC powe r adapto r 5. B elt cl ip 6. T el epho ne line c ord 7 . Bat ter y 8. U ser’s manu al 9. B atter y c ompar tm ent cover 1 0. 5 Getting started Installat ion Inst alling hand set bat ter y 1 . Plug t he bat ter y co nnec tor se curel y i nto the jack i nsid e t he bat ter y com par tmen t a ccor ding to t he co lor-co ded l abel. 2. I nser t bat ter y in the c enter of th e batte ry c ompar t ment. 6 • If the phone will not be used for a long period of time, remove the batter y t o prevent possib le le akage. • If you have an y trouble installi ng your phone, please refer to the troubles hooting secti on near the end of this manu al. 7 Getting started In stal lat ion T o s ingle -li ne tele phon e jack(RJ1 1 C) T e lepho ne line c ord Noi se lter (opt ional) (For DSL us ers) T o p ower outl et ( 1 20V AV , 60 Hz ) AC power ada ptor Conn ection 1 . Ch oose a l ocat ion for t he base n ear an ele ctr ical o utlet a nd tele phone j ack . 8 In stal lat ion R e m o v a b l e h a n d s e t a n d b a s e plate s Y o ur ph one co mes wit h ad diti onal han dset brac kets an d bas e plate s of var ious c olor s. these bracke ts and plat es are intercha ngeable to sui t your moo d or roo m dec or . 9 Basic operation Handset features ( / DIR VOL+ ) • Whe n the pho ne is not in use, pre ss to display directory entries. • Press & hold for 2 seconds during idle mode to adjust ringer volume. A double beep will sound when rhe lowest setting is reached. 10 Base features FI ND HA ND SET Pres s to pa ge t he han dset fo r up to 6 0 s eco nds. Pres s ag ain, p ress O FF , or pl ace t he han dset i n its b ase to c anc el th e page. CH ARGE / I N USE I ndi cato r • Fla shes w hen t he han dset i s in use. 11 Basic operation T elephone operation BASI C OPER A T ION Set h andse t ringer Y o u can se lec t from four t radit ional r inge rs, th irte en musi cal r inger s, or tur n the ri nger O FF . 1 . Ma ke sure the h andse t is idl e ( of f). 12 T elephone operation Dia l mode (preset to tone ) If you have tou ch ton e ser vic e, the ph one is re ady to use a s soo n as the bat ter y is c harge d. If you have pu lse (rotar y) ser vic e, the di al mod e must b e chang ed. 13 Basic operation T elephone operation Op erating r ange This cord less telep hone op erates within the max imum power all owed by the Fed eral Com munication s Com miss ion (FCC). 14 Screen displays: When: ** RINGING ** Ther e is a cal l comi ng in. CONNECTING... The h ands et is waiti ng for a dia l tone. PHONE The h ands et is in use. ** PAGING ** The b ase is pa ging th e hand set. LOW BATTERY The b atter y ne eds to be r echar ged . 15 Basic operation Spe ed dial Y o u c an store as ma ny a s ni ne f reque ntly di aled te leph one num bers w ith nam es (up to 15 c harac ters and 24 di gits i n each lo cati on ) i nto the s peed d ial mem or y loc ations yo u assi gn in th e hands et. 16 Spe ed dial 7. Enter the te lepho ne number . Use to backsp ace and mak e a correc tion. Pre ss RE DI AL / P AUS E to stor e a pause in t he dia ling se quen ce. - OR - Pres s RED IAL / PA U SE to di splay th e last nu mber d ialed . 17 Basic operation Spe ed dial Edit a sp eed dia l entr y 1 . Press and hold the memory location key (1 through 9) of the entry to be edited. 2. W hen the sc reen disp lays th e des ired number, pres s S EL . The n pres s or unt il ED IT a shes, Pre ss SE L . 18 Dia l a spee d dial numb er 1 . Press a nd hol d the me mor y lo catio n key ( 1 t hroug h 9) of the entr y you w ish to di al. 2. 19 Basic operation Directory Y o ur phon e c an stor e 2 0 teleph one num bers w ith nam es (inc ludin g nine sp eed dia l entri es ), each up to 15 charac ters fo r the nam e and 24 dig its for t he numb er . Stor e a direc tory e ntr y 1 . 20 - OR - Pres s RED IAL / PA U SE to di splay th e last nu mber d ialed f rom thi s phon e. 6. Pre ss SE L or PRO G . The sc reen d ispl ays DI STI NC T RI NG ? and t he cur rent set tin g. 7 . Pres s o r to chan ge the s etti ng. 21 Basic operation Edit a dir ector y entr y 1 . Press . Th e scree n disp lays DI REC TORY . 2. Pre ss or to sc roll al phab etica lly thr ough t he entr ies. - OR - Pres s the dia l pad key for the rst let ter of t he entr y to be e dited . 22 4. Pr ess S ELE CT . T he scr een di spl ays E RA SE NO YE S a nd the nu mbe r . T he cur rent set ti ng as hes. 5. Pre ss un til YE S ashe s. 6. Pres s SEL . Y o u will he ar a con rmati on bee p. Dia l a directo ry numb er 1 . 23 Basic operation Move a direc tory e ntr y to spe ed dial 1 . Pres s . The s cree n disp lays DI REC TORY . 2. Pre ss or to sc roll al phabe tica lly thr ough t he dire ctor y . 24 Caller ID Call log Whe n th e mem or y is ful l, th e ol dest call info rmati on i s de leted to ma ke roo m for new inc oming cal l info rmatio n. 25 Basic operation Caller ID Remove re cords fro m call histor y Re moving a S pe cic E ntr y: 1 . Lo cate th e reco rd to be de leted fr om the c all lo g. 2. Pre ss CH AN /R EM OVE A con rmati on tone w ill sou nd. Re moving A ll Entr y: 1 . 26 Caller ID 4. Pres s SEL . The s creen dis plays the nu mber and n ame. The cursor appe ars at the e nd of the name. Use , and t he di al pad keys to edit the n ame. Pre ss S EL to con tinue and e dit the n umber. Use to bac kspac e and ma ke corre ctio ns. 27 Basic operation Rin g er opti ons In addit ion to fo ur t radit ional rin ger optio ns and r inge r of f, you r g z2 33 5 o r g z2 33 8 ha ndset has t hir teen po pular pr e- progr amme d ring to nes. T ra ditio nal R ing Op tions: Rin ger 1 Rin ger 2 Rin ger 3 Rin ger 4 Rin ger O FF Pre - pr ogra mme d Ring T un es: 1. 28 Headset operation Your phone handset is equipped with a 2.5mm head- set jack for use with an optional accessory headset for handsfree operation. Model comes with gz2338 a headset. If you’ve purchased the VTech gz2335 and wish to obtain a compatible headset must purchase it sepa- rately. 29 Additional information T roublesh ooting If you have di f cult y op erating yo ur phon e, the sug gest ions b elow sho uld so lve the pr oble m. If you sti ll have dif c ult y after tr yin g these s ugge stio ns, cal l VT ec h Comm unic ation s at 1 - 80 0- 595 -9 5 1 1. 30 T roublesh ooting Problem Suggestion I cannot dial out. • Ma ke sure th ere is a dial to ne befo re dia ling. I t is nor mal fo r hand set to t ake a se cond or tw o to nd t he bas e and pro duc e a dial to ne. Wait an ext ra sec ond be fore dia ling. 31 Additional information Problem Suggestion CAN’T CONNECT displays on my handset. • Move th e hand set clo ser to th e base. Y ou mi ght have moved o ut of ran ge. • If the han dset is in its base and th e c harg ing light do es not light, refe r to th e c harge lig ht is off in th is trou bles hooti ng guid e. 32 Problem Suggestion I get noise, static, or weak signal even when I’m near the base. • Press t he CH AN but ton w hile on a c all unt il the i nter ferenc e has be en elim inated. • Ot her e lec tron ic pr odu cts ca n cau se i nter feren ce w ith your c ord les s pho ne. 33 Additional information Problem Suggestion My handset does not ring when I receive a call. • Make s ure you have t he ri nger ac tivated . 34 Problem Suggestion My calls fade or cut in and out while I’m using my handset. • Press t he CH AN but ton w hile on a c all unt il the i nter ferenc e has be en elim inated. • Ot her e lec tron ic pr odu cts ca n cau se i nter feren ce w ith your c ord les s pho ne. 35 Additional information Problem Suggestion Common cure for electronic equipment. If the uni t does not se em to be respo ndin g normal ly , then tr y put tin g the hand set in its bas e. I f i t do es not see m to resp ond, d o the fol lowin g (in the or der lis ted): 1 . 36 Mainten ance Taking c are o f your te lep hone Your cordless telephone contains sophisticated electronic parts, so it must be treated with care. Avoid rough treatment Place the handset down gently. Save the original packing materials to protect your telephone if you ever need to ship it. 37 Additional information W arranty 5. Pr oduc t who se warr ant y/quali ty st icker s, Pro duc t seria l numb ers pl ates or e lec troni c seri al num bers h ave been r emove d, alte red or re nder ed ill egib le; or 6. 38 Import ant sa fet y instr uctions FCC Part 15 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the requirements for a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. 39 Additional information FCC , A CT A and IC regulati ons To ensure safety of users, the FCC has established criteria for the amount of radio frequency energy that can be safely absorbed by a user or bystander according to the intended usage of the product. 40 The RBRC ® Seal on t he ni ckel- cadmium batter y i ndicates that V T ec h Commu nication s, Inc. i s voluntar ily par tic ipati ng i n an indu str y progra m to col lect and rec ycle thes e bat teri es at the end of their usefu l li ves, whe n taken ou t of ser vic e with in the Un ited St ates and C anada . 41 Additional information T echnica l spe cicati ons Fre que ncy Con tro l Cr ysta l contr olle d PLL synth esizer T ra nsmit Fr equ ency Bas e : 24 10.2-24 1 8 .9 MHz Han dset: 91 2.75- 91 7 . 1 0 M Hz Re ceiv e Frequ ency Bas e : 912. 42 A Add ition al infor matio n 29 -4 0 B Bas e features 10 Bas ic ope ration 1 1-28 Bel t clip 28 C Call l og 24 Call er ID 24 Cho ose a lo catio n 6 Con nec tion 7 D Del ete a di. 43 Stor e a direc tor y entr y 19 Stor e a spee d dial en tr y 1 5 T T e chni cal sp eci cat ions 4 1 T e lepho ne ope ration 12- 14 T e mpora ry to ne dial ing 1 2 The R BRC ®.
VTECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. A memb er of THE V TECH GROUP OF COMP ANIES Distributed in the U.S.A. by VTech Communications, Inc. Beaverton, Oregon Distributed in Canada by VTech Telecommunications Canada Ltd., Richmond, B.C. Copyr ight © 200 6 for V TE CH T E LECO MMUNICA TIO NS L T D .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté VTech gz2335 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du VTech gz2335 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation VTech gz2335, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le VTech gz2335 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le VTech gz2335, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du VTech gz2335.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le VTech gz2335. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei VTech gz2335 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.