Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Multi-Font LC-IOII du fabricant Star Micronics
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Trademuk Acknowledgements LC-10 II, NL-10, NP-10, NX-10/l& ND-10/l& NR-ltl’l5: Star Micmnics Co., Ltd. IBM PC, PC-AT, PC-XT, Proprinter X24/XL24, Proprinter II, PC-DOS: Intematiad Business Machines Corp. Microsoft BASIC MS-DOS: Microsoft Co LQ-800, LQ-1000, LQ-1050, LQ-1500: Sx$: Corp.
HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL This manual is organized into live chapters and four appendixes. To learn how to make the best use of your printer you are urged to read all of chapters 1 through 5. The appendixes can be referred to as necessary. Chapter 1 explains how to get the printer unpacked and set up.
FEATURES OF THE PRINTER This printer is a compact, convenient, monochrome printer without frills but with a full complement of features, making it an excellent partner for a personal computer. It supports the IBM/Epson printer commands and character sets, enabling it to print just about anything your computer can generate, both text and graphics.
Type styles are: KI f.- a .f:: jy. ? I.- ,., ,_" I :;?. I . . . ;>, (1: .k, e y .z Courier characteks, Sansevif characters, ORATOR wIni SMALL CAPITALS, OR with lower case characters, and I TA L Its for a 1 1 s t y.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 SETTING UP THE PRINTER 1 Locating the printer 1 Unpacking and inspection 1 Check the carton contents Setting up 3 Mount the platen knob Remove the top cover Install the rib.
Top of form Forward micro-feed Reverse micro-feed Left margin Right margin Clearing the buffer Chapter 3 USING THE PRINTER WITH COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE 31 Installing your software 31 Printer menu Printer .
Appendix C DOWNLOAD CHARACTER GENERATOR 91 Draft character NLQ character Appendix D CHARACTER SETS 99 Standard character set 100 IBM character set #2 102 IBM character set #l 104 Additiona! character .
L.. . .._ . SETTING UP THE PRINTER Subjects covered in Chapter 1 include - l Locating the printer l Unpacking and inspection (names of parts) 0 Setting up l Loading single sheets l Loading and parking.
- Figure 7-i. Check to make sure you have all five items: 1) Prmter, 2) Paper gume, a) rlaten knob, 4) Ribbon cartridge, and 5) User’s manual. Make an external inspection of the printer. Note the locations of the following parts: Bail lever: opens and closes the paper bail which holds the paper against the platen.
Figure 7-2. The printer’s external parts Release lever: releases the platen. This lever must be down for printing on single sheets, and up for fanfold forms. Top cover: protects the print head and other parts. Rear cover: protects the sprocket feed mechanism.
Figure T-3. Mounting the platen knob Remove the top cover Lift the front edge of the printer’s clear plastic top cover. Then disengage the tabs at the back of the cover and remove the cover completely.
install the ribbon cartridge The top side of the ribbon cartridge has a handle for turning the ribbon. Turn this handle in the direction of the arrow to tighten the ribbon. Next place the ribbon cartridge on the print head carriage, guiding the ribbon between the print head and the platen.
Connect the printer’s power cord. Check that the printer’s power switch (located at the left front) is OFF. Then plug the printer’s power cord into an AC wall outlet. Never plug or unplug the power cord while the printer is turned on. LOADING SINGLE SHEETS This section will take you through the procedures for loading single sheets of paper.
. I .._ _. u. L . . pure 1-7. Mountmg tne paper guise lor smgle sneew Semiautomatic loading Single sheets can be loaded manually with power off, or semiauto- matically with power on. We will start the easy way with semiautomatic loading. 1. Check that the release lever is down and the bail lever back (bail closed), then switch power on.
lever Manual loading It is also possible to load paper manually while the printer’s power is off. The procedure is: 1. Check that printer power is off and the release lever at the back of the printer is down. 2. Insert a single sheet of paper into the entry slot as far as it will go, the same way as for semiautomatic loading.
LOADING AND PARKING FANFOLD FORMS Fanfold forms have holes along the sides and perforations between the sheets. They are also called sprocket forms, punched forms, or just plain “computer paper”. This printer accepts forms up to 10” wide. Fanfold forms are loaded, parked, and unparked as explained next.
lever Figure I-10. Opening the sprocket covers to expose the sprocket teeth @we I-11. Closing the sprocket covers 10. Fit the holes in the paper over the sprocket pins. Check that the paper is even. 11. Close the sprocket covers (Figure l-l 1). 12. Raise one of the clamp levers to lock one sprocket unit in place.
13. Turn the platen knob to feed the paper forward until it comes out from under the top cover. 14. Move the bail lever back to close the bail. 15. Check that the paper is feeding in flat, then raise the other clamp lever to lock the other sprocket unit.
3. Tear off the printed form at the last perforation, leaving not more than about half a page showing above the top cover. If necessary, press the Paper Feed switch to feed paper forward until a perforation is located just above the top cover, and tear there.
Figure l-13. Short test pattern Long self test To see the printer’s variety of type styles, you can run the long version of the printer’s self test. 1. Check that paper is in position for printing. 2. With power off, press the Paper Feed switch on the control panel and hold it down.
ADJUSTING THE PRINTING GAP The distance between the print head and the platen can be adjusted to accommodate different paper thicknesses. To make this adjustment, remove the top cover. The adjustment lever is located near the left end of the paper bail.
Figure I-15. DIP switches The printer is delivered with all DIP switch set to the ON position. These are the standard settings. By changing the settings, you can alter various printer functions to match your requirements. The following questions will help you make the right settings.
Switch l-l: Is the page length of your paper 11 inches or 12 inches? Leave this switch ON if you will be using 1 l-inch forms. Move it to the OFF position if you will be using 12-inch forms. Switch l-2: Do you want an automatic carriage return? Leave this switch ON.
ON selects character set #2, which is for computers with an 8-bit interface (the most common kind). OFF selects character set #l, for computers with a 7-bit interface. Switch l-8: Do you want an automatic line feed? If you leave this switch at the ON position, a separate line-feed code is re- quired to obtain a line feed.
MEMO 18.
C hapter 2 CONTROL PANEL OPERATlONS This chapter explains how to use the control panel to: 0 Pause printing l Feed paper (fast and slow, forward and reverse) l Select the print pitch 0 Select a type s.
The control panel switches can be pressed singly to perform the oper- ations indicated by their names. Other functions can be obtained by holding these switches down when you turn the printer’s power on. Still further functions can be executed by pressing the control panel switches in com- bination.
While you are feeding lines, if you also press the On Line switch, the paper will feed to the top of the next page. This is explained later. When power is on, always use the Paper Feed switch instead of the platen knob to feed paper. Turn the platen knob only when power is off.
In IBM mode (when DIP switch l-6 is OFF), the pitch selections cycle as follows: Pica (10 characters per inch) Elite (12 characters per inch) Condensed pica (17 characters per inch) Proportional pica Proportional elite There is no condensed elite pitch in the IBM mode.
The Orator style is unique in two ways. First, it is a dot larger (higher) than the other styles. This makes it a good choice for labels and other text requiring high visibility.
Long test pattern: Paper Feed switch If held down during power-up, this switch prints a long test pattern. The test cycles endlessly. To stop the test you must switch power off.
The following BASIC program is a simple test you can run in hexade- cimal mode: 10 FOR I-O TO 255 20 LPRINT CHR$(I); 30 NEXT I 40 LPRINT 50 END If your system passes the codes directly to the printer without changing them, you will get a printout like Figure 2-5.
Notice that the printer receives decimal code 13 (hex OD) together with hex OA, which is really decimal 10. In addition, the printer does not receive decimal code 26 (hex 1A). To avoid this problem, change line 20, and add lines 100 to 120 as shown in either of the following lists.
Before parking fanfold forms, tear off all but the last page, leaving less (at least three inches less) than a full page showing above the top cover. 1. Press the On Line switch to set the printer off-line. 2. Press the Print Pitch switch and hold it down.
1. Press the On Line switch to set the printer off-line. 2. Press the On Line switch again and-hold it down. 3. Press the Print Pitch switch. The paper will start moving backwards in a series of small steps. When you want to stop, release both switches.
5. Press the Paper Feed switch and hold it down. Continue holding all three switches down. In about three seconds you will hear a beep tone signaling that the buffer has been cleared. 6. Release all three switches, make any necessary control panel settings, then set the printer back on-line.
Chapter 3 USING THE PRlNTER WITH COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE There is an abundance of commercial software available: spreadsheet programs, word-processing programs, graphics programs, and more. This printer will work with any program that supports a Star, Epson or IBM dot-matrix printer.
A few installation programs may ask you not to select a printer but to describe what your printer can do. The answers to the most often asked questions are: Yes, this printer can do a backspace; and Yes, it can do a hardware form feed.
The character pitch can be selected from the control panel before you start printing, or possibly by an initialization sequence as described next. lnitializafion sequence One of the installation options may be to specify the commands your software sends at the beginning of each printing job.
the right position on the page, a short distance below the perforation. With power off, you can align the forms by turning the platen knob. When power is on, use the Paper Feed switch on the control panel. Type style and pitch selection If your software does not control the type style and pitch, you must make these selections on the control panel.
Most printer commands consist of the escape code followed by one or more letters or numbers. Some examples are: / / . I ‘r / - - < ESC > W 1 Double-width characters < ESC > WO Normal width <ESC>4 Italic <ESC>5 Upright Two lines with these commands embedded are shown below, together with the printed result.
MEMO -. -.
Chapter 4 USING THE PRINTER WITH DOS AND BASIC Although you will probably do most of your printing with the aid of commercial software, at times you will want to employ direct commands or programs of your own.
To switch printer output off, press CTRL-PRTSC or CTRL-P again. Each time you press this key combination, hard copy toggles from on to off or from off to on. PROGRAMMING THE PRINTER WITH DOS COMMANDS If your system includes the file PRINT.COM you can use the main DOS printing command.
If you want a particular type style, print pitch, or right or left margin, you can make these settings from the control panel before you start printing. See Chapter 2. If you print from the DOS command level very often, it will be ad- vantageous to create a printer setup file.
*I - ~:*-V[X~*V[!~VA-V[X~VL 2:*-c - "E “V indicates that the following character is a control code. “V[ enters the < ESC> code. < ESC > has character code 27, and “[” is the 27th character in ASCII sequence from A. Similarly, “VA enters the control code < 1 > and “VL enters the control code < 12 > .
1000 ' Set control codes 1010 E$-CHR$(27) 'Escape code 1020 D$-E$+"xO" 'Draft quality 1030 N$=E$+"xl" 'Near letter quality 1040 C$=E$+"kO"+N$ 'Co.
- 1490 LPRINT E$;"A":CHR$(I); 1500 LPRINT E$;" ";CHR$(I): 1510 LPRINT "THE SPACINGS ARE CHANGED" 1520 NEXT I 1530 LPRINT E$;"aO" 'Left justify 1540 LPRINT .
2030 LPRINT D$;E$; ":"; CHR$(O);CHR$(O);CHR$(O)z 2040 LPRINT E$;"&";CHR$(O);CHR$(~~):CHR$O; 2050 RESTORE 2520 2060 FOR M-O TO 11 2070 READ MM 2080 LPRINT CHR$(MM); 2090 NEXT M .
2810 DATA 255,255,255.255,143. 15, 7. 7. 7. 7 2820 DATA 3. 3. 3,131,193,241,240.240, 0. 0 2830 DATA 0. 0. 0, o, o, o, o, o, o. o 2840 DATA 0, 31, 31, 3,129,128,192,192,192,192 28.
Next the program returns to normal spacing and gives a demonstration of the printer’s word-processing abilities: bold printing, underlining, sub- scripts, etc. L. L- Ir.. The row of automobiles in the next printed line is created by downloading two new character patterns, which are printed in place of the character “ < ” (character 60).
Chapter 5 MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTlNG Subjects covered in Chapter 5 include - l Cleaning the printer l Replacing the ribbon l Replacing the print head l Troubleshooting Dust and heat will make any mechanism wear more quickly. The best maintenance is preventive, and the first step is correct location of the printer.
I Figure 5-I. Replacing the ribbon cartridge you’ll know that the print head has reached the end of its service life. To replace the print head, follow the procedure below. As you remove the old print head, note carefully how the cable is threaded, so that you can thread the new cable in the same way.
Screws Connector cover Figure 5-2. Replacing the print head 10. Fasten the print head down with the two screws. 11. Move the carriage back toward the right and replace the connector cover. Slide the connector cover to the left until it locks into place.
TROUBLESHOOTING H If the printer doesn’t print: l Check the Power and On Line indicators. Both must be on. l Check that the interface cable is securely plugged in at the computer and printer ends. l Make a test print. (Turn power OFF, hold the On Line or Paper Feed switch down, then turn power ON.
n If the printed characters don’t match the characters on the screen: l Check DIP switches 2-2 to 2-4. When these switches are not all ON (back), an international character set is selected and some ASCII symbols are changed to other characters. See Appendix D.
TECHNICAL SPECIFlCATIOlVS a Printing Mechanism Printing method Printing speed Printing direction Print head Ribbon Paper feed Paper feed speed Serial impact dot matrix 150 characters per second (draft.
Special features Panel pitch/style lock-in Forward and reverse micro-feed Paper parking Hexadecimal dump W Dot Matrix Size Character matrix 9 x 9 dots (Draft pica) 18 x 23 dots (Courier and Orator pic.
Extra-large characters Double width, double height, double width and height, quadruple width and height Print pitches Pica (10 cpi) Elite (12 cpi) Condensed pica (17 cpi) Condensed elite (20 cpi) (Sta.
Insulation resistance Dielectric strength 10 megohms between AC power line and chassis Withstands 1 kVAC rms at 50 or 60 Hz between AC power line and chassis for at least 1 minute n Environmental Requ.
ignal I DiWtiOO Pin No. Sl Name 18 + 5VDC 1’ 9-30 IGND --p- External supply of + SVDC. Twisted pair return signal ground level. 31 RESET IN Low input resets the printer to its power-up condition. 32 ERROR OUT Goes Low to signal that the printer cannot print due to an error condition.
PRINTER CONTROL COMMANDS . This appendix describes the printer’s control commands. The commands are arranged by function. The name of each command is followed by a table like the one below: .
Select draft elite characters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal < ESC > “1” “ 1” 21 73 49 IB 49 31 IBM < ESC > “I” Cl> 27 13 1 IB 49 01 Changes to draft quality characters with elite pitch (12 cpi). Ignored if the NLQ Type Style switch was pressed during power-up.
Select Courier characters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal < ESC > “I” “3” 21 13 51 1B 49 33 < ESC > “I” <3> 21 13 3 IB 49 03 IBM < ESC > “I” “7” 21 73 55 1B 49 37 < ESC > “I” <I> 27 13 7 1B 49 07 Changes to the Courier NLQ font.
Double-strike printing Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both <ESC> “G” 21 71 1B 47 Causes subsequent characters to be printed in double-strike mode with a slight vertical paper motion in between, causing a thickening of hori- zontal strokes.
Stop overlining Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal <ESC> “ ” - “0” 27 95 48 IB 5F 30 Both - < ESC > “p” co> 21 95 0 IB SF 00 Stops overlining.
Select IBM character set Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal < ESC > “t” “1” 27 116 49 1B 14 31 Std. < ESC > “t” <l> 27 116 1 1B 74 01 Selects an IBM character set (character set #2 unless an < ESC > “7” command has been received).
The first eight of these character sets (from U.S.A. to Spain I) can be selected as power-up defaults by DIP switches 2-2 to 2-4. Enable printing of a// character codes Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal .
CHARACTER SIZE AND PITCH COMMANDS Pica pitch Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std. <ESC> “P” 21 80 1B 50 IBM <DC2> 18 I2 In Standard mode, changes from elite to pica pitch (10 cpi) or from condensed elite to condensed pica (17 cpi). In IBM mode, changes from either elite or condensed to pica (10 cpi).
Expanded printing Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal <ESC> “w” “1” 21 87 49 1B 57 31 Both <ESC> “w” <I> 27 87 1 IB 57 01 Causes subsequent characters to be expanded to double width.
Select fixed spacing IModel ASCII 1 Decimal 1 Hexadecimal I <ESC> “ " P “0" 27 112 48 1B 70 30 Both <ESC> “ ” P co> 27 112 0 1B 70 00 IBM <ESC> “P” co> 27 80 0 1B 50 00 Causes subsequent characters to be printed with fixed character spacing.
Select double or quadruple size Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both <ESC> “h” n 127104 n IIB 68 n I Selects the size of subsequent characters as shown below. Extra-high characters align along the cap-line of normal characters, with the base line temporarily moving down.
Select character height, width, and line spacing Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal <ESC> “[” ‘x3” <4> 27 91 64 4 1B 5B 40 04 Both co> co> -co> n 0 0 0 n 00 00 00 n m m m Selects a combination of character height, width, and line spacing ac- cording to the value of n and m, as below.
Set line spacing to 7172 inch Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both <ESC> “1” 27 49 1B 31 Sets the distance the paper advances or reverses in subsequent line feeds to 7172 inch.
Line feed Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both <LF> 10 OA Prints the current line and feeds the paper to the next line. If DIP switch l-2 is ON, also moves the next print position to the left margin. See the preceding commands for the line spacing.
Set top of page at current position Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM 1 <ESC> “4” 1 27 52 IlB 34 Sets the current position as the top-of-page position.
Cancel top and bottom margins Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both <ESC> “0” 27 79 1B 4F Cancels both the top margin and the bottom margin. , form feed Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both I <FF> I 12 lot Feeds the paper to the top of the next page according to the current page length, and moves the print position to the left margin.
Cancels all current vertical tab stops and sets new vertical tab stops at lines nl, n,?. etc., where nl, n2, etc. are numbers between 1 and 255. A maximum of 16 vertical tab stops can be set. The tab stops must be specified in ascending order; any violation of ascending order terminates the tab stop list.
HORIZONTAL POSITION COMMANDS Set left margin Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both < ESC > “1” n 27 108 n lB6C n Sets the left margin at column n (where n is between 0 and 255) in the current character pitch (pica pitch if proportional spacing is selected).
Set left and right margins Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both I <ESC> “x” nl n2 I27 88 nl n2 IlB 58 nl n2 Sets the left margin at column nl and the right margin at column n.?. See the preceding commands for margin restrictions and other notes.
Left justify Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal < ESC > “a” “0” 27 97 48 1B 61 30 Both < ESC > “a” co> 27 97 0 1B 61 00 Aligns subsequent text with the left margin, leaving the right margin ragged.
Cancels all current horizontal tab stops and sets new tab stops every n columns, where n is between 1 and 127. Reset a// tab stops Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM <ESC> “R” 21 82 1B 52 Resets the horizontal tab stops to their power-up values in which a tab stop is set every 8 column starting at column 9.
Absolute horizontal tab in columns Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal <ESC> “f’ “0” n 27 102 48 n IB 66 30 n Both <ESC> “I- CO> n 27 102 0 n IB 66 00 n Moves the next print position to column n from the left margin, where n is between 0 and 127.
Print quadruple-density 8-M graphics Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal <ESC> “z” nl n2 21 90 nl n2 IB 5A nl n2 Both ml m2 ml m2 ml m2 Prints bit-image graphics at 240 dots per inch horizontally (maximum 1920 dots wide), skipping every second dot in the horizontal direction.
Print g-pin graphics Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal cESC> “A” n0 nl 27 94 no nl 1B 5E n0 nl Std. n2 ml m2 . n2 ml m2 . . . n2 ml m2 Prints bit-image graphics at 60 dots per inch if no = 0 or 120 dots per inch if no = 1. The graphics image is 9 dots high and nl + n2 x 256 dots wide.
The most significant bit of the attribute byte is 1 if the character is an ascender (positioned entirely above the baseline) or 0 if it is a descender (descending below the baseline).
Define download characters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal <ESC> “=” nl n2 27 38 nl n2 1B 26 nl n2 IBM <DC4> a0 al a2 20 a0 al a2 14 a0 al a2 ml m2 . ..mll ml m2 . ..mll ml m2 . ..mll Defines one or more new draft characters and stores them in RAM for later use.
Select draft elite download character set Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal < ESC > “1” “5” 27 73 53 1B 49 35 IBM < ESC > “I” <5> 27 73 5 1B 49 05 Selects the download character set, draft quality, and elite pitch (12 cpi). Ignored if the NLQ Type Style switch was pressed during power-up or if DIP switch 2-l is ON.
OTHER PRINTER CONTROL COMMANDS Set MS6 to 1 Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both <ESC> “ > ” 27 62 1B 3E Sets the most significant bit of each subsequent byte received to 1, allowing users with a 7-bit interface to access characters with ASCII codes greater than 127.
lmmedia te print Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal I < ESC > “i” “1” 27 105 49 1B 69 31 Both < ESC > “i” Cl> 27 105 1 1B 69 01 Selects the immediate print mode, in which the printer prints each character as soon as received.
Bell Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both <BEL> I 07 Sounds a brief beep tone from the printer’s beeper. Bidirectional printing Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal <ESC> “U” “0” 27 85 .
Auto feed Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal <ESC> <EM> <4> I27 25 4 IlB 19 04 1 “(” “(” “4” “)” “)” I40 40 52 41 41 I28 28 34 29 29 1 Selects the automatic sheet feeder. Ignored if DIP switch l-4 is ON (ASF inactive).
90 MEMO.
Appendix c DO W/i/LOAD CHARACTER GENERATOR With this printer you can create new characters and symbols, download their dot data, and have them printed in place of selected characters in the regular character set.
The dot matrix for a draft-quality character is 8 cells high and 11 cells wide. Figure C-l shows the matrix with the car symbol filled in. Note that there are no pairs of horizontally adjacent dots. The pins in the print head cannot fire fast enough to print adjacent dots in the horizontal direction.
By moving the cursor and pressing the Fl, F2, and F3 keys you can quickly build up the dot pattern. If necessary you can clear all dots by pressing F4 and start over. When the character is complete, press Return to store the dot data in the computer’s memory.
If you select near letter quality, the character box is the same size but now has 16 (high) x 23 (wide) dot positions. Each dot is represented by two adjacent sharp signs, occupying its own position and the position to the right.
1000 ~*t*tt*ttttt..********t DOWNLOAD CHARACTER GENERATOR **~*~~~~t~"*~m**t**tt 1010 WIDTH "LPT1:".255 :KEY OFF :CLS 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 1000 1090 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 115.
1700 I_____ Key explanations _____________-------------~----------------------- 1710 LOCATE 10.40 :PRINT "Fl: Clear dot" 1720 LOCATE 11.40 :PRINT "F2: Pass over" 1730 LOCATE 12.40 :PRINT "F3: Set dot" 1740 LOCATE 13.40 :PRINT "F4: Clear all dots" 1750 LOCATE 14.
2400 GOSUB 3730 :GOTO 2180 2410 ~---__ Wrap-up ----------------------------------------------------------- 2420 CLS :LOCATE 1.1 :PRINT "SAVE TO FILE?" 2430 S--l :PX=2 :PY=I :SOS="Yes" :S15="No" :GOSUB 3020 2440 IF S THEN 2530 2450 LOCATE 5.
3450 FOR Y-l TO WI :BS=B$+CHRS(P(CC.Y)) :NEXT Y 3460 IF NOT NLQ THEN BJ=B$+STRING$(35.0) :GOTO 3480 3470 FOR Y-l TO WI :BE=BB+CHR5(Q(CC.Y)) :NEXT Y 3480 LSET AS-B5 :PUT C1.
CHARACTER SETS This appendix gives tables of the printer’s standard and IBM character sets. The decimal character code of each character is shown in an inset to the lower right of the character. The hexadecimal code can be found by reading the entries at the top and left edges of the table.
STANDARD CHARACTER SET Hexa- lecimal o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 <NUL> 0 6 P - P 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 4 <DC4> $ 4 D T d t 4 20 36 52 68 84 100 116 5 % 5 E U e u 5 21 31 53 69 85 101 117 100.
ZIDIEIF Hexa- decimal 8 9 A B ( I , I 0 <NUL> 0 6 ID I- in 128 144 160 17r 1 1 <DCl> ! 1 A Q a q 129 145 161 177 193 209 225 241 2 <DC2> ‘1 2 B R b r I I I I I I I I < BEL> I.
IBM CHARACTER SET #I L Other characters are identical to IBM character set #2. The duplication of control codes enables systems with a 7-bit interface to obtain control functions when the most significant bit is set to 1 by the <ESC> “ > ” command.
ADDITIONAL CHARACTER SET In IBM mode, additional characters can be printed by special commands. 105.
INTERNATIONAL CHARACTER SETS When an international character set is selected by DIP switches 2-2 to 2-4 or by a command from software, the following changes are made in the character set: 92 93 94 i-t.
INDEX IAl Absolute horizontal tab, 79, 80 Ascender, 83, 84. 92 Auto feed, 89 Automatic carriage return, 16 Automatic line feed, 17, 77 Automatic sheet feeder, 6, 16. 56, 89 IB/ Backspace, 77 Bail lever, 2, 7, 8, 9, II, 12 BASIC, 25. 40, 94 Beeper, 20, 24-29.
Interface: specifications, 53 signals, 56 teat, 13 International characters, 17, 51, 64, 106 Italic printing, 22,61 m Justification, 78 Label printing, 50 Left margin, 28, 76, 77 Line feed, 7.2 Line spacing, 50, 55. 70-72 Locating the printer, 1 IMI Macro instruction, 85 Maintenance, 47.
MULTI-FONT LC-IOII REFERENCE CARD POWER-UP FUNCTIONS In addition to their normal functions, all the control panel switches have special functions that operate if you hold them down while switching pow.
DIP SWITCHES International character sets: * Denmark/Norway when switch 1-6 is OFF and switch l-7 is ON. Note: DIP switches are read only at power-up. Switch power off before changing a DIP switch setting.
PRINT PITCH SELECTION Standard mode Pica Elite 1~~:~~;~~~.5t’J’7~.~i> < ESC > “M” 1 z;;, q. “:; $) 7 E] $I cj 1 2 1234567890 + 123456789012 1234567890 + 123456789012 1234567890 <ES(--> “p" 123456789012 CHR$( 18) I I CHR$( 15) CHR$(18) I I CHR .
COMMAND SUMMARY IN NUMERIC ORDER MODE CONTROL CODE FUNCTION STD IBM STD LBM STI) IHM IBM Bell Backspace Horizontal tah Lme feed Vertical tab Form feed Carnage return Expanded printmg for one line Cond.
MODE CONTROLCODE FUNCTION < ESC > “8” Disable paper-out detector < ESC > “9” Enable paper-out detector IBM < ESC > ‘.:(’ Ehte pitch STD <WC> j‘:” <o> co> <o> Copy standard characters Tram ROM into RAM <ESC> ‘W” One-lme unidirectional printmg STD <ESC> “L.
MODE CONTROL CODE < ESC > “Y” nl “2 ml m2... < ESC > “Z” nl “2 ml m2... < ESC > “[” “(6 ” <4> <o> <o> IBM < ESC > Y” nl “2 STD < ESC > “Y” nl n2 IBM <ESC> .“” STD < ESC > j.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Star Micronics Multi-Font LC-IOII c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Star Micronics Multi-Font LC-IOII - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Star Micronics Multi-Font LC-IOII, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Star Micronics Multi-Font LC-IOII va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Star Micronics Multi-Font LC-IOII, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Star Micronics Multi-Font LC-IOII.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Star Micronics Multi-Font LC-IOII. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Star Micronics Multi-Font LC-IOII ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.