Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DS6111-3 du fabricant VTech
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U s e r ’ s m a n u a l Mod els: DS61 1 1 -2 / DS61 1 1 -3 / DS61 1 1 - 4.
Congratulations on purchasing your new VTech product. Before using this telephone, please read the Important safety instructions on page 40 of this manual. This manual has all the feature operations and troubleshooting necessary to install and operate your new VTech telephone. T able of con tents i Ge tt ing sta r ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Part s chec klist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 T elepho ne base and c harger ins tallatio n . . . . 2 Batter y in stallatio n and charg ing . . . . . ii T able of con tents Miss ed call s indic ator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Review the cal l log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Make a call lo g entr y ready to dia l . . . . . . 30 Dial a c all log entr y . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Getting started Basic operation To purchase replacement batteries or power adapters, visit our website at www. vtechphones. com or call 1 (800) 595-9511. In Canada, go to www.vtechcanada. com or call 1 (800) 267-7377. • 8. User’s manual T el e p ho n e b a s e w it h mou nting b rac ket 6. 2 Get ting s tar ted Use o nly th e power ad apter s sup plie d wit h thi s pro duc t. T o order a rep lace ment , vis it our we bsite at w ww. vte chph ones. co m or cal l 1 (80 0) 595 -9 5 1 1 . In Can ada, g o to w ww. v te chc anada. 3 Getting started Basic operation Get ting s tar ted If th e hand set will n ot be u sed for a lo ng tim e, dis co nnec t and rem ove the bat ter y to prevent po ssi ble leak age. T o pu rch ase rep lace ment bat teri es, vi sit our webs ite at w w w . 4 Get ting s tar ted Mounti ng bracket i nstallatio n Y our te lephone base comes with the mount ing brack et installed fo r desktop use. If you prefer to mount your telephone on th e wall ( o ptional) , it is d esigned to mount on a stand ard telephone wall plate. 5 Getting started Basic operation Get ting s tar ted Mounti ng bracket i nstallatio n ( cont inued) De sk top/ t able top brac ket inst allatio n: Y our te leph one com es rea dy for desktop use . 6 Handset lay out Get ting s tar ted /CID • When the handset is not in use, press to review the call log. While in the menu, press to scroll down. • /FLASH • Press to make or answer a call. • During a call, press to receive an incoming call when you receive a call waiting alert. 7 Getting started Basic operation Get ting s tar ted T ele phone base la y out FI ND H AN DS ET P r e s s t o p a g e t h e s y s t e m han dset s. • IN U SE l ight F l a s h e s w h e n t h e r e i s a n i n c o m i n g c a l l o r a n o t h e r t e l e p h o n e s h a r i n g t h e s a m e line i s in us e . 8 Ringer v olu me (handset ) Y ou can change the ringer volume to a comfor table le vel . The ringer c an also be tur ned of f so the telep hone do es not ring when there are inc oming calls. T o adjust the ring er volume : Press VOL or VOL to selec t the desired ringer volume when the hand set is not in use. 9 Basic operation Telephone settings T elephone settings RINGER TONE 1 >RINGER TONE KEY TONE Ringer to ne This menu allows you to choo se from dif ferent ringer tones. T o choose a r inger tone: Pres s M E NU / S EL EC T to d is pl ay t he m enu w he n th e handset is not in use. 10 T elephone settings >KEY TONE LANGUAGE Ke y to ne The hands et wi ll beep when you press any handset key . Y ou may turn the ke y tone on or of f . T o change the s etting: Pre ss M E NU / S EL EC T to d is pl ay t he m enu w he n th e handset is not in use. 11 Basic operation Telephone settings T elephone settings The te lep hone ser v ice p rovid er may aler t yo u to new me ssag es wit h a stut ter (bro ken ) di al tone. 12 Make a call Press / FL ASH or / SPE AKER . Dial the numb er . - O R- Dial the numb er . Press / FL ASH or /S PEAKE R . Ans wer a call Press / FLAS H , / SPEAK ER or any of the dialing key ( 0 - 9 , # , * ) . End a call Press OFF/CLE AR or put the hand set in the telephone ba se or charger . 13 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation PHONE 0:00:00 MUTED MUTE Mute The mute func tion allows you to hear t he other par ty w hile the other par t y cannot hear you. Du ri ng a c al l, pr es s M U TE / R E MOV E on t he h an ds et. 14 T elephone operation ** PAGING ** Chain dial ing This feature allows you to initiat e a d ialing sequenc e from numbers stored in the director y , call log or redia l list while you are on a call. T o access a num ber in the direc tory: Press MEN U/ SELEC T tw ice to enter the director y menu. 15 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation If th e dest inati on han dset d oes not an swer the i nterc om cal l wit hin 100 sec on ds, is i n the d irec tor y, is. 16 T elephone operation Conference call Y ou can have a conference call wit h an e x ternal line and t wo registered handsets. When one hand set is on the line, Press /FL ASH or / SPEAK ER on another han dset to join the call. 17 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation If th e dest inati on han dset d oes not pi ck u p the inter com c all, the o rig inati ng han dset c an retu rn to the ex ter nal c all by pres sin g / FL ASH , or OFF/ CLE AR o r IN T . 18 T elephone operation HANDSET X IS CALLING INTERCOM Mod els DS 61 1 1-3 / DS 61 1 1- 4 Du r in g a c al l, pr es s I N T to p ut t h e c a ll o n h ol d a t t he originating hand set. The screen d isplays TRAN SFE R TO: U se t h e d i a l i ng k ey s t o e n t er t h e d e s t i n at i o n h an d s e t number . 19 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Switch between external and interco m calls If you are on an external c all and you wish to interc om another han dset witho ut disc onnec ting the external c all: Mod el DS 61 1 1-2 During a call, press I NT to put t he call on hold at the originating hands et. 20 T elephone operation Mod els DS 61 1 1-3 / DS 61 1 1- 4 During a c all, press IN T to put t he c all on hold at the originating handset. The screen di splays TRAN SFER TO: Use the dialing ke ys to enter the destination handset number . 21 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Directory The direc tor y can store up to 50 entries. Each entr y may hav e up to 3 0 digits for t he phone number and 1 5 character s for the name. The director y can be accessed when the handset is not in use by pressing once or M EN U/S ELECT t hree times. 22 T elephone operation >DIRECTORY CALL LOG >STORE REVIEW ENTER NUMBER _ ENTER NAME _ Store a directory entr y Press MEN U/ SELEC T tw ice when the han dset is not in use. P res s or to sele ct > STOR E , the n pre ss MENU/SEL ECT . 23 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Character chart Use the dial pad and the char t below to enter a name ( up to 1 5 c haracte rs ) . Each press of a par ticular key causes the characters to be d isplayed in the following order: Press MUT E / REM OVE to ba ckspac e and erase when entering c haracters. 24 T elephone operation Search the director y Entries are sor ted alphabetic ally . T o search the direc tor y: Press on ce or ME NU /SE LECT three times to enter the direc tor y . Press or to scroll t hrough the dire ctor y . T o star t an alphabetic al search: Press once or MENU /S ELECT three times to enter the director y . 25 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation EDIT NAME VTECH_ Edit a d irectory entr y Press on ce or ME NU /SE LECT three times to enter the direc tor y . Press or to s croll to the d esired entr y , or use t he alphabetic al search to nd it. 26 T elephone operation Delete from the directory Press on ce or ME NU /SE LECT three times to enter the direc tor y . Press or to scroll to the desired entr y , or u se t he al phabetical searc h to nd it. P res s MUTE/ REMO VE to rem o ve the des ir ed en try . 27 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation About caller ID The caller ID with c all waiting feature in t his tele phone lets you s ee t he nam e and telephone number of t he caller before answe ring the call, ev en when you’ re on a cal l. 28 T elephone operation Due to r egi onal ser v ice dif fer enc es, the c all er ID info rmati on may not b e availab le for ever y inc omi ng cal l. In add iti on, the c all ers may inten tion ally blo ck t heir na mes and /or tele pho ne num ber s. 29 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Missed calls i ndicator When the handset is not in use and there are unrevie wed c alls in the call l og, its scree n will display X X MI SS ED CALL(S) . Ea ch time a call log entry ma rk ed NEW is re vie we d, the numbe r of missed c alls dec reases by one. 30 T elephone operation 800-595-9511 1-800-595-9511 595-9511 1-595-9511 Make a call lo g entr y ready to dia l Alt houg h th e c all log entr ies rec eived have 1 0 d igit s (the a. 31 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation SAVED UNABLE TO SAVE Sav e a call log en tr y to the directory When in the c all log, press or to scroll to the d esired entr y . Press MEN U/ SELEC T . Y ou can edi t the phone num ber , if ne cess ary . 32 T elephone operation Delete from the call log T o delete one entr y: When in the c all log, press or to scroll to the d esired entr y . Press M UTE / RE MOVE to delete the selec ted entr y . Y ou will hear a conr mation tone. 33 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Displays : When: PR I V ATE NAM E The caller is blocking the n ame inf ormation . PR I V ATE NUM BER The caller is blocking the t elephone n umber in format ion. PR I VAT E CAL LER The call er is block ing the name and num ber information. 34 T elephone operation Redial list The telephone stores t he ve most rece ntly d ialed numbers on the red ial list. Whe n the re ar e alr ea dy v e entr ies on th e redi al lis t, th e earl ie st entr y will be del eted to mak e room for the latest entr y . 35 Appendix Handset displa y screen messages AL REA DY SAV ED The t elephone numbe r y ou ha v e ent ered is alr eady st ored i n the di rectory . CA LL LOG EMPT Y There are no call log en tries. CA LLI N G HA ND SE T X (for DS 61 1 1-3 /DS 61 1 1- 4) CA LLI N G OTH ER H AN DS ET (for DS 61 1 1-2) Calling another hands et. 36 Handset displa y screen messages M I CRO PH ON E ON MUT E has been turned of f and the person on t he other end can hear you. MUTED The micr ophone is muted temp orarily during a c onve rs ation. NE W VO I CE M A I L There are new voicemail mess ages from the lo cal telephon e company . 37 Appendix Handset displa y screen messages WA RN I NG CH ECK BAT TER Y ! The batter y is not inst alled or not insta lled properl y in the handset. - OR - The batter y nee ds to be replace d. - OR - An inc orrect bat tery ha s been install ed. 38 Handset icons MUT E Microp hone is muted. • Ringer of f. • NE W New call log entries. • NE W VOIC E MA IL New voicemail rec eived from the lo cal telephone c ompany . • SPE AKE R In speak erpho ne mode. • Bat ter y ind icator Cycles (low , medium, and full) when t he handset batter y is c harging. 39 Appendix Batter y It t ak es up t o 16 hour s for t he b at te r y to be f ull y cha rg ed . Wh en it i s full y ch arg ed , you c an exp ec t th e fol low ing p er fo rma nc e:. 40 Import ant safety instru ctions Whe n u sin g y our tel eph one e qui pme nt, ba si c s afet y pre cau tio ns sh oul d al ways be fo llow ed to red uc e t he ri sk of r e, e lec tr ic sh oc k an d inj ur y , in clu din g the f oll owin g: Rea d and un der st and a ll in str uc tio ns. 41 Appendix T roubleshootin g If you ha v e difcult y with your telep hone, please tr y the suggestions below . For Customer Service, visit our website at ww w . v tech, or call 1 (80 0 ) 595 -9 5 1 1 ; in Canada, call 1 (800) 267 - 7377 . 42 T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion The b atter y doe s not cha rge in t he ha nds et or th e hand set bat ter y do es not ac ce pt cha rge. Make sure the han dset is plac ed in t he te lep hone ba se or ch arger co rre ctl y . 43 Appendix T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion The teleph one does not ri ng w he n th er e i s an inc omi ng ca ll. Make sur e the r ing er volum e is not s et to zero (p age 8). Make sur e the te leph one l ine c ord an d power ad apter are p lug ged i n prop erl y (page 2). 44 T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion I can not di al out . Fir st, tr y a ll the a bove sug ges tion s. Make sure th ere is a dial tone be fore dia ling. It is nor mal if the ha nds et takes a sec ond or tw o to sy nch ronize wit h t he tel eph one befor e pr odu cin g a d ial tone. 45 Appendix T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion T h er e i s in t e r f e r en c e d u r i n g a t e l e p h o n e co nversat ion. My calls fade out when I am usin g th e c ord less han dset . The h and set may be ou t of ran ge. Move it c lo ser to th e tele phon e bas e. 46 T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion I hear oth er call s when usi ng the te lep hone. Dis co nnec t t he te leph one bas e fro m th e tel epho ne wa ll ja ck. Plug in a dif fere nt tel eph one. I f you sti ll hear ot her ca lls, t he pro blem i s prob ably i n the wir ing or l oc al ser v ice. 47 Appendix T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion Caller ID entries d o not ma tc h t h e n um b er s I nee d to dia l. Alt hou gh the c all lo g en tri es yo u r ece ive have 10 d . 48 T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion Com mon c ure for ele ctr oni c equi pme nt. If th e tele phon e is not r esp ond ing no rma lly , tr y pu tt ing t he co rdle ss ha nds et in th e tele phon e bas e or the c harg er . 49 Appendix Operating range This cordless telephone operates with the maximum power allowed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). 50 About cordless telephones Priv acy: The same feature s tha t make a c or dle ss telep hon e co nveni ent create some limi tat ion s. 51 Appendix W arranty Wh at do es t his l imi te d warr an ty c over ? The m anuf act urer of th is VTech Prod uc t wa rra nts to the h old er of a va lid pro of of pur cha se (“. 52 8. Ch arg es for i nst all atio n or se t up, adj ust ment o f cus tom er co ntr ols, a nd in st alla tio n or rep air of s yste ms out si de th e uni t. How d o you g et wa rra nt y se r vic e? T o ob tai n wa rra nt y s er vi ce in the Un ited St ates of Am eri ca , p lea se cal l 1 (80 0) 595 - 951 1 . 53 Appendix FCC Part 15 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the requirements for a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. These requirements are intended to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. 54 The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) is used to determine how many devices you may connect to your telephone line and still have them ring when you are called. The REN for this product is encoded as the 6th and 7th characters following the US: in the product identier (e. 55 Appendix T echnical specications Freque ncy c ontr ol Cr yst al co ntro lled PL L synth esizer T ra nsmi t freq uen cy Han dset: 1921 . 53 6-1 9 28.4 48 MHz T el eph one ba se: 1 921 . 53 6 - 1928.4 48 M Hz Chan nels 5 Nom inal ef fe cti ve ran ge Ma xim um power a llowed by FC C and IC. 56 Index A Ab out c aller ID 27 Ab out c ordl ess te lep hone s 50 Answe r a call 12 Answe r an inc omi ng ca ll dur ing an i nterc om c all 20 B Bat ter y 3, 3 9 C Call l og 28 Ca. 57 Appendix Index M Mai ntenan ce 4 9 Make a c all 12 Make a c all lo g entr y r eady to d ial 3 0 Mis sed c all s ind icato r 29 Mou ntin g brac ket inst allat ion 4 Mute 13 O Op .
VTECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. A member of T HE V TECH GROUP OF COMP ANIES. Distr ibuted in th e U .S.A . by V T e ch Com municati ons, Inc. Beaver ton, Orego n Distr ibuted in Canad a by VT ec h T echno logies Can ada, Ltd., Richmon d, B. C. Copyri ght © 200 8 for V TE CH TELECOMMUNICA TIONS L TD.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté VTech DS6111-3 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du VTech DS6111-3 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation VTech DS6111-3, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le VTech DS6111-3 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le VTech DS6111-3, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du VTech DS6111-3.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le VTech DS6111-3. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei VTech DS6111-3 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.