Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DVSe8-240-X du fabricant Toshiba
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1 Digital Video Recorder XVSe - DVSe Hardware Manual model no. Please carefully read these instructions before using this product. Save this manual for future use.
3 Surveillix™ XVSe / DVSe Hardware Manua l Manual Edit ion 30340 AF – SEPTEMBER 201 1 Printed in U SA No part of this documentation ma y be reproduced in any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, except as expressed in the Software License Agreement.
4 LIMITED WARRAN TY DIGITAL VIDEO REC ORDER The Imaging S ystems Di vision of Toshiba America Informa tion System s, Inc. ( “ ISD”) makes the following limited w arranties. These limited warranties extend to the Ori ginal End- User ( “You[r]” ).
5 IMPORTANT SAFEG UARDS 1. Read Owner’s Manual – After u npacking th is produc t, read t he own er’s manu al caref ully, and follow all the oper ating and other instruction 2. Power Sources – This product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the label.
6 IMPORTANT SAFEG UARDS, continue d 16. Damage Requir ing Service – Unplug the unit from the outl et and refer ser vicing to qualifi ed service personnel unde r the following condit ions: a. When the po wer - supply cord or plug is damaged. b. If liquid has been sp illed, or obje cts have fallen into the un it.
7 A VOID VOLA TILE LIQUID Do not use vol atile liquids , such as a n insect spray, near the uni t. Do not leav e rubber or plastic prod ucts touc hing the unit for a long time . They will le ave marks on the finish. D o not use a c hemically s aturated clot h .
9 RACK MOUNT INSTRUCTI ONS Elevated Operating Ambient – If installed i n a closed or multi - unit rack assembly, t he operatin g ambient te mperature of t he rack environment may be great er than room a mbient.
10 Disclaimer We disclaim any responsib ility and s hall be held har mless for any damages or losses incurr ed by the user in any of the followin g cases: 1. Fire, eart hquake or any other act of God; acts by t hird parties; mis use by the us er, whether intentional or accident a l; use und er extreme operating con ditions.
11 Table of Contents IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS .................................................................................................................................... 5 BATTERY EXPLOSION CA U TION ST ATEM ENT ..................................
12 LOOPING OUTPUT TERMI N ATION ....................................................................................................................... 29 CONNECTING A PTZ CAM E RA ......................................................................
13 PREFACE ABOUT THIS GUIDE This manual is a setup and maintenance gu ide that can be used for ref erence when s etting up the rec order and for t roubleshooti ng when a problem occ urs. Only author ized pers onnel should at tempt to re pair this u nit.
14 INTRODUCTION PRODUCT DESC RIPTION A Surveillix XVSe / DVSe is a DVR, a serv er that perfo rms as a High Def inition Di gital Recorder . By utiliz ing the many features of a computer, including proc essing pow er, storage capacity, gra phics compres sion, and s ecurity featur es, the DVR is more power ful than the analog recorders of the past.
15 FEATURES Toshiba’s Sur veillix DVRs inc lude the followi ng new feat ures: • Optimized a nd Designed for Microso ft ® Windows 7 Em bedded ® • Up to 32 Camer a Inputs • Supports up to 16 R.
16 CONTROLS AND CONNECT IONS This chapter i ncludes th e following i nformation: • Input / Outpu t Connector L ocati ons • Front Panel C ontrols and LE Ds • Rear Panel C onnectors.
17 F RONT P ANEL C ONTROL S The front pa nel of the rec order contains the devices t hat will be c ommonly us ed for data rem oval, retriev al, and back up replacem ent.
18 REAR PANEL C ONN ECTOR S The rear pan el of the recor der contains the connect ors used to at tach cameras, s ensors, a nd relays to t he recorder .
19 DVSe 8/16 Channel CH 1 i n CH 2 i n CH 3 i n CH 4 i n CH 5 i n CH 6 i n CH 7 i n CH 8 i n CH 9 i n CH 10 i n CH 11 i n CH 12 i n CH 13 i n CH 14 i n CH 15 i n CH 16 in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13.
20 Card Configurations 240 PPS 8/16 Channel 240 PPS 32 Channel.
21 480 PPS 16 Channel 480 PPS 32 Channel.
22 GETTING STARTED This chapter i ncludes th e following i nformation: • Included Comp onents • Setting up t he DVR Hardware • Optional Comp onents.
23 IDENTIFYING IN CLUDED COMPO NENTS Surveillix recorder s come with a mo use, keyboard a nd selected software and c ables. Ident ify the foll owing compo nents to make sure everything h as been prop erly included w ith the new DVR . If any of t he followi ng items are mis sing, contac t the dealer to arra nge a replac ement.
24 OPTIONAL COMPO NENTS To fully utilize the recorder’s potentia l; several opt ional Surv eillix compon ents are lis ted below. C ontact the dealer for mor e informati on. UPS UPS Power B ackup UPS Power Bac kups allow y our DVR to rema in fully fun ctional even in the event of a power failur e.
25 KEYBOAR D SETUP To attach the k eyboard to t he recorder , plug the e nd of the Keybo ard into a USB p ort locate d on the back of the machin e. MOUSE SE TUP To attach the mouse to t he recorder , plug the end of the mouse i nto a USB port l ocated on the b ack of the ma chine.
26 MONITOR SETUP The recorder has the followin g connect ions available t o attach a mon itor. HDMI Output To TV / Digit al Monitor DV I -I Output To TV / Digital Monitor DVI to SVGA Adapter Connect adapter to D VI output to c onnect a n analog VGA Mo nitor .
27 MAKING CONN ECTIONS ON AN XVS e Connecting a Video Source There are dif ferent types of Video Sour ces that can b e plugged into the XVS e including DV D players, VHS players, and CCTV Camer as. The back of the XVS e contains up to 16 vi deo inp ut s depending on t he model.
28 Connecting Control Outputs Each XVSe has 4 Control Outputs. T hese outputs can be used to t rigger dev ices such as S irens, Phone Dialers, Li ghts, and any other r el ay activated dev ice. There is no power supplied to t he ports. Us e an external pow er supply if necessary .
29 Looping Output Termination When termin ating the output s becomes nec essary, the recorder has b uilt in ter mination that allows you t o select indiv idual outp uts to termin ate individually . It is not a lways necess ary to termin ate the output w hen using it.
30 MAKING CONN ECTIONS O N DVS e Connecting a Video Source There are dif ferent types of Video Sour ces that can b e plugged into the rec order including DVD players, VHS players, and CCTV Camer as. The back of t he recorder contains up to 32 video inputs dep ending on the recorder model.
31 Connecting Sensors Each recorder ha s up to 16 Sensor i nputs. These inputs can be used with dev ices such as i nfr ared devic es, motion dev i c e, glass break age alarms, door and window tr ips, and many m ore. The Sens ors can be set to Normally O pen or Normally Closed insi de the softwa re.
32 Looping Outputs The 8/ 16 Cha nnel DVSe has up t o 16 l ooping outpu ts. Depending on the destinat ion of the looping out puts, each one may have to be terminated .
33 Connecting a PTZ Camera Setting up a PTZ Camera is simp le. The recorder c omes preass embled with a n internal P TZ adapter . The cablin g may be run u p to 4,000 ft using 22 Gaug e Twisted Pa ir. It is import ant to unders tand how the PTZ connects to the recorder .
34 HARD DRIVE ARRA Y ( DVS e ONLY ) Swapping a Hard Drive 7. Press t he Hard Driv e Power Button t o turn off p ower to the hard driv e being remov ed. 8. Turn the B utton Lock to the open pos ition and push t he Handle Releas e Button 9. Pull the R elease Hand le outward whi le removing the hard drive.
35 TURNING ON THE RECORDER Once the cabl es and adapt ers have bee n properly c onnected it is time to tur n on the power . To turn on the power fol low these st eps : 1. Turn on t he monitor and a ny external p eripherals ( ex. Printers, External Storage Devices , etc.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Toshiba DVSe8-240-X c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Toshiba DVSe8-240-X - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Toshiba DVSe8-240-X, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Toshiba DVSe8-240-X va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Toshiba DVSe8-240-X, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Toshiba DVSe8-240-X.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Toshiba DVSe8-240-X. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Toshiba DVSe8-240-X ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.