Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit B064-016-02-IPG du fabricant Tripp Lite
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1 Owner’ s Man ual W arranty Registration: register online today f or a chance to win a FREE T ripp Lite product—www anty NetDirector Cat5 IP KVM Switches Models: B064-016-02-IPG, B064-016-04-IPG, B064-032-02-IPG and B064-032-04-IPG FCC Information This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.
2 T abl e of Cont ent s T able of Contents ........................................ 2 Introduction ............................................ 3 Features ................................................ 3 Remote Console Computer Requirements ........
3 Intro duction Remote Console Co mputer Require ments Feature s • Di re ctlycon nectupt o1 6( B06 4 - 01 6 - 0 4 -IP GorB06 4 - 01 6 - 02 -IP G) or 32 (B06 4 - 032- 02-I .
4 Intro duction (continued ) Connec ted Compute r / S er ver Requirem ents Suppor ted Vid eo Resolutions Ser ver Inter face U nits ( SI Us) Suppor ted O perat ing Systems Computer s / ser vers to b e .
1 4 5 6 2 3 5 Intro duction (continued ) Suppor ted Browsers Components Suppor te d browsers for users t hat remot ely l og into t he B0 64 - Ser ies KV M Switches include: Bro wser V ersion Internet Explorer* 6 and higher Firefo x 1.5 and higher Mozilla 1.
3 4 6 7 8 5 1 2 6 Intro duction (continued ) Compone nts (continued) Rear Vie w No. Comp one nt De scr iptio n 1 Po wer Sockets (C6) Th e two C6 pow er sockets a r e locate d her e. Conne ct th e included power cords (C5 to 5 - 15P) from he re to a n appropr ia te power source.
7 Hardware Setup Gen eral Safe ty I nstructions • Reada lloft hesei nst r uctions.Sav et hemforfutu rer eference. • Follo wal lwa r ni ngsa ndinst r uct ionsma rkedont hedevice.
Use the M3x8 Phillips head hex scre ws provided with the rack mount kit Use user supplied hardware to attach to the rack 8 Hardware Setup (continu ed) Rack Mounting Safet y Instruct ions • Bef.
2 4 6 9 8 5 7 2 3 3 9 7. Op t io na l D i al -In Mo de m Conne ct i on : Use Cat 5e cable to conn ect t he KV M switch’ s Modem po r t to t he included R J45 to D B9 Adapter, and con nect t he ad apt er’ s DB9 conne ctor to t he mo dem ’ s DB 9 por t .
10 Th e B06 4 -Se r ies KV M Switches suppor t hot pluggi ng: component s ca n be removed and ad ded ba ck into t he in sta l lation by unplugging a nd replugging t hei r cables fr om the p or ts w ithout th e nee d to shut the u n it do wn.
11 Th e B06 4 -Se r ies KV M Switches suppor t s th r ee t y pes of user s: User T ype Description Super Administrator Super Administrators hav e full access to all Ports and Devices in the KVM installation. They can manage all aspects of the installation.
Sup er Administ rator S etup (continue d) Net work Setup - IP Address D etermination (continue d) 12 NIC Settings Th e B06 4 -Se r ies KV M Switch has t wo network inter faces.
13 Sup er Administ rator S etup (continue d) Loggi ng Int o the B0 6 4 - Series K VM Switc h Local Console Login Changing the Supe r Administrator Login T o change th e default Super Adm in ist rat or Userna me a nd Pa ssw ord , do the following: 1 . At th e top of the OSD page, click User Ma n a ge m e n t .
14 Loggi ng Int o the B0 6 4 - Series K VM Switc h (continue d) Browser Login Th e B06 4 -Se r ies KV M Switches ca n be ac cesse d via I nte r net browser fr om any platfor m tha t has t he Jav a Runti me Envi ron ment 6, Upda te 3, or higher i nst al led .
15 Loggi ng Int o the B0 6 4 - Series K VM Switc h (continue d) AP Jav a Client Login AP Windows Cl ient Login (continue d) In t hose ca ses i n which t he Adm i n istr ator doe s not want th e B06 4 .
16 OSD Op erat ion Af t er logging i nto the K V M switch, t he OSD Mai n Page appe a rs. Dep endi ng on how y ou logg ed i nto t he switch, t he int er face wi l l var y slightly . T he follo wi ng sect ion descr ibe s the d i fference s bet ween th ese inte r faces a nd t he icons a nd fu nct ions y ou wi ll fi nd in t hem .
17 OSD T ab Bar Th e numbe r and t y pe of icons t hat app ea r on t he t ab ba r at t he top of th e page a re dete r m ine d by user t yp e (Super Ad m in ist rator, Adm in ist rato r or User ) a nd the p er m issions assigne d when th e accou nt was cre ate d.
18 OSD Operation (continued) Conne ctions Th e OSD Mai n page is t he sa me scr een t hat you get when na vigati ng to th e Con nect ions sub-se ct ion of the Por t Access se ction.
19 OSD Operation (continued) Por t N am ing For conv enienc e, espe cial ly in la rge in sta l lations w ith ma ny KV M switches a nd por t s, each po r t ca n be g iv en a un ique na me. T o assign, mod if y or delete a po r t na me, fo l lo w th e inst r uct ions belo w .
20 OSD Operation (continued) History Th e History page pr ovides a record of ea ch ti me t hat a por t was acces sed. • Ift her ea remoreent r iest ha nthe reisroomont hesc re en,asc rollba rapp ea r stoletyouscrollupa nddowntoseet heenti r erec ord.
21 OSD Operation (continued) Fa vorites Fa v or i t es is si m ila r to a b ook m a rks feat ur e. Frequent ly visited por t s ca n be l iste d on t hi s page. Open t h is page a nd select t he por t i nste ad of sea rch i ng f or it in t he t re e view .
22 OSD Operation (continued) User Preferences Th e User Preferences p age al lo ws users to s et up thei r own i ndividua l worki ng environ ment s. The B0 6 4 -Ser ies K V M Switch stores a sepa rat e re cord for each user p rofile, a nd sets up t he work ing environ ment a ccord i ng to the User na me t hat was use d to ac cess t he KV M switch.
23 OSD Operation (continued) Ses sions Acc e ss Th e Sessions sub-se ct ion al lo ws Super Adm i nist rat ors a nd Adm in ist rat ors to se e who is logged into t he KV M switch, and p rovides in form ation about e ach of thei r sessions.
24 Setting Description Access The Access setting determines if an account is allowed to access the selected por t, and if so , what lev el of access the account has. T o edit this setting, click on the bo x in the Access column next to the account y ou wish to edit.
25 OSD Operation (continued) Associ ated Link Th is pa ge al lo ws y ou to as sociat e li n k s to ot her por t s in t he inst a lla tion with t he h igh light ed p or t.
26 OSD Operation (continued) Th e User Managem en t sect ion al low s Super Adm i n istr ator s, and Adm in ist rat ors a nd Users who hav e be en given User Ma n a ge m en t per m ission, to a dd / e dit ac count s on the K V M switch.
27 OSD Operation (continued) Adding U se r Accou nts ( co ntinu ed ) Field Description Username Enter a username for the account here. The username can contain up to 16 characters, and must meet the Account P olicy requirements set in the Security sub-section.
28 OSD Operation (continued) User Ma nageme nt (continued) At th is poi nt you can do a ny of the fo llowing: • Assignt henewusertoag roupbyselecti ngthe G rou p s t ab in t he user’ s notebo ok.
29 OSD Operation (continued) User Ma nageme nt (continued) 3. The g roup in for mat ion scre en th at appe a rs is si m ila r to t he us er in form ation sc ree n, ex cept t hat t he Status sect ion is not displayed. Ed it the g roup i n forma tion th e sa me as wit h a user ac cou nt.
30 OSD Operation (continued) Assi gning U se rs to a Gr oup vi a th e Use r’s Note bo ok T o assign a user to a g roup f rom t he User’ s not ebook , do t he f oll ow ing : 1 . Select the u ser’ s name f rom t he User List or select t he us er’ s na me fr om the Ma i n Pa nel and click Mod if y .
User Ma nageme nt (continued) 31 OSD Operation (continued) Assi gning U se rs to a Gr oup vi a th e Gro up’ s Not eb ook T o assign a user to a g roup f rom t he G roup noteb ook, do t he f oll ow ing : 1 . Select the g roup’ s na me i n t he G roup list or s elect the g roup’ s na me in t he Ma i n Panel a nd click Modi f y .
User Ma nageme nt (continued) 32 OSD Operation (continued) Device Assig nment W hen a user logs onto the K V M switch, th e por t s th at th ey are al low ed to ac cess a r e display e d in t he por t list. Por t s th at th ey are not al low ed to ac cess a r e not display e d.
33 OSD Operation (continued) Th e Device Ma nagement se ction a llow s Super Adm i n ist rator s, a nd Adm in ist rat ors / Users who hav e be en given per m ission, to con figu re a nd contr ol the K V M switch. W hen t he Device Ma nagement icon is select ed , it opens with t he D evice In for mat ion page display ed.
34 OSD Operation (continued) Device Information (continued) Item Description P ower Supply 2 The icon to the right of this is gra y when power supply 2 is not receiving pow er .
35 OSD Operation (continued) Th e sett i ngs in t h is sub-se ct ion are d escr ibe d i n the t able below . Item Description IP Installer The B064-Series KVM switch comes with an IP Installer application that allows Windows computers to easily view and edit the KVMs network settings.
36 OSD Operation (continued) Th e A N MS sub-se ct ion is used to set up logi n auth enticat ion and author i zat ionman agementfromexter na lsou rc es.Itissplitup intot wopages; Even t Des ti na ti on a nd Authentication , w h ich ar e exp la in ed i n th e sect ions th at fo l lo w .
37 OSD Operation (continued) RADIUS Settings T oal lo waut henticat ionandaut hor iza tionfortheB0 64 - Ser iesKV MSwitcht h roughaR A DI USserver,dothefollo wing: 1 . Che ck the En able check box in the R ADI US sect ion.
38 LDAP Configura tion — Act ive Dire ctor y T oal lo waut henticat ionandaut hor iza tionfortheB0 64 - Ser iesKV MSwitchviaL D A PorL D A P S,theActive.
39 OSD Operation (continued) Ex te nd a nd Up da te th e Act ive Dir ec tor y S che ma Step 1 - Crea te a New Att r ibute: a) Ope n Control Pane l Admi nist rative T o ols Ac t i ve Dire ctor y Schem a . b) In t he left pa nel of the s cre en t hat comes up, r ight-click Attributes : c) Sel ect N ew At t r i but e .
40 OSD Operation (continued) Step 3 - E dit Activ e Di re ctor y Users Wit h th e Extend ed Schema : a) Run AD SI Ed it . ( In sta l led as pa r t of the Su pp ort T ools .) b) Ope n Domain , and n avigate to the c n = us ers dc = t ri pplite d c = co m no de.
41 OSD Operation (continued) Adv anced N et work Managem ent Set tings (co ntinued) h) Cl ick OK . Wh en you retu r n to t he At tr ibu te E ditor page, t he user profi le ent r y now reflects t he new per m issions: OpenLD AP Server Op en LD A P is a n Op en sou rce L D A P se r ver designed for UN I X platform s.
42 OSD Operation (continued) OpenLDAP Server Configuration Th e ma in O p en LD A P config ur ation file, slapd .conf, has t o be custom ize dbeforelau nchi ngthes er ver .T hemo di cat ionstothe config ur ation fi le wil l do t he fo l lo wi ng: • Spec if yt heUnicoded at adi re ctor y .
43 OSD Operation (continued) DIT Creat ion Th e LD A P Data I nte rcha nge Format ( L DIF ) is use d to rep resent LD A P entr ies i n a simple text format (plea se refer to RF C 2849) .
44 OSD Operation (continued) Setting Description Enable Fix ed Number Dial Back When the Enable Fix ed Number Dial Back chec kbox is chec ked, the KVM will hang up on the modem when there is an incoming call, and dial back to the modem represented b y the phone number mentioned in the Phone Number field.
45 OSD Operation (continued) Th e fo llowing se ction desc r ibes t he set ti ngs found in t he Secur it y sub- sect ion. Follo w th e steps b elo w to set up and a ccess t he B0 6 4 -Ser ies K VM Switch via d ial-i n modem : 1 . Set up your ha rdware con figu ra tion to mat ch th e diag ra m b elo w .
46 Filte ring T o enable IP a nd /or M AC filteri ng, click the IP Filter E na ble a nd / or M AC F ilter E n abl e checkbox. Ther e a re a ma x imu m of 1 0 0 filter s al low ed for each.
47 OSD Operation (continued) Accou nt Policy Th e Acc o u n t Po li c y s ect ion al lo ws r ules for user na mes a nd pa sswords to be reg ulat ed. T he s ett ings i n th is s ect ion ar e descr ib ed i n th e table below . Item Description Minimum Username Length Sets the minimum number of characters required f or each username.
48 W orkin g Mode Th e W orki ng Mode s ect ion al lo ws y ou to ena ble /d isable oper ation feat ur es of the K V M switch. The t able below descr ibes t he av a ila ble setti ngs. Setting Description Enable ICMP When this box is chec ked, the KVM s witch can be pinged.
49 OSD Operation (continued) Ce r ti fic ate S ignin g Re que st Th e Certi fi cate Signing Requ est sect ion provides a n automate d way o f obta i n ing a nd i nsta l li ng a CA si gn ed SSL ser ver cer t ificate. T o pe r form th is op erat ion, follo w the st eps below .
50 OSD Operation (continued) Th e Da te / Tim e page a llows the user to set t he d ate a nd t im e pa ra met ers for the K V M switch. The following sect ion descr ib es th e sett i ngs on th is page.
51 OSD Operation (continued) Log Information The L og In for ma ti on sub -sect ion is where you can v iew the contents of the bu ilt-in log file . W hen op ened , a page sim i la r to t he one below app ea r s.
52 Upg rad e M ain Firmw are Th e Upgrade M ai n Fi r mw a re sub -se ction is use d to upgr ade t he fir mware of t he KV M switch. As fi r mware upg rad es be come av a ilable, th ey can b e found on ww w .tr ippl / suppo r t . T o upgra de t he KV M fi r mw a re, follo w t he steps b elo w .
53 OSD Operation (continued) Upgrade Adapters In a dd ition to upgra di ng the K V M fir mwar e, the Maintenance se ction al low s you to upgrade t he fi r mware of th e con nect ed SI Us. The fir mware upg ra de file for the m aste r KV M a lso conta i ns t he fi r mw a re for the SIUs, so you do not need sep a rate fi les for each SIU.
54 OSD Operation (continued) Backup / Re store The B ac ku p / Restore subsect ion al lo ws you to backup a nd restore t he KV M switch con figu rat ion and user p rofile i nfor mat ion. Backup T o creat e a back up of the K V M switch, fo l lo w th e steps b elo w .
55 OSD Operation (continued) Syst em Operation Th e Syste m Op erati on sub -se ction al low s you to cl ea r p or t na mes, a nd reset t he K VM c onfigu ra tion set ti ngs to th eir d efault v a lues. Th e fu nct ions a vai lable in t he System Operation page a re explai ned i n t he t able b elow .
Af t er you ha ve successfu lly logged in (se e L ogging Into th e B 0 6 4 - Seri es K V M Swit ch se ction), t he B06 4 -Se r ies KV M Switch OSD Ma in Page app ea rs w ith t he Por t Access t ab selecte d : Al l t he por t s t hat a user is p er m itt ed to a cce ss a re l iste d in t he Por t Selection pa nel at the lef t of the page.
57 Ho tk eys V a r ious configu r ation act ions relate d to t he keyboard , vide o and mouse ca n be p er form ed via hot key combina tions. T he Hot ke y set up uti lity is a cce ssed by click ing on t he Hot ke y / Macros icon a nd t hen clicki ng on th e Hotk eys but ton at t he top of t he scr een.
58 Remote Sessio n Operation (continued ) System Macros Th e Syste m Macros page a l lo ws y ou to add m ac ros to t he KV M switch that c an b e pe r forme d automat ical ly upon closing a session.
59 Remote Sessio n Operation (continued ) Th e table below descr ibes t he content s of the Vi deo S ett ings scre en: Setting Description Screen P osition Adjust the horizontal and vertical position of the screen using the Screen P osition arrows.
Control Panel (continue d) 60 Remote Sessio n Operation (continued ) Gamma Adjustment If it is ne cessa r y to c or re ct th e gam m a lev el f or t he remot e computer, use t he Gamma funct ion in t he Vide o Set ti ngs scre en.
61 Control Panel (continue d) Remote Sessio n Operation (continued ) Th e buttons on t he but ton ba r at t he top of t he message boa rd a r e toggles.
62 Remote Sessio n Operation (continued ) Virtual Media Vir tua l Med ia vi a Remote Se ss ion W hen ac cessing a con ne cte d computer r emotely , you can use me dia f rom t he comput er you are a ccessi ng the K V M switch with on t he remot e computer.
Control Panel (continue d) 63 Remote Sessio n Operation (continued ) Control Panel (continue d) Vir tu al M edi a via L oca l Con sol e W hen ac cessing t he K VM v ia th e loca l console, y ou ca n mount me d ia conn ect ed to t he a dditiona l USB por ts on t he f ront of the K VM , and acc ess it on the con ne cte d computer s.
64 Remote Sessio n Operation (continued ) Manual Mouse Synchronization If t he loca l mouse p oint er goes out of sync with t he remot e system ’ s mouse poi nter, there a r e a numbe r of metho ds to br i ng them ba ck into sy nc.
65 Remote Sessio n Operation (continued ) Control Panel (continue d) Macro List – C lick t his icon t o display a drop - down list of the User Ma cros (se e User Macros sect ion under Con trol Pan el fo r det ai ls) th at hav e be en add ed to t he K VM sw itch.
66 Scree n Option s – T his s ect ion al lo ws y ou to ma ke Fu ll Screen Mo de and Kee p Screen S ize the d efault sett ings when a remote s ession is a ct iva t e d .
67 The OSD T oolbar Th e OSD provides a toolbar to h elp y ou contr ol the B0 64 - Ser ies KV M Switch from w ith in t he cap tu re d por t . T here a re t h re e hot key combinat ions t hat ca n be u.
68 Remote Sessio n Operation (continued ) Pane l Arr ay Mod e Cl icki ng the Pa nel A r ray icon on th e OSD T o olbar or Cont rol Panel invo kes Pa nel Ar ray Mode.
69 Remote Sessio n Operation (continued ) Multiu ser Operation Auto Scanning B06 4 -Se r ies KV M Switches a re designe d to a llow multiple users to ac cess con ne cte d computer s /ser vers simu lta neo usly .
70 The Log Ser ver Installation St ar tin g Up The M enu Bar Th e Windows-based L og Ser ver is an a dm i n istr ative util ity t hat re cords a l l t he ev ents t hat t a ke place on select ed B0 6 4 -Ser ies K VM Switch u nits and w r ites t hem to a sea rchable dat abase.
71 The Log Ser ver (continued) Configur e Th e Co n fig ure m enu consists of th r ee f u nctions : Ad d , E dit a nd Delete. Add Select the Ad d fu nct ion when y ou nee d to ad d a new B064 - Ser ies KV M Switch to th e list of un its t hat t he L og Ser ver record s ev ents for .
72 Maintenance Th is f u nction a llow s t he ad m in ist rat or to remov e a ll r ecord s t hat hav e pas sed t hei r expirat ion li m it. (Se e Co n fi gure unde r T he L og Ser ver for li m it deta i ls) In or der to delete old files f rom t he log server, the ma i ntena nce f u nction must be p er forme d.
73 Options Help The Log S er ver Main Scre en — Over view Th e Options menu consists of on ly one fu nction: Net work Ret r y. Th e Help m enuconsistsoftwooptions ; Content s and A bo ut L og Ser ver . Content s Selecti ng the Cont ents f unct ion br ings up a n onl i ne Windows Hel p file.
74 The L ist Pan el Th e List pa nel conta i ns t he follo wing fields: Field Description Recording Determines whether the Log Ser ver records log e vents f or the corresponding B064-Series KVM Switch. If the Recording check bo x is check ed, the field displays Recording , and log e vents are recorded.
75 Gen eral Op eration T roubleshooting Administration T roubl eshooting Problem Action Erratic Operation If a KVM switch is cascaded from it, the upper-le vel KVM must alwa ys be powered on before the lo wer- lev el KVM. If the cascaded switch w as tur ned on first, resetting it may resolv e the issue.
76 Mouse T roubl eshoot ing Vir tual M edia T roubl eshooting Problem Action My mouse and/or ke yboard is not responding • Check the rmware version number of the Server Interf ace Unit (SIU) you hav e connected to make sure it is the most current.
77 Appe ndix (continued) WinClient Active X Vi ewer T rouble shooting Problem Action The WinClient ActiveX Viewer will not connect to the KVM switch DirectX 8.0 or higher must be installed on your client computer After upgrading the firmware to my KVM switch, the WinClient ActiveX Viewer no longer works The old version of y our .
78 Appe ndix (continued) Log Ser ver T roubleshooting Sun Systems T roubl eshooting Problem Action The Log Server program does not run. The Log Server requires the Microsoft Jet OLEDB 4.0 driver in order to access the database. This driver is automatically installed with Windows ME, 2000 and XP .
79 Factory D efault Set tings Serial Adapter Pin Assignments Setting Default Language English OSD Hotke y [Scroll Lock], [Scroll Loc k] P or t ID Display P or t Number + Name P or t ID Display Dur ati.
80 Fan Location & Spe ed Information T e mperature S ensor Location Spe cifications (continue d) Th e B06 4 -Se r ies KV M switch conta i ns 6 fan s, whose locat ion is sho wn i n th e im age belo w . Th e locat ion of the KV M switches for tempe rat u re sensor s is shown in t he i mage below .
81 1111 W . 35th Street, Chicago , IL 60609 USA www .tr Visit www .tr /wa r ra nt y tod ay to register t he wa r ra nt y for y our new T r ipp Lite pro duct. Y ou ’ll be automat ica lly entere d i nto a dr awing forachancetow inaF R E ET r ippLitepro duct!* * No purcha se nec essa r y .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Tripp Lite B064-016-02-IPG c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Tripp Lite B064-016-02-IPG - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Tripp Lite B064-016-02-IPG, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Tripp Lite B064-016-02-IPG va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Tripp Lite B064-016-02-IPG, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Tripp Lite B064-016-02-IPG.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Tripp Lite B064-016-02-IPG. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Tripp Lite B064-016-02-IPG ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.