Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit CS8.0 du fabricant True Fitness
Aller à la page of 94 / 800.426.6570 / 1.636.272.7100 CS8.0 U pright and Recu mb e nt B ike Owne r’ s Gu id e.
In 1981, F rank T r ula ske launched TRUE Fitness®, and beg an manufacturing premium hand-craf ted treadmills . His team ’ s obse ssion with quality has prop elled TRUE to the top of the f itness industr y and has cre at e d one of America ’ s olde st, l argest and most resp ec ted fitness e quipment manufacturers.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 3 Review fo r Y ou r Safety I S I Whe n u sing this e xer cise machine, ba sic pre caution s should always be followe d, which includes the following : Read and understand all instr uctions and war nings prior to use.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 4 St ar ting U p Durin g Y ou r Wo rkout P aus i n g Y ou r Wo rkout Be gin pe daling . The di splay w ill st art up in WORKOUT SETU P . QUIC K ST ART into a manual workout by pressing . SELEC T A DIFFER EN T WORKOU T by pressing the workout keys .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 5 T ab le o f Co nte nts Quick Start ..............................................................................................4 1. Introduction.........................................................................
Chapte r O ne I ntr o ductio n In T h is Chapter: T o p Fea tures F an cy Fea tures Basi c Fea tures Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W orkout Se.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 7 T o p F ea tu res C O: I Intr o ductio n T o p Fea tures Y our new C S8.0 bike console is the most sophisticated exercise comput er in the fitness industr y . Even the sim plest operation, Manual Control, wor ks in a sp ec ial and usef ul way .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 8 Fa n c y Fea tures A dvanced Cu stom P rog ramm ing : Create up to thre e dif feren t program profiles , up to 60 s egments long , using any of four different prog ramming me thods , including a Re cord mo de. Custom Inter val s : C hoos e your ow n interv al worklo ad and duration.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 9 Three-mo de Manual C ontrol : MET -ba sed, bic ycle simulation, or 10-watt increments . F our P re-set P rog rams : E as y interv als , spe ed inter vals , rolling hills , and one big hill. C SA FE Audio C ontrol : V olume and channel remote control of compatible systems .
Ridin g Y ou r B ike In T h is Chapter: Wo rkout Bas ics Ri di ng Fo rm Hear t Ra te Mon it o ring Ch est Strap Use Co nt act Hear t Ra te Use Gettin g th e Most From CHR Chapte r T wo Chapter 1: Intr.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 11 Set your weight before ever y workout. This allow s the CS8.0 bike to control your workout more effec tively . Se e the Personal Power sec tion in C hapter 5 for more information. The b ody weight setting does not affect the calor ie expenditure calculation.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 12 Foot Positi o n Pedal C a dence Brea thing Riders are most effic ient if they place the ball of their foot in the cent er of the p edal. Other riders are more comfortable if the arch of their foot is ag ainst the pe dal.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 13 Mo nit o ring You r H ear t Ra te The CS8.0 bike has two ways of monitoring your heart rate: 1. By u sing a chest strap that transmit s your he art rate to the bike v ia radio. 2. By u sing the met al contact hear t rate pads on the handlebars .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 14 Chest Strap Us e C T: R Y B Che st St rap Hear t Ra te Mo nit o ring When you we ar a Polar or com patible transmitter strap, the bike will display your heart rate a s a digital b eats -p er -minute ( bpm) readout .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 15 Co nt act H ear t Ra te Us e C T: R Y B Co nt ac t Hear t Ra te (CHR) The c ontact hear t rate system lets you monitor your hear t rate without wear ing a strap.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 16 G etting the M ost F rom CHR C T: R Y B 1. Exercise with smooth bo dy motions. A void excessive b ody motion, espe cially in your arms and upper b ody . 2. Breathe smoothly and regul arly , and avoid talking .
The D is pl a y In T h is Chapter: Ke yp ad L a yout Wha t the Keys Do U p per C o nso le Ho w t o Read Y our D is pla y Chapte r Thre e Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3:.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 18 Keyp ad L a yout C T: T D .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 19 Wha t the Ke ys Do C T: T D Change D ispl ay: Change s d ata readout s from one set of four to the other se t. Press and hold for two s econds to have the set s automatically alternate back and forth ever y f ive seconds .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 20 Wha t the Ke ys Do C T: T D HRC W orkout s: Cycles through Constant , Inter val, HRC Ultra , and HRC Ultra Inter val. Se e Chapter 7. C alorie G oal : Selec ts the Calorie G oal workout.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 21 U ppe r Co nso le C T: T D Dist ance: An estimate of how far you would have trave led on an outdoor bike.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 22 How t o Read Y ou r D is pl a y C T: T D Lev el : In all other workout mo des , indicates which workout level is sele cted. In Bike Mo de, indicates which of 21 gears is selecte d.
Wo rk out S etu p In T h is Chapter: Settin g U p Y our Workout Duri ng Y our Wo rkout Chapte r Fou r Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W or kout .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 24 S ettin g U p Y ou r Wo rk out C F: W S W orkout Se tup is available both before and during your workout. In W orkout Se tup: • Y ou c an easily e dit all the available options of e ach workout.
Manual Co ntro l In T h is Chapter: Per so nal Power Fi n e Co ntr o l Bi ke Mo de Chapte r F ive Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W orkout Setup.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 26 Intr o ductio n Pe r s o na l Power Fine Co ntro l Pe r so nal Powe r Fine Co ntro l C F: M C Manual Control can operate three different ways : P ersonal P ower F ine Control, Bike Mode, and 10-watt mode.
Pre-S et Wo rk outs In T h is Chapter: Wo rkout Cho ices Hi ll Wo rkout Pro fi les Inter v al Wo rkout Pro fi les Ho w Wo rkout an d Segment Le vels Affect Mets Ho w Y our Wei ght Affect s Wo rkl o ad.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 28 Wo rk out Cho ices C S: P-S W H il l and I nt e r v al Wo rkouts Just like manual control, the hill and interv al workouts compensate for different bo dy weights .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 29 H ill Wo rk out Pro f iles C S: P-S W Hill Wo rkout Pro f iles Ro lling H ills O ne B ig H ill.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 30 I nt e r v al Wo rkout Pro f iles I nte r v al Wo rkout Pro f iles C S: P-S W Easy I nte rv als S po r t I nt.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 31 How Wo rkout and S egment Leve ls Af fec t MET s C S: P-S W Program Le ve l MET s S egment Leve l Six teen di fferent le vels are a v ailab le t o change th e di fficul t y of a wo rkout .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 32 Range o f Workl oad C S: P-S W Ho w Wo r kou t Lev e ls Af f ec t Ran ge of Wo rkload Note that time of workout is the same (This graph is a f igurative representation.
H ear t Ra te Co ntro l In T h is Chapter: Introduc tio n t o HRC T ypes o f HR C Co nst ant an d Inter v al HR C Intro to HRC U l tra HRC Ul tra Workout Inter v al HR C U l tr a Wo rkout Cruis e Co n.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 34 I ntro ducti o n to HRC C S : H R C Co nst ant HRC TRUE’ s hear t rate control (HRC ) workouts.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 35 T ypes o f HR C C S : H R C T ype s o f HRC The CS8.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 36 Co nst ant & I nte r v al HRC C S : H R C Co nst ant HRC I nt e r v al HRC Constant H RC i s the most well known ty pe of HRC , and i s the ea siest to us e.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 37 HRC U l tra Ove r view C S : H R C Why Us e HR C U l tra Wo rkouts? As mentioned in the Constant.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 38 HR C U l tra Wo rkout HRC U l tra Wo rk out C S : H R C % o f Max H ear t Ra te Unlike Constant and Inter val H RC, you don ’ t pick a target hear t rate, but you must enter your age corre ctly .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 39 I nte r v al HRC U l tra Wo rkout C S : H R C I nt e r v al HRC U l tra Interv al HRC Ultra work s similarly to Inter val HRC , but the work t arget he art rates g radually increa se through your workout .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 40 Cru is e Co ntro l C S : H R C Cr ui se Co ntro l This is the simplest way to enter Const ant HRC training . While in manual or any program you can enter Constant HRC by simply pressing the Heart R ate Control ke y .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 41 Impo r t ant Po ints About HRC C S : H R C Imp o r t an t Po ints Abo ut Hear t Ra te Co ntro l The hear t rate monitor transmitter strap should b e worn accor ding to the guidelines in Chapter 2 .
C al o rie Goal Wo rkout In T h is Chapter: Cal o ri e Go al Wo rkout Chapte r E i ght Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W orkout Setup Chapter 5:.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 43 C alo rie Goal Wo rkout C E : C G W Settin g U p A C al o rie Goa l Wo rkout Calorie G .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 44 V isu al E xpl ana tio n C E : C G W Calo rie Goa l Wo rkout Graph W a tts Time.
D es i gning Y our Own Wo rk out In T h is Chapter: Crea tin g Y our O wn Wo rkout Cust om Wo rkout s Cust om Inter v als Chapte r N ine Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3:.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 46 Cre a tin g You r Own Wo rkout There are two b asic ways to c reate your own custom workout : have the CS8.0 bike re cord your le vel se ttings during a manual workout , or enter the workout levels dire ctly w ith the ke ypad.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 47 Crea ting Y ou r Own Wo rk out C N : D Y O W Custom Programs Step-B y-Step • Press Advance d O ptions until Custom Program 1, 2, or 3 is displayed.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 48 Cust om Wo rk outs C N : D Y O W Custom Wo rkouts In D e pth Scale : simply enter the work level for any number of seg ments betwe en 1 and 60.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 49 Cust om I nte r v als C N : D Y O W Custom I nt e r v als Since inter val training is a common typ e of workout , the CS8.0 console has an extra-easy way to enter a custom interv al program.
F itness Test In T h is Chapter: T est Introducti o n Pro p er Prep ara tio n and B eha vio r Ho w th e Test Wo rk s Ho w t o Us e Y our Resul ts T est Speci fi c Issues Chapte r Te n Chapter 1: Intro.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 51 Test I ntro ductio n C T: F T Intr o ductio n Instr uctio ns The CS8.0 bike fitness test is an improved implementation of the YMC A protocol fitness test , as desc ribe d in the ACSM Guidel ines , Chapter 4.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 52 Y ou should : • Stay as relaxed a s p ossible during the test , bre athing smoothly and regularly . • Be dresse d in comfortable workout clothes and r iding in a room with comfortable air temperature and humidity .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 53 How the Test Wo rks C T: F T Ho w the Test Wo rks The test consists of four three-minute stages .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 54 How t o Us e Y ou r Resul ts C T: F T How to Us e Y ou r Resul ts The b est way to use the results of a fitne ss test i s to track your progress in an ex ercise program.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 55 Note that the abs olute accurac y of this test i s appro ximat ely +/- 15% compared to a laborator y maximal test . (Se e Swain and Leutholtz , M etabolic Calculation s , page 63). The results on the CS8.0 bike should be some what better since it use s an improved maximum hear t rate formula (see Appendi x A).
Me d i cal and E r gomete r Mo de In T h is Chapter: Wha t Th es e Mo des Do Ho w T hes e Mo des are Di fferent Chapte r E leve n Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Di.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 57 Wha t Thes e Mo des Do C E : M E M These modes require the use of the external power option, and are accesse d by chang ing the default operation mo de in S etup Mode (se e Chapter 14 ).
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 58 How Thes e M o d es are D iff ere nt C E : M E M Ho w The s e Mo des Ar.
O the r Fu nc tio ns In T h is Chapter: O th er Fun Stuff Chapte r T we l ve Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W orkout Setup Chapter 5: Manual Co.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 60 O the r Fu n Stu ff C T : O F Happy W orkout : This allows riders to per form a virtual (i.
Crea ting an E xe r cis e Pl an In T h is Chapter: T he F .I.T . Co ncept D efi n ed Uti lizin g th e F .I.T . Co n cept Begi n n i n g Y our F .I.T . Progr a m Est ablis h i n g and Maint ai ni n g F.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 62 The F .I.T . Co n ce pt D e f ine d C T : D E P Wha t is the F .I .T . Co nce pt? The workout portion of your exer cise prog ram consists of three major v ariables : Fr equenc y , Intensity , and T ime.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 63 The F .I.T . Co n ce pt D e f ine d C T : D E P As your fitness le vel improves, you will ne ed to increas e your workout intensity in order to reach your target hear t rate.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 64 Utilizing the F .I.T . Co nce pt C T : D E P Us i ng the F .I .T . Co nce pt Y ou r F it nes s Program D ete rm ini n g Yo ur Need s The F .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 65 B eginning Y ou r F .I.T . Program C T : D E P In addition to monitoring your hear t rat e as you exer cise, b e certain of how quickly your he art rate re covers.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 66 W orkout : Br isk and Rhythmic E xercise The workout trains and conditions your heart , lungs , and muscles to op erate more effic iently . Increase exercise in response to your hear t rate to train and strengthen your cardiova scular sy stem.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 67 Est ab lis hing & Maint aining F itness C T : D E P.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 68 We i ght Management C T : D E P Managing Wei ght Consistent aerobic ex ercise w ill help you change your b ody composition by lowering your percentage of b ody fat .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 69 Spo r ts Training When you are training to improve strength and performance: • Exercise four to five days a week . Alternate ex ercise days and interv als of hard to ver y hard ex ercise with ea sy to moderate ex ercise.
S etu p Mo de In T h is Chapter: Gettin g Int o Setup Mo de Cust omiz ab le O pti o ns O do meters Chapte r Fou r te e n Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Ch.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 71 G ettin g I nt o S etu p Mo de C F : S M How to G et I nt o Setu p Mod e Press and hold . Be gin pe daling the bike, or p ower up w ith external power . A t the f ive-digit “Pass Code” prompt, enter 1 0 1 0 1 .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 72 Cust omiz ab le O ptio ns C F : S M Customiz ab le O ptio ns Lang uag e: Current ly , only Engli sh is supp orte d. Units: English (default) or metric . Maximum W orkout T ime : F rom 1 to 98 minutes, and unlimited.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 73 Mo re Custo m O ptio ns C F : S M Default manual : Personal Power -base d, or Bic ycle Simulation, or Constant Power w ith 10- watt inc rements. Sound: T ones are on (default) or of f.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 74 O domete r s C F : S M O domete r s Miles: Accumulat ed “miles , ” which is simulated road bike mile s. E ven though this is ju st a simulated number , it actually is a go od mea sure of stress and wear on the bike me chanism and brak ing system.
C are and M ainte nan ce In T h is Chapter: Ho w t o Care fo r Y our Bi ke Chapte r F ifte e n Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W orkout Setup Ch.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 76 Y our C S8.0 bike do esn ’ t re quire any routine maintenance, not even lubr ication. Ke eping it clean is the mo st imp ortant task . After e ver y workout : P erspiration should be w ipe d f rom the contr ol console, con tact he art rate pad s, shrouds , and seat .
Appe nd ix A M axim u m Hear t Ra te an d T ar get Hear t RA te Appe ndix A.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 78 Appe nd ix A T arget Hear t Ra te Char t Remember to check with your physician before b eg inning any exercise prog ram.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 79 Remember to check with your physician before b eg inning any ex ercise program. He/She can help determine an appropriate target heart rate.
Appe nd ix B M axim al O x ygen U pt ake an d MET s Appe nd ix B.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 81 Appe nd ix B Maximal oxygen uptake, or VO 2 ma x, is considered the best single mea surement of cardiova scular fitne ss . It repre sents the pe ak rate of your b ody ’ s oxygen consumption capability , which is import ant b ecause this is one of the two bigge st factors in endurance p erformance.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 82 MET s are define d as the ratio of the current body energ y expenditure rate compared with ba sal metabolic rate (BMR): MET s = ( VO2 rate of c urrent state) / 3.5 where 3.5 represent s BMR . VO 2 (oxygen uptake) and 3.
Appe nd ix C Det ails o n Ho w th e CS8.0 B i ke Co ntr o ls Y our E xercise Intens ity Appe ndix C.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 84 Appe nd ix C As you ride the CS8.0 bike, your exercise intensity is be st mea sured as the amount of power re ceived by the bike from your pe daling .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 85 Appe nd ix C Constant torque is use d in a mo difie d way in Bike Mode. In addition to constant resistance for a g iven “ gear , ” additional torque is applied to simulate wind and road resistance, as well as to compensate for dif ferent bo dy weights .
Appe nd ix D A merican C o llege o f Spo r ts Medi ci n e Positi o n St an d o n E xercise an d Fitn ess Appe nd ix D.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 87 Appe nd ix D In 1998, the Americ an College of Sp ort s Medicine completed their mo st imp ortant po sition st and, title d, “The recommended quantity and quality of exercise for de veloping and maintaining cardiorespirator y and musc ular fitness in healthy adult s .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 88 Appe nd ix D T raining should b e three to f ive d ays p er week at b etween 55% and 90% ma ximum he art rate. D econditioned indiv iduals should st ay be tween 55% and 64%. T ot al duration of training should b e betwe en 20 and 60 minutes , with the time v ar ying inversely with intensity .
Appe nd ix E Sp eci fica tio ns Appe ndix E.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 90 Appe nd ix E Resistance Hybrid Self-Generating Brake Drive 2 Stage Drive System with Poly- V Belts Crank One Piece For ged Steel Crank System W ith Sealed B earings Power Source Self-Generating .
B ib li ography Referen ces an d Selected Readi ngs B ib liography.
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 92 B ib liography American College of Spor ts Medic ine, A CSM’ s Guidel ines for E xercise T e sting and P re scription . 6th edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott W illiams & W ilk ins, 2000. F ey nman, R ichard P ., The F e ynman Le ctures on Physics .
CS8.0 B ikes Owner’ s Guide 93 B ib liography Robergs , Rober t A . and L andwehr , Rober to. (2002) The Surprising Hi stor y of the “HRma x = 220 - age” Equation. Journal of Exercise Ph ysiolog y , 5(2). ISSN 1097-9751.2 Article URL : <http://w ww.
Founded 1981 865 Hoff Road St. Louis, MO 63366 800.426.6570 070808.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté True Fitness CS8.0 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du True Fitness CS8.0 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation True Fitness CS8.0, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le True Fitness CS8.0 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le True Fitness CS8.0, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du True Fitness CS8.0.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le True Fitness CS8.0. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei True Fitness CS8.0 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.