Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 42XV550A_560A du fabricant Toshiba
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Integrated Digital LCD TV O WNER'S M ANUAL Owner's Record Y ou will find the model number and serial number on the back of the TV . Record these numbers in the spaces provided belo w . Refer to them whene ver you call upon your T OSHIB A dealer regarding this product.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 2 Contents Intr oduction Welcome to T oshiba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Importan t Safet y Instr u ctions . . . . . . . .
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 3 Introduction Welcome to Toshiba •T h a n k y o u for p u rchasin g this Toshiba LCD Colo u r Tele v ision. This man u al w ill help y o u u se the excitin g feat u res of y o u r ne w T V . •I n s t r u ctions in this man u al are based on u sin g the remote control.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 4 Intro ducti on 8) Install the TV in a horiz ontal, stable location. Connect betw een two clips on the back of the T V and a wall, pillar, etc., with a sturdy t ie and clip of supplied accessories ( - pa g e 42). • Use as short a tie as possible to ensure the T V is stable.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 5 Intro ducti on 5) When the TV will not be used for a lon g period of time, such as durin g vacation or tr avel, remove the pow er plu g from the wall outlet for safety. • The T V is not completely disconnected from the power supply line, as minute current is consumed even when the ! Power switch is turned off.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 6 Intro ducti on Cleaning 1) Remove the power plu g b efore cleanin g . Never use solvents such as benzine or thinner to clean the T V . • These solvents may distort the cabinet or damage its finish. • If rubber or vinyl products remain i n contact w ith the T V for a long time, a stain may result.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 7 Getting started Connecting an aerial Opt im u m reception of colo u r r e q u ires a g ood si g nal and w ill g enerall y mean that an o u tdoor aerial m u st b e u sed. The exact t y pe and p ositionin g of the aerial w ill dep end u pon y o u r partic u lar area.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 8 Get ting st arted TV front and side panel controls •Y o u can operate y o u r T V u sin g the b u ttons on the side panel or the remote control. The back and side of the panel pro v ide the terminal connections to connect other eq u ipment to y o u r T V ( - “Connectin g y o u r T V ” pa g es 32 - 38).
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 9 Get ting st arted TV back panel connections TV back view Cable holder* Power cord * Y o u can u se the cable holder to hold aerial cable, v ideo and a u dio cables etc.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 10 Get ting st arted Learning about the remote control Location of c ontrols * For REGZA-LINK remote control f u nctions, please refer to “Location of cont rols fo r REGZA-LINK mod e” ( - pa g e 11).
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 11 Get ting st arted Location of c ontrols for REGZA-LINK mode The REGZA-LINK mode s w itch on the T V remote control allo w s control of th e connected R EGZA-LINK de v ice bein g w atched. ( - pa g e 25) Not e: These fun ctions are dep endent on the connected dev ice.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 12 Get ting st arted Turning the TV on Switchi ng on the TV Connect the po w er cord to a w all o u tlet. The ! po w er indicator li g ht s ho u ld be red (stan db y mode). 1 Press on the remote con t rol or ! on the T V ri g ht side panel .
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 13 Get ting st arted Displa ying the me nu chart Note: The same menu is dis played in DTV (Digital TV) and ATV (An alogue TV) mo des; how ever so me ite ms are gr eyed ou t in each ca se.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 14 Get ting st arted Programming channels into the TV’s channel memory Auto Tu ning Auto Tunin g w ill co mpletel y re-t u ne the T V and can be u sed to u p-d a te th e channel list. It is recommended that Auto Tunin g is r u n periodicall y to ens u re that all ne w ser v ices are added .
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 15 Get ting st arted 2) Repeat step 1) to enter th e rest of the characters. If y o u w o u ld like a blank s pace in the label name, y o u m u st choo s e a blank space from the l ist of characters. Press Q to store y o u r settin g s.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 16 Get ting st arted Watching TV prog rammes Viewing Dig ital programmes - digi tal only - Aft er y o u ha v e t u ned the T V , y o u ha v e se v eral w a y s t o na v i g ate thro ug h all pro g rammes : •P r e s s t h e Nu mber b u tt ons.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 17 Using the TV’s features (General) Picture adjustment Selectin g the picture siz e 1 Press O to displa y the pict u re size list, and then pr ess V or U to select the appropriate pict u re s ize (or press O repeatedl y to select req u ired pict u re size directl y ).
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 18 Using the TV’s featu res (General) PC No rmal Use this se ttin g for PC connected v i a HDMI or RGB/P C term inal w hen r ecei v in g PC si g nal forma t. This settin g w ill displa y the ima g e correctl y w it ho u t dist ortion or pict u re clippin g .
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 19 Using the TV’s featu res (General) Activating pi cture preferences •T h e p i c t u re modes of this T V are c u stomizable. Press q to v ie w the different mo des a v ailable. The preset mod es are : Dynamic , Standar d , Movie , Game and PC (PC Fine) .
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 20 Using the TV’s featu res (General) Activating Auto Contr a st When Auto Contrast is acti v ated, it w ill a u tomaticall y optimize the backli g htin g le v els to s u it ambient li g ht conditio ns. 1 From the PICTURE men u , press V or U to select Auto Contrast .
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 21 Using the TV’s featu res (General) Sound adjustment Setting the MTS (Mul ti-channel T V Sound) - analogu e only - Aut o mod e The MTS A u to mode a u tomaticall y reco g nizes stereo/ bilin gu al pr o g rammes depend in g on the bro adcast si g nal.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 22 Using the TV’s featu res (General) Notes: • If the b roadcast is mon aural, the SRS ® 3D effec t does not work. • WOW, SRS a nd l symbols a re trademar ks of SRS Labs, Inc. • WOW tech nology is inco rporated under l icense from SRS Labs, Inc.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 23 Using the TV’s featu res (General) 2 Press Y or Z to select On or Of f . Not e: When Panel Lock is On , a reminder will appear when the buttons on the TV are pres sed. If the st andby button i s pressed, th e TV will switc h off and can onl y be brought out of standby by using the remo te control.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 24 Using the TV’s featu res (General) Resetting the TV Rese t TV w ill r eset all T V settin g s, incl u din g stored ch annels, to t heir o ri g inal factor y v al u es . 1 From the SET UP men u , press V or U u ntil R eset TV is selected.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 25 Using the TV’s featu res (General) Using REGZA-LI NK This feat u re u ses CEC (Cons u mer El e ctroni cs Cont ro ls) technolo gy and allo w s the co n trol of Toshiba REGZA-LINK compatible de v ices from the T V remote control v ia HDMI connection ( - pa g e 38).
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 26 Using the TV’s featu res (General) REGZA-LINK i n put source selection When de v ices that u se C EC technolo gy ha v e been conn ected, the REGZA-LINK icon w ill sho w in the inp u t so u rce lis t. To select the REGZA-LINK inp u t so u rce, refer to “Selectin g the v ideo inp u t so u rce” on pa g e 24.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 27 Using the TV’s featu res (General) Using Auto mode There are t w o Modes : Auto w ill displa y FASTEXT. List w ill displ a y y o u r fo u r fa v o u rite pa g es.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 28 Using the TV’s featu res (General) Tel etext in Digital TV 1 When on-screen info rmation indicates the presence of Teletext ( ) in a channel, press to v ie w Teletext. Press a g ain to s u perimpose th e Teletext o v er normal broadcast pict u re.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 29 Other Digital TV features and settings Using the EP G (Electronic Programme Gu ide) 1 Displa y the on-scree n gu ide b y pressin g . The gu ide screen w ill appear hi g hli g htin g details of the channel and pro g ramme c u rrentl y bein g v ie w e d.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 30 Other Digital TV fe atures and sett ings Digital settings - Channel Options Sele cting favourite ch annels Fa v o u rite Chann els creates a list of the di g ital channels that are w atched most. Fo u r lists can be created; these can be a mixt u re of T V and radi o channels.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 31 Other Digital TV fe atures and sett ings Parental Setup The Parental Control feat u re all o w s y o u to block pro g ram mes accordin g to their ratin g le v els. If a PIN has been set, y o u w ill need to enter it b efore adj u stin g the le v el.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 32 Connecting y our TV Back connections Connection example • Before connectin g an y external eq u ipment, t u rn off all main po w er s w itches. •T h e u na u thorized recordin g of tele v ision pro g rammes, D V Ds, v ideo tapes and other mate rials ma y infrin g e u pon the pro v isi o ns of c op y ri g ht la w .
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 33 Connect ing your TV Connecting an amplifie r equipped wi th an MPEG d ecoder Yo u can enjo y motio n pict u re w ith d y namic realistic so u nd b y connectin g the T V to an amplifier eq u ipped w ith an MPEG a u dio decod er or MPEG a u dio pr ocessor.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 34 Connect ing your TV Connecting an HDMI or a DVI dev ice •W h e n t u rnin g on y o u r electroni c components, t u rn on the T V first, and then the HDMI or D V I de v ice. •W h e n t u rnin g off y o u r electronic com ponents, t u rn off the HDMI or D V I de v ice first, and then the T V .
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 35 Connect ing your TV Selecting the P C/HDMI1 audio mode Yo u can s elect PC a u dio or HDMI1 a u dio w hen u sin g this f u ncti on ( - pa g e 34). 1 Press M , and then press Y or Z to displa y the SETUP men u . 2 Press V or U to select AV Connection , and then press Q to displa y the AV Connection men u .
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 36 Connect ing your TV Connecting a computer To c onnec t a PC to the RG B /PC te rmin a l on the TV: An analo gu e RGB ( 15 pin) comp u ter cable can be connected. Connect a PC cable from the comp u ter to the o RGB/PC terminal on the back o f the T V .
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 37 Connect ing your TV Using the PC Settings •I n P C i n p u t mode, y o u cannot select 3D Colour Mana g eme nt , Base Colour Adjustment , MPEG N R and DNR in the PI CTURE men u and Colour , Tint , Sharpness , B lack/Whi te Level and Cinema Mode in the Picture Se ttin g s men u ( - pa g e 19).
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 38 Connect ing your TV REGZA-LINK con nection Yo u can control the basic f u nctions of connected a u dio/ v id eo de v ices u si n g the T V ’s remote contro l if y o u connect a REGZA- LINK compatible a u dio recei v er or pla y back de v ice.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 39 Reference s ection Troubleshooting Before callin g a ser v ice technician, please check th e follo w in g table for a po s sible ca u se of the s y mptom and some sol u tions . Symptom and so lution TV will not turn on •M a k e s u re the po w er cord is pl ugg ed in, and then press ! or 1 .
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 40 Refere nce section APPENDIX AUSTRALIAN PARENTAL GUI DANCE CODES (Normative) Recommende d On-Screen-Disp la y for parental gu idance codes transmitted w ithin D V B-SI EIT information u sin g the D V B par enta l_ratin g _descriptor.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 41 Refere nce section Broadcast system Broadcast tran smission systems of eac h count ry or reg ion Asia M.E. Oceania Afri ca South A merica Not e: PAL, SECAM and NTSC 3.58 (MHz) are differe nt colour signal broadcast t ransmissio n systems app licable to differe nt countries or region.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 42 Refere nce section Numb er of pixels 1,92 0 (H) dots 5 1,080 ( V ) dots Audio powe r 10 W + 10 W (10 % THD ) Speake rs Main : 35 5 160 m m 2 pcs.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 43 License Information used with Toshiba Televisions Information The s oft w are pre-installed in TOS HIBA Di g ital Tele v isi ons co nsist s of m u ltiple, independent soft w are components. Each soft w ar e component is cop y ri g hted b y TOS HIBA o r a third part y .
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 44 Exhibit A GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, Ju ne 1991 Cop y ri g ht © 1989, 1991 F ree Soft w are Fo u ndation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, S u i te 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 U SA E v er y one is permitted to cop y and distr ib u te v erbatim copies of this licens e doc u ment, b u t chan g in g it is not allo w ed.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 45 2. Yo u ma y modi f y y o u r cop y or copies of the pro g ram or an y portion of i t, th u s formin g a w ork based on th e pro g ram, and cop y and dist rib u te s u ch mod.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 46 7. If as a conseq u ence of a co u rt j u d g ement or alle g at ion of patent i nfrin g ement or for an y other reason (not limited to patent iss u es), condi tions are impo.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 47 How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs If y o u de v elop a ne w pro g ra m, and y o u w ant it be of th e g reatest possible u se to the p u blic, the best w a y to achie v e this is to make it free soft w are w hich e v er y one can redistrib u te and ch an g e u nder these terms.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 48 Exhibit B GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2. 1, February 1999 Cop y ri g ht © 1991, 1999 F ree Soft w are Fo u ndation, Inc.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 49 Altho ug h the Lesser General P u blic License is Less protecti v e of the u s ers ’ fr eedom , it does ens u r e that the u se r of a pro g ram that is linked w ith the Librar y has the freedom and the w here w ithal to r u n that pro g ram u sin g a modified v er sion of the Li brar y .
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 50 Once this chan g e is made in a g i v en cop y , it is irre v ersible for that cop y , so the ordinar y GNU General P u blic License applies to all s u bseq u ent copies and deri v ati v e w ork s made from that cop y .
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 51 b) Gi v e prominen t notice w ith the combined librar y of the fact that part of it is a w ork based on the Libr ar y , and explainin g w here to find th e accompan y in g u ncom bined form of t he same w ork.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A 53 Exhibit D This soft w are is based in part on the w ork of t he Independent J PEG Gro u p. Exhibit E Portions of this soft w are are cop y ri g ht © <2007 > The FreeT y pe Project ( www .freet y pe.or g ). All ri g hts r e ser v ed.
Toshiba 4 2/46X V 550A YC/J Page 54 T uesday, September 16, 20 08 3:03 PM.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Toshiba 42XV550A_560A c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Toshiba 42XV550A_560A - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Toshiba 42XV550A_560A, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Toshiba 42XV550A_560A va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Toshiba 42XV550A_560A, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Toshiba 42XV550A_560A.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Toshiba 42XV550A_560A. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Toshiba 42XV550A_560A ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.