Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit tr-1 du fabricant Telex
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T elex Op er ating In struc tions RadioCom ™ BTR-1, TR-1 Pro fes sional W ire less In ter com Sys tem.
T a ble of Con tents Sec tion 1 In tr o duc tion .............................................. 1-1 Gen eral De scrip tion .......................................................................... 1 -1 Sys tem Fea tures ..............................
T a ble of Con tents (con tin ued) Sec tion 7 TR-1 Op er a tio n ............................................ 7-1 Ba sic Op er a tional De sc rip tion .................................................................. 7-1 Sys tem Quick Start .........
1-1 Sec tion 1 In tro duc tion Gen eral De scri p tion The T elex RadioCom ™ BTR-1 UH F wire less in ter com sys - - tems is the ul ti mate in re li able, high per for mance, en crypted full du plex com m u ni ca tions. The BTR-1 syst em in cludes the BTR -1 fre quency ag ile bas e sta tion and a TR-1 fre quency ag ile bel tpack.
1-2 Blank.
Sec tion 2 BTR-1 Base S ta tion Con tr ols and Con nec tions - Fr ont Panel 1. On/Off Switch: T urns the base sta tion on/off 2. [Menu] and [Set] but tons: Used to se lect menus and set op tions on the LCD. 3. Backlit LCD w/ Con trast Ad just: Ad just the le vel of con trast to the LCD .
Con tr ols and Con nec tions - Rear Panel 12. Re lay Con tacts: Nor mally Open. When ac ti vated it will close. 13. Re ceive An ten na Con n ec tor: TNC Fe male con nec tor. The color dot near t he con nec tor must matc h the color of the an tenna. 14.
Sec tion 3 TR-1 Beltpack Con tr ols and Con nec tions - T op Panel Fig ur e 3-1 TR-1 T op Panel 1. On/Off & V ol ume Con trol: T urns the belt pack power on and con trols head set vol ume. 2. BA T/O.M . Light: 3. T alk Light: LED is on when t he talk but ton is ac tive.
Con tr ols and Con nec tions - Rear Panel Fig ur e 3-2 TR-1 Rear Panel/Con ne c tor/An ten nas 9. [MENU] and [SET] but tons: Used to se lect menus and set op tions on the LCD. 10. LCD (Liq uid C rys tal Dis play ) 11 . [UP] and [DOWN] but tons: Used to se lect beltpack op - tions on the LCD.
Sec tion 4 Spec i fi ca tion s 4-1 BTR-1 Spec i fi ca tions Over all RF Fre quency Range .................................. 482 - 608 MHz, 614 - 746 MHz in 18 MHz TX and RX bands Power Re quire ments ...................................................
4-2 TR-1 Spec i fi ca tions RF Fre quency Range ....................... 482 - 608 MHz, 614-746 MHz in 18 M Hz TX and RX bands Power Re quire ments ........................................ 6 “A A” Cells Al ka line ( NiMH op tion al) Cur rent Draw .
Sec tion 5 Ini tial Equip ment Set-Up Un pack ing Un pack your Ra dioCom ™ sys tem. Be low are the items that should com e with your ba se sta tion and each belt pac k. Con - - tact the shi p per or your dealer im me di ately if any thing is dam - - aged or miss ing.
Rack Mount ing The rack m ount ing brack ets come wit h each BTR-1. These brack ets may be used to mount a sin gle base st a tion in a 19" wide rack or m ount two base sta tions side by side in a rack. Fig ure 5-1 shows the three brack ets that com e with a base sta - - tion.
An tenna Con nec tion The base st a tion is sup plied with t wo (2) an ten nas. One 1/2-wave an tenna for T rans mit and one 1/2-wave for Re ceive. The an ten nas have TNC male con nec tors. The fre quency range of the an ten nas should match the r e ceiver and trans m it ter of the base sta tion.
Keep the dis tance be tween the base sta tion and the beltpacks as short as pos si ble. The g reater the dis tance, the weaker the sig nal. Make su re the “sig nal paths” b e tween the b ase sta tion and beltpac ks are un ob structed. Y ou should be able to vi s i bly lo cate the base sta tion an ten nas at all times for best per for - - mance.
Fig ur e 5-1 1 An tenna Placement 5-5 CH 1 CH 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 CH 1 CH 2 CH 1 CH 2 CH 1 CH 2 CH 1 CH 2 CH 1 CH 2 CH 1 CH 2 CH 1 CH 2 CH 1 CH 2 CH 1 CH 2 CH 1 CH 2 CH 1 CH 2 RadioCom IC-100 1 .
5-6 Blank.
Sec tion 6 BTR-1 Op er a tion Ba sic Op er a tional De scrip tion The BTR-1 i s a full du plex (si mul ta neous talk and li s ten) base sta tion that works in c on junc tion with a TR -1 beltpack. The base st a tion, via the belt pack, al lows com mu ni ca tion with other wire less or wir ed us ers.
Fig ur e 6-1 Ex am ple of a BTR-1 T en Pack Sys tem Be ing Used by a Foot ball T eam 6-2 ACS-101 X Y AUDIO CHANNEL 1 = MAIN OFFENSE AUDIO CHANNEL 2 = PRIV A TE OFFENSE AUDIO CHANNEL 3 = MAIN DEFENSE A.
Fig ur e 6-2 BTR-1 Rear Con nec tors In ter fac ing to the BTR-1 TX / RX An ten nas The TNC jack marked “RCV” is fo r the re ceive an tenna. The TNC jack marked “ TRAN ” is for the trans mit an tenna. The base sta tion will come with two ½ wave an ten nas.
4W In ter com Ports The base station can con nect to a 4-wire sys tems via the RJ-1 1 jack la beled “4 W IRE”. The pinout f or this jack may be seen in fig ure 6-4. For a de scrip tion of how to se t up the 4 W ire Jack re fer to in ter com set tings in this s ec tion.
Fig ur e 6-9 Front Con trols and Con nec tor Lo cal Head set The lo cal base sta tion head set al ways fol low ing the au dio se - - lec tion of the beltpack. It ca n not be set to in de pend ently select in ter com chan nels. V ol ume Con trol T urn con trol clock wise to increa se the head phone vol ume.
The sta tus screen may be changed to an al ter nate dis play by press ing <MENU> for 3 sec onds. The al ter nate dis play shows the base nam e and num ber in dou ble wide and dou ble tall char ac ters. It also in di cates the sys tem's band and fre quen cies in nor mal char ac ters.
In ter com T ype The base sta tion has th e abil ity to in ter face to a va ri ety of wired in ter com sys tems. These in clude T elex (AudioCom ), R TS 2W , ClearCo m â , Four W ire System s and oth ers. Aux il iary Line The aux il iary line may b e set to lo cal or global.
When ever the group, chan nels or fre quen cies are change d at the base, it will d is play the fo l low ing scre en: This will oc cur re gard less of a belt pack com mu ni ca tion to the base st a tion or not.
5. If talk is se lected the u ser will be as ked to set th e in ter - com in and out lev els. I f Lis ten is se lected the u ser will be asked to set the lis ten level. Use th e <UP>/<DOWN> ar row but tons to ad just the lev els, then press <SET> to ac cept the lev els.
= In ter fer ence found on the re ceive chan nel dur ing the scan or no re ceive fre quency in that re ceive chan nel po si - - tion. Af ter a chan nel is de cided upon, press <S ET> to se lect that chan nel ClearScan ™ Band This op tion con tin u ously scans the whole re ceive band un - - til user in ter ven tion.
Sec tion 7 TR-1 Op er a tion Fig ur e 7-1 Con trols and Con nec tions Ba sic Op er a tional De scrip tion The TR-1 is a ful l du plex (si mul ta neous talk and lis ten) beltpack t hat works in con junc tion with a BTR-1 ba se sta tion.
Bat tery In stal la tion En sure that the On/Off vol ume con trol knob is turned off. Press down and hold down the bat tery re lease latc h, slide the bat tery pack about 1/8 inch ba ck, to ward the la tch, un ti l it stops. Th en lift bat tery p ack out.
TR-1 Fig ur e 7-3 TR-1 Con trols T rans mit Modes (PT T ALK, PT TX) The rear panel has a slide switch that can be set to the fol low - - ing two m odes: PT T ALK (Push-to-T alk) – The trans mit ter is a l ways on. No au dio is sent un less the tal k but ton is ac tive.
TR-1 T op Panel Fig ur e 7-4 TR-1 T op Panel Contr ols On / Off V ol ume Con tr ol T urn con trol clock wise to t urn the beltpack on and ad just the head phone vol ume. BA T/O.M. Light This light has two func tions. It in di cates over mod u la tion (too strong of in put au dio) and low bat tery .
Gr oup and Chan nels The first LCD screen the beltpack d is plays af ter power-up is the group / chan nels scre en. This scr een shows the cur rently se lected group fol lowed by the receive and tr ansmit chan nels where the un it is set. Ed it ing Group / Chan nels 1.
Re ceive Fre quency This screen dis plays the fre quency in MHz of the bel tpack re - - ceiver . The fre quency is not chan ge able in fac tory de fined groups. The fre quency is change able in user groups. Ed it ing the RX Fre quency (Us er Gr oups Only) 1.
Mi cr o phone Gain This screen dis plays the set ting of the mi cro phone gain of the beltpack. T here are 16 pos si ble set tings. The num ber 0 in di - - cates no m i cro phone gain, the num ber 15 is m ax i mum gain. Each step is a bout 3 dB of au dio.
Se rial Num ber Code The base se rial num ber is re quired to be in put to the beltpack to al low com mu ni ca tion with that base sta tion. The num ber , like the en cryp tion code, is com posed of four hexidecimal di g - - its.
En ter ing ClearScan ä 1. Press and hold < MENU> + <S ET> for 3 sec onds. The fol low ing screen will ap pear: Fig ur e 7-8 ClearScan Menus 2. Use the <DOWN > ar row but ton to se lect the type of ClearScan de sired. 3. Push <SET> to start the ClearScan.
7-10 Blank.
Sec tion 8 TR-1 Menu S truc ture 8-1 Fig ur e 8-1 TR-1 Menu S truc ture.
Sec tion 9 BTR-1 Menu S truc tur e 9-1 Fig ur e 9-1 BTR-1 Menu S truc ture.
Sec tion 10 Fr e quency Bands Fr e quency Bands The BTR-1 sys tem op er ates in TV chan nels 16 to 36 and 38 to 59. This is the f re quency range of 482 to 608 MHz and 614 MHz to 746 MHz. The band, TV chan nels and fre quen cies are shown in T a ble 2.
Fac tory Gr oup Plan There are 50 fac tory de fined groups in a base sta tion and beltpac k. These group are or ga nized in dif fer ent ways to pro vide flex i bil ity to the user on se lect ing fre quen cies.
Sec tion 11 T rou b le shoot ing Re read the sec tions of this man ual to make sure y ou have com pleted sys tem set-up prop erly . If you are un able to solve the prob lem, con tact the dealer from whom you pur chased the sys tem for as sis tance.
11-2 Blank.
Sec tion 12 Bat tery In for ma tion Im pro per bat tery se lec tion, use, in stal la tion and care are the cause of nu mer ous wire less sys tem fail ures. Al ka line Bat ter ies: Al ka line bat ter ies such as Mallor y’ s DURACELL ® or Eveready’ s EN ER GIZER ® pro vide the most re li able op er a tion in wire less trans ceiv ers.
12-2 Blank.
Sec tion 13 2-W ire Sys tems Spec i fi ca tion s 13-1 2 COMMON 1 3 A UDIO 1 PLUS PO WER A UDIO 2 MALE AudioCom /T elex In put Im ped ance: .............................................................. 300 W Out put Level: ............................
13-2 Blank.
Sec tion 14 FCC Informat ion 14-1 FCC LI CENS ING The T elex BTR-1 and the TR-1 Trans mit ter/Re ceiv er are T ype A c cepted un der United States Fed eral Com mu ni - ca tions Com mis sion P art 74.
14-2 Blank.
Sec tion 15 Soft war e Li cense 15-1 End-User Li cense Agree ment fo r T elex ® Soft war e IM POR T ANT - Please red thi s doc u ment care fully be fore us ing this prod uct. THIS DOC U MENT ST A TES THE TERMS AND CON DI TIONS UPON WHICH TELEX COM MU NI CA - TIONS, INC.
15-2 Blank.
Sec tion 16 Accessories and Re place ment Parts ALP-600 480-800 MHz Bi -Di rec tional Log Pe ri odic An tenna In - - cludes m ount ing hard ware and 10 feet (3 me ters) of co ax ial ca ble with TNC Con nec tors P N.
16-2 Blank.
TELEX COM MU NI CA TIONS, INC. • 12000 Port land A ve. South, Burnsvil le, MN 55337. PN 803959 REV B March 2005 Made in U.S.A..
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Telex tr-1 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Telex tr-1 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Telex tr-1, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Telex tr-1 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Telex tr-1, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Telex tr-1.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Telex tr-1. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Telex tr-1 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.