Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SM-CDM1042 du fabricant SoundMax
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SM- CDM 1042 CD/MP3 -RECEIVER CD/MP3- Instruc tio n ma nua l .
2 Dear custom er! Thank you for purchasing our prod uct. For sa fety, it is strongly recommende d to read this manual carefully before connec ting, ope rating and/or ad justing the product and keep the manual for ref er ence i n the f ut ur e. Table of contents TABL E OF CON TEN TS .
3 Impor tant saf eguards Read care fully through the manual to famili arize yours with thi s high-quality sound system. Disconnect the vehicle's negat ive battery terminal while mounting and connecting the unit. When rep lacing the fuse, be sure to use one with an ide ntical amperag e rating.
4 Inst allation/Conn ections First comp lete the e lectrical connections, and t hen check them for correctnes s. If you are not con fide nt wo rking with e lec tric al wirin g, r emo ving and re insta.
5 Installation method A After inserting the holde r into the dashboard, selec t the app ropriate tab a nd bend them inwards to secure the holder in place. Insert fingers into the groove in the front of frame and remove it. Insert the levers s upplied with the unit to the g rooves at both side s.
6 Installation method B Note: Oute r trim frame, hook, and mounting sleeve are not used for this installation. This is only intended as a gene ral guide ; contact the vehi cl e's manufactur er for specif ic instr ucti ons.
7 To detach the front panel The front p anel of the unit may be removed as a theft dete rrent. After removing the front panel, use the cas e provid ed to ke ep th e fron t p ane l from g ett ing dam ag e d. 1. Press the OPEN button to flip down the front panel.
8 Conne ctio n sche me No te s: In spite of having a ny kinds of sp eaker syste m, must use 4 ohms impedance of speaker to reduce the distortion during high volume level. Prohibit to make the cond uctors of auto antenna and ground touch with each othe r.
9 Accessories Name pcs 1 He xag on nu t M5 T (3. 5 m m) 1 2 Mounting box (0.6 mm) 1 3 Left ke y (1. 0 mm) 1 4 Right key ( 1.0 mm) 1 5 Metal bar (0.8 mm) 1 6 ISO connector 1 7 Plain w as her =5 m m 1 8 Carry i ng case 1 9 Outer trim ring 1 10 Sp ring wa she r =5 mm 2 11 Screw 5X5 mm 4 12 Screw 5X25 mm 1 13 Screw M5 5X29.
10 Panel cont rols Front panel 1. PWR/MUTE button 2. SEL button 3. MOD button 4. AUX in jack 5. No 1/PLAY /PAUSE button 6. No 2/SCN button 7. No 3/RPT button 8. No 4/SHF button 9. No 5 button 10. No 6 button 11. No 7/ TA/PTY button 12. No 8/ AF/REG button 13.
11 Inner panel Press the OPEN button on the front pan el to flip it d ow n. 26. SD/ MMC-card slot 27. D isc slot 28. EJECT button 29. Light i ndicator 30.
12 Remote Controller (RC) 1. MODE button 2. POWER button 3. No 2/SCN button 4. No 1/PLAY/PAUSE button 5. No 4/SHF button 6. No 8/AF/REG button 7. No 7/TA/PTY button 8. PREVIOUS/* button 9. SEL/EN TER button 10. but ton 11. TEL MEN U button 12. 3/RPT button 13.
13 Changing the b attery 1. Press the catc h and at the same time pull out the batt ery tra y. 2. Insert the 1 x li thium batte ry, type CR2025 (3V) battery with the stampe d (+) mark faci ng upward. Insert th e battery tray into the remote control. Warning: Store the bat tery whe re children cannot reach.
14 General operations Power button Press a ny button (except OPEN) or insert d isc to s witch the unit on. Pre ss POW ER button for se veral second s to switch the unit off.
15 Duri ng AF search, PI stations and non-RDS (Radio Data Station) stations with strong signal wil l be masked, in the l atter case, the n on- RDS s tati ons m ay cau se int erfer ence, r esul ting the real AF to be ma sked due to the misjudgme nt of the rad io under interference.
16 BEEP OFF : the beep is di sabled. STEREO/MON O: FM stat ions a re usually listened in stere o mode. H owever, if the signal weak or reception is not as good , switching to MO NO mode usually improves the overall sound quality. Choose FM STEREO or MONO au dio e ffe ct.
17 Information display Press DISP b utton to operate as the c onversion of each display mode as follows: - In case of rece iving a RDS s tation In ra dio m od e: P S -> C T -> F REQ -> P TY I.
18 Radio operations Note : RDS (Rad io Data Sys tem) s e rvice a vaila b ility varie s with a re as . Ple as e u nde rs tand if RDS se rvice is no t availa b le in you ar ea, th e follo wing se rvice is no t a vailab le, e ith e r.
19 Press a pres et button (1-6) briefly to recall the stored station. In case of RD S mode, the strongest A F i s selected after AF search i ng. Aut o st ore /Pre set sca n Pre set scan: Press the AMS button to sca n each prese t station in the memory of the current band.
20 RDS funct ion Press AF/REG button to switch O N or OFF the RDS function. Setting RDS mode Whenever RDS is switch on, symbol “AF” appears on the display. Program name is displayed on rec eiving a RD S sta tio n. “AF ” st arts b linking if the broa d cas tin g s igna ls g ett ing wors e.
21 Whe n you se lec t the PTY S PEEC H GROU P, th e p re se t num be red but to ns ar e s hare d as follow s : Button Program No1/PLAY /PAUSE NEWS, AFFAIRS, INFO No2 /SCN SPORT, EDUCATE, DR AMA No3/ R.
22 CD/MP3/WMA operations This un it c an p lay d isc typ e s: C D/C D-R/-RW . C omp atib le wit h forma ts : MP 3/W MA. Loading/Removing the disc Press OPEN button to flip down the front panel. Insert the d isc into the disc slot with the printed side fac ing up ; th e un it will p lay the d isc au to matic ally.
23 Rep eat track Press No3/RPT button to set the unit to repeat the same track. Press it again to stop the repea t function. Whe n playing MP3 or WMA d isc, p ress this button for two sec onds t o play all tracks in the curr ent folde r re pe at ed ly.
24 Note: You can also sel ect a track directl y, after access seri al number search mode, press and hol d VOL+/VOL- buttons to select the numbe r of your favorite track wi th high spee d. Finally press SEL but ton t o con firm a nd play t he se lecte d tra ck.
25 c) Press and hold SEL button to confirm and play the selected file. If there i s no such fi le on the curr ent disc “NO M ATCH ” will b e s hown on th e LC D d isp lay.
26 Mixed-CD Operations The unit ca n play the mixed-CD disc (when disc contains both CD audio tracks and MP3/WMA fil es). When you insert a mixed-CD d isc into the CD s lot, it starts to play the CD audio tracks. If you want to switch betwe en C D audio tracks and MP3/WMA files, p ress and hold No5 button or No6 button.
27 USB Device Operations The unit is equipp ed with a USB port on the front panel of the unit, you ca n insert a USB f lash memory in the USB slot. When y ou i nse rt a US B fl ash mem ory in th e sl ot, t he un it w il l se arch the M P3 f il es an d star t t o pl ay the m a utom atic ally.
28 - Title/ Ar tist/ Album: 32 byte support. Multi card reader not s upport. USB 2.0 s upport. Note: USB format sup p orts 2.0. Cap ac ity: fro m 1 GB. SD c ards brands: Canon, Fuji film, Pal m, Motorola, Microsoft, IBM, HP, Comp aq, Sharp, Samsung, etc .
29 MP3 overview Notes on MP3 - MP3 is short for MPEG Audio Layer 3 and refers to an aud io compression te chnology standard. - This p rod uc t allow s p layb ac k of MP3 files on C D-ROM, C D-R or C D-RW dis cs. - Th e uni t can read M P3 f il es w ri tten in t he f or mat compl ian t wi th I SO 9 66 0.
30 Bluet ooth Func tion 1. Pairing 1.1 P r e s s a n d h o l d M O D E button on the RC or MOD button on the unit f or two second s to acce ss pairi ng mode. 1.2 During pairing, plea se activate your mobile phone and input pairing code “1234” and confirm in your mobile phone.
31 3.1.3 Press the button to exec ute dialing. 3.2 Dial the last n um be r 3.2.1 In connect status , press the button to activ ate the bluetooth mode . 3.2.2 Press the button to find out the last d ialing number. 3.2.3 Press the button to execute d ialing.
32 7. Bluetooth me nu wizard In connec t status, pres s the TEL MENU button repeated ly to v iew bluetooth menu. The structure of the bluetooth me nu as follows: PRENUM : Preset number list. RECV : Re ce ived call lis t. DIAL : Dialed call lis t. MISS : Mis se d c all lis t.
33 Select auto a nswer or manual answe r the coming phone by pressing V OL+ or VOL- button and pre ss button to confirm. e) Adjust the bluetooth speaker volume You can adjust the volume level of bluetooth speaker by pre ssing VOL+/ VOL- button.
34 ESP funct ion This unit has the electronic shoc kproof (ESP) function. CD disc: 4 0 seconds MP3 disc: 120 seconds WMA disc: 3 00 seconds Anti -the ft syste m This unit is equipped with a s lide-down deta chab le and mask pa nel. Panel ca n be de tache d and taken with you, helping to dete r theft.
35 Cle ani ng Cleaning the cabinet Wipe with a soft c loth. If the cab inet is very damp en (not dropping wet) the cloth with a weak solution of soapy water, and then wipe clean. Cleaning discs Fingerprints should be care fully wi ped from the surface of disc with a soft cloth.
36 Troubles hoot ing guide Symptom Cause Solution No power The car ignition is not on. The fuse is blown. If the p owe r sup ply is p rop e rly connected to th e car accessor y switch the ignition key to "ACC". Repl ace the fuse. Disc cannot be loaded.
37 Specification General Power supply 12 V DC Current consumpt ion max. 15 A Maximum power output 50 Wx4 channe ls Fuse 15 A Dime nsion s (L x W x H) 178 x 50 x 160 mm Suppor ted storages D/CD-R/CD-RW /USB/SD/M MC FM stereo radio Frequenc y range 87.
38 ! .
39 , .
40 .
41 A .
42 : , .
43 .
44 : , .
45 1 M5 T (3,5 ) 1 2 .
46 1. PWR/MU TE 2. SEL 3. MOD 4. AUX 5. No 1/PLAY /PAUSE 6.
47 OPEN, . 26. SD/MMC- 27.
48 ( ) 1. MODE 2. POWER 3. No 2/SC N 4. No 1/PLAY /PAUSE 5. No 4/SH F 6.
49 : 1. , .
50 (POW ER ) ( .
51 - ALARM: , .
52 - VOL LAST: , .
53 . , .
54 : RD S ( ) .
55 (1-6 ), .
58 AF: – , .
59 CD/MP3/WMA : CD/C D-R/-RW.
60 MP 3 WMA .
61 SEL , «0», , .
62 . .
63 ( .
64 USB USB , .
65 / / : 32 . .
66 3 3 - 3 M.
67 - C D-R , .
68 Blu etooth 1. 1.1 2 .
69 3.2 3.2.1 , bluetooth.
70 TEL MENU bluetooth.
71 .
72 ESP (ES P).
73 - , .
74 .
75 .
76 . . .
77 12 , .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté SoundMax SM-CDM1042 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du SoundMax SM-CDM1042 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation SoundMax SM-CDM1042, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le SoundMax SM-CDM1042 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le SoundMax SM-CDM1042, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du SoundMax SM-CDM1042.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le SoundMax SM-CDM1042. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei SoundMax SM-CDM1042 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.