Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit OH8FA119D60R du fabricant Thermo Products
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ii Model Numb er Digit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Fuel Configuration Heat Exchan ge r Identifier Flue Feature Capacity Capacity Capacity Blower Type Clg Airflow Cap.
1 I. SA FETY SECTION This page and the follo wing contains various warnings and cautions found throughout the Oil Furnace Manual. Please r ead and comply w i th the statements below. χ WARNING A ND CAUTIONS: χ WARNING: This furn ace is not to b e used a s a constructi on heater .
3 The entire text of these instructions must be read and understood, before installing the applian ce. It is the installer's responsibility to do the following: 1.
4 b. Non-combustible materia l: “...m aterial that is not capable of being ignited a nd burned; such as m aterial consistin g entire ly of, or a c ombinatio n of, stee l, iron, brick , concrete, s late, asbestos, g lass, and p laster.
5 II. GENERA L INSTRUCTIONS - RE AD BEFORE START OF INSTA LLATION 1. The he ating output c apacit y of the fur nace propose d for instal lation sho uld be bas ed on a he at loss calcul ation made ac c.
6 A . CHIMNE Y : The f urnace mus t be connec ted to an ade quate chim ney or an appr oved vent in acc ordance with t hese instructions. An adeq uate chimne y is one that is sealed an d lined with the ca pability of produci ng a (-).
7 must be us ed, suc h as a Clas s "A" triple wall or insulat ed metal c himney. A liner wil l act as an insulator and reduc e the stack gas tem perature los s. Insulat ion m ay be added arou nd the l iner for f urther temper ature stabil ity.
8 Fig. 4: Proper insertion of the ve nt connector in the chimney . 5. PROPE R CHIMNEY BOTTOM LEVEL: In cases where the chim ney exte nds to the bas ement f loor, the draf t can usual ly be impr oved by filli ng the base of the chim ney with sand t o within 1 2 inches of the vent c onnector p ipe after r elocating the c lean-out door.
9 Fig. 6: Suggested method to accommodate vent connector pa ssage through a wall composed of a combustible material. Fig. 7: Alternate constructions that allo w reduced clearances to combustible materials.
10 The vent c onnector pipe betwee n the furnac e and chim ney shall b e of equal diam eter as the f lue outlet of the furnac e. The vent connector pipe must be made of 24 gauge (or thicker) corr osion-resis tant steel.
11 The s ide wall ve nt may be installed either thr ough th e knock -out on the r ight or left side c asing of the unit or vert ically out the top ope ning of the vestibu le. The c ombustion air inlet can be installed through the either the lower left si de casing k nock out or the lower r ight side cas ing knock out.
12 A irflow Requirements and Sizing of Duct Work: The duc t system must be sized and instal led b y a qua lified inst aller or ser vice per son, follo wing the design s tandards of the Air Condition ing Contract ors of Am erica (ACCA) or the Am erican Soc iety of Heating, Refrigerat ion, and Air Conditi oning En gineers (ASHRAE).
13 the suppl y and return a ir system s added tog ether cann ot exceed the maxim um external st atic pressur e that can be s upplied b y the app liance blo wer. f. Deter mine the r equired f low rate f or each branc h of the s upply and r eturn air s ystems .
14 Table 3: Suggested Duct S izes for Homes, Quiet Offi ces, Or Similar Installations (Based on a 0.1 in. W.G. static pressure drop per 100 ft. of duct .) 7. The supply and ret urn air d ucts, or f lexible joints, s hould be car efull y secur ed and sealed to the applianc e housing t o prevent a ir leak age from, or into, the duct s ystem.
15 SIZING THE DUCT WORK FOR A COMBIN A TION HE A TING A ND COOLING SY STEM: Two form ulas m ust be used in determ ining the CFM r equirem ents of a combustion h eating and coolin g sy s tem. 1. HEATING CFM : HEAT OUTPUT OF FURNACE (BTUH) 1.1 X T R (TEM PERATURE RI SE, °F) = HEA TING(CFM ) EXAMPL ES: A.
16 Connect th e return a ir plenum to the filt er rack and slide t he filter into place. Dimens ions for adapting the return air plenum to the filter rack are pr ovided (S ee Fig. 10 a & 10b). Fig. 10a: A t ypical filter rack and dimensions for the OH6 furnace.
17 Filter Type Maximu m Ai r V e l o c i t y (ft/min) Model Number OH6 OH8 *Therm o Products Supplied Permanent 600 384 in² 480 in² Standard Perm anent 500 461 in² 576 in² Disposab le 300 768 in².
18 G. BURNER INSTALLATION: NOTICE: Rem ove all card board pack ing from ar ound cham ber before ins talling b urner. The oil burner will m ount on thr ee stud m ounting bo lts on the lower mounti ng plat e covering th e opening in the f ront of the he at exchanger .
19 Fig. 13: Bur ner insertion illustrat ion (Top vie w) W hen m ounting the b urner, the m ounting pla te (Fig. 1 2) mus t be removed to provide acc ess to the ar ea in front of the com bustion c hamber. A f iber insulati ng sleeve or am ulet is provid ed on the b urner tube of specif ic Therm o Pride burn ers.
20 Table 7: Oil nozzle capacity All rates s hown ac hieved with 120 PSIG pum p press ure for Beck ett and 140 PSIG pum p pressur e for Riello . * Based o n #2 dom estic heatin g fuel oi l having he ating va lue of 140, 000 BTU per gallon . ** Based on therm al eff iciency of 84%-8 5%.
21 For m ore specif ic burner inf orm ation, specific ations or service inf orm ation, referen ce the train ing manual enclose d with each R iello b urner or cont act: Riello Cor poration of Am erica,.
22 Verif y that the insta lled burner is lightl y leaned to wards the b utton. (See f igure 14- 1) The burner is designed to allow entry of the f lexible oi l-lines on e ither s ide of the burn er.
23 the pump. Pitc hing the line upward toward the ta nk will help prev ent the form ation of air pock ets in the line. NOTICE: An oil safety valve or a delay ed-action, solenoid v alve should be installed in t he oil supply line of all grav ity-fed syst ems.
24 T y picall y, contro l wiring bet ween the app liance and the indoor th erm ostat, and if us ed, electron ic air cleaner or humidif ier, will be requir ed.
25 in conju nction with a humidi stat to contr ol a hum idifier. These term inals are en ergized whenever t he blower is active. Figure 15: T he Fan Contro l Module NOTICE: It is important to confirm that the operating voltage of the humidifier or EAC being installed matches the output of this contr ol.
26 Figure 16: Heat A nticipator Adjustment Scale In man y cases, this setting c an be found in the therm ostat inst allation ins tructions . If this inform ation is not availab le, or if the c orrect .
27 This formula c an be used to c alculate the correct s etting for the adjustable heat antici pator: Amm eter reading = Anticipator Setting. No. of wire loops Or in th is case, _2.5 A. = 0.25 A. (Ant icipator Setting ) 10 4. Adjus t the positi on of the ant icipator indicator t o match the c alculated am meter s etting.
28 Heating Speed Set-ups OH6FA 072D V4 Furnace M otor Curren t Draw ( A mps/ / Watts) v s. External St at ic Pr essu re ( in W.C.) Low Fire Med F ire High Fire BTUH 60,000 72,000 90,000 Fan Control SW 1 Swi tch Settings Heating CFM A prox. Rise (F 0 ) A prox.
29 Heating Speed Set-ups OH8FA 119D V5 Furnace M otor Current D r a w ( A m p s / W a t t s ) v s . External Static Pressure ( in W.C) Low Fire Med Fire High Fire BTUH 101,000 119,000 132,000 Fan Control SW 1 Swi tch Settings Heating CFM Ap r ox . Rise (F 0 ) Ap ro x .
30 Heating Sp eed Set- ups ( 2 – Stage ) OH6FX0 72DV4 Figure 18-2: EC M 2-stage blower motor speed chart.
31 Cooling Speed Set-ups OH6F *072 DV4 Furnace M otor Curren t D r a w ( A m p s / W a t t s ) v s . External Static Pressure ( in W.C) NOTE: A ll information is approximat e. Results w ill vary by installation. Figure 18-3: Cooling blower motor speed c hart Fan Control SW 1 Switch Settings Clg.
32 Cooling Speed Set-ups OH8FA 119D V5 Furnace M otor Curren t D r a w ( A m p s / W a t t s ) v s . External Static Pressure ( in W.C.) Ai r F l o w Fan Control SW 1 Swi tch Settings Cl g. Tonnage Cool Continuous Dehum 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 6-OFF 5-OFF 4-OFF 2 800 500 557 0.
33 For PSC s ystems , the ½ hp m otor is eq uipped with 4 speeds . The unit is set f or m id-fire temp r ise @ 65ºF. Se e table f or proper blo wer m otor set up: OH6FA 072D 48 ALTERATIONS REQ’ D .
34 OH8FA 119D 60 A LTERATION S REQ’D FOR A /C @ D ESIGN EXTERNA L STATIC PRESSURE COOLING UNIT HTG Speed by Input Low Mid Hi gh Fir e Fir e Fire Reco mmended CLG Speed 36,000 L /ML ML/ MH MH/H Low (.
35 M. BLOWER CONTROLLER INFORMATION FOR PSC MOTOR (Note: for ECM b lower contro ller informatio n see: ECM Operat ion M anual document # M o-440) TERMIN A L DEF INITIONS & FIELD WIRI NG Burner H arness Connec tor P1 Pin 1- Lim it switch con nector.
36 A . Inputs Power s upplies Line volt age is a pplied b etween the “ S1” and “N1” quick connect term inals. 2 4 VAC C lass II Transf ormer secondary volt age supplie d to X and C Limit sw itch The 120 VAC optic ally isola ted lim it switch inp ut is co nnected on pin P2-1 & 9.
37 EAC (elec tronic air cle aner) The c ontrol provides a 12 0 VAC output f or an electron ic air cleaner. T his output is energized whenever the fan m otor is energized ( either lo w, heat or cool spe ed). Connec tion is m ade via male quic k connec t term inal labeled “ EAC”.
38 Heat Mode W hen a call for he at (“W” ) is received f rom the therm ostat, if the “Cool” m ode is n ot alread y active, the “T-T” terminal is energized and the bl ower on del ay is s tarted. The on- off patter n of DIP sw itch SW 2 (positions 1 and 2) select o ne of four blo wer on delay values (see Table 11) .
39 PSC TROUBLE SH OOTING DIAGNOSTIC FE A TUR ES The c ontrol board is equip ped with 4 gr een Input Status LEDs and 1 red Boar d Status LED. T hese are intended to provide a quick view into fur nace perf ormance without req uiring a v oltm eter.
40 N. STA RTUP PROCEDUR ES: A. Heating S ystem 1. Initial Startup: : Turn o ff power to furnace. Bef ore the oil pipi ng system is placed into serv ice, it must have been leak tested by a qualified heating co ntractor. : For initial start-up of the appliance after installation, it may be necessary to purge the air out of the oil line.
41 To Turn Off Oil to A ppliance: i. Set the therm ostat to th e lowest setti ng and set th e operatin g mode switc h to “OFF ”. ii. If ser vice is to be perform ed, turn off the electric al power to th e applia nce. iii. Turn the m anual oil s hutoff va lve to the “O FF” pos ition.
42 Figure 19: Pre liminary Adjustment of Bur ner A ir Band and A ir Shutter i. W hen ignition is es tablish ed, m ake a prelim inary burn er air adj ustm ent to attain a clean combus tion flame.
43 The s etting of the f an output according to the inst allation should be done onl y through the air dam per. Should you want to adj ust the setti ng of the com bustion head, with the burner ru nnin.
44 Figure 22 1 st STA GE ADJUSTMEN T: A dju stment of air shutter : place the s mall plug ( 9) of the econom izer (10) into th e positio n I (Item A). In this way the burner will rem ain perm anently in th e 1 st stage. Loosen the nut (2), turn the scr ew (3) until th e air shutter (1) reaches th e position desired.
45 ii. CARB ON D IOX IDE (CO 2 ) OR OXYGEN (O 2 ): Ta ke a C O 2 sam ple from flue pass agewa y . It is possible to achieve rea dings of up to 14% CO 2 (or 2% O 2 ), but it is bet ter to have a slight ly lower CO 2 (or higher O 2 ) read ing with zero sm oke measur ed.
46 a. W ith the oil shut of f, remove the 1/8 in . NPT thre aded pipe plu g located o n the lo wer rear side of the oil pump, r efer to Figure 22. Attach a pressur e gage, capa ble of m easuring pres sure in po unds per squar e inch gage , PSIG, in t his op ening, on the d ischarge s ide, of the oil pum p.
47 5. Checkout Procedure: Before an y system of oil pi ping is f inally put into serv ice, it shal l be caref ully teste d to assur e that it is “gas-tight” , as indicated in t he Heating Syst em Initial St artup secti on of this manual.
48 III. USERS INFORMA TION SECTION A . OIL SUPPLY: Do not al low the fue l tank to r un com pletely empt y. During the s ummer, keep th e tank f ull to prevent c ondensatio n of m oisture on the inside sur face of the ta nk. If the fuel tank runs complete ly dry, it m ay be nec essary to pur ge the lines of trapped air.
49 D. STARTING THE BURNER: 1. Tur n the main ser vice s witch to "OF F" positio n. 2. Set ther mostat s ubstantiall y abo ve room temperature. 3. Open s hut-off valves in oil suppl y line to bur ner. 4. Turn s ervice switc h to fur nace "ON".
50 IV. INSTALLER'S INSTRUCTIONS TO USER: After completing th e installation, the instal ler shall inform and/or demonstrat e to the homeowner the f ollo wing items: 1. The loc ation of thes e inst ructions. T he instruct ions mus t be kept alon g with ins tructions f or an y access ories in the plastic p ouch with t he applianc e.
51 V. DEA LER MAIN TENANC E: SAFETY DURING SER VICING A ND INSPECT ION : Personal injury or pr operty damage could result from repair or service of this appliance by anyone other than a qualified heating contr a ctor. The user may only perform the activities described in the Homeowner/User Routine M aintenance section of this manual.
52 χ WARNING: A qualified heating contractor must cle an the heat exch anger. At least o nce a year, i nspect the h eat exchang er for evi dence of c orrosion, pitt ing, warpa ge, deterior ation, and carb on (soot) bu ild-up.
53 Figure 24: Heat Exchanger Clea n-Outs Vacuum Hose Length OH6 8FT OH8 8FT Fig. 25: Recommended method and device fo r cleaning inside of heat exchanger.
54 4. Opera tional Ch eck: χ CAUTION: Before troubleshooting, famili ar ize y ourself with the start up and check out procedures NOTICE: A fter reassembling t he appliance, check for fuel oi l leakage f rom the supply piping. a. Check proper operati on of the ign ition system and for proper com bustion.
55 Figure 26: Location of Supply /Return A ir Filter Filter replace ment: To ens ure an ade quate re placem ent filter is selecte d, shoul d the filter requir e replac ing, refer to Tabl e 4, in Air Filters section of this manual, for the m inim um filter areas required f or diff erent types of available filters .
56 ON ST ARTUP: 1. Have s y stem inspecte d and started by a qua lified he ating contr actor. 2. Check oil level in tank. If the tank has no t been fille d with fres h oil, insp ect the rem aining oi l for signs of contaminat ion with water, alg ae, dirt or other im purities.
57 : Do not use this appliance if any pa rt has been under water. Immediately call a qualified s ervice technici an to inspect the furnace and to replac e any part of the control system and any oil c ontrol that has been under water.
58 Beckett Bu rner R i e l l o B u r n e r Figure 28: Location of o il primary control reset button If this ac tion does no t reacti vate the un it, contact a qualif ied service agenc y for assistance. In genera l, if the th ermos tat is set in th e heating m ode, the heat ing s y stem function s entirel y automatic ally.
59 1. Check for 115VAC li ne suppl y voltage to t he furnac e. If there is no supp ly voltage , chec k fuses and service s witch. χ CAUTION: W hen testing elec trical e quipm ent, always follow sta ndard elec trical pr ocedures. 2. Make s ure therm ostat is callin g for burner operati on.
60 3. Check the resista nce acr oss the cad cell pins with the cel l covered ( protected f rom ex posure to ambient l ight). The r esistance s hould be gre ater than 2 0,000 ohm s. 4. If cell r esistances ar e diff erent from above, replac e the plug-in por tion of cell , (Hone y wel l Part No.
61 VIII. Sequen ce of Operations Flo w Chart:.
63 IX. Trouble Shooting Flow Chart:.
69 A ppendix – A Replacement Part s: Replacem ent Parts f or OH6FA0 72D**.
70 Replacem ent Parts f or OH8FA1 19D**.
71 A ppendix – B Wiring Diagrams OH6FA0 72D48 PSC W iring Diagram.
72 OH6FA0 72DV4 ECM W iring Diagram.
73 OH6FX 072DV4 ECM 2-Stage W iring Dia gram.
74 OH8FA1 119D60 PSC W iring Diagr am.
75 OH8FA1 119DV5 EC M W iring Diagram.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Thermo Products OH8FA119D60R c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Thermo Products OH8FA119D60R - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Thermo Products OH8FA119D60R, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Thermo Products OH8FA119D60R va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Thermo Products OH8FA119D60R, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Thermo Products OH8FA119D60R.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Thermo Products OH8FA119D60R. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Thermo Products OH8FA119D60R ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.